
TheXWhen Xubuntu 14.04 LTS is released. Can I install it from my update Manager? Or will I have to use a DVD to install?02:07
deltTheX: was just wondering the same, although i'm pretty sure there's a way to update packages to the official release once it's out02:08
TheXdelt: Thanks for the info.. Hoping we can just upgrade from the update manager.02:11
mzrstroke of geniues today, vmware's unity function will not activate if you have it fullscreen...so always check that first02:12
mzr*genius x202:12
skribblezatchathe xubuntu trusty wallpaper is hideous.03:17
holsteinskribblezatcha: please only use this channel for support questions.. use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat03:53
skribblezatchawill do holstein, my fault.03:54
xubuntu256Hi, I'm new to xubuntu and have installed 13.10 on my late model desktop (dual boot with win 7). Networking isn't working though. Is someone able to give me a few pointers/assistance please?11:50
xubuntu256The network menu shows "Enable networking" as checked, but "Ethernet Network disconnected" greyed out.11:55
xubuntu256lspci output includes this line "04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 06)"11:56
bgardnerxubuntu256: Looks like you and I have the same network card, give me a second.11:58
xubuntu256Thanks bgardner11:59
bgardnerxubuntu256: Hm, my connection is pretty vanilla.  You are trying to connect wired, is that right?12:03
xubuntu256Yes, wired connection.12:04
xubuntu256I have my interfaces file and lshw output if that would help.12:05
bgardnerxubuntu256: Definitely, please pastebin those while I research.12:05
xubuntu256Sorry, I don't know what pastebin is12:05
cfhowlett!pastebin|xubuntu256 read:12:06
ubottuxubuntu256 read:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:06
bgardnerThanks cfhowlett, I didn't see that question.12:07
xubuntu256lshw -c network output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216746/12:08
xubuntu256interfaces is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216750/ - the last two lines I added to try and get it working (based on another site I found), but they didn't work so I commented them out12:10
bgardnerxubuntu256: Thanks, both of those are the same as mine.  Please paste output of dmesg next.12:11
bgardnerxubuntu256: I need to step away, but I will be back in just a few minutes.  Go ahead with the paste and I'll check it when I get back.12:12
xubuntu256I'm on Windows at the moment. I'll have to shutdown, boot xubuntu, grab dmesg output and jump back on Windows - could take a few minutes.12:13
bgardnerxubuntu256: At your leisure, I'll be here.  Be sure to put my nick in the output so my IRC client will ping me.12:24
xubuntu256bgardner: dmesg output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216795/ - I'm lost trying to interpret it12:24
bgardnerxubuntu256: Reading it, stand by.12:25
simpleuserHi there. I’m using a layout different than qwerty (French bépo). I often use the Ctrl+Alt+D to hide all windows in XFCE. Now it works half of the time.12:26
simpleuserI must use the new D key or the old one, and it’s very random, changing every session.12:27
simpleuserAny idea ?12:27
bgardnerxubuntu256: Well, driver loaded and card is responding normally but never comes up.  Not sure it would teach us a lot, but please paste in output of 'nm-tool'.12:31
xubuntu256bgardner: will be back in a few minutes with it12:31
xubuntu256bgardner: nm-tool output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7216840/12:39
bgardnerxubuntu256: Looking now12:39
bgardnerxubuntu256: We're talking on the same machine, just dual booted into Windows?  Also using the wired connection, right?12:44
xubuntu256Yes - I'm using windows 7 now (wired connection) - never had a problem with it.12:44
xubuntu256bgardner: Yes - I'm using windows 7 now (wired connection) - never had a problem with it.12:45
bgardnerxubuntu256: When you switch from Win7 to Ubuntu, do you reboot or power off?12:46
xubuntu256bgardner: I have read of some earlier issues with usign "sleep" mode in Windows, but I'm shutting down fully each time.12:46
xubuntu256bgardner: Power off12:46
bgardnerxubuntu256: :P  Okay, then I think I'm too stupid to fix this.  It should be working as you have it configured (especially since I have the same card and config).12:47
jcfpxubuntu256: your lshw output shows autonegotiated at only 10 mbit/s half duplex. Which - Unless you live in a cave, that's probably incorrect. No idea how to fix that though.12:47
bgardnerxubuntu256: Have you tried asking in #ubuntu?12:48
xubuntu256bgardner: Not yet.  Really appreciate the assistance you've given.  Getting late here so I might try #ubuntu tomorrow.  Many thanks.12:48
bgardnerxubuntu256: I know you run Xubuntu (and so do I), but I highly doubt your issue is specific to the DE.12:48
bgardnerxubuntu256: My pleasure, good luck and I'm sorry I couldn't get you going.12:49
xubuntu256bgardner: I might try installing ubuntu 13.10 64bit over the top of xubuntu just to be sure first.12:49
RFlemingGood morning!13:34
jipang_menjerithi guys, I've just upgrade my xubuntu to 13.10..unfortunately my screen went problem after login13:41
jipang_menjerittried to install fglrx, but no luck13:42
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, I'm not an AMD user, but I seem to recall that older cards that worked with FGLRX in previous distros no longer are supported.14:32
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, you most likely will need to switch to the xorg driver to figure this out.  I don't know what that's called either.14:33
jipang_menjeritRFleming, is there any way I can run command to that problem tty?14:33
jipang_menjeritI assume it's tty714:33
RFlemingyes, but if you're stuck on tty1, that means your graphics driver hasn't loaded.14:34
RFlemingwhich means your fglrx didn't compile with the new kernel14:34
jipang_menjeritI only know the xrandr command to fix it14:34
RFlemingI don't know how to install amd drivers from cli14:34
jipang_menjeritactually, I manually move to tty114:35
jipang_menjeritsorry for wrong information14:35
jipang_menjerittry to fix from there, but no success14:35
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, check out this post on askubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/365631/how-to-reinstall-the-default-graphics-drivers-in-terminal-and-without-internet14:35
RFlemingthat's the best I can do for you.14:35
jipang_menjeritbetter try then nothing14:37
jipang_menjeritthanks RFleming14:37
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, good luck! :)14:37
jipang_menjeritforget to ask14:38
jipang_menjeritdid "blank screen" bug has been fix on kernel 2.11.0-19?14:39
bekksjipang_menjerit: Which bug exactly?14:41
jipang_menjeritbekks, this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/122968614:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1195483 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "duplicate for #1229686 [Asus ZenBook Prime UX31A] Installation, Live and Check disc do not start" [High,In progress]14:44
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, looks like no14:44
bekksjipang_menjerit: Both referenced bugs arent fixed, according to the bug tracker.14:44
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, you said you upgraded to 13.10.14:45
RFlemingyou should be on a newer kernel than 2.11 though14:45
jipang_menjeritsorry, should be 314:45
jipang_menjeritman, I hate small notebook14:45
jipang_menjeritany work trough? or should I just change another release/distro?14:46
akishi all. I am reading here:http://xubuntu.org/news/tag/12-04/ that "The support window for Xubuntu 12.04 will end on April 2015. The Ubuntu core for 12.04 is supported until April 2017".Does this definetely mean that my 12.04.4 will stop be updated on April 2015 or it will continue until 2017 when the ubuntu core will be discontinued for 12.04? And if actually the support will stop next year (2015) is it possible to upgrade to 14.04 when it will14:47
akisbe released without the new system based on 14.04 takes the double size on my hd? Will this upgrading be on my existing system 12.04 or it will be on the side of it?14:47
RFlemingakis, 12.04 support is 5 years14:49
RFlemingso October 201714:50
RFleminga new LTS is released every 2 years14:50
bekksRFleming: April 2017.14:50
jipang_menjeritRFleming, just let you knot that method works for me14:51
jipang_menjeritthanks again14:51
RFlemingwhoops :)14:51
RFlemingjipang_menjerit, good to know!14:51
akisRFleming: are u sure about this? why it says: The support window for Xubuntu 12.04 will end on April 2015. What does it mean by this?14:51
RFlemingakis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:51
cfhowlettakis 12.04 is supported for 3 years on xubuntu14:52
RFlemingcfhowlett, really?  xubuntu didn't go 5 years like everyone else?14:52
cfhowlettRFleming sadly, no ...14:52
RFlemingoh damn14:52
RFlemingI never read it right14:52
jipang_menjeritis it?14:52
RFleming3 years desktop14:52
RFleming5 years server14:52
cfhowlettRFleming true14:52
* RFleming mutters: That's what you get when you only use LTS for servers.14:53
cfhowlettRFleming well you SHOULD use LTS on servers ...14:53
akiscfhowlett: ok. that is what i read.Does it this mean that no update will be provided for xubuntu althouth the ubuntu core will be alive until 04/2017?14:53
cfhowlettakis for desktop or server?14:54
RFlemingin the past you can still get updates through archive, but the product isn't supported.14:54
akiscfhowlett: desktop (stand alone machine)14:54
RFleminguntil they stop supporting core altogether14:54
cfhowlettakis 12.04 desktop supported ends in 2015.  ENDS.  on server ... 201714:55
cfhowlettakis and as stated . ubuntu core is supported until 201714:56
RFlemingakis, not planning on upgrading to the new 14.04 LTS coming out Apr 17?14:57
akiscfhowlett: ok. its clear. what is then the procedure to be updated through archives or even better to upgrade to 14.04 which is expected to be released this April?14:57
cfhowlettakis 14.04 releases on 04/1714:57
RFlemingakis, since you're on an LTS already... when 14.04 LTS is released, update manager should inform you of a new LTS version and prompt if you want to upgrade.14:58
akiscfhowlett: i read that ubuntu 14.04 lts will release on Apr 2015 for a 5 years support until 2019!14:59
RFlemingakis, no, 14.04 is going to be released in a few days14:59
jipang_menjeritwhat if I install ubuntu server, but install xubuntu-desktop, am I affect with this support issue?14:59
cfhowlettakis I suspect you're getting things confused.  14.04 is scheduled for 04/17/14  so: 14 = 2014, 04 = April, thus 14.04 = 2014, Apirl14:59
akisRFleming: that it my opinion too! 14.04 is going to be released this Apr.15:00
RFlemingakis, Ubuntu versions are easy to remember.  YY.mm, YY = year, mm = month15:00
RFlemingreleases happen twice a year, 04 and 10 (April and October)15:00
RFlemingLTS releases happen when YY is an even numbered year, and always in April15:00
akisRFleming: yea. clear.15:00
akiscfhowlett: its Greece here. So we have dd/mm/yyyy. But it is clear what you explained to me. I appreciate it.15:01
RFlemingcfhowlett, there was talk a while ago about a rolling release.  Has that fizzled out?15:02
cfhowlettRFleming fizzled.  for now.15:02
RFlemingan Ubuntu wheezy would be awesome15:03
akiscfhowlett: if i will choose to upgrade my system the new version will be installed on my present version or in the side so i it will take more space from my "small" hd?15:04
cfhowlettakis your choice to go side by side or replace the existing OS.15:04
RFlemingdid xfce 4.12 get released yet?15:05
akiscfhowlett: will be a choice for that through 'update manager" tool? i dont want to go for a new clean isntallation because i dont have the courage for a new configuration of my system!15:06
cfhowlettakis through update manager? you current OS will be replaced by 14.0415:06
cfhowlettRFleming doesn't seem like it  http://www.xfce.org/15:07
RFleminga lot of crossed out text :)15:07
RFlemingakis, here's a document that you can use as a reference to see how the last LTS upgrade worked.  It should be similar15:08
RFlemingyou want to look at 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS15:08
RFlemingthere should be a 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS guide come available around April 17, 201415:10
akiscfhowlett: that's good news!  is the best choice. I s this a new capability of ubuntu distribution because some years ago (before i tuned to xubuntu) i upgraded my kubuntu throuth 'terminal"and as far as i can remember it wasnt a replacement.15:10
cfhowlettakis could be that functionality wasn't available back then.15:11
akisthank you all of you for your advises. your opinion is to choose to go for an upgrade or to stay on 12.04?15:17
cfhowlettakis wait for 14.0415:18
akisyes wait. and then upgrade or not?15:18
cfhowlettakis of course!  14.04 looks to be quite tasty!15:19
RFlemingupgrade to 14.04 after April 17th15:19
RFlemingit's a fantastic system15:20
akisyes and i already read about some useful functionalities. i just be afraid if my system will be slower or does it hundle better cpu and ram?15:20
RFlemingxfce has improved since 12.0415:21
cfhowlettakis xubuntu should work fine, but if not, lubuntu is optimized for lower and older hardware.  the 14.04 will be LTS15:21
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:21
akisyes i know that lubuntu is always here but i will have to go for a new clean installation.15:22
RFlemingakis, no you don't :)15:22
cfhowlettakis sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:23
RFlemingsudo apt-get -y install lubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get -y remove xubuntu-desktop15:23
cfhowlettakis this ^^^15:23
RFlemingthat'll get rid of xubuntu and install lubuntu15:23
akisi konw about these commands but i read that is better to switch to other distros with clean isntallations15:24
cfhowlettakis pretty mtrueuch15:24
cfhowlettpretty much true15:24
GridCuberemove xubuntu-desktop will just remove the xubuntu-desktop metapackage, its not a way to uninstall the whole desktop15:24
GridCubeis in fact useless to do so15:24
cfhowlettakis to test ONLY the look and feel of lubuntu, sudo apt-get install lxde    then logout, choose lxde session, login15:25
pepecaI have an usb 3.0 and when I connect it in an usb 3.0 port It doesn't works15:26
pepecabut it works in a usb 2.015:26
pepecathis is the output of the  dmesg | grep usb command15:27
RFlemingGridCube, what if you used apt-get -y purge xubuntu-* xfce4-*?15:27
akisanyway i like xubuntu as the best one and i will stay with it. i have 3 systems. 1) dual core 2,2 with 2mb ram 2) old notebook celeron 1,5 ghz with 1,5 gb ram and 3) new netbook 1 ghz with 1gb ram. All of them run 12.04 smoothly! i hope the will do the samewith 14.04 too!15:27
RFlemingerr autoremove --purge15:27
pepecawhat could I do???15:28
cfhowlettakis I suspect you will be well pleased.  FYI: xubuntu is the base of ubuntustudio15:28
GridCubeRFleming, i would not recommend to do that15:29
RFlemingGridCube, was hypothetical anyway15:30
RFlemingit would be nice if meta packages worked both ways15:31
pepecasomebody knows something about my problem???15:31
RFlemingpepeca, I don't.15:31
akiscfhowlett: i am wondering about the following: 12.04 recognisemy lg gm750 mobile phone as ethernet device and i can connect notebook to interent through 3G network. Is there any chance that 14.04 kerner will not support this mobile phone so i wont be able to use it? I have to mention that 10.04 didnt support it. the support began after 12.04 release.15:32
GridCube!patience | pepeca15:32
ubottupepeca: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:32
cfhowlettakis phone support is in 12.04?  it'll continue or be readily available in 14.0415:33
akiscfhowlett: uner 12.04 is fully supported it. You confirm that this support will not be discontinued under 14.04?15:34
cfhowlettakis my best guess is: chillax, it15:35
cfhowlettit'll be there15:35
cfhowlett*guess*  As my dear departed dadhttp://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a3e0ad1e648846dd76727d6104965883?convert_to_webp=trueery cent!" would say "It's free advice and worth ev15:35
GridCubeakis, i would try using a live session and seeing if the phone works there15:35
RFlemingso Ubuntu One is dying eh?15:36
GridCube!ot | RFleming15:36
ubottuRFleming: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:36
* RFleming mutters15:36
akisGridCube: good idea. i am wondering about this because mane times new kernels ignore older devices.15:37
GridCubei was really surprised the other day when i connected an android phone to my pc and thunar automounted the mtp automagically, i was like... woah dude15:39
fballsdid you have to configure anything? or did it just work?15:40
akisGridCube: 12.04 cannot connect with my son's alcatel S pop android phone.15:40
GridCubeyep, that was the case before to me as well, but now, it worked :D15:40
akisbut it do it perfectly with my older lg gm750 windows mobile 6.5 phone sing it as an ethernet network device!15:41
akiswhat are the minimal system requirements for 14.04?15:42
cfhowlettakis http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/requirements/15:43
RFleminga computer :)15:44
RFlemingHey skribblezatcha.15:45
akiscfhowlett: these requirements are for 12.0415:45
cfhowlettakis expect the same for 14.0415:45
RFlemingI think the space requirement was 6.4 on the install15:45
skribblezatchahey RFleming. how are you doing?15:46
RFlemingGood, you?15:46
skribblezatchagood to hear. things are good over this way, thanks.15:46
akiscfhowlett: that will be fine! The newest version of xcfe wont ask for higher requiremnets?15:47
mzrcfhowlett - fif you check the specs on the website :)15:48
akisthank you guys all of you for your very useful advices. i have to go. i ll join this conversation after 14.04 release for your first views of the new system. i hope that upgrade will not take more space on my hd because my older notebook is almost full!15:52
RFlemingmzr, you figure out that VMware unity thing?15:56
mzryeah, can't activate unity from fullscreen, genius15:56
RFlemingmzr, mine can15:59
mzrRFleming: well, mine won't O.o15:59
mzrwb skribblezatcha & RFleming do you use player or workstation?16:02
mzryeah - I don't have a need for that, so I'm using player....not sure why that'd be a limited feature16:03
skribblezatchawhats up xubuntu540.16:55
xubuntu540I have a problem with xubuntu.16:56
skribblezatchawhats your issue xubuntu540?16:56
xubuntu540When it starts it does routine disk drive check, but doesn't go forward from that16:57
xubuntu540Literally it gets stuck16:58
skribblezatchaso its not allowing you to boot up completely to the login window?16:58
xubuntu540No, it does not allow that16:59
skribblezatchaok, is it a fresh install, or did you upgrade from a version of xubuntu to another?16:59
xubuntu540Fresh install16:59
skribblezatchaok cool. well then i dont see any reason why you wouldnt be able to boot up. when you installed, did you have a net connection while doing it?17:00
xubuntu540Yes i had it connected17:01
skribblezatchaok good. what are the specs of the machine that you are running xubuntu on if you dont mind me asking?17:01
xubuntu540Specs..? Uh, it's very old for what i know..17:02
mzrxubuntu540: ^ (cpu, disk space available, & ram)17:02
mzrwhat was the original os?17:02
skribblezatchaok, do you know if its able to boot a pae kernel?17:03
xubuntu540It was xp17:03
mzrif it could run xp then usually it can run xubuntu, but you might be on the minimum end of specs17:04
xubuntu540What is pae kernel? .. I'm not that good with computers17:04
bekksxubuntu540: Which CPU exactly do you have?17:04
skribblezatchaok, i am wondering if you are getting a kernel panic when trying to boot up.17:04
mzrxubuntu540: there should be a general sticker for the cpu somewhere on it if you don't know17:05
skribblezatchapae stands for physical address extension. basically i guess that it allows for a 32 bit kernel (OS) to utilize ram as if its a 64 bit system.17:06
skribblezatchaalthough after kernel 3.5 the non-pae kernel stopped being shipped. so all of the kernels after 3.5 are pae enabled kernel, and some of the older machines have issues with booting them.17:06
skribblezatchaare you on a different machine right now xubuntu540?17:07
skribblezatchaok, can you try booting the machine with xubuntu on it please and see if there is a mention of a kernel panic?17:08
skribblezatchaor so that we know exactly what its saying when trying to boot please.17:09
xubuntu540So should it appear on that black screen..? 'cause it now on unlocking the disk part17:11
skribblezatchahmm, so you encrypted your home disk during installation?17:11
skribblezatchaok, that just hit me thats all, as to why that step is in your boot up process.17:13
skribblezatchaok, so is it doing anything after that step, or is that where its getting stuck?17:14
xubuntu540English is not my native language, so i'm trying my best to understand... Just so you know...17:14
xubuntu540It starts that disk drive check and then it gets stuck17:15
skribblezatchaok, and once stuck there is no error message that shows up or anything?17:16
=== Meerkat2 is now known as Meerkat
xubuntu540No. It shows a bar that fills up, disappears and then nothing moves.17:17
skribblezatchahow long have you let it sit after that xubuntu540?17:17
xubuntu540 A bit over an hour on a firts try17:17
skribblezatchaok, thanks.17:17
skribblezatchai think that something went wrong during installation xubuntu540. maybe you should try reinstalling it. are you installing xubuntu saucy or xubuntu trusty?17:18
xubuntu540Is there anything i could do or is my computer a lost cause?17:19
skribblezatchai would reinstall xubuntu and see if it boots for you. are you installing xubuntu saucy or xubuntu trusty?17:20
xubuntu540Is there anything i can do or is my computer a lost cause?17:21
skribblezatchahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/  this is xubuntu trusty's daily build page.17:22
cfhowlettskribblezatcha download ISO, verify via md5sum, make boot USB and reinstall17:22
skribblezatcharedirects that to xubuntu540 ^17:22
cfhowlettskribblezatcha sorry - right17:23
skribblezatcharead cfhowlett's statement xubuntu540. have a good one.:D17:23
xubuntu540Ok, i'll try to re-install it. Thank you17:24
XUbuntu_bangI want to report a bug17:48
XUbuntu_bangI want to speak to someone in charge17:48
bekksIn charge of what?17:49
mzrbekks: lol, he left less than a minute after asking17:52
bekksMaybe he found someone "in charge" :P17:55
brunostbekks: I bet he dialed support in stead18:04
mzrwhen somebody gets a second - who's the lead or Quality Assurance?18:44
bekksmzr: Do you want to praise him/her? :)18:55
mzrbekks: no comment19:09
JustanickIs there an option, that Xubuntu doesn't react on a closed lid (laptop) at the moment the system is shutting down?19:11
JustanickIt is not very funny, if the system changes to standby at the shutdown process. ;) Using 14.0419:11
ochosiyou can set that in the xfce4-power-manager-settings19:11
ochosithere should be two settings for what happens on lid-close19:12
ochosione for on-battery, one for plugged-into-powersource19:12
mzrochosi: no laptop lid options on my end19:13
ochosido you see it on this screenshot? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-04-07-211326.php19:13
JustanickThat is well known and not the problem. If I select the shutdown and the system starts to shutdown and I close than the screen it should be ignored. Not if I'm on the "desktop".19:14
mzrmine just asys power manager, guess I'll try relaunching from terminal19:14
JustanickSomething like if the system just shutting down, ignore the lid is searched.19:15
mzrJustanick: not to ignore your problem, but windows does that too, idk about osx, haven't tried it19:16
Justanick@mzr: Maybe, but I haven't never triggered under windows 7. But two times the last weekend under Xubuntu.19:17
JustanickMaybe, but I have never triggered under windows 7.19:17
mzrwell....can i say user-bias? :P19:18
mzrbut seriously- have you looked in power manager yet?19:18
KekaiIs there a BSOD equivalent for linux?19:19
Justanickmzr: Yes, I have had a look at the powermanagment before I choose the irc channel.19:21
JustanickUsing W7 and xubuntu ~50/5019:21
mzrso...would just disabling the lid-power stuff fix it for u?19:21
JustanickKekai: Maybe Kernel Panic19:21
mzrKekai: are you a troll? :P19:23
Kekaii am proving a point to a friend that there is no blue screen on linux19:24
bekksKekai: Even linux can crash.19:24
Kekaioh i know that19:24
Kekaianything can crash19:24
KekaiFrom PCs19:24
Kekaito your body19:24
bekksKekai: So you cant prove it to your friend.19:25
Justanickmzr: Disabling the lid power option is not an option. I'm using this to set the laptop to sleep mode for short times.19:25
Kekaihe also claims that he used linux and it rashed and he had to buy Ubuntu19:26
Kekaiso idk if I should listen to him19:26
bekksJustanick: Then you have to wait for the shutdown before closing the lid.19:26
Justanickbekks: Sounds so.19:26
bekksKekai: Dont listen to him at all, since Ubuntu is free.19:26
Kekaii prefer Xubuntu19:27
skribblezatchayou can buy it with a donation.19:27
Kekaibut thats all it is19:27
Kekaia donation19:27
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skribblezatchai prefer xubuntu as well. i wont touch ubuntu.19:27
KekaiUbuntu is good, but I couldn't use it19:28
skribblezatchaagreed Kekai..but i do know some that donate and are sent a special disc made or buy the premade usb stick that is already made for them.19:28
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mzrkekai - some people aren't the smartest when it comes to getting free stuff19:28
KekaiIt was taking up more RAM than I could provide19:28
KekaiI only have 1 GB19:28
skribblezatchai wont use unity, or the spyware that comes included in it. even using xubuntu i instal synaptic and gdebi installer, and then uninstall the software-center.19:28
skribblezatchao ok, i see Kekai.19:29
KekaiSo Xubuntu and Lubuntu are the better options19:29
pleia2can we nudge this conversaion over to #xubuntu-offtopic please?19:29
mzror getting more ram and running kde....19:29
skribblezatcharight, i understand. for me its more about actually preferring the XFCE DE than other DE's.19:29
skribblezatchai have 2gb ram, with a single core 900 @ 2.2ghz. this laptop just turned 3 yrs old december 2013. so its fairly new.19:30
bekksskribblezatcha: You cant buy Ubuntu at all. You can donate or not. but you cannot buy Ubuntu.19:30
skribblezatchait does well, but doesnt have the greatest specs.19:30
skribblezatchabekks, i thought that was already discussed and corrected like ten lines ago.19:30
skribblezatchaas i said, i know people that purchase (donate) the premade cds and usb sticks for themselves.19:31
bekksskribblezatcha: And there isi no whatsoever spyware in Unity.19:31
skribblezatchafalse bekks.19:31
skribblezatchaspyware galore.19:31
pleia2folks, move this to -offtopic19:31
bekksStop spreading FUD please.19:31
pleia2it's really not appropriate here19:31
bekksskribblezatcha: The amazon shopping lense can easily be disabled.19:31
skribblezatchabeen there and done that too, so i wont bow down to what you say about it, i will just KNOW that there is spyware in it and move on. ending this convo.19:31
mzrbekks: skribblezatcha: Kekai: /join #xubuntu-offtopic lol19:31
bekksmzr: Acknowledged, but I wont follow a FUD discussion anywhere ;)19:32
skribblezatchaoops, i thought that i was in offtopic. my apologies.19:32
mzron a support level- any idea why my touchpad works when i run xubuntu in a vm with a windows host, but not off of a liveusb?19:34
JustanickDoes the vm not simulate an mouse?19:35
bekksMaybe the livecd just doesnt ship the driver for your touchpad.19:35
mzrso a full install would you're thinking?19:36
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badelvishi there.20:19
badelvisI encrypted my SSD during installation with luks. Now Xubuntu says its full, but only 40 GB are used and the whole SSD is 256 GB. Can anyone point me in the right direction?20:20
badelvis.. of whats wrong20:20
bekksbadelvis: the partition you created upon installation is full.20:20
badelvisbekks: i assumed it would take the whole drive. anyway i cant look at this hidden partition table20:22
badelvisbekks: at least not with gparted, i suppose20:22
bekksI never dealt with encryption, sorry.20:23
kbitsis there a reason why xubuntu is not updating to 3.8+ on precise LTS?  I am still stuck on for some reason.20:24
bekkskbits: Do you talk about the kernel version?20:27
bekkskbits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:27
kbitsalso is there a bug with firefox resetting settings?20:28
kbitsevery reboot, it has been resetting my settings20:28
kbitseven though I saved session20:29
bekksMaybe your settings are broken, try with "fresh" settings.20:29
kbitsthis is odd, I installed 12.04.4 LTS form USB. but it is still 3.2.0-60-generic-pae20:31
kbitsok, so if I was to update to 12.10 or higher, would I still get LTS later?20:33
skribblezatchais it an install to usb using peristence kbits?20:33
kbitsit was a live USB, using UNetBootin20:34
kbitsI believe so20:34
skribblezatchacool, and you installed it to HDD from the usb stick then?20:34
kbitsand updated20:35
skribblezatchaok cool. so you are saying that settings arent holding when you restart?20:35
kbitsyeah, they are not sticking, I have to redownload the Adblock and Ghostery, and such plugins, and have to go change my settings everytime20:36
skribblezatchaok, do you still have the usb stick with xubuntu on it kbits?20:36
kbitsI sure do20:36
skribblezatchaalso did you try a dual boot or just installing xubuntu?20:36
kbitsthis is a fresh install, and no windows or duel booting involved20:37
skribblezatchaok cool. i would go live and reinstall it again kbits. if you want man, go live and come back and you can install it while chatting. just to be sure that things are ok.20:37
skribblezatchai would also from the live session, reformat the partition to ext4 that you want to install to..and create your swap, then go ahead and reinstall it and see what happens.20:38
kbitswhats the best recommended setting for my partitions?  150 GB Drive20:39
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skribblezatchahow much ram do you have?20:39
kbitsI want a 4GB swap no matter what20:39
kbits4G RAM20:39
kbitsor is a 4GB swap too big?20:39
skribblezatchaok, well then go from either a 4gb swap to 8gb swap, and add a bit since 4gb is actually 4096mb.20:40
skribblezatchai have 2gb ram, so i use a 4gb swap.20:40
kbitsdo I need a separate boot partition?20:40
skribblezatchaits double your ram to get sleep functions and all of that. thats the usual rule of thumb.20:40
skribblezatchano, you can just create the installation partiton, and then a swap and you are good to go.20:41
skribblezatchahave boot at /20:41
kbitsI been encrypting my home, is that good and advised, or a bad thing to be doing?20:41
skribblezatchasecurity wise its a good thing, IF you are aware that if you want to access data from it you need to know how to unencrypt it. do you?20:42
skribblezatchaif not, dont do it.:)20:42
skribblezatchaif so, you are good to go.20:42
kbitsalso, what is recommended for the BIOS?  since I do not have UEFI, how do I need my BIOS setup to work flawlessly with xubuntu?20:43
skribblezatchafor example you are running a live session and try to access your install to get something, you cant because its encrypted, or for example you ssh in to your machine and cant access your data because its encrypted.20:43
kbitsI tend to want to stay away from SSH lol20:44
skribblezatchaif you arent using uefi and are using the older (normal) bios..you dont have to worry about anything whatsoever other than installing it.20:44
skribblezatchalol i hear you. i dont use it either man, i am a home user. if i find a reason to use it oneday then i will go for it..until then i am good to go.20:44
kbitsthe reason I ask, is because power management, my BIOS is being a bit greedy with it20:44
skribblezatchawhat do you mean? as far as the power management thing?20:45
RFlemingkbits, how much RAM do you have installed?20:47
kbitsThe ACPI, and DSDT has been giving me errors when using fwts, because I saw on a forum about it20:49
kbitsI have 4GB, sorry phone called20:50
skribblezatchaso if you enter acpi -t in terminal kbits what happens?20:51
bekkskbits: How much RAM do you have?20:52
kbitsit says it is not installed20:52
kbits4096 MiB20:52
bekkskbits: Then you dont need more swap than about 4200MB.20:53
skribblezatchaok, well then thats one error dealt with.:)  run sudo apt-get install acpi20:53
kbitsthats my fwts results20:55
kbitsperhaps someone can shed some light on what needs to be done20:55
kbitsok I will install it20:55
skribblezatchawell back to your settings not holding. i would fresh install, and then go from there kbits.20:56
kbitshmm.. will I have to reinstall acpi again?20:57
kbitsI could of sworn that installed default20:57
skribblezatchayes, i also have something else to recommend to you to make sure that all of those little things are installed for you. like acpi, lm-sensors, binutils, etc.20:58
kbitswill that help the problems or errors in the log?20:59
skribblezatchayes, but if your settings dont hold its all for nothing right?21:00
kbitsI do not mind reformatting, nothing to loose really except some configurations... but thats about it, the thing is, I want to make sure I do this right, and those errors, at least the critical and highs can be avoided21:01
kbitsI am hoping anyways21:01
skribblezatchawell once you are on the usb stick..come back to the channel and we can go from there ok?21:01
kbitsok, I may be a different name, or I will use kbits21:01
kbitsbb in  a moment21:02
loetmichel-l750oh, english, sorry21:02
kbitsok on the live21:07
kbitsI am back :)21:09
skribblezatchawb man.:)21:09
kbitsjust deleted it21:09
kbitsabout to setup partitions21:10
skribblezatchacool, are you doing that from gparted?21:10
kbitsok got 1 ext4 partition, and a linux swap setup21:12
skribblezatchanice, now go ahead and install xubuntu to the ext4 partition, and once installed and updated we are good to go.21:12
kbitsI set the swap to 4 GB again21:12
skribblezatchaok cool.21:13
kbitsI do not hibernate my system21:13
kbitsnow this is the question21:14
kbitsit acts like it wants to delete files, but will it create any new partitions?21:14
kbitsor change my setup?21:14
skribblezatchawhat do you mean, what acts like it wants to delete files and will what create new partitions?21:15
kbitsthere is 2 choices21:15
kbitsRease, or do something else21:16
skribblezatchado something else kbits.21:16
skribblezatchaonce there let me know man.21:16
kbitsit shows my partitions21:16
skribblezatchaok cool, now click on your ext4 partition, then do you see change down there?21:16
skribblezatchayes, click on sda1, then look below the partition chart, and you will see "change" see it?21:17
kbitsdid it, figured that part out, it was not setup, but now it is on next step21:18
skribblezatchaok cool.21:19
skribblezatchayeah on change you choose ext4, tick format, and choose /21:19
skribblezatchathen it goes to the next step when you click on next.21:19
skribblezatchaok good.:)21:19
kbitsbtw I done this a million times, just not manual21:20
skribblezatchai feel you. well the manual way tends to work best when creating a swap, or something like that..because letting it just erase, gets rid of that swap that you made. then you have to go back later and create it again you know?21:21
kbitsit has created my swap before, but there is errors on this on install all the time btw21:22
skribblezatchayeah, i dont know what the deal is..although the medibuntu repo's are no longer available. so i know that those may need removed.21:22
kbitsalways errors with Nvidia drivers21:22
skribblezatchathose are all things that i have seen a long the way though man. i learn them from others since i never used precise. just precise based distros.21:23
skribblezatchamost of what i know about that is because i know others that do use it.21:23
skribblezatcharight right.21:23
kbitsthe errors are only with the driver not existing, and then it has to force update automatically... this thing has a brain... but the pause is long before it does it, and I have to wait, a couple of times, I thought it just hanged, and restarted, which was a no-no21:24
skribblezatchai know right.21:25
kbitsbtw, any idea to as to why the download rate is lower on live usb, or cd, than the updater on the hdd?21:26
skribblezatchawhat do you mean, like the speed?21:27
kbits30 - 200 KiB download rate on USB, but 600+ KiB on the HDD booted21:27
skribblezatchano i sure dont.21:27
kbitsI guess its downloading to RAM or something?21:27
skribblezatchai have no clue kbits.21:28
skribblezatchabrb kbits. i am going to go and restart real quick.21:30
kbitsinstall would be much faster if I could get my full connection rate downloading. :P21:33
skribblezatchaok back..thanks.21:36
kbitsare those q2 games on ubuntu software center safe?21:37
skribblezatchai dont know, i dont use the software-center kbits. i install synaptic and gdebi and uninstall the software-center. i am sure that the games are safe though.21:38
kbitsI like the reviews, only reason I keep it21:39
kbitshelps me know if somethiing sucks or not21:39
skribblezatcharight, i feel you.:)21:39
kbitsyeah, the synaptic is a life saver21:39
kbitsif I am too lazey to use sudo's21:39
kbitsgood for finding system packages21:40
kbitsand desktops21:40
skribblezatchaplus you can install so much all at the same time. its nice for uninstalling too since it gets rid of all config files with a complete removal.21:40
skribblezatchayou can see all packages that are related to a package too..which is nice and remove it all at the same time.21:41
kbitssudo apt-get remove --purge package does the same thing right?21:41
skribblezatchayes, but it usually gets rid of THE package, and not the deps that are installed with the package.21:41
skribblezatchathats why i go in and do it with synaptic. to get ALL of it.21:41
kbitsyeah I hate dependancies21:42
skribblezatchai do too.21:42
kbitsand I hate adding ppa's21:42
kbitscan't trust most of them21:42
skribblezatchai add ppa's sometimes..but nowadays with me thinking ahead i tend to leave them alone.21:42
kbitslol, I learned my lesson21:43
kbitsmany reformats do to ppa's21:43
skribblezatchafor the fact that when using a version of an OS that isnt LTS, and also doesnt support upgrade through terminal..which i tend to anyways, i dont like cleaning up sources before doing so.21:43
kbitseither that or bad dependancies21:43
skribblezatchalol i hear that.21:43
skribblezatcharight, exactly.21:43
kbitseh, I have to clean up the installs everytime too21:44
kbitsI really have no need for thunderbird, or mail services21:44
kbitsand I do not use bluetooth21:45
skribblezatchasee i love thunderbird. its a heavy app though.21:45
skribblezatchai dont use bluetooth either.21:45
kbitsand bluetooth and some mail services have major dependancies21:45
kbitsjust uninstall one of those, and your whole desktop is crippled21:46
kbitsor unbootable21:46
skribblezatchawell what you do is go to thunderbird's site online, and download thunderbird, then just run the executable. make a panel launcher for it, or a desktop launcher and you are good to go.21:46
skribblezatchai agree with you there, its out there.21:46
skribblezatchaonce you get that installed and updated kbits, i want to share something with you. i think that you will like it. its pretty neat. but i will share it with you in a PM if that is ok.21:47
kbitsI love how this installer goes "oops I can not find this folder", then its like, "Ok, found it" lmao21:48
kbitsis it something risky?21:48
kbitswont kill my pc?21:48
skribblezatchano not at all, i think that you will like it. it will probably be a bit faster on that pc to be honest.21:49
kbitsright now I want to fix my problems to be honest21:49
skribblezatchawell ofcourse. thats the best thing to do since thats your main OS.21:50
skribblezatchabrb man.21:50
kbitsthe pc runs fine, and games too... just my card overheats a bit, and random lock ups in games... but nothing too severe YET.21:52
kbitsand wb21:52
skribblezatcharight right, well thats cool..and thanks.21:53
kbitsthe fwts results bother me though21:53
kbitsoh nice, the connection kicked into 10th gear21:53
skribblezatchawell for that, we are going to head to another repo and download a .deb of inxi..then you will run inxi --recommends and it will show you all of the packages that you need to install to get better results with that test.21:54
kbitsanother ppa?21:54
kbitsnot so sure about that21:54
skribblezatchano, you dont need a ppa for that.21:56
kbitssounds legit21:56
skribblezatchait is, i use it.21:56
kbitsnow its at the part of throwing up 1000 WARNINGS and ERRORS not finding modules21:56
kbitsthen it appears to hang21:57
skribblezatchais it saying where its going to find those modules?21:58
skribblezatchaare there errors medibuntu related?21:58
kbitsnaw gl and nvidia related21:59
kbitsit is still hung21:59
kbitsit appears to be downloading22:00
kbitsbut nothing is showing in terminal22:00
skribblezatcharight right.22:01
kbitsnaw this is ubiquity: WARNING:root:modinfo for module nvidia_versionnumberhere failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_versionnumber22:02
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xubuntu068Not sure if I am in the right place but I'll give it a try. I created an Xubuntu CD and it booted nicely on my newer Toshiba Satellite. Ran in live mode and all seemed to work well. Now I want to try it on my very old Toshiba but upon booting it only shows a white screen.23:59

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