
waiganidavecheney: I'm new as I know, so I'm asking to understand00:00
davecheneybasically the rule is00:00
davecheneyif a function/method returns an error00:00
davecheneyyou generally cannot make any assetions abvout the state of any other values it returns or the instance itself00:01
davecheneythere are exceptions00:01
davecheneyso, there is no point in cleaning up the internal state of that instance as it is broke00:01
davecheneythere is value in cleaning up the files we poo'd on disk00:02
davecheneybecause that is something we can do to make it possible to run the test again later00:02
waiganiah okay00:02
davecheneywaigani: this ticket, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/129996900:13
_mup_Bug #1299969: launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/manual: ssh tests are not properly isolated <ppc64el> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299969>00:13
davecheneyis a blocker on getting the common and manual provider tests working00:14
davecheneydo you think you could add it to your todo list ?00:14
waiganidavecheney: sure. I actaully hit that problem and thought I was being stupid because I did not have keys on the vm00:15
davecheneywaigani: right, but the solution is not to add keys to the vm00:16
davecheneythat will just push the problem off onto someone elses' plate00:17
waiganidavecheney: yeah I get that now :)00:17
davecheneythe goal is we want to run these tests during the build on the lp build servers00:17
davecheneywhich are scrupiolously clean00:17
davecheneyso any screwing with the environment beforehand will have to be expunged00:17
waiganidavecheney: provider/local is now passing :) proposing my branch now00:28
perrito666sinzui: nite, question, am I supposed/allowed to clos the bug and also, could you open the new one with the new bug info? (such as the exit of jenkins)00:32
davecheneywaigani: sweet00:32
sinzuiperrito666, I will do that00:48
davecheneythumper: waigani wallyworld http://paste.ubuntu.com/7219526/00:50
davecheneyi'd like to log a bug about this00:50
sinzuiperrito666, The bug is fix committed. It cannot be closed until the milestone is released/a package is distributed to the users.00:51
davecheneyi see far to many of these errors in the log when working with the local provider00:51
davecheneyi think its more than a harmless warning00:51
* sinzui reports the new bug00:51
thumperdavecheney: which bit exactly?00:51
perrito666sinzui: tx00:51
wallyworldyeah, doesn't seem right00:51
davecheneythumper: 2014-04-08 00:35:07 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:45 reconfiguring logging from "<root>=DEBUG" to "<root>=WARNING;unit=DEBUG"00:52
davecheney^ what generates this line00:52
thumperdavecheney: the logging config worker00:52
thumperdavecheney: that is the default logging level00:53
davecheneythumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7219530/00:53
thumperthat is the logging level specified in state00:53
davecheneythumper: this is the repro00:53
davecheney/dev/sda        9.9G  7.6G  1.9G  81% /00:53
davecheney10gb vm isn't really enough to debug on ...00:53
* davecheney waves to axw 00:55
davecheneywelcome to daylights saving00:55
thumperdavecheney: do you have a question for me?00:55
axwdavecheney: howdy00:55
axwno daylight savings over here00:56
davecheneythumper: how can I set the logging back to debug everywhere ?00:56
davecheneyi'm trying to get more details on issue 130378700:57
thumperdavecheney: "juju bootstrap --debug" or "juju bootstrap --logging-config='juju=debug'"00:57
thumperdavecheney: or... if you want more00:57
davecheneythumper: cna't change it after the fact ?00:57
thumperdavecheney: yes00:57
davecheneyconfig-set ?00:58
thumperjuju set-env logging-config=juju=debug00:58
axwoh ffs unity00:58
davecheneythumper: thans00:58
davecheneyok, environmnet setup, now apparently we wait 7 hours ...01:00
thumperdavecheney: I have been talking about that issue01:01
thumperdavecheney: how much memory does your VM have?01:01
davecheney8 gb01:01
thumperok... perhaps that'll be fine01:01
thumper24 was bad, 16 was good01:01
davecheneyhmm, that is odd01:01
thumperI'm wondering if there is a fundamental issue elsewhere01:01
thumperas in, not us01:01
davecheneymore likely01:01
thumperbut yes, keep an eye on it01:02
davecheneyi don't doubt there are bugs in the compiler01:02
davecheneythat is why i need machine-0.log01:02
davecheneyall machines via rsyslog is eating the stack trace01:02
davecheneythumper: could you make sure if thre is any conversation about that issue that you cc me01:02
davecheneyi've been trying to get everyone to communicate via the isse01:02
thumperfor the original machine that was a problem has now got 16gig of ram and a new kernel01:02
thumperdavecheney: it was all voice conversation01:02
davecheneybut am currently managing 3 indepedentant email threads by three separate groups working the problem01:03
thumperI was chatting with hazmat about it01:03
thumperthat isn't fun01:03
davecheneythumper: i've done more funner tings01:05
davecheneyi know this issue is critical01:05
davecheneybut saying it's critical isn't enough01:05
davecheneywe need details01:05
axwfairly trivial review anyone? deleting 1.16 compat code: https://codereview.appspot.com/84520046/01:09
tvansteenburghdavecheney: re http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7219597/01:17
tvansteenburgh(re https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1303787)01:17
_mup_Bug #1303787: hook failures - nil pointer dereference <hooks> <local-provider> <ppc64el> <juju-core:Incomplete by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303787>01:17
tvansteenburghi'm guessing that doesn't help much :P01:17
thumpertvansteenburgh: have you encountered issues since the vm was resized?01:18
davecheneytvansteenburgh: the command you want is01:18
davecheneydpkg -l | grep gccgo01:18
davecheneydpkg -l | grep gccgo01:19
tvansteenburghthumper: honestly i don't know for sure as i haven't been on the machine today, but from convos on irc i've inferred that there are still probs01:20
davecheneytvansteenburgh: can you get me the machine-0.log file from the machine01:20
davecheneytvansteenburgh: or01:20
davecheneycan you do ssh-import-id dave-cheney01:20
davecheneyand I can do it myself01:20
tvansteenburghdavecheney: dpkg -l | grep gccgo prints nothing01:20
tvansteenburghdavecheney: imported your key01:21
davecheneytvansteenburgh: is this on a ppc64el machine ?01:21
davecheneytvansteenburgh: this is very worrying01:21
davecheneywhat you are teling me doesn't add up01:21
davecheneythe example fro the weekend showed that juju was compiled locally01:22
davecheneybut you're saying that there is no compiler on this machine01:22
tvansteenburghdon't shoot the newbie :)01:22
davecheneytvansteenburgh: soryr mate01:22
tvansteenburghi didn't install juju on this machine so i'm not sure what to tell you01:22
tvansteenburghbut keep in mind that juju was upgraded since the original bug report01:22
davecheneytvansteenburgh: ok01:23
tvansteenburghso it's possible that it was from source before, and now pre-compiled binary01:23
davecheneyi'll check out the machine myself01:23
davecheneytvansteenburgh: are you going to be doing hte demo, or hazmat ?01:23
thumperdavecheney: no, hazmat ;-P01:24
* thumper snickers at his joke01:24
* hazmat hides01:24
davecheneytvansteenburgh: what is the internal ip of wolfe-0101:26
davecheneyi have the wrong config01:26
davecheneytvansteenburgh: thanks, i'm grabbing the log files now01:30
hazmatthumper, local provider detects btrfs and just uses it if its at /var/lib/lxc ?01:34
hazmatthumper, awesome01:34
* hazmat gives it a whirl01:35
thumperhazmat: will still take time to create the template first time around01:35
thumperwallyworld: got 10 minutes? I need help solving a tools issue01:37
* thumper starts a hangout01:37
hazmatthumper, understood, i updated the lxc cache image directly as well01:40
hazmatwell that's cute.. juju set-env random-string="abc"  just works..01:42
hazmatand is retrievable via juju get-env01:42
davecheneygrep -c panic01:48
davecheneysinzui: where is the packaging branch for juju-core ?01:51
davecheneytvansteenburgh: i'd take a punt and say wolfe-01 got nuked and recreated01:54
davecheneythat is why there is no compiler01:55
davecheneynuke; recreate; [sudo] apt-get install juju-core01:55
tvansteenburghdavecheney: yeah i think that /is/ what happened01:57
davecheneytvansteenburgh: that makes sense tehn01:57
davecheneyjamespage: where is the packaging branch for juju-core ?02:03
=== arosales_ is now known as arosales
waiganithumper: wallyworld: axw: my internet connection is crapping out on m02:38
wallyworldyay for NZ inyternet02:39
thumperworks for me02:44
hazmatthumper, davecheney so good news.. i've run through the demo about a dozen times.. zero panics03:24
hazmatthumper, and using btrfs :-)03:24
thumperon power?03:24
hazmatthumper, yup03:24
thumperhow do I find out which package provides an executable again?03:39
thumper wallyworld https://codereview.appspot.com/8522004303:45
thumpernow this works03:45
thumperfor some value of works03:45
thumperit tries to create a trusty container and fails03:45
thumperfor other reasons03:46
thumperI'm asking on #ubuntu-server for answers to those reasons03:46
davecheneyubuntu@winton-02:~$ juju status04:17
davecheneyERROR failed verification of local provider prerequisites: exec: "mongod": executable file not found in $PATH04:17
davecheneyMongoDB server must be installed to enable the local provider:04:17
davecheneysudo apt-get install mongodb-server04:17
davecheneystill telling me to instal lmongodb-server04:17
davecheneydid that branch land ?04:17
thumpernot yet04:19
davecheneytrivial fix05:13
jamdavecheney: LGTM, all the other files in that directory use the bson: syntax05:19
davecheneyjam: that is why i feel pretty confident that the fix is ok05:21
jamdavecheney: me too05:21
davecheney     ├─jujud─┬─lxc-create───lxc-ubuntu-clou───ubuntu-cloudimg───wget05:38
davecheney     │       └─11*[{jujud}]05:39
davecheneywhat the balls is it downloading05:39
davecheneyand is there a way to speed it up05:39
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
jamdavecheney: if you are using LXC, it has to download the Ubuntu image for the LXC instance05:53
davecheneyit's hung up trying to download some small the releases text file from cdimages05:53
davecheneyubuntu@ip-10-251-8-60:~$ juju deploy ubuntu --debug05:55
davecheney2014-04-08 05:54:20 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:296 running juju-1.19.0-trusty-amd64 [gccgo]05:55
davecheney2014-04-08 05:54:20 DEBUG juju api.go:189 trying cached API connection settings05:55
davecheney2014-04-08 05:54:20 INFO juju api.go:259 connecting to API addresses: [localhost:17070]05:55
davecheney2014-04-08 05:54:20 INFO juju.state.api apiclient.go:194 dialing "wss://localhost:17070/"05:55
davecheney2014-04-08 05:54:20 INFO juju.state.api apiclient.go:141 connection established to "wss://localhost:17070/"05:55
davecheney^ hun05:55
davecheneyhang on05:55
davecheneywhy is it talking to localhost ?05:55
davecheneythe api server is running on
davecheneyaxw: wasn't there a bug logged about this over the weekend ?05:57
* axw looks up05:57
axwdavecheney: localhost is the "public address" for the local provider's machine-005:58
axw10.0.3.1 is the internal05:58
axwdavecheney: is there a problem with that?05:59
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
davecheneyaxw: not sure06:02
davecheneythere will be when proxies are involved06:02
davecheneywe always say06:02
davecheneynot no_proxy="localhost"06:02
axwno_proxy=localhost only makes sense if you're outside the environment06:03
axwi.e. using the CLI06:03
axwI suppose we could manage the CLI's environment specifically for the local provider06:03
davecheneyaxw: ok06:04
davecheneyprobably not the problem at the moment06:04
davecheney2014-04-08 06:07:56 ERROR juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:438 cannot start instance for machine "3": error executing "lxc-start": command get_cgroup failed to receive response06:24
davecheneyany ideas ?06:24
davecheneyI wonder if it is related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/130416706:25
_mup_Bug #1304167: syntax error, trusty beta-2 cloud image <apparmor (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304167>06:25
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
jamdavecheney: that sounds like nested-lxc issues, but I'm guessing you're not nesting?06:32
davecheneyjust reboote06:33
davecheneythre was an apparmor snafu installing the lxc package06:33
davecheneymaybe that was the cause06:33
davecheneynope, lxc is broken06:36
rogpeppe1mornin' all06:47
rogpeppe1i was just looking at this change: https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/3/files06:47
rogpeppe1is there any way i can see the whole file diff on github?06:47
rogpeppe1or do i have to pull it down to do that?06:48
fwereadejamespage, jam: so, I think I've tracked down that relations-on-upgrade bug -- but I think (1) it only hits relations without other members, and (2) it's always existed07:13
fwereadejamespage, were there any other units in that peer relation?07:13
fwereadejamespage, jam: that's bug 1303697 ^^07:14
_mup_Bug #1303697: peer relation disappears during upgrade of juju <juju-core:Triaged by fwereade> <juju-core 1.18:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303697>07:14
axwfwereade: I'm creating an instance.Placement structure for placement directives, but I'd like to leave SSH out of it because it only makes sense in add-machine (for now at least)07:32
axwis that okay with you?07:32
axwfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7220424/  -- currently adding a new method to state to add a machine with one of these07:33
fwereadeaxw, I feel it's mildly suboptimal, because I think it *should* be reasonable to deploy --to ssh:blah -- but I can see how it would pull in a lot more work, so, fair enough07:35
fwereadeaxw, about the kv pairs in environment placement... upsides and downsides07:36
axwI'm pretty sure we can add it later if necessary07:36
fwereadeaxw, and, hmm, I don't quite love the separation between ContainerPlacement/EnvironmentPlacement07:36
axwfwereade: the idea was that a container placement can encapsulate any other, the others being terminals07:37
fwereadeaxw, (1) I think the conception of lxc/kvm as pseudo-providers is quite nice; (2) I think that --to us-east-1a is nice, but that's not a kv pair07:37
axwfwereade: so you could do lxc:maas:name=abc07:37
fwereadeaxw, ha, that's an interesting thought07:38
fwereadeaxw, I'm a little bit -1 on it -- I think it's ok that the domain of the lxc/kvm providers is restricted to existing machines07:39
fwereadeaxw, I can see nice things about it but it also makes my spidey sense tingle a little07:40
axwokay, I'll collapse them for now07:40
axwfwereade: so just some kind of scope/provider and a value, and leave it to the environ to parse k=v if it wants to?07:40
fwereadeaxw, yeah, I think that's the right separation of concerns07:41
fwereadeaxw, and it does leave the providers free to have us-east-1a for now, and later to allow zone=us-east-1a,somethingelse=somethingelse07:41
axwyep, fair enough07:42
fwereadeaxw, fwiw I think scope is a nice term for it07:42
axwokey dokey well that simplifies the changes needed to state then07:44
* fwereade is getting really quite grumpy with the half-assed attempts to make the uniter work on multiple goroutines07:44
fwereadeaxw, I don't suppose you know why we call u.proxy.SetEnvironmentValues() in updatePackageProxy, do you?07:54
* axw looks07:54
axwfwereade: I think so the hooks run with the proxy env vars set?07:55
fwereadeaxw, we explicitly pass the proxy settings in when we create a hook context07:55
axwsorry, not really sure tbh. better off asking thumper - he implemented that I think07:56
fwereadeaxw, np, cheers07:56
axwfwereade: is this better? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7220551/08:04
axwmachine-id is a special case, because there isn't really a scope/provider/whatever08:05
axwfor empty scope, "juju add-machine" will fill it in with the current environment08:05
axwso "juju add-machine --to maas-node-123" will implicitly have the current env's name as the placement scope08:06
fwereadeaxw, I'm wondering whether it would be excessively evil to consider "0" or whatever to be in some special scope itself08:08
fwereadeaxw, "--to 0" == --to "machine:0" as it were08:09
fwereadeaxw, just trying to figure out the consequences of a collision between DWIM vs law of least surprise08:10
fwereadeaxw, or juju:0, or something08:10
axwfwereade: I suppose we could just have an instance.MachineScope constant, = "-" or some character that is not valid in an environment name08:10
dimiternfwereade, hey08:11
fwereadedimitern, heyhey08:11
dimiternfwereade, https://codereview.appspot.com/85060043/diff/1/provider/maas/environ_whitebox_test.go#newcode537 re that comment08:11
fwereadedimitern, oh yes08:11
dimiternfwereade, what exported method did you mean?08:11
fwereadedimitern, StartInstance08:11
dimiternfwereade, but to do that we need to land a few things in gomaasapi08:12
fwereadedimitern, expand please? sorry I'm not up on all the context there08:12
dimiternfwereade, well, to test the new features we need them to be supported by the test server of gomaasapi08:13
dimiternfwereade, that's lshw machine details and list_connected_macs for a network08:14
dimiternfwereade, i wanted to save some time and land these changes (after testing them live on my local maas ofc) so we can have MVP, and later polish it08:15
fwereadedimitern, ok, I see -- as long as there's a card for it, then :)08:15
dimiternfwereade, sure, will add one now08:15
fwereadeaxw, yeah, something like that maybe08:16
axwfwereade: I'll go with that and see how it turns out.08:17
fwereadeaxw, cheers08:18
vladkdimitern: morning08:38
dimiternvladk, hey morning08:38
vladkdimitern: I am working on linking GetNetworkInfo and extractInterfaces08:40
vladkdimiternЖ I do not want both of us do the same changes08:43
davecheneyanyone: if I do juju destroy-environment, does this remove /var/log/juju-$ENV ?08:47
rogpeppedavecheney: i'm not sure it does. there might have been a discussion about this recently. jam? fwereade?08:48
jamdavecheney: thumper explicitly designed it so that destroy-env does *not* delete /var/log/juju* (though it does delete /var/lib).08:49
jamvar/log will be deleted on another bootstrap08:49
rogpeppeaxw: i am thinking that "mongodb" in utils/apt.go, cloudArchivePackages, should be "mongodb-server". does that seem right to you?08:49
dimiternvladk, ah, sorry, I misunderstood you perhaps08:49
davecheneyjam: hang on08:49
davecheneyyou just said two things08:49
davecheneyand they conflicted08:50
dimiternvladk, I have the branch that returns []NetworkInfo proposed already08:50
davecheneyyou said /var/log/juju-ubuntu-local would not be deleted08:50
davecheneythen you said it would08:50
rogpeppeany else know about what package we should be installing for mongodb?08:50
jamdavecheney: /var/log is not deleted during destroy, but /var/lib is08:50
dimiternvladk, but we do need some changes in gomaasapi08:50
jamdavecheney: during bootstrap /var/log is cleaned up08:50
davecheneyjam: /var/log/juju-ubuntu-local is truncated08:50
rogpeppes/any else/anyone else/08:50
davecheneyso the all machines log of my environment is only 5 mins long08:50
dimiternvladk, to extend the test server, so it supports /version/ (capabilities), /network/<name</?op=list_connected_macs and /nodes/<id>/?op=details (for the XML lshw data)08:51
axwrogpeppe: sorry, just a moment08:51
vladkdimitern: I see your last code review, do you have something behind that?08:51
dimiternvladk, I have 2 more - the provisioner to take []NetworkInfo and add NICs/networks in state08:52
axwrogpeppe: yes, I think you're right08:52
dimiternvladk, and the last one is the cloudinit scripts, where I believe you did some work on and we can do it together?08:52
rogpeppeaxw: but i don't see mongodb-server mentioned in http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/cloud-tools_versions.html08:52
davecheneyjam: ok, thanks for confirming08:53
davecheneyarosales: you online ?08:53
rogpeppeaxw: but... it looks like that's what we're using in current bootstrap, so i guess it should work08:53
axwrogpeppe: well, mongodb depends on mongodb-server. so we get what we need either way08:53
rogpeppeaxw: ah08:53
rogpeppeaxw: ok, trying that08:54
rogpeppeaxw: i've added mongodb-server to cloudArchivePackages08:54
vladkdimitern: we need one more change to gomaasapi, to not panic in testing mode, what bootstrap a node without networks08:57
vladkdimitern: how can I see your code?08:59
dimiternvladk, yeah, that's why we need to change gomaasapi09:01
dimiternvladk, what code specifically?09:02
dimiternfwereade, I replied to your comment https://codereview.appspot.com/85060043/ does it make sense?09:02
fwereadedimitern, yeah, sgtm09:04
dimiternfwereade, cool, submitting then09:04
vladkdimitern: I can't work on cloudinit script before you land your changes on NIC->VLAN mapping09:17
dimiternvladk, it's approved and on its way to land now09:19
natefinchmorning all09:24
natefinchaxw: thanks for doing some testing on my branch. Don't need to apologize that it works ;)09:27
rogpeppehmm, it occurs to me that since we don't need the tools until we connect to the instance, we could start the instance first, then concurrently upload the tools. that would make bootstrap --upload-tools about twice as quick for me.09:30
rogpeppeas i wait for yet another bootstrap09:30
rogpeppefwereade: where does the machiner get the addresses from now?10:02
fwereaderogpeppe, net.InterfaceAddrs10:03
fwereaderogpeppe, and it sets them all with NetworkUnknown10:03
rogpeppefwereade: as an alternative, perhaps the uniter should wait until its machine has an address before starting10:03
fwereaderogpeppe, I'm not sure exactly what handwaving we do with the local provider to make those addresses show up usefully10:03
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah, maybe that's the way -- ask repeatedly for your own address until you have one, then carry on10:04
fwereaderogpeppe, and I think we can do that with existing apis10:04
rogpeppefwereade: yeah10:04
natefinchaxw: not yet...10:05
rogpeppefwereade: istm that if you're the uniter, you really don't want to start until other units can talk to you10:05
axwnatefinch: cat ~/.juju/local/cloud-init-output.log and see if there's anyhting interesting there10:05
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah -- and that used to work, but we moved stuff around10:06
fwereaderogpeppe, although, hmm10:06
fwereaderogpeppe, unaddressable containers should be fine, this might render them less fine10:06
* fwereade goes to dig and find out exactly how we collate addresses10:06
rogpeppefwereade: hmm, interesting10:06
axwnatefinch: also, you do have juju-mongodb installed right?10:07
rogpeppefwereade: i think we need to be able to explicitly mark a container as unaddress10:07
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah10:07
rogpeppefwereade: some special form of address might work10:08
fwereaderogpeppe, and add a bunch of consistency stuff so we don't accidentally put workloads that need to relate into them etc etc10:08
rogpeppefwereade: yeah10:08
fwereaderogpeppe, well, they'll still have some sort of address on the machine network at least10:08
natefinchaxw: yeah, there's nothing interesting in the cloud init output.... last thing is just "opening environment local"10:08
fwereaderogpeppe, that'll all come if/when we do explicit proxy charm support I think10:08
natefinchaxw: I have mongodb built with SSL in the correct spot, but it's not specifically juju-mongodb10:09
rogpeppenatefinch: what are you having problems with?10:09
axwnatefinch: mk. is mongo even running?10:10
natefinchaxw: mongo runs, yeah10:10
natefinchrogpeppe: bootstrapping local10:10
natefinchaxw: maybe I should just install juju-local10:11
axwwouldn't hurt :)10:11
axwnatefinch: do you have an http proxy set? just wondering if that breaks something...10:11
axwotherwise I am out of ideas10:11
natefinchno proxy10:11
rogpeppenatefinch: try putting some more debug statements in the dial code10:12
axwgotta make dinner, bbl10:12
=== axw is now known as axw-afk
natefinchwell, installing juju-local let me bootstrap, but I can't destroy the environment now.  Sigh10:18
fwereadewallyworld, I think we'll need to TOPIC this, but let me read further10:19
fwereadewallyworld, yeah, I think we need to make the fallback logic provider-specific too10:20
fwereadewallyworld, consider env:arch=i386, service:instance-type=t1.micro10:21
wallyworldfwereade: i think it is, or?10:21
wallyworldall providers except ec2 and openstack just use the current WithFallbacks as they don't yet support instance-typ10:21
wallyworldec2 and openstack have specific logic10:22
fwereadewallyworld, ah! ok, I misread something, let me keep going10:22
wallyworldok, no rush10:22
fwereadewallyworld, we should probably move WithFallbacks off the Constraints type though10:22
wallyworldthat's easily done10:23
fwereadewallyworld, and I think there's a subtlety wrt which values need to be masked when10:23
wallyworldok, if we can encapsulate the business rules, i'll implement them10:23
wallyworldwe have the means now that there's provider specific behaviour we can plug in10:25
fwereadewallyworld, yeah -- did you get a chance to look at the python implementation by any chance?10:25
wallyworldfwereade: yeah, but a lot of it was pretty much not that relevant10:26
fwereadewallyworld, it's not a perfect model, but it does allow for defining conflicts between particular constraints10:26
fwereadewallyworld_, as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted10:27
fwereadewallyworld, it's not a perfect model, but it does allow for defining conflicts between particular constraints10:27
fwereadewallyworld_, ie attempting to define mem and instance-type together fails10:27
fwereadewallyworld_, and defining instance-type in service constraints masks out only those env constraints that conflict with it10:28
wallyworld_fwereade: yes, although i have been more strict10:28
dimiternfwereade, mgz, vladk, perrito666, https://codereview.appspot.com/85380043 - a small necessary step before the provisioner can start adding networks/NICs10:28
fwereadewallyworld_, I think it becomes too strict though10:28
wallyworld_ie if the combined constraint has inst type and (mem or cpu-core or cpu-poewer etc) , it ignores instance type10:29
fwereadewallyworld_, it looked like it was also masking arch10:29
wallyworld_fwereade: not for ec210:29
natefinchrogpeppe: btw, I landed the namespace branch10:29
rogpeppenatefinch: thanks a lot10:29
fwereadewallyworld_, ok, I just fail at reading then :)10:30
wallyworld_fwereade: it masks for openstack but i can change that10:30
wallyworld_if needed10:30
fwereadewallyworld_, possibly all we need is conflict resolution within single-level constraints10:30
wallyworld_fwereade: for ec2, if there's an arch, it checks that the instance type can support it10:30
natefinchrogpeppe: merging into HA now10:30
rogpeppenatefinch: cool10:30
wallyworld_fwereade: i'll ley you digest and we can topic10:30
wallyworld_gotta put kid to bed10:31
rogpeppenatefinch: i'm just trying out a spike which tries to integrate everything to see if it all actually works, BTW10:31
axw-afkwallyworld_: I just sent another update on placement directives10:32
natefinchrogpeppe: seems like a good thing to do10:32
perrito666dimitern: small?10:39
dimiternperrito666, well, at least it's straightforward I hope :)10:40
wallyworld_axw-afk: great, thanks :-)10:42
jamdimitern: standup ?10:48
dimiternjam, sorry, coming10:50
dimiternfwereade, I still think this should land https://codereview.appspot.com/85380043, but I'll change https://codereview.appspot.com/85220044/ to implement the SetProvisionedWithNetworks API as agreed11:32
jamrogpeppe: natefinch: I'm getting a strange failure trying to do this in a test case: apiMachine, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobManageEnviron)11:44
jamif I do it in SetUpTest it works fine11:45
jambut in TestFoo11:45
jamit gives:"cannot add a new machine: state server jobs specified without calling EnsureAvailability"11:45
rogpeppejam: you can't do that if it's not the first machine11:45
rogpeppejam: only the bootstrap machine can be explicitly added with JobManageEnviron11:45
jamrogpeppe: so even if the first machine *isn't* a JobManageEnviron11:45
rogpeppejam: yes11:45
rogpeppejam: to allow that would complicate the logic for no gain apart from in test code11:46
rogpeppejam: (and it's usually easy enough to work around the issue in tests)11:46
rogpeppejam: i still think that EnsureAvailability isn't a great idea in general, but this is one of the implications of it11:47
rogpeppejam: just wanted to run something by you for sanity checking12:07
rogpeppejam: i thought that mgo.Strong implied that you'd always be talking to the mongo primary12:07
mgzfwereade: do you have a mo?12:07
rogpeppejam: so IsMaster *should* always report that the current session is master12:08
rogpeppejam: at least that's what i assumed12:08
rogpeppejam: but it doesn't seem to be the case12:08
mgzfwereade: your review for horacio's network verification branch, you say you want it done in state12:08
rogpeppejam: can you think of some reason that's not a reasonable assumption?12:08
mgzfwereade: but that means the first time juju knows it can't do do what the user asked is in the provisioner12:08
jamrogpeppe: which 'IsMaster' are we talking about?12:08
mgzfwereade: which strikes me as pretty pantsy feedback12:09
rogpeppejam: replicaset.IsMaster (and the corresponding mongo api call)12:09
jamrogpeppe: I'm digging12:12
rogpeppejam: me too12:12
jamrogpeppe: so the one thing I see is that session.SetMode(consistency, refresh)12:13
jamcan take "consistency=Strong" but "refresh= false"12:13
jamwhich means it will set slaveOk=falseb12:13
jambut doesn't seem to actually unset the current connection12:13
rogpeppejam: we never actually call SetMode explicitly AFAIK12:13
jamrogpeppe: DialWithInfo ends with (SetMode(Strong, true))12:14
jamnewSession takes consistency as a parameter12:14
jamEnsureIndex calls Clone and then SetMode(Strong, false)12:14
rogpeppejam: oh, i think i see what might be going on12:14
rogpeppejam: replicaset itself calls SetConsistency12:15
rogpeppejam: SetMode12:15
rogpeppenatefinch: why does replicaset.CurrentConfig set the session's consistency mode to Monotonic?12:16
jamrogpeppe: I think if you want to dial a specific Mongo server12:19
jamyou have to use Monotonic12:19
jamotherwise, whatever you read would actually go to the mastetr12:19
rogpeppejam: hmm, yes.12:19
rogpeppejam: i think that it's wrong that it sets the argument session's mode though12:19
rogpeppejam: i've just changed it to clone the session first12:19
jamrogpeppe: so the mgo way of doing it is that you always clone before changing stuff liket hat12:19
rogpeppejam: we'll see if that fixes the problem12:19
jamrogpeppe: right12:20
perrito666fwereade: hey, I was discussing your input with mgz abut the --to error on case of network incompatibility and we got some doubts12:23
fwereadeperrito666, heyhey12:39
fwereadeperrito666, go on12:40
fwereadeperrito666, mgz: ah I see12:40
fwereadeperrito666, mgz, not sure I follow12:40
fwereadeperrito666, mgz: if you're assigning a unit to a machine that doesn't exist, the network spec comes from the service, easy12:41
fwereadeperrito666, mgz: if you're assigning to a machine that exists but hasn't been provisioned, all you have to go on is whatever network spec the machine was created with12:41
fwereadeperrito666, mgz: if you're assigning to a provisioned machine, you can directly check include/exclude against the actual networks12:42
mgzfwereade: sure, (apart from the last one, we don't yet populate that)12:42
fwereadeperrito666, mgz: in any case you should be able to abort at unit-assignment time, right?12:42
fwereademgz, indeed :)12:42
mgzfwereade: the issue is if we're doing this in state, that won't trigger till in response to the user's api call, right?12:43
fwereadeperrito666, mgz: it sucks a bit that it's hard to do at unit *creation* time (or service creation for that matter)12:43
fwereademgz, yes12:43
fwereademgz, that's still plenty of time to send an error back down to the user, surely?12:43
mgzfwereade: so, the api call will succeed, then the worker will go, "oh hey, I can't actually do that"... then the user needs to run status and see that nothing actually happened12:43
jamrogpeppe: do you remember the earlier question about "is the address actually changing"? I'm seeing this in the local provider: updater.go:249 machine "0" has new addresses: [public:localhost local-cloud:]12:43
jambut that slice doesn't ever change12:43
fwereademgz, what worker? the assignment completes before the API call returns12:43
natefinchrogpeppe, jam: thanks for fixing that.12:44
mgzfwereade: ah, does it? that's the bit I'm not clear on.12:44
fwereademgz, it's in the juju package iirc -- we create unit, then assign to machine, and the result of all that gets sent over the api12:44
mgzfwereade: basically perrito666 doesn't have enough to go on from your review to actually change the code how you want it done12:44
jamfwereade: mgz: I'm sure it is done in the same call, but it is not atomic12:45
jam"juju add-unit --to N" will fail12:45
fwereademgz, the sucky bit is that we don't generally check assignment sanity before creating the unit, so you can end up with unassigned units, which is rubbish12:45
jambut leave you with a Unit in Pending status12:45
rogpeppejam: that is odd12:45
jamfwereade: right12:46
jamthat happens with --to12:46
jamso it isn't *worse* than with --network :)12:46
fwereadejam, and also just in general with deploy and add-unit -- they're not transactions and can fail partway through12:46
jamfwereade: yeah, it is just surprising when the command line args aren't valid, but it creates some stuff anyway12:47
fwereadejam, most other things are transactional iirc (nothing is atomic :-/)12:47
fwereadejam, stricter checking in the api is the only response I'm really comfortable with there at this stage12:47
fwereadejam, no argument that we should have it12:47
fwereadejam, but some stuff -- like auto assignment in particular -- is likely to be tricky to get right in a single transaction12:48
rogpeppegood news: i just stopped the juju-db service running on machine 0 and juju status continues to work12:49
natefinchnice :)12:49
fwereaderogpeppe, sweet12:49
fwereadelet's ship it12:49
jamrogpeppe: presumably in HA first, right ? :)12:51
rogpeppejam: yea12:51
jamespagefwereade, as the font of all knowledge - I've noticed that juju in our internal cloud picks i386 by default - is that intentional?12:52
jamespagewe did not hit this before because I was local tool building for amd64 only12:52
jamespagenow we sync from streams12:52
fwereadejamespage, hmmmmmm, that is suboptimal, I think that is a casualty of arch-selection changes in response to ppc12:52
jamespagefwereade, hmmmmm12:53
mgzI thought we selected amd64 first...12:53
jamespagefwereade, I have to force with --constraints now12:53
jamespagefwereade, mgz: sounds like a bug to me12:53
fwereademgz, we certainly did once, and I *thought* we still did12:54
fwereadejamespage, concur12:54
* jamespage goes to raise a bug12:54
mgzmaybe we had the constraint default to amd64, which was wrong (given non-intely clouds), and just lost it as a preference when fixing?12:55
jammgz: note we have a MaaS bug open for arm clouds related to that12:57
jamapparently if you don't specify arch= we thought we were starting an amd64 there12:57
jamfwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/85450043 Upgrader returns version.Current if we haven't upgraded yet12:57
jamtested using the local provider and, indeed, the API server upgrades first.12:58
jamthey all wake up in response to changing the agent-version in config, but they're all told to not do anything, and they all ask again when machine-0's agent restarts and they all reconnect12:59
rogpeppefwereade: do you know what happens about all-machines.log in the presence of multiple API servers, by any chance?13:00
fwereaderogpeppe, hopefully you update the rsyslog config to sync to the other state-servers ;)13:01
jamrogpeppe: that might explain the results where DesiredVersion was confusing you in the past13:01
jamrogpeppe: the *unit* agents get the version their Machine is currently running.13:01
rogpeppejam: i'm not sure how that explains how DesiredVersion could go backwards13:02
jamrogpeppe: DesiredVersion for the machine is 1.19.2, but until the machine upgrades DesiredVersion for the unit is 1.19.113:02
jamso it shouldn't go backwards13:02
jamfor a given agent13:02
jambut it might look like it13:02
jamif we aren't tweezing out the calls13:02
rogpeppejam: but it really did go backwards, because it caused the unit agent to break because of that13:03
fwereadejam, LGTM13:05
jamrogpeppe: thats why.... Old Unit agents *don't* watch their machine versions13:07
jamso if the Unit agent upgrades before the machine agent13:07
jamand slightly out of sync with the api13:07
jamso you get upgraded Unit and API but *not* machine13:07
rogpeppejam: ah!13:07
rogpeppejam: brilliant, well done13:08
jamespagefwereade, jam: bug 130440713:10
_mup_Bug #1304407: juju bootstrap on openstack cloud defaults to i386 <amd64> <apport-bug> <ec2-images> <trusty> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304407>13:10
jamjamespage: any chance that your juju client is i386 ?13:11
jamespagejam: definately not13:11
jamfwereade: so I think we know why bug #1299802 happened, but I'd be interested to brainstorm how we might fix it.13:12
_mup_Bug #1299802: upgrade-juju 1.16.6 -> 1.18 (tip) fails <juju-core:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299802>13:12
fwereadejam, oh yes?13:12
jamfwereade: so in 1.18 the Unit agent gets the Machine agent's actual version as its DesiredVersion, right?13:12
jambut in 1.16 the Unit agents just get the global desiredversion13:12
jamwhich means that if the API server and the Unit agent upgrade before the Machine agent13:13
fwereadejam, ah, yes, an old server will send the wrong info13:13
jamfwereade: well, not an old server13:13
jambut just an about-to-be-upgraded one13:13
fwereadejam, indeed, a server running the old version13:13
jamso technically the fix I just put up would help here, but we can't "put that genie back in the bottle" for existing 1.16.6 servers.13:13
jamfwereade: refuse to downgrade would be the easiest fix13:14
fwereadejam, indeed13:14
jamfwereade: given we actually have 0 experience making downgrades work13:14
fwereadejam, +113:14
jamfwereade: refresh rawMachine ? the issue is that there *isn't* a record in the DB for the raw and api server machine versions13:17
jamand SetEnvironAgentVersion checks that everything has the same version13:17
jambefore it lets you set it to something else13:17
jamand nil != version.Current13:17
jamfwereade: (context is the patch you just reviewd)13:17
fwereadejam, doh, I see, they are now the same machine13:18
fwereadejam, forget I said anything13:18
fwereadejam, s/now/not/13:18
jam"not" right13:18
fwereadejam, yeah13:19
fwereadejam, sorry, half my brain is taken up trying to figure out wtf has happened to the uniter13:19
jamfwereade: np, too many threads as always13:20
rogpeppejam, fwereade: refusing to downgrade is the easy answer - it's a useful sanity constraint anyway13:39
jamrogpeppe: so I have lp:///~jameinel/juju-core/1.18-refuse-downgrade-1299802, the question is testing it...13:39
=== axw_ is now known as axw
rogpeppejam: i'm not sure that the log message should mention the bug. it might not be due to the bug.13:42
rogpeppejam: testing it shouldn't be too hard, i'd have thought13:42
rogpeppejam: it should sit nicely with the other upgrader tests13:42
dimiternfwereade, jam, mgz, vladk, I still need a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/85380043 pleasre13:43
rogpeppewe need to decide how we want to represent environ-worker machines in status13:44
axwfwereade: if you have any time today, I'd appreciate a glance over https://codereview.appspot.com/85040046. I can a full review off someone tomorrow if you're okay with it in general13:48
axwfwereade: this is placement for add-machine only at this stage; I will follow up with deploy and add-unit13:49
fwereadedimitern, I thought we didn't need to send those errors over the API? I'm strongly -1 on ignoring them at state/api level -- we should catch the at apiserver level, or handle them at agent level, but I really don't like just ignoring them in the api client13:49
fwereadedimitern, and tbh I'm getting less sure it's helpful, even at the state level -- surely we should be checking that every field is identical; and if they are it really doesn't seem worth an error, and if they aren't there's a clear fuckup that's more serious than just "alreayd exists"13:53
dimiternfwereade, actually with the next CL your concerns will be moot, because i'm removing both AddNetworks and AddNetworkInterfaces from state/api/provisioner13:55
fwereadedimitern, haha, ok -- at the state level, though?13:55
rogpeppenatefinch: how are you getting on with merging trunk into MA-HA ?13:55
dimiternfwereade, i've added machine.SetProvisionedWithNetworks at both state and api level13:56
fwereadedimitern, awesome -- it feels like that should completely replace this CL then?13:58
dimiternfwereade, more or less, but AlreadyExistsError I think should stay13:58
dimiternfwereade, I'm live testing it on maas and will propose soon13:58
fwereadedimitern, until someone's consuming it I'm not 100% sure there13:59
mgzfwereade: can you give perrito666 guidance on writing really complicated asserts with the mgo shizzle?13:59
fwereademgz, hah, yes, I can try13:59
mgzbecause I'm pretty sure we have no docs for that, and that's what you're asking for with the review13:59
dimiternfwereade, *sigh* it'll be a bit difficult to replace the current CL with it, but i'll try14:00
fwereademgz, perrito666: there's a bit in doc/hacking-state.txt, but indeed not a great deal14:00
fwereadeperrito666, 2 mins, would you start a hangout please?14:01
fwereadedimitern, I don't follow what dependencies on that will continue to exist?14:01
mgzperrito666: invitemetoo!14:01
perrito666suddenly I am so popular, everyon wnts to hang out with me :p14:01
dimiternfwereade, well the error itself, which will still be returned in state AddNetwork/AddNetworkInterface, but will be ignored at the API level (i need it on the state level though for SetProvisionedWithNetworks)14:02
dimiternfwereade, ahem.. "ignored" as in SetProvisionedWithNetworks will not fail if you try to add an existing network or interface14:03
fwereadedimitern, indeed, I see that -- but I'm worried that in state we should either be checking every field -- in which case, ehh, why return any error if the state perfectly matches the effect of having called successfully14:04
fwereadedimitern, sorry, s/either//14:04
fwereadedimitern, s/in which case/if they match/14:04
perrito666mgz: fwereade google says you are both not aailable14:05
fwereadedimitern, and if they don;t match that's probably a real error14:05
fwereadeperrito666, just paste the link, it'll work14:05
dimiternfwereade, and how do you solve the case when not everything is the same, but the network name exists?14:05
fwereadedimitern, something's all fucked up then, isn't it?14:05
mgzperrito666: I;m making one14:05
dimiternfwereade, or we could be trying to change it, which is not supported now14:06
fwereadedimitern, yeah I wondered whether it's cleaner as an Update-style thing14:06
dimiternfwereade, and in any case, this "ignore if it exists" is a temporary shortcut to the MVP, ideally, we want to discover and add all networks before deploy (probably at bootstrap time or shortly after)14:07
fwereadedimitern, good point, well made14:07
dimiternfwereade, that will allow us to have much better picture of the reality in state and make sanity checks much better14:07
fwereadedimitern, ok, sgtm, AlreadyExists handling will smooth the transition14:08
dimiternfwereade, yeah, thanks14:08
natefinchrogpeppe: sorry, was helping with family stuff.  The merge is complete, fixed some merge problems, checking the tests now.  Looks like there's a few more compilation issues in the tests, hope to have it in a decent state shortly.14:15
rogpeppeaxw: ping14:35
axwrogpeppe: yo14:36
rogpeppeaxw: did you have something to do with stateOpened in the machine agent?14:36
rogpeppeaxw: i'm just wondering what the justification for it is14:37
axwrogpeppe: yeah I think I did that. broken is it?14:37
rogpeppeaxw: 'fraid so14:37
* axw tries to remember14:37
rogpeppeaxw: i can see why you did it, but i'm pretty sure it's broken anyway14:37
rogpeppeaxw: (i thought so before, but a runtime panic in a live environment assures me that it really is)14:38
axwah yeah, so the upgrade steps for state servers could get a state connection14:38
rogpeppeaxw: yeah.14:38
rogpeppeaxw: i think that the solution is probably for the upgrader to make an independent connection to the state14:38
rogpeppeaxw: i'm just wondering if that might end up being awkward.14:38
axwrogpeppe: that would probably be fine, but I honestly can't remember the finer details at the moment14:39
rogpeppeaxw: ok14:40
rogpeppeaxw: FWIW, the StateWorker can be called multiple times. the second time it gets called, it panics because it closes the stateOpened channel again14:40
axwagh :(14:40
rogpeppeaxw: that's ok - i only saw it relatively recently, thought "must fix that some time" but didn't realise it was quite as bad as it was14:41
rogpeppeaxw: i've nearly fixed it, BTW14:46
natefinchyay for tests.  Somehow dropped a codepath in the merge and a test detected it.14:48
axwrogpeppe: cool, thank you. I'll check out what you did in the morning14:48
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sinzuifwereade, I see a report that says I will release https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.19.0 tomorrow. 1/3 of the targeted bugs will not be ready.15:02
sinzuifwereade, jam: and then I see 1.19.1 for Friday, which is impossible15:03
natefinchrogpeppe: all MA-HA code builds and tests all pass, doing live tests.15:03
rogpeppenatefinch: great15:03
rogpeppenatefinch: if you propose it, i'll have a last look and then hopefully it can go in15:03
sinzuifwereade, jam: I can release 1.19.0 this week as it is, or we can push all non-essential bugs to 1.19.1 today. I think we already did push the non-essential bugs to 1.19.1 though15:04
natefinchrogpeppe: https://codereview.appspot.com/7250004315:06
fwereadesinzui, yeah, I don't think we can reasonably push that tomorrow15:06
fwereadesinzui, we will have to see what gets done overnight wrt those bugs15:06
sinzuifwereade, bug 1303583 is the only azure bug. The report I see defines azure availability sets as the definition  of 1.19.015:08
_mup_Bug #1303583: provider/azure: new test failure <gccgo> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303583>15:08
rogpeppehmm, i'm seeing this when i lbox propose: error: Failed to load data for branch lp:juju-core: Get https://api.launchpad.net/devel/branches?url=lp%3Ajuju-core&ws.op=getByUrl: dial tcp connection refused15:18
natefinchhmm... canonical twiddling with their SSL certs right now perhaps?15:19
natefinchFWIW, lbox worked ok for me 10 minutes ago15:19
natefinchhm... apt-get update is failing on amazon15:20
natefinch Unable to connect to us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com:http:15:21
natefinchUnable to connect to ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com:http:15:21
natefinchUnable to connect to security.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]15:21
natefinchwonder if canonical's servers are getting slammed from everyone in the world doing an apt-get update today15:21
rogpeppenatefinch: #is are dealing with it15:24
natefinchrogpeppe: could you try bootstrapping local with my branch?  My local environment is still hosed, so I can't test it.  I'll try to fix it, but I don't want to gate HA on my stupid environment.15:28
rogpeppenatefinch: will do15:28
natefinchrogpeppe: of course, if juju can't apt-get update, we can't test in the cloud either15:32
rogpeppenatefinch: true 'nuff15:32
natefinchupdate worked this time, let's see what happens with upgrade15:35
natefinchgah, it's not going to finish before I have to go.  Looks like it upgraded and installed everything just fine.  It's sitting at "Bootstrapping Juju machine agent", so it may or may not work (since that seems to be where we fall over a lot).15:40
rogpeppenatefinch: reviewed15:40
natefinchGotta go pick up my daughter from preschool ,back in like half hour or 45 minutes.15:40
rogpeppenatefinch: ok15:40
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rogpeppefwereade, dimitern, mgz: i'd appreciate a review of this, if possible - it fixes a live panic i saw (and cleans some test code up slightly): https://codereview.appspot.com/8545004415:47
mgzrogpeppe: that branch makes some sense to me15:56
mgzwould prefer if someone else looked at it too15:56
rogpeppemgz: thanks.15:56
dimiternrogpeppe, looking15:56
rogpeppedimitern: ta!15:56
dimiternrogpeppe, LGTM15:59
rogpeppedimitern: thanks15:59
stokachuso im seeing an issue with a local provider running kvm as machines and deploying charms within those machines to lxc containers. problem is you can not access the lxc containers outside of the parent machine http://paste.ubuntu.com/7222158/16:01
stokachushould there be some sort of tunneling setup to allow juju to be able to add-relations between those containers or be accessible outside of the machine hosting the containers?16:01
dimiternfwereade, mgz, vladk, if anyone of you is still here, I'd appreciate a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/85220044/16:52
natefinchrogpeppe: so, my bootstrap on amazon failed to open state.17:03
rogpeppenatefinch: oh. i thought you'd tried that.17:03
natefinchrogpeppe: that's what I was trying as I left, but it didn't finish before I had to go.17:04
rogpeppenatefinch: have you looked at the logs on the bootstrap machine?:17:04
natefinchrogpeppe: not yet, the bootstrap machine was destroyed when I got back.  I  guess I should have suspended the client it before I left17:05
rogpeppenatefinch: well, just checked - the local provider seems to work ok with your branch17:17
natefinchrogpeppe: thanks17:17
natefinchrogpeppe: hmm no mongo running on17:18
natefinchrogpeppe: on the bootstrap node in amazon17:19
rogpeppenatefinch: have you looked at /var/log/upstart ?17:19
rogpeppenatefinch: that's where mongod errors seem to go17:19
natefinchrogpeppe: yeah, I thought it should be in rsyslog.log, but that file is almost empty17:20
rogpeppenatefinch: so... do you see anything?17:21
natefinchrogpeppe: /var/log/upstart/rsyslog.log contains only a single log line: Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd17:21
rogpeppenatefinch: there should be a juju-db.log file, i think17:21
marcoceppiso, can someone jump on a hangout real quickly, 1.18 appears to break local charm deployments17:22
rogpeppemarcoceppi: i'm afraid i'm too close to EOD17:22
natefinchmarcoceppi: I can jump on17:22
marcoceppinatefinch: thanks, inviting17:22
marcoceppinatefinch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpje3khh45s9i32nccdngavk17:23
natefinchrogpeppe: there's no upstart juju-db.conf either... something is wonky17:23
rogpeppenatefinch: what does your cloud-init-output look like?17:23
natefinchrogpeppe: sorry, gotta work on this call17:26
rogpeppenatefinch: it all seems to work fine for me17:29
natefinchrogpeppe: weird, ok.17:30
=== bodie_ is now known as Guest92342
rogpeppenatefinch: i have to go now. perhaps we could pair tomorrow on trying to get the tests written for the spiked code i've got that actually puts it all together.17:33
natefinchrogpeppe: cool, yeah, that would be good.17:34
natefinchrogpeppe: I'll try to figure out what's wrong with my environment17:34
natefinchrogpeppe: if you've tested amazon and local, I'll make the tweaks you suggested and land HA, if you think that's ok?17:34
=== Guest92342 is now known as bodie_
wwitzel3natefinch: is your branch up to date, I have some spare time if you want me to kick the tires with it on maas as well17:35
rogpeppenatefinch: sgtm17:35
rogpeppewwitzel3: that would be great17:35
* rogpeppe leaves17:36
rogpeppeg'night all17:36
wwitzel3rogpeppe: see ya rogpeppe17:36
rogpeppewwitzel3: have a great pycon17:36
natefinchwwitzel3: that would be awesome.  Just a bootstrap and quick deploy would be great.  I have to figure out why my environment is borked17:36
wwitzel3rogpeppe: thanks :)17:37
wwitzel3natefinch: ok, I'll do that17:37
wwitzel3natefinch: I'm having some weird issues connecting to cloud-images17:50
natefinchwwitzel3: I know IS was having some problems with their servers.... likely due to heartbleed, one way or another17:50
wwitzel3natefinch: yeah, I will keep trying17:51
marcoceppinatefinch: fyi: http://askubuntu.com/a/445101/4117:52
natefinchmarcoceppi: so the only difference is specifying the series, it looks like?   Is this intended behavior or is it a bug?17:54
natefinch(obviously the error message is terrible even if it is intended)17:54
marcoceppinatefinch: it's still a bug, but not nearly as critical, see 130388017:54
marcoceppibug 130388017:55
marcoceppidear mup, where are you17:55
natefinchbug #130388017:55
_mup_Bug #1303880: Juju 1.18.0, can not deploy local charms without series <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303880>17:55
_mup_Bug #1303880: Juju 1.18.0, can not deploy local charms without series <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303880>17:55
natefinchheh just slow17:55
sinzuicmars, bug 1303880 relates to your recent changes to support charms with ambiguous series17:59
_mup_Bug #1303880: Juju 1.18.0, can not deploy local charms without series <charms> <regression> <series> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303880>17:59
* cmars looks18:00
sinzuicmars, I will talk with others to discuss how serious this issue is. I would like to classify the issue a a documentation problem18:01
cmarssinzui, got it. thanks. let me know the outcome18:01
sinzuior a UI problem. The people would have fixed the issue themselves if the UI said a series/os-version must be specified when deploying a local charm18:01
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natefinchsinzui: grossly incorrect error message is essentially a bug.  At least it should be easy to fix18:08
perrito666fwereade: hey, you most likely told me this before but, when checking networks against Machine doc, should I query for Addresses or MachineAddresses ? looks to me as if both should have the same content, but famous last words18:18
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
fwereadeperrito666, hey, you still around?19:12
perrito666fwereade: always, I have no life19:12
bacanyone having trouble using lbox today after launchpad got new keys?  i'm getting error: Get https://api.launchpad.net/devel/people/+me: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority19:17
bacsinzui: ^^ any thoughts?19:17
sinzuibacL I haven't used lbox since since last Friday19:18
bacsinzui: browsers can talk to https://launchpad just fine.  i'm not sure what lplib is doing19:19
bacoh, lbox probably rolled it's own access, it can't be using lplib19:19
sinzuibac, lbox was the first user of a go-based port of lplib19:20
bacsinzui: so a CA that python knows about that go doesn't?  /me grasps19:20
sinzuinatefinch, you landed something today? does lbox love you?19:21
natefinchsinzui: it did this morning, but things may have changed in the last 5-ish hours19:21
natefinchsinzui: let me see if I can run it now19:21
natefinchsinzui, bac: works for me, re-proposing an already proposed branch with new changes.  Don't have a new branch to propose to try that, if it's different.19:24
bacsinzui: i am trying to 'lbox submit'.  oddness.  also it looks like the certs aren't newly generated today.19:25
sinzuibac, did you get lbox from code?19:25
sinzuibac "go get launchpad.net/lbox"19:26
bacsinzui: no.  i'll try that19:27
natefinchsometimes I forget how awesome go get is, because I use it all the time, then I try to go build something else from source, and I'm like "oh yeah, this blows"19:27
marcoceppiis there a max filesize for charms?19:47
perrito666fwereade: you vanished19:48
fwereadeperrito666, hey, sorry, my internets went all funny for a bit19:48
perrito666fwereade: branches you too? :p19:48
fwereadeperrito666, did you get my stuff about the networks from 30 mins ago?19:49
perrito666fwereade: nope, after I answered, you timed out19:49
perrito666well, not you, your irc client19:49
fwereadeperrito666, ha, I never saw your answer19:50
perrito666<perrito666> fwereade: always, I have no life19:50
fwereadeperrito666, haha19:50
fwereadeperrito666, when you're around: there's a separate collection, called (IIRC) linkednetworks, that has requested machine and service networks, keyed on the respective entity's globalKey19:50
fwereade perrito666, that's where you get the unit's requested networks (from the service) and the networks the machine was itself requested to start with -- there will imminently be another collection of *actual* machine networks, but dimitern hasn't landed that yet19:50
fwereadeperrito666, if any of that is incomprehensible I can expand at arbitrary length on it all19:50
perrito666ok so, for the moment, as we spoke, I should only check that the requested nets of the unit and the requested nets of the machine are a match19:51
fwereadeperrito666, yeah -- and for the transaction, assert no changes in either document19:53
bachi marcoceppi, i'm trying to use lbox to submit the latest version of lp:~bac/charm-tools/cmd-line-server but it is not working for me due to launchpad certificate issues.  would you mind trying to land it?19:53
marcoceppibac: yeah, give me 30 mins19:54
perrito666fwereade: please expand that last one a bit19:54
bacmarcoceppi: no rush.  thanks.19:54
fwereadeperrito666, hangout?19:55
perrito666fwereade: sure, gimme a sec19:55
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
natefinchahh shit20:53
natefinchthumper, sinzui: are we supposed to be supporting go 1.1?  Rog added a line that requires 1.2 :/20:54
thumpernatefinch: yes, AFAIK, we are still 1.120:55
sinzuinatefinch, I think we are.20:55
* sinzui checks cloud archive20:55
sinzuinatefinch, thumper the PPAs that build depend on Go 1.1.220:59
thumperthought so20:59
natefinchyeah, me too, just hoped I was wrong20:59
thumperalso, what does gccgo support?20:59
natefinchno idea21:00
thumpernatefinch: what was the line ? I'm curious21:01
natefinchthumper: using sort.Stable to do a stable sort of instance addresses21:01
natefinchthumper: to pick the one that was the most like what we wanted (cloud local, non-hostname)21:02
natefinchI gotta run.  Unfortunately that means HA won't go in tonight.  But it should be easy to fix in the morning. That's the last blocker.21:03
mwhudsongccgo in trusty supports go 1.221:07
mwhudsonand we really don't care about <trusty for gccgo21:07
bacmarcoceppi: ignore my earlier request.  lbox finally decided to play nicely.21:27
marcoceppiBac ack21:27
bacin black21:28
waiganihi all21:56
waiganiwhen I run test on trunk I get a mgo.QueryError21:56
waigani"exception: cannot run map reduce without the js engine"21:57
mwhudsonjuju-mongodb does not support map reduce22:00
mwhudsonso that's interesting :)22:00
waiganiright, if I use mongodb-server, no problem22:01
thumperwaigani: is that in the store tests?22:03
waiganithumper: yep22:03
thumperyeah, we need to skip that test if using juju-mongodb22:04
thumperthe store code should be moving out of core AFAIK22:04
thumperthe store doesn't use juju-mongodb22:04
davecheneythumper: sinzui ubuntu@winton-02:/var/log/juju-ubuntu-local$ grep panic -c all-machines.log23:10
davecheney12 hours, no panic23:10
thumperalthough, we do suck...23:10
davecheney$ uname -a23:10
davecheneyLinux winton-02 3.13.0-8-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 17 08:22:39 UTC 2014 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linu23:11
thumperI'm trying to get the new debug-log client to error on an old server23:11
davecheney^ magic kernel, accept no substitutes23:11
thumperbut it just blocks23:11
thumperand there is no way as the api client to know the version of the server23:11
thumperand I can't add it to use it, because it needs to be there now23:11
thumperso I can look from the future23:11
thumpermaybe I should add a method23:12
thumperto ask for the remote version23:12
thumperand if that fails, no debug-log for you23:12
thumperit seems the websocket connection just hangs if the end point isn't there23:12
thumpercan't seem to get it to time out23:12
davecheneythumper: hmm23:23
davecheneythat shold be easy to fix23:23
davecheneyis thre any log on the other side if you hit an non existant endpoint ?23:23
davecheneyit probably doens't get further than the rootMethod23:23
thumperI'm adding a client call "Version"23:24
thumperthat returns version.Current23:24
thumperwe know that if you call a client end point that isn't there, then it doesn't work23:24
thumperas it is the rpc layer23:24
thumperbut the websocket gets stuck.23:24
thumperit is a bit shit, but necessary :-(23:24
waiganihi davecheney23:32
waiganiFirst pass at ssh test isolation: https://codereview.appspot.com/8571004323:32

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