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josemarcoceppi: if you give me a min I'll fix that byobu-classroom thing I messed up00:47
sarnoldmarcoceppi: s/server/service/  on line 51 https://github.com/juju/plugins/blob/master/juju-setall#L5100:49
marcoceppijose: all charms that you did that for need updating, I noticed pictor as well00:54
marcoceppijose: if it didn't originally have a config.yaml there's no need to add one00:54
joseyeah, I got that part now00:54
josebyobu-classroom has been fixed00:55
joseand, updating in what sense?00:55
marcoceppijose: as in00:57
marcoceppiif it didn't originally have a config.yaml there's no need to add one00:57
joseI didn't do that to all MPs, some of them are only a conversion from text to markdown00:58
josepictor is being fixed now00:59
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joseand pictor's been fixed01:02
josesorry for being a bit messy with my MPs01:03
josealso, the bip MP has been checked by arosales but needs the word of a charmer01:04
arosalesmarcoceppi: the bip one was the one odd one where proff failed on a 2 character config key01:12
arosalesjose: hello, btw01:13
josehey, arosales! how's it been?01:13
arosalesgoin well thanks, yourself?01:14
joseall good, all good!01:14
arosalesgood to hear, jose: looks like you have been busy with mps :-)01:14
joseyeah, did those a couple weeks ago and some of them are a bit messy, but fixes should be easy (in most cases)01:15
arosalesjose: good to see the contributions01:15
* arosales grabs some dinner, but will be back on line later tonight01:16
josefor juju devs: thank you for version 1.18, it's simply awesome. I love it!01:18
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josethanks, lazyPower :)01:38
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lazyPowerjose: ping02:08
joselazyPower: pong02:08
lazyPowerjose: the icon for pictor still doesnt meet guidelines. Can you rem it so i can ack this merge?02:08
josewill do now02:09
josein the meantime, may I ask why?02:09
lazyPowerit looks like a developer made it. We're looking for HQ icons that add diversity to the landscape of the charms, and have a tight attention to detail. I mean not to offend - only explain.02:10
josehmm, ok, then02:11
lazyPowerthe white pixel borders on the camera are what called it out for me.02:11
joseit's been pushed02:11
lazyPowerthanks jose02:11
joseI'll ask Dustin if he has the sources for the icon and fix it then, no white pixel borders!02:11
joselazyPower: if you're still around, it'd be awesome if you could do a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/owncloud/update-version/+merge/21464902:23
joseonly updated the version to 6.0.2, just did a sucessful deploy02:23
lazyPowerok. subsequently did you try a merge with the efforts in the ceph charm?02:24
lazyPowerthere's been work on that front and i was goign to try to maintain compat with his work02:24
tvansteenburghjose: thanks for the review on the Meteor charm02:24
joselazyPower: is ceph having the same problem as owncloud (not in the repos and needs updating from time to time)?02:25
josetvansteenburgh: no worries, always glad to give a hand where possible :)02:25
lazyPowerjose: well, its a ceph relationship that was added. I was curious if you attempted to deploy that with the ceph modifications02:26
lazyPowerthey will more than likely collide and require some massaging to work02:26
josehmm, nope, let me do that right now!02:26
joseinstance is still up :)02:26
lazyPowerdo you have experience in deploying ceph?02:26
lazyPowerit can be a bit tricky if you dont have spare block devices to work with02:26
lazyPoweryou need to assign a UID and a blockdevice to get it to deploy02:27
joseno experience, but I suppose the readme should be enough?02:27
* jose reads02:27
lazyPoweryeah :)02:27
lazyPowergive it a read and see how you fare02:27
lazyPowerit'll be good to get some fresh feedback on it02:27
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joselazyPower: ceph's deployed and started, am I supposed to add a relation between owncloud and ceph?02:36
lazyPowerif you have merged in zchander's changes02:36
lazyPowerthis is where it gets tricky, as its most likely goign to collide02:36
* jose checks02:38
josedo you have a link for that branch? I don't seem to find it anywhere and it's not fixed in trunk02:40
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lazyPowersure 1 sec02:44
lazyPowerjose: https://code.launchpad.net/~xander-h/charms/precise/owncloud/ceph-support02:44
lazyPowerjose: Pulling your branch now02:50
josecool, thanks02:50
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joselazyPower: found a bug on the ceph-support charm: once it's got status `started` port 80 is not open, which makes it unreachable02:55
josenot even after it's related with ceph02:56
lazyPowerjose: that was nacked in teh review02:56
joselet's manually open it and see what happens02:57
lazyPoweryou should be able to pull the ceph bits from it - but if its too big of a change, it shouldn't be a problem for zchander to backport the changes and operate. I was going off of a "if it takes 15 minutes or less, lets maintain compatibilitiy"02:57
lazyPowerjose: it also lacks the mysql migrations for the latest edition of owncloud for scale out usage.02:57
lazyPowerso, its got a fair share of potential issues02:57
lazyPowerbut as POC it shows merit :) re: my text above. and having it integrate with an openstack component ootb would be attractive to some I think.02:58
josehmm, yep02:59
joseafter the relation and manual opening the port, it *seems* it's running good02:59
lazyPoweradd a mysql relation03:00
* jose does03:00
joseto owncloud or ceph?03:00
josew0ot, I had never gotten to machine #7 on my environment03:01
joseI have now added the mysql relation to the owncloud charm and don't see any notable changes03:06
joseseems to run seamlessly03:06
joselazyPower: ^03:08
lazyPowernice, and the ceph relationship works?03:10
joselike, it's there, I don't know if there's anything special that should appear on owncloud?03:10
lazyPowerit should add a storage location03:10
lazyPoweradd a file, and use the ceph utility to validate it made it over to ceph's storage03:11
lazyPoweri forget the name of the ceph cli command, may need some google fu03:11
joselet me check, haven't used ceph before :)03:12
lazyPowerjose: eyyy simple updates, i like these reviews03:21
jose'now that U1 no longer exists as a file storage service, deploy your own cloud file storage service with juju and owncloud!'03:22
lazyPowerjose: jcastro filed that as a task last week :) Glad to know the community is on this as much as we are.03:23
josewell, we try :)03:24
jose(also, is there a task list?!)03:24
lazyPowerits internal03:24
joseoh, there we go03:24
joselazyPower: when I do `ceph osd -m $addr` I get a bunch of faults03:32
lazyPowerdid you add a block storage device + set a UUID?03:32
lazyPowerand can you paste the list of faults you get?03:33
joseyep, I did03:33
joselazyPower: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7219897/03:33
lazyPoweris it exposed?03:34
jose(even though port wasn't open, I manually opened it)03:35
lazyPowercan you humor me and try from the owncloud host using the internal address?03:35
josesure, second03:35
lazyPowers/the internal/ceph's internal/03:35
joselazyPower: same exafct series of faults03:37
josewell, not exactly the same03:37
lazyPowerjose: ok. Thanks for looking at it jose03:37
lazyPoweri'm investigating an intermittant install hook error i got from the merge proposal03:38
lazyPowerworks as expected in debug hooks03:38
joseis that from which MP?03:38
lazyPowerthe upgrade03:38
joselet me know if there's anything else I can give a hand with03:40
joseI'm going to do a quick review of the graphite charm now03:40
lazyPowerjose: so far so good. it was only once and i think it ws due ot network latency03:44
joseI have an instance with the upgraded charm running atm (ec2-54-208-209-6.compute-1.amazonaws.com if you wanna try, hasn't even been configured)03:45
lazyPowerjust got it deployed. adding storage and scale out options now03:45
lazyPowerthis makes run #4 - so no worries. I think i've got it down03:45
josecool :)03:46
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jcastrojose, seafile is supposed to be excellent too03:54
jcastrowrt u1 replacement03:54
jcastro~negronjl made a charm, it's in his namespace, I think all it needs is an update03:54
joseuuh, I'll take a peek at it in a while!03:55
joseyay, it's in Bash! I'll see what can I do to get it finalized before trusty03:59
lazyPowerjose: your changes are great. ack'ing them. one suggestion for an improvement04:00
lazyPowerowncloud deploys with a sqllite database, if you upload files and later attach it to mysql - it wipes the file content listing. It may be a worthy exercise to migrate the data to the mysql host04:00
lazyPowerso, going to ask that you document that in teh README so its covered as expected behavior pending a patch, and this is g2g04:00
lazyPowerah 1 sec, let me run an upgrade on a predeployed file structure, i almost missed that. but i think its going to be fine04:02
joselazyPower: so, how are users supposed to migrate the info from sqlite to mysql?04:12
joselet's say, I'm not a sql expert, I don't know a word of sql (apart from INSERT)04:13
joseoh and DROP04:13
lazyPowerjose: the idea is that the relationship hook would handle the translation. You would READ from the sqllite tables and transpose to mysql. I haven't looked at it in terms of effort04:13
lazyPowerbut the datastructure should be the same. and theory states you would backup the sqllite database in the event of a catastrophic unforseen data migration error04:13
lazyPowerso its 1:1 copy'ing data across (in theory)04:13
lazyPowerif you want, we can look at this closer later this week and see about making a migration script04:14
josesure, I was thinking on that too04:14
joseI'll just add that note in the meanwhile04:14
lazyPowergive it some cursory looking, examine the sqllite database, the mysql tables, and see difficult you think the migration will be04:14
lazyPoweri'll do the same, and we'll convene on this when you're ready04:14
joseI'm also going to take a look at the seafile charm and see if I can do something to it, may be good to have yet another option inside the charm store04:16
lazyPowerIndeed :)04:16
joselazyPower: fix pushed!04:22
lazyPowerjose: thanks for the quick turn around04:22
lazyPowerit fails upgrade04:24
lazyPowerunit-owncloud-0: 2014-04-08 04:23:46 INFO upgrade-charm find: missing argument to `-exec'04:24
lazyPowerif you deploy the existing charm revision, and merge in your branch and run an upgrade04:25
lazyPowerit fails on upgrading the charm04:25
josehmm, I didn't write that upgrade-charm hook04:25
joselet's take a look at it04:25
lazyPoweri'm aware04:25
lazyPowerbut we need to triage it for existing users :(04:25
joseis there a way I can upgrade the charm from a charm store revision to a local revision?04:27
josethat way I could try and debug what's happening04:27
lazyPowercharm get owncloud && deploy as local04:27
joseoooh right04:27
lazyPowerjose: the fix is terminating it with an escaped semicolon04:32
lazyPowerfind /var/www -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -name data  -exec mv {} /var/tmp/ \;04:32
lazyPoweri'm not sure how this ever worked...04:32
lazyPoweryeah, update the hook once you've got it confirmed as failing during upgrade and test the fix04:33
lazyPowerit should clean it up and make it g2g04:33
josewill do, bootstrapping the env04:33
lazyPowerjose: ah well it makes it further, it also hangs on the data directory being moved in 6.004:35
josethen, escaped semicolon again?04:35
lazyPowerwell the 2 lines of find need a semicolon, thats been patched04:36
lazyPowerbut it runs install, which deplys a different file structure04:36
lazyPowerthey moved the data directory for multi-user install isolation instead of having a "pool" of files on the server04:36
lazyPoweractually no, i take that back, its just flat out missing the data directory which is whats causing this04:37
josewhich means files need to be moved where the data is now04:38
lazyPoweryeah, this hook has some idempotency issues04:38
lazyPowerif you rerun it after the upgrade, you're going to wipe up any uploaded data04:39
lazyPowerwhich is a big nono04:39
lazyPowera better option would be to create a sentinel file that if present, dont backup the data, and when it successfully moves it back into owncloud, it removes the file so the next upgrade can do what its supposed to do04:40
lazyPowerlet me spec this and i'll show you some code04:40
lazyPowerjose: also, the config file format has changed.04:42
* jose checks04:43
josewhat's the difference?04:43
lazyPower1 sec i'll pastebin it04:43
lazyPowerstrange, pastebinit hates this04:45
lazyPowerlet me see if it accepts it as is - i haven't actually finished the migration to verify it wants all these extra config options04:46
josesure, I have no hurry04:46
josealso, if you're tired and want to finish this tomorrow I'm good with it, I have no classes :D04:47
lazyPowernah i want to get this wrapped up04:49
lazyPowerits a pretty simple fix04:50
lazyPowermy cats keep distracting me04:50
lazyPowerthey are telling me its time for bed04:50
joseI have no cats, but have a 6lb bag of gummy bears04:50
lazyPowerthats a lot of gummy bears04:52
lazyPowernow its idempotent *and* works04:53
joseok, and where is $CHARM_DIR defined?04:54
lazyPowerthats a juju environment export04:55
joseoh, got it04:56
josechecking right now04:57
lazyPower Cannot redeclare class OC_Config in /var/www/owncloud/lib/config.php on line 4104:57
lazyPowerwell, its nearly a win04:57
joseis that because of the old configs?04:58
lazyPowerthere... is no line 4104:58
lazyPoweri wonder if its picking upt eh sample config04:58
josehuh, maybe04:59
joseI can't do much right now, bootstrapping, once it's done I'm going to check05:00
lazyPoweri think there are extra files left over from the upgrade05:00
josemaybe the -u flag can give some clues?05:01
jose(set -u)05:01
lazyPowerso, maybe what needs to happen is once the upgrade hook copies out the data, and configuration, it should completely wipe the owncloud application files... but this is bad news for usrs of plugins05:01
lazyPowerthats only going to warn you of unset variables in bash hooks05:01
lazyPowerthis is coming from the apache logs05:01
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lazyPowerthe only simple fix i see here jose, is to target trusty and revisit this later05:04
joseI think we can do that05:04
lazyPowerunless you want to cycle on the upgrade hook and see if you cant track down what needs to happen05:04
joseI'll take a look later on and see what's happening05:05
lazyPowerbut you have a few things to consider, 1) data integrity of the entire owncloud installation. that includes plugins that users may have installed.05:05
lazyPowerand 2) data migrations for any upgrades that need to happen. eg: if a plugin format has changed from 4.x to 6.x - mayb eadd some owncloud apps once you get the base system working, then re-run the upgrade after you've added owncloud apps05:05
lazyPoweri'm going add a note to the MP that its great on fresh installs, but needs work on upgrades05:06
josethank you for staying up to review this05:07
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joselazyPower: thanks for the review and your work on this, have a good night!05:16
* jose checks seafile05:16
lazyPowerNo problem :)05:16
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frankbanrbasak: morning. just released quickstart 1.3.1: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/juju-quickstart/1.3.1 . It only includes bug fixes, and a packaging module that can be used to switch juju packages source: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-quickstart/trunk/view/head:/quickstart/packaging.py10:50
rbasakfrankban: great, thanks. I think this is fine to upload. I'll look at it today.10:52
frankbanrbasak: thank you!10:52
evdid juju at some point stop reusing machines with no services deployed to them? I just stuck destroy-service in a loop and then ran another deploy. To my surprise it just created new cloud instances rather than picking up the unused ones it already had in its brain.11:05
marcoceppiev: yes, since the golang rewrite11:09
evmarcoceppi: :(11:09
marcoceppiev: I know :(11:09
evmarcoceppi: if I deploy into containers on the machine, will that work around the problem?11:09
evI'm trying for really fast deployments11:09
evso my hope was that I could just destroy-service to a clean slate11:09
evand didn't have to provision the machines all over again11:09
marcoceppiev: yeah, you can actually run juju add-machine with no parameters to provision clean machines to be used during deploy11:10
evthough I suppose that doubles the time of the first deployment, since it needs to create and upgrade the container11:10
marcoceppiev: but there's no "clean up" when you destroy service11:10
marcoceppiwhich is why they're not reused, and in the future the machines may auto termiante when no remaining services are on them11:10
bloodearnestword of warning - the new lxc cloning and squid-deb-proxy-client support in lxc do *not* work well together12:13
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tvansteenburghfor a boolean type in a charm's config.yaml, will `config-get` always print 'true' or 'false'?13:16
tvansteenburghor is it 0/1?13:17
tvansteenburghcan't find this in the docs13:17
mthaddontvansteenburgh: looks to be "true" or "false" to me (from looking at a live env)13:18
lazyPoweryep. its true/false13:23
jcastrolazyPower, hey, I just saw on the calendar, we have an OSX Workflow charm school this Friday13:27
lazyPowerright on13:27
lazyPoweri guess i should charge my air13:27
jcastrohey you wanna announce it on the list? a reminder?13:27
jcastroyou just need to copy my template from my last one13:27
lazyPowersure. after i'm out of this meeting you got it my an13:28
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noodles775bcsaller: Hi! Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charm-helpers/fresh-ansible-relations/+merge/214203 when you have time?13:50
noodles775bcsaller / jcastro : Also, what's the policy for merging changes to charm-helpers? bloodearnest and I have been waiting for reviews/landings for a while, and I notice that (according to LP) I can also merge to lp:charm-helpers. Are you ok with me merging approved branches?13:52
jcastromarcoceppi, ^^^13:53
marcoceppinoodles775: they should show up in the revq13:53
joselazyPower: the calendar link you emailed is canonical-only I think13:53
jcastrolazyPower, want me to make you a public one?13:55
josewe've got the on-air link13:55
josehttps://www.google.com/calendar/render?eid=MDJiMzY0MDc2YmM1bGxtMzg0MGE2a2dzb3MgZG5vM2lwMG1zZzU1MmRlaTNlM3I3bThqbDBAZw&ctz=Etc/GMT&sf=true&output=xml should do good13:55
lazyPowerit doesn't let me view it in private browsing13:56
lazyPowerjcastro: that would be excellent13:56
mgzheh, that calendar link hilited me13:56
noodles775marcoceppi: So maybe I did the wrong thing by marking this one as approved? https://code.launchpad.net/~bloodearnest/charm-helpers/add-ips-address-to-template-context/+merge/20145513:56
noodles775marcoceppi: but my question is more, can I merge that into lp:charm-helpers (ie. do you mind if i do so, or do you want to revert my privs there - I've not tried, but just going from LP)13:57
jcastronoodles775, any help with the charm queue would be appreciated! *cough*13:59
noodles775jcastro: great, bloodearnest and I are already reviewing each others charm-helper branches, but it'll be easier if we can land them too :-)14:01
jcastrothat would get a +1 from me14:01
jcastrothat's what we do for webops/IS.14:01
jcastromarcoceppi, how do you guys feel about letting them review each other's branches?14:01
marcoceppijcastro: that's fine, but this is why I hate having an "inactive charmers" in the charmers team14:02
marcoceppiwe should have a charm-helpers team, with charmers in it14:02
marcoceppinot the other way around14:02
jcastroso let's do that?14:03
marcoceppiotherwise stuff falls out the queue and everyone has to be a charmer to do anything14:03
marcoceppijcastro: sure, that fixes this one case, but it doesn't resolve the other projects or resolve why we have to have inactive charmers14:03
marcoceppiit's a bigger issue14:03
marcoceppinoodles775: yes, you can merge stuff that others have approved for charm-helpers14:03
jcastro..... ok let's punt that one to the sprint then14:03
jcastrothen we'll just fix it14:03
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mbruzekCongratulations jose your roundcube work was my first merge to the charm store!14:30
mbruzekThanks for the work on that charm, it should be available in the store!14:31
* lazyPower claps14:31
lazyPowerawesome mbruzek! How's it feel to merge into the store?14:31
mbruzekI don't want to mess it up and face the wrath of the other charmers!14:31
* lazyPower readies the blackjack14:32
josecongratulations to you, mbruzek, for becoming a charmer! :D14:33
mbruzekThank you jose14:33
rbasakfrankban: "Support MachineInfo addresses" is the fix for bug 1301464, right?14:50
_mup_Bug #1301464: The mega-watcher for machines does not include containers addresses <addressability> <api> <juju-gui> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301464>14:50
frankbanrbasak: yes14:53
rbasakOK, thanks. Testing a candidate package now.14:53
frankbanrbasak: and "Support the --ppa flag for distro packaging." is the other commit, which introduces the packaging module that can be changed to switch the distro package to not use the ppa14:54
frankbanrbasak: cool thanks14:54
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AskUbuntuCannot deploy local charms after Juju upgrade | http://askubuntu.com/q/44502515:07
josejcastro: hey! is lp:juju-core/docs the right branch to MP to get a fix in juju.ubuntu.com/docs?15:21
josecool, thanks15:21
jcastroinstructiosn in the readme there.15:23
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rbasakfrankban: in testing, I'm stuck at "retrieving the Juju API address". Could this be related to the bug 1301464 fix?16:36
_mup_Bug #1301464: The mega-watcher for machines does not include containers addresses <addressability> <api> <juju-gui> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301464>16:36
rbasakfrankban: I think I'll upload my candidate package to my PPA first. Would you be able to test that to see if it's any good, please?16:37
frankbanrbasak: sure16:37
frankbanrbasak: I don't think that's related. IIRC that's just a call to "juju api-endpoints"16:38
rbasakfrankban: OK. I think I've just found the reason. Out of space in / on my host test machine :-/16:38
rbasakI'll upload to my PPA anyway - I'm running out of time before my EOD today.16:39
frankbanrbasak: running with --debug can help in general16:39
frankbanyeah, same here, EOD in 2016:39
rbasakfrankban: uploaded to ppa:racb/experimental. I'll test again first thing tomorrow if you don't beat me to it. If it's good, the PPA package is good to upload to the archive with just a version bump.16:43
rbasakSorry it took so long. Because it usually takes a while I just let it get on with it, and didn't see any errors about disk space on my KVM host :-/16:44
frankbanrbasak: perfect, thank you16:44
frankbanrbasak: I'll try to use the package with local and ec2 tomorrow morning16:45
rbasakfrankban: great, thanks. Looks like it built successfully.16:55
frankbanrbasak: cool, I see it being published16:58
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tvansteenburghanyone have a good pattern for making sure that a chunk of hook code only runs on one unit of a service?17:02
tvansteenburghfor example, say i have 2 sugarcrm units deployed behind haproxy. i `juju set` some config values that cause the db that sugarcrm is using to be updated. i only want to run that db update from one unit, not both.17:03
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: use peer relations to do a leader election17:06
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: thanks, i'll look into that17:06
* tvansteenburgh goes to read up17:06
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: something like "okay, this is my unit number, is it less than the unit I'm connecting to? no? them I'm the leader"17:06
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: you'll have to do a bit of round robin until everyone is settled17:07
marcoceppiI've been planning on writing it in to charm-helpers for a while, just no time17:07
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: roger. i'd be interested in contributing that, once i grok how it should work17:08
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MakyoQuestion from Twitter: how is security handled?  Is that on the cloud provider?17:30
marcoceppijcastro mbruzek tvansteenburgh et al, FYI, bug in 1.18.0 and here is the workaround: http://askubuntu.com/a/445101/4117:53
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lazyPowerMakyo: are you talking firewall level security?19:31
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MakyolazyPower, sorry, was out.  I think this is wrt the OpenSSL bug today.  How does one manage machine level security.21:13
Jeffrey_I am trying to deploy a local charm. I have the charm in ~/charms/percise/<charm name>. Neither "juju deploy --repository=./charms rethinkdb" nor "juju deploy --repository=./charms local:rethinkdb" worked, both showing errors. I know I am probably missing something very stupid.21:17
Jeffrey_I've also check the charm structure with charm proof.21:17
MakyoJeffrey_, I believe it's looking for a repo that contains a charms dir, which contains series dirs.  Thus, `juju deploy --repository=~ local:precise/rethinkdb21:22
MakyoI'm checking now, though, so I can verify in a sec.21:22
Jeffrey_Makyo: That was it... Thanks knew it was stupid.21:24
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
lemao_ola! Does juju provide a simple library for idempotent tasks using bash? E.g. add a user if not already there etc? I can use ansible, salt, etc but was wondering if there is a lightweight alternative that only focuses on idempotent commands23:09
lazyPowerlemao_: if they exist i am not aware of th em.23:12
sarnoldsounds like a useful thing to have :)23:13
lazyPowerI've taken to using a few conventions in my own scripts when doing particularly destructive commands, if its just template population and somesuch, I'll let it fly regardless as its a fairly inexpensive operation. But as sarnold has said, that does sound like a fairly nice utility to have in the toolbox.23:13
lazyPowerthere were a set of convenience methods - charm-helpers, but they moved to python, and there will be a compatibility layer added at some point that allows other languages to leverage those conveniences added. Some of which would aid in idempotency through a cache layer, like checking config values against an key/value pairing23:14
lazyPowerbut thats in the future, so today, as far as I know, one does not exist.23:15
lemao_lazyPower sarnold: yes, I find myself wanting to perform some simple tasks in a robust, idempotent way and bringing in something like chef, salt, ansible seems like over complicating things23:15
lazyPowerlemao_: If you start the library, and its of good quality, i would be more than happy to promote its use as users ask about it23:18
lemao_lazyPower: let's see how it goes. I don't want to get side tracked into a tangent.23:29
lazyPowerlemao_: ack23:33
lazyPowerjust throwing that out there23:33
lemao_lazyPower: sure! At this point it is more of a validation that this is a good idea.23:34
lemao_lazyPower: assuming something like this exists and grows over time, what is the best practice in terms of sharing it across charms? Package it into a .deb package?23:36
lazyPowerevaluate how charm-helpers works. I would do something similar that has a shared repository model that embeds the current revision of the helpers in the charm itself23:37
lazyPowerbut allows for easy upgrades with a configuration yaml23:37
lazyPowermaybe, write a python driver to propigate the changes so you're not reimplementing a ton of stuff thats solved for you already.23:37

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