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Salam_M_AhmedHello Guys02:41
Salam_M_AhmedHello guys02:55
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jackyAnyone using that new Dropbox plugin for Dolphin?04:59
jackyit's right up with the Git and SVN plugins05:00
valoriejacky: how did you get that?05:04
valoriefrom within Dolphin?05:04
jackyI'm using Trusty right now05:08
jackyIt's one of the those service plugins05:08
jackyI'm asking because the moment I pop it open, I get a race condition.05:09
jackyI'd try to report it, but my local apport cache is filled :/05:09
valorieI don't see how one gets plugins05:11
* jacky goes to make a screenshot05:13
jackycheck it out05:13
jackythe services can be added as scripts05:14
jackybut that Dropbox one is a native one from what I gather05:14
valorieI got a crash as well05:15
jackyit's going to keep crashing05:16
jackyyou'd have to go into ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc and remove 'Dropbox' from the VersionControl group05:16
jackythat'd be at the bottom of the file05:16
jackyI don't know if I should report this as a bug though05:17
valoriethis will file a KDE bug though05:18
valorieall I did was check the Dropbox box, and restart Dolphin05:18
valorieimmediate crash05:18
valoriewow, logging into bko is slow.....05:18
valoriejacky: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33318505:26
ubottuKDE bug 333185 in general "After turning on the Dropbox plugin, and restarting Dolphin - immediate crash" [Crash,Unconfirmed]05:26
valorieyou might add your input05:27
jackyI'll do so05:27
valoriedanke; thanks for raising the issue05:28
valorieonce I change VersionControl to null, dolphin starts again05:31
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sibelibreoffice-kde bug on 14.04 lts !08:33
valoriesibe, known and being actively discussed08:33
valoriebut `ubuntu-bug libreoffice-kde` will probably get you some matches to comment upon08:34
sibeWhat is the bug will be fixed by next week ? (sorry i don't no speak english very good because i'm french).08:36
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sibeSpeak french ?08:48
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:49
sibekde5 will he included you in Kubuntu 14.10 ?08:50
OerHeksno, 14.04 will have KDE Applications and Platform 4.1308:52
lordievadersibe: No, 4.13 will be in Trusty.08:52
sibeKubuntu 14.10 not 14.04 !!08:52
lordievaderAh, not sure if there are plans for 14.10 yet about kde. Try #kubuntu-devel.08:53
sibeWhy Kubuntu is not personalized (unlike OpenSuSe, Mageia ...) ?08:58
OerHekssibe what do you mean with personalized?09:01
sibeFor example Xubuntu, they effect efforts to screen new background and a change theme lightdm with opensuse it also changes the theme but their sauce in kubuntu, you simply use the background default screen and the theme of the default KDE session. There is no customization effort. You take Ubuntu, you add KDE and that's all.09:04
lordievadersibe: Kubuntu tries to have a vanilla KDE experience.09:04
sibesorry lordievader, i don't understand "vanilla kde experience", for me, vanilla its a ice.09:06
lordievadersibe: This one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_software09:06
OerHekssibe you can peronalize your kubuntu as you like, if kubuntu does that for you, how would dat be personal?09:07
sibeok in this case it is a mistake this strategy, which is why Kubuntu is not the Number one Linux distribution using KDE.09:07
sibe In the future will require more effort Kubuntu level customization for 14.04 it's too late but I hope you will think for 14.1009:08
sibeand Libreoffice-kde bug on Kubuntu 14.04 LTS, fixe bug please !09:10
lordievaderActually I quite like the vanilla part.09:35
alketis there a kubuntu daily ?09:58
lordievaderalket: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/09:59
alketlordievader: thanks09:59
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BluesKajHiyas all12:04
darius93Question, why on kubuntu when I select the amd proprietary gpu drivers that upon restarting and logging in that the gpu drivers crash and fallback to opensource (or no drivers?) until I enable compositing via commandline and reload using kwin --replace? This been happening ever since mid 13.1012:38
MaxlelTELL ME PL0X12:41
lordievaderMaxlel: First of all, calm down and stop shouting.12:41
Maxlelnothing is working!!!!1112:42
Maxlelwhat do?12:42
yossarianukMaxlel: what do you actually mean?12:42
Maxlelwubi is not working12:42
lordievaderMaxlel: Secondly with a tool like unetbootin [1] you can make a live-usb, then boot from this live-usb and install Kubuntu. [1] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/12:42
lordievaderMaxlel: You don't want to use Wubi.12:43
yossarianukwubi is crap12:43
yossarianukand not supported.12:43
yossarianukon newer versions12:43
yossarianuk(speed was far far slower than a real install)12:43
MaxlelLiveLinux USB creator okay?12:43
BluesKajwubi isn't supported anylonger afaik12:43
yossarianukreally unless you need it today your perhaps better off waiting a week and installing 14.04 btw......12:45
yossarianuk(you can always upgrade)12:45
MaxlelI'm new to linux....12:45
Maxlellinux sucks in terms of user-friendliness12:46
Maxleleverything's so nerdy and geeky12:46
lordievaderThat's not quite true.12:46
Maxlelwhat's this persistence shit12:47
MaxlelI am allocating 2040mb of persistence is it okay?12:47
BluesKajMaxlel, do you have a support question, your opinion isn't  warranted or needed here , since you're to linux it reall doesn't matter12:47
Maxlelokay support question ^12:47
yossarianukMaxlel: you don;t need a persisance file just to install bw.12:48
Maxlelwhat's it needed for? Ty btw, you're the only person here making direct sense w/o some tyrant crap12:49
yossarianukMaxlel: it means you can save files, etc to the USB live disk12:50
yossarianuknot needed for an install12:50
yossarianukusefull if you plan to use the USB live cd to work on.12:50
yossarianuknot if your just installing.12:50
Maxlelhmm okay got it, the live USB is done12:51
Maxlelwhat now?12:51
yossarianuk(something you cannot do on other systems - like Windows)12:51
yossarianukyou need to boot off usb and install12:51
Maxlelyou mean that change in bios thing and all12:52
darius93Maxlel yes12:52
darius93normally most new systems allow you to boot from another source (eg cd, usb, hdd, etc) without changing anything in the bius12:52
yossarianukmost modern bios have a boot option - i.e press esc when booting to choose boot medium.12:52
Maxlelhmm okay anything to know before I log off and boot?12:53
darius93Everything is straight forward honestly12:53
darius93make sure to check the additional drivers/driver manager for any drivers12:54
yossarianukif you have UEFI - the 13.10 iso is unbootable (without manual tweaking) unless you have a network connection during install and install updates12:54
BluesKajMaxlel, suggest you do some research about partitoning if you intend to keep windows12:54
yossarianuk(they should have remade the .iso...)12:54
yossarianuk14.04 the issue isn't there.12:55
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:55
darius93Or have a spare hard drive to use linux on12:55
BluesKajheh, my spare has windows12:56
MaxlelI have desktop and a laptop12:56
Maxlelplanning to get linux on both12:56
Maxlelbut have windows 7 ultimate on both12:56
Maxlelwindows is good, but it fucked my life once due to security threats12:57
darius93lol windows isnt that good honestly12:57
darius93but i have to admit, windows 8 was a big pain while 8.1 was kinda easier to use12:57
yossarianuki've always thought Windows was terrible.12:57
Maxlelmy laptop is UEFI dunno why in the hell these manufacturers made that shit12:58
yossarianukI grew up using Amigas - in 1991 it could do things that Windows PC's still couldn;t do in 2001.12:58
darius93linux distos are wonderful to use. Those who are still using winxp should upgrade to 14.04 honestly12:58
yossarianukLinux was closer to the Amiga ....12:58
BluesKajMaxlel, pls no need for that kind of language here12:58
Maxlelsry it's kinda habit12:58
yossarianukMaxlel: if you have UEFI just make sure you have a network connection - or just wait a week and install 14.0412:59
yossarianuk( i mean a network connection during install)12:59
Maxlelso Kubuntu gonna upgrade in a week to 14.04?12:59
BluesKajinstall 14.04 now, it's already quite stable13:00
Maxlelactually I'm not sure what linux distro to use Oo I read on internet that Kubuntu is a good choice for people coming over from windows13:00
Maxlelyou guys got any advices?13:01
BluesKajMaxlel, yes the KDE desktop looks familiar to windows users13:01
yossarianukWindows 7/Vista stole various aspects of its desktop from KDE 4.x.....13:02
Maxlelnice, so if I install 13.10 now, how much time do you reckon it'll take for an upgrade?13:02
darius93yossarianuk, thats microsoft for you ;P13:03
yossarianuki.e the menu (which was first used in Opensuse's version..)13:03
yossarianukWindows 8.x is a unity/gnome clone imo...13:03
Maxlelon an average I mean, what's the time needed for an upgrade?13:03
darius93Maxlel, you can always upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 but its best to use kubuntu 14.04 since it is stable13:03
yossarianukdepends on your connection speed13:03
MaxlelI get 500 kbps avg13:04
Maxlel400-500 kbps13:04
darius93and it also depends on what all you have installed13:04
yossarianukcould be  awhile then - maybe 30 - 75 mins13:04
darius93once everything is installed run apt-get update;apt-get upgrade;apt-get dist-upgrade then upgrade to 14.04 from 13.1013:04
yossarianuk(also depends on speed of you disks, etc)13:04
yossarianukapt-get update;apt-get upgrade;apt-get dist-upgrade  - that will not upgrade the version.13:05
yossarianukdo-release-upgrade will upgrade13:05
yossarianukpersonally i would just wait13:05
darius93yossarianuk, im referring to the software not the OS upgrade13:05
Maxlelhmm....a week....13:05
yossarianukah ok !13:05
yossarianukthe initial release of 14.04 may have a few more bugs in also... they are using kde 4.13 (only released in next few days.)13:06
darius93Maxlel, its completely your choice. You can wait a week for the official release, or use 14.04 beta, or ue 13.10 until the official release13:06
yossarianukbut kde 4.13 will be better in long run.13:06
darius93at least they get updates out faster than windows >.<13:07
BluesKajtoo much info, just let him decide13:08
Maxlelneed linux urgently to run a sniffer lel13:08
darius93a sniffer?13:08
darius93hi Striezl13:08
BluesKajMaxlel, get it out of your head that linux is for black hat hackers13:09
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Maxlelit's all for academical purposes Blues13:10
Maxlelif you know what I mean xD13:10
darius93Maxlel, thats what they all say >.<13:10
Striezlhere kubuntu is calling for help13:10
Striezli want to help but how?13:10
Maxlelsend them $$$$$$$$$$$$$44413:10
PiciStriezl: There are a bunch of ways listed there Support/Development/Design/etc is there one of those that you have questions about?13:11
BluesKajgood riddance as far as I'm concerned ...users like him we don't need13:16
yossarianukBluesKaj: almost like he was just a troll...13:19
darius93how stable is Muon Discover in 14.04? in 13.10 it would randomly crash here and there13:20
BluesKajyossarianuk,  he is , asking about sniffers, that trolling IMO.13:22
BluesKajdarius93, still a bit unstable here too, so i just use muon by itself for package reference13:23
yossarianukis kubuntu 14.04 due out the same day as ubuntu (it norammly is...)13:24
darius93afaik yes13:24
Maxlelguys it's me13:32
Maxlelneed help13:32
MaxlelI am trying to install kubuntu on my system13:32
Maxlelin 4th step of Disk setup, it's doing something13:32
MaxlelI want to dual boot13:33
Maxlelbut it's taking up entire disk13:33
lordievaderMaxlel: Then select the dualboot option. (side by side, or however it is called these days).13:33
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:33
Maxlelthta's totally incomprehensible matter >.>13:35
Maxlelso my situation is this - I have 1TB drive divided it into 4 partitions C,D,E,F13:36
Maxlelall my partitions have data!!!13:36
Maxlelwhat to do!?13:36
Maxlelpls help....13:37
lordievaderMaxlel: Resize that's the way it's called these days: http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Installation#Disk_Setup13:38
MaxlelI do not have that option!!13:39
Maxlelthat screenshot is from 14.1013:39
MaxlelI'm using 13.1013:40
lordievaderIt's from 14.04, but it should be the same in 13.10.13:40
MaxlelI have only 4 options13:40
Maxlel3 guided and 1 manual13:40
Maxlelthat Guided Resize radio button is not there here13:41
Maxlelcool....ubi-partman crashed13:42
Maxleland Linux was supposed to be hang and crash free >.>13:42
lordievaderPerhaps none of the partitions can resizes sufficiently.13:42
lordievaderNo one said that.13:42
lordievaderEverything can crash.13:43
lordievaderAnd most will crash at some point.13:43
lordievaderMaxlel: Anyhow I suppose that ubiquity cannot make a sane choice for the resize.13:44
Maxlelso...that's it for me? Gameover?13:44
lordievaderMaxlel: No there is allways the manual option. But in any case be sure to have a backup.13:45
Maxlelman this is so slow, could it be because of USB running?13:46
lordievaderMaxlel: Very probable, live-sessions from a usb are typically slow.13:47
Maxlelso went to the manual thing13:48
Maxlelhow to know what device is what partition? O.o13:49
Maxlelwhat's this boot loader?13:50
lordievaderMaxlel: You can simply mount the partitions to determine wich is wich.13:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:51
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rcw2do you all use google hangouts for video conferencing16:12
OerHeksrcw2, that would a question for #kubuntu-offtopic16:13
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yossarianukgoogle hangouts doesn;t work correctly in KDE16:44
yossarianukwhen you re-focus a chat it doesn't work16:44
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JunkAnyone currently using 14.04 notice that the new driver manager comes up in the systray on every startup, causing a notifcation also, even after all the propietary drivers are enabled? It's kind of annoying me, and am wondering if there might be a fix.18:08
JunkThis is on a upgrade, not a clean install. But I don't see why that would make a difference in this case.18:09
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Maxlelhow to select a Root definition?19:26
Maxlelfrom partition table during installation?19:27
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loverdriveHi. I need to install Kubuntu today. Since kubuntu 14.04 is being releasing, in a few day, is stupid install kubuntu 41.04 now?  I think now it should be quite stable...20:18
lordievaderloverdrive: It should be (and is) but it is never recommended to go with a development edition. And Trusty still is devel edition, so the recommendation is Saucy.20:21
loverdrivelordievader, thank you. is no worse perform an update (rather than a clean install) in a week?20:23
lordievaderloverdrive: An upgrade from Saucy to Trusty should be no problem. But, as always, be sure to have a backup ;)20:25
loverdrivelordievader, ok, thank you!20:26
lordievaderloverdrive: Have fun Kubuntu'ing :)20:27
Leoneofis there kubuntu dev edition like Debian Testing?20:42
wxli'm sure this gets asked a million times but is trusty going to be an LTS for kubuntu like it will be for ubuntu, etc?20:45
paolinuxciao  a tutti20:46
PaulW2Uwxl: yes20:47
wxlPaulW2U: wonderful. thanks for the hard work. :)20:47
paolinuxHi to all20:48
paolinuxthere is anyone that know if usb webcam  PCVC740K ToUcam Pro works correctly with kubuntu 13.10 (kernel 3.11.0-19)?20:50
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CenbeJust pulled Trusty updates on my laptop and now I get "Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus?" after logging in to lightdm. Any ideas?22:02
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tsimpsonCenbe: installing qdbus-qt5 should work, or removing qt5-default22:17
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Cenbetsimpson: Installed qdbus-qt5, no change. qg5-default was already installed.22:32
tsimpsonCenbe: removing qt5-default, not installing22:38
tsimpsonthough installing qdbus-qt5 should have fixed it afaik22:38
CenbeSorry, mean to say it was already *not* installed.22:39
tsimpsonweird, it should work so long as you have 'qdbus' installed, or 'qdbus-qt5' if you have 'qt5-default' installed22:46

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