
=== fginther|away is now known as fginther
robruSaviq, I got silo 2 for your split-greeter landing.01:18
robruSaviq, even hit build for you too: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-002-1-build/29/console01:18
rsalvetirobru: mind getting me a silo for 58?01:37
rsalvetirobru: need it via a silo as I want to build for all archs01:37
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 281 building (started: 20140408 02:05) ===02:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 281 DONE (finished: 20140408 03:25) ===03:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/281.changes ===03:24
Mirvrsalveti: assigning, might be late..04:15
rsalvetiMirv: still fine04:15
Mirvrsalveti: landing-004 after it refreshes04:16
rsalvetiMirv: great, thanks!04:16
robrursalveti, sorry I was out at a movie. looks like Mirv got ya... next time!05:18
Mirvrobru: I don't think there's anything wrong in spending an evening at a movie! :D05:29
Mirvmorning didrocks06:21
didrockshey Mirv06:22
didrocksMirv: unity-webapps-qml seems to be stuck in proposed (robru seems to have used the override) for hours, mind looking why?06:26
* Mirv looks06:30
Mirvwhy overriding :(06:31
Mirvhmm, why on earth does unity-webapps-qml build against qtwebkit and runtime depend on both qtwebkit and oxide..06:34
MirvI think I may need osomon online to check some facts before contacting release team06:36
didrocksMirv: right "why" :/06:37
didrocksMirv: fowarding you the context06:37
Mirvthanks for the email06:40
circ-user-kvQZyimgbot, status 281 manta06:40
imgbotImage 281 test results on manta - Total: 655, Pass: 622, Crashes: 3, Rate: 93.5%06:41
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: are we in TRAINCON0 already? ;)06:43
Mirvsil2100: I guess we've sort of TRAINCON status override or such...06:44
Mirvsil2100: FYI I'm looking at the unity-webapps-qml migration problems, but now waiting for osomon to arrive online to ask some questions about the qtwebkit/oxide divide06:45
Mirvu-w-q has very "funny" b-d/deps06:46
didrockssil2100: not yet, it's under discussion :p06:48
didrocksMirv: ^06:48
didrocksso right now, we continue pushing changes06:48
didrocksMirv: "funny"? I like fun! :p06:48
sil2100Mirv: ACK06:55
dbarthgood morning07:02
didrockshey dbarth!07:02
dbarthdidrocks: hi07:03
dbarthall good with oxide?07:03
dbarthit got approved late last night07:03
didrocksdbarth: webapps-qml isn't out of -proposed though07:03
didrocks(see the emails)07:03
didrocksdbarth: I'm unsure about the impact and Mirv needs osomon to be around to understand some details07:03
dbarthhowever i need help for a reconfig on silo 8 cause i had forgotten a branch07:03
dbarthok checking07:03
didrocksdbarth: just read emails, if you can assess the impact there, it will be nice :)07:04
dbarthdidrocks: ok done07:06
dbarthdidrocks: the impact is simple: desktop webapps don't start at least, because they want the newer 1.0 qml layer which is still 0.1 until the new webapps-qml is promoted07:06
didrocksdbarth: ok, so desktop only?07:07
didrocksnothing with touch?07:07
dbarthi suppose touch would be impacted, but in a lesser way07:07
dbarthso anyway, this unity-webapps-qml promotion needs to be solved07:08
didrocksdbarth: right, I'm trying to understand if we need to respawn then a Touch image, if you can grab more info on the Touch one07:08
didrocksdbarth: for solving it, Mirv is on that once osomon is around07:09
Mirvdbarth: the problem comes from the fact that webapps-qml builds against qtwebkit and depends from the binary package to both qtwebkit and oxide07:09
didrocksMirv: we have some archs it's not available for?07:09
Mirvdbarth: if you happen to know the reason why it doesn't build against oxide instead, please tell (I thought oxide was about replacing qtwebkit)07:09
dbarthdo you have a build log?07:09
Mirvdidrocks: yes. it builds for all archs since it builds against qtwebkit, while it has a binary dependency against oide07:09
dbarththe latest unity-webapps-qml builds against oxide 1.007:10
Mirvdbarth: webapps-qml builds against everything, since it uses qtwebkit instead of oxide for building07:10
dbarthit may have been build while oxide 1.0 was not yet in the archive07:10
dbarthie, in unapproved07:10
Mirvdbarth: no, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172041103/unity-webapps-qml_0.1%2B14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1.diff.gz - the one in proposed builds against qtwebkit07:10
dbarthbesides, u-webapps-qml has code to fallback on qtwebkit if oxide is not there07:10
dbarthMirv: ok checking07:11
didrocksMirv: oxide is in main now, so it needs to build-deps on both to at least restrict the archs I think07:11
Mirv(in that diff it's possible to search for "control")07:11
dbarthright, so that looks like the correct release07:11
Mirvdidrocks: yes, if it would build-dep on oxide then it would solve the problem of building but not being able to install07:11
didrocksMirv: not fully, as then:07:11
didrocks unity-webapps-qml | 0.1+14.04.20140401.1-0ubuntu1 | trusty          | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el07:11
didrocksso we need to check if it can be removed on other archs07:11
Mirvdidrocks: yes, then it would still need removal for the other archs, but as it is it builds but is uninstallable which is worse07:12
didrocksMirv: if I'm reading reverse-depends right, it should be fine07:12
didrocksMirv: nothing on the other archs are depending on it07:12
didrocksso yeah, the build-dep trick should be enough07:13
Mirvok, so the problem is limited to webapps-qml at least07:13
didrocksright ;)07:13
didrocksdbarth: Mirv: can you handle a MP with that fix and release it?07:13
didrocks(oxide being in main, there is no issue)07:13
Mirvum, there is no oxide "dev" package in the first place07:14
Mirvto build against07:14
dbarthMirv, didrocks: cjwatson had advised not to add arch-specific tricks though07:15
didrocksdbarth: hence the build-dep07:15
didrocksdbarth: it does avoid setting arch-specific metadata07:15
dbarthhmm ok, fine then07:15
didrocksMirv: I would add the build-dep against liboxideqt-qmlplugin personnally07:15
dbarthso, it's really just a dependency issue that had it blocked?07:15
didrocksMirv: with a comment on why07:15
dbarthcause i think we had it uploaded before07:15
dbarththe only thing that changed was the oxide 1.0 transition really07:16
didrocksdbarth: it's the fact that "it built on all archs, but you won't be able to install it on all archs"07:16
didrocksbecause of this new dep07:16
didrocksdbarth: then, now, because previous version was available on all archs, I'll need to remove some binary packages as well07:16
didrocksdbarth: however, please, can you really assess before 10am the consequence for the current touch image?07:16
didrocksdbarth: that would really speed us up07:17
dbarthi can review an MP, just not going to be fast at that07:17
dbarthand i can check the impact on phone in the meantime07:17
didrocksdbarth: I'm handling that with Mirv, just assess the impact :)07:17
dbarthie, image #28107:17
didrocksMirv: yeah, so the -qmlplugin seems the best to me, wdyt?07:17
Mirvdidrocks: or the lib itself https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/unity-webapps-qml/build_dep_on_oxide/+merge/21467307:18
didrocksMirv: as you feel more confortable with :)07:18
didrocksMirv: please, add a comment :)07:19
didrocksor it will be dropped with a cleanswap without us remembering about it07:19
Mirvdidrocks: I'm not totally comfortable with either, but either would work07:19
Mirvdidrocks: is the commit message not enough?07:19
Mirv"to limit archs to be built to the set for which webapps-qml is installable for."07:19
didrocksMirv: I would add it directly to debian/control07:19
Mirvright, doing07:20
didrocksMirv: the same one than your commit message :)07:20
didrocksMirv: approved07:21
didrocksMirv: you file the landing ticket and handle it?07:21
didrocksMirv: just keep me posted one published so that I remove the binary packages on other archs07:21
Mirvyep, landing07:21
didrocksthanks ;)07:22
Mirvdbarth: this separate landing would mean you'd need to rebuild landing-008 after this has landed, is that ok?07:23
sil2100Mirv: I would say it's ok, let's leave a comment on the other silo with unity-webapps-qml and assign this one07:30
sil2100To get it landed quick07:30
bzoltanMirv: sil2100: May I have a Silo for the line 60?07:30
sil2100bzoltan: sure! We're allowed to land stuff as goes so let me assign a silo for you ;)07:31
sil2100Mirv: thanks Timo \o/07:32
Mirvsil2100: yeah, I figured out it's probably ok and fired a build07:34
bzoltansil2100: Thank you!07:34
sil2100yw o/07:35
dbarthMirv: it's ok, i was prepared to rebuild 008 anyway07:44
josharensonfginther: can you shed any light on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1252933 ?07:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1252933 in Ubuntu CI Services "Mir performance testing as a merge requirement" [Undecided,New]07:47
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
dbarthdidrocks, Mirv: i tested image #281 and webapps and html5 apps are not affected luckily08:04
didrocksdbarth: thanks for confirming :)08:04
dbarthMirv: do you have a branch i need to +1 to re-upload?08:05
didrocksdbarth: https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/unity-webapps-qml/build_dep_on_oxide/+merge/21467308:05
Mirvdbarth: there's a branch08:07
dbarthi can take this one in silo 008 since i need a valid unity-webapps-qml there as well08:13
dbarthMirv ^^08:14
didrocksdbarth: no, we want to solve the situation ASAP, let's do 2 landings08:14
dbarthok, so i'll remove the other branch from the silo and will build once you tell me the other one is landed08:15
didrocksit's building08:17
didrocksMirv: it will deadlock on building btw08:17
didrocksMirv: as it was available on more archs08:17
didrocksMirv: so, actually, it's ready is seems :)08:17
ogra_imgbot, status 28108:20
imgbotImage 281 test results on mako - Total: 676, Pass: 661, Crashes: 5, Rate: 98.4%08:20
ogra_hmm, quite a few failures08:20
Mirvdidrocks: yes, I'll smoke-test and publish afterwards08:23
didrocksMirv: good!08:23
didrocksMirv: binary removed FYI08:23
didrocks(after rechecking the rdepends)08:24
Mirvok, great08:24
didrocksstopping the build job08:25
Mirvtested, and published as there was already a packaging ack from a certain core dev on the change08:36
sil2100'A certain core dev' ;)08:37
LaneyIs that a build-dep on a runtime library package?08:51
cjwatsonTolerable enough for this sort of purpose08:54
cjwatsonThough I'd have used liboxideqt-qmlplugin to avoid the soname dependency08:54
LaneyI get artifically causing dep waits, but there must be a better way than the library package08:55
LaneyThat's why I worded it like that.08:55
davmor2popey: python-statgrab - interface to the libstatgrab library for Python08:58
popeythanks davmor208:58
popeyev: does whoopsie have smarts not to upload .crash files over 3g?09:04
evpopey: yeah, so long as network-manager is around09:04
evit uses that API to make the determination09:04
popeydavmor2: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-08-100638.png09:06
popeyscopes look screwy there for me.09:06
davmor2popey: the images are missing I see them here09:07
popeyi am on 3g and have run out of credit09:07
popeyi dont think our UI should degrade badly when we have no internet connection09:08
davmor2popey: that'll be why then 3g seems to only display data09:08
popeythe same would happen if i was out of range09:08
davmor2popey: need to reboot my server back in a tick09:09
popeyalso davmor2 http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-08-101338.png09:13
didrockscjwatson: ah, I was with you on that one ;) (but I guess the qmlplugin one will have version soon thinking about it)09:15
sil2100psivaa: could you give me a poke once the re-run of tests finishes?09:15
psivaasil2100: sure09:16
sil2100bzoltan: so, we might have a small problem ;/09:16
bzoltansil2100:  what is that?09:18
didrockspopey: they will tell you "waiting on design input"09:18
didrockspopey: what I got yesterday with the issue we had with the store being down09:19
ogra_i dont think caching icons locally is a design issue09:20
didrocksmhr3_: ^09:21
ogra_the scope should simply use a cache and only download diffs09:21
sil2100bzoltan: so, qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu is blocked in -proposed because I missed that unity-scope-tool is not available for ppc-like platforms09:21
sil2100bzoltan: because it's generated out of unity8 source, which has mir dependencies ;/09:21
popeydidrocks: uh.09:21
ogra_(so that the UI can be decoupled from the server a bit)09:21
mhr3_didrocks, scope has nothing to do with icons09:22
mhr3_didrocks, also, that didn't change one bit compared to old scopes09:22
ogra_it displays them, no ?09:22
didrocksmhr3_: the scopes scope isn't the one giving the url to unity8,09:23
ogra_so what drwas that rsater with icons in it ?09:23
mhr3_didrocks, right, and unity can handle caching globally09:23
mhr3_at some point09:23
ogra_thgis is clearly a caching issue http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-08-101338.png ... whatever part of the system is responsible for it09:23
bzoltansil2100:  ohh... do not worry. Feel free to drop it now.09:23
popeyi did scroll through all of those icons while on wifi09:24
popeythen dropped wifi and see squares09:24
ogra_well, and even on wifi scrolling through them is awful depending on your wlan speed09:24
sil2100bzoltan: the package you mean?09:24
sil2100bzoltan: or support for ppc, ppc64 and amd64?09:25
bzoltansil2100: either of them09:25
popeyalso... http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-08-102620.png09:26
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
popeyalso http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-08-102643.png09:27
popeymhr3_: do we have a bug for this already?09:32
popeyi have a vauge recollection of one but cant find it09:32
mhr3_popey, the issue is there for over 6 months, i'm pretty sure we do09:32
mhr3_and the "not seeing anything" issue is already listed as blocker09:33
cjwatsondidrocks: or oxideqmlscene ...09:35
mhr3_popey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/122499809:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1224998 in Unity 8 "Cache preview and thumbnail images" [Medium,Triaged]09:35
mhr3_popey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/127196309:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1271963 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Blank icons in "More suggestions" when no internet connection available" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:35
psivaadidrocks: bug #1304292 is reported for telepathy-ofono crash occurred today09:36
ubot5bug 1304292 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "telepathy-ofono crashed with SIGSEGV in QVariant::QVariant()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130429209:36
didrockscjwatson: I was less thrilled by that one as I'm unsure unity-webapps-qml is going to use it directly, but it's posible09:36
didrockspsivaa: thanks!09:36
cjwatsonsil2100: you could make the unity-scope-tool dependency architecture-specific, perhaps09:36
mhr3_popey, also, you opened the latter :)09:36
cjwatsonHm.  I think this click change has exposed a pre-existing content-hub crash09:37
cjwatsonLet's see if I can make it more obvious ...09:38
Saviqpopey, but it might take some time10:02
Saviqpopey, you can just Ctrl+C10:02
Saviqpopey, and upload the .crash somewhere for us - whoopsie will upload nevertheless, and drop a corresponding, root-owned .uploaded file, which means the next time it crashes, it will overwrite the whole thing10:03
popeySaviq: http://chinstrap.canonical.com/~alan/_usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash10:08
ogra_awesome, finally a non corrupt one10:09
popeybug 1304315 is the bug to go with it Saviq10:09
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1304315 could not be found10:09
psivaadidrocks: sil2100: the rerun is now complete, with gallery failing the same tests, sudoku passing, and telepathy-ofono not crashing during messaging-app test10:09
Saviqpopey, thanks!10:10
didrockspsivaa: thanks!10:10
psivaayw :)10:10
didrockssil2100: trying the sdk revert on gallery? ^10:10
bzoltansil2100: didrocks: what is worng with the SDK?10:10
didrocksbzoltan: we are trying to understand the gallery issue on the dashboard10:11
didrocksbzoltan: trying to point what could have impacted that10:11
ogra_doe anyone know why silo-06 was flushed ?10:11
ogra_(that corresponds with line 12 on the pending sheet)10:12
ogra_didrocks, ^^^any idea ?10:13
cjwatsonhuh?  silo-006 is mine10:13
ogra_cjwatson, since when ?10:13
ogra_well, it was the media-hub one before ...10:13
cjwatsonah, I guess line 12 was the previous occupier10:13
cjwatsonit's line 51 now :)10:14
t1mpdidrocks, sil2100 gallery-app tests were already failing for me locally for a while because of broken imports10:14
ogra_and there is no explanation who flushed it and if that was agreed with the devs10:14
t1mpdidrocks: I don't know why it used to work on jenkins. But elopio proposed a fix https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/gallery-app/override_toolbar/+merge/21370310:14
ogra_(and i cant find anything in backlogs)10:14
t1mpdidrocks: I don't know what changed where.. maybe a different python version?10:14
sil2100didrocks: reverting10:15
didrockssil2100: or try elopio's fix10:15
t1mpsil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/gallery-app/override_toolbar/+merge/21370310:15
didrocksogra_: see what I told on the other channel, it's all info I have10:15
sil2100k, will try this and then a revert10:15
cjwatsont1mp: that looks like it was relying on relative imports, which you don't have in Python 3 (and which were madness anyway ...)10:15
ogra_didrocks, which other channel ?10:15
didrocksogra_: #phablet?10:15
didrocksI wrote there10:15
ogra_oh, probably before i re-joined10:16
didrocksabout the comment which was set, it's all the info I had10:16
ogra_would really help if people put their name on it if making such comments10:16
cjwatsont1mp: well, rather, you do have them, you just have to spell them differently (leading ".")10:16
t1mpcjwatson: did the image recently switch to python 3?10:16
cjwatsont1mp: I don't know the timing details10:16
didrocksogra_: +110:16
cjwatsonbut there was a big push to get autopilot onto python 3 yes10:17
t1mpthe weird thing is that I have had tests failing on that for a while now, while they didn't seem to fail on jenkins. Jenkins caught up now ;)10:17
t1mphmm.. maybe one of the packages that I installed for testing upgraded python on my device10:17
cjwatsonrather, upgraded autopilot10:18
cjwatson(you don't upgrade from python 2 to 3 as such; they're installed in different paths, /usr/bin/python vs. /usr/bin/python3)10:18
Mirvdbarth: your unity-webapps-qml silo could now be rebuilt, the other one landed & merged to trunk10:19
t1mpI tried to run the tests the same way jenkins does it, but apparently there still were differences10:19
mhr3_sil2100, silo for 54 pls10:20
sil2100mhr3_: I can has low on silos, but let me see what we can do about that10:21
davmor2Morning all10:21
mhr3_sil2100, it's blocker fix10:22
dbarthMirv: right, i just saw that10:22
dbarthMirv: will proceed now10:22
davmor2didrocks: bug of the day Time set itself to 1 of Jan 1970 00:00  oops10:22
kgunnsil2100: morning...could you reconfig silo 005?10:22
sil2100kgunn: morning! Let me reconfig10:23
sil2100kgunn: btw. I'm publishing the other one you set to ready, thanks10:23
sil2100kgunn: ok, so, we need to wait for platform-api to appear in the archive from the other landing10:29
sil2100kgunn: I will ask you then to rebuild everything, ok? SInce I see that landing 005 has platform-api10:30
Saviqpopey, can you please subscribe me to bug #130431510:30
popeySaviq: done10:31
Saviqpopey, o/10:31
kgunnsil2100: ack10:32
Saviqpopey, can I make public?10:32
popeySaviq: if its got nothing sensitive in it, sure10:32
Saviqpopey, core is gone already10:32
popeydunno if my Google passwords and stuff would be in the crashdump10:32
cjwatsonI've lost my control instance - is anyone else seeing content-hub crashes in a current-ish proposed image?10:32
popeyfeel free10:33
Saviqtedg, bug #130431510:33
Saviqtedg, looks like libUAL crashed in some string quoting10:33
Saviqpopey, any idea which app you were launching?10:34
popeySaviq: yeah, G+ webapp, says in the bug10:34
popeythats the last thing to be installed10:34
Saviqpopey, can't repro, but trace is rather good, should point us at what happened10:38
sil2100bzoltan: what do you think about this? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/arch_specific_scope_dep/+merge/21471010:40
sil2100bzoltan: can I add it to your landing, rebuild and try re-publishing?10:40
bzoltansil2100:  ohh.. that is an elegant solution10:40
ogra_my update manager UI vanished again during OTA10:44
ogra_popey, davmor2 ^^^^did i ask you about that before ? i'm seeing that since a few days10:44
popeynope, not heard that one10:45
ogra_the whole progressbar UI part just vanishes10:45
popeydid you rotate?10:45
ogra_sometimes i can trigger it easily by scrolling upwards10:45
popeyi have seen odd things happen in that app if you rotate it10:45
ogra_sometimes it just happens on its own (like it did now)10:45
ogra_it lies flat on its back10:45
ogra_it also gives you the restart screen after a while ... but until it does the screen is completely empty .. i only have the header10:46
ogra_hmm, still greyed out scopes on boot10:47
* ogra_ has to swipe once from the right to get the screen even active)10:47
ogra_oh, g* now gets the scaling of the welcome screen right10:48
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
davmor2ogra_: yeap and now when you follow a link that is scaled correctly too10:53
ogra_i dont want that to be scaled at all10:53
ogra_i want that to open in the browser :P10:53
ogra_(like the webapp-container commandline from teh .desktop file implies ... but that doesnt seem to work)10:54
popeyi think i may have found my memory leak10:56
popeyps_2014-04-08-104122.txt: 18.3 MiB + 609.5 KiB =  18.9 MiBubuntu-location-serviced10:56
* ogra_ hands popey a bucket10:56
popeyps_2014-04-08-104726.txt: 21.6 MiB + 483.5 KiB =  22.1 MiBubuntu-location-serviced10:56
popeyps_2014-04-08-105332.txt: 24.9 MiB + 486.0 KiB =  25.4 MiBubuntu-location-serviced10:56
* popey passes the bucket to tvoss ☻10:56
ogra_what are oyu measuring there ?10:56
ogra_RES ?10:56
popeyusing a random python script i found online10:56
ogra_so it randomly generates numbers it spits out ?10:57
popeyit generates nice sane output10:57
* ogra_ would just have used top 10:58
popeysure, this is pretty tho ☻10:58
popeypretty is a feature10:58
bzoltansil2100: didrocks, Mirv: the silo15 is good to go11:01
sil2100bzoltan: \o/11:03
sil2100bzoltan: taking care of that one then11:03
bzoltansil2100:  thank you11:05
sil2100didrocks, t1mp: so, I ran gallery-app with Leo's changes and got 12 failures11:05
mhr3_didrocks, there's a loose bot on the run! it's automerging approved branch for gsettings-qt!11:05
mhr3_didrocks, kill it now!11:05
sil2100mhr3_: uh oh!11:06
didrockssil2100: can you try reverting sdk then and see?11:06
sil2100mhr3_: for what project is that?11:06
didrocksmhr3_: this is for cihelp ^11:06
sil2100mhr3_: I guess we need to disable it from cu2d11:06
Mirvmhr3_: nice approach! :D11:06
mhr3_didrocks, indeed, help the poor projects, ci people!11:07
mhr3_sil2100, try reading the last word ;)11:08
mhr3_in that sentence11:08
psivaamhr3_: let me see, would help if you have a jenkins link by any chance11:09
mhr3_i do not11:09
sil2100mhr3_: hah, right ;)11:11
didrockspsivaa: nothing in cupstream2distro-config from what I see11:11
didrockssil2100: you are trying the sdk revert first?11:12
sil2100didrocks: yes, just reverted it, running the tests again now11:12
didrockssil2100: otherwise, maybe check with psivaa if we run the python2 or 3 flavors and if anything changed11:12
* sil2100 does a few things at once11:12
Mirvsil2100: it's already disabled from cu2d (like everything else for that matter), it's the automergers that may be still lurking11:18
Mirvfor some of the rarer updated projects11:18
didrocksbut automerger is using cu2d-config and I don't find it there11:20
sil2100Was it redeployed?11:20
psivaadidrocks: would https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/gsettings-qt/+merge/171634 have anything to do with mhr3_ 's issue?11:21
sil2100psivaa: that's very very old, before CITrain was invented11:22
sil2100gsettings-qt was in cu2d, but Mirv says it got disabled11:22
didrockspsivaa: if you look at the config file11:22
didrocksit's set to     gsettings-qt:11:22
didrocks      daily_release: False11:22
sil2100I would say it wasn't redeployed with the new config11:22
didrocks      autolanding_template: False11:22
didrocks      use_stack_ppa: False11:22
didrockswhich suppose to disabling upstream mergerd11:22
didrockssil2100: the deployement is automated11:22
didrocksfor upstream merger11:22
sil2100didrocks: ah, ok11:22
sil2100didrocks, bzoltan, t1mp: sadly, reverting the SDK helped :<11:24
didrockssil2100: seems we have to back it out then?11:24
sil2100So the new SDK resulted in the broken tests11:24
sil2100Yeah, it would seem so - I'm re running the gallery-app tests again to make sure11:25
didrocksbzoltan: t1mp: we want to kick an image soon, I propose we revert your fix only in distro and then you can quitely work on it11:25
didrockssil2100: yeah, please double run11:25
kgunnsil2100: just curious...silo7 package migration seems slow...am i just being impatient ? ...ijust in case there's a problem somewhere11:26
sil2100kgunn: ah, yeah... let's maybe ping the -release team about that, since they have to push it from the UNAPPROVED queue11:27
t1mpsil2100: did you try elopio's patch?11:27
t1mp^of the gallery tests11:27
sil2100Usually I don't want to do that, since they're a bit unhappy we're poking about that, but this time it's a bit blocking11:27
sil2100t1mp: yes, it didn't help11:27
sil2100t1mp: got 12 failures with it11:28
psivaadidrocks: yea, i see. there is this http://s-jenkins:8080/job/gsettings-qt-autolanding/18/. looking at how to disable that11:30
didrockspsivaa: thanks!11:31
didrockssil2100: second run results are around?11:35
t1mpsil2100: only gallery-app tests started failing? or something else also?11:35
t1mpsil2100: do you have the logs of the failures for me to have a look?11:35
didrockst1mp: you have all those on the dashboard11:35
sil2100didrocks: still running, but I guess it's finishing11:35
didrockst1mp: you don't look at it when comparing?11:35
t1mpdidrocks: I do11:36
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-lunch
sil2100t1mp: these are the same as on the dashboard, I saw all those After 10.0 seconds test on QQuickLoader.loaded failed: True != dbus.Boolean(False, variant_level=1)11:36
didrockst1mp: so, just look there :)11:36
t1mpsil2100:  to which version of UITK did you revert to fix it?11:37
sil2100t1mp: the previous one, 0.1.46+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu111:39
sil2100didrocks: re-run has 0 failures11:39
didrockssil2100: ok, reverting11:39
didrockst1mp: bzoltan: FYI ^11:39
sil2100So the sdk revert helped indeed11:39
t1mpsil2100: did you revert only uitk, or also the unity changes that were in that silo?11:47
popeydidrocks: rsalveti bug 1304362 - can someone try and confirm please - might be the cause of some of the issues I had at the weekend with apps being killed by OOM killer..11:49
sil2100t1mp: I only reverted UITK11:49
popeybot is MIA so https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/location-service/+bug/130436211:49
t1mpsil2100: it was landed together with https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/new_tabbar/+merge/21045311:49
sil2100didrocks: ^11:49
didrockssil2100: t1mp: urgh, what's the consequence?11:50
sil2100didrocks: well, we can revert unity8 as well11:50
t1mpI'm trying to figure out if unity with those changes and without the new uitk will break11:50
sil2100didrocks: since it's only that change that's in the latest version11:50
didrockssil2100: so reverting unity8 as well?11:51
didrockscan do11:51
sil2100didrocks: this is latest, so just revert this unity8 as well and we're safe11:51
didrocksSaviq: FYI, reverting one change ^11:51
sil2100Saviq: ^11:51
didrocksgood :)11:51
sil2100Right ;)11:51
* sil2100 dodged a bullet11:51
sil2100t1mp: thanks for pointing it out!11:51
psivaamhr3_: didrocks: i see lp:gsettings-qt being in the whitelist for autolanding. I think removing that will fix it. i'll double check with fginther before removing it.11:52
didrockspsivaa: thanks!11:52
Mirvpsivaa: that sounds like correct one. is there any URL for reference?11:52
didrockst1mp: thanks man :)11:52
MirvI always tend to forget (if I've ever known) where the automerger "lives"11:53
psivaaMirv: http://mayura:8080/job/trigger-autolanding-whitelist/11:53
Mirvpsivaa: ok, so no I did not know :) seems mayura = s-jenkins11:54
didrockssil2100: t1mp: unity8 revert uploaded11:54
sil2100didrocks: thank you!11:55
didrockssil2100: thanks for testing!11:55
psivaaMirv: yea, mayura is the name of the host and s-jenkins is the name for the jenkins instance. :)11:56
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sil2100didrocks: can you look at this packaging change? It's o unblock the package from -proposed, as currently it's non-migratable: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-016-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.0.1+14.04.20140408-0ubuntu1.diff12:22
didrockssil2100: hum, we do want to handle it that way?12:22
Saviqt1mp, you broke unity8 did ya?12:22
didrocksthis is what you discussed with cjwatson, right?12:22
sil2100didrocks: yes12:23
didrocksSaviq: no, they did broke gallery, so we needed to revert sdk, which in turns, asked to revert the unity8 commit12:23
Saviqok yeah12:23
Saviqdidrocks, +112:23
sil2100Saviq: ;)12:23
didrocksSaviq: if you have a landing for unity8 to do and this isn't fixed, please add a MP to revert in your trunk this commit12:23
Saviqdidrocks, ok will do12:23
didrockssil2100: ok then, +1 :)12:23
didrocksthanks Saviq12:23
sil2100didrocks: thanks :)12:26
sil2100didrocks: do you know if you pre-NEWed sync-monitor ?12:27
didrockssil2100: I didn't12:27
sil2100didrocks: there's a landing ready-to-publish with sync-montior, which is a NEW package I think - the comments doesn't mention anything about it being reviewed by anyone12:28
sil2100Maybe I'll look into the packaging and then ask you to take a look for a preNEW12:29
t1mpSaviq: no I broke gallery-app12:29
t1mpSaviq: I'm gonna see what's wrong in gallery-app. Those tests failed for me already on a clean image, so I didn't notice new breakage with the MR12:30
didrockssil2100: ok12:30
t1mpsil2100: thanks for figuring out where stuff broke12:31
seb128dbarth, you have a silo that is built, can you get it moving (e.g test->publish)? (the "drop libunity-webapps from bamf")12:31
seb128dbarth, one for webbrowser as well12:32
seb128sil2100, hum, silo 003 and 008 both have webbrowser, how does that work?12:33
t1mpdidrocks: we have a UITK landing for UITK in silo (that doesn't depend on the now-reverted change). So we need to include an additional MR there that reverts the previous landing?12:33
didrockst1mp: yeah, the MR with the revert + eventually the changlog12:34
sil2100seb128: so, I see robru set the 'ignore conflicts' flag for one of the silos12:35
didrockst1mp: if you don't include the changelog, while building, you need to check "force rebuild" as it will yell12:35
sil2100seb128: and enabled two silos having the same component...12:35
mhr3_psivaa, cool, thanks12:35
sil2100seb128: too bad he didn't indicate that in the description ;/12:35
sil2100seb128: I'll update the information12:36
seb128sil2100, thanks, I get the second silo should be cleaned and the mp included in the first one?12:36
sil2100seb128: normally, yes, but I see it's from 2 different landers, so they need to coordinate it somehow12:36
sil2100seb128: we usually don't allow ignoring-conflicts, just in very important cases12:37
seb128sil2100, can you maybe ping them on a channel where they are on?12:37
sil2100Not sure what was the reason here ;/12:37
t1mpbzoltan: ^ we need to revert the previous landing in the current silo12:37
sil2100seb128: sure12:37
didrocksrather we need one silo to finish, m&c12:37
seb128sil2100, thanks12:37
seb128didrocks, or that12:37
didrocksthe other just ned to rebuild the right component12:37
didrocks(and only that one)12:37
seb128they both only have 1 component12:37
bzoltant1mp:  what should I do ... I mean in practice12:37
t1mpbzoltan: wait 5 minutes and then add an MR that I give you to revert the previous MR12:38
didrocksyeah, so one just need to rebuild once the first one m&c12:38
didrockst1mp: bzoltan: and reconfigure after adding to the spreadsheet of course :)12:38
* didrocks goes for a run12:38
dbarthseb128: i'm blocked on testing for all of them12:38
seb128dbarth, "blocked on testing"? just test and land :p12:39
seb128didrocks, enjoy!12:39
didrocksthanks seb128!12:39
dbarthseb128: i'm trying to make room now12:40
seb128dbarth, thanks, we are out of silos which means others can't land their work until some of you guys clean out things you queued12:40
bzoltant1mp: sil2100: line number 6312:41
sil2100bzoltan: so, you want to revert it in trunk as well for now?12:42
bzoltansil2100: t1mp: yes12:42
didrocksbzoltan: you should mix that with other changes to land12:42
didrocksbzoltan: no point of having one landing just for that (it will refuse by default anyway)12:42
sil2100bzoltan: could you include that in the line 59?12:43
didrockst1mp: don't remove the changelog12:43
sil2100bzoltan: since we anyway can't release that right now anyway12:43
didrockst1mp: please, just add the revert one12:43
didrocksbzoltan:  ^12:43
t1mpdidrocks: oh I understood that I should revert the changelog12:43
sil2100bzoltan: by 'release that one now' I mean, can't release it without the revert or a real fix for the issue ;)12:43
didrockst1mp: no, either don't touch it or add my revert changelog12:44
sil2100bzoltan: so if you could include that in the landing, rebuild then it would be sweet12:44
bzoltansil2100: didrocks: t1mp: OK12:44
sil2100bzoltan: thanks!12:44
didrocksbzoltan: add that in the landing, reconfigure and then rebuild12:44
didrockssil2100: ^12:44
didrocksdon't forget to reconfigure :p12:44
sil2100Right ;D12:44
t1mpdidrocks: sorry I don't understand what you mean with your revert changelog.12:47
t1mpdidrocks: I undid he changelog revert12:47
sil2100seb128: I'll assign a silo for you now since one will be released in a moment anyway12:47
seb128sil2100, thanks12:47
=== pete-woods-lunch is now known as pete-woods
seb128sil2100, still working on assigning that silo?13:04
mhr3_Mirv, sil2100, so what's up with 53, i want that silo13:06
seb128mhr3_, find somebody to clean a silo for you13:07
sil2100seb128: argh, sorry, a race happened and it didn't get assigned13:07
seb128like bfiller has some for days13:07
sil2100Wait, retrying13:07
kgunnlanding packages from silo007.....anyone ?13:07
bfillersil2100: we're ready to release silo 913:07
sil2100kgunn: yeah, it's in -proposed now13:08
sil2100kgunn: I poked the release team and cjwatson moved it to proposed, now it needs to migrate13:08
bfillerseb128: sorry seb, we've been testing it and finding issues13:08
kgunnsil2100: awesome thanks you13:08
seb128sil2100, kgunn gave you an ack for publishing one ;-)13:08
sil2100bfiller: I know, saw that, but we need to do a preNEW of the NEW package first13:08
sil2100bfiller: I'm doing a packaging review right now, already talked to didrocks about that ^13:09
bfillersil2100: what does that mean?13:09
seb128bfiller, no worry, sorry for pointing you, I'm just looking at the list since yesterday, it's pretty packed and blocked us to get slots for landing our stuff, not easy to find candidates to clear13:09
sil2100bfiller: there is a new package in the MRs, one that's still not in the archive13:09
bfillersil2100: oh ok13:09
bfillerseb128: no worries13:09
sil2100bfiller: this one needs to be approved by an archive admin, so Didier will do that once he's back and I have the packaging review done13:10
bfillersil2100: thanks sil13:10
sil2100bfiller: ok, so the packaging needs some work sadly13:18
sil2100bfiller: I have some changes already, will push a branch and add it to the MR list13:19
sil2100We'll have to rebuild sync-monitor then13:19
bfillersil2100: np, thanks for checking the packaging.13:19
sil2100kgunn: m&c'ing silo 7! :)13:31
sil2100seb128: soon another free silo \o/13:31
seb128sil2100, \o/13:31
sil2100mhr3_: I'll assign you a silo soon, since your request is a bit older than seb128's13:32
seb128sil2100, that's fair enough ;-)13:32
sil2100seb128: so you'll still have to wait a little bit... although, I'll try doing something13:32
seb128sil2100, landing 015 is red, maybe reassign to somebody else until they sort out their issues?13:33
dbarthsil2100: o/ silo 011 ready to publish; just be aware that it drops a dependency (considered harmfull) between bamf and libunitywebapps, so that may influence image tools13:40
dbarthsil2100: but the runtime and apt-get operations were fine during our testing13:40
sil2100dbarth: ok, I'll deal with that after lunch13:41
sil2100bzoltan: m&c silo 1613:41
sil2100seb128: I'll assign you that silo now ;)13:41
seb128sil2100, thanks!13:41
sil2100And off to lunch I go o/13:42
seb128sil2100, enjoy13:44
bzoltansil2100:  what does that mean? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-015-1-build/26/console13:45
seb128cjwatson, stgraber: you are working on testing the click update which is in silo 006? (sorry for naging, trying to find potential candidate to land stuff so we can get silo backs for things waiting)13:47
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
renatosil2100, hi13:47
rsalvetipopey: that's a huge mem leak for a service13:55
fgintherpsivaa, I disabled the autolanding job for gsettings-qt. It was just an oversight that it was still there.13:55
rsalvetiogra_: can't we add something in our dashboard that could look for 'send sigkill to' ?13:56
psivaafginther: ack, thanks13:56
rsalvetito know if the low memory killer killed someone13:56
rsalvetias we don't get any crash file when that happens13:57
ogra_rsalveti, ask CI ... psivaa, doanac, plars ^^^^13:57
rsalvetibasically just looking for 'send sigkill to' in dmesg, after the test is completed13:57
ogra_rather in syslog13:57
ogra_thats not a ringbuffer :)13:58
psivaarsalveti: curious after which test?13:59
rsalvetipsivaa: all of them14:00
rsalvetijust an additional sanity check after running a test14:00
cjwatsonseb128: Yeah, I'm working on it, at this point I'm waiting for feedback from kenvandine on a content-hub problem it exposes14:03
seb128cjwatson, ok, thanks14:04
kenvandinecjwatson, i saw your email, i'll look at it in a few14:04
cjwatsonyup, ta14:06
didrockst1mp: see latest upload14:10
didrockst1mp: there is a new changelog entry14:10
didrockst1mp: you need to stich that in your request14:10
didrocksbzoltan: it means that you haven't done that14:10
didrocksbzoltan: as told: 2014-04-08 13:28:17,346 WARNING A version (0.1.46+14.04.20140404.1.is.0.1.46+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu1) is available at the destination archive for that component but is not in the destination branch which is still at 0.1.46+14.04.20140404.1-0ubuntu1. You need to ensure that your version contains the fix in the destination or you can force rebuild to bypass the check.14:10
didrocksso put the 0.1.46+14.04.20140404.1.is.0.1.46+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu1 changelog as part of your revert MP14:11
t1mpdidrocks: it seems like I am slow today (or in general), but I don't get it yet. What is the upload I should look at? A commit on UITK trunk?14:13
t1mpand what do I do exactly with the change log? normally that happens automatically for me14:13
didrockst1mp: hum, you don't know how to see what changed in the distro?14:14
didrockst1mp: you can see it in launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit14:14
didrocksif you expand the latest version in trusty14:14
didrocksyou can find a diff14:14
didrockst1mp: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172227701/ubuntu-ui-toolkit_0.1.46%2B14.04.20140404.1-0ubuntu1_0.1.46%2B14.04.20140404.1.is.0.1.46%2B14.04.20140404-0ubuntu1.diff.gz14:14
didrockst1mp: you need to take the change in debian/changelog14:15
didrockst1mp: and put that into your revert MP14:15
t1mpdidrocks: no, I don't. So far I was always working on the https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit project and somehow magically it ended up in the distro14:15
t1mplet me see14:15
didrockst1mp: we clearly have too much disconnection on how things work downstream from our internal upstream14:15
popeyrsalveti: yeah, 4 hours it's gone from 21MiB to 134MiB..14:16
didrockst1mp: so upstreams complain, but it's somewhat nice you could have landed so many things without even knowing how it goes to distro :)14:16
t1mpdidrocks: so if I understand it well, I should add this to the changelog: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/revert-tabsModelIndex/revision/100214:19
t1mpdidrocks: I am not at all complaining when stuff works automatically for me :)14:19
t1mpjust some times, like now, it means I don't know how everything works14:19
didrockst1mp: "this" being the entry part of the diff.gz I pointed at?14:19
popeyrsalveti: can you confirm?14:19
didrocks(the one with my name)14:19
rsalvetipopey: I'll try to reproduce and confirm14:20
dbartho/ sil2100: you can flush silo 003, we're releasing it for other teams14:20
sil2100dbarth: ok, sure!14:20
dbarthnow i can't go saying "all you silos are belong to us", but that sounded like it a few hours ago14:21
t1mpdidrocks: yes, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/revert-tabsModelIndex/revision/1003 (I pasted the wrong link before) is the entry part of the diff.gz you pointed at14:23
didrockst1mp: hum, the formatting is wrong14:28
didrockst1mp: really apply the patch in the diff.gz14:28
psivaarsalveti: reported bug 1304461 for your req. would help if you could add more background/ info as appt.14:28
ubot5bug 1304461 in Ubuntu CI Services "grep 'send sigkill to' in syslog after each test to if any process got killed due to low memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130446114:28
didrockst1mp: not what launchpad is showing to you14:28
rsalvetipsivaa: sure, thanks14:28
t1mpdidrocks: ok, I did that now14:32
t1mpdidrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/revert-tabsModelIndex/revision/100414:33
didrockst1mp: looking good, you can hit "rebuild" now in the silo :)14:34
cwaynecjohnston, hi, im having some issues with the savilerow-trusty job again :/14:34
cwaynei think it's because bzr is set to ignore .so files (which we need for our preinstalled custom scopes)14:35
cjohnstoncwayne: itll be a few14:35
t1mpbzoltan: ^ you can hit rebuild now in the silo14:35
t1mpdidrocks: okay, let's see how it goes. thanks for the patience :)14:36
cwaynecjohnston, ack14:36
t1mpdidrocks: are there online docs explaining this part of the landing in distro?14:38
didrockst1mp: the daily release one does14:43
didrockst1mp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease14:44
t1mpdidrocks: thanks, I'll read it.14:47
didrocks t1mp: yw, most of things here (apart from the release cadence) still applies14:47
cjwatsonseb128: ok, resolved my one doubt, publishing 006 now14:55
seb128cjwatson, great, thanks!14:56
sil2100renato, didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/sync-monitor/packaging_review/+merge/21478114:56
sil2100bfiller: ^14:57
sil2100didrocks: these were the issues I saw from the first glimpse14:57
renatosil2100, could you request the MR with the inital-release branch?14:58
renatosil2100, or we should ignore the other MR?14:58
sil2100renato: we'll just attach this MR to the end of the list15:00
sil2100This way both your changelog and mine will be there15:00
renatosil2100, I have changed "debian/copyright" probably we will get a conflict15:01
sil2100renato: my branch is based on your initial-release branch15:02
sil2100So it should all be ok15:02
renatosil2100, I changed that earlier today,15:02
renatosil2100, could you at least add the initial-relase as pre-requisite branch?15:03
sil2100renato: uh, it's not wise to modify this branch when the lander already set the landing to 'ready for release'15:03
cjohnstoncwayne: what's up?15:03
sil2100renato: once it's set up in a landing, it shouldn't be moved - since you need to rebuild it in the silo with every modification15:04
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sil2100I'll merge in your latest changes15:04
renatosil2100, bfiller asked me to fix the package otherwise this was not going to land15:04
cwaynecjohnston, so the last merge to lp:savilerow was a bunch of new compiled .so's, and it looks like its not getting updated in jenkins15:04
sil2100renato: I told you on PM that I have a branch for that already15:04
renatoI did not get the message15:05
sil2100renato: you probably got disconnected then...15:05
sil2100renato: bfiller was also aware of that, as I mentioned it on this channel15:05
sil2100When pointing out that there is an issue15:05
sil2100Nevermind that though, let me try to update my branch ;)15:06
bfillersil2100, renato: I let renato know there were packaing issues and to talk to you. if you have a branch already great, lets us it15:06
renatowhat he told me is to check with you which files I should fix before land this15:06
sil2100renato: my branch *should* be now mergable with yours ;)15:07
sil2100We anyway need to have an archive admin ACK it, like didrocks15:07
cjohnstoncwayne: link please?15:08
renatosil2100, ok thanks15:08
sil2100renato: I'll add it to the landing anyway right now15:08
cjohnstoncwayne: job 32 passed..15:10
cwaynecjohnston, right it's passing, but it's not actually pulling the latest .so's15:12
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
sil2100renato: oh, and one more thing - in my branch I changed the install path to /usr/lib/<arch>/sync-monitor/ for the binaries, since /usr/libexec is not valid for Ubuntu15:21
sil2100At least not recommended ;)15:21
renatosil2100, yes I saw that15:21
sil2100renato: hope you won't have to change any paths in other projects15:22
renatosil2100, you will need to update "com.canonical.SyncMonitor.service.in" with the new patch15:24
cjohnstoncwayne: can you check it again? I ran a new job15:31
cwaynecjohnston, did you change anything or just build? cus i've done that twice already15:32
cjohnstoncwayne: wiped the workspace15:32
cjohnstoncwayne: it appears as though after the files are being changed to root they aren't being changed back so bzr can't update them next time15:32
cwayneah, let me check it out then15:33
cwaynecjohnston, that one seems to work15:37
cwaynecjohnston, so is it possible to just clear out the workspace each run?15:39
cjohnstoncwayne: I'm investigating15:39
cjohnstoncwayne: fginther thinks that future jobs will be ok based on changes he made15:45
mandelfginther, example of a tests blocking until a signal is emitted on armhf that never is https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-019/+build/588926415:46
cwaynecjohnston, but those changes existed for the last build15:46
thostr_didrocks: the scopes privacy flag patch is in silo 18, under testing. so, WIP if you summarize for the daily landing mail15:46
fginthercwayne, but the workspace was in a bad state from run 2815:46
mandelfginther, while it does work in the other archs and on a nexus phone15:46
didrocksthostr_: thanks!15:46
cwayneso now that there's been a clean one we should be good15:46
fginthercwayne, I didn't recognize this until you mentioned the old files15:46
fginthercwayne, yep, it should be good now. there15:47
fgintherthere's a cleanup step that puts the files back in a good state15:48
fginthermandel, it's also stuck on powerpc15:49
mandelfginther, yes, while in adm64 and i386 works15:50
mandelfginther, same code, same flags, same tests.. only diff is the arch15:51
mandelfginther, and I must say that in a mako tests pass with no problems15:52
fginthermandel, This is strange, but not the first time I've seen something work on x86, but fail on some other arch15:52
fginthermandel, this smells of a broken API, but that doesn't sync with it working on the mako15:53
mandelfginther, the fact that it could go nuts in an diff arch is ok (in a sense) but that in works on mako is what is driving me nuts15:54
mandelfginther, I have a strong feeling that is related with the new signals connection style added in qt 5 with cpp1115:54
fginthermandel, how are you testing on the mako? are you doing a 'make check'?15:54
mandelfginther, yes, just a simple make test (not check)15:54
mandelfginther, nothing else15:55
didrocksogra_: kicking an image, agreed?15:58
ogra_yeah, go ahead15:58
* didrocks *clicks*15:58
fginthermandel, I would say your feeling is right.  Any chance that the qt libs and dependencies used on you rmako are the same as what is being used in the ppa build?15:58
mandelfginther, from https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-019-1-build/9/console libqt5core5a:amd64 (5.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu11) while on my device I have 5.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1116:02
mandelfginther, so they seem to be the exact same16:02
didrockscyphermox: Mirv: robru: coming?16:02
seb128sil2100, silo 007 has issues, I marked it "ready: no", can you reset it and give it back to me for l64? ;-)16:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 282 building (started: 20140408 16:05) ===16:05
seb128cyphermox, Mirv, robru: ^16:06
robruseb128, ok16:06
fginthermandel, hmmm... I'm all out of ideas here.16:07
mandelfginther, I'm going to do a dirty trick (more work on my side) where I try to use the new connection, get the result, if the signals is not connected use the old style and log everything16:08
mandelfginther, that is what fixed the issue in the unity-click-scope16:08
robruseb128, ok your new silo is #316:09
mandelfginther, but I'm more interested, not only in fixing my project, but to find a reason so that other can know about it16:09
seb128robru, thanks16:09
robruseb128, youre welcome16:09
mandelfginther, AFAIK the following can be used as a workaround => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7222220/16:12
fginthermandel, thanks16:15
mandelfginther, if that does fix the issue as I expect we/I should send an email to see if brighter minds can take a look :)16:15
fginthermandel, I wonder if the sdk team has a take on this16:16
fginthermandel, but yes, broadcasting to ubuntu-phone would be a good move16:17
mandelfginther, in a sense, if the signal connection is not reliable and now one is checking the result of QObject::connect we might (might with a very low possibility) point to a possible reason of why some tests based on signals are not working16:17
mandelfginther, I don't know the nature of the tests that are flacky in the apps, but would be nice to take a lool16:17
fginthermandel, qa might be able to connect some dots if that is the case.16:19
fgintherelopio, is anyone on the QA team working with the SDK team or with QT itself?16:19
mandelfginther, but AFAIK the use real phones for those.. well, I'll walk the dog and will do the test/changes16:20
elopiofginther: I'm working with the SDK team.16:23
elopionot going deep into qt yet, though.16:23
seb128something seems wrong on the CI train table16:24
seb128the main table doesn't have correct/detailled status16:24
seb128eg l62 or 6416:24
seb128the status is "in silo landing-nnn" but no "building"16:25
fgintherelopio, ok. mandel has been debugging a problem with qt signals (in which they only work correctly on x86) and the thought was that maybe this is causing problems in other projects16:25
robruseb128, there was a hiccup with the spreadsheet. should be fine now. it doesn't hurt the builds if the spreadsheet doesn't have the right status16:26
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
robruseb128, or, it should correct itself shortly16:26
fgintherelopio, I mainly just want to raise awareness that there could be a problem16:26
seb128robru, yeah, I'm not paying much attention to the status, they are correct in the individual tabs16:26
fginthera problem in the API or something lower level16:26
seb128I was mostly pointing it out as a fyi16:26
robruseb128, yeah, I saw for a few minutes it was totally unresponsive, so now it's back with stale status, that's an improvement ;-)16:27
Mirvsorry, I missed my alarm16:28
Mirvit seems the meeting is done. sorry didrocks & co :(16:29
didrocksMirv: yeah, done16:29
didrocksMirv: no worry, read the emails16:29
* Mirv reads16:29
Mirvthere's no shortage of blockers to look at16:33
bfillersil2100: is silo9 ready to retest with your changes?16:35
mhr3_sil2100, 018 rdy to land16:41
elopiofginther, mandel: sounds important to discuss about it with bzoltan1, to make sure that it's not affecting the toolkit.17:02
elopiomandel: do you have a test that exposes the problem?17:02
bregmasil2100, robru, cyphermox whoever is in the zone at this point in time, I'm looking for a silo assignment for line 65 please and thank you17:08
robrubregma, sure17:08
robrubregma, ok, you got silo 617:09
mandelelopio, I do have tests that have the problem but I'll be doing a small app to show the issue17:11
mhr3_robru, 018 rdy to publish17:13
robrumhr3_, ah sorry. just saw your previous message now.17:14
bzoltan1elopio: what is the topic?17:14
robrumhr3_, just need a core dev ack. cyphermox? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-018-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scopes-shell_0.4.0+14.04.20140408-0ubuntu1.diff17:14
elopiobzoltan1: mandel found that some signals work only on x86.17:14
cyphermoxhold on17:14
bzoltan1sil2100: are you still here?17:14
mandelbzoltan1, well, is a little more complicated, it appears to be that the new connection style of qt signals on arm is not reliable (at least on the tests because I have not manage to see problems in production code)17:15
cyphermoxrobru: ack17:16
cjwatsonIt doesn't hugely surprise me that it isn't reliable, given that it depends on a sketchy C++ feature17:16
mandelbzoltan1, I have some tests that expect some signals to be raised, initially I used QTRY_COMPARE(QSignalSpy::count) but it fails on arm and other archs17:16
bzoltan1mandel:  would you please fire a bug report with all the details you know and assign it to me?17:16
bzoltan1mandel:  I am close to EOD... so can not jump on it right away17:17
mandelbzoltan1, sure, I'll also add a small test case that exposes it17:17
mandelbzoltan1, no problem17:17
cjwatsonspecifically http://yosefk.com/c++fqa/function.html :-)17:17
robrucyphermox, thanks17:17
mandelcjwatson, if that is the casel, we should tell people not to use the new style, although is sooo nice to be able to have the compiler tell me I'm stupid when a signal or slot does not exist17:18
cjwatsonOr indeed http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7150/Member-Function-Pointers-and-the-Fastest-Possible17:18
elopiothanks mandel.17:18
robrumhr3_, ok, published17:18
bregmathat hack relies on undefined behaviour and the nanoseconds it saves is a premature optimization that does not belong in UI code17:19
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 282 DONE (finished: 20140408 17:20) ===17:20
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/282.changes ===17:20
mandelcjwatson, the fact that it may not work in other archs is something we should mention, specially when we are targeting armhf for the phone17:20
mandelbzoltan1, what project should I add the bug to?17:20
cjwatsonmandel: I believe we've previously seen that PMFs don't work properly on ppc64el (er, I think, maybe it was powerpc or maybe both), although I hadn't been regarding that as anything to panic about particularly17:21
cjwatsonmandel: where's the code in question in ubuntu-download-manager?17:21
cjwatsonbregma: I can see why people want it for type-safety or at least existence-safety rather than optimisation17:22
mandelcjwatson, well, I cannot point to an specific line just yet, I know that my tests wait for the signal to me raised and never do. Atm I'm adding logs to try to be more specific17:22
cjwatsonhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/172235576/ubuntu-download-manager_0.3%2B14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1_0.3%2B14.04.20140408-0ubuntu1.diff.gz seems to be using the old style "SIGNAL()" everywhere?17:23
bzoltan1mandel: lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit17:23
mandelbzoltan1, sure? 'cause I don't think it is related to the ui toolkit but with qt17:24
mandelcjwatson, in the tests I do, not in the code being tested (and is because QSignalSpy and QTimer do not accept function pointers)17:25
cjwatsonmandel: I was hoping for a reference because I couldn't see it17:25
cjwatsonEven the tests seem to be using SIGNAL() everywhere17:26
mandelcjwatson, I'm trying to narrow things down17:26
mandelcjwatson, for example => http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/set-download-dir/view/head:/src/common/priv/ubuntu/transfers/queue.cpp#L4617:27
mandelcjwatson, I need to narrow down what signals are the ones that are not emitted17:28
mandelcjwatson, unity-scope-click also has a similar issue where they use the old connection syntax due to this (grep flaky)17:28
mandelcjwatson, if you look at their code the check the result of QObject::connect to test that the connection was successful, I'll be doing the same17:30
cjwatsonmandel: Given that you're using the old syntax almost everywhere else, avoiding the utter terror entirely might be a plan ...17:33
cjwatsonI wonder under what circumstances QObject::connect(..., PMF) only gives you warnings at run-time rather than compile-time diagnostics17:34
mandelcjwatson, yes, atm I'm not worried about udm, is no problem, I'm worried about other projects usign this or possible bugs due to this17:35
seb128cyphermox, robru: who can upload to landing ppas?17:35
robruseb128, anybody in the team that owns them? I can.17:35
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|brb
cyphermoxseb128: yeah, we can17:37
seb128cyphermox, robru: can you upload lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-screensaver/ubuntu to ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-00617:38
robruseb128, on it17:39
renatosil2100, ping17:42
robruseb128, erm, sorry, I'm not super familiar with these packaging-only branches. how do I build an uploadable package from that? (I was expecting a complete project branch and just 'bzr bd -S')17:43
seb128robru, same, bzr bd -S17:44
seb128it downloads the tarball from the archive for you, unpack and build17:44
robruseb128, ah ok, nice17:45
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
=== WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani
robruseb128, ok, uploaded. you might need to trigger a watch_only build before citrain realizes what's going on, but don't cancel the existing build job for now17:48
seb128ok, thanks17:50
seb128bregma, ^17:50
bzoltan1mandel:  fire it to us :) i will take care of it17:54
bregmawatch-only build queued18:08
bzoltan1sil2100:  we got our FFe granted \o/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/130262018:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302620 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove remotelinux plugin and its dependencies from the QtC package" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:14
boikorobru: landing-001 tested and ready to go18:16
robruboiko, thanks18:17
robrujust needs packaging ack from a core dev. cyphermox? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-001-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_telephony-service_0.1+14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1.diff18:17
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
cyphermoxI feel it could get painful though, having history-service and telephony-service interdependent :/18:31
boikocyphermox: so, the thing is: class0 sms should not be stored automatically according to GSM, so we just show them, and if the user decides he wants to save, then we manually save that to the history-service18:33
boikocyphermox: history-service doesn't have a dependency on telephony-service18:33
boikoit works on its own as a standard telepathy client18:33
seb128robru, what you did for the gnome-screensaver upload was not right, why did you change the name/steal credit?18:36
robruseb128, because I dont' have Marco's private key to sign the upload?18:39
robruseb128, oops, I forgot to mmove Marco's name up in the changelog, sorry18:39
seb128robru, that's why the -k<yourkeynumber> has been invented18:39
robruseb128, well i didn't know about that, sorry18:39
seb128robru, bzr bd -S -- -k<keyid>18:39
seb128robru, or at least dch -r (which puts the original name under [ ] at the top of the entry)18:40
robruseb128, didn't mean to steal credit for the whole thing, it just made sense that my name would be on the *upload* since I uploaded it18:40
seb128robru, no worry, but those are handy options, note them down for next time ;-)18:40
robruseb128, ok18:40
seb128robru, yeah, changing the name is fine, you should have added [ Marco ] in the entry then though (or use dch to do it for you)18:41
robruseb128, yeah, I forgot, sorry18:41
seb128robru, no worry, that happens18:45
dbarthrobru: o/ hi18:46
dbarthrobru: can you help me reconfig silo 8? we've merged 2 branches that were not working well together (mardy and alex-abreu)18:46
robrudbarth, sure18:46
dbarthrobru: and thanks for the bamf webapps branch yesterday, it's landed now18:47
robrudbarth, hmm, your MPs are targetting wrong branches: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/126/console you need all MPs to target trunk18:47
dbarthoh my18:48
robrudbarth, heh, thank alex! I just silo'd it18:48
dbarthrobru: we're adjusting silo 8 branches; getting back to you in a few minutes18:49
robrudbarth, sure18:49
sergiusensrobru: cyphermox any way to stop this? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-019-1-build/9/console18:52
robrusergiusens, want me to cancel the job?18:53
sergiusensrobru: yes, well mandel does18:57
robrusergiusens, ok, stopped18:57
robrusergiusens, feel free to rebuild when you have some new commits or whatever18:58
sergiusensrobru: rebuilding requires reconfigure; right?18:58
robrusergiusens, only if you add new MPs18:58
sergiusensbut I can do that myself18:58
robrusergiusens, yes, if you add new MPs for the same project, you can reconfigure. if you just add new commits to the same MPs, you only need to rebuild, not reconfigure.18:58
sergiusensrobru: right; if I try to rebuild I always get an error saying it has already been built18:58
robrusergiusens, there's a 'force rebuild' option for that18:59
sergiusensrobru: yeah, but then I get an ugly 'rebuilt' message in the changelog :-)18:59
robrusergiusens, hum, then I guess you can reconfigure every time :-P19:00
sergiusensrobru: there's no side effect, right?19:00
robrusergiusens, nope19:01
robrusergiusens, just slower having to run two jobs19:01
sergiusensthen I'm good19:01
mhr3_robru, am i reading this right? unity-scopes-shell got released but gsettings-qt is unapproved?19:03
mhr3_that means the former will be crashing19:03
dbarthrobru: back with 2 branches with a revenge19:03
dbarthrobru: ie, silo 8 should be reconfigurable now19:03
robrumhr3_, that's correct. better ask #ubuntu-release to approve gsettings-qt then ;-)19:04
robrudbarth, success!19:04
mhr3_robru, who's got the approval powers?19:05
cjwatsonmhr3_: hm, this is new public API, no symbols file changes?19:06
mhr3_cjwatson, i don't think it maintains a symbol file19:06
cjwatsonmhr3_: so how do we maintain proper partial upgrade handling?19:07
mhr3_cjwatson, beats me, i just patched it, not a maintainer19:07
cjwatsonah, apparently we don't19:07
cjwatsonmhr3_: it's too late for this upload, but can you find a maintainer to fix this going forward?  if this had been done right then the new unity-scopes-shell would just have been held in -proposed, rather than being installable but crashing19:08
mhr3_cjwatson, yea, opening a bug19:09
cjwatsonmhr3_: I've accepted gsettings-qt as the least bad answer now that unity-scopes-shell is in anyway (if I'd had the opportunity I'd probably have rejected both)19:09
cjwatsonfortunately unity-scopes-shell is only on touch for now so partial upgrades aren't so critical19:09
cjwatsonwell, the unity8 preview desktop maybe19:09
cjwatsonmhr3_: thanks19:10
bfillerrobru: silo14 ready to land19:43
robrubfiller, done!19:46
* robru -> lunch19:46
* ogra_ wonders why all the network-manager tests fail in unity8 on all devices21:19
cyphermoxogra_: which tests are those?21:31
bfillerrobru: silo 9 ready to be released. sil2100 did the packaging review on sync-monitor (which is a new package) and we incorporated his branch21:34
bfillerrobru: he said something about needing a preNEW review, but don't know what that means exactly21:34
robrubfiller, hmmm basically it means didrocks needs to ack it21:35
bfillerrobru: anyone else capable of doing that?21:35
robrubfiller, well theoretically any archive admin can do it, but it's unfortunately not well understood beyond didrocks21:36
robru(didrocks invented it)21:36
bfillerrobru: does it make sense to release the other things in the silo and wait only on sync-monitor until tomorrow? don't want to get caught by freeze21:39
robrubfiller, well you tell me ;-) will the other stuff break without it?21:39
bfillerrobru: the folks and syncevo can certainly go in, probably best to wait on the address-book-* though to go together with sync-monitor21:40
robrubfiller, I can't really publish half a silo, best to wait for all of it then ;-)21:41
bfillerrobru: that's fine21:42
robruI'll email didrocks so he can preNEW it first hing21:42
bfillerrobru: sounds good, cc me too if you don't mind21:42
robrubfiller, oops, just hit send. I'll fwd to you21:43
robrubfiller, you're welcome21:44
mandelcjwatson, following or conversation, more info => https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172280588/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-powerpc.ubuntu-download-manager_0.3%2B14.04.20140408.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:45
thomirobru: silo 10 (line 41) is ready to land at your convenience21:47
robruthomi, done!21:48
thomiwow, that was fast, thanks :)21:49
robruthomi, well fortunately you didn't change any packaging, so no core dev ack required. one-click publish job ;-)21:49
thomiheh, cool21:49
robruthomi, although it might get held up in -proposed, that's out of my hands21:49
thomiif it does, who should I bug about that?21:50
davmor2popey: just for you bud http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~davmor2/+junk/phone-transfer/view/head:/transfer.py  it's ugly but works :)21:50
cyphermoxthomi: we'll look into it21:50
thomicool, thanks cyphermox21:50
cyphermoxrobru: what package was that, autopilot?21:50
robrucyphermox, yeah ;-)21:51
popeydavmor2: ☻21:51
popeydavmor2: feature request - add sync-evolution calls to that script21:51
popeyoh you have ☻21:52
davmor2popey: :)21:52
robrupopey, you still around? I've been having fun with bug 1304362 all day21:52
ubot5bug 1304362 in location-service (Ubuntu) "possible memory leak in ubuntu-location-serviced on mako #281" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130436221:52
popeyrobru: ☻21:53
popeyrobru: good isnt it?21:53
davmor2popey: there is no calendar sync cause I've never done that, but that should be contacts, music, images and videos21:53
popeymhall119 has cal sync ... one mo21:53
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
popeycant find it now21:54
bfillerpopey: if you want to test calendar sync it's ready in silo 9. will be released tomorrow21:55
* popey hugs bfiller 21:55
bfillerI thought you might be excited :)21:55
popeyJust a *bit*21:56
pmcgowanpopey, and did alarms MR land?21:56
pmcgowanspeaking of excitement21:56
robrualright, I'm off to run a couple errands. back in 2 hours!21:56
bfillerpopey: works pretty nicely, just not a way to add a new calendar event onto google yet. but mods work21:56
bfillerheard it's in the works for calendar app to add that though21:57
davmor2bfiller: nice but a bit harder to do via adb I guess :)21:57
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
davmor2bfiller: on a plus side you might not need to if it is easy enough to setup \o/21:58
davmor2popey: you can probably tuple multiple Matches together but I didn't try that being as I was only interested in the mp3/4's I had on the system22:00
popeydavmor2: thanks, I'll play with it tomorrow22:01
mandelelopio, better over here, are you around?22:31
elopiomandel: I am. Too late?23:00
mandelelopio, nop23:24
mandelelopio, I sent a small report about the issues I found to the ubuntu-phone list23:24
mandelelopio, I'll take a look at it with zoltan tom23:24
elopiomandel: I saw the bug, thanks. It seems that we should have signal tests in every project.23:26
mandelelopio, at least to assert they are raised.. yes it might be a good idea :)23:26

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