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xnoxtrijntje: no.  and signed binaries are uploaded and available from the archive. see *-signed packages.00:03
xnoxtrijntje: so anyone can use them, furthermore they need to be distributed on the cd and to the users machines.00:04
Netsnipeutlemming: hey Ben00:33
Netsnipeare you in?00:33
Netsnipeis there anybody else in who's responsible for the EC2 AMI images for Ubuntu?00:35
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NetsnipeI'm looking for an ETA as to when the OpenSSL patched AMIs are going to be built.00:36
sarnoldNetsnipe: what's up?00:36
sarnoldah, drat, no idea there. sorry. :)00:37
Netsnipesarnold: any idea on who else I can speak to?00:38
sarnoldzul, roaksoax_, rbasak_ ^^ are you guys the one to ask about ec2 ami images?00:41
Netsnipeis there anybody awake in here who's responsible for the EC2 AMI images for Ubuntu?02:02
infinityutlemming: ^02:03
Netsnipeinfinity: I already pinged him.02:04
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* hyperair wonders if the unity webapps extension has died again in chrome. =\02:17
RAOFcyphermox: Have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1296226 ? I've folded that into the network-manager branch as a part of piloting; it looks like that should get uploaded pre-Trusty, right?02:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1296226 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Patches rely on TARGET_DEBIAN to be defined" [Undecided,New]02:34
RAOF@pilot out03:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final Beta released! | Archive: Gated Review | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: arges
FourDollarsarges: Hi, could you help me to review the patch of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1303819 ?03:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303819 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth menu's content disappeared after resume." [Undecided,New]03:13
cyphermoxRAOF: yes, thanks. I'll take care of it in the morning (or if you want, feel free to upload)03:14
FourDollarscyphermox: Hi, could you help me to review the patch of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1303819 ?03:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303819 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth menu's content disappeared after resume." [Undecided,New]03:15
cyphermoxFourDollars: I'll be happy to, but in my morning03:16
FourDollarscyphermox: OK. Thanks a lot.03:16
cyphermoxI'm just accidentally on; trying to follow the elections here and get some small tasks done unrelated to work :)03:16
cyphermoxFourDollars: ok, looked quickly03:17
FourDollarsIRC should prompt some information about timezone. XD03:18
cyphermoxseems to make sense if that -1 is a valid adapter ID to say that the adapter is not there :)03:18
cyphermoxFourDollars: I'm in east coast north america03:18
FourDollarscyphermox: Take your time.03:19
cyphermoxFourDollars: like I said, I'll check to upload only tomorrow; but it looks fine with a quick glance03:19
cyphermoxthanks for looking into this03:19
FourDollarscyphermox: -1 is the initial value of this global variable.03:20
FourDollarscyphermox: So it is reasonable to set it back to -1 when there is no adapter available. (That is what I think.)03:21
FourDollarsAnd it does fix the problem. :)03:21
FourDollarscyphermox: Thanks again for your help. :)03:22
RAOFcyphermox: I've already got the stuff ready, so I'll upload. Thanks!03:35
cyphermoxRAOF: hold on if it's not too late03:43
cyphermoxthere was a fix in the packaging branch, from pitti re: autopilot tests03:44
RAOFYup; I folded that in.03:44
RAOF(Or, rather, I started with the packaging branch)03:44
cyphermoxoh, cool03:44
MirvI wonder if any core-dev would be available to call 'requestsync -d unstable pitivi' to sync pitivi for bug #1253009 ? the only thing I'm pondering about is whether it matters if the demoting to universe happens before or after the sync04:47
ubottubug 1253009 in pitivi (Baltix) "[FFe] Please sync latest upstream release (0.9x) from Debian unstable - Pitivi developers recommends to use 0.92 or later" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125300904:47
Mirvthere's a branch too but intltool-update -p wouldn't be needed after pitivis is universe, so there are no changes left to keep in ubuntu04:49
RAOFMirv: I don't _think_ it would be a problem if it were syncd before demotion; it'll just FTBFS until it is. That said, I'd prefer to be sure :)04:56
infinityRAOF: No, it should be demoted before it's attempted.04:57
infinityI'll sort this out.04:57
infinity(It'll only FTBFS if it's missing a build-dep, which the bug log doesn't make clear... And if it's built successfully and then demoted, it will have all the translations stripped)04:58
infinitySo, first, we need to see why it's in main.04:58
infinityubuntu.trusty/usb: * pitivi04:58
infinityI assume that.04:59
infinityIt's been in main since lucid, I'm not sure just suddenly dropping support is the kindest thing to do.04:59
RAOFHuh. mterry found it only on the ubuntustudio dvd.04:59
Mirvthanks infinity for looking. mterry indeed also replied via e-mail that it should be safe to demote.05:00
MirvI think the history was that it was either included or considered to be included by default at some point, but then dropped later.05:01
infinitySafe isn't the same as right.05:01
infinityLike I said, it's been in main since (at least) lucid.  If we wanted to be supporting it, we should be looking at its deps, not just dropping it on the floor.05:01
infinityBut if we don't care about supporting it (or if, historically, we've not really supported it anyway), meh.05:01
* infinity looks for evience of the latter.05:02
infinitySo, there was one micro-release SRU in precise, and 0 SRUs or security updates in any other series'...05:02
infinityThat points to "it wasn't really supported anyway, despite being in main".05:02
ScottKIt's mostly used by Studio and IIRC they focus on LTS.05:03
infinitySo, let's drop it from that seed and see what germinate has to say.05:03
ScottKSo micro-release in precise doesn't surprise me.05:03
infinityScottK: That was the Canonical desktop team (seb) that did that update.05:03
infinityScottK: Though, maybe that was because it was in main and studio couldn't upload. :P05:04
infinitySo, it might be best for them if it demotes anyway.05:04
* infinity follows the trail on that a bit more.05:04
infinitySo, that was in response to bug #100151605:06
ubottubug 1001516 in pitivi (Ubuntu Precise) "Please SRU to PiTiVi 0.15.2" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100151605:06
infinityWhich claimed it was "completely broken" in precise.05:06
infinityThere've been no other SRUs except for this one "it doesn't work at all for anyone" bug, so that leans to my "it wasn't really well supported to start with" argument.05:07
Mirvwell, it was, and it again is. before the rewrite to gstreamer-editing-services it has struggled to be functional with GStreamer updates (even just 0.10 series updates)05:07
infinitySo, I'm okay with demoting it.05:07
infinityI've committed the seed change, and will demote when c-m says it's okay, and then do the sync.05:08
infinityIf anyone decides it really should be in main, there's still time to argue that case, and either neuter the package or MIR the deps.05:08
Mirvexcellent, thanks infinity, users should rejoy this since they've a chance of doing some video editing05:09
infinity(An MIR for pitivi itself wouldn't seem necessary)05:09
Mirvneutering would not be possible fully, at least gstreamer-editing-services1.0 and gnonlin1.0 would be strict new dependencies from universe05:09
infinityMirv: demoted and synced.05:32
pittiGood morning05:50
pittiinfinity, smoser: argh, wolfes are dpkg crashy again, rebooting05:54
pittinevermind, seems someone already did last night05:55
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dholbachgood morning06:46
zygadholbach: good morning :)06:46
dholbachhi zyga06:47
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cjwatsonhallyn_: when installing, there's only one user; what groups later-added users get put into is up to desktop components and such.  user-setup adds the first user to the sudo group if configured that way (there are expert installation paths where you can set a root password during installation instead)08:16
zygahey, I need a DD to review a few RFS for debian (python modules and apps) that we need to urgently sync to 14.04, they were reviewed by our sponsor but he doesn't have time before evening today and we're in a rush. Is there anyone here that could help me?08:33
zygamvo: hey, perhaps you could help?08:35
mvozyga: can do in some minutes, do you have a link for me?08:35
zygamvo: not really (we just used email before), those are in DPMT (plainbox, checkbox-ng) and PAPT (plainbox-provider-{resuorce-generic,checkbox})08:36
zygamvo: all are in debian svn08:36
zygamvo: and all got a round of review yesterday08:36
mvozyga: aha, do you have links to the svn repo (e.g. on svn.debian.org)?08:37
zygasure, let me dig those up for you08:37
zygamvo: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-modules/packages/plainbox/ http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-modules/packages/checkbox-ng/ http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-apps/packages/plainbox-provider-resource-generic/ and http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-apps/packages/plainbox-provider-checkbox/08:38
mvozyga: ok, I have a checkout of plainbox now, do you guys use svn-buildpackage? or just dpkg-buildpacakge? or something else?08:57
zygamvo: we use svn-buildpackage08:59
zygamvo: those are our first debian packages so we currently just follow the trend in DPMT and PAPT08:59
zygamvo: all the tarballs are on pypi/launchpad08:59
mvozyga: ok, so what are they using :) ?08:59
zygamvo: svn-buildpackage09:00
mvozyga: ok09:01
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zygamvo_: do you have any updates on that? anything I can help with?09:38
zygamvo_: I just saw, thanks!09:38
mvo_zyga: its building, do you mind if I commit a "debian/rules get-orig-source" target? this makes the tarball fetching/renaming automatic09:39
zygamvo_: I don't mind, piotr typically doesn't want that but I'm sure he'll understand09:39
mvo_zyga: it also complaining that the post commit hook is not working09:39
mvo_zyga: what is he using/doing in order to get the orig tarball?09:39
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smbI know I am quite late for asking this: where would I need the smarts (and how would those have to look like) to make people who would have installed xen-hypervisor-(i386|amd64) installed in Precise, pick up xen-system-amd64? That is also both i386 and amd64 move to system-amd64 as there is no 32bit hypervisor anymore.12:26
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xnoxsmb: you want xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd64 & xen-hypervisor-4.1-i386 to migrate to xen-system-amd64, right?12:40
xnoxsmb: in that case you need to provide dummy/empty package named xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd64 and xen-hypervisor-4.1-i386, which have "Depends: xen-system-amd64"12:41
smbxnox, right. that would be a meta-package to ensure the whole system gets upgraded/installed.12:41
xnoxsmb: correct, and it's the only way to guarantee upgrade path, no-matter how the user choose to upgrade (dpkg, dselect, apt, aptitude, upgrade-manager, etc.)12:41
smbxnox, ok. thanks. then I add those to the current xen-4.4 source12:42
xnoxsmb: you probably want similar packages fro xen-system-i386, xen-hypervisor-4.4-amd64, xen-hypervisor-4.3-amd64, xen-hypervisor-4.2-i386, Package xen-hypervisor-4.2-amd64.... depending on which upgrade paths you are willing to support (or forgot to support =))) )12:43
smbxnox, Yeah, true. Especially since there likely is enough documentation out there telling people to use the hypervisor package as the base install selector. Which was true in the past.12:45
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jibelpitti, bug 1304403 is for you?13:09
ubottubug 1304403 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Precise to Trusty - all of main - fails: The package 'postgresql-server-dev-9.1' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130440313:09
pittihm, does that mean that some package conflicts with postgresql-9.1?13:10
pittiah, found it in the apt log13:11
brainwashxnox: hey, did you already take a closer look at bug 1284910? sadly I'm not familiar with ubiquity and how it can be easily debugged/tested13:12
ubottubug 1284910 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Beta 1 and Beta 2 installer has debian background wallpaper" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128491013:12
brainwashthe last comment points to a commit which might be the cause for the wrong wallpaper13:14
gioelehello, I just run FWTS and it has found a series of failures. How should these be handled? Is there a place where they can be reported? Just in launchpad?13:15
zygahow long does it take from something to show up in debian sid to be syncable via requestsync?13:16
jibelpitti, actually the root cause seems to be the transition from libkadm5srv-mit8 to libkadm5srv-mit913:16
pittiThe following packages will be REMOVED:13:17
pitti  krb5-multidev libkrb5-dev libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-9.113:17
pittijibel: that's what I get on dist-upgrade, so I indeed see that13:17
jibelpitti, the upgrade path is libkadm5srv-mit9 -> rb5-multidev -> libpq-dev -> postgresql-server-dev-9.113:19
jibelbut it refuses to upgrade -mit8 to -mit913:19
Laneyhow do I do git reset --hard origin in bzr?13:27
mvoLaney: I assume bzr revert is not good enough as you want to go to the orgin base version?13:29
Laneymvo: indeed13:29
LaneyI tried bzr revert -r :parent but that didn't do it13:30
sergiusensLaney: how about bzr uncommit -r revno && bzr revert ?13:31
seb128Laney, what is that git command doing?13:31
seb128Laney, can't you just uncommit&revert?13:31
sergiusensseb128: that's basically what it does13:32
LaneyI want it to calculate it all for me13:33
Laneyuncommit -r :parent makes bzr crash :D13:33
mvoLaney: yeah, I just tried the same trick with the same result :)13:33
seb128Laney, what are you trying to do?13:34
seb128why the -r?13:34
seb128just uncommit & revert?13:34
LaneyI could have any number of commits13:34
seb128Laney, then uncommit -r <rev>?13:35
mvoLaney: have you tried asking in #bzr yet?13:36
seb128Laney, you can also pull --overwrite :p13:36
cjwatson"git reset --hard origin" is "I am completely giving up on everything I haven't pushed, please just reset my branch to origin and forget about the rest"13:36
cjwatsonyou could always rebranch13:36
Laneyseb128: yeah I know I can do it manually13:36
Laneyrebranch is "I'm giving up on this VCS now" :P13:36
LaneyI'll ask in #bzr and give up13:37
cjwatsonyou should probably not start from the axiom that bzr is as flexible as git is with regard to moving branches around ...13:37
seb128I think pull --overwrite is smart enough to not do a full checkout13:37
LaneyActually that does look like it worked13:38
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Laneyseb128: seems like that is actually the right way13:51
seb128Laney, pull --overwrite?13:51
Laney  If you want to replace your local changes and just want your branch to13:51
Laney  match the remote one, use pull --overwrite. This will work even if the two13:51
seb128cool ;-)13:51
Laney  branches have diverged.13:51
Laneytyhicks: thanks for the lightdm fixes, logout works for me now13:56
seb128Laney, tyhicks: \o/13:57
mlankhorstgreat :)13:57
mvois there a equivalent for git-dch for bzr?13:57
hallyncjwatson: yeah, talked to stgraber about it last night;  the problem is that if tasksel installs libvirt-bin during iso install, the postinst which adds all sudo group members to the libvirtd group doesn't find the initial user in sudo group  yet13:58
seb128mvo, not sure if there is a standard tool, but didrocks has one, the autolander generate changelogs from vcs commits at least13:58
mvoseb128: cool, maybe didrocks can give me a hint13:59
seb128mvo, he's off for exercice but I'm sure he's going to pong once he's back/done with backlog14:00
mvothanks seb12814:00
tyhicksLaney: good to hear! :)14:01
cjwatsonhallyn: user-setup-apply does that after tasksel runs14:02
cjwatsonhallyn: so things will need to tolerate that14:02
hallyncjwatson: yes, i proposed a one-liner to user-setup in bug 1304008 ...14:04
ubottubug 1304008 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "user not added to libvirtd group with iso trusty 'virtual machine host' installation method" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130400814:04
cjwatsonhallyn: why wouldn't we just add that to passwd/user-default-groups directly?14:05
cjwatsonrather than getting the value from another place in the same package and then adding to it :)14:05
hallyni thought that was only done with preseed.  is there a global default?14:05
hallyn(i didn't see it in user-setup)14:05
hallynsounds perfect :)14:05
stgraberoh, didn't think of that. I did think of passwd/user-default-groups but not about always setting libvirtd in there even in the non-libvirt case14:06
hallynwell the adduser line does || true so it's ok in non-libvirtd case,14:06
cjwatsonhallyn: so yeah, I can do that now14:07
hallyncjwatson: thanks!14:07
seb128can something stop/retry https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-013/+build/5889261 ?14:09
seb128that seems to be hanging, I would like to get it retried without having to wait on the buildd job to timeout14:09
Laneyhas that happened before?14:10
seb128Laney, I don't know14:10
seb128Laney, other archs built fine14:10
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seb128we had transient tests issues for sure14:11
seb128but I don't know if that includes hangs or only fails14:11
LaneyI'll try it14:12
cjwatsonseb128: cancelled and I'll retry14:12
Laneyooh, who won?14:12
cjwatsonI hit cancel before posting here ...14:12
Laneyme too14:12
cjwatsonanyway, it's running now14:12
seb128cjwatson, Laney: thanks14:13
seb128cjwatson, Laney: retry worked, thanks14:23
Riddellpitti: could we add gpgsm back to gpgme to fix bug 1293704 ?14:31
ubottubug 1293704 in gpgme1.0 (Ubuntu) "Kleopatra don't support s/mime" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129370414:31
pittiRiddell: sure, if you have a way to make that build and work with gpg 1 and 2, please go ahead14:32
pittiRiddell: I remember that I spent an hour or two on it and I didn't see how14:32
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pittistgraber: thanks for pointing out lxc-start -s!14:49
stgraberpitti: np, it's not the most advertised feature :)14:50
pittistgraber: I greatly simplified adt-virt-lxc with that now14:50
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pittijibel: so apparently bug 1304403 doesn't pop up in the automatic upgrade tests, right?15:39
ubottubug 1304403 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Precise to Trusty - all of main - fails: Broken transition from libkadm5srv-mit8 to libkadm5srv-mit9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130440315:39
pittijibel: looking at this now (got distracted with some other stuff); at least if it's due to krb-dev it only affects server-dev, and this isn't important to keep after an upgrade15:40
pittijibel: so perhaps we can just refine the regexp to not catch -dev, but I'll check if there's an easy way to nudge the upgrade15:40
jibelpitti, no, I found it while testing main_all manually. It is not automated due to the disk space it uses15:41
pittijibel: at least upgrade-ubuntu-precise-trusty-server-tasks-amd64 covers the critical case of keeping -9.1 on upgrades15:44
didrocksmvo: hey! so I have something which isn't a separate binary unfortunately. It's quite linked to CI Train/cu2d as I ignore the commit message to generate the changelog if there is a manual change for that commit in the mainline in debian/control15:49
didrocksmvo: and on bzr upstream advice, the only way to achieve it with that constrain was to parse the output, so not very elegant…15:49
mvodidrocks: I have a solution for now https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/bzr-builddeb/dch - need to find a bzr-buidlddeb upstream to figure out if this might go upstream15:51
didrocksmvo: oh nice, james_w can maybe review it ;)15:53
mvodidrocks: getting his feedback would be great, I'm sure there is tons to do15:55
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Laneyslangasek: I guess https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu%20Kylin/Ubuntu%20Kylin%20Archive needn't call out the GPL/LGPL explicitly16:11
jibelmvo, I tried an upgrade with eglibc from your ppa (2.19-0ubuntu4) on amd64 and still have the prompt during upgrade from precise. and in text mode because libgtk-perl cannot be loaded.16:11
slangasekLaney: indeed not16:13
cyphermoxpitti: could you please look into why your NM tests are still randomly failing? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-network-manager/16:17
pittijibel: I have a simple and obvious fix, uploaded now; I tested it successfully in a chroot16:17
cyphermoxpitti: in theory RAOF included your isolation-machine fix16:18
pitticyphermox: they don't fail randomly, but very reliably; apparently introduced some regression16:18
pitticyphermox: yes, but that's only for the ppc64el and armhf tests (they are just skipped now)16:18
pittiI can have a look tomorrow, yes16:18
jibelpitti, nice, I'll wait before restarting the test then.16:19
pittijibel: the release team still needs to review/ack it16:19
cyphermoxpitti: the reason I say "fail randomly" is because those are issues in the tests, not in NM. With the exception of the PE stuff; these tests are things I verify and use routinely -- such as the killswitch connection restore, or suspend and resume16:33
RFlemingGreets and salutations16:56
RFlemingquick question re the heartbleed patch on OpenSSL16:58
RFlemingover in #ubuntu lots of people are asking about the version number remaining the same16:58
RFleming1.0.1 14 Mar 201216:58
RFlemingis the version number changing with the patch?16:59
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RFlemingahh, openssl version -a to compare built on date.17:02
tarpmanRFleming: also, ubuntu revision on the package version. e.g. in precise: ubuntu5.11->ubuntu5.1217:05
cjwatsonRight, you should always look at the full package version.  It's often inappropriate to take entire new upstream releases.17:06
RFlemingtarpman, the questions have been "I installed the patch, but it still shows 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012.  What gives?"17:08
RFlemingbut using the -a switch can show the patch has applied with the build date.17:08
cjwatsonRFleming: Use "dpkg-query -W libssl1.0.0" instead.17:09
RFlemingthat doesn't really help17:10
cjwatsonIt sure does.17:10
cjwatsonYou can compare with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+changelog17:10
RFlemingI can yes... Joe user?17:10
cjwatsonOr you can look at /usr/share/doc/libssl1.0.0/changelog.Debian.gz locally and see the fixed version there17:11
cjwatsonI don't think expecting Joe User to remember a slew of independent version-discovery commands for lots of different packages (openssl is just today's problem) and correlate those against build dates is at all sensible17:11
cjwatsonOh, also, the package version numbers in which any given security vulnerability was fixed are listed in the USNs on security.ubuntu.com17:12
cjwatsonhttp://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ in this case17:12
cjwatsonSo the instruction is "run 'dpkg-query -W libssl1.0.0' and make sure the version listed is at least that shown on http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ for your release of Ubuntu"17:13
RFlemingvs run openssl version -a and see if it was built yesterday?17:13
cjwatsonThat might help as a special case for today's problem, but you aren't giving people tools that will help them not need to ask the same question for the next vulnerability17:13
RFlemingahh, I see where you're going17:14
cjwatsonAnd, for future things, build dates are often misleading for one reason or another17:14
cjwatsonSo if people rely on them it often leads to them wasting time on blind-alley questions17:15
cjwatsonIt's only not misleading in this case because we didn't get any advance notice of this CVE17:15
RFlemingperhaps "run 'dpkg-query -W libssl1.0.0' and make sure the version listed is at least that shown on http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ for your release of Ubuntu" should be made #ubuntu's MOTD17:15
jpds!sslbug | RFleming17:22
ubottuRFleming: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.17:22
RFlemingthat works :)17:27
roaksoaxslangasek: do you have a few minutes to spare to approve maas from the unapproved queue? (It has important bugfixes that we would like to release)17:38
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slangasekroaksoax: accepted18:11
roaksoaxslangasek: thanks a lot!18:13
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mvojibel: thanks, same text as the previous one? then I will have a look tomorrow morning18:56
argesxnox: hi. looking at an trusty installer issue with a mellanox card. does the module need to be in /etc/network/devnames-static.gz in order for that card to be properly detected?19:09
argesxnox: when we get to the 'configure the network' dialog, other NICs show up, but not this mlx4 one.19:10
argesxnox: just realized its pretty late where you are, i'll send an email19:12
xnoxarges: hey =) maybe try stgraber  =)19:14
xnoxarges: i have no clue what you are on about =)))))19:15
argesxnox: hey! ok will do.. yea its installer questions19:15
stgraberarges: no idea19:16
xnoxarges: well, networking configuration parts of it, which i don't deal with at all. Never heard of /etc/network/devnames-static.gz either. sounds weird to have gzip compressed files under /etc/network.19:16
xnoxarges: if you need kernel modules, they should be packaged / included in the udebs19:16
cjwatsonI'd expect it to just need to be set up so that the kernel/udev can automatically load the module for it19:16
argesyea, we're trying to figure out if this is a hw-detect issue or exists somewhere else19:16
cjwatsonanything that requires manual hw-detect action is very much deprecated19:17
cjwatsonplease don't introduce more of it unless you have fully investigated the better alternatives and know why they won't work for you :)19:17
xnoxarges: if you can't modprobe it / no kernel module to load, then well that's the first thing to do.19:17
argesxnox: the module is in nic-modules19:17
argesxnox: i can modprobe it just fine19:17
argescjwatson: so the installer is using udev at that point?19:17
cjwatsondevnames-static is an escape hatch for ancient crufty stuff19:18
argescjwatson: ok good to know.19:18
cjwatsonit hasn't been touched at all in over five years19:18
argescjwatson: xnox stgraber : thanks guys so looks like we need to setup udev properly to fix this19:19
stgraberarges: is that a Mellanox ethernet card or are you trying to get d-i to install using IP over IB?19:20
argesstgraber: this is a mlx4 IB card. just trying to detect it at this point19:22
stgraberarges: ok, because once you get past loading the ip over ib module and get netcfg to detect it, I can tell you things will fail pretty horribly19:22
stgraberdhclient fails over infiniband unless you generate a valid hardware identifier, put it in a conffile and pass that to dhclient19:23
argesstgraber: sounds like the next level of issues to deal with : )19:23
rtgstgraber, does it work with a static IP address ?19:24
stgraberrtg: it should, yes19:25
stgraberit's really just dhcp that's a bit weird and anything lower than IP (obviously)19:25
jdstrandslangasek: fyi, bug #130465720:34
ubottubug 1304657 in apt (Ubuntu) "world writable files in /var/lib/apt/lists" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130465720:34
slangasekjdstrand: oh my20:35
slangasekjdstrand: follow-up q on bug20:36
jdstrandslangasek: hmmm, I did this in a vm. my desktop system doesn't have those rw files20:38
jdstrandI'm not sure how to do what you asked20:38
saiarcot895This probably isn't the right channel, but do GPG private keys need to be regenerated due to Heartbleed?20:38
slangasekjdstrand: 'apt-cdrom -d /mount/point add'?20:38
jdstrandsaiarcot895: no20:39
slangaseksaiarcot895: no20:39
saiarcot895Thanks jdstrand and slangasek20:39
jdstrandslangasek: give me a minute. I need to update a different vm and see what happens20:40
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jdstrandslangasek: ok, responded. seems apt-cdrom is likely to blame21:29
slangasekjdstrand: huh - surprising, but thanks for checking21:30
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jdstrandslangasek: curious if there is any word on bug #1298539?22:11
ubottubug 1298539 in upstart (Ubuntu) "apparmor rcS.d sysv initscript is running too late" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129853922:11
jdstrandin related yet I think actually unrelated news, dhclient is starting unconfined even though the network-interface-security job ran (ie /run/network-interface-security exists)22:13
jdstrandin a new vm install, but not my laptop22:14
jdstrandwhich looking at the job, boggles me22:15
slangasekjdstrand: no word yet, sorry22:26
slangasekxnox: ^^ do you have another half a day somewhere between now and release to look at 1298539 on top of all your other bugs?  Or should I try to dig up some more time myself?22:28
xnoxjdstrand: why apparmor is not an upstart job? (that question was on the back of my mind since forever)22:29
jdstrandok, the dhclient issue is separate. seems there is a bug in qemu that prevents encrypted lvm from working in a vm unless you use 'nomodeset' (I was booting into singleuser then doing 'resume', which apparently unloaded the profiles)22:29
sarnoldxnox: here's the historical reasoning https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/upstart-devel/2011-December/001771.html22:33
sarnoldxnox: improving apparmor's load is on our todo list for next cycle22:33
jdstrandxnox: let's just say its complicated22:34
jdstrandxnox: but there is the historical reference sarnold mentioned. we plan to do profile compiles in kernel postinst which then means we can do a simple apparmor upstart job super early in the boot process that won't affect boot times22:35
jdstrand(we can then employ the same technique during touch image generation and improve first boot startup times there too)22:36
slangasekjdstrand: hmmm, but now I'm wondering why lightdm starts before runlevel 222:37
jdstrandbut that isn't for 14.04. we wanted it, but alas, it didn't happen22:37
slangasekoh, it doesn't22:37
slangasek'start on filesystem and runlevel [!06] [...]'22:38
jdstrand(to be fair, we only dreamt up how to do it in less than two months ago :)22:39
jdstrandand it is partially implemented. anyhoo, I digress22:39
slangasekjdstrand: ok, so on second glance, I don't understand how the start conditions we have here actually cause the behavior you're describing (of user processes being started up before the apparmor policy is applied)22:39
jdstrandslangasek: well, I don't either-- if you recall, it was you and infinity who discussed it and came up with that22:40
slangasekjdstrand: because the sysvinit script is run from /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf, before we emit the 'runlevel' event later in the same job script; lightdm doesn't start until after we switch runlevels22:40
jdstrandslangasek: why are you talking about lightdm?22:40
slangasekjdstrand: because the user processes are all children of the login session?22:41
jdstrandcause of evince, firefox, etc?22:41
slangasekjdstrand: yeah22:41
slangasekyou said you saw this problem in the wild on desktop installs?22:41
jdstrandwell, I added that before the irc discussion22:41
jdstrandjj sees it on his desktop. infinity sees it on server22:41
jdstrand(many servers)22:41
xnoxslangasek: jdstrand: on todays cloud images, servers and desktops i totally have tty2 & logged in and start executing things ahead of reaching runlevel 2. We have enough things upstartified, such that we should be fully up without sysv init scripts invoked yet, thus imho we should have apparmor job as upstart possibly just before runlevel 2 event.22:42
slangasekwhat infinity is seeing is "network starts after the getty"22:42
slangasekwhich is different22:42
xnoxheck ubiquity installer is start on starting lightdm and that has full-blown desktop with network manager =)22:42
slangasekxnox: apparmor does run just before the runlevel 2 event, the problem is that the runlevel event is late due to slow network configuring22:42
slangasekjdstrand: so the problem that infinity had is not related to apparmor confinement, and won't be fixed by moving rcS earlier in the sequence22:43
slangasekthat is, it'll prevent 'apparmor' from being one of the things spit out at the console, but he was getting console spew from both rcS and rc222:43
xnoxslangasek: hm? is this startpar bridge magic that init.d scripts are ahead of upstart jobs =))))) i see start on remote_fs22:43
slangasekxnox: the apparmor script is in rcS, all of rcS is processed before runlevel is emitted (see above)22:44
slangaseknet result, while we could do with not holding up rcS waiting for the network, making such a change doesn't fix whatever bug jdstrand is seeing22:45
jdstrandslangasek: I thought that initscripts ended up being executing in parallel to jobs?22:47
xnoxand i also see my tty1 login prompt rutinely hidden by "spew", where as tty2 comes up quick. let me cranck up verbosity and see when tty1 comes up vs runlevel 2 has finished.22:50
jjohansenslangasek: I haven't dug into it, but I have repeatedly seen policy loaded after I have logged in, and say started firefox. So that the firefox is unconfined. It is not just an issue of the logging showing up late22:50
jjohansennow I haven't checked to see if this is happening for a while now, and it may be fixed22:50
jdstrandwell, console spew is one thing, but it isn't security relevant22:51
jjohansenjdstrand: right, just saying it isn't just console spew22:51
jdstrandjjohansen: I can't reproduce myself. I thought I had something when I filed the bug, but don't see to have it now. I guess file a bug when you see it?22:51
jdstrandjjohansen: yeah, I hear you22:52
xnoxjdstrand: the premise is that tty1.conf job is "start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=2" and that we assert that by that time, all rc2.d is complete and thus all security profiles loaded and all "spew" is complete.22:52
jdstrandxnox: so, apparmor isn't in rc222:52
jdstrandid is in rcS.d22:53
jdstrandit will be nice when we just have the upstart job...22:54
xnoxjdstrand: given it's already in rcS it should make much differences to put it into an upstart job. But let me experiment here locally to see the ordering we are currently getting.22:55
jdstrandxnox: thomi22:56
jdstrandthomi: nm22:56
jdstrandxnox: thanks22:56
jdstrandI have to step away for bit22:56
jjohansenjdstrand: I still think its weird that we don't do the upstart job and just block boot for a few seconds if policy needs to be compiled22:57
xnoxjjohansen: jdstrand: yeah, ureadahed also delays initial boots - for the sake of speeds upon second boot.22:58
Netsnipehi everyone23:15
Netsnipeutlemming: are you there?23:15
slangasekjdstrand: init scripts in *rc2* execute in parallel to jobs that are 'start on runlevel'.  But apparmor is rcS, so not in parallel23:31
slangasekjjohansen: so I accept there may be a bug with firefox winding up unconfined, I just don't see any way that it could follow from what we're talking about in bug #129853923:31
ubottubug 1298539 in upstart (Ubuntu) "apparmor rcS.d sysv initscript is running too late" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129853923:31
xnoxjdstrand: jjohansen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7224096/ takes negligible amount of time if the caches are valid, and when stale seems faster that execing piles of shell. Ideally i'd not source /lib/apparmor/functions at all - and just rely on filebridge to generate an instance per profile to load.23:53
sarnoldxnox: the end goal is to omre or less just call apparmor_parser /etc/apparmor.d/  and have it Do The Right Thing without goofing around in shell. the parser itself is almost entirely there now..23:57

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