
belkinsaGunnarHj, would anything after 6 PM UTC to 11 PM UTC work for most?00:40
belkinsaI guess that is to pleia2 also.  ^^^00:41
GunnarHjbelkinsa: Hard to tell. 6 PM UTC is the middle of the day in the US. Guess it depends on people's work and such.00:42
belkinsaRight, I know.  It's like 2 PM EST to 7, I think.00:43
GunnarHjSomething like that.00:43
belkinsaAnd that will be 11 AM to 3 PM PST, which is pleia2's tiemzone.00:44
GunnarHjRight. OTOH the evening UTC is necessary so some of us won't need to sit in the meeting at 3 AM or something like that...00:45
GunnarHjon the other hand00:46
belkinsaAh.  Duh.00:46
belkinsaBut I think that shouldn't be an issue, if most are within that timezone range that I can guessed, which is PST to UTC + 2 or +3.00:46
GunnarHjNo, I think the time range you suggested is reasonable.00:47
belkinsaAlso, you think end of the week is better?00:49
GunnarHjAs long as it's not very late in Europe, I would guess that workdays are preferable. (But I may well be wrong.)00:55
GunnarHjbelkinsa: ^00:56
belkinsaI figured that was for me and the fact that people prefer workdays but when is the question. Or it doesn't matter.00:57
GunnarHjbelkinsa: You won't find a day/time that is perfect of everyone anyway. If you are about to suggest a fixed scheme, pick something you think is reasonable and let's see what people say.00:59
belkinsaGunnarHj, http://doodle.com/8ag48wpq3xrs3bi9 Good?01:08
GunnarHjbelkinsa: That's 3 PM to 5 PM UTC. Shouldn't it be later on the day?01:12
belkinsaYeah, good point.  Bumping it up two hours.01:12
belkinsaNow it's 5 PM UTC to 7 PM UTC01:13
belkinsaOr should be 7 PM UTC to 11 PM UTC?01:14
belkinsaThinking back from what we had for the last two meetings.01:14
GunnarHjbelkinsa: Actually I think 7pm to 11pm is more likely to fit many of us.01:15
belkinsahttp://doodle.com/8ag48wpq3xrs3bi9t2a9vgv3 Better?01:17
GunnarHjbelkinsa: No. But http://doodle.com/8ag48wpq3xrs3bi9 is ok now. ;)01:25
belkinsaSorry for giving the wrong link.  So, it's safe to post?01:25
GunnarHjbelkinsa: Think you should give it a try on the list.01:25
belkinsaOn it.01:26
GunnarHjbelkinsa: Now it's bedtime for me. Good night, belkinsa!01:26
belkinsaNight, GunnarHj.  (time for me too)01:26
belkinsaThanks for the help.01:27
GunnarHjYou're welcome.01:27
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belkinsaWho has the power to change the topic here?20:55
knomeSignum, jdub, mdke, irc council, freenode staff21:04
belkinsaAlright, thanks.  I was thinking about writing something about the Doodle poll for the next meeting in the topic.21:05
belkinsashaunm, did you follow me on Twitter?  In that case, I followed you back.21:29
shaunmbelkinsa: yes21:31

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