
Patrickdkjust made one, if it is approved00:00
pmatulishallyn_: there now.  i was trying to use other variations in order to continue using preseed.  still not done but i sent in the command i used to get my previous bug comment00:12
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fun69hey folks00:51
fun69I installed nomachine to connect to ubuntu server running gnome - connecting from win7 machine - yet to get full screen00:52
fun69any advice?00:52
fun69how to make it full screen :)00:52
sarnoldfun69: windows things often use alt+enter to full-screen00:56
sarnoldor they did back in winnt 4.0 days :) heh00:56
fun69sarnold: i get full screen but actual ubuntu machine in it is small00:56
sarnoldfun69: change the 'resolution' of your X server?00:57
fun69hmm sarnold u mean change it somewhere in ubuntu?00:58
fun69at this stage I am bit like umm00:58
hallyn_pmatulis: man the code has just totally changed - moved to different filenames and reorg'd.  i may push the debdiff that i said didn't fix it anyway and investigate the next failure differently01:08
sarnoldfun69: yeah, there's gotta be something that says how large to make the display, right?01:14
fun69sarnold: ok its seems nomachine win for some reason sets diff resolution01:14
fun69checking how to change it :D01:14
sarnoldfun69: woo :) have fun01:14
fun691680x1050 1024x76801:14
fun69nr 2 is that nomachine resolution :D01:14
sarnoldfun69: I have a feeling that titan and dallas just didn't understand each other01:30
fun69same :D01:31
fun69I just checked nomachine node in gnome - it says no clients connected01:31
fun69hmm I wonder if they have irc room01:32
fun69nope :D01:32
hallyn_pmatulis: (not that you wanna follow this play-by-play, but) it appears commit 101f176ae4e15d019b570ad5b37794e4bb1fd8ce in libvirt may have something to do with the problem i'm having01:33
atpa8abeisner: thanks! found the same01:34
atpa8asetcap solved it01:34
pmatulishallyn_: i just wish i could help in some way.  lemme know if you want me to test anything.  so far, this would be a terrible bug to have01:35
atpa8aok... so... i don't think it's ubuntu (it's the router likely) but until i ping the 14.04 box from one of the other boxes, the 14.04 box cannot ping the gateway...01:37
hallyn_pmatulis: thanks, i just need to figure out who isn't happy with what they're getting, and give them what they want...  hopefully i'll find it before mid-day tomorrow.01:37
atpa8aafter any reboot that is01:38
hallyn_hm, the object being passed in is not a stream class01:42
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coderangerCan anyone confirm that the openssl 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.12 package is safe?02:19
coderangerThe output from openssl version -a and some other markers point to it possibly being cranky02:20
sarnoldcoderanger: yes, that's the fixed version: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/02:20
coderangerbuilt on: Tue Jun  4 07:26:06 UTC 201302:20
coderangerAlso the local CHANGELOG.gz has no entry for the fix02:21
Patrickdkthe changelog does too02:22
Patrickdkyour reading the wrong thing02:22
Patrickdkcause that is the 5.11 package02:22
Patrickdknot 5.1202:22
coderangerNah, figured it out02:22
coderangerneed to upgrade libssl1.0.0 as well02:22
Patrickdkoh hell, not even 5.1102:22
Patrickdkthat is older than crap02:22
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thumperstgraber, hallyn_: any idea why on a precise aws image, I get this: $ ubuntu-cloudimg-query trusty released amd64 --format '%{url}\n'03:24
thumperconfused by argument: trusty -- when trying to create a trusty ubuntu-cloud image?03:24
stgraberprobably because03:29
stgraberubuntu-cloudimg-query on precise uses some hardcoded list03:29
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stgraberalso unless that changed recently, trusty isn't marked as "released", you'd need to use "daily" at the moment03:30
thumperstgraber: hmm... that same line works on my trustry machine03:38
stgraberah right, final beta counts as released03:42
hallyn_i think even alpha did03:43
hallyn_oh maybe not03:43
thumperthe problem is people creating precise machines with juju then trying to create trusty lxc containers on them03:44
thumperthe lxc is updated, but it is using ubuntu-cloudimg-query to find the image03:45
thumperwhich fails03:45
thumperany idea which package provides that executable?03:47
hallyn_utlemming: smoser: ^ are those the right arguments for ubuntu-cloudimg-query, and should they work on precise?03:47
thumperand if we can update it?03:47
hallyn_you mean ubuntu-cloudimg-query?  that's cloud-image-utils.03:48
thumperI wonder if that is in the cloud-tools archive03:48
* thumper goes to make coffee03:49
hallyn_pmatulis: eureka, found it.  will push a fix tonight03:59
stgraberhallyn_: "eureka, found it", that's a pretty redundant statement :)04:04
* hallyn_ looks around for his old greek prof04:06
hallyn_nowhere to be found - i'll just wait for this to be forgotten on the internet04:06
hallyn_drwxrwxr-x 13 501 501 4096 Mar 23 22:45 /usr04:06
hallyn_this probably is not good04:06
stgraberwho's 501:501?04:07
hallyn_not in /etc/group04:07
hallyn_or passwd04:07
hallyn_i did just purge apache2, maybe that did it04:08
hallyn_or, it was openssl and being on ipv604:08
stgraberboth seem rather unlikely04:08
hallyn_you're telling me not to pull out the gasoline and lighter just yet?04:09
hallyn_stgraber: oh hey, do you happen to know exactly how/when users get added to group sudo during an install from iso?04:09
hallyn_the problem is, when users install libvirt using tasksel, libvirt-bin.postinst is not placing the initial user into grou plibvirtd - presumably bc he is not yet in group sudo.04:10
hallyn_i'm wondering whether marking libvirt-bin as Pre-Depends: sudo would solve it04:10
hallyn_(hard to test without making a new iso)04:10
hallyn_hm, i suppose the question would be how/when the user gets created.  presumably at end of install.  Pre-Depends would not then help.04:11
stgraberuser-setup would be the one adding the user to the group I suspect04:12
stgraberand indeed, user creation happens very late in d-i, after packages are installed anyway04:13
hallyn_so there's really nothing libvirt can do, apart from writing some sudo hook?04:13
stgraberuser-setup-apply does it and it's called from finish-install.d04:14
* hallyn_ looks at user-setup src04:15
stgraberso you could patch user-setup-apply to detect and deal with libvirt membership which may be very well be the easiest there. Otherwise you can also document that people doing that kind of preseeded installs should set passwd/user-default-groups to include libvirtd04:16
hallyn_setting passwd/user-default-groups would be done using preseed?04:18
stgraberyeah. You could also ship a hook which would do it but that'd require introducing a new udeb just for that.04:19
stgraberso if you mostly care about people doing automated deployments, documenting the preseed option is probably the way to go. If you care about people simply doing a standard install from media and selection libvirt in tasksel, then you probably want to go the user-setup route.04:20
hallyn_well i don't know that anyone does standard install from media that way any more, but it is pretty easy to do...  hm.04:21
hallyn_stgraber: thanks, i'll mark down both options for now and sleep on it :)04:22
jamescarris the heartleed bug fixed on 12.04?04:47
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cdownIs it expected that there is no patched version of OpenSSL to fix CVE-2014-0160 in the repositories? At least on the NL mirrors, I have no upgrade path available from 1.0.1c-4ubuntu8.2.05:39
uvirtbotcdown: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0160)05:39
cdownThat is on 13.04.05:41
cdownWait, 13.04 is out of support.05:42
cdownNever mind me, time to upgrade...05:42
lordievaderI think the openssl in Saucy is already patched: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/openssl/1.0.1e-3ubuntu1.207:56
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kikimeterdo you know the frequency of the update for the ubuntu mirror ?08:18
kikimeteran apt-get upgrade on ubuntu 13.10 dont update openssl08:19
RoyKkikimeter: did you run the test I posted above? http://filippo.io/Heartbleed/08:20
kikimeterI pass the test :(08:22
RoyKwell, if you passed, what's the problem? ;)08:22
kikimetermy english should be bad08:22
kikimeterI have to update my openssl on my server08:23
kikimeterI have the 1.0.1e08:23
kikimeterAn apt-get update && apt-get upgrade should fix the version of openssl08:24
kikimetermy unattended-upgrade did nothing08:24
kikimeterand apt-get update && apt-get upgrade say everything ok08:25
kikimeterSo maybe the mirror (french mirror) are not up to date right now08:25
lordievaderRoyK: Can't say I've tested it, I'm afraid, don't run an https server here.08:31
RoyKbug affects ssh too, though08:34
RoyKbut don't know a test for that08:34
xperiahi. i am trying to configure mysql to use a partition as raw device for storing the data. in /etc/mysql/my.cnf i have this line here08:42
xperiainnodb_data_file_path = /dev/sda3:268435456000newraw ownership of /dev/sda3 was changed to mysql:mysql08:42
xperiawhen i try to start mysql however i get allways the error message => 140408 10:36:11  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.08:42
xperiaInnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to InnoDB: the directory. InnoDB: File name /dev/sda3 InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'. InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.08:42
xperiaWhat is here the Problem? I have set up the permission right but mysql fails still to open the /dev/sda3 to use it as raw device. Where is the Problem and how can i fix it?08:42
mardraumxperia: any apparmor errors?08:49
xperiamardraum: thanks a lot for the reply. here is the error line =>  kernel: [ 2527.331188] type=1400 audit(1396946978.024:79): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" name="/dev/sda3" pid=9561 comm="mysqld" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" fsuid=118 ouid=008:52
bekksxperia: apparmor denies raw access.08:57
bekksxperia: Either lower that mysql profile security, disable it, or edit the profile.08:57
xperiabekks: yeah going to change then apparmor profile08:58
xperiamardraum: bekks: finally i could solve the problem but there is a new problem with reformating the raw device partition by mysql. based on parted information i set the size of the partition as 268435456000 Bytes. For some strange reason however mysql stops the formating of the device before the end09:14
xperia140408 11:00:02  InnoDB: Setting file /dev/sda3 size to 256000 MB InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...09:14
xperiaInnoDB: Progress in MB: 100 .... 15600 Exit09:14
xperiaasking me if the problem has to do with the EXT4 Filesystem. Erasing the Partition and retrying.09:15
bekksraw device access never has anything to do with a filesystem.09:17
bekksEither you put your files on a filesystem, or you are using raw devices.09:17
bekksThats basically why it is called "raw device access".09:17
xperiabekks: yeah but how can i tell mysqld the right size so it does not stop the reformating of the raw device. i used parted to get the size in Bytes and told mysql to use that size. after erasing of the partition mysql was able to format 100GB more Space in the partition now but it still stoped the proces and failed to start.09:24
xperia 09:24
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jamespagezul, could you do the honours for a new libvirt for the CA please (icehouse)11:47
jamespagezul, working on a new point release for ceph right now11:48
zuljamespage:  yep11:50
jamespagezul: ta11:51
jamespagezul, i've pushed cinder and swift through to updates btw11:51
smoserstgraber, thumper, apt-get install distro-info12:26
smoserand that fixes the hard coded list.12:26
smoserwe can sru a touch to that package to know about trusty though.12:26
zuljamespage:  cool thanks12:31
ice9if I need to upgrade an application for security fix but it's package is not ready yet in the repo, what should I do, install it from source? but then how do I keep tracking with recent version?12:46
ice9in the future12:46
rbasakhallyn: does bug 1302724 need attention before Trusty's release? It's not clear to me.13:10
rbasakzul: ^^13:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302724 in libvirt "libvirt 1.1.1 wasn't compiled with LXC support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130272413:10
pmatulishallyn: virt-install is looking good!13:10
rbasakjamespage: do you know why unbound has ~ubuntu-server subscribed? I don't see it seeded.13:12
* rbasak is wondering about the priority for bug 130347713:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1303477 in unbound "unbound default configuration only works after reload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130347713:12
jamespagerbasak, gaughen added it - unbound and strongswan just got accked for MIR13:12
jamespagerbasak, still it might need seeding in the server-supported seed13:13
rbasakI was party to that email, but had forgotten. Thanks!13:13
zulrbasak:  dont think so ill double check13:14
rbasakjpds: could you take a look at bug 1303477 please? Is this important?13:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1303477 in unbound "unbound default configuration only works after reload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130347713:15
rbasakIt _sounds_ like a fundamental and important issue to me, but I haven't confirmed it.13:15
zulrbasak:  yeah thats fixed in an SRU i just havent backported it to the CA yet13:18
rbasakzul: ah, thanks. I found bug 1287232. This one is a dupe of that one then, right?13:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1287232 in libvirt "/usr/lib/libvirt-lxc.so missing from libvirt-dev" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128723213:20
* rbasak marks it so13:21
zulrbanffy:  yes13:22
zuleffing autocomplete13:22
zulrbasak:  yes13:22
rbasakOK, thanks!13:22
rbanffyYou woke me up, zul ;-)13:22
zuljamespage:  libvirt uploaded...just going to go fix havana13:23
jamespagezul, ta13:30
* smb squeals at hearing libvirt upload from zul13:31
smbubuntu10 would be ok, I saw that already. :)13:32
jpdsrbasak: The odd thing about that bug is that it's related to saucy.13:38
rbasakjpds: does it affect Trusty also? Or is it fixed now?13:39
jpdsrbasak: Trusty should be working fine.13:39
jpdsI'll spin up a test VM just to be sure.13:39
rbasakjpds: thanks!13:39
jpdsrbasak: Trusty did have an issue that I fixed yesterday: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unbound/+bug/130308813:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1303088 in unbound "unbound-checkconf fatal error" [Undecided,Fix released]13:40
rbasakI tried to confirm bug 1303477 the other day, but I got confused results.13:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1303477 in unbound "unbound default configuration only works after reload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130347713:40
hallynpmatulis: excellent14:00
hallynrbasak: I'm confused.  is it really a bug?14:01
rbasakhallyn: zul resolved it as a dupe now.14:01
rbasak(fixed in Trusty, AIUI)14:01
hallynrbasak: ok, thx14:02
zulrbasak:  thanks14:02
batokIs openssh server affected by heartbleed bug?14:03
jrwrenopenssh doesn't do ssl over tcp directly.14:04
batoktks jrwren14:04
jpdsrbasak: Yeah, works fine for me on trusty.14:06
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rbasakjpds: thanks for testing! Do you mind commenting and marking https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unbound/+bug/1303477 as Fix Released then, please?14:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1303477 in unbound "unbound default configuration only works after reload" [Undecided,New]14:12
jpdsrbasak: Done.14:13
zulcoreycb:  hey do you have keystone rc2 yet?14:17
coreycbzul, still building.  tests are taking a long time.14:18
zulcoreycb: ack14:18
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jamespagezul, foobar - can't get docker to work today14:21
jamespagezul, trying on something other than my laptop...14:21
jamespagekirkland, the ubuntu orange in the byobu status bar really hurts my eyes :-)14:23
zuljamespage:  docker is foobared?14:24
jamespagezul, neither the upstream packages or the latest in debian can stop/kill running containers14:24
jamespageI can start them OK :-)14:24
jamespagezul, hmm - seems to be a 0.9.x issue14:25
zuljamespage:  lovely want me to have a look?14:26
jamespagezul, sure - but don't put it higher than openstack14:26
jamespagezul, the 0.8.1 we have in archive is OK - but that is using the lxc package for cgroups interaction14:26
jamespagezul, 0.9.0 upwards uses libcontainer to interact directly14:26
jamespageI suspect that is where the issue lies14:27
jamespagekirkland, fyi and I know you are interested in docker ^^14:27
zuljamespage:  cool lemme talk to eric and see if he has seen it14:40
jamespagezul, +114:41
zuljamescarr:  he hasnt seen it14:42
zuljamespage: he hasnt seen it but he hasnt played much with 0.9.114:42
jamespagezul, get the same with 0.9.014:42
zuljamespage:  gimme a sec wanna try something first14:44
zuljamespage:  hmm...i cant even start a container14:53
jamespagezul, with 0.9?14:53
zulthe version in trusty14:53
jamespagezul, oh - that's OK for me14:55
jamescarrhow can I tell if the openssl version I have installed has the fix???14:55
ubottuA fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (CVE-2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.14:55
uvirtbotubottu: The Montgomery ladder implementation in OpenSSL through 1.0.0l does not ensure that certain swap operations have a constant-time behavior, which makes it easier for local users to obtain ECDSA nonces via a FLUSH+RELOAD cache side-channel attack. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0076)14:55
ubottuuvirtbot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:55
uvirtbotubottu: Error: "I" is not a valid command.14:55
Picihmm.. thats annoying.14:56
zuljamespage:  where did you get 0.9 from?14:56
jrwrengreat, the bots are talking.14:56
jamescarrhow can I tell if the 1.0.1 version of openssl I installed is patched?14:56
jamespagezul, I pulled it from debian and built it AND i tried from the upstream repositories14:56
jamespagejamescarr, apt-get changelog openssl14:57
jamespagecheck the fix is in the version you are using14:57
zuljamespage: ah ok14:57
jamespagezul, one sec - have a hint from upstream15:01
jamespageapparently apparmor profile needs a fix15:01
zuljamescarr:  ah15:02
DefunctProcesshey guys I need some recommendations for some server apps with slick web interfaces for admininstration.  I need a VPN,FTP,PROXY,SAMBA....15:02
DefunctProcessno love?15:03
ubottuDefunctProcess: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:04
jrwrenDefunctProcess: it is an area lacking IMO15:04
jrwrenDefunctProcess: and we linux types tend to love cmdline and text files for config15:04
jrwrenDefunctProcess: and with things moving to cloud more, we are moving toward not administering single servers, but services which may be on many servers, so admin for that becomes - different.15:05
jrwrenDefunctProcess: once you look at it that way, juju-gui might be the gui you want :)15:05
i_am_goodI am getting "grub-install failed /dev/sdf FATAL ERROR" during installation. Every time it's failing when it gets to GRUB. I chose to use guided partition (entire disk). What am I missing?15:07
DefunctProcesswebmin.... webmin has a frontend for proxy, ftp, samba and vpn15:08
zuljamespage: yeah that fixed it for me15:08
jamespagezul, me to15:08
ubottuDefunctProcess: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:08
jamespageI had to scrub the existing docker profile first tho15:08
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zuljamespage:  should we bump docker.io in trusty then?15:08
zulwith the patch15:08
DefunctProcesswhat is the successor then? juju-gui as suggested?15:08
jamespagezul, I've been waiting for a FFe for two weeks now15:09
zuljamespage:  oh maybe bug daviey then15:09
jrwrencertainly not.15:09
jrwrenand I did not mean to suggest juju-gui as an alt. I'm suggesting rethinking hte entire need for such a tool :]15:09
DefunctProcessjrwren: i cannot demo juju as my browser at work is not supported, care to give a breif summary?15:12
jrwrenDefunctProcess: cloud orchestration tool.15:13
DefunctProcessjrwren: does this mean the services must be running in the cloud or can i run them locally?15:15
jrwrenDefunctProcess: there are some backends which can run local.15:16
jrwrenDefunctProcess: it will definitely be a mindshift. its is NOT a server admin tool.15:16
DefunctProcessjrwren: this is not what i want, but I appreciate your help.15:16
jrwrenDefunctProcess: sorry for confusing. gl.15:18
zuljamespage: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/130410715:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1304107 in nova "Libvirt error launching instance - Device 'virtio-net-pci' could not be initialized" [Undecided,New]15:23
jamespagezul, OK - can you confirm that? I did not see issues on trusty yesterday15:24
zuljamespage: ill try15:26
coreycbzul, jamespage : https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/keystone/2014.1.rc2/+merge/21479315:31
jamespagehallyn, what's your take on the state of bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/125487215:31
bijoo_Hi, how to reproduce the heartbleed bug?15:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254872 in libvirt "libvirtError: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock" [High,Fix committed]15:31
jamespagedo we have enought to say that's good for acceptance yet?15:32
bijoo_Everyone's clamoring but no steps.15:32
hallynjamespage: i think so...  my impression is there's another bug but this did solve one.15:36
zulcoreycb: looks good to me15:36
coreycbzul thanks15:41
zulcoreycb/jamespage: keystone rc2 uploaded15:44
RoyKhi all. trying to install rrdcached on precise64, but it just fails with a segfault when attempting to start: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7222097/. Can't see any issues with anything else, and if it were a memory issue, I *would* have seen more processes crash after a couple of reboots etc...15:44
jgornickHey guys, are there any extra steps other than upgrading to fix the latest openssl fix? Do I need to regenerate SSH keys?15:45
jgornickI'm also running 12.04.15:45
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batokhow can I upgrade openssl in 13.04?15:52
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ubottubatok: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:53
cfhowlettbatok 13.04 has reached end of life.  see above15:53
patdk-wkjgornick, no15:57
batokcfhowlett is it possible to upgrade an aws ec2 instance 13.04 to a supported version?15:58
jrwrenjgornick: ssh keys are fine.15:58
jgornickpatdk-wk: Ok, I would only have to regenerate any SSL certs that are used for the site?15:58
patdk-wkyes, smtp, imap, pop, https, ftps, ...15:58
cfhowlettbatok my advice is to upgrade your OS to a supported version: 12.04, 13.10, hell, even the 14.04 beta preferable to running an unsupported OS15:59
jgornickpatdk-wk: Thank you.15:59
batoktks cfhowlett16:01
jgornickAfter upgrading and restarting Apache2, if I run16:04
jgornick... crap...16:04
jgornickAfter upgrading and restarting Apache2, if I run "ls -l /proc/*/fd | grep ssl.*(deleted)" it still shows that apache2 ssl_mutex is deleted. Any thoughts? I'm performing steps from: http://askubuntu.com/questions/444702/how-to-patch-cve-2014-0160-in-openssl/444905#44490516:04
uvirtbotjgornick: The (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0160)16:04
batokHow can I upgrade, with sudo apt-get upgrade or running do-release-upgrade script?16:20
cfhowlettbatok do-release-upgrade16:20
batokas sudo?16:20
ryan_turner|MTWIs it a wise decision to install ubuntu 12.04 today and update to 14.04 once released, or install 12.04 and then once 14.04 is released, wipe&reinstall?16:20
JediMasterhi all, I'm doing a do-release-upgrade on a 13.04 ubuntu-server install to get it to 13.10 to get the latest openssl/ssh vulnerabilities patched16:21
batokcfhowlett sudo do-release-upgrade or without sudo¿16:22
JediMasterthe do-release-upgrade got stuck for 10 minutes updating the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf file then carried on going, it's now been sitting for nearly 30 minutes doing: Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/rpcbind ...16:22
cfhowlettbatok with16:22
JediMasterI can see there are 40 zombie processes (there were 0 when it started)16:22
Davieymdeslaur: Hey, CVE-2014-0076 on ~ubuntu-security CVE tracker has a Priority of Medium.  Is that accurate, if so - how did you come to that?16:25
uvirtbotDaviey: The Montgomery ladder implementation in OpenSSL through 1.0.0l does not ensure that certain swap operations have a constant-time behavior, which makes it easier for local users to obtain ECDSA nonces via a FLUSH+RELOAD cache side-channel attack. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0076)16:25
DavieyOh forget that. Looking at the wrong one. :)16:26
JediMaster50 zombie processes, still waiting on that rpcbind system startup link for 30+ minutes now16:29
JediMasteryou can't kill zombies right? =)16:31
JediMastergot a bunch of defunct processes who's parent process ID are now 116:31
alex-fooi'm not seeing an openssl 'heartbleed' fix for 10.04 LTS yet -- is it coming?16:31
Picialex-foo: it is not applicalble for 0.9.816:32
alex-foooh, so it was never vulnerable! phew16:32
* koolhead17 looks around16:36
mdeslaurDaviey: they're basically all medium...it's the priority that we fix them, not a severity or anything16:36
koolhead17zul: jamespage hazmat Daviey jcastro adam_g ^^ hellos16:37
Davieymdeslaur: Yeah, thanks :)16:37
jamespagehey koolhead1716:37
koolhead17jamespage: how are things? anything needed for 14.04 from my side :)16:38
jamespagekoolhead17, ok16:38
jamespagekoolhead17, as always testing testing testing!16:38
* koolhead17 looking forward for the baked 14.0416:39
* hazmat prefer bbq 16:46
koolhead17hazmat: depands with or without juju :P16:47
zuljamespage:  hey we are doing another upload for libvirt fyi16:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1304107 in qemu "Libvirt error launching instance - Device 'virtio-net-pci' could not be initialized" [High,Triaged]16:49
xibalbahey everyone, is there going to be a pkg update for opeenssl shortly?16:50
patdk-wkxibalba, what for?16:51
xibalbathe heartbleed stuff16:51
patdk-wkthat is old news16:52
patdk-wkor, why would there need to be ANOTHER pkg update for it?16:52
xibalbadisable heartbeat?16:52
ubottuusn is Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.16:52
patdk-wkxibalba, did you bother to read that url yet?16:52
xibalbathis one specifically no16:53
patdk-wkas the pkg fixed heartbleed over 16hours ago16:53
patdk-wkI dunno what your asking about16:53
xibalbawell i'm just waking up16:53
patdk-wkisn't it normal to check if a fix was already sent to the public, before asking for one?16:54
xibalbai'm sure it is16:54
xibalbaby that measure i'm abnormal16:54
patdk-wkbetter yet, normal to check if your system already automatically installed the security update, before asking where it is :)16:55
xibalbano i dont have mine autopatch16:55
smoserhallyn, did you fix that fd leak in cgmanager ?16:58
hallynwhat fd leak?16:58
hallynoh, yeah16:58
hallynwell it wasn't fixed in cgmanger, it was fixed in logind16:58
hallynby stgraber :)16:58
hallynthere is some new defensive behavior in cgmanager upstream but not in trusty to make this harder to happen in the future...16:59
xibalbahmm my apt-get upgrade brought me to version : OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 201416:59
patdk-wkxibalba, and?17:00
smoserhallyn, thanks.17:00
xibalbaf is still vulnerable17:00
patdk-wkxibalba, did you even BOTHER to read that url?17:00
hallynsmoser: hopefully that box is no longer having that issue?17:00
patdk-wk!usn | xibalba17:00
ubottuxibalba: usn is Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.17:00
smoserhallyn, was just curious. handnt seen it.17:00
hallynah cool.  ok - ttyl17:01
patdk-wkxibalba, who said 1.0.1f is insecure?17:02
xibalbaOnly 1.0.1 and 1.0.2-beta releases of OpenSSL are affected including17:02
xibalba1.0.1f and 1.0.2-beta1.17:02
patdk-wkxibalba, and they are running ubuntu?17:02
patdk-wkor, do they specify what ubuntu versions are vaunerable?17:02
xibalbathis is just openssl's version number17:03
xibalbathe ubuntu one doesn't match?17:03
patdk-wkxibalba, and what do their versions numbers have to do with ubuntu's?17:03
xibalbahaha are you a troll dude?17:03
smoserxibalba, what patdk-wk and others are saying, is that if you have ubuntu packages up to date, then you are not vulnerable.17:03
patdk-wkxibalba, you refuse to read ubuntu's infomation17:03
patdk-wkyou are taking infomation, out of context17:04
xibalbaubuntu's version # for openssl does not match openssl's versoin #s?17:04
patdk-wkin this case, not related to ubuntu17:04
smoserin all supported ubuntu releases, the newest openssl is not vulnerable to that CVE.17:04
smoserubuntu patches existing versions, it does not release new upstream versions.17:04
smoserthis is common behavior amoung distros17:04
xibalbaok i was expecting it to match the same #17:05
patdk-wktherefore 1.0.1f in ubuntu != openssl 1.0.1f17:05
patdk-wkand if you read ubuntu's security info about this17:05
patdk-wkit would tell you the version in ubuntu that is secure17:05
xibalbaright i just didn't think that was right17:05
jamespagezul, hallyn: ack17:06
jamespageI'll hold off promoting anything to -updates just yet17:06
hallynwaht's that pertaining to?17:06
zulhallyn:  cloud-archive17:07
jvargasDoes 13.04 have patch for heartbleed bug?17:16
patdk-wk13.04 doesn't even exist17:17
ogra_all supported releases that need it got it yesterday17:17
patdk-wkjvargas, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2014/01/28/ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail-end-of-life-reached-on-january-27-2014/17:18
jvargasthanks patdk-wk, just noticed17:18
tasslehoffdo security updates get automatically installed? I seem to have openssl 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.12 already17:40
patdk-wkif you setup automatic install yes17:41
patdk-wkbut installing security updates, doesn't restart your programs, to make use of the update17:41
tasslehoffpatdk-wk: I know. rebooting in progress :)17:42
sarnoldtasslehoff: see if you have the unattended-upgrades package installed17:44
tasslehoffsarnold: I do. It does nothing when run.17:45
sarnoldtasslehoff: that's probably because it ran a cronjob when you weren't looking :)17:45
tasslehoffsarnold: I see security is uncommented in 50unattended-upgrades17:46
tasslehoffall is well then. just need to decide if I should generate new keys17:46
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xibalbaany of oyu guys using MaaS?18:02
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RoyK!ask | xibalba18:28
ubottuxibalba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:28
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:28
* xibalba did not ask to ask18:28
RoyKxibalba: well, this is just a place with a lot of people sharing the same operating system. we have no obligation to help, but we can. that !ask thing is just about that - just ask if you have a problem, and please describe in detail. someone might just know18:32
xibalbai just wanted someones opinions/experiences on trying out the MaaS stuff18:32
xibalbai like the concept18:32
xibalbahaven't tried it out yet. might try it out w/some virtual machines18:32
sarnoldto the extent I've tested maas while doing security updates for it I thought it looked neat18:36
No_one_a1_allHi, incredibly stupid question, here. Will using `sudo reboot now` (note the "now") cause a system to hang on reboot?18:40
No_one_a1_allBecause, as I understand, /sbin/reboot does not accept cli arguments18:41
No_one_a1_all(unlike shutdown)18:41
patdk-wkNo_one_a1_all, yes, it will18:42
No_one_a1_allpatdk-wk goddammit WHY18:43
pmatulisi just tried on precise, came up fine18:43
No_one_a1_allpatdk-wk: `shutdown -r now` is, like, second nature. Why why why why. I lost 1:40 of downtime to my own ignorance. This is so not fair.18:43
No_one_a1_allwhat about... 13.10?18:44
patdk-wkshutdown != reboot18:44
pmatulisNo_one_a1_all: dunno, try it18:44
No_one_a1_allI already did, and had a system hang.18:44
No_one_a1_allthis is so bogus. Second time I've fallen into this trap.18:45
pmatulisNo_one_a1_all: file a bug, i'm surprised the command was processed tbh18:45
No_one_a1_allApparently a bug report has already been filed, and a fix implemented. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/117427218:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1174272 in upstart "'reboot now' reverting to maintenance mode" [Undecided,Fix released]18:46
patdk-wkoh, it was fixed18:46
No_one_a1_allExcept it wasn't, apparently18:47
No_one_a1_allyeah, Ubuntu 13.10 is what we're running, and just "boom". Server disappeared until we hard-rebooted it.18:48
pmatulisregression maybe.  test other releases.  except precise, as i just tested it18:49
No_one_a1_allI don't have any other releases to test. Oh, well.18:50
lstefanihow I can allow port 80 on iptables?18:50
lstefaniiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT  --18:50
pmatulisyes, trusty is borked too18:53
No_one_a1_allwell that's just excellent.18:54
pmatulisNo_one_a1_all: you should have commented on the bug about Saucy.  get with the program18:57
No_one_a1_allI'm not a sysadmin. I know approximately as much about sysadminning and creating bug reports as a monkey knows about ice-skating18:58
pmatulisNo_one_a1_all: can be as simple as "This affects Saucy" - provide a screenshot for bonus points18:59
pmatulisNo_one_a1_all: like i did for 14.0418:59
sync0pateanyone know of a good tutorial to learn iptables?19:00
pmatulisNo_one_a1_all: the one you gave us19:00
No_one_a1_allOh, that one...wasn't closed or "resolved" or anything? I have no idea how these bug trackers work19:00
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No_one_a1_allpmatulis: sorry to bug you again, but under "also affects distribution/package", what would I enter to indicate 13.10?19:21
No_one_a1_allwait, nevermind.19:22
zulcoreycb: i got ceilometer rc219:25
coreycbzul, ok anything else you want me to take?19:28
zulnot yet :)19:29
zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/ceilometer/2014.1.rc2/+merge/21482919:42
jamespagezul, aside from my fullstop in the middle of a sentence niggle +119:43
tgm4883Regarding the heartbleed bug, I just want to confirm that all openssl < 5.12 is affected. The writeup only states it's 5.1119:54
batokIs 14.04 going to be a supported version?20:02
Patrickdktgm4883, only if it starts with 1.0.120:04
Patrickdkbatok, supported version of what?20:05
batokI mean like 13.10 where there are still packages available and not 13.0420:05
Patrickdkbatok, oviously, you don't know what supported means20:06
Patrickdk13.04 was supported20:06
Patrickdkthe same support for 13.10 also20:06
Patrickdkexactly how was 13.04 not supported?20:06
mgwbatok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS20:07
batoktheres is no patch to fix de openssl bug in 13.0420:07
Patrickdkbatok, 13.04 was released on april 2013, it was said, long before it's release, it would only be SUPPORTED for 9 months20:07
Patrickdk4+9=13, so in jan it was unsupported20:07
Patrickdkguess what will happen to 13.10 after 9months20:07
batokI didn’t know that Patrickdk tks20:08
Patrickdkbatok, release notes are required reading20:08
tgm4883Patrickdk, ok, that is what I thought. And my understanding is they get full access to the private key of the server allowing an attacker to setup a server pretending to be us. Is that correct?20:09
zuljamespage:  ack..ill get libvivrt ubuntu11 in the cloud archive as well in a couple of secs20:09
Patrickdktgm4883, no20:09
tgm4883I'm just trying to gauge how much fixing my team needs to do here20:10
Patrickdkthey get access to 64k of ram20:10
jamespagezul, +120:10
Patrickdkthat 64k of ram could be ANYTHING20:10
Patrickdkcould be the ssl private key20:10
Patrickdkcould be your root password20:10
Patrickdkcould be anything20:10
Patrickdknow, it would be inlikely your root password would be in the ram area accessable by that app20:11
Patrickdkbut possible20:11
mgwis there any sign that this bug has been exploited?20:11
tgm4883Patrickdk, I guess I'm just confused by the writeup on the website then, specifically "Without using any privileged information or credentials we were able steal from ourselves the secret keys used for our X.509 certificates, user names and passwords, instant messages, emails and business critical documents and communication."20:11
Patrickdktgm4883, yes20:12
tgm4883Was it just random they got the secret keys, or am I thinking of something different than what they mean by secret keys20:12
Patrickdkwithout doing anything other than making a tcp connection20:12
Patrickdkthey could steal ANYTHING in ram20:12
tgm4883so it was just random that they got the keys... That's still pretty bad and makes me want to rekey everything20:13
Patrickdktgm4883, that is why it says, to rekey everything20:13
tgm4883mgw, the exploit leaves no signs on the server. You wouldn't be able to tell20:16
tgm4883Patrickdk, thanks for the info, I'll get my team on replacing al of that20:17
Patrickdkya, lots of fun :)20:17
GargoyleIs there an official "ubuntu/debian way" to regenerate ssh keys? With dpkg-reconfigure or something?20:29
PatrickdkGargoyle, sure, but why do you need to?20:29
GargoylePatrickdk: Hearbleed20:29
Patrickdkwhat does hearbleed have to do with ssh?20:29
GargoyleThe keys are generated by openssl20:30
PatrickdkGargoyle, so?20:30
Patrickdkgenerated by != compromised20:30
Patrickdkdid you serve up those keys via your website?20:30
GargoyleSo are SSH keys safe? do we only need to regenerate SSL certificate keys?20:30
Patrickdkdid you email them?20:30
GargoyleOk. Thanks.20:31
GargoyleIf you have a public key out in the wild - like on github - would that be a risk?20:35
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a|3xis there going to be openssl security patch for the heartbleed bug for raring?21:39
sarnolda|3x: no, raring has not been supported since january.21:40
sarnolda|3x: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:40
a|3xlets see, i guess i would need to upgrade21:41
sarnoldplease do :)21:41
mgwanybody using lxc with lvm backing and snapshots? I'm having an issue creating a clone with a different size fs than the original22:46
hallynmgw: oh, hey.  didn't see it here :)  lemme know what you end up doing, am interested what others are using23:06
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