
MooDoomorning a05:37
jussipoor moodoo, got cut off mid sentence... :P05:42
knightwiseMorning everyone06:46
MyrttiAmazon lightning deals with DIY stuff today06:58
Myrttifor those tinkering ubuntuites with an itch for pottering around the house with a toolbelt06:59
MartijnVdShad to order a new disk for my NAS :(07:00
MartijnVdSSMART was starting to cry07:00
knightwiseMorning MartijnVdS Myrtti07:05
mappsFU 5-107:16
mappsNEVER IN DOUBT07:16
mappswe are tottenham07:17
mappsi went to the spurs bar after the game in n1707:18
mappsanother cunting07:21
mapps200 quidnight07:21
mappsi had 250 on me got £10 now07:22
jussimapps: good win, but might want to remember there are children here, so lets try and keep the language a little clean :)07:24
mappshi jussi07:30
mappsgood win? i came back with £10 went with £25007:31
mappsthe spurs game cost me like07:31
jussimapps: liverpool got a decent win on the weekend, despite the referee trying his best to ruin the game07:31
mapps250 cash + 54 ticket + 96 train:(07:31
jussimapps: so? are you a spurs fan? :P07:31
mappsyou shouldve seen jussi07:31
mappsin n17 2mins from white hart lane07:32
mappsafter the game theyu were loving it07:32
mappstill like 2am07:32
jussidamn its cold here.07:33
mappssent my friend a picture..bellend said i wasnt there07:33
jussiand we ran out of wood, so I am paying through the nose for electrical heat07:33
mappsi was in N17 ..and i was in the pub after07:33
mappswas good07:33
mappswe pay for electric heat here jussi in the normal world;p07:33
mappsbut yea it was really really good07:34
jussimapps: :P07:36
mappsi hear finlands like dark most the year07:37
mappsmy memories still really sketchy07:44
mappshate being asked for ancigarette07:46
jussiyeah, its dark for a lot of the year - especially up north07:48
mappsgot asked loads again last night..i paid 9.10 for a pack!!07:49
mappsso i dont have any 'spares'07:49
mappsyou watch the game last night?07:50
mappsWHEN it went 0-1 i was kinda worried LOL07:50
jussimapps: I watched a few mins at the start - was a pretty poor goal to give away07:51
mapps5-1 ft was good though07:52
mappsi was sat east row1607:52
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
jussiright, so I need a flow chart app on Kubuntu - any one used something they liked?08:02
popeyisn't there a visio like on kde?08:03
popeykivio or something?08:04
* jussi goes to search...08:06
jussioh, its part of calligra now :D08:07
jussi!info calligra-flow08:07
jussithanks popey08:07
lubotu3Package calligra-flow does not exist in saucy08:07
mappsim such an addict08:07
mappslooking at aussie horse racing08:08
jussi!info calligraflow08:08
lubotu3calligraflow (source: calligra): flowcharting program for the Calligra Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.7.2-0ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 101 kB, installed size 471 kB08:08
mappsi layed a horse in the last race to lose £25008:08
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:36
bigcalm!info openssl08:36
lubotu3openssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1e-3ubuntu1.2 (saucy), package size 503 kB, installed size 895 kB08:36
MartijnVdSbigcalm: yes, there was an update08:36
bigcalmMartijnVdS: to 1.0.1e has been patched for heartbleed?08:37
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/08:38
bigcalmMartijnVdS: ta :)08:44
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:50
dwatkinsgood morning, sir08:56
brobostigonmorning dwatkins09:02
knightwisemorning dwatkins09:11
knightwisehey brobostigon09:11
brobostigonhey knightwise09:12
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Be Kind To Lawyers Day! :-D09:17
=== Myrtti is now known as Guest64507
kvarleyI'm getting started with compass and sass on ubuntu and I need to install bundler. Two packages are available - bundler and ruby-bundler ... which do I need ?09:25
kvarleyNVM got info from software centre rather than just using basic apt info09:27
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=== Monotoko is now known as Guest15038
diploHeartbeat strikes again :)09:48
MooDoohello all09:53
directhexSTOP STEALING MY SSL KEYS :<09:54
MooDooer sorry ;)09:54
diploheh directhex09:55
directhexGIVE THEM BACK SRSLY09:56
popey"lol" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=newNF1UsOcw09:57
awilkins"Get some Febreeze or something!"  ... yeah, that really helps with lithium inhalation poisoning10:01
* bigcalm cracks up10:07
* Seeker` gets some polyfilla10:08
foobarrywhats the one line summary of the ssl situation?10:14
foobarryupdates, POC, etc10:15
andrewebdevapparently there is already a fixed openssl version10:15
jussifoobarry: biggest screwup in a long time! :D10:15
MooDoofix released, I think you just need to install it. and restart any service that uses openssl etc10:15
foobarryaka the NSA backdoor@?10:16
MooDooI don't think it's that bad lol10:17
foobarry". Without using any privileged information or credentials we were able steal from ourselves the secret keys used for our X.509 certificates, user names and passwords, instant messages, emails and business critical documents and communication."10:17
bigcalmMooDoo: and generate new CSRs to get new certificates10:18
foobarry"This allows attackers to eavesdrop communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users."10:18
MooDoobigcalm: that as well.10:18
* bigcalm grumbles10:22
bigcalm188 packages can be updated.10:22
bigcalm116 updates are security updates.10:22
davmor2Morning all10:23
MooDoomorning davmor210:25
davmor2hey MooDoo how's life?10:26
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=== Guest12885 is now known as Myrtti
* bigcalm hugs Myrtti 10:32
* MooDoo hugs bigcalm huggin Myrtti 10:33
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=== Monotoko is now known as Guest38218
MyrttiI seem to be acting as a cat bed again10:40
* czajkowski pokes popey 10:46
czajkowskiello :) is there a sign up to release party in london10:46
MooDoonot on this page czajkowski http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/  has an event page been created yet?10:47
MooDoothe only thing on their is the RAT for the uk10:48
popeyI'll make one later10:51
czajkowskipopey: excellent10:52
czajkowskiit all goes into the calendar so I know where to go10:52
popey\o/ parcel from ebay arrived10:54
popeyi love ebay parcels because I forget i bought them10:54
jussipopey: :D11:00
jussipopey: what was the surprise today, if we may know?11:00
popeybatteries for my quadcopter11:00
jussiahh, now you can have some fun! :D11:01
popeyya, well, more than 10 mins of fun11:01
popeygot 5 of them, so maybe an hour of flying11:01
popeywell, an hour of crashing ☻11:01
jussinice. now oyu can spy on the neighbours11:01
popeyno camera11:01
jussishouldnt be too hard to fix... :P11:01
jussigo buy a gopro :D11:01
popeyits way too small for that11:02
popeyits *tiny*11:02
MooDoojussi: i did the other day :D11:02
jussiMooDoo: ! you came back! :D11:02
popeythats the one i have11:02
popeyhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Hubsan-Quadcopter-Camera-Radio-Controller/dp/B00EDNI8YK has a camera11:02
MooDoopopey: I'm going with a dji phantom :)11:02
directhexi need more sleep11:03
jussi"Permits super stable flight" - that popey hasnt mastered yet... :P11:03
popeyoh its stable11:03
popeyi'm just scared of it flying off into neighbours garden so not flown it too high yet11:03
popeywant to take it to the park at the weekend11:03
jussisigh... all the pringles are gone :/11:03
MooDoojussi: shop it that way ------>11:12
jussiMooDoo: sssh11:14
Laneysuper secure shell11:22
awilkinsSuper Secure Shell is a product of the NSA! From the leading name in secure communications, for the ultimate in trust! (tm)11:40
dvrrMooDoo: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii11:44
jussiawilkins: nice..... :P11:44
MooDooyay openssh rocks11:47
foobarryIt has a fatal design flaw in the body, in that it has holes in the bottom. This means that if you land (or crash !) the H4 on anything remotely damp (like grass) it shorts out the camera PCB, the CPU being upside down and visible through one of the holes. This means that the wonderful video of you erratically careering about the sky is now lost.11:47
awilkinsSo bored I'm contemplating living riskily and upgrading my working desktop to Trusty11:47
MooDooawilkins: it's realased in a couple of weeks, don't think it's that risky.11:48
awilkinsI upgraded my laptop11:48
awilkinsBut that's just a couch browser11:48
foobarryAlso flight times of 8 minutes plus are advertised but I have never been able to get more than 4 minutes and that is with the LED lights turned off.11:48
foobarryshame these things neer quite live up to expectation11:49
foobarrypopey: can u take a photo of the QCopter in your hand to show scale pls?11:57
jussifoobarry: have you met popey before?  he has very big hands... :D11:59
awilkinsYou know what they say about men with big hands.11:59
awilkinsBig ....11:59
awilkins.... gloves.11:59
popeyfoobarry: those reviews don't match my experience12:00
popeybut i dont have the camera one12:00
foobarrythe non camera one has "105cm  x 105cm" , i think they mean 105mm12:00
popeyfoobarry: http://imgur.com/JBP1sOL12:02
foobarrythank you. as expected, like the revell mini quad, 105cm is a typo12:03
popeyits jolly good fun12:03
popeypretty rapid too, from ground to "omg that's high!" in no time12:03
popeythen very soon to "shit shit shit, which way is it facing"12:04
popeynote grass stains on the white blades ☻12:04
foobarryso when they say in reviews "i lost my first one..."12:04
popeyquite possible12:05
popeyi read the docs carefully12:05
popeyif you push the throttle up to full tilt it will just go straight up12:06
popeyand if the wind takes it, it's off..12:06
popeyyou have to be a bit gentle12:06
foobarrycan your kid fly it?12:07
popeynot let them try12:10
popeyits hard enough for me!12:10
knightwiseI'm thinking : To 14.04 or not to 14.0412:35
MattJI 14.04'd a couple of weeks back12:37
MattJHas been just fine12:37
MooDooyeah seems fine for me as well12:40
popey\o/ 14.0412:41
SuperMattlooking forward to next thursday \o/12:48
SuperMattI just hope the new version of ssl will be in the final images12:48
SuperMattHINT HINT12:48
knightwiseI'm not sure if i'm gonna put it on my Lenovo twst12:49
SuperMattWhat are you running on there now?12:50
knightwiseIll be using that laptop for my freelance gig12:55
knightwiseand it has to be rocksteady12:55
popeyfoobarry: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hubsan-X4-H107-Crash-kit-USB-Charger-Body-Shell-Battery-4-Propellers-4-Motors-/26141962292312:57
popeyi love the idea of a little plastic box with a crash kit in it ☻12:57
dwatkinsbring us the crash cart, nurse!13:07
MooDoodwatkins: popey stars in "extreame nursing" hehe13:13
knightwiseseems to run ok on the dell XPS 1313:15
jussi"popey with a crash cart - on a trampoline!" :D13:16
bigcalmThat's a rather odd version of Cluedo13:18
SuperMattis 12.04 affected by heartbleed?13:20
shaunoyay - for once I'm not in trouble for still being on 10.0413:22
SuperMatthuh, I've just run an update and upgrade and before I pressed anything I can't see libssl in the packages13:22
SuperMattor openssl13:23
SuperMattah, they were automatically upgraded13:23
bigcalmAnybody got a good RFC template?13:27
SuperMatt"Please do the needful"13:27
=== bashrc_ is now known as bashrc
SuperMattthat's all you'll ever need13:28
popeyTurns out there's a lot of dust inside a 2009 iMac that lives in a kitchen and has never been taken apart13:42
directhexand grease, i expect13:42
Seeker`popey: there was a serious amount of dust inside my media backend that hasn't been opened in 2 years, which was sitting in the corner of the living room13:43
popeynot too much, i took the imac outside and blew it and it all flew away13:44
popeyso not too sticky inside13:44
SuperMattquestion: zsh instead of bash as default in future ubuntus?13:44
* bigcalm uses the leaf blower on computers that need dust removal13:46
SuperMattthat's a good idea13:47
bigcalmSuperMatt: I'm guessing that you have the day off or something?14:03
SuperMattI was on lunch for a bit14:03
SuperMattnot now though14:03
bigcalmJust that you're here :P14:03
SuperMattI just left the window open14:03
SuperMattI'm also not working the phones today, so I have a little more freedom14:05
MooDooare you having fun14:09
MooDooSuperMatt: have you put your flag up?14:10
SuperMattMooDoo: I haven't passed my probation yet14:13
SuperMatt21st is when it's likely to go up14:13
bigcalmFlag of the flying spaghetti monster?14:15
SuperMattI'm hoping for a batman flag14:16
dwatkinsthis is my flag: http://www.pross-it.de/brickosaic/images/space_logo.jpg14:19
SuperMattis that the one from lego?14:20
dwatkinsyeah SuperMatt14:20
dwatkinsI'll just leave this here, too... http://www.redbubble.com/people/samuriferret/works/11706330-1980-something-falcon-distressed14:20
SuperMattwoo! 80s pop culture!14:20
SuperMattsneaky and geeky14:20
SuperMattI kinda want that14:20
dwatkinsyeah, bought one for myself and one for my brother.14:20
dwatkinshe might be 43, but he still plays with Lego.14:21
popeyThe only annoyance after taking the iMac all apart, replacing the HDD and putting it back together is the fans are at full tilt14:24
dwatkinsdid you reset the PRAM, popey?14:24
dwatkinsmight be worth a go.14:24
dwatkinsalso, try resetting the SMC: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964?viewlocale=en_US14:28
popeyok, ta14:31
popeydwatkins: how do you reset PRAM with a bluetooth keyboard?14:35
popeydwatkins: not an apple one14:42
popeynvm, I'll have a play later14:42
dwatkinshmm, there's probably a way you can re-map the relevant keys14:52
dwatkinsI have a friend who has decided to switch to Windows 7 on their little office server because "installing Linux takes too long" *sigh*14:59
* bashrc facepalm15:30
DJones\o/ New car ordered15:38
bigcalmDJones: what did you go for?15:45
DJonesbigcalm: Vauxhall Insignia estate in the end15:49
bigcalmFair enough15:49
DJonesbigcalm: I didn't find the pedal position too comfortable on the 407, brake pedal was out of position for what I expected15:50
DJonesPlus the boot on the estate was a bit too small for putting a dog cage in15:51
bigcalmYeah, the boot is an odd shape15:51
DJonesYeah, even the insignia has a bit of an odd shaped boot, but thats something we can get round with a sloped side cage15:53
popeyHmm, these new quad-copter batteries charge like the original one, but the LED on the charging USB stick never goes out at the end, it just flickers like a bad connection ⍨17:03
popeythe original one, the lights go out17:03
popeynew ones are 250mAh vis the original 240mAh.. both 3.7v17:03
popeythey are very cheap, so don't expect them to last forever17:03
=== chalcedony` is now known as chalcedony
daftykinspopey: they might be early cylons17:46
daftykins</Battlestar Galactica>17:46
popeytime to make one for ubuntu touch and rake it in17:47
neurokinda defeats the point of a curated app store17:54
neuroalso, evenin all17:55
daftykinsi bet its' size gave it away :>17:57
popeywell, ours isn't curated17:57
popeyso I suspect you could do the same until someone reports it17:57
popeyalthough you wont actually be able to charge for it yet ☻17:57
twagerMy computer has started to freeze no input from mouse/kboard or vid,this happens after a few minutes yet a live cd will run all day,any ideas what I should be looking for memtest shows nothing amiss18:26
zleaphow is it going18:30
daftykinsnone too shabby and yourself?18:30
zleapi am good18:30
zleapi think i left my keyboard at the school i help at18:31
zleapits a small one so ideal for the pi and I have a pi jam on Saturday18:31
daftykinswhat kind of help do you give? :)18:33
daftykinstwager: sorry btw, i see you there but i have no suggestions18:33
zleapwe are running an after school coding, hacking, hardware club18:33
daftykinsneat, secondary level?18:34
zleapprimary or based in primary but cater for ks2 and ks318:34
zleapwe have pi,s brick pi and lego mindstorms18:34
daftykinsthat's one lucky school18:34
zleapwell we managed to get some mindstorms from other schools18:35
zleapso have loads, as they were not using it18:35
zleapso hopefully what we are doing will inspire them to use it18:35
zleapso being on a monday we are back the week after easter monday,  then the week after is another bank holiday and then we are back to every week after that with any luck,18:36
zleapi am sure the people doing the group would come and hack this stuff all day if they could18:36
daftykinsperhaps with so many spares it'd be tempting to arrange loan-kits18:38
daftykinsalthough also you probably can't trust youngsters with such a thing, be quite the headache18:38
zleapi think we could,18:38
zleapwe have loads of netbooks too, which some have been upgraded to linux,  we also dual booted 2 computers to Ubuntu18:39
zleapwe are moving to another computer room so may end up dual booting those too :) so lots of potential for softtware development,18:40
zleapso by thje time we go back I aim to have a few 32 / 64 bit dvds made up18:41
daftykinsyou could even be bold and go straight for 14.0418:42
zleapthat is what i mean18:42
zleapby the time we go back after easter 14.04 will be out18:42
zleapnext thursday18:42
zleapso we are back the moday after easter monday so a few weeks18:43
zleaplabels are ready18:43
zleapwell both ubuntu and xubuntu lables18:43
daftykinsyay some auto emailing fixed on some RAID controllers, silly ISP changing their mail server IP18:43
zleapat the pi jam i am hoping to dual boot a netbook with xubuntu18:43
daftykinswhat a fitting time given XP's dead as of today18:44
daftykinswell, technically 8th May18:44
zleap8th may18:45
daftykinswell yes but 8th May would be when the first patch tuesday it misses is18:45
daftykinsso exploits in other products will directly affect it as no patches will be there18:45
zleapi am looking at setting up a coder dojo in torbay18:46
daftykinsthat sounds like a south-west place i keep hearing mentioned on BBC Spotlight :>18:46
daftykins(we get them after our local news)18:46
zleapwhere are you then18:46
* zleap is in Paignton18:46
zleapso how are things over there Linux user wise18:47
daftykinsi'm sure there are some but i know of no LUG18:47
zleapwell for us the pi jam is the new lug meet18:48
daftykinsthere's a little kind of nerd night thing i've heard about on the first Monday of each month, but the turnout looks to be about 8 people X|18:48
zleapthat is still good18:48
daftykinsooh you're just along from that Dawlish railway that just got repaired18:49
zleapso we are no longer cut off18:49
daftykinsyay :D18:49
zleapalso means 3 more people can come to the pi jam who would normally miss it due to trans being out18:49
daftykinsused to go on holidays to Fowey as a kid18:50
zleapi have heard of Fowey thats in cornwall right18:50
zleapi think the torbay members of the devon and cornwall lug are the most active18:50
zleapand exeter18:50
zleapi want to get more coders in Torbay,  so we can have a peer support group and introduce more kids to programming18:51
zleapthe minecraft group was a programming group origianally18:51
daftykinsminecraft? as in they all play together? :)18:53
daftykinsbrb gotta restart this VMs host18:54
* zleap is downloading 13.10 manual18:59
daftykinsty ^_^18:59
zleapi take it there will be one for 14.04 too19:00
daftykinsthe VMs may be Linux, but the host is not, heh19:00
zleapwhich as that is long term support would be good to get printed version from lulu.com19:00
daftykinsi'd imagine it gets updated and released around the time yeah19:00
popeyusually shortly after release iirc19:01
zleapyeah i guess its easier now they can just add new bits to the manual19:02
zleappopey, i will keep an eye out for it19:02
daftykinspopey: drama on Sunday - https://www.dropbox.com/s/5c0r07jppoi5crn/IMG_20140406_195550.jpg19:03
zleapdaftykins, is there a right click share context entry for xubuntu to share dropbox content19:04
zleapi can't find it19:04
daftykinsnot sure i'm afraid, not used dropbox on ubuntu19:04
daftykins^ shortly after19:04
popeyOh noes!19:05
daftykinsi know - i was starting to think up a rescue plan :S19:05
daftykinsthankfully she slid herself down on her tummy :D19:05
zleaphow to remove a cat from a tree19:05
daftykinscertainly lived up to her name 'Mischief' that day19:06
zleapmaybe calling a cat mischief is a bad omen19:06
daftykins:D i kinda inherited her so thankfully don't hold the blame for that one19:06
mappsugh full up19:36
mappsso how to fix my pesky apache19:36
daftykinsremove that thing you put on!19:41
daftykinsthis is hilarious19:41
daftykinszleap: good chatting, good luck with the plans :)19:41
daftykinsi'm heading for a restaurant meal \o/19:41
zleapsorry i was building a 555 timer circuit19:42
daftykinsnp :>19:42
mappswow this ch4 show 26k in rent arrears sheesh20:09
mappsimagine that high court officers turning up and giving uou 2 hours to leave20:09
mappsgah daftykins dont know how tried with apt-get remove zentyal but still bits lurking around21:12
zleapdaftykins, this is what i was building earlier http://zleap.net/555-timer-revisited/21:19
zleapjust installed cheese to take that photoi and it installs brassero cd burner and a stack of other stuff along with it21:19
daftykinszleap: neat :) also that's an odd dependancy 0o21:23
daftykinsmapps: "dpkg -l | grep zentyal" ?21:23
zleapdaftykins, i thought that21:23
directhexi live!22:12
shaunopics or it didn't happen?22:13
brobostigonis it possible, to reset a package back to maintained version, when as default it doesnt change any user adaptions, and package upgrade cause execution failiure of said package?22:19
daftykinsi think APT pinning lets you stick with a specific older version?22:22
daftykinsif i'm following you right22:22
diddledanho boy: http://heartbleed.com/22:23
shaunoyou can use confask if you want the maintainer's config files back.  eg, sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask" install --reinstall yourpackage22:23
shaunothat gets you the "your conf file isn't the same as the maintainer's conf file, would you like to a) b) c)" prompt22:24
shauno(not sure I've parsed the question correctly either  heh)22:26
daftykinsdiddledan: yeah suddenly getting loads of question askers in #ubuntu22:28
diddledanafaik ubuntu released a patch yesterday or earlier today22:28
diddledanI recall seeing an announcement anywho22:29
diddledanannoying that most of my work's servers are gentoo so I'm going to have to spend two days compiling22:29
shaunocurious, does "apt-get changelog libssl1.0.0"  give you anything useful? (404's on debian)22:30
diddledandoes openssh use openssl?22:30
diddledanjust wondering how vulnerable work is22:30
shaunoeh, update all the things anyway  :p22:31
diddledanI still haven't updated all the things to "maintainable" yet22:31
diddledansome of our servers are still in a state that I'm the only one who has the balls to update22:32
diddledanread - 4 years of no patches leading to portage/emerge not working. at all.22:32
shaunoalways a fine line between courage and stupidity :)22:32
diddledanshauno: this is me22:32
shaunogentoo in production is kinda scary though22:33
diddledanshauno: I think it goes unsaid that I'm stupid22:33
diddledanstill. my stupidity has lead to our physical servers being upgraded to ubuntu. that's a win, right?22:34
daftykinsdoes it go something like this...22:48
daftykins1) diddledan upgrades 2) server is broken 3) diddledan to boss: "we need new servers"22:48
diddledanoh how well everyone knows me :-p22:49
daftykinsit'd almost be worth it, the above strategy, if you knew how dire things were22:52
diddledanit was actually more a case that to upgrade required a reboot, but crititcal services meant reboot was out of the question for the time being, so when the reboot is able to be scheduled it might as well be down slightly longer and fix a load of issues in one go22:53
diddledanI got the tech team to coordinate a rolling wholesale upgrade with lots of shunting VMs about22:54
shaunookay, as much sense as recursion makes.  not at midnight it doesn't.  my head is leaking.22:54
diddledanit took two trips to the datacentre to actually install the ubuntu, (we don't have lights-out/ipmi or such) but now it's working nicely and we havne't had to worry since22:54
diddledanshauno: recurse this!22:55
shaunothis is turning into more dirty hacks than I can keep track of.  it seems I simply can't count23:05
daftykinsdiddledan: sounds like good progress \o/23:05
daftykinsalrighty g'night sirs o/23:08
shaunoI should get a 0 tattooed on my left thumb :(23:13
shaunotrying to figure out how to even explain this to myself.  I have a .. fence.  16 panels. so 17 fenceposts.23:22
shaunogiven an absolute position, I need to figure out which post is closest23:23
shaunowhich seems stupidly easy, but I can't seem to get it right.  I figured totallength/16 to give the length of a panel, and then for a given position, divide it by that and round it23:24
shaunoeither I'm completely missing something, or casting things to ints is a bad way to round them23:25
diddledancasting to int will truncate, no?23:25
shaunohas any of this given you the impression I know the answer to that?  ;)23:26

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