
jabberwocky93more Kilos :)05:55
Kilos morning jabberwocky93  Cantide  Spekko  superfly  and others too05:58
Cantidelong time no chat!05:58
Cantidehow goes it, oom Kilos ? '-';;05:58
superflyMorning Kilos 05:58
Kilosgood ty and you?05:58
Cantidehey superfly ~05:58
CantideKilos, very well, thanks :)05:58
Cantidegot my PC at last05:59
Cantidegot a girlfriend05:59
Cantidegot 2 jobs05:59
Cantidebeen busy T-T05:59
Cantidewhat have you been up to?06:00
Kilosjust playing here 06:00
Kilosoh and over a week of flu06:00
* Cantide sends Kilos some 유자차06:01
nuvolarioh hi06:01
Kiloshi nuvolari  06:02
Cantidehello nuvolari :)06:03
Spekkomorning Kilos06:04
Kiloshi magespawn  06:09
magespawnhi Kilos 06:10
magespawnback again06:37
magespawnMaaz coffee on06:37
* Maaz flips the salt-timer06:37
magespawnMaaz large please06:37
Maazmagespawn: Huh?06:37
KilosMaaz  coffee please06:37
MaazKilos: Done06:37
magespawnMaaz coffee please06:37
Maazmagespawn: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses06:37
magespawnMaaz large06:37
MaazIn a beer mug just for you magespawn06:37
magespawnMaaz ty06:37
MaazYou are welcome magespawn06:37
magespawni think i am going to need it today06:38
Kiloswhy whats different06:38
ThatGraemeGuyPeople with SSL certs to manage, hope you've seen this: http://heartbleed.com06:39
MaazCoffee's ready for magespawn and Kilos!06:41
KilosMaaz  ty06:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos06:41
inetprogood mornings06:46
Kilosmorning inetpro  06:46
Kiloshi Vince-0  07:16
CantideI can never make the meetings here T-T07:20
Cantidetoo late for me07:20
Kilosyou in bed so early?07:22
Kiloshalf pas 8 till half past nine07:22
Cantideplus 7 hours for me07:25
Cantideand i get up at 05:30 each day...07:25
Kiloswhere are you?07:25
CantideSouth Korea ?07:25
CantideI've been here for 6 months already :p07:26
Kilosoh ya07:26
Kiloswell you can read the logs and then mail comments to the list07:26
Cantidewhen i have time :)07:26
Cantideexcited for 14.0407:26
Cantidethinking of buying a new drive for it07:27
Kilosive tried it live07:27
Kilosthe beta07:27
Cantidehow is it?07:29
Cantidelooks like a good release to me07:30
Cantideworth reinstalling for!07:30
Kilosyeah 07:30
Cantidei'm still on 12.04 anyway :p so it will be nice to get it07:30
Kilosid try it first07:30
Cantidei'll install it and see :)07:30
Cantidethinking of buying a new drive, so it won't matter07:30
Kiloshas lots of personalizing to do07:30
Kilosyeah on a new drive is good07:31
Kilosim also on 12.0407:31
Cantidei've still got my SSD which is nearly 2 years old07:31
Cantideand it's only a 120 GiB07:31
Cantideso i'll get a new drive, install 14.04, copy my data and then install Windows on this drive (ewwww)07:31
Cantidebye bye~07:36
Cantideback to work for me!07:36
Kiloshi psyatw  07:47
psyatwhi Kilos 07:48
magespawnlets hope i can stay 08:13
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  superfly  08:57
superflyagain, Kilos?08:57
Kilosoh sorry superfly  09:00
Kiloshi Golynx  09:28
GolynxHi Kilos09:29
Kilosyou winning?09:29
Golynxwinning what ?09:29
Kiloswith what you are doing man09:29
Kiloslike are you becoming an ubuntero09:30
GolynxNope, Epic Fail! :p09:30
Kiloswhat you failing with09:30
Golynxi need windows , yes its sad09:30
Golynxi wont be successful without it. 09:31
Kiloscan you wait another month or so09:31
Kilosand is xp ok09:31
Golynx40% of the software i use will work with Xp, but most is made for 709:33
Golynxbut xp is okay09:33
Kilosas soon as i get some cash ill send xp09:33
Golynxthanks Kilos :)09:34
not_foundnote that support for xp is no-more except if you have some business arangement with MS09:34
not_foundI think today is the day it ends09:34
Kilosdid anyone ever use their support09:34
not_foundupdates etc.09:35
not_foundyou use you will get exploited (more than normal)09:35
Kilosxp is lekker for modem tools09:36
KilosMaaz  wb09:48
MaazThank you so much Kilos my good good friend09:48
jabberwocky93just for anyway who has not been informed of the openssl security issue: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/openssl-heartbleed-security-bug/2014/04/0811:07
Vince-0test here: http://filippo.io/Heartbleed/11:24
Kiloswhat server hostname you put in there Vince-0  11:29
Vince-0the one you want to test the vulnerability for 11:31
Kilosah i see. it says google.com is all good11:33
Symmetriainteresting 11:42
Kilospoor jabber.org sick again14:47
Kilosnfo] Trying to reconnect to chat.freenode.net (port 6667) in 10 seconds.14:55
Kilos[16:53] [error] Closing Link: 8ta-151-215-171.telkomadsl.co.za (Sorry, server is full - try later)14:55
Kilosoh my14:55
=== Rynomster is now known as iAlsoLOVEsygma
=== iAlsoLOVEsygma is now known as Rynomster
Kiloshi adeebnqo  16:59
adeebnqohow u doin?17:00
Kilosgood ty and you?17:06
Golynxhey adeebnqo17:06
adeebnqoi'm great --- just a bit frustrated, i'm playing around with the (NM)DC protocol in python17:08
Kiloshi psydroid  17:22
psydroidhi Kilos 17:23
Golynxhi psydroid17:23
adeebnqothe original direct connect protocol. I'm making an application for streaming video from a dc hub17:25
Kilosnm is network manager hey?17:26
adeebnqoNope, it's NeoModus -- http://goo.gl/pq8DCe17:27
psydroidhi Golynx 17:28
psydroidhi adeebnqo 17:28
adeebnqopsydroid: hey17:30
inetprogood morning18:31
Kiloshi inetpro  18:32
inetproMaaz: coffee on18:32
* Maaz flips the salt-timer18:32
inetproKilos: hoe gaan dit?18:32
KilosMaaz  coffee please18:32
MaazKilos: Sure18:32
Kilosredelik dankie en self18:32
inetprohoekom redelik?18:35
Kilosgriep het my nog18:35
Kilosn week nou18:36
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!18:36
Kiloshi Snowy2  18:36
inetproMaaz: dankie18:36
KilosMaaz  ty18:36
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend18:36
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:36
inetproKilos: ai!18:36
Kilossus en swaar het dit meer as 2 weke nou al18:37
Kiloskom net nie gesond nie18:37
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:57
captineevening all19:34

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