
xubuntu068I've tried a few suggestions given in the ubuntu manuals: deleting the quiet splash command, adding nomodeset, vga=771, xforcevesa and a few others but all that happens that shortly after leaving the boot menu, the screen goes white. The CD continues to run actively for several minutes but nothing changes.00:03
xubuntu068Any suggestions?00:04
xubuntu068Oops, forgot to describe the computer. Its a Toshiba Satellite 5000 with Pentium III, 512 MG RAM, 37.5 GB Hard-drive (presently with windows XP, about 26 MB of free space. It has a NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go graphics card.00:07
RainwaveHey guys, the Software Updater in Xubuntu 13.10 is constantly popping up every login and I can't turn it off.  I'm finding it highly annoying.  How can I turn it off?00:37
RainwaveI've already set it to update every week and automatically install and I tried turning it off using Sessions and Startup but it persists.00:38
randomnomadim trying to get audio to passthrough my hdmi connection01:26
randomnomadis there any one that could help me set this up01:26
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cfhowlettDesuTM greetings.  ask your questions02:26
Desu_TMbrb crash report :(02:27
Desu_TM"The system log from your installation contains an error."02:27
Desu_TMis this a corrupt iso?02:27
holstein!md5 > Desu_TM02:28
ubottuDesu_TM, please see my private message02:28
Desu_TMty for that :)02:28
holsteinan error in the system log could be anything, though02:29
Desu_TMwell last time I had, I googled it and it turned out to be a grub error, but i dont know about this time is all02:29
holsteincould be just a message02:30
Desu_TMfair enough02:30
holsteinDesu_TM: what is the message?02:30
Desu_TMhang on02:30
Desu_TMill see if i can get it02:30
Desu_TMThe system log from your installation contains an error.  The specific error commonly occurs when there is an issue with the disk to which you are trying to install Ubuntu.  It is recommended that you back up important data on your disk and investigate the situation.  Measures you might take include cehcking cable connections for your disks and using software tools to investigate the health of your hardware.02:31
holsteinDesu_TM: thats what i was thinking.. a potential bad hard drive02:31
Desu_TMi was dual booting with win 7 ultimate and it started blue screening all the time02:32
Desu_TMso i figured id try zubuntu02:32
Desu_TMsame again :(02:32
Desu_TMit's not an old laptop02:32
cfhowlettDesu_TM bsod with different OS's is a pretty definitive sign of hardware failure02:33
holsteinDesu_TM: blue screens can be due to failing hard drives02:33
Desu_TMdamn :/02:34
holsteinDesu_TM: i would just fire up a  hard drive test, and see02:34
Desu_TMmight need a new hard drive then?02:34
holsteinDesu_TM: drives are cheap, and you data should be backed up, regardless02:34
Desu_TMwell with me wiping my drive and dual booting up again to clean it out, i didnt have anything of value anyway02:34
Desu_TMthank you for your help though :)02:35
Desu_TMI was thinking maybe a video card or something02:35
holsteinDesu_TM: it literally could be anything.. start at the beginning and test02:36
Desu_TMcool. cheers dude.02:36
Desu_TMill get on it. laters02:36
holsteinDesu_TM: there are memory tests, and hard drive tests easily accessilbe from live CD's02:36
Desu_TMsweet. I'll make sure I do them all. cheers guys02:37
holsteinDesu_TM: good luck!02:37
Desu_TMhaha thanks02:37
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ZatsuneNoMokouanybody here?08:17
MagRelHi, Can you help me with samba?08:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:32
MagRelI try lots of tips, how to do it. At last, I try this: http://www.unixmen.com/howto-install-and-configure-samba-share-in-ubuntu/08:34
MagRelAnd finally it looks like work. But my problems start in step 6.08:34
MagRelI click on samba in menu, and see only symbol for waiting.08:36
MagRelAnyone can help me?08:40
bekksMagRel: We dont know without a specifix support question.08:41
MagRelbekks> Ok, I try to run samba in console, and make printscreen.08:45
bekksMagRel: Thats not a question until now.08:47
MagRelThis I can see after try to start samba in console. http://postimg.org/image/kviaxw007/08:48
bekksMagRel: Thats not how you start samba.08:50
bekks!samba | MagRel08:50
ubottuMagRel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html08:50
MagRelThx, but i dont use windows, I have 2 PC with xubuntu.08:52
MagRel3 years back, its work for me on ubuntu.08:54
bekksMagRel: Then pleasae read the links given on how to setup and use samba on linux.08:56
bekksMagRel: the second link is essential.08:56
MagRelOk, I read this and try it. But I try way from http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/samba and ubuntu forum, and I've used a lot of google. It is not that I would not seek a right to ask. Looking for a solution for several days.09:01
donc3I have a memmory usb 3.0 that is only recognized in the usb 2.0 port09:01
donc3this is the output of dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/7217477/09:01
donc3can anyone help me?09:01
MagRelI read that article, but it is not I need.09:12
bekksMagRel: It actually is needed since it tells you how to setup and configure samba.09:16
MagRelI read it, I suppose, that in the first text (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently) I suppose I do like I did not have xubuntu, but win. Problem Is it possible that I'm upset system to its prior practice. Is there any other way to share files between two Linux systems? Security is very important this time, it is a one-off transfer between two computers on which I am the only user.09:22
MagRelSorry for the mistake, I meant to say that for my security is not important.09:23
knomeMagRel, what's your native language?09:31
MagRelknome> My native language is Czech. For a long time I did not speak English. But the technical documentation I can read with understanding. I used google translate so I can respond quicker. But now I guess it was not the best idea.09:39
knome!cz | MagRel09:39
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Dmitriy_Hello. Can anybody help with problem on x14.04. On login screen after few seconds system will stop react on any keys or mouse11:33
Dmitriy_Sorry for bad english11:33
CyborgCygnusHow do you use a terminal to clear cache, tmp files ect in xubuntu? Does it even do that, is there something for it in the system settings?12:19
baizonhi h12:59
baizonhi hi12:59
HusTlerInstalled xubuntu last night and really diggin it!13:01
xubuntu369sudo afk-all install13:17
xubuntu369sudo hallp13:17
knomexubuntu369, do you have a support issue?13:18
it_robinhi people13:22
it_robini have a support question anyone available?13:24
knomejust ask and people will answer if they know the answer13:24
it_robini have a atom pc with 2gb RAM and graphic install is failing. is there a command at boot menu to start text mode?13:25
it_robinprobably trivial but couldn't find it13:26
it_robingood afternoon from here13:27
RFlemingthe wonders of the web!13:28
RFleminghows xubuntu doing today knome?  Happy so far?13:29
it_robinwell i do have a Q13:29
it_robinhow can i install xubuntu in text mode13:29
RFlemingask and ye shall receive, eventually13:29
knomeRFleming, trying to recover from sickness.13:29
it_robini have a Atom pc with 2 gb ram13:29
RFlemingUmm, you don't :)13:29
it_robingraphics are failing :D13:30
RFlemingI'm assuming as in text mode, you mean no xfce :)13:30
RFlemingit_robin, install ubuntu server13:30
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:30
knomeit_robin, you can use that and then select xubuntu-desktop on the task selection13:30
it_robinhmm ok perhaps i could install xfce afterwards13:30
knomethough if you're having trouble installing, you might have trouble running..13:30
it_robintrue true13:30
it_robinthe old install is a ubuntu 9.0413:31
it_robinwell gonna try the minimal install and see where i ends13:32
it_robini could always do lubuntu right?13:32
RFlemingknome, hope you get to feeling better13:34
RFlemingit_robin, if you say you're having graphical issues, and you just want a command line interface, then I would use ubuntu server.  It's made for cli, and LTS lasts 5 years, not 313:35
RFlemingyou could always install xubuntu-desktop or lubuntu-desktop on top later.13:35
RFlemingit'll also be rock solid13:35
RFleming(unless you have hardware problems)13:35
it_robinthats true13:35
it_robini have several ubuntu server running here so let's do that13:36
it_robinanyway thanks people i now have some leads i can follow13:37
RFlemingyou're very welcome.13:37
delt/usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service pukes the following error: (process:3359): libindicator-WARNING **: No watchers, service timing out.13:53
deltsince updating 14.04 from beta1 to current packages13:53
delthello GridCube, maybe you can help13:54
GridCubei dont know13:54
delttrying to get /usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service up and running again13:54
deltpukes this error: (process:3359): libindicator-WARNING **: No watchers, service timing out.13:54
delta few days ago i updated to current packages and it broke a few things, now i updated again and most of those breakages are fixed.13:55
deltexcept this one.13:55
deltoh wait, seems like it's fixed now! just had to logout and log back in after uninstalling and reinstalling the indicator-sound-gtk2 package :D13:58
RFlemingthe best kind of problem.  one that fixes itself. :)13:58
delthaha yep13:59
kabamarui setup14:01
kabamaruthe xubuntu 1314:01
kabamarubut i have a problem14:01
kabamaruthe firefox dont have a flash player14:02
baizonkabamaru: yes, you can install flash?14:08
baizonkabamaru: http://askubuntu.com/questions/341428/how-to-install-flash-player-on-ubuntu14:08
GridCubekabamaru, do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras14:14
lovetruthafter I installed fglrx driver and few network changes my PC starts in about 2 minutes14:49
lovetruthand before it did in few seconds!...14:49
lovetruthmore exactly, now in 2:20 minutes!...14:49
lovetruthwhat can I do to fix this???...14:49
koegslovetruth: you can use bootchart to check whats taking so long14:53
lovetruththat is some application or?14:53
koegsyes, install bootchart "sudo apt-get install bootchart", now pngs will be put to /var/log/bootchart14:54
lovetruthkoegs: here is dmesg output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7221933/15:01
lovetruthsee that large gap?...15:01
lovetruthkoegs: it seems to be fglrx15:05
lovetruthwhat can I do?...15:05
holsteinlovetruth: do you have a support question?15:26
lovetruthI've got 2, actually... :)15:27
holsteinlovetruth: you can revert to the other driver which seems to provide a boot time you prefer15:27
lovetruthyes... but I need the full functionality of my Radeon HD Graphic Card...15:27
holsteinlovetruth: ok. then, you understand the compromise that is made15:28
lovetruthI guess that ... :)15:28
lovetruthanother question:15:28
holsteinlovetruth: you were not guaranteed linux support with that device, so, this is one of the compromises you may have to make to provide yourself linux support15:28
lovetruthah... do I have guaranteed linux support on some graphic card?...15:29
holsteinlovetruth: you ask the vendor.. system76 for example provides linux support15:29
holsteinintel also usually provides linux support, at least for most devices15:30
RFleminglovetruth, yes, those that are supported by the manufacturer with their drivers.  AMD/ATI will support cards for so long before they're written out of the drivers.  Drivers only work with certain kernel versions before the manufacturer decides to stop writing for older kernels, so it's quite possible to upgrade your OS and no longer have a supported graphics card for your driver.15:30
holsteinAMD or nnvidia can choose not to support linux with a proprietary driver, since they didnt promise to do so15:31
holsteinlovetruth: there are ppa's that steam recomends users add to get the latest drivers15:31
lovetruththank you :)15:32
lovetruthalso... is it possible to change the order of NICs in Xubuntu?...15:33
holsteinhttps://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa is that PPA, though, ppa's are not officially supported15:33
holsteinlovetruth: yes15:33
lovetruthok... but I have some virtual NIC I want to be first :)15:34
lovetruthlike , I creaded one using ip link15:34
holsteinlovetruth: put them where you like15:34
lovetruthip li add link eth0 cad0 address 00:xx:...15:35
holsteinthe names and reference to the names are relevant15:35
lovetruthbut I can't see this interface in 70-permanent15:35
lovetruthand don't know how can I add it , if that is even possible15:35
holsteinlovetruth: its all open, so, theoretically, if you care to research *anything* is possible15:36
holsteinlovetruth: i would suggest going to the main #ubuntu channel, since that is not specific to xubuntu or xfce, and you may have a larger base of volunteers to help you15:36
lovetruthyes... but how :) I am searching for this for 2 days...15:36
holsteinlovetruth: you can also truy the server channels15:36
holsteinlovetruth: you really shouldnt need to change those, but the links i gave describe how to change names15:37
lovetruthI actually have a wine app15:37
lovetruththat requires certain MAC15:37
holsteinlovetruth: there may be a larger question that is, why are you trying to change them? and is there a better way to deal with it?15:37
lovetruthand I managed to get the app under wine working15:37
holsteinlovetruth: wine is *always* a compromise15:37
lovetruthbut I didn't manage to fix the MAC. I did change the real NIC's MAC, and it worked15:38
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holsteinlovetruth: you should be able to refer to whatever nic you like there, rather than changing the core of the OS to conform to an application that is not intended to run on it15:38
lovetruthbut I cannot have the real NIC's MAC changed for some local reasons...15:38
holsteinlovetruth: the MAC is not broken, so, you wont need to fix kit15:38
lovetruththe app does require certain MAC15:38
lovetruth(old licence issue, it's on some old PC's MAC)15:39
holsteinlovetruth: i would either try a networking/linux channel, or try a native application15:39
lovetruthit's ProE 3.015:39
lovetruthdidn't find native app for that15:39
lovetruthso MAC change of virtual NIC seemed the best15:40
RFleminglovetruth, in /etc/network/interfaces you can override the MAC address via the hwaddress scope15:40
RFlemingiface eth0 inet dhcp15:40
RFleminghwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:0615:40
lovetruthRFleming: did change the MAC, using if eth0 hw ether xx:yy...15:40
lovetruthbut I can't have the real NIC's MAC changed15:41
lovetruthso I need some virtual NIC with that MAC15:41
lovetruthgot that, but it's not seen as the first in wine15:41
lovetruthand Wine says that the Wine software sees the Linux's NIC order15:41
lovetruthorder of NICs*15:41
RFleminglovetruth, then create a virtual nic15:41
lovetruthI created a virtual NIC using ip li add link eth0 cad0 address xx:yy:...15:42
lovetruththe cad0 interface is up and even has some ips15:42
lovetruthbut wine looks first at eth015:43
lovetruthand says that MAC is not right for it...15:43
RFlemingwhich is correct.15:43
lovetruthand wine says that it looks up the Linux's order of NICS. Whichever is first in Linux, is first in MAC...15:43
RFlemingyour app needs to be told which nic to bind to15:43
holsteinlovetruth: in the application15:44
holsteinlovetruth: what are you trying to do? can you just replace that funtionality with a native application? wine will *always* be a compromise15:44
holsteinlovetruth: if the windows application, that is not intended to run on linux, doesent allow you to bind in linux, then, i sugggest looking for a linux application15:45
lovetruthdidn't find ProE for linux15:45
holsteinlovetruth: what are you trying to do?15:45
lovetruthrun that. ProE :)15:45
RFlemingthat's a question for the WINE people15:45
holsteinlovetruth: what functionatliy? friend15:45
lovetruthit's a CAD software15:46
holsteinlovetruth: the fact is.. nothing about linux or xubuntu is preventing ProE from running on linux15:46
lovetruthyou design stuff with it15:46
holsteinlovetruth: but, the ProE creators are preventing that.. so, it will *always* be a compromise15:46
holsteinlovetruth: you shouldnt need networking access to "design stuff" with it15:46
lovetruthI know :)15:46
holsteinlovetruth: you should look for native replacements. or, run windows in virtualbox.. or, dualboot15:47
lovetruthbut that was the way they designed their licence back then15:47
lovetruthby MAC15:47
lovetruthunder windows I was able to create a virtual NIC using VirtualBox15:47
holsteinlovetruth: their licensing is irrelevant here15:47
lovetruthand change MAC on that and it worked15:47
holsteinlovetruth: nothing about linux or xubuntu is preventing that from happening.. ProE is pvrenting this from happening15:47
lovetruthbut on linux the vboxnet0 adapter that virtualbox created doesn't start unless I start VirtualBox itself...15:48
holsteinlovetruth: you need to ideally get a "fix" from them15:48
lovetruthasked the ProE and they told me to use Windows :) ...15:48
holsteinlovetruth: correct15:48
holsteinlovetruth: thats what you will need to do, if this applications top notch performance is a number one priority, you will do what they say15:49
holsteinlovetruth: we are not preventing it from working in linux.. .and, cant facilitate it any more than providing, and suggesting wine15:49
poopuserHi. For some reason Xorg chooses wrong resolution rendering display blank. Currently writing from 1st tty. How can I force xorg to reconsider the settings? xrandr --auto brags about wrong display.15:49
holsteinlovetruth: you will do best going to wine for support, and/or deciding between virtuabox *or* wine15:49
holsteinlovetruth: you reference both above, and you dont need wine to run windows in virtualbox.. it could be that simple15:50
holsteinlovetruth: you can tell virtualbox to be on your lan, not on NAT behind your host's NIC15:50
holsteinpoopuser: i'll use a custom xorg.conf if arandr doesnt work.. assuming the devices can display what im trying to send them15:51
poopuserholstein: it's the only device available so I won't get on the browser for info about how to do so. Need a quick fix, a workaround even most dirty.15:52
holsteinpoopuser: you can use a live CD to get to a browser15:52
poopuserholstein: maybe I could set 'DISPLAY=' argument and then run xrandr but I am not good at those.15:53
lovetruthpoopuser: I've been using xrandr15:53
lovetruthjust need to find out right display15:53
lovetruthit can be HDMI-0 or 1 or 2 or whatever you're using15:53
lovetruthxrandr -q ?15:54
holsteinpoopuser: there is a graphics repair in the recovery kernel15:55
lovetruthxrandr --output CHOSENDISPLAY --auto15:55
lovetruthtry several?... like DVI-0 and so?...15:55
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Guest34755wanted to translate xfce package that is at xubuntu then update xfce upsteams. It makes it easier to see how it looks like before committing it. Is there any way to do it?16:04
deltjust wondering, how do i get the normal bootup messages instead of the screen with 4 flashing dots =)16:04
Ribeirsgalgum tuga presente?16:13
ubottuRibeirsg: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:14
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:14
RFlemingdelt, http://askubuntu.com/questions/248/how-can-i-show-or-hide-boot-messages-when-ubuntu-starts16:28
RFlemingslow day16:34
xubuntu265is there any reason why i shouldn't be able to get the fixed openssl version from the standard repositories in the 14.04 beta?16:39
xubuntu265last i find is the 1.0.1f16:39
holsteinxubuntu265: its not out yet, so, maybe its not updated.. did you ask in #ubuntu+1 ?16:40
xubuntu265no, I haven't. is that the beta channel?16:42
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:42
elfytry updating - I got that this morning16:42
elfyxubuntu265: ^^16:42
holsteinyeah... you can try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if you get newer updates.. or, with the package/update manager of your choice16:43
xubuntu265yeah i tried that, didnt help much16:43
xubuntu265thanks though, ill try the beta channel16:43
holsteinxubuntu265: you tried what? updating your package cache? and upgrading packages? are you getting 404's on the repos?16:44
xubuntu265"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"16:44
holsteinxubuntu265: no errors from "sudo apt-get update" ?16:44
holsteinxubuntu265: updates should be there for newer packages as they come in..16:45
RFlemingelfy, we're not going to see a minor version number increase for the application of a patch, are we?16:45
xubuntu265so, just wait?16:46
RFlemingstill going to show 1.0.1 14 March 2012?16:46
holsteinxubuntu265: thats what i would do... just keep checking for the updates, and check in #ubuntu+116:46
xubuntu530hi all I'm trying to install xubtunu beta 2 final with liveusb and after the screen to chosose  install xubuntu my computer always reboot anyone know what can be ?16:47
elfyholstein: they are in +1 - I'm waiting for a repsonse16:47
holsteinelfy: cheers...16:48
* RFleming is referring to OpenSSL patch16:49
elfyso are we all RFleming :)16:49
RFlemingno, I meant my question16:49
RFlemingthe version number isn't changing16:49
RFlemingI had the patch, but still shows 1.0.1 14 Mar 201216:49
elfyoic no idea what numbering16:50
RFlemingwrong box... mine shows 1.0.1f 6 Jan 201416:51
RFlemingwhich is still not Apr :)16:51
RFlemingelfy, found the answer17:01
RFlemingrun     openssl version -a     and check the built on date17:01
skribblezatchahi there RFleming.17:01
RFleminghey skribblezatcha17:01
skribblezatchabrb, i am going to go and make a cup of coffee.17:02
Seppebest i have a macbook 3.1 and installed xubuntu 13.10 as my main, as i was at home it was working fine untill i try to use my wifi somewhere else. some places it connect. some places i give my wifi pass and it tries to connect but does not. somebody who ca help me?17:55
holsteinSeppe: not really. you can try different drivers, assuming one is available.. but, i typically see that as well, and find it to be on the server side.. a configuration of the wifi access point.. older, mis-configured or out of date firmware, or other problems17:57
Seppewhere to begin :p?17:57
Seppei'm quite new to the xubuuntu so..17:58
holsteinSeppe: i recently changed the time to live settings for the DHCP server on the wifi access point at a coffee shop i frequent, and so far, the performance has improved17:58
holsteinSeppe: *you* are potentially not having *any* problem17:58
Seppebut it's at more than oneplace i'm getting this problem17:59
holsteinSeppe: so, you begin by determining where the issue is.. is it you? or the wifi at the place you are visiting.. if you find its not you, then you either try and address the place, and see if they will "fix" the issue17:59
holsteinSeppe: sure.. as i stated, i see this *many* places.. and, i addressed the issue at on of the businesses personally by changing the ttl on the DHCP server..17:59
holsteinSeppe: but, you *are* connecting at the place where you configured your network.. and other places.. and, you cant confirm that hte network is setup properly at the places you cannot connect.. so, you cant assume its a problem on your end that you need to "fix"18:00
Seppebut when i tryto connect after giving the correct pass it just times out18:01
Seppeit is18:01
Seppebecause it works on other pc's and smartphne18:01
holsteinSeppe: ok.. i have seen that *exact* issue at *many* places...18:01
holsteinSeppe: if you are asking how to fix it, i say, confirm what is broken.. and you can always try other drivers, assuming they are available.. sometimes broadcom chips have different drivers you can try18:03
Seppethat's what i'm searching for because at the 5 places i'f been 3 places it wont connect but others can. and so van i with my phone18:04
Seppebut if it's my driver it would'nt connect anywhere18:05
holsteinSeppe: yes.. same here18:05
Seppeand because the others can connect i dont see the problem with thee router18:05
holsteinSeppe: i have addressed that server side at the one coffee shop i have access to help, personally, and at my house18:05
Seppeproblem is that they are all home routers18:06
skribblezatchasometimes, just because you see the connection available to connect to, doesnt mean that its close enough to literally connect to.18:07
ben_xyzzyDoes Xubuntu ship with anything that can display from my laptop webcam?18:07
Seppethought of that18:07
skribblezatchaben_xyzzy: sudo apt-get install cheese18:07
skribblezatchaSeppe: you said that you are using 13.10?18:07
skribblezatchaok cool, do you have inxi in repo's yet?18:08
skribblezatcharun sudo apt-get install inxi and see if inxi is in repo's Seppe.18:09
GridCube!info inxi18:09
ubottuinxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.12-1 (saucy), package size 115 kB, installed size 438 kB18:09
holsteinSeppe: occasionally, changing my physical proximity to the router helps.. i have only had access to a few networks, where, when i update firmware, and configure properly, *all* my machines connect18:09
holsteinSeppe: if you have other drivers available such as a broadcom chip that happens to have other drivers, you can try them..18:09
skribblezatchacool, thanks GridCube.18:09
=== Guest652 is now known as hexagon
skribblezatchaSeppe: let me know when inxi is installed please.18:11
skribblezatchacool, now right there in your chat window, enter this command: /exec -o inxi -Nn18:13
skribblezatchathen hit enter please.18:13
skribblezatchatype this command as if you were typing it to me: /exec -o inxi -Nn18:15
Seppedid it18:15
skribblezatchano you didnt.18:16
Seppebut i'm not on my problematic laptop right now , just ssaying18:16
Seppei can't connect to the internet on that laptop18:16
skribblezatchaif you had done that, i would see the output here in the room.18:16
skribblezatchao i see, i thought that you were on that laptop. well you would have to be on that laptop to be able to troubleshoot it. sorry.18:17
skribblezatchathis is what inxi does and what i was looking for Seppe.18:18
skribblezatchai see that gdebi is having issues right now. bummer.18:18
skribblezatcha12Network:     12Card-1:  Realtek RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller  12driver  r816918:21
skribblezatcha 12             12IF:  eth0  12state  down  12mac  <filter>18:21
skribblezatcha 12             12Card-2:  Realtek RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller  12driver  rtl8192se18:21
skribblezatcha 12             12IF:  wlan0  12state  up  12mac  <filter>18:21
skribblezatchasee, that command using inxi shows your card info, so that we know what drivers are being used as well as the name of your wifi card.18:22
Seppei know i have a broadom18:23
skribblezatchaok cool Seppe. you cant get connected to internet AT ALL with the other laptop?18:24
Seppenot here18:24
holsteinSeppe: you said you could, at home18:24
skribblezatchaok, well when you can get connected using that laptop..come back when using it.18:25
Seppesepareted parents18:25
Seppeat the one i can the other i cant18:25
holsteinSeppe: so, you *can* connect at a few access points, correct?18:25
Seppei'll ttry to find an ethernet cable and comeback!18:27
skribblezatchaok cool Seppe.18:27
skribblezatchagdebi-installer stopped working in trusty.18:34
junkaskribblezatcha, for trusty go #ubuntu+118:53
skribblezatchai know junka, thanks.:)18:53
longbonglungfishhello all! i'm having a very strange issue with a particular college website under all the browsers i use on xubuntu 13.10. the site is as follows: https://websql.brooklyn.cuny.edu/graduate/ the issue is that, whether i'm using firefox, midori or even the internal browser of rssowl, that site will never load if javascript is enabled (but it's needed to use the site), if javascript is disabled, the site loads fine,20:02
longbonglungfish but i can't fill out most of the forms on it. can anyone help me with this? it's extremely frustrating. i asked a friend who uses os x to test out the site on his machine, and it loads fine, with or without javascript.20:02
skribblezatchado you happen to have javascript installed longbonglungfish?20:03
longbonglungfishwhat do you mean by 'installed'? i'd certainly assume so, as javascript works fine everywhere. this is the only site i've encountered that won't load if javascript is enabled.20:05
skribblezatchaalso whats up with flash, would you happen to have that installed?20:05
skribblezatchaok longbonglungfish do me a favor please and open the software-center and tell me when you have done that please.20:06
skribblezatchaok in software-center search flash, and install flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-downloader20:07
skribblezatchaonce those are installed let me know please.20:07
longbonglungfishthose are already installed.20:07
longbonglungfishalso, the site doesn't seem to care about flash at all. no idea what's going on here.20:08
skribblezatchanow search jre please longbonglungfish.20:08
skribblezatchaor java.20:08
skribblezatchado you see the jre7 there longbonglungfish?20:09
longbonglungfishwell, i actually do a little java coding for hobbyist purposes,  so i have jre6 and 7 installed. i don't see what that has to do with javascript and the website though.20:09
skribblezatchaok cool, now do you happen to have the icedtea plugin installed?20:10
skribblezatchaok, well then hmmm. i dont know. i just clicked on the site and all seemed well for me and i am using puppy linux at the moment.20:11
skribblezatchabrb, i am going to xubuntu real click, then toss me the link again so that i can see if it works there ok?20:12
longbonglungfishthanks! here it is: https://websql.brooklyn.cuny.edu/graduate/20:12
skribblezatchawait, let me get to xubuntu and then resend it. one sec.20:12
elfylongbonglungfish: I just went there - I could fill in the form ok20:12
elfynot got around to installing any java at all here just flash20:14
longbonglungfishholy cow. any idea what could be going wrong?20:14
elfynone I'm afraid, this is pretty much a vanilla install20:15
elfythough 14.0420:15
zleapis it me or do java and flash cause a heck of a lot of problems20:15
skribblezatchaok back.20:15
longbonglungfishhere you go again: https://websql.brooklyn.cuny.edu/graduate/20:15
elfyzleap: for some - in the 7 years I've been about - not for me20:15
skribblezatchathanks longbonglungfish.20:15
moetunesis the issue black text on a black background or similar ?20:15
zleapelfy, maybe its just certain hardware20:16
longbonglungfishnono. it's simply that the aforementioned site will not load in any browser unless i have javascript turned off  in the browser. the problem is, javascript is needed for the site to function properly.20:16
zleapsounds like the webmaster really knew what he / she was doing eh20:17
longbonglungfishso all i get is the login page, but i can't complete the application process because most elements of it require javascript.20:17
Artemis3use noscript and enable only what you need?20:17
longbonglungfishthen if i enable javascript, the page just loads and loads and loads and loads and never finishes. i could leave it doing that for an hour and no progress at all.20:18
longbonglungfishjust a blank page and it doesn't progress.20:18
skribblezatchalongbonglungfish: someone that i know had the same issue with online banking. the site wouldnt allow for anything other than the official java to be used.20:18
skribblezatchathat could be the case with the site that you are trying to access right now. its a bummer, but places do it for some reason.20:19
skribblezatchathe dude that i know called the bank and they didnt care, and wouldnt change it to accept an opensource version of java either.20:19
longbonglungfishbut it's javascript, not java. it also works perfectly on a buddy's os x machine, and all his stuff is severely outdated.20:20
skribblezatchathe site loads for me though, after a while.20:20
skribblezatchawell the page has loaded for me here, want to see a screenshot?20:20
longbonglungfishshit. this is terrible. don't know what's going on. thanks anyway guys.20:25
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
=== pencilandpaper is now known as skribblezatcha
zleaphi jono21:07
=== help is now known as Guest28234
graffyhi, when will 14.04 be released?21:23
zleapnext thursday hopefully 17th21:24
graffyI need to reformat my server but I think I should wait21:24
zleapgraffy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule21:24
graffyyes I wasn't sure if there was some dealy for xubuntu21:24
zleapit should be on schedule21:25
zleapi sually wait a few days after to avoid the rush21:25
graffyexcellent thanks21:25
graffyyeah, I will schedule my upgrade for the following Monday21:25
zleapi need to get the isos, downloaded scp'd on to my 2nd computer + cd / dvd burner and make some copies21:28
graffyone of my friends runs a pxe server with installers for many popular distros21:43
graffyI think that's the coolest way to try a new OS21:43
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