
lordievaderGood morning.06:36
shalokshalomhi there06:41
shalokshalomis a older kernel better to replace win xp devices, than a newer one ?06:42
lordievadershalokshalom: I'd say as long as a newer kernel supports all your devices go with that one.06:42
pierre_kubuntu 14.04 bug !!!!07:51
lordievaderpierre_: Trusty support is in #ubuntu+1 ;)07:52
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lordievaderHello kim3509:39
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:30
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Cenbere. "Could not start dbus. Can you call qdbus?", see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/130480511:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1304805 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?"" [Critical,Fix released]11:44
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cjaeHi, pretty basic question, how do I make gnome apps single click in kubuntu? I read about gconf-editor but it says its not installed14:07
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BluesKajcjae, the same way you make kde apps single click afaik , system settings>input devices>mouse14:32
cjaeBluesKaj: no14:32
cjaedoesnt listen14:32
BluesKajdo your kde apps open with a single click?14:34
aljosa any idea howto resolve "startkde: Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus?", everything worked ok and then i did dist-upgrade a few minutes ago15:00
aljosai did ask in #ubuntu+1 but asking also here15:00
nielsvmaljosa: Yes my colleague had it today, gimme a second to look it up.15:02
nielsvmHere's the fix, its a bug that went into packages: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/1304805/comments/1215:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1304805 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "KDE desktop login failure: "Could not start d-bus. Can you call qdbus?"" [Critical,Fix released]15:02
Leoneofis there kubuntu dev edition like Debian Testing?15:13
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BluesKajhi dv_15:54
lordievaderHello o/15:55
lordievaderHey pedro16:07
WalexLeoneof: yes.16:11
LeoneofWalex: is it like rolling release?16:14
pedroi'm having trouble running a game called "tibia" even though i have the library it says its unaccesible any thoughts?16:20
cariverihi. how to clear saved sessions. a malfunctioning screen resolution gets turned on after login.16:23
_abbenormalhey guys whats up with openssl is there a fix in the repo yet16:27
cjaeBluesKaj: yes16:38
cjaeits things like firefox and selecting directories and such from within the program itself16:39
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melkorI got the qdbus error again. Is there anyway to stop network manager? I had to move the file NetworkManager, then kill the process. Otherwise I couldn't use wpa_supplicant to connect to the internet.18:02
melkorIll be back I'm in a tty318:06
DimanKI am using Kubuntu 13.10 KDE plasma workshop desktop18:16
DimanKI want to switch to Cinnemon desktop, I installed it, but it says "Failed to load session "Cinnamon""18:17
DimanKany help please and thank you !!18:17
BluesKajDimanK, you have to install unity first then cinnamon, after cinnamon is working ok remove unity18:19
DimanKoh, is this a known bug? I mean not to be to run Cinnemon without Unity?18:19
DimanK568 mb of space for Unity....too much BluesKaj18:22
DimanKany other way, if you may know?18:22
BluesKajDimanK, afaik you need unity or gnome to install cinnamon18:27
fabio123i cant' find th appmenu-gtk package18:54
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ronnocRiddell: http://www.muktware.com/2014/04/install-kubuntu-windows-xp-systems/2529419:43
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ax9Somebody help me?21:04
ax9Guys, when i try to apt-get install anything21:06
ax9it give me a line 57 error in sources.list21:06
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DarthFrogWhat does line 57 say?22:16

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