
RAOFsmb: looks like you left some detritus in your drbd8 upload?01:18
=== gerald is now known as Guest25801
smbRAOF, If you can elaborate on that, I may understand06:54
RAOFsmb: There seemed to be a patch file called “bah” shipped in debian/patches, but not applied.07:14
smbRAOF, Oh ok... :-P Bah!07:15
smbhm... bla not better07:16
smbAnd I am not sure how I did that07:16
smbif I did that07:16
smbRAOF, Looks like my backport was too good... the same file exists in the saucy version, too (which was my source)07:18
=== gerald is now known as Guest50370
=== manjo` is now known as manjo
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
=== kbingham_ is now known as kbingham
=== gerald is now known as Guest33373
rtgapw, pushed master-next for build testing16:09
apwrtg, rebooting onto it now17:45
apwrtg, seems to work for me ...17:50
=== tinoco is now known as inaddy
miseria"los discursos politicos y su demagogia, para torturar un pueblo, son decorados con la frase: *derechos humanos*" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*18:22
=== mwhudson- is now known as mwhudson

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