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bluesabrehello sponsors!02:42
slangasekhallyn, stgraber: the debian/rules Vcs-* fields are defined as pointing to the branch where the package lives; please drop this field from the cgmanager package if the packaging isn't actually going to live there03:46
hallynslangasek: is there a field we can use for where the usptream lives?04:11
hallyn(I assume you mean the debian/control Vcs-*)04:11
* hallyn pushing an update without that field04:13
slangasekhallyn: yeah, debian/control is what I meant.  There's no such debian/control field for upstream Vcs, you could put it in debian/copyright04:34
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Mirv@pilot in04:47
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final Beta released! | Archive: Gated Review | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Mirv
Unit193Mirv: Happy piloting.04:47
Mirvthanks, let's see what I can do today. it's the last day before final freeze at least.04:49
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pittiGood morning05:57
pittibdmurray: we don't use procmaps for automatic processing of python crashes; they are occasionally useful to look at in bug reports for developers, though05:57
pittibdmurray: like, finding out python extensions, third-party extensions/plugins, etc.; our client-side hooks check for that05:58
pittiinfinity: -base langpack refresh next Monday: does that sound ok? or rather tomorrow?06:01
infinitypitti: Are those my only two options?06:01
pittiinfinity: any other option would involve prodding wgrant to do a manual LP export06:02
infinityI imagine he has the skills to do that.06:02
infinityBut I can't think too many translations will change between tomorrow and Monday, so tomorrow would be fine.06:02
pittiinfinity: actually, scratch that; the other chance to enable "full langpack" would have been yesterday06:02
infinityMonday, we should be well into RC-land, and hopefully only respinning for criticals.06:02
pittiinfinity: ack06:03
pittiinfinity: we've done it on Monday in the past few releases, so I assumed that was ok; but let me do the prodding06:03
infinitypitti: Did we?06:04
wgrantpitti, infinity: We can do it manually, but tomorrow seems to make sense to me.06:04
pittiwgrant: I requested a full export on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+language-packs now; could you please kick the cronjob so that it builds one in the next day or two?06:04
pitti(I can also start the build on Saturday if necessary)06:04
infinitypitti: So, if I get to pick timing, "over the weekend" would be best.06:04
pittiinfinity: ack06:04
wgrantloganberry.canonical.com-launchpad:30 10 * * 2,4 nice -16 $LP_PY /srv/launchpad.net/production/launchpad/cronscripts/language-pack-exporter.py ubuntu trusty --force-utf8-encoding -q --log-file=INFO:/srv/launchpad.net/production-logs/rosetta/language-pack-exporter.log06:04
infinitypitti: The first RCs won't spin until Sunday night or Monday morning.06:04
pittiwgrant: right, that matches with my "3,5" cronjob to build/upload the packages06:05
wgrantWon't it automatically do its thing in 5 hours?06:05
wgrant4 hours06:05
pittiwgrant: oh, right; I was off by a day06:06
bluesabrehey pitti, are you running the show currently?06:06
pittiwgrant: ok, then I'll check tomorrow morning, and ask you if it failed (as sometimes it just doesn't produce anything)06:06
pittibluesabre: "the show"?06:06
wgrantpitti: Well, it doesn't not produce anything. It spams my inbox.06:06
bluesabreas in, are you up for doing uploady things?06:06
bluesabrexubuntu-meta needs a refresh to take in one final change we rolled in last night06:07
pittibluesabre: I've been sponsoring half a day yesterday06:07
pittibluesabre: I can do some sponsoring, but not that much -- I've got to do some work, too :)06:08
pittilinux-exynos5 | 3.13.0-3.3    | trusty/universe         | source06:08
pittioh, so this came back? we removed the package some time ago06:08
pittior is that an error of some kind (bad sync)06:08
bluesabreok, looks like it may have been taken care of after all, sorry to bother you guys06:12
Mirvyay for new -base langpacks, to get help translations in06:12
infinitypitti: No, it's back, that's based on the current trusty kernel.06:14
Mirvbluesabre: I'm the crippled pilot sort of since I don't have upload rights. what I tend to do is testing etc as needed, and then ping someone with upload rights.06:16
bluesabreMirv: ok, good to know.06:16
Mirvtoday it seems I'm pretty crippled today by final freeze related work too, but I'll help at least if asked to help somewhere06:17
Mirvthe fact that pitti has a pilot turn scheduled a day before tends to also mean the queue is shortish :S06:18
infinityMirv: If one of your uploads is 5 minutes late because you were being nice and helping someone else, I think we'll cut you some slack.06:18
pittiMirv: I got it down from 34 to 14 yesterday, but there was some stuff which needed FFEs or fixing06:19
infinityRealistically, actionable items in the queue should be pretty much 0 right now, unless there are some obvious, auditable, and simple bugfixes in there still.06:19
pittiinfinity: speaking of FFEs, do you have a feeling about bug 1305135?06:19
ubottubug 1305135 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "FFE: Provide ssh access to Qemu testbed for easier test debugging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130513506:19
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Mirvpitti: yes, waiting UIFe, FFe, and already uploaded stuff in there. only a couple that could use some work/testing.06:21
infinitypitti: Looks sane to me.06:21
pittiMirv: already uploaded? I can help with setting stuff to "merged" (although by now core-devs ought to be able to)06:21
pittiinfinity: thanks06:22
Mirvpitti: in unapproved queue, xfce4-indicator-plugin. I guess it's not right to set it merged before it leaves that queue.06:24
pittiMirv: *shrug*, there's nothing left to sponsor really06:24
pittiMirv: but your call06:24
pittiMirv: bug  1304214 looks like something which should still get in (but haven't checked)06:25
ubottubug 1304214 in ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] New default wp for ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130421406:25
Mirvit does, but it'd need that approval. although it's ubuntustudio specific, I could probably discuss with them directly since they're probably handling the docs by themselves too.06:28
Noskcajlp:~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-xkb-plugin/lp-733563 still needs sponsoring06:28
MirvNoskcaj: thanks, it seems it's missing from the sponsoring report page (http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/). I'll look at it06:32
Noskcajmicahg, thanks. Sponsors got unsubscribed after the first review for some reason06:33
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dholbachgood morning06:52
Mirvok, I've verified this one, so if some core-dev would be kind to dget https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/+archive/ppa/+files/ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme_0.7.dsc and upload?07:35
didrocksMirv: doing07:35
Mirvdidrocks: thanks!07:35
pittistgraber: still here by any weird chance?07:39
pittistgraber: question for you in bug 1305395; not sure if slangasek wants that in trusty still, but in case he does it's a bit urgent (and the change is otherwise fairly straightforward)07:47
ubottubug 1305395 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-login service not started on package install" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130539507:47
jamespagepitti, fd 6 is a pipe08:13
pittijamespage: the strace doesn't say to where? i. e. not a named fifo?08:16
jamespagepitti, looking at that now08:17
pittijamespage: if the strace doesn't reveal it, it might also help to attach gdb to the process and get a bt to see where it's spinning08:17
zygabdrung_work: hey, I noticed you've packaged versiontools08:18
jamespagepitti, nothing in strace08:19
jamespagepitti, gdb'ing now08:19
pittijamespage: you mean you don't see a call that opens fd 6?08:19
jamespagepitti, no08:19
pittijamespage: oh wait, you attached strace to logind, you didn't start logind under strace, right?08:20
pittiif that happens only after some hours, that would produce a lot of output indeed, so let's try with gdb08:20
jamespagepitti, cgmanager_ping_sync08:20
pittijamespage: ah, so I suppose your cgmanager process might have died?08:22
pittiroot       310  0.0  0.0  23656  1440 ?        Ss   07:54   0:00 /sbin/cgmanager --sigstop -m name=systemd08:22
pittiyou shoudl have something like that08:22
pittijamespage: but even then it shoudln't loop08:22
jamespageroot       327     1  0 Apr09 ?        00:00:12 /sbin/cgmanager --sigstop -m name=systemd08:22
jamespageI do08:22
pittijamespage: ok; at this point I'd hand this to stgraber, he knows much better what cgmanager_ping_sync() is supposed to do08:23
pittijamespage: thanks so far!08:24
bdrung_workzyga, yes08:25
jamespagepitti, np08:25
zygabdrung_work: thanks for doing that, I was interested in working on it myself as I wanted to use it in my work soon08:25
zygabdrung_work: is the module maintained in DPMT?08:26
jamespagepitti, stgraber: I'll leave it spinning - if either of you want access and have IPv6 I can enabled that fairly easily08:26
bdrung_workzyga, no. i put it under collab-maint. i don't mind moving it to DPMT (if they use git)08:27
zygabdrung_work: I noticed you provided a python3 version as well, thanks08:27
zygabdrung_work: I was working on 1.10 release08:27
bdrung_workyou're welcome08:27
zygabdrung_work: I could co-maintain the package if you want to08:28
zygabdrung_work: do you have any packages that depend on it?08:28
bdrung_workzyga, help is appreciated08:28
bdrung_workzyga, yes. gevent-socketio depends on it. that was the reason for packaging it08:28
zygaI see, thanks08:29
apacheloggerpitti: ahoy, does that look sound to you: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/lightdm/pam-kwallet/+merge/21510808:41
pittiapachelogger: superficially yes08:42
pitti(but I don't know how kwallet works)08:43
apacheloggeralmost exactly like gnome-keyring, the pam thingy was pretty much modeled after the gnome-keyring one from what I have been told08:43
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pittiapachelogger: ah, ok; so it's not related to money or bitcoins or so :)08:44
apacheloggerpitti: oh god no :P08:46
pitti$ bzr whoami08:47
pittiYour Name <name@example.com>08:47
* pitti uncommits, fixes that, and re-commits08:47
zygapitti: bzr test suite perhaps?08:48
pittizyga: yes, I did run that a couple of times08:48
pittibut I didn't expect it to change my actual config08:48
zygapitti: it also gives you a gpg key you may want to get rid of08:49
pittiit should really set HOME=`mktemp -d` ..08:49
pittizyga: not that I can see; at least nothign with "bzr" or "example"?08:50
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zygapitti: perhaps it managed to clean up for you, I saw some failures and it's still here (the gpg key)08:51
pittiapachelogger: should I also upload the lightdm change to trusty?08:51
apacheloggerpitti: would be lovely08:51
pittiapachelogger: hm, there are more changes in trunk than just that08:53
apacheloggerpitti: I can do an isolated upload then08:53
pittiapachelogger: sounds better then08:54
pittiI don't know how well these changes got tested, and whether they are meant for trusty08:54
apacheloggeraye, uploaded :)08:54
LaneyISTR that update-manger wants Conflicts/Replaces to remove packages & Breaks/Replaces isn't enough09:28
Laneyis that right?09:28
cjwatsonLaney: yes09:33
LaneyDo reject mails from syncs work? :-)09:34
ScottKLaney: If it's CI syncs, definitely not.  Debian syncs, not sure.09:36
LaneyScottK: It's a Debian one in this case. You don't get "Waiting for approval", but do get "Accepted" (https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/830614)09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830614 in Launchpad itself "Email not immediately sent for copied packages which end up in NEW" [Low,Triaged]09:38
cjwatsonthere definitely seems something wonky about syncs and mails, not sure about rejected but I'd expect that to be the same code path as accepted ...09:40
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zygabdrung_work: do you intend to get versiontools in to trusty?10:18
zygabdrung_work: or are you fine with u-series?10:18
bdrung_workzyga, i synced it to trusty (i need it to fix the build failure of gevent-socketio)10:19
zygabdrung_work: it's still in the new queue10:20
cjwatson*clicketyclick* no it isn't10:24
bdrung_workcjwatson, thanks10:38
xnoxsergiusens: fginther: looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/notes-app/py32/+merge/210254/comments/510398 => http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/6378/console it appears that the tests are executed with python2, yet python3 should have been used.10:49
xnoxsergiusens: fginther: am i missing any declaration to trigger the jobs to use python3?10:50
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MirvI can't work on the piloting anymore, but if some core-dev wants to tinker a bit lmms would be "ready" aside from lintian non-cleanness also present in the current version in archives: bug #1291675 / lp:~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu/trusty/lmms/1.0.0_packaging11:59
ubottubug 1291675 in lmms (Ubuntu) "[FFe] LMMS 1.0.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129167511:59
Mirvit builds fine, was tested, and contains all the fixes Ubuntu Studio folks want to have there + matches upstream sources12:00
Mirv@pilot out12:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final Beta released! | Archive: Gated Review | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
jibelpitti, any idea why apport tried to run 'system-image-cli' on a desktop in bug 1305804 ?12:15
ubottubug 1305804 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "could not upgrade from saucy to trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130580412:15
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pittijibel: /usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ubuntu.py calls it if there's a /var/log/system-image/client.log12:32
pittijibel: so apparently this got installed once12:32
pittiand then removed again12:32
pittijibel: that's when you run apport on a phone12:32
jibelpitti, right, that's why I was surprised to see it when run on a desktop12:33
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evstgraber: is there some trick to passing a loopmounted filesystem to a lxc container? I've tried lxc-device but I'm getting the rather helpful "cannot mount block device /dev/loop0 read-only" message inside the container.13:17
evpitti: how were you arranging some block devices for swift in your lxc deployment?13:18
pittiev: I don't; I just use /srv/swift/1 and just one volume13:20
pittiev: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/setup-swift.sh13:20
evah, so it uses the local fs? The charm doesn't seem to support that. Drat.13:21
pittiev: yes, it's not a charm; lxc-local doesn't currently work for me, and I don't really need it; see http://www.piware.de/2014/03/creating-a-local-swift-server-on-ubuntu-for-testing/13:21
evyeah, I did have a read through13:22
pittiev: it's just a script which you run as root in a fresh container or VM13:22
evthough juju local does work for me, so I'm trying to get swift, glance, and rabbit in that :)13:22
evworks as of trusty, that is13:22
evit was a car crash in saucy13:22
pittiev: I didn't bother with rabbit, as that's really just apt-get install rabbitmq-server13:23
pittibother to write some kind of setup script, that is13:23
evyeah, there's also lp:rabbitfixture, so I might leave that part off as well13:23
stgraberhey pitti13:39
pittibonjour stgraber, ça va ?13:39
stgraberpitti: très bien et toi ?13:40
pittistgraber: je vais bien aussi, merci !13:40
pittistgraber: as-tu vu mon question dans le bug 1305395 ?13:40
ubottubug 1305395 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-login service not started on package install" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130539513:40
stgraberpitti: so wrt, bug 1305395, both changes look good to me. systemd will indeed talk through cgmanager if it's available, so the mount is unneeded and indeed blocked in containers13:41
pittistgraber: ah, good13:41
stgraberpitti: though instead of keying on container_type, we could key on /sys/fs/cgroup/cgmanager/sock13:41
pittistgraber: but we should still mount it for "real" systems, right?13:41
pittistgraber: keying on /sys/fs/cgroup/cgmanager/sock would mean that we don't mount it on real iron any more either, though?13:41
pittithat sounds quite a bit more regression prone, as I'm not sure that all software has been fixed to look into /run/systemd/ instead of /sys/fs/cgroup/13:42
pittistgraber: but in principle, cgmanager is being used on real iron now as well, right?13:42
stgraberpitti: hmm, yeah, probably better to keep the mount around for old software and in the event where cgmanager fails, so yeah, let's go with container_type13:43
pittistgraber: ack, thanks for the review!13:43
stgrabercgmanager isn't installed by default and won't be for 14.04, as the upstart cgroup support won't make it13:43
stgraberit is however installed by default on any system that has LXC13:44
pittistgraber: ah, that's why I have it13:44
pittistgraber: can't live without LXC these days, really13:44
pittistgraber: (in other words, many thanks for this!)13:44
stgraberthanks :)13:45
stgraberyeah, once you adapt your workflow to use containers, it's hard to get back :)13:45
pittistgraber, slangasek: systemd_204-5ubuntu18_source.changes uploaded for your reviewing pleasure then13:48
stgraberpitti: cool, will review it in a minute then13:48
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
infinitystgraber: Dangit, I was going to trade pitti a systemd review for a kmod one. ;)13:59
infinitystgraber: Now, I guess you get to review both.13:59
pittiinfinity: happy to review kmod anyway :)14:00
stgraberinfinity: you know that Martin isn't in ~ubuntu-release anymore right? :)14:01
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infinitystgraber: Yeah, but he can pretend.14:02
infinitystgraber: I'm not concerned about a release ack, just a second set of sane eyes on the change.14:02
infinitypitti: FWIW, yes, I did install that job locally, play with throwing modules in various files, move /etc/modules out of the way, etc, and check upstart logs.  It seems to DTRT.14:03
pittiyes, scrutinizing the modules-load.d/ bits14:03
pittiso that'll modprobe lp, ppdev, and parport_pc everywhere again due to /etc/modules-load.d/cups-filters.conf14:04
infinitypitti: The run-parts bit is cargo-cult from the Debian sysv script, pretty much the rest is us, to be less forky and ugly.14:04
pittiI doubt that anyone was missing the parallel port bits, but not having lp sounds strange14:04
infinitypitti: If that's not something we want, we shouldn't be shipping that file, not relying on our kmod being broken WRT upstream, IMO.14:04
pittioh, that's also just for parallel port printers?14:04
pittiinfinity: yes, of course; just thinking aloud here14:05
pittiinfinity: and wondering how people could print without that; but I guess no dev has a parallel printer any more14:05
pittior a parport, for that matter :)14:05
infinityOr something else loaded it anyway.14:05
infinityHard for me to tell now that it's loaded. :P14:05
infinityOh, no, one of them was verbose.14:06
infinity[1244710.379097] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver14:06
infinityThat definitely happened when I was testing.14:06
pittiinfinity: ah, haha14:06
pitti/etc/init/cups.conf also loads it14:06
pittioh, and /lib/modules-load.d/fuse.conf14:06
pittithat will be new14:07
infinityfuse.conf is a no-op, it's builtin.14:07
infinity(A no-op with our distro kernels, that is, probably wanted when not running one)14:07
pittiinfinity, stgraber: so, kmod should not change the behaviour in the default install, and it looks ok to me14:07
stgrabergood because I accepted it already :)14:08
infinityOh, hrm, the only thing I didn't test is if that'll behave weirdly if $files is empty before entering the while loop.14:10
* infinity tests quickly to see if he needs a followup.14:10
infinityNah, seems fine.14:11
zequenceAny core-dev around, that could lend us some upload rights? Bug 129167514:27
ubottubug 1291675 in lmms (Ubuntu) "[FFe] LMMS 1.0.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129167514:27
zequenceThis package has some major improvements to the released one. Has been tested and is pretty much ready to go.14:28
wgrantpitti: Langpack export is about half done, so seems like it will work this time.14:29
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bdmurraymvo: are you planning on SRU'ing the fix for bug 1202754?14:37
ubottubug 1202754 in update-manager (Ubuntu Saucy) "update-manager crashed with SystemExit in exit(): 0" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120275414:37
pittiwgrant: splendid, thanks14:39
bdmurrayjibel: have you had a chance to test bug 1286161?14:55
ubottubug 1286161 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "13.10 -> 14.04 upgrade failed: initramfs failed to ugprade, udev is not configured yet" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128616114:55
mvobdmurray: I think that is a good idea15:12
bdmurraymvo: Yes, I agree. I was more asking do you want to do it or should I?15:12
mvobdmurray: oh, if you have some spare cycles, you are very welcome to do it15:13
mvobdmurray: the aptdaemon upload from some minutes ago may also be worth getting15:13
bdmurraymvo: okay, we'll see15:16
mvodobey: do you think there is a chance to get  lp:~mvo/software-center/lp1225885  reviewed and a upload before the final freeze? I'm happy to do the upload if you give me a hand with the current process of building the package15:22
dobeymvo: how many hours 'til freeze?15:24
dobeymvo: for upload, just deb-patch it15:25
xnoxdobey: 21:00 UTC on the dot (+ slippage)15:25
Laneyon the dot (not on the dot)15:25
dobeyit's a constantly moving, pale blue dot15:26
mvodobey: deb-patch? as in apt-get source / patch / dpkg-buildpackage -S / upload?15:26
dobeymvo: yeah, as in drop it in debian/patches/15:26
dobeymvo: if you're in a hurry, go for it. i'm not going to fight you on it :)15:27
mvodobey: muuuarrhhh :)15:27
mvodobey: will do it15:27
dobeymvo: there was a patch from robert_ancell too, if you could go ahead and throw it in (if he didn't already)15:27
mvodobey: yeah, I was about to include both patches15:29
dobeymvo: great, thanks. and welcome back :)15:30
mvodobey: thank you!15:31
dobeynow, to get some lunch. bbiab :)15:31
bdmurraypitti: ddebs seem to be missing for libcairo-perl 1.104-1, libglib-perl 3:1.304-1, libgtk2-perl 2:1.249-2, and libpango-perl 1.224-215:39
cjwatsonI moved those all to universe recently, if that helps track down the problem15:47
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bdmurraycjwatson: oh, hmm15:58
apacheloggercjwatson: uefi stuff on kubuntu has regressed again16:08
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bdmurraycjwatson: Have you seen bug 1287222?16:14
ubottubug 1287222 in openssh (Ubuntu) "openssh-client 6.5 regression bug with certain servers" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128722216:14
cjwatsonbdmurray: yes, can't do anything about it16:19
cjwatsonapachelogger: ...16:19
apacheloggercjwatson: I am going to drop that dreadful distributor override16:20
cjwatsonapachelogger: um16:20
cjwatsonapachelogger: what package(s) exactly do you intend to change?16:20
apacheloggercjwatson: kubuntu-settings-desktop, which ships /etc/default/grubd./yayaydayda which sets GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR to kubuntu16:21
cjwatsonapachelogger: hm, right, I can't say that would make me sad16:21
cjwatsonapachelogger: remember to do the rm_conffile thing in a .maintscript file16:21
tgm4883Are there any ubiquity heroes around? Mythbuntu is dangerously close to not being able to ship because Ubiquity is crashing in the live mode16:36
xnoxtgm4883: i've testing mythbuntu yesterday and ubiquity did work.16:37
xnoxtgm4883: did apport crash report appear and did you file a bug report?16:37
xnoxtgm4883: what's the bug number?16:37
tgm4883xnox, did you check ubiquity in live mode, or just the installer?16:37
tgm4883because it only crashes in live mode, which is weird16:38
tgm4883superm1, is there a bug number on this?16:38
superm1no crash reporter shows up16:38
superm1it only crashes in live mode, removing they myth-services plugin fixes it, but i can't figure out why16:39
xnoxsuperm1: thanks, i can take a look debug this. But probably around 22-24 UTC, after my volleyball match.16:40
superm1xnox: thanks for helping, i'll let you know if i figure it out16:40
tgm4883xnox, any off the top of your head pointers to look at?16:40
tgm4883we aren't seeing much in terms of logs and such16:40
xnoxslangasek: ^ can we get a post-FFF slippage exception for above critical mythbuntu issue by the looks of things16:40
slangasekxnox: this falls under "critical installer bugs that are the only thing you're allowed to touch post-final-freeze", yes16:41
xnoxslangasek: ack. =)16:42
tgm4883thanks slangasek16:43
apwLaney, you touched whoopsie-preferences last, seems we have missing/wrong B/R for P->T upgrades: bug #130612216:51
ubottubug 1306122 in whoopsie-preferences (Ubuntu) "precise to trusty upgrade leads to file conflict on policy kit policy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130612216:51
Laneyyou touch it, you own it? :)16:51
mvobdmurray: thanks for the apt upload for saucy! I was thinking we probably want to pick https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/957231 soonish too, what do you think? seems to be high on errors.u.c16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 957231 in apt (Ubuntu Saucy) "update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in debListParser::LoadReleaseInfo()" [Undecided,New]16:52
apwLaney, heh something like that, but you might have a better view for the recent touchingness16:52
apwi am happy to fix it up as well16:52
bdmurraymvo: that was me just releasing it to -updates, yes I agree with fixing that apt bug in saucy16:53
Laneyapw: Nope, I'd bet is a straight B/R missing16:54
mvobdmurray: cool, I will see what I can do tomorrow morning then16:54
apwLaney, it has one on another packge from the same source, so i wondered if they fatfingered the name16:54
LaneyI think the split was done post-precise, when a-l-m-c-c was the thing16:54
Laneywhich has since been renamed to a-l-m16:54
Laneyso we want both I guess16:55
apwso both needed then16:55
bdmurraymvo: we might need a test case, otherwise I'll have to query the database to find out if it is happening with the new version of apt. this is possible just some more work.16:55
Laneyapw: You do, I review in unapproved queue?16:55
apwLaney, sure16:55
mvobdmurray: aha, ok. I'm not sure if there is good way to create one, but I will scratch my head a bit about it16:55
bdmurraymvo: well, if not we can just use errors to validate it - I've been surprised how many people use -proposed16:56
* mvo nods16:57
apwLaney, the vcs link in this thing seems to be junk, did you find an appripriate branch16:58
Laneyapw: no, it is junk16:58
LaneyI think robert_ancell is/will/was/considered/smelt getting that back into shape16:58
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apwok ...16:59
Laneybut in the meantime just use the archive16:59
apwyep, will do17:02
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bulletxtHi, Cups 1.7.2 came out today. Do you think ubuntu 14.04 will be able to get it into it ? I filled a bug on launchpad17:07
bulletxtPlease it's very important for me! There are some blocking bugs on 1.7.1 that is blocking my work17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1306141 in cups (Ubuntu) "cups 1.7.2 into ubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,New]17:08
seb128tkamppeter, ^17:08
seb128bulletxt, not sure if the update is safe enough to get it, you might want to give specifics about your issue, selected fixes might be backportable if the update can't be done17:09
seb128bulletxt, it's also possible that the update is done as a SRU after release17:10
bulletxtthis is the change log  https://www.cups.org/blog.php?L717      the worst bug for me is STR #440117:10
bulletxtit's only a bug fix release and security17:11
bulletxtas clearly stated at the top (at least thats what they say)17:11
tkamppeterseb128, thanks for the hint, I also got the mail notification of this bug some minutes ago. How many hours are left to final freeze for getting this done before?17:11
Laneyjust under 4-ish17:11
seb128tkamppeter, even if you don't make the freeze it might still be ok to upload17:12
seb128they might approve it tomorrow17:12
seb128or it can be recycled to a SRU17:12
pittidoko: FYI, new python3.4 has (real) test failures and thus is stuck in -proposed: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-python3.4/ARCH=i386,label=adt/78/console17:15
tkamppeterseb128, I will package it now ...17:16
seb128tkamppeter, thanks17:16
LaneyTill Kamppeter set my printer on fire 10 seconds before Final Freeze17:17
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dokopitti, otp, will look later17:19
tkamppeterLaney, what did I do?17:19
bulletxtLaney:  don't worry I'm testing something like 8 printers connected to my server, from dyesub sublimination to professional Epson 3880 and others . So I'll let you know if 1.7.2 sets on fire my printer :)  I really need 1.7.2 lp command with 1.7.1 and below is broken17:20
Laneytkamppeter: Was joking about the last minute update :P17:20
bulletxtWell I have to go now hopefully I'll be back tomorrow.... tkamppeter thanks for the miracle  in advance :)   goodbye17:21
tkamppeterbulletxt, np17:22
dobeywell, guess we might need to move final freeze a bit :)17:34
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delinquentmeHey all! Wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a newbie to OS programing who happens to be a bit upset with the non-functional shortcut-key bindings in the default 12.0418:04
delinquentmeIs this something simple to fix?18:04
robrudelinquentme, what shortcut keys? System settings has a panel for changing keyboard shortcuts.18:10
delinquentmerobru, yeah it allows them to be changed ... but on reboot they're wiped18:14
dobeydelinquentme: eh? works fine here18:15
dobeydelinquentme: file a bug18:15
tkamppeterseb128, new CUPS uploaded.18:23
tkamppeterseb128, CUPS 1.7.2 is accepted now.18:39
ypwongslangasek, regarding the new ubuntu kylin archive, will the debian source packages be published into the archive as well?18:44
ypwonghappyaron ^^18:44
seb128tkamppeter, thanks18:44
slangasekypwong: they certainly should be18:44
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mwhudsonis it possible that do-release-upgrade says "no release available" when it should say "your network is broken"?19:26
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sarnoldhrm, a friend is hitting bug 1302158 without using maas. he says he's "passing a loopmount of ubuntu-14.04-beta2-server-i386.iso to virt-install --location"19:48
ubottubug 1302158 in MAAS "Default Installer: No kernel modules were found" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130215819:48
cjwatsonin general your base image and your kernel have to be in sync19:49
sarnoldmakes sense, I'm just surprised simplestreams (appears?) to be involved for an iso-based install19:50
cjwatsonI haven't looked at the bug 'cos should be going, just saying, "No kernel modules were found" is a standard d-i message for "your kernel and the pool on your image are out of sync"19:52
cjwatsonand doesn't involve simplestreams19:52
sarnoldah! :) thanks19:52
sarnoldtime for me to run too, lunch beckons. thanks cjwatson :)19:53
LBoI'm trying to use `backportpackage` + `pbuilder-dist` to backport a packge for a different arch (i386)20:14
LBoI can't find out how to specify the architecture20:14
LBoI'm now using this command: `backportpackage -b -B pbuilder-dist modsecurity-apache -u ppa:leonbo/servers`20:14
LBoDoes anyone know how I can specify that it should build for i386?20:15
NoskcajLBo, use pbuilder-dist i38620:20
LBoNoskcaj: thanks. backportpackage then gives this error: `Error: Unsupported builder specified: pbuilder-dist i386`20:22
Noskcajtry pbuilder-dist trusty md6420:22
LBoThat doesn't work. It only accepts some parameters for -B:20:24
LBo`Error: Supported builders: cowbuilder, cowbuilder-dist, pbuilder, pbuilder-dist, sbuild`20:25
barrypitti: i guess we just have to accept two python interpreters on touch... for now20:34
Logan_LBo: > the ARCH  and  DIST  environment is read by pbuilderrc(5) to select the correct base image20:35
Logan_from backportpackage(1)20:35
LBoYeah, I tried that20:36
Logan_so export ARCH=i386 and DIST=whatever in /etc/pbuilderrc20:36
Logan_oh, that didn't work?20:36
LBoLogan_: then when I did an `env` in my .pbuilderrc, it showed the ARCH & DIST env's but not with the values I set20:40
LBoIt looked like something overruled those20:40
LBoBut I didn't set it in /etc/pbuilderrc.20:41
Logan_oh, try that then20:41
Logan_the manpages know all 😛20:41
LBoDIST=precise ARCH=i386 backportpackage -b -B pbuilder-dist modsecurity-apache -u ppa:leonbo/servers20:41
LBoThat was what I tried20:41
Logan_I don't think you can set them in the command20:41
Logan_because they're not environment variables, per sé20:41
LBoI'll try the /etc/pbuilderrc way20:42
LBoI've added a static $DIST & $ARCH to my .pbuilderrc20:52
LBoI get this message: `E: File /home/leon/pbuilder/precise-base.tgz does not exist`20:52
LBoI don't think backportpackage passes the arch to pbuilder-dist20:53
LBoI'll have another go at pbuilder plain20:56
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final Beta released! | Archive: Final Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
LBoLogan_: plan pbuilder works now21:05
LBoI have no idea what went wrong when I did that a few hours ago21:05
Logan_oh sweet21:05
LBoThanks for the help!21:05
Logan_no problem 😊21:05
LBoFor history's sake: this is the command I'm using know (and that seems to be working): ARCH=i386 backportpackage -b -B pbuilder -s trusty -d precise modsecurity-apache -u ppa:leonbo/servers21:07
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dokobarry, stgraber: http://people.canonical.com/~doko/tmp/python3.4.debdiff21:51
tgm4883superm1, do we know anything more on that live disk issue?22:40
tgm4883xnox, I know you said you were going to look at it. I was able to figure out that running ubiquity with sudo resolved the issue, so it looks like a priviledge issue. Not sure why it's failing to get that level of access in the live environment though22:49
superm1tgm4883: i haven't figured much more out on it22:50
tgm4883I've had to work on some vmware stuff for work, so I haven't looked at it in the last few hours22:51
slangasektgm4883, superm1: policykit/logind problem?23:02
superm1i remember there was one that affected xfce based distros in the past, but i thought xnox fixed that23:02
xnoxsuperm1: well, the environment is different. previously all variables were kept - now pkexec is used so all envrionemnt variables are cleared.23:22
xnoxsuperm1: thus i band-aid in a few things (e.g. GTK_MODULES=overlay-scrollbar to get ubuntu scrollbars, etc.)23:23
xnoxtgm4883: thanks for the hint.23:23
tgm4883xnox, yw, just doing what I can in between things at work23:24
superm1the page is really simple page, just a few checkboxes, so I wouldn't expect it to be missing an environment variable to affect it, but maybe i'm nieve23:24
tgm4883heading home now, ping me if you need somehting23:25

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