
Saviqmterry, 00200:02
mterrySaviq, awesome, thanks00:02
Saviqmterry, but looks like the build failed00:03
mterrySaviq, curious.  Will look00:03
Saviqor the fooking SSO tricked me :/00:03
mterrySaviq, 002?  looks fine.  arm64 failed, but I think that's normal00:03
Saviqmterry, yeah, but just mir00:04
Saviqmterry, should've been all built by now00:04
mterrySaviq, I see00:04
Saviqmterry, I kicked the build for real now00:05
Saviqstoopid SSO :|00:05
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tsdgeosSaviq: ping08:16
Saviqtsdgeos, pong08:16
tsdgeosSaviq: autopilot tests are run with powerd forcing the display to be on, right?08:16
Saviqtsdgeos, on devices, yeah08:17
tsdgeosSaviq: that's bad for last mterry's test08:17
tsdgeosin https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/hide-greeter-on-focus-request/+merge/20181708:17
tsdgeosi just ran it with "powerd-cli display on" and it fails08:17
tsdgeosbut without it, it works fine08:17
tsdgeosany idea how to overcome that?08:17
Saviqtsdgeos, right... I think we should just lock regardless of the powerd-cli override...08:19
Saviqtsdgeos, ah but we're not listening to the power key directly, but through powerd, which doesn't change the state (even though it actually turns the display off)08:20
tsdgeosus listening directly to powerd08:20
tsdgeosand then forcing powerd to be on08:21
Saviqkind of beats the purpose, yeah08:21
tsdgeosis kind of contradicting with the test :D08:21
SaviqI'll chat with Michael later08:21
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm confused as to how https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/zoomImage/+merge/207941 is building in CI if it doesn't build here08:55
tsdgeosany idea?08:55
tsdgeosCI is automerging with trunk08:55
tsdgeosmakes sesne08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, always, when looking at branches, merge on top of trunk08:56
tsdgeossure i do that, didn't remember CI did it08:56
CimiSaviq, I think I'll patch unity-mir in a different way09:06
CimiSaviq, how about checking if the upstart job is unity 8 || UNITY_MIR_EXPECTS_SIGSTOP == "1" ?09:07
SaviqCimi, why leave the upstart job is unity8, let's just make the unity8 job require ↑09:07
CimiSaviq, in case something fucks up in unity8 job09:07
Cimiand the variable doesn't get properly set09:08
tsdgeosanyone knows why lokcing while on run_on_device always makes unity8 crash?09:10
SaviqCimi, why would something fuck up there?09:10
tsdgeosand how hard would that be for that to be fixed?09:10
Saviqtsdgeos, hwc?09:10
CimiSaviq, I'm not a fan of this upstart so far :D09:11
SaviqCimi, you're not a fan of many things :P09:11
Saviqtsdgeos, I wonder if we're not conflicting with u-s-c...09:11
CimiSaviq, Chicago pizza among these09:11
Saviqtsdgeos, we actually should make run_on_device run it through upstart...09:11
Cimidid you guys got to the hotel safe?09:12
SaviqCimi, yeah, we're good, thanks ;)09:12
CimiI died of headache straight after :)09:12
Saviqtsdgeos, otherwise we'll fall into the "we're running under a different env" issue again and again09:12
tsdgeosSaviq: trueth09:12
Saviqtsdgeos, and it's enough to go "restart unity8 BINARY=shell/builddir/unity8" to have it run under upstart09:13
Saviqtsdgeos, then, tail ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log... and trap ctrl+C to "restart unity8" again09:13
Saviqshould be doable09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, that should be done in the "run" script actually, so that we do the same on desktop09:16
tsdgeosok, i'll have a quick look09:16
Saviqtsdgeos, check `initctl status unity8` first, and start/stop if it wasn't running, restart if it was09:17
CimiSaviq, what happens if we run the binary unity8 and not the upstart job?09:17
SaviqCimi, it fails09:18
SaviqCimi, 'cause it doesn't know about u-s-c, for example09:18
SaviqCimi, and basically it runs under a different environment, and conflicts with the currently running one09:20
Saviqwe don't want that09:20
CimiSaviq, btw I want to learn C++, throw me bugs in the future09:21
tsdgeosmzanetti: ping09:29
mzanettitsdgeos: pong09:29
tsdgeosmzanetti: any idea why we have testlistviewwithpageheader target but not xvfbtestlistviewwithpageheader ?09:29
mzanettitsdgeos: hmm... there should...09:30
tsdgeosi guess i did something weird in tehre09:30
mzanettigive me a few minuts and I'll check/fix09:30
tsdgeosmzanetti: thanks :)09:33
CimiSaviq, unity8 job will NEVER start until the post-script of the wizard ended?09:38
SaviqCimi, what starts the unity8 job?09:38
Cimistart on ((xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch) or (xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch-surfaceflinger)) and started dbus09:39
CimiSaviq, I am worried about races and conflicts with env variables09:39
SaviqCimi, when does the session start?09:39
Cimiquestion for mterry09:40
Cimibut wizard starts on         initctl unset-env UNITY_MIR_EXPECTS_SIGSTOP09:40
Cimistart on starting xsession-init09:40
Cimibut wizard is started with exec ubuntu-touch-session system-settings-wizard09:41
Cimimaybe I don't need this ubuntu-touch-session09:41
Cimiterminator is AWESOME btw when working with multiple projects and adb09:42
Saviqtsdgeos, sorry for the late notice... we're having the new header catchup in 15 mins09:47
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, when how where?09:47
tsdgeoswhen in 15 mins :D09:47
Saviqtsdgeos, I'll do a hout09:47
Saviqwill let you know when we find a room09:48
CimiSaviq, whgat does what():  Exiting Mir! Reason: Nested Mir and Host Mir cannot use the same socket file to accept connections! mean?09:51
CimiSaviq, the addition of the wizard kills unity809:51
SaviqCimi, isn't it clear English?09:51
Cimiit has to be something to do with the variables09:51
SaviqCimi, we resolved that yesterday09:52
CimiSaviq, well I updated the jobs but still doesn't work09:52
SaviqCimi, means both MIR_SOCKET and UNITY_MIR_SOCKET point at the same file09:52
CimiSaviq, so basically after the wizard starts, unity8 starts09:52
CimiSaviq, but then I reboot09:52
Cimiand next time the pre-start script of the wizard does not run09:53
Cimiand unity8 has this error09:53
Cimithis is my unity8.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/7230074/09:53
SaviqCimi, sounds like the pre-start of wizard mangles stuff09:53
SaviqCimi, print out initctl list-env --global | grep MIR in unity8 pre-start09:54
Cimiand this my wizard http://paste.ubuntu.com/7230075/09:54
Cimi[ -e $HOME/$RUN_FILE ] && stop || true09:59
CimiSaviq, despite ^, the pre-start script continues10:00
Cimithe file does exist10:00
Cimican it be that stop returns false?10:03
Cimiunless the pre-start script runs either way10:04
mzanettitsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix-lwvph-xvfb/+merge/21513910:26
tsdgeosmzanetti: while you're at it, can do do the organicgrid and stuff that is below in that file10:26
tsdgeosseems it doesn't work either10:27
mzanettitsdgeos: sure10:27
tsdgeostx :)10:27
SaviqCimi, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#stop-a-job-that-is-about-to-start-from-within-that-job10:29
SaviqCimi, not sure you need the || true10:30
CimiSaviq, well10:30
CimiSaviq, I now put everything under if else10:30
Cimiand works10:30
CimiSaviq, basically [ -e $HOME/$RUN_FILE ] && stop || true10:30
SaviqCimi, but yeah, I think "stop" does not return10:30
CimiSaviq, prevent the exec10:30
SaviqCimi, you'd need a stop && exit10:31
Cimibut the pre-start script runs ALL10:31
SaviqCimi, and yeah, if/else works, too10:31
SaviqCimi, "stop" is just a command, it doesn't actually exit the script10:31
CimiSaviq, probably exit is better?10:31
SaviqCimi, both are fine10:31
Cimibecause then in stop I have check for file10:32
CimiSaviq, exit exits upstart or the scripot?10:32
om26errunning unity8 autopilot on the device takes ages, I wonder why does it keep waiting for unity8 to stop for a long time ?10:33
Saviqom26er, unity8 stop isn't really optimized...10:34
Saviqom26er, sometimes it takes a half minute or so for it to exit10:34
Saviqom26er, we just never had time to look at it10:35
om26erSaviq, aah, it will help your MRs get CI approve quicker ;)10:35
Saviqom26er, I know, I know ;)10:36
tsdgeosMacSlow: ping10:38
om26ertook ~2000 seconds10:38
MacSlowtsdgeos, yup10:39
tsdgeosMacSlow: do https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/modal-snap-decisions/+merge/210988 and https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/modal-snap-decisions need to land at the same time? Or should unity-notifications land first and then unity8? or?10:40
MacSlowtsdgeos, lp:~macslow/unity-notifications/modal-snap-decisions should go in first10:42
tsdgeosMacSlow: and who has to review that? us? or some other team?10:43
MacSlowtsdgeos, since there are no consumers of modal snap-decisions yet it not so critical... but the unity-notifications branch first would be nicer10:43
MacSlowtsdgeos, we ... nobody from the api-team is really that involved in lp:unity-notifications10:44
MacSlowtsdgeos, "on paper" it's the api-team... "in practise" it's us :)10:45
tsdgeosok :/10:45
tsdgeosso i'll do it i guess?10:45
MacSlowtsdgeos, that would be great... ping me if any questions arise10:45
tsdgeosMacSlow: What does the  Q_ENUMS(Roles) in NotificationModel ?10:59
MacSlowtsdgeos, that's got to be an overlooked left over11:01
MacSlowtsdgeos, since this is coming from unity-api now11:01
tsdgeosMacSlow: kill it!11:01
MacSlowtsdgeos, done11:04
CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/unity8.upstart_unity-mir_variables/+merge/21515211:06
mzanettitsdgeos: this one reliably fails for me: test_show_scope_on_load11:07
Cimigreyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity-mir/unity-mir.stop-server_wizard/+merge/21498311:07
tsdgeosmzanetti: using xvfb or not or don't matter?11:09
mzanettitsdgeos: in any case11:10
tsdgeoslet me see11:10
mzanettitsdgeos: jfi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/723029611:11
jfimzanetti, Hi, hum, what should I see in this log?11:11
mzanettijfi: heh, sorry... that should have been a "just for information" to tsdgeos :)11:12
jfihaaa :)11:13
tsdgeosmzanetti: i'm going to claim "SDK"11:14
tsdgeospeople reverted stuff and then reverted some stuff11:14
tsdgeosand yeah test doesn't pass11:15
tsdgeosSaviq: and this is why you don't do archive uploads11:15
tsdgeosbecause suddenly our tests stop passing11:15
Saviqtsdgeos, it's getting into our trunk with the next landing11:16
Saviqi.e. today11:16
tsdgeosdidrocks: can you please set a commit message and to make CI happy in https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/backport-latest-release/+merge/21510011:16
Saviqtsdgeos, you can11:16
tsdgeosmzanetti: basically you need https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/backport-latest-release/+merge/21510011:16
Saviqtsdgeos, done11:17
mzanettitsdgeos: ack, thanks11:17
tsdgeosSaviq: i know i can, but there's the tale about free fishes vs explaining how to fish11:17
Saviqtsdgeos, ;)11:17
mzanettitsdgeos: do we need to have different qml (try vs test) files for OrganicGrid? that doesn't work with all the macros we have11:22
tsdgeosmzanetti: they are different now, i guess with some work they could be not different11:24
mzanettitsdgeos: I have converted the cmake stuff to use the macros. test and xvfbtest works, but try fails to find the file currently. Would you mind taking care of that?11:24
mzanettiI'll push to a unity-team branch11:25
mzanettitsdgeos: lp:~unity-team/unity8/fix-lvwph-xvfb11:27
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didrockstsdgeos: there is a commit message, right?11:31
didrocks(or someone did it)11:31
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tsdgeosdidrocks: Saviq did add it11:36
Cimidednick, jenkins does not merge this? https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/access-point-init/+merge/21291311:39
dednickCimi: no idea11:39
tsdgeosmzanetti: that's not going to fly, you're not even compiling my try.cpp file either11:42
tsdgeosi'll do some cmake-ry11:45
tsdgeoslet's see if you like it later ^_^11:45
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mzanettitsdgeos: right... if you're too busy I can probably make it happen tomorrow or early next week12:36
SaviqCimi, no, it's under ci train12:38
SaviqCimi,  "* Are there any related MPs required for this MP to build/function as expected? Please list.12:44
SaviqCimi, what about the unity-mir change?12:44
SaviqCimi, you need to fix the upstart integration AP test12:44
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mterrySaviq, I see that silo 002 continues to be a punk13:25
Saviqmterry, does it, /me looks13:27
Saviqmterry, ah crap, unity813:28
mterrySaviq, does it need merging or some such?13:28
Saviqmterry, /me fixes13:28
Saviqmterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/backport-latest-release/+merge/21510013:28
* Saviq builds stuff one by one, can't be bothered to loose so much time due to just one project :|13:29
Saviqmterry, we had a revert go straight into distro, not yet landed (about to, though)13:30
Saviqmterry, but also, after a change some two weeks ago, the job only uploads in bulk, if all the projects complete the source package build13:30
Saviqmterry, before it would upload straight after it completed per-project, but the release team requested it to be changed13:31
mterryhmm, ok13:31
mzanettiMacSlow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130588513:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1305885 in Unity 8 "Snap Decision input does not listen to Enter key" [Undecided,New]13:32
MacSlowmzanetti, hm... not sure yet how to do it... I'll look into it once I've done eMails13:34
mterryCimi, so I was playing with launching the wizard from split greeter mode13:50
mterryCimi, did I ping you about that yesterday?13:50
tsdgeosmzanetti: at the end i did it from scratch, hope you don't mind ^_^, that way you can review it even if maybe I ended up with similar solutions to what you did13:50
Cimimterry, yes13:51
mzanettitsdgeos: sure, no problem13:51
mterryCimi, does the wifi branch need a further review?13:51
tsdgeospete-woods: hud is at 100% again, is there a log you added to help find out who was the culprit?13:52
Cimimterry, yes but still hold on13:53
MacSlowmterry, boot-anim is done13:54
mterryMacSlow, saw your email!  Awesome13:54
Cimimterry, ok it's fine now13:55
tsdgeospete-woods: " Hit DBusMenu safety valve for menu at :1.119 /MenuBar/1 "13:55
tsdgeosthis one?13:55
Cimiseb128, mterry https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard.wifi/+merge/21267513:56
pete-woodstsdgeos: can you look up the process with d-feet?13:59
tsdgeospete-woods: it's kontact13:59
tsdgeospete-woods: but i run kontact every day13:59
tsdgeosand after killing hud-service is back to normal13:59
pete-woodstsdgeos: which version of HUD are you on, btw?14:00
tsdgeoswhatever is on trusty14:00
pete-woodsso definitely latest then?14:00
pete-woodsbah, I can't understand how that could be going crazy even with the safety valve in place14:00
pete-woodstsdgeos: were you using kontact at the time?14:01
tsdgeoswell it runs all the time, it's my email client of choice14:01
tsdgeosmterry: seen my comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-ux-fixes/+merge/210042 ?14:03
mterrytsdgeos, looking14:03
pete-woodstsdgeos: fair enough, well at least I have an app I can have a look at for debugging now :)14:07
tsdgeosMacSlow: ping14:08
tedgSaviq, paulliu, What priority do you guys see bug 1302213 as having?14:15
ubot5bug 1302213 in Unity 8 "API to bring down the session" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130221314:15
Saviqtedg, in progress14:15
MacSlowtsdgeos, yup14:16
tsdgeosMacSlow: how do i test manually https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/modal-snap-decisions/+merge/210988 ?14:16
paulliutedg: I'm working on that right now.14:16
tsdgeosMacSlow: i.e. the stuff you have in the video14:16
tedgSaviq, Okay, so should we start looking to implement it in indicator-session?14:16
tsdgeosMacSlow: also did a small comment14:16
tedgAh, sounds like yes.14:16
paulliutedg: I'm currently adding a plugin inside Unity814:16
tedgpaulliu, Cool, thanks!14:17
charlespaulliu, \o/14:17
MacSlowtsdgeos, to test you just trigger any of the sd-example-*.py from lp:unity-notifications/examples...14:17
Saviqpaulliu, put it in unity-mir instead14:17
tsdgeosMacSlow: ok14:18
MacSlowtsdgeos, when on the greeter no input-blocking tinted background should appear... when on the normal shell/dash it should14:18
Saviqpaulliu, no need to introduce a new plugin14:18
paulliuSaviq: hmm. ok14:18
MacSlowtsdgeos, collapsing the two lines you mentioned14:18
Saviqgreyback, can you point paulliu if there's a place already where it'd make sense to put it ↑?14:18
charlespaulliu, so it's going to be the three-argument KDE style logout function at /com/canonical/Unity, yes? What interface name should indicator-session refer to?14:20
paulliucharles: yes. /com/canonical/Unity/Logout14:21
greybackpaulliu: hey14:21
paulliugreyback: hi14:21
charlespaulliu, ty :)14:21
paulliuSaviq: what's unity-mir? I just branched it and reading the source.14:22
MacSlowtsdgeos, fixed14:22
greybackpaulliu: I think you can add it to the ApplicationManager QML plugin, so lp:unity-mir:src/modules/Unity/Application/application_manager.h14:22
tsdgeosMacSlow: tx :)14:22
tsdgeosMacSlow: i had two autopilot failures http://paste.ubuntu.com/7230988/14:23
tsdgeoslet me run again14:23
paulliugreyback: ok. Let me read the source.14:23
greybackpaulliu: unity-mir enables unity to run as a mir server, launch/monitor&stop apps, and control app surfaces (hide/bring to front)14:23
paulliugreyback: ok. got it.14:24
MacSlowtsdgeos, well last time I tried it everything was fine... but that some days ago... I've to pull all pieces in again and see for myself.14:24
Saviqpaulliu, a little bit more info: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1302213/comments/414:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302213 in Unity 8 "API to bring down the session" [High,In progress]14:24
greybackpaulliu: any questions, please poke me14:24
paulliuSaviq, greyback, ok. thanks14:25
* MacSlow wonders who'd be a good person to ask for help regarding mumble14:26
tsdgeosMacSlow: yep, two same errors on a rerun, so please have a look14:27
SaviqMacSlow, #is I'd say14:27
MacSlowSaviq, same issue since the start of the week... I'll add my notes to the stand-up doc14:28
tsdgeosMacSlow: did you change your canonical SSO password? I found once that the syncs to mumble apssword are monthly or something14:29
tsdgeosso you won't remember you had changed your password14:29
tsdgeosand then mumble will stop working14:29
mterrytsdgeos, replied14:29
mterry(to greeter-ux-fixes comments)14:29
MacSlowtsdgeos, no... didn't touch that14:31
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tsdgeosmterry: ok, i still think that the hinting animation there all the time is a bit weird, but if it's on purpose, let's get it to more people and see how many comments we get from the world :)14:32
mterrytsdgeos, yeah I suspect there will be some pushback honestly.  But design said they wanted to try it this way first14:32
SaviqMacSlow, k14:32
mardyit must be a change in the unity8, let's talk in freenode/#ubuntu-unity14:38
mardyops :-)14:38
mardySaviq: hi! :-) In the recent images, when an application window is closed, one is back to the apps lens, rather than to the last used app; I guess this is intentional?14:40
Saviqmardy, quit as in from the app itself?14:42
Saviqmardy, sounds related to bug #130512814:42
ubot5bug 1305128 in Unity 8 "Apps don't always get focused when started with upstart-app-launch" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130512814:42
Saviqgreyback, ↑ another behaviour change with right-edge :/14:43
tedgcharles, paulliu, it looks like Unity7 added a session interface, could we use that? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/indicator-session/unity-session/view/head:/src/backend-dbus/com.canonical.Unity.Session.xml14:43
tedgTrevinho, ^14:43
mardySaviq: yes, from the app itself14:43
Trevinhotedg: yeah, I hope so, I'm fixing the tests right now14:43
Trevinhotedg: I've to fix the things for restarting (and showing proper dialog), but I will14:44
tedgTrevinho, To give you some context, we were talking about what to do in Unity8. I was thinking being the same would be good.14:44
paulliutedg: ok. I can use this.14:44
Saviqmardy, please comment on the bug, Gerry is looking into it14:45
tedgpaulliu, Cool, charles, work for you?14:45
Trevinhotedg: yeah, I imagined that :)14:47
mterryCimi, looks like you left a debugging comment in: console.log("quit");14:48
bfillermardy: is this the issue when creating a google account the UI switches back to the dash when you press the login button?14:48
Trevinhotedg: not sure the api is complete, but this is the introspection so far http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7231097/14:48
Trevinhotedg: it has some things thare are still somewhat related to gnome-session internal usage, but it can be cleaned up14:48
tedgTrevinho, Oh, wow, why are you duplicating all the logind stuff?14:48
charlestedg, paulliu, that's fine, I take it RequestLogout / RequestReboot / RequestShutdown do not prompt for confirmation?14:49
charlesthe "LockPrompt" method hints that prompting methods would use that suffix in their name14:49
charlestedg: nice find, btw14:50
Trevinhotedg: well, it just provides calls to our SessionManager... And while is not ufficially supported, ad that point I just made available all the features we have :)14:50
Cimimterry, I repushed14:50
tedgTrevinho, Heh, okay. But we should probably be careful to not have too much API to support into the future.14:50
tsdgeosmterry: the "darkening" when pulling from left including the launcher is very weird14:50
tsdgeosgive it a try14:50
tedgTrevinho, Would hate to have people start depending on it.14:50
mardybfiller: yes14:51
mterrytsdgeos, it is?14:51
mterrylet me play with it again14:51
Trevinhotedg: yeah, indeed... but I guess people will expect breakage anyway when switching away from u714:51
tsdgeosmterry: so it is clear as you drag it, but then release and goes to a few different stages of dark14:51
bfillermardy: why is the app trying to close when you press the login button?14:51
tedgTrevinho, Heh, you don't want an angry OMG! Ubuntu! story do you? ;-)14:52
mterrytsdgeos, ah yeah, the "launcher fully out" dark on top of the greeter?14:52
tsdgeosmterry: no no14:52
Trevinhotedg: ahah, yeah, I'm pleasing the press :D14:52
mterrytsdgeos, ah...  if you actually log in14:53
tsdgeosmterry: so you pull from left, get the launcher out, keep pulling, dash appears and it's mostly "the correct color",14:53
tsdgeosmterry: but then you finish the move14:53
tsdgeosand things go dark, darker, clearerr14:53
mardybfiller: because it's a different process; this is planned to change soon, though, so this shouldn't be an issue in the longer period14:53
tsdgeosor some weird combination14:53
mterrytsdgeos, we probably should not keep launcher out in that case.14:53
tsdgeosmterry: i don't know what should happen but that definitely feels weird.14:54
mterrytsdgeos, I see what you mean now.  I'll see if I can't make that more natural (and launcher shouldn't stay up anyway)14:54
tsdgeosmterry: ok :) want a comment in the MR as a reminder?14:55
mterrytsdgeos, sure, I could get hit by a bus and we don't want to forget it  :)14:55
tsdgeosmterry: also you need to run make pot_file to get the new text into the pot file14:58
mterrytsdgeos, I thought that was done separately from the MPs?14:58
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tsdgeosmterry: oyu mean automatically?15:03
tsdgeosi don't think so15:03
tsdgeosbut i may be wrong15:03
mterrytsdgeos, huh ok15:03
tsdgeosSaviq: we have to run pot_files manually, right?15:03
tsdgeosmterry: i'd love it to be run automagically15:03
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, but if they'd run automagically, you'd get them change with every commit15:06
Saviqtsdgeos, 'cause of line numbers...15:06
tsdgeosi know15:06
SaviqOTOH maybe we should update the line numbers...15:06
tsdgeosthe script that does that is the commit champion of KDE :D15:07
tsdgeosSaviq: we should, the lines are there to help translators locate stuff, if they are out of sync they can cause confusion (if someone is actually using them)15:07
Saviqtsdgeos, then we're just missing ALL in the target15:12
Saviqtsdgeos, there was a reason, though, why we didn't want it there... :)15:13
* Saviq hopes it was only that we didn't want it changing all the time...15:13
mterrySaviq, we could just run it automatically at release time15:14
mterrydoesn't need to be every commit15:14
tsdgeosmterry: but then your release comes out with outdated translations no?15:14
tsdgeosyour translators are always one version behind15:14
mterrytsdgeos, OK.  Animation + pot file update15:14
mterrytsdgeos, well that's true for how Ubuntu does things now.  Package hits archive, then translators get to play with it.  But the 6 month release cycle means that strings settle down near end15:15
Saviqtsdgeos, sounds like they are always behind with the CI train, 'cause there isn't an intermediate step...15:16
Saviqtsdgeos, unless, obviously, there was no i18n change15:16
Saviqtsdgeos, and well, you can do a only-i18n release when wanted15:17
Saviqtsdgeos, mterry, but yeah, we could (should) add a make-pot step before landing15:21
Saviqwould have to be manual, though, unless we get a way to do hooks in the train or something15:22
Saviqdoubt it'd happen for train, maybe for airline15:22
tsdgeosmterry: ok, approved :)15:24
mterrytsdgeos, thanks!15:24
mterrySaviq, I was testing the unity8 autopilot tests yesterday.  They seem like they fail.  Is that fixed / known?15:25
mzanettitedg: hi, will UAL support starting apps by short appid?15:27
tedgmzanetti, It's on my todo, right now you can do it by constructing the full appid via the function in the lib.15:27
mzanettitedg: ah ok. thanks15:27
tedgmzanetti, You can call it with NULL for any of the parameters and it'll fill out that for you.15:28
tedgWell, not package.15:28
tedgIt can't guess that :-)15:28
mzanettitedg: what's "package"?15:28
mzanettiteh "bar" in com.ubuntu.foo_bar_0.1.2 ?15:28
Saviqmterry, any one in particular?15:28
tedgmzanetti, The first of the triplet: $(package)_$(app)_$(version)15:28
mzanettiah ok... so package is the only required basicall15:29
mzanettiwhich is the short appid15:29
tedgyeah, we'll choose the first app15:29
mterrySaviq, two lockscreen ones and two application lifecycle ones.  I lost my note with the precise names15:29
tedgNo, short appid is $(package)_$(app)15:29
tedgIt just trims off the version.15:29
Saviqmterry, what device?15:29
mterrySaviq, mako15:29
Saviqmterry, and that's trunk, or?15:29
Saviqmterry, I just ran a set pre-landing today, and was fine15:30
mterrySaviq, it was....  I think it was trusty15:30
mterrySaviq, OK, will try again15:30
tedgmzanetti, You can get the desktop files of the installed apps by short id by setting up a click hook.15:30
mzanettiyeah... finding the .desktop file is not that problematic... I'm just trying to figure how to distinguish stuff...15:31
mzanettibecause sometimes we get appid:///com.ubuntu.foo/bar/current-user-version, sometimes, its application://something.desktop (which I guess can also contain _). and sometimes its the full appid15:32
Cimimterry, got a chance to see?15:47
mterryCimi, yeah, building now on phone15:47
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/run_upstart/+merge/21522815:51
tsdgeosworks pretty well15:51
Cimimterry, don't build on phone, so cross building15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, awesomes15:51
Cimimterry, it's awesome15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, why 'tailf -n0'?15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, ah that won't show the previous lines?15:52
tsdgeosSaviq: because otherwise you get the log of the previous ru15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, yup15:52
tsdgeosit's totally confusing15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, hoped it was as simple as that, awesome15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, ah but wait15:53
Saviqtsdgeos, that will end up with no shell on phone when you ^C15:53
Cimimterry, just follow instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild15:53
Saviqtsdgeos, I meant: if(running) { was_running=true; stop unity8 } ... if (was_running) { start unity8 }15:54
Saviqtsdgeos, so that you replace the running one with the testing one, and go back to the original one when ^C15:54
tsdgeosSaviq: not really15:54
tsdgeosrun_on_device does that already15:55
tsdgeosi was tempted to not even contemplate the case where unity8 is running tbh15:55
tsdgeossince run_on_device stops it15:55
tsdgeosand we don't usually have it running on the desktop15:55
Saviqtsdgeos, ah right, run_on_device is stopping it15:56
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe indeed not even stop it, but bail out if it's started already15:56
tsdgeosSaviq: that was what i originally had, ok will do15:57
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mterryCimi, the keyboard isn't coming up for me16:15
Cimimterry, do you have patched mir?16:15
mterryCimi, oh no16:15
mterryi forgot that bit16:15
Cimimterry, are you using sbuild to compile?16:15
Cimiit will take ages16:15
mterryCimi, I have a Mir build lying around I can repurpose16:15
mterryCimi, one nice thing about building on device16:16
mterryCimi, wait, mir or unity-mir?  I see the referenced lp:~cimi/unity-mir/unity-mir.stop-server_wizard branch...16:16
Cimimterry, unity mir16:17
Saviqmterry, cross-build, don't build everything on devices :P16:17
mterrySaviq, I should I know16:17
Cimimterry, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild16:19
mterryI get it, I get it!  :)16:19
Saviqhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrossBuilding ;D16:19
Saviqmterry, just kicked unity8 in split silo, should finally build fine16:19
mterryCimi, hmm, with unity-mir now, I get no notification at all16:31
Cimimterry, this might be due to something else16:33
Cimimterry, remove previous network connections and reboot16:33
mterryCimi, clear /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ you mean?16:34
Cimimterry, right16:34
mterryCimi, ok, now it's back yeah16:35
Cimimterry, kbd?16:35
mterryCimi, came up...16:36
mterryseems to work16:36
mterryCimi, OK, I'm going look at actual code changes for comments there, but functionality seems correct16:39
mterryCimi, why the '.qml' enforcement?  Was that separate cleanup or needed for wifi?16:40
Cimimterry, because it was going bad with all my backup files16:41
CimiI realised we only need .qml files anyway16:42
Cimiat least check for extension16:42
Cimiand don't load everything inside the dir, png included16:42
Cimias qml pages16:42
mterryCimi, doesn't that break .disabled checking?16:44
Cimimterry, it shouldn't16:44
Cimibut check if it does :)16:44
Cimitests seem to pass16:45
mterryCimi, tests pass, but I don't get how.  Looking at the PageList.cpp code16:45
Cimimterry, first it adds pages that end with qml16:46
Cimimterry, then checks for disabled files and removes the pages?16:47
mterryCimi, but it checks for disabled pages among the list it collected before (those that end in .qml)16:47
Cimiso it shoudln't work16:47
Cimimterry, well, you got the idea maybe requires a simple fix16:48
mterryCimi, I guess we could collect .disabled files in the same first pass but in a different list, then go through that list after, removing the qml versions16:48
mterryCimi, and this passes the test?16:48
* mterry tries16:48
Cimimterry, we can probably strip the extensions16:49
Cimimterry, thing is16:50
Cimimterry, disabled is added alongside the qml16:51
mterryCimi, qDebug() << "before delete";16:51
mzanettijosharenson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/126928216:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1269282 in Unity 8 "Missing documentation / -help from unity8 binary" [High,Triaged]16:51
mterryCimi, we can't reuse the Notification.qml from unity8?16:52
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mzanettijosharenson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130205016:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302050 in Unity 8 "[greeter/LockScreen] need a way to specify the minimum and maximum lengths of the code to ask" [High,New]16:52
Cimimterry, you mean importing the file?16:53
mterryCimi, yeah16:53
mterryCimi, readonly property bool connected: mainMenu.connectedAPs === 1   <- is there no way to be connected to more than one?16:54
Cimimterry, but what if unity chanes and we break?16:54
Cimimterry, I don't think so16:54
mterryCimi, why do we have a 1s delayed timer on quit?  We don't need to show that final loading screen.  If we're quitting, we can just drop that last page16:56
mterry(the spinner page)16:56
Cimimterry, I liked it :D16:56
mterryCimi, but we will have a USC spinner that takes its place16:56
Cimimterry, I agree we can drop this with split16:56
mterryCimi, but with this branch, it's just a fake spinner16:57
mterryno reason for it16:57
mterryCimi, if unity8 changes its notification code, we want to pick those changes up, eh?16:57
Cimifeel free to push everything, I'll review later on16:57
Cimimterry, but if they break us?16:57
mterryCimi, that's what tests are for?  autopilot tests for the system settings16:58
Cimimterry, eventually it will all go inside the menu16:58
mterryCimi, and we use such a small part of their API -- Just a Notifications {} block with a model, right?16:59
mterryCimi, not like that's going to break much16:59
Cimimterry, it won't work easily now17:01
Cimimterry, in fact we don't have it as a module in unity17:01
Cimimterry, I'd just copy the files..17:01
Cimimterry, will be back in ~2 hours17:02
mterryCimi, yeah, test-page-list test isn't succeeding17:02
mterryCimi, why can't we import?17:03
Cimibranch is ~unity-team if you want to push17:03
mterryCimi, ok, see ya17:03
Cimimterry, because we have to hook up the path17:03
Cimimterry, it's not as a module17:03
Cimilike Unity.Dash.Notifications 0.117:03
Cimiit's not automagically :D17:04
Cimiit's fine to keep our own copy and don't bother much17:04
mterryCimi, but so much code duplication!17:04
Cimiall of this will go away when we have the password entry inside the listview17:04
mterryCimi, figuring out the path seems easier than duplicating17:04
Cimiwhat we need to do though is copying the code for the tablet mode as well17:04
Cimimterry, go ahead then!17:05
mzanettijosharenson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130588517:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1305885 in Unity 8 "Snap Decision input does not listen to Enter key" [Undecided,New]17:05
mterryCimi, "patches welcome"17:06
Cimi:D :D :D17:06
* Cimi runs away :D17:06
mterryCimi, this isn't how reviews are supposed to go!  :)17:06
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mterryCimi, hmm, also ./wizard/test.sh doesn't work anymore with a mirserver18:28
tedgSaviq, Why are you stripping tags?18:55
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Saviqtedg, because they're old, from lp:unity19:25
Saviqtedg, and they don't point at anything in lp:unity819:25
Saviqtedg, not all, just the ones that don't make sense19:26
tedgDo they share a common history?19:31
Cimimterry, let's remove it then19:35
mterryCimi, shoot, I lost my scrollback, I forget what I said to you19:35
Cimi<mterry> [19:28] Cimi, hmm, also ./wizard/test.sh doesn't work anymore with a mirserver19:35
mterryCimi, ah.  Well.  I think it might work if you are running inside Mir and have MIR_SOCKET set correctly19:36
mterryCimi, I made some commits!19:36
mterryCimi, used unity8 Notifications, split out the wizard into its own package (since now we depend on unity-mir and unity8 stuff which the normal settings package doesn't want to19:37
mterryCimi, dropped spinner (i know you liked it, but we shouldn't artificially delay, and it was a placeholder since it wasn't in original design)19:37
mterryCimi, and cleaned up the code a bit (dropped debugs, fixed some FIXMEs)19:37
CimiI'll have a look after dinner if my gf doesn't kill me19:39
mterryCimi, oh and I restored .disabled support19:40
mterryCimi, what do we need qtbase5-private-dev for?19:40
Cimimterry, mmmmmmmmm19:41
mterryCimi, I'll look.  it's late for you19:41
Cimijust remove it and see what breaks xD19:45
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Cimimterry, had a look, good!21:03
mterryCimi, nice  :)   I also added the MP checklist junk to the description21:03
Cimimterry, it is fine after all that code removed for dlopening mir lib?21:03
mterryCimi, should be.  unity8 only did the dlopen stuff because it also supported non-mir use cases21:04
mterrylike surfaceflinger21:04
mterryBut we don't need that junk anymore21:04
Cimimterry, we don't need the checklist :P21:04
Cimimterry, it's not unity8 :P21:04
mterryCimi, everybody has a checklist now man21:05
mterryCimi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/ubuntu-system-settings21:05
Cimilike we never did those21:06
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