
hazmatrick_h_, i thought you said quickstart could be used to open the gui.. 00:05
hatchhazmat it will auto open the GUI and log you in once it's done setting up the environment00:19
hatchwere you thinking something like `juju-quickstart --opengui` ?00:19
rick_h_hazmat: it does with a valid environment it can connect/find the gui it via a juju status. 03:34
rick_h_hazmat: I thought you said it would not work because you were connecting through other clients or something03:34
hazmatrick_h_, i've got a valid env, it didn't like it03:34
hazmatrick_h_, it wouldn't work where i was sshing into a separate machine that had the juju client03:35
hazmatbut from my laptop against an ec2 env it should just work03:35
hazmatah.. i think ic the issue there though. not passing env vars through so stripping provider credentials03:35
rick_h_hazmat: hmm, bug then? it's throwing an error about the env config? 03:35
hazmatrick_h_, its reformating an underlying juju status error, which is complaining about not finding env keys, because quikstart is shelling out and stripping the env vars03:36
hazmatwhich had the keys03:36
hazmatwould be my guess03:36
hazmatyes a bug03:36
rick_h_hazmat: k, sorry for misleading you, a bug report would be cool as we'd like to make it work for the use case. 03:37
hazmatyeah.. another time though.. still working through demo bitgs03:37
rick_h_hazmat: rgr, understand03:37
rick_h_new gui release working ok for you?03:37
rick_h_any better on the relation line issues you hit in demo during call the other day?03:38
hazmatrick_h_, yeah.. although i came across a bug with subordinate charms in bundles that i accidentally pushed a new gui charm through to the store on (fix works though), i had to fix and release a new version of deployer03:51
hazmati suspect there was a change in juju api03:51
hazmatbasicaly just taking juju-deployer dep from 0.3.4 to 0.3.6 ..03:51
hazmatalso pushed to trusty pkg queue03:51
hazmatrick_h_, is there a config to get the gui to do the local charm icon thing?04:10
rick_h_hazmat: no, the local charm icon thing should just work12:03
hatchgoood morning all13:48
bachey hatch13:55
hatchanyone come fix your water yet?13:55
hatchMakyo did you end up getting your camera working? I didn't have any luck14:08
hatchthe new state object supports all of the charmbrowser urls now :) /precise/apache2/:flags:/state/?text=apache2#related-charms 14:17
frankbanbrace yourself, long diff/QA is coming :-/14:34
hatchoh noes!14:35
* hatch hides14:35
frankbanguihelp and especially hatch: I need two reviews+QA for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/234  . thanks a lot!14:37
hatchespecially me?14:37
hatchaww shucks14:37
hatchon it!14:37
hatchyou weren't kidding :D14:38
frankbanmeh, this branch can also win the "longest MP description" contest14:40
hatchhaha I think it does14:41
hatchjujugui call in 1114:49
* hatch dances around that he beat Makyo to it14:49
Makyojujugui call in 214:58
hatchjujugui you should have received an email moving planning poker to 4/1415:12
MakyoOh, cool15:12
hatchMakyo did you get your camera working last night? I didn't have any luck, looks like the new pcie webcams aren't supported in the isight pkg15:13
Makyohatch, no luck. That jives with what I was reading, though.15:17
hatchnative kernel detects the hardware but doesn't know what to do with it unfortunately15:18
hatcha workdaround is to use an external cam though15:18
MakyoSpent most of last night fiddling around with Qt, trying to remember highschool C++.15:18
hatchoh man you guys did C++ in HS? We did VB15:19
hatchI had to learn C++ on my own :-(15:19
MakyoIt was the last year before the entire district moved to Java.15:19
MakyoC++ and pascal.15:19
hatchoh cool, the universities here teach Java as the primary15:20
hatchI suppose it is the best language to teach software concepts15:20
MakyoSame around here, though I'm really bitter about the CS programs at the university level.  Will tell you about it some other time, otherwise I won't shut up :)15:21
teslanickLooking back at my college career, most of my classes were language-agnostic. It didn't matter which language you submitted homework in, as long as it executed (which seems weird in retrospect). But it seems like implementing a FSM in JS is way easier than Java.15:28
teslanickSo in retrospect, I should have done all my homework in JS.15:28
hatchhaha, yeah that woudln't fly here for any class I know of15:29
MakyoI did take a C class in college, but it was an elective, not part of the CS curriculum.15:31
hatchI remember enjoying C++, I also had a lot more free time back then lol15:33
hatchSuccess with C++...on 3.5" floppys 15:34
teslanickYeah, manual memory management is like this wonderful challenge if the problem you're trying to solve is small.15:34
teslanickIt's like a puzzle. Kinda like writing applications on the DOM. ;)15:34
bacthey didn't teach C++ at college when i was there.  now they've hired stroustrup.15:34
hatchhaha 15:35
bachis first semester there he donated money to have someone design a better logo for the department.15:36
hatchfrankban I've finished your code review but before I QA I just want to finish up my branch...so I can probably start in 20mins15:52
frankbanhatch: no problem and thanks a lot15:52
hatchjujugui lf a review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/23516:16
frankbanhatch: on it16:16
frankbanheh, I like how github shows feature :flags: urls16:23
hatchhah yeah I thought they were fish at first16:24
hatchthey look like fish :)16:24
frankbanguihelp: do you have a backupify process activity on any of your gmail accounts?16:25
hatchI have no idea what that is :)16:25
baci too do not know16:25
* bac uses gmail as an imap server so doesn't see the new hotness16:26
hatch^ me 216:26
frankbanhatch, bac: if you go to your gmail on the browser, (e.g. the canonical account) and click on the "detail" link, do you see a backupify activity? I have no idea either, but a see the process and it's eating IMAP connections, and I also use an email client\16:27
hatchdetail link?16:28
frankbanhatch: at the bottom of the page16:32
hatchoh yeah I see that16:32
hatchlots of them16:32
frankbanhatch: yeah the problem is I guess they use IMAP connections and google only allows 15 at the same time, resulting in the email client failures to connetc to imap16:34
hatchhow many connections do you need? lol!16:34
bacfrankban: sorry, i have canonical-hosted email.  didn't move it to gmail16:34
hatchI use...3?16:35
frankbanhatch: email clients use to make more than one connection, so with the desktop client and the mobile phone it's not so hard to reach that limit16:36
hatchohh, what client are you using?16:36
bacfrankban: on my personal gmail i do see backupify.  nine connections going back to 3 days ago16:36
frankbanhatch: foing to /precise/apache2/:flags:/state/?text=apache2#related-charms i see two type errors: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7235645/16:37
frankbangoing even16:37
hatchhmm interesting16:37
hatchlet me try locally16:37
hatchfrankban works here with no problem...16:38
frankbanhatch: are you using "make devel"?16:38
hatchfrankban there is no code on 998 in my branch16:39
frankbanhatch: oh, ok, so it must be some cache16:39
frankbanhatch: ok now it works16:40
hatchgreat :-)16:40
frankbanhatch: QA ok16:42
frankbanhatch: done16:58
hatchthanks looking16:58
frankbantime to go, have a nice weekend!17:10
hatchjujugui can someone else do the QA for frakban's branch? My juju setup is all kinds of busted right now17:14
Makyohatch, I'm doing it now.17:14
hatchMakyo thanks a bunch17:15
hatchI think I need a new vagrant instance17:15
hatchMakyo what would you think of a task manager like grunt/gulp but written in Go so it could use goroutines to do things async?18:02
MakyoThat might be kindĀ of neat!18:03
MakyoShould ask around about it at the Denver meetup18:03
hatchMakyo one of the biggest shortcomings with Go atm is no Handlebars compiler18:08
hatchthat might be a cool hack project18:08
Makyohatch,  aren't you getting in town in time for that meetup?18:08
hatchohh I thought they have one very week18:08
MakyoDenver's a bit of a drive for that for me18:09
hatchthen yes, I'll be there for that18:09
hatchoh is it? 18:09
hatchoh yeah an hour18:09
hatchMakyo +1 to :Shipit: frankban's branch?18:14
Makyohatch, Yeah, just looking over tests. I say +118:14
hatchcool shipping18:14
hatchoo boy my front yard is a mess19:59
hatchapparently ripping apart a roof makes a lot of mess19:59
bachi jcastro20:52
bacso i looked at the patch on github that introduced the openssl heartbeat error.  20 files affected. a few hundreds lines of code.  zero tests.  sadness.20:59
hatchbac ouch21:04
hatch0 tests in crypto code?21:04
hatchbrb got to reboot router, it's being.....itself21:14
hatch__hey Makyo yesterday you mentioned a mid-imp today, still want to do that or are you good?22:06
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch]
=== hatch] is now known as hatch
MakyoI'm good, sorry. Should've mentioned.  It's turning out to be pretty easy, just rolling through it is slow.22:07
MakyoShould be done monday mid-day/afternoon22:07
MakyoWith tests.22:07
hatchcool no problem22:07

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