
joselazyPower: do you have some time to review the charm now?02:03
lazyPowergoing over it as we speak02:03
josemy brain is burnt from homework and it needs some relaxing02:03
lazyPowerhave you started classes already?02:03
lazyPoweri thought you weren't headed back until next month02:03
joseyeah, 8 days ago02:03
lazyPowerright on02:03
joselazyPower: any updates?02:19
lazyPowerjose: i'm a little concerned that we are version locking the deployment02:20
josehmm, let me check something and I'll be back in a minute02:20
jose(possible answer to that)02:20
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joseowncloud-latest is the same as the latest version, not only for upgrades02:22
joselet me fix that part of the charm (or see if I can do it)02:22
joselooks like a simple fix02:25
lazyPowerjose: md5 checking as well, so what i think we need to do is either pull it from the source tree and provide git tag/branch checkout02:29
lazyPoweror we need to defalt to from source and provide ppa installation options since there is a suse build tree02:30
lazyPowerthis will help "future proof" the charm02:30
lazyPowerand we can work on the plugin manifests getting disabled from there02:30
josehmm, I was thinking on pulling both owncloud-latest.tar.bz2 and owncloud-latest.tar.bz2.md5 to get the latest version on install02:30
lazyPowerok i'll allow it02:33
* lazyPower does the juju blessing on jose's efforts02:33
joseok, let's test-deploy02:34
lazyPowerjose: link me the diff02:35
lazyPoweri've got a 4.x already populuated with plugins and data ready to test teh migration02:35
joselazyPower: if you do upgrade-charm it should be good to go02:35
josethe only move I'm doing from the branch pushed is the install hook02:36
lazyPowerso you're only changing the package names in the source?02:36
joseon the install hook, yes02:36
lazyPowerah ok, got it02:36
lazyPowerjust re-merged and i saw the change02:36
lazyPowerjose: have you noticed that after you deploy the unit, and set a username, you're still prompted to create a user on first run?02:39
joselazyPower: yep, I think those variables should be eliminated02:39
lazyPowerwe have to keep them around due to backwords compatibility. There's either a) a way to fix them, or b) we need to udpate the config.yaml to note they are depreciated02:40
lazyPowermy inclination is towards a)02:40
joseok, let me check that before I do the deploy02:41
lazyPowerjose: awesome. validated the upgrade is non destructive02:41
lazyPowerand looking at the plugin manifests, they change from version to version, so the re-enablement of the plugins is a non-issue from what i can see. i'm still nosing about02:42
lazyPowerand your charm upgrades are compliant with: http://doc.owncloud.org/server/6.0/admin_manual/maintenance/update.html02:43
* lazyPower thumbs up02:43
josenow I'm checking that username/password thing02:43
lazyPowerlet me try again with a multi-user install, and validate we aren't going to hurt anyone thats got more than one user, since thats the last thing i can think of as an edge case02:44
joselazyPower: did you do the deploy as a standalone instance or with mysql?02:45
josebecause as far as I can see here, the admin and pass config options only work with mysql, they're called for on the db-relation-changed hook02:46
lazyPowerits called out in the README02:46
lazyPowertbh i had not reviewed the readme this go-around. Thats why it wasn't nacked on the first review.02:47
lazyPowerso, disregard the instructions above02:47
joseok, no touching user/pass!02:49
josedeploying a fresh instance with the charm02:49
joselazyPower: a bit offtopic, do you know how to make 'juju stauts' an alias for 'juju stauts'? :P02:52
lazyPowernot with the space no, but i have however set an alias as js='juju status'02:53
josejuju stauts is a common typo of mine02:55
lazyPoweri'd just alias it toi something shorter to type02:57
lazyPowerall my common commands are shortened like that in a ~/.bash_aliases file i version02:57
joseyep, js may be a good idea02:57
lazyPowerallright, i've valided with nfs, mysql, and standalone options from -current to your proposed MP03:03
lazyPowereverything seems to be in order03:03
josehouston, we have a problem03:03
lazyPowerwhat'd you find?03:03
joseyesterday I found a bug on owncloud itself, the -latest.tar.bz2.md5 hash is not updates, which would cause an endless loop in the md5 check03:03
josewe would need to hardcode the md5 until they fix it03:04
lazyPowerleave it as the orig tarball03:04
lazyPoweri'll have another charmer check in the morning, and once it's acked i'll merge it03:04
joselike 6.0.2 instead of latest?03:04
lazyPoweryeah, you said 6.0.2 is the same as latest at present03:04
joseI'd need to change that in both install and upgrade-charm then03:05
lazyPoweryou can revert the patch that applies the -latest03:05
joseoh, there isn't, I did everything in one shot03:05
joseI'll just push03:06
joselet me do a final test03:07
lazyPoweri just left a comment that it looks good to me. I dont want to merge this as its 11:10, and i'm pretty tired. I may have missed something but i checked it with all the configurable relationship options03:11
lazyPoweri'm confident this is a high quality patch adn will have no problems being merged03:11
joseit's good :)03:11
lazyPowergreat work Jose03:11
josethanks lazyPower :)03:11
lazyPowerallright man, thats me.03:12
lazyPoweri'm out03:12
joseyou have a good night!03:12
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manuel_hello, i'm trying  to get the LXC Provider to work for me. I have had some trouble with lxc but everything seemed to work, until! i reboot the machine (latop). I then can not connect to my cloud anymore. If i destroy and bootstrap the environment again it works. but, shouldn't that environment survice reboots? The error i get after reboot of Host Machine  http://dpaste.com/1776409/11:51
will1hi all, I'm trying to install the Vagrant image with Juju pre-installed : precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-juju-vagrant-disk1.box from https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-vagrant.html but it looks like they're no longer available. Has the link changed?12:04
manuel_will1: i was having the same problem. I'm trying the ones for raring now: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/raring/current/raring-server-cloudimg-amd64-juju-vagrant-disk1.box12:07
will1manuel_: I thought I looked in the raring directory. but that's cool, raring will work for me. many thanks, much appreciated :-)12:09
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jcastrojose, while we finish up the review, you want to do the honors blogging the announcement of the updated owncloud charm?13:45
jcastrojose, lazyPower: hey the owncloud guys publish ubuntu packages13:52
jcastrothat means we could use those instead of the tarballs, so we don't have to update the charm on every owncloud release13:53
jcastroI'll file a bug13:53
lazyPowerjcastro: yeah from the suse build service right?13:54
lazyPoweri was looking for a PPA13:54
jcastrowe can resolve some of these bugs13:55
josejcastro: I'd love to, but I'm at university now, if you give me a couple hours I'll be happy to do it13:59
jcastrojose, I mean eventually!13:59
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X-warriorWhat could be the reason that a juju status shows all agent-state as down on my machines?16:24
cjohnstonI'm trying to use juju-local.. my bootstrap works, but then when I try to run juju-deployer it tries to deploy, but I get stuck with juju status looking like http://paste.ubuntu.com/7235656/16:44
cjohnstonany ideas?16:44
joseI'm back home, blogging now16:49
avoinecjohnston: it looks like lxc can't starts virtual machines, do you have your cgroup mounted and all depdendencies installed?16:49
avoinecjohnston: maybe you could try with this command: sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu16:51
avoineto see if lxc is wokring16:51
cjohnstonavoine: I installed juju-local.. I do have other containers that I have created and they work16:51
gnuoycjohnston, is this a trust host deploying precise ?16:51
cjohnstongnuoy: yes16:51
gnuoycjohnston, I raised https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1306537 this morning16:51
_mup_Bug #1306537: LXC provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306537>16:52
cjohnstongnuoy: ack.. things are working for ev and vila, I guess I'm the unlucky one16:52
gnuoycjohnston, well, if you get a fix I'd love to hear about it16:53
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cjohnstonavoine: I don't see any docs about other deps or cgroups or anything like that?16:53
gnuoycjohnston, have you tried deploying a trusty unit out of interest?16:54
cjohnstongnuoy: just the bootstrap16:55
gnuoyI can fire up cs:trusty/ubuntu no problem16:55
cjohnstonlet me see if I can get trusty to wrok16:55
gnuoyfwiw this is what my lxc env looks like having deployed a trusty and precise service http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7235731/16:57
cjohnston#2 is exactly what mine was looking like16:57
cjohnstongnuoy: how long did it take for cs:trusty/ubuntu to come up?17:02
cjohnstongnuoy: it came up.. :-/17:04
gnuoypretty much instant17:04
cjohnstongnuoy: did things work for you two days ago?17:12
josejcastro, lazyPower: would http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?project=isv:ownCloud:community&package=owncloud work good for replacing the tarball on the owncloud charm?17:12
gnuoycjohnston, I couldn't say exactly when it broke but it was pretty recent17:13
lazyPowerjose: it could17:13
lazyPowerand probably should. Offer it as an option17:13
cjohnstongnuoy: there were a few lxc related changes that landed yesterday17:13
lazyPowerto use the PPA or to use Source17:13
joselazyPower: got it!17:13
lazyPowerthere are going to be nuance diferences in the packages17:13
lazyPoweri believe the ppa will install it to /usr and symlink, i may be wrong.17:13
cjohnstongnuoy: sorry.. a few days ago17:14
joseI'll check how it works and then modify the charm if it seems appropriate17:16
jcastrojose, yeah that's what I was thinking17:18
josecool, I'm deploying an ubuntu instance and will check how it behaves17:18
lazyPowerWoo, looks like we have changes on the vagrant images18:02
jcastroReminder, charm school in ~60 minutes18:02
jose'how to approve an MP jose is about to submit'18:03
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lazyPowerhey jcastro, i think our charm school is going to need to be cancelled. I've run into a blocker. Do we have another idea we can sub in?18:29
jcastrodo we have a mac available?18:30
jcastroso hey basically, the juju-specific box went away18:30
jcastroso our docs don't even link to the right boxes right now (fix is in a PR, just added it)18:30
jcastrolazyPower, can you resolve your issue in the next 15 minutes?18:31
marcoceppiBut those boxes don't have juju installed and bootstrapped already18:31
lazyPowerjcastro: actively trying to do so18:31
jcastroit's installed, just not bootstrapped18:31
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jcastromarcoceppi, the boxes disappeared, I don't think Ben is working today so I have no idea where they're supposed to be18:32
lazyPoweri'm getting lxc container errors on this box when i attempt to boot services. this is eminating from both the precise64 and trusty64 box18:32
lazyPowerlet me fetch a 32box and see if they exhibit the same behavior18:32
jcastroman, the entire vagrant page in the docs is depending on the juju boxes existing18:34
jcastroI wonder how long they have been missing and we didn't notice. :-/18:35
jcastroI'd like to punt this to next friday, we need to get these images back from ben18:36
jcastroI mean, we could do it with the vanilla image, but we'd end up doing port forwarding config and a bunch of metawork before we even get started18:36
lazyPowerjcastro: that's not going to be awesome18:37
lazyPowerjcastro: the containers on precise32 are forever pending... still waiting to see if there's a change18:37
lazyPowerbut its not looking good18:37
jcastrook so let's punt one week, I'd rather not suck.18:37
lazyPoweri'm game for that idea. We can even do a how to macguyver your own juju dev environment18:38
lazyPowerwhich i wouldn't mind doing18:38
lazyPowerits fun18:38
lazyPowerok we have a machine up. the boot time was 8 minutes on this vagrant image with 2gb of ram allocated18:39
jcastrohey so, idea18:41
jcastrois there a place we can run a test that returns every link in j.u.c/docs that 404's?18:41
josejcastro: just on time before the tweet went off18:42
josefor that you mean, every link on that page or also on the subpages?18:43
jcastroI mean every link in the docs, all of them.18:44
jcastroso that when something moves or breaks, we know about it18:44
joseoh, automatically18:44
joseI could've used a link checker manually18:44
lazyPowerjcastro: i have a utility i wrote18:45
lazyPowerlet me fish that up after i'm out of this meeting18:45
jcastroyeah it just needs to be automatic and on a production box, not some VPS, etc.18:47
jcastromaybe on the same box that builds the docs18:48
jcastroevilnickveitch, what do you think?18:48
lazyPowerjcastro: its a ruby script, so it'll probably get nacked18:48
jcastroI'll ask around, maybe someone on webops can recommend something, surely we can't be the only ones with broken URLs18:49
evilnickveitchjcastro, yes, I think I mentioned this months ago. There is a lint.py tool in the tools dir that checks for bug refs18:54
evilnickveitchideally we should add it to that18:54
jcastroah! Perfect18:54
jcastroI'll file a bug18:54
evilnickveitchjcastro, ok18:55
evilnickveitchjcastro, cool - I just discovered the footer has a load of broken links19:18
mhall119jcastro: marcoceppi: can either of you help me with swift?19:37
mhall119I'm trying to learn how to setup a bucket on canonistack19:37
* jcastro is dumb wrt. swift19:37
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cory_fu2I'm getting a connection refused error whenever I try to juju status or juju destroy-environment on my local env20:23
cory_fu2Should I manually delete .juju/local and .juju/environments/local.jenv?20:23
arosaleslazyPower: do you have a pointer to your "clean up local provider files"20:37
lazyPower@cory_fu2 first off do a lxc ls20:38
lazyPowermake sure there are no running containers left behind. The script we wrote was pretty destructive on active environments and didn't segregate against anyone doing work with another platform like docker.20:39
lazyPowercory_fu2: aside from that, you manually delete some files and there's an AU post on it let me fish that up20:40
lazyPower@cory_fu2 ^20:41
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themonkafter update in juju 1.18 and clean local bootstrap i tried to deploy apache2 but geting this error in machine 1 "agent-state-info: '(error: container failed to start)'"22:34
themonkmarcoceppi: after update in juju 1.18 and clean local bootstrap i tried to deploy apache2 but geting this error in machine 1 "agent-state-info: '(error: container failed to start)'"22:34
marcoceppithemonk: 1.18.1 was just released23:23
marcoceppitry that and see if it's still broken23:24
joselazyPower: have a second?23:36
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josemarcoceppi: ping23:50

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