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MazateIf I upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04, what is the likelihood of having any major issues?02:05
kyfellaI had been running 13.04 and now 13.10.  Not all the time, maybe once in a while after my machine has been sitting for a while, I come back to my computer and the x screen is completely hosed up with horiziontal lines running the whole way down the screen.  For the greatest majority of the time, my clarity of screen resolution is awesome, with the exception of when that happens.  Does anyone know of a KB on this issue?03:04
kyfellaThis is a fresh install of 13.10 64-Bit as of 2 weeks ago, just an FYI03:04
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lordievaderGood morning07:24
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Ede_kHi all08:21
Ede_ktoday I need to install kubuntu on my sisters notebook. I want to use 14.04 Beta 2.  When in some weeks the final version version will be released, my sister will just have to upgrade via the package manager, right?08:23
alketEde_k: im not sure but i think it will be achieved only with regular updates08:23
Ede_kwill there be any difference to a new installed kubuntu final at that time?08:24
hateballEde_k: Nope, you can just go ahead and update normally08:25
hateballNo reinstalls etc needed08:25
Ede_kOK, great! thank you for your time!08:25
valorieEde_k: the freeze is on as of today, so the changes will be slight08:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest12051
clumsyhi there! i need help with upgrading the linux-headers-generic package. I upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 pre-release and muon package manager gives me the message that i cannot upgrade this package in case of unmet dependencies. I checked in my software sources and found that there is only 13.10 sources.Does someone know where i can get the 14.04 sources?09:41
lordievaderclumsy: Replace saucy with trusty in your sources.09:42
clumsyok thanks i'll try it09:42
harshihi.. i am have recently installed kubuntu 13.10 and i am trying to do sudo apt-get install <package-name> or even update.. i am getting following error: http://fpaste.org/93444/13972095/ .. but i have internet connection perfectly fine.. my source .lis file is this .. http://fpaste.org/93443/97209446/09:46
harshiplease help me09:46
lordievaderharshi: Does you network use ipv6 or ipv4?09:48
clumsylordievader: thanks it worked perfectly!09:59
lordievaderclumsy: :)09:59
FikzterI have a question10:18
FikzterI'm installing Kubuntu10:18
lordievaderFikzter: Fire away :)10:18
FikzterEverythings looks good (installing process)10:18
FikzterAfter reboot my graphics go nuts...10:18
FikzterI almost had an epeleptic attack :)10:19
lordievaderFikzter: What graphics card do you use?10:19
FikzterHmm, dunno yet.. Installingproces worked fine (also graphics)10:19
Fikzterbtw, installing Kubuntu 12.04 from DVD iso10:20
Fikzterit's an Asus graphics card10:21
Fikzterit's an Asus EAH6450 SILENT/DI/1GD3(LP)10:23
lordievaderFikzter: If you have access to a terminal you can simply run "lspci -k |grep -A2 VGA" to find out what graphics card you have.10:23
FikzterSimply ;) Let me check10:24
lordievaderFikzter: Hmm, an AMD card, I suppose the radeon driver should support it.10:24
Fikzterit does during the installingprocess... That's why it's so weird10:25
lordievaderYes, the radeon driver supports the HD6450.10:25
FikzterBut how could this happen? text install also works fine (trying now)10:26
lordievaderGood question, theoretically this could be due to an update. Do you currently have an installed version of kubuntu on your harddrive?10:29
FikzterI had before I installed it again indeed10:29
lordievaderFikzter: On that install can you get to a tty?10:29
Fikzterthough, installing from dvd, so this shouldn't matter on the installed version10:30
FikzterI alrady overwrote it by this new install :)10:30
FikzterSo no, can't go to tty (also don't know how :D)10:30
lordievaderFikzter: ctrl + alt +f1 is the shortcut, to return to your desktop press ctrl + alt +f7. But to do this on the live-session doesn't make sense.10:33
Fikzterok, I'll try after this install (text install)10:34
FikzterI'll let you know lordievader10:38
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:41
FikzterStill installing...11:03
Fikzterargh, doesn't look good...11:36
lordievaderFikzter: Define doesn't look good.11:40
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Fikztersame problem... After install (which looks fine) I reboot computer11:48
FikzterThen my whole screen is plit in half (right half is shown on the left en left half is shown on the right) and screen is flickering11:48
FikzterCan I upload pictures here?11:49
hateballFikzter: you can upload to something like imgur and link here11:50
FikzterDon't have it :) I'll check it out.. 1 sec (ok, some more ;D)11:51
Fikzterbut of course I can't take a photo of it flickering (turning on and off (I think))11:54
hateballwrong Hz settings?11:56
lordievaderFikzter: Can you go to a tty?11:59
FikzterDid't set anything :) And was ok with install11:59
FikzterWill try now11:59
Fikzterhahaha, yes, but with same problem...11:59
FikzterWhat should I do in tty?11:59
lordievaderFikzter: Check if the correct driver is loaded with "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA"12:01
FikzterOk, I did that.. It gave me this: 04:00.0 VGA (VGA in red??) compatible controler: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee (no? I'm dutch) ATI Caicos [Radeon] (... waybe more?) Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer INc. Device 03da Kernel driver in use: radeon12:03
lordievaderFikzter: Could you use paste.ubuntu.com for the paste please?12:07
=== austin is now known as kashi
Fikzterah, how do I use it from tty?12:10
Fikzter(sorry, I'm a n00b...)12:10
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:12
Fikzterthanks, will try :)12:12
FikzterGrrr, can't use apt-get install...12:14
lordievaderFikzter: Did you use sudo?12:15
FikzterYes, couldn't get /var/lib/dpkg/lock (not available)12:16
Fikztersame with /var/lib/dpkg/12:16
Fikzterreading this is hard for your eyes... :)12:16
OerHeksFikzter, do you have MUON open and Konsole together?12:17
FikzterI don't think so (at least not intentionally)12:17
OerHeksplease use one method at the time, there is one instance to apt-get possible12:17
OerHeksoh oke12:17
OerHeksthat could lead to this error too :-)12:18
FikzterAh, well, it could be possible (don't know what else it was doing)12:18
Fikzterwell, did a reboot.. The flickering is gone (for now) though, I only get vertical lines: http://imgur.com/HB6HJgE12:24
alketwhats the equivalent of gparted for kde ?12:24
OerHeksgnome gparted in kde version?12:25
OerHekskparted :-D12:25
alketOerHeks: E: Unable to locate package kparted12:26
OerHeksmaybe it is removed after install, seen that before12:27
lordievaderalket: Search in the menu for the partition editor.12:27
lordievaderOerHeks: Should still be there.12:27
lordievaderAlso after the install.12:27
OerHeksOh oke, that would be an ubuntu habbit only?12:28
alketlordievader: thank you12:28
lordievaderOerHeks: Does Ubuntu remove it? (Doesn't install it per-default?)12:31
hateballkubuntu uses /usr/bin/kcmshell4 kcm_partitionmanager12:35
hateballbut I think the live-usb might have gparted or some other gui parted on it12:35
pramitihi, i am getting following error while doing sudo apt-get install vim or even sudo apt-get update.. http://fpaste.org/93444/13972095/ my net connection is working properly.. please help.. my sources.list file is http://fpaste.org/93443/97209446/12:49
lordievaderpramiti: Are you the harshi who was here earlier?12:55
lordievaderIf so I asked if you where using an ipv6 connection or an ipv4 one.12:55
pramitii lost my internet connection.. i m sorry i  coudnt see ur q that time. mine is ipv412:56
BluesKajpramiti, perhaps change to a different mirror12:57
pramitiBlueskaj: how to do that.. ?12:58
lordievaderpramiti: apt tries to resolve ipv6 adresses, this is not possible on an ipv4 connection.12:58
lordievaderpramiti: How does your /etc/resolv.conf look?12:59
pramiti# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN nameserver search
lordievaderHmm, I wonder where apt gets the idea to use ipv613:01
pramitilordievader: # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN nameserver search
ikonialordievader: is this the indian mirror by any chance ?13:02
ikoniapramiti: why are you pasting this ?13:02
pramitilordievader: earlier i have ubuntu 12.04 and there was no problem of updating.. its after i have installed kubuntu 13.1013:02
lordievaderikonia: Might very well be, in.archive.u.c13:03
ikonialordievader: yeah, their dns setup is messed up13:03
ikoniait appears a fair bit as a common question as to why it's failing13:03
pramitiikonia: i have shown the output of /etc/resolv.conf..13:03
lordievaderikonia: Of the mirror?13:03
ikonialordievader: yes13:03
BluesKajikonia, repos are in india13:03
pramitiikonia: this is the error: http://fpaste.org/93444/13972095/13:04
ikonialordievader: I've tried to contact the mirror owner a few times to fix his dns setup13:04
lordievaderSo the solution would be to change mirrors?13:04
ikonialordievader: or try again and hope to get the other address for the mirror13:04
ikonia(it has 3 addresses I think)13:04
lordievaderikonia: You should tell pramiti ;) he's the one with the problem.13:04
ikoniaI'm working a bit from memory but someones put an ipv6 address in the ipv4 record, so when you hit it, it fails13:04
pramitiikonia: how should i change mirrors ?13:05
lordievaderikonia: That is quite nasty.13:06
ikoniause the software sources tool (or any tool you are happy with) or change the sources.list13:06
ikonialordievader: yeah, it's rubbish, I've tried to contact him 3 -4 times13:06
lordievaderikonia: Too bad it cannot be resolved, pun intended.13:06
ikoniaI tried, then lost interest,13:07
ikonia(nice pun)13:07
pramitiikonia: it is getting installed using package manager :O13:09
pramitilordievader: its getting installed using package manager and not using terminal13:12
lordievaderpramiti: What is getting installed?13:13
Fikzter@ lordivader: I was done with the flickering screens, so I installed it again (through Kubuntu desktop iso (NOT DVD)) and now it works again :)13:13
pramitilordievader: packages: like vim and g++ which are not able to install using terminal13:13
FikzterSomething is wrong with the DVD iso I think13:13
FikzterThanks for the help guys13:13
pramitiFikzter: which version of kubuntu have u installed13:14
Fikzter12.04 (both times)13:14
pramitimine is also dvd version..13:15
pramitibut 13.1013:15
pramitithere can be problem in iso file too :O13:15
lordievaderFor checking the iso we have the md5sums ;)13:17
lordievaderpramiti: Do you still get the same errors when installing things?13:18
lordievaderFikzter: Did you install it through a live-usb?13:18
pramitilordievader: i have installed following image and created bootable usb using usb creator13:19
pramitiand there is just dvd iso here.. no desktop version.. and what is the difference between the two13:20
* lordievader doesn't follow.13:21
pramitii have used above iso .. and installed using bootable usb13:25
lordievaderpramiti: Yes, that is fine.13:30
pramitilordievader: okk ill use software manager than .. thanxs :)13:31
ScottyKHello! When running apt-get upgrade, I've noticed that six packages (related to the kernel) keep being held back. How do I upgrade those?13:41
BluesKajdist-upgrade, ScottyK13:42
ScottyKBluesKaj - that did it, thanks! Why did the dist-upgrade work and not the regular upgrade?13:43
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:43
ScottyKOk thanks.. Not trying  to upgrade, but I've noticed that they were sitting there for a while now13:44
BluesKajScottyK, one should dist-upgrade periodically to keep those dependencies up to date and remove the old ones13:45
Piciit doesn't bring you to the next release of Ubuntu, see ubottu's explanation above.13:45
BluesKajyeah Pici he's aware of that13:46
Piciokay :)13:47
lordievaderScottyK: Dist-upgrade is a version of upgrade with more rights, as ubottu said, upgrade may not pull in new dependencies or remove packages. Dist-upgrade may do so.13:47
BluesKajmy old alter ego13:48
BluesKajgotta remove that from some of these servers i don't use anymore13:49
* BluesKaj cleans house in konversation13:51
ScottyKthanks for the info! I just dist-upgrade my other computer, and more packages came up.13:52
BluesKajScottyK, if you have the backport repos enabled , then KDE upgrades come down the pipe as well when you dist-upgrade13:57
BluesKajwell, stuff to do, BBL13:58
=== cloudfuze is now known as rt_91
blip99hi all, I run Kubuntu 12.04 on a laptop.  Haven't used or updated for ages, noticed there is 13.10 now.  Is dist upgrade a good/bad idea ?14:05
blip99Im not willing to install fresh and redo all my setup and settings14:05
blip99so I either stick with 12.04 or dist upgrade.  what do you think ?14:05
BluesKajblip99, the command is, do release-upgrade for upgrading to the next version of kubuntu . You would be better off to wait til next thursday for the next LTS version which is 14.04. Upgrading to 13.10 will take 2 version upgrades, rather than just one from 12.04 LTS to 14.04LTS14:09
blip99BluesKaj: ah I see. and if I wait should I expect a lot of bugs from such a big jump ?14:11
BluesKaj!LTS | blip9914:11
ubottublip99: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)14:11
jussiblip99: you _should_ have a good experience from 12.04 -> 14.04. I would definitely wait a few weeks14:12
blip99BluesKaj: I understand that.  but in the old days dist upgrades sometimes cause issues but i never tried it myself.  ill just wait and wish for the best14:13
BluesKajblip99, I would say not ...LTS versions are usually well prepared for the large change14:13
blip99ah I see14:13
blip99ok perfect14:13
blip99ill wait for thursday, thank you guys14:13
BluesKajblip99, to err on the side of caution however a month or sop after the official release to up[ghrade is good practice.14:14
BluesKajscuse the typos14:14
blip99ok ill wait a while then14:15
BluesKajblip99, if you're running a pc at work for instance14:15
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
DrJonesDoes anyone know where the settings for opengl + vsync are stored in Kubuntu? I enabled "reuse screen whatever" and now kwin freezes upon boot15:29
BluesKajDrJones, sytem settings>applications>desktopeffects>advanced15:37
DrJonesOh but X freezes on boot so I have to figure out how to do that from console15:38
DrJonesDo you know where those settings are stored and can they be modified via nano?15:39
BluesKajDrJones, no login page then?15:39
DrJonesIts configured to autologin15:40
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BluesKajDrJones, try holding the left shift key down right after the bios page to get grub, then choose a recovery kernel15:43
DrJonesI tried that earlier, however the failsafeX mode doesn't work. I just get a black screen.15:45
BluesKajDrJones, then if you still can't login, ctl+alt+F1 to F6 for a virtual terminal/TTY , then login and update and upgrade with apt-get15:46
BluesKajhi piyon15:49
DrJonesBluesKaj thanks for the help. I'll have to work on this more later.15:49
piyonhi BluesKaj, can you help me with a tip of Kopete config?15:50
BluesKajpiyon, sorry I have no clue about kopete, never used it.15:51
piyonok thanks15:51
piyonbye to all15:52
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SebastounatatorBonsoir, bonsoir17:48
ubotturcwcom: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:51
natacus123whats the best IM client for Kubuntu these days? ( i use yahoo )18:32
Avihay_Telepathy is getting to being good.18:36
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natacus123Avihay:  is telepaty as good as kopete used to be?18:47
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Avihaywell, I managed to make some video calls with it, which is more then I can say for kopete19:00
Avihayit (was)  slightly more stable then pidgin19:03
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wxlas of saucy, kubuntu-low-fat-settings is gone. i see in raring it was a transitional dummy package but i don't see what the transition is to.22:03
wxlneedless to say, the question is what is it :)22:04
TheFakeazneD525perhaps a lightweight kwin?22:04
TheFakeazneD525slimmed down Plasma-desktop?22:04
wxli'm not sure of its contents though i do know it eliminated most desktop effects22:05
lordievaderwxl: Looking at the sources you can see what it does, mainly share/config is of interest: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/kubuntu-low-fat-settings/precise/files/head:/share/config/22:08
wxllordievader: i'm wondering what's replacing it.22:08
bpromptkubuntu-slim-fat ?22:10
* bprompt ducks22:10
lordievaderwxl: You could ask apachelogger, he is/was the maintainer.22:13
wxloh i figured it out now. i think.22:16
* lordievader Time for bed, sleep wel people.22:17
bprompt99 lordievader22:17
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DarthFrogSleep wet?  Wet?  No thanks.23:17
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