
jtvOhhhh WHAT?  Test failure while landing?  I tested locally!04:53
jtvbigjools: is that related to what you just debugged with Scott?04:54
bigjoolsjtv: no04:54
bigjoolsnot seen that for a long time04:54
jtv                    {cannot_listen,{127,0,0,1},59471,eaddrinuse}}},04:55
jtvThat seems to be the nub of it.04:55
jtvI guess it was just an unlucky choice of port... retrying.04:55
jtvOh dear. And an error in simplestreams.04:58
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jtvbigjools: should I backport my fix for the inscrutable-import-error bug to 1.5?  Or is there no point now?05:20
bigjoolsjtv: no point IMO05:20
bigjoolsdowngrade the bug from panic status05:21
jtvThat error in the simplestreams went away, but now I'm getting one about an unexpected sha256 checksum.05:50
bigjoolsjtv: I expect the mirror might still be running05:51
bigjoolswhich prompts another question ...05:52
jtvSame exception again.  That makes it hard to do full Q/A.06:12
bigjoolsjtv: worked here06:15
bigjoolsif we have a label of "rc" is anything going to bork?06:15
bigjoolsIOW did we rely on  "release" anywhere?06:16
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rvbabigjools: I think it will work just fine.06:29
rvbaWe were using 'daily' before.06:29
* bigjools likes the optimism06:29
rvbabigjools: the node failed to boot in the lab.06:31
rvba'No such image'06:31
* rvba investigates06:31
bigjoolsrvba: is it hard-coded anywhere?06:31
bigjoolsin the tests06:31
rvbabigjools: no, the test just want an image for Trusty.  Again, it was working with the 'daily' images.06:32
rvbabigjools: no Trusty image was imported.06:32
rvbaI just see the precise images.06:32
bigjoolsrvba: are the tests using the default config?06:32
* rvba checks06:32
bigjoolsI imported trusty "rc" ok on a new install06:32
rvbayes (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7233732/ that's the config from the lab)06:34
rvba/var/lib/maas/boot-resources/ contains only the precise images.06:35
rvbabigjools: I don't see any reference to 'rc' images in http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.maas:v2:download.json06:37
rvbaWhat am I missing?06:37
bigjoolsWFM, so, WTH06:37
* rvba tries on canonistack06:38
bigjoolscould be a mirroring problem06:38
jtvI do see "rc" in the sjson.06:38
jtvOh, that's in the regular json too.06:39
bigjoolsjtv: I don't see it!06:39
bigjools "updated": "Fri, 11 Apr 2014 00:45:23 +0000",06:39
rvbabigjools: arg, I was looking at a ached version of the json06:39
rvbaNow I see it too06:39
rvbabigjools: maybe that's what happened in the lab too06:40
jtvScience: “I'll believe it when I see it.”  Religion: “I'll see it when I believe it.”06:40
jtvSounds as if maybe the caching headers on the index are set to cache too aggressively.06:40
rvba "updated": "Fri, 11 Apr 2014 00:45:23 +0000",06:40
rvba "products": {06:40
rvba  "com.ubuntu.maas:v2:boot:14.04:armhf:generic-lpae": {06:40
rvba   "label": "rc",06:40
jtvMaybe the http headers were designed for etags, then had the etags removed or not implemented?06:40
bigjoolsoh see it now06:40
bigjoolsrvba: the lab will work once it can import the right image then :)06:41
rvbabigjools: trying to clear the cache now…06:41
rvbaThe cached data in the proxy that is.06:41
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jtvI got a checksum error, but disabling imports of the "rc" label seems to get me past it.06:45
rvbabigjools: my run on a canonistack machine imported the 'rc' images all right. (Same as what you saw.)06:51
bigjoolsjtv, rvba: I suspect proxies are screwing things over06:52
rvbaInvestigating that now06:52
rvbaArg, I don't have permission to clear the cache on the proxy machine.06:55
bigjoolsrvba: I do know that it worked in the Garage MAAS come to think of it06:57
bigjoolsnot this exact package but the rc data worked IIRC06:58
rvbaWould be good to get an end-to-end test to pass though.06:58
rvbaBut I'm not too worried.06:59
jtvI would suspect the configuration or the original httpd more than the proxies.07:05
jtvFor example, if the directory with the index is set up for aggressive caching because they look like they only have static files...07:06
rvbaWhat's weird is that when I wget the index in the lab (using the same proxy the test script uses), I get the right index with the references to the 'rc' images.07:07
jtvWell, the headers from the httpd say what caching is _allowed_.  After that, every proxy or client gets to decide to what extent it wants to use that.07:11
* jtv hates the quagmire of over-aggressive proxies07:11
jtvThere is no more objective reality in that situation.07:11
rvbaRunning the int. tests manually…07:16
rvbaIf maas-import-pxe-files was a bit more verbose, that would help…07:22
rvbabigjools: importing the images in the lab without going through the proxy.  It's going to take time, but we will have our answer.07:44
bigjoolsrvba: ok07:44
bigjoolsrvba: need to get the proxy fixed then if it's aggressively caching like that07:45
rvbaI'll need Diogo to help me with that cause I don't have permissions to manipulate the proxy.07:45
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rvbaImport done.09:08
rvba'rc' images are there.09:08
rvbaRunning the rest of the test now…09:09
rvbaallenap: time for a tiny review? https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/show-version-doc/+merge/21537709:28
gmbrvba, allenap: How can I find out why maas-dhcp-server won’t start for me? `sudo service maas-dhcp-server-start` just give me “maas-dhcp-server stop/waiting”.09:29
rvbagmb: upstart log/syslog09:29
gmbrvba: Thanks. Forgot about upstart log. syslog is silent on the issue.09:30
rvbagmb: the question you just asked should go into the FAQ.09:30
gmbHmm: “/var/lib/maas/dhcpd-interfaces does not exist.  Aborting”09:30
gmbrvba: Agreed.09:30
gmbWill take care of it.09:30
rvbaGreat, thanks.09:31
allenaprvba: How about a bzipped normal review? Ha. Now I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel in a different way :)09:33
rvbaallenap: thanks for the review09:41
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rvbaallenap: gmb: could one of you have a look at bug 1306303 please?  I'm still trying to figure out this proxy problem.13:19
ubot5bug 1306303 in MAAS "Enlistment fails with "400 BAD REQUEST" in logs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130630313:19
allenaprvba: I might not be able to do it until much later, but sure.13:34
dimiternallenap, ping14:58
rvbagmb: found another gaping hole in the documentation (since you seem to be in a writing frenzy): the commissioning phase doesn't seem to be described anywhere.  Nothing tells you that you have access to the commissioning scripts' results for instance.15:45
d_`Hi MAAS people, I really like the idea of MAAS, but I already have chef instead of juju. what is the relative difficulty of using not juju to configure servers when deploying with MAAS?15:49
rvbad_`: juju is just a client of MAAS.  MAAS is pretty agnostic in this regard.  It just provisions servers and hands them over to clients.15:50
rvbad_`: in other words, you shouldn't have trouble using Chef with MAAS.15:51
d_`rvba: thanks for the quick reply, that's really encouraging. I think I'm going to set up a lab today15:51
d_`rvba: since you have a canonical masked host, do you know what's up with the 14.04 RC? why it's not out?15:53
rvbad_`: no idea, sorry.15:56
rvbad_`: you might want to ask around in #ubuntu-release.15:57
d_`rvba: haha, no problem. thanks for the quick answers15:58
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