
robruToyKeeper, any luck?00:44
ToyKeeperrobru: Yes, just having a slow time of it because today is apparently full of stupid.00:48
robruToyKeeper, no worries! don't be so hard on yourself00:48
ToyKeeperIn any case, currently trying to figure out which parts of this test plan are expected to fail, and why a click app isn't installing, and if there are any test cases for the i18n bug the change is intended to fix.00:48
cyphermoxtest cases, what are those?00:49
cyphermoxwas rethorical ;)00:49
ToyKeeperBut for now I'd settle for a bug with info on reproducing the i18n issue, or even a package name which is known to render incorrectly.00:50
robruToyKeeper, hummmmm00:50
robruToyKeeper, what i18n bug are we talking about?00:50
ToyKeeperlanding-012's description is: Add i18n support to click scope, display more apps on unity8 desktop00:51
robruToyKeeper, oh ok, well the branch is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/unity-scope-click/translated/+merge/214182 (with linked bug)00:51
ToyKeeper(IIRC, there was an issue with some text displaying as '?' in the scope)00:51
robruToyKeeper, it's not clear to me that there actually is an app that has translations to test, I think it's more a case of "we added code, make sure it doesn't break anything"00:52
cyphermoxare there even apps right now with translated description or name?00:52
robruwas just thinking not ;-)00:53
cyphermoxright :)00:53
ToyKeeperOkay, I'm probably thinking of the wrong issue.00:53
cyphermoxwell, no, it's a very valid thing to test for i18n00:53
ToyKeeperIn any case, I've been looking for a way to reproduce a symptom, to verify it no longer happens.00:54
robruToyKeeper, not sure about that, sorry00:55
cyphermoxwell we could come up with a click package that has special characters00:56
cyphermoxit's not really going to test the scope though00:57
ToyKeeperWhile looking for that, I attempted to go through the unity-scope-click test plan, and thus far haven't successfully been able to install any apps.  It could just be really slow today though, since even just doing a search takes more than 60 seconds to get a result.00:58
ToyKeeperI don't have baseline image tests for this version though, so it's possible the base image is broken.00:59
cyphermoxI see01:00
ToyKeeperOkay, that worked.  Took about 5 minutes to install a 72K app.01:02
ToyKeeperUsually it goes by fast enough I miss it if I blink.01:02
dobeymy branch has nothing to do with apps being translated or not01:11
dobeyit's to enable translation of strings in the scope itself, not of the apps (which is a whole completely different problem that needs a lot more work to enable)01:11
dobeythe '?' issue was fixed in an earlier branch that's already merged and in the archive01:12
dobeyToyKeeper: if you want to test the '?' issue, it was happening with the one chinese app that's in the store for curator.im01:13
dobeythe icon is red and the name is in chinese text (until you install it, then it's "Curator.im" or something)01:14
ToyKeeperOkay, good to know.01:14
ToyKeeperdobey: Any idea if this part of the test plan is supposed to fail?  "Verify you can go back and forth in the dash and progress still works"01:15
ToyKeeper( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/unity-scope-click )01:15
dobeyToyKeeper: yes, which is why there's a bug # next to it. hopefully will have that fixed soon though. the requisite branch for fixing that was supposed to land in ubuntu-download-manager today01:19
ToyKeeperdobey: Thanks, it does indeed appear to be fixed (Curator.im app display), and it looks (so far) like my app install issues aren't related to this silo.01:23
dobeywhat's your issue?01:24
ToyKeeperMostly, that it's going really slow.  But I'm getting the same thing on the base image, and bad ping times.01:24
ToyKeeper45 packets transmitted, 39 received, +42 duplicates, 13% packet loss01:25
ToyKeeperrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 91.454/2067.209/8079.955/1633.519 ms01:25
dobeymaybe it's related to the DoS that happened earlier01:25
ToyKeeperInvestigating a bit further, it looks like it might be local wireless congestion.01:26
dobeyvery likely too01:27
ToyKeeperI'm half-tempted to either build a Faraday cage around my home, or build an EMP gun.01:27
dobeyboth is more fun!01:29
dobeyman, my new bandwidth is awesome01:30
dobeywifi is still meh though01:34
ToyKeeperWell, looks like channel 13 won't work...  phone doesn't support it.01:35
ToyKeeperIt seems channel 11 isn't congested right now though...  positively zippy compared to what I was doing earlier.01:38
ToyKeeperIt's amazing how much faster things go with a functional network.01:44
ToyKeeperrobru, dobey: Silo 012 tested and signed off.01:44
robruToyKeeper, sweeet!01:44
ToyKeeperSorry for all the delays and hand-holding; nothing seems to be going right today.01:45
robruToyKeeper, no worries!01:45
dobeyi thought the testing was already done01:45
dobeyi guess the "it's done" got dropped somewhere01:45
robrudobey, new rules for TRAINCON-001:45
ToyKeeperAnything which doesn't fix a blocker currently must go through an additional brand-new process.01:46
ToyKeeper... and reflashing to test silo 015.01:51
thomirobru: still around? Silo 11 is ready to land!01:54
robruthomi, does that mean what I think it means?01:55
thomiit sure does brain01:55
dobeyAmong the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly."01:55
robruthomi, well you got yourself a publish... we'll see how the release team feels about that01:56
thomirobru: I don't understand01:56
robruthomi, well we're past final freeze01:56
robruthomi, so they might take issue. but since it's just dropping vestigial stuff, I quite like it01:57
thomid'awww... my FFE has run out of mojo!01:57
jhodapprobru: ping02:04
robrujhodapp, hello02:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 287 building (started: 20140411 02:05) ===02:05
jhodapphey, could you do me a favor with the CI train?02:05
robrujhodapp, maybe...02:05
robruwhat's up?02:05
jhodapprobru: landing silo 017...the MP's listed there, can you change all of them to be phablet-team instead of jhodapp...do that to all of them except for the qtubuntu-media-signals MP?02:05
robrujhodapp, you mean just change the URLs in the spreadsheet? or like, move the branches myself>02:06
jhodapprobru: just change it in the spreadsheet and reconfigure02:06
robrujhodapp, ok02:06
jhodapprobru: and kick off a build for all of those to make sure it works ok02:06
robrujhodapp, i'm not sure this will work... won't the MP #'s all be different? remember these URLs are MPs, not just branches02:08
jhodapprobru: ricmm claims the MPs will still be valid02:08
jhodappI'm trusting his experience here02:08
robrujhodapp, well I'll be.... https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-017-1-build/25/console02:09
ToyKeeperGrr...  mirscreencast isn't cooperating any more.02:09
jhodapprobru: awesome, that's great02:09
ToyKeeperOkay, that's better.  Apparently it no longer defaults to the, er, default mir socket.02:11
robruany core devs around to ack https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-012-2-publish/9/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scope-click_0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu1.diff ?02:38
ToyKeeperbfiller: I don't have the slightest clue how to test the telephony-service change in silo 015.  The SMS changes are straightforward, but this has two MPs and I only know what one actually does.02:49
bfillerToyKeeper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/telephony-service02:49
bfillerI'll add it to the sheet02:50
ToyKeeperbfiller: Are the two MPs independent of each other?02:50
bfillerToyKeeper: no, the messaging app fixes need the fixes in the telephony-service, that's why it's in the same silo02:51
ToyKeeperbfiller: In the telephony-service test plan, I'm not sure how to do this step: "Ensure that all unit tests pass on the device."02:52
ToyKeeper... full autopilot test suite?  That will probably take several hours.02:53
bfillerToyKeeper: that's kind of bogus02:53
bfillerToyKeeper: all the unit tests run in CI, should probably say ensure unit tests pass in CI02:53
bfillerI'll update it02:53
ToyKeeperOkay.  In any case, I haven't gotten to a point where I can run the CI tests yet.02:54
bfillerToyKeeper: well they've already run when the MR was submitted and all passed02:55
bfillerToyKeeper: so you just need to verify that CI passed on the MR02:56
bfiller(which it has)02:56
ToyKeeperbfiller: Is this silo supposed to pull in this many packages?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/02:56
bfillerToyKeeper: you pasted an empty pastebin link02:57
ToyKeeperHaha...  /me is full of fail today.  ;P02:57
ToyKeeper(seriously, today has been ... dumb)02:58
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
bfillerToyKeeper: so no, all these packages are not required. your update is pulling in everything that has landed in the archive plus the changes in silo 1503:00
ToyKeeperEither the silo packages pulled in a bunch of extras, or the silo installation script I copied from robru is a bit buggy.03:00
bfillerToyKeeper: apt-get update will get the latest from the archive plus the silo you added03:01
ToyKeeperwget -qO- http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-$silo_number/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/source/Sources \03:01
ToyKeeper  | perl -ne 's/,//g; s/^Binary: // && print' \03:01
ToyKeeper  | xargs apt-get install --yes03:01
bfillerToyKeeper: hmmn, don't know03:01
bfillerToyKeeper: here is the list of packages you can install that are needed:03:01
robruToyKeeper, I use that all the time, it scans the PPA for binary packages and installs all it finds.03:01
bfillerrobru: looks like she's getting stuff not specifically in that ppa that are not depends03:03
robruToyKeeper, hm, silo 15 is telephony-service and messaging-app, that'd be for testing on the phone, not the desktop03:03
ToyKeeperYes, exactly.03:03
bfillerrobru: like other updates that have landed in the archive03:03
robruToyKeeper, the command you pasted says "apt-get install --yes", it's installing it on your desktop03:03
ToyKeeperI can restart and do it manually, just wasn't sure what triggered the extra packages.03:03
ToyKeeperrobru: This is running on the phone.03:04
bfillerToyKeeper: sudo apt-get install messaging-app telephony-service qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-telephony0.103:04
bfillerToyKeeper: that's all you need03:04
ToyKeeperThanks.  I'll try it with everything currently in the silo...  but will do it manually to avoid surprises.03:05
robru$ wget -qO- http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-015/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/source/Sources | perl -ne 's/,//g; s/^Binary: // && print'03:07
robrutelephony-service qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-telephony0.103:07
robrumessaging-app messaging-app-autopilot03:07
robrunot sure where you're getting all those other packages from, unless they were dependencies indirectly somehow03:07
ToyKeeperbfiller: When touching an URL-ified phone number, it's supposed to launch the dialer app and populate it with the phone number, yes?03:08
bfillerToyKeeper: yes03:09
ToyKeeperbfiller: I'm getting the dialer app, but the number is getting lost somewhere.03:09
ToyKeeperbfiller: Also, I suspect the extra deps may have been pulled in by messaging-app-autopilot, which is in the silo.03:11
bfillerToyKeeper: should start dialing the number in the dialer - that's what I'm seeing03:11
bfillerToyKeeper: if messaging-app-autopilot is installed none of the text messaging stuff will work unless you "sudo stop ofono-phonesim"03:12
bfillerinstalling this package uses the emulator and your phone won't be able to send or receive messages or phone calls03:13
robruToyKeeper, just looking at your pastebin, comparing it to the existing silos, looks kinda like you slurp'd silo 13 instead of 15.03:13
ToyKeeperrobru: In http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7233320/ , I only see references to http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-015/ubuntu/03:14
ToyKeeperbfiller: Okay, after stopping ofono-phonesim, it does indeed call the number.03:14
robruToyKeeper, yes, but it's installing ofono and ofono-phonesim, which are in silo 13. strange03:15
ToyKeeper(though I personally prefer when this sort of thing merely pre-populates and then lets me click 'call' or access other functions such as 'add contact')03:15
robruToyKeeper, nm, the versions don't match, can't be silo 13.03:16
robruToyKeeper, no idea why it's getting those extra deps. the code for sure is parsing the ppa sources file correctly though03:16
ToyKeeperrobru: Because of the autopilot package in the silo.03:17
ToyKeeperI'm not sure what the correct approach is here; include autopilot packages which shouldn't actually be installed, or put those into a different ppa, or ...03:17
ToyKeeper(in general, any packages which won't actually be part of the default image could cause issues during silo testing, but it seems weird not to include them in the silo)03:18
robruToyKeeper, I don't see how we could keep them out of the silo. silos are just PPAs, we upload a source package then it builds the binaries in the silo. we'd have to take all the -autopilot code and put them in different source packages or something.03:19
ToyKeeperOkay, makes sense.03:19
ToyKeeperSo, more careful slurping.03:19
ToyKeeperbfiller: I don't suppose there's any chance we could make it populate dialer-app but not actually start the call?  That's how every other SMS app I've tried handles phone numbers.03:21
bfillerToyKeeper: this is how design spec'd it03:22
ToyKeeperHmm.  I can't say I agree with design very often...  but that's my problem, not everyone else's.  :)03:22
ToyKeeperI'll finish the test plans and then I think it can be approved.03:24
ToyKeeperLooking again, this actually makes more sense...  because our dialer app has no 'add contact' or other functions which can be performed on an entered number.  Just calling.03:28
ToyKeeperbfiller: This step seems no longer relevant: "Test deleting message details"03:34
ToyKeeperOh, nevermind.  That function is still available as select -> delete.03:35
bfillerToyKeeper: or swipe to delete on an indiviual message03:35
ToyKeeperNot sure why though; I haven't deleted a text message since I had an ancient phone with a history limit of like 20 messages.03:35
ToyKeeperRight, that funky swipe-to-delete thing.  It's in the alarm clock, too.  I had half a dozen different people try to figure out how to cancel or delete an alarm, and not one could do it.03:36
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 287 DONE (finished: 20140411 03:40) ===03:40
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/287.changes ===03:40
ToyKeeperbfiller: This is failing: "Ensure that no telephony* processes are running by default after rebooting phone"03:41
bfillerToyKeeper: which ones are running? that might be normal and the test plan is out of date03:41
ToyKeeper... though I suspect the error is in the test plan, not the software.03:42
ToyKeeperphablet   2116  0.9  0.5  81832 10820 ?        Ssl  21:40   0:00 /usr/bin/telephony-service-indicator03:42
bfillerToyKeeper: that's fine, test plan wrong. will update it03:42
ToyKeeperI suspect all the steps about unit tests and autopilot tests should probably be removed too, since that requires so much extra junk to be installed on the phone (and invalidates the manual test results).03:43
ToyKeeperSo...  a few hiccups aside, silo 015 is approved.03:48
MirvToyKeeper: excellent, I'll publish it then04:01
Mirv(or robru tried, I'll seek for packaging ack)04:10
robruMirv, yeah sorry, just hit that, was about to ask for packaging ack when you got here.04:11
Mirvasked on #ubuntu-devel04:11
Mirvsomeone had apparently accidentally deleted the MP list of that landing. for preserving history, I copy-pasted them back from the build logs.04:17
* Mirv needs more coffee04:18
Mirvdidrocks: hello. two packaging acks are waiting from QA signed off landings, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-015-2-publish/10/artifact/packaging_changes_messaging-app_0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu1.diff (maybe it should be "or", although in this case it does not hurt it's dual-licensed?)05:47
Mirvand https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-012-2-publish/9/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scope-click_0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu1.diff05:47
didrocksMirv: hello! oh, but you tried to publish already?05:48
didrocksso I guess the status to get QA sign off isn't clear?05:48
didrocksor ToyKeeper is working on them?05:48
Mirvdidrocks: well robru did just before I he went to sleep. before that ToyKeeper set the 015 to Yes and 12 already was05:48
didrocksMirv: ah, so they are signed off?05:49
Mirvdidrocks: ah, parser error... so "are waiting" (for you) while being "from QA signed off"05:49
Mirvor writer error, impossible to parse!05:49
didrocksok ok :)05:50
Mirvbut both are QA signed off, yes, and both just need packaging acks05:50
didrocksour parsers were not aligned :p05:50
didrocksreviewing the diff!05:50
didrocksMirv: +1 on messaging-app (but it's weird we are getting code in trunk that aren't canonical owned)05:51
didrocksbut from a packaging pov, it's fine :)05:51
didrocksMirv: +1 on scope05:53
Mirvyes we won't want to bundle random JS libraries all around in general probably, or at least we'd need some policies like what are allowed to be ued05:53
didrocksMirv: agreed ;)05:54
didrocksthanks to you!05:54
ToyKeeperdidrocks: Yes, sorry, those were both approved.  Is there anything else I should do to mark them as such?06:39
didrocksToyKeeper: no, all is perfect! thanks for it06:42
bzoltan1Mirv: didrocks: we are done with the silo3 ... it is good to land07:08
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
didrocksbzoltan1: In silo landing-003. Build failed: Some packages failed to build.07:13
Mirvthere's some weird socket error in the log07:15
Mirvmaybe watch only run to make sure07:16
Mirveverything is correctly built in the PPA itself07:16
Mirvwatch only running07:17
didrocksinteresting, hey, I'll let you Mirv handling that :)07:17
didrocksmaybe it was during the firewall issue?07:17
Mirvprobably, or some other timeout issue07:17
sil2100We had another firewall issue?07:19
Mirvdidrocks: some more packaging acks, related to the NEW package reviewed earlier (-remotelinux) and then some other CMake changes: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-003-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_qtcreator-plugin-cmake_3.0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu1.diff  +  https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-003-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu107:21
sil2100Mirv: I see you're assigning already for seb128 ? ;)07:22
didrocksMirv: remind me, did I new -remote?07:22
didrocksMirv: and the FFe was acked and so on?07:23
Mirvdidrocks: FFe was acked, you preNEWed when it was in a bit unfortunate shape still (lacked .bzr-builddeb, not set to UNRELEASED, short descriptions wrong)07:23
bzoltandidrocks:  there is no failure... the sheet is wrong. All the packages are built well in the Silo307:23
didrocksMirv: so, I didn't really rereview it, right?07:24
Mirvsil2100: ah, yes :)07:24
Mirvdidrocks: I think you said "ok" for my pull request but then didn't comment anymore07:24
didrocksbzoltan: well, you needed to relaunch with "watch only ppa" if sheet is wrong :p07:24
didrocksbzoltan: Mirv has done it07:24
didrocks(due to previous firewall issues)07:24
Mirvthe branch was lp:~bzoltan/qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux/join_the_train07:24
didrocksMirv: let me do a quick recheck now that the fixes are in07:25
Mirvok, good07:25
didrocks+1 on the 2 others, but let me confirm on that one07:25
didrocksMirv: ok, all good, +107:32
Mirvbzoltan: landing-003 published07:33
circ-user-EFf23imgbot, status 28707:48
imgbotImage 287 test results on mako - Total: 684, Pass: 684, Crashes: 0, Rate: 100%07:49
Mirvdidrocks: I should have included this manual package upload packaging diff too: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172321604/qtcreator_3.0.1-0ubuntu3_3.0.1-0ubuntu4.diff.gz07:50
Mirvsil2100: again very suspicious! :) 0 failures, 0 crashes07:52
Mirvdid you discuss #286's 0 crashes yesterday evening?07:53
sil2100Mirv: yeah, 0 crashers = yes, but 0 failures is like 'yaay' \o/07:53
* sil2100 wonders why it's still syncing07:53
sil2100psivaa: what do you think ^ ?07:54
Mirvyeah we'll need psivaa to check that out07:54
MirvI don't think #286 should be crash-free07:54
Mirv#287 would have better chances as there are actual crash fixes07:54
MirvI wonder when there'll be the day that 0 crashes is not an error :)07:55
sil2100It's not crash free for sure, as the status is 'Syncing' all the time ;)07:55
psivaasil2100: Mirv: i'll take a look07:55
sil2100psivaa: thanks!07:55
didrocksstatus 28607:56
didrocksimgbot, status 28607:56
didrocksMirv: so, it was 0 on 286?07:56
Mirvdidrocks: yes, that seems wrong and probably #287 either did not fix all crashes07:57
imgbotImage 286 test results on mako - Total: 675, Pass: 673, Crashes: 0, Rate: 99.6%07:57
didrocksthat's weird07:59
sil2100Jenkins is still syncing the artifacts07:59
didrocksplars: we'll need your expertise!07:59
didrockssil2100: for 286?07:59
sil2100Yeah... I thought it's temporary, but it seems to do it for eternity ;|07:59
didrocksah, so let's see if logging into the device works or not08:00
didrockspsivaa: tell us when you got something on it please ^08:02
psivaasil2100: didrocks: the crashes are present but the dashboard is not syncing them yet08:02
didrockspsivaa: seems we got the same on 286?08:02
didrockswhich sounds weird08:02
didrockspsivaa: what did crash btw?08:02
didrocksnormally the unity8 one should be gone08:03
psivaadidrocks: yes, the results are in 'syncing' state. i checked the dialer-app test to see if there are crashes and there are crashes in it08:04
psivaadidrocks: during unity8 systems-settings has crashed with 28708:04
didrocksok, but no unity8 itself crashed?08:04
psivaadidrocks: yea unity8 also has crashed with 28708:06
didrockspsivaa: mind giving something for Saviq?08:06
psivaadidrocks: you mean a bug with apport-bug ?08:07
psivaadidrocks: ack, will do08:07
ogra_OMG !08:16
ogra_trusty-changes exploded over night08:16
didrocksogra_: yeah, after-freeze, kde accepted08:16
ogra_ah, sigh, right08:17
ogra_KDE is always 150 packages :/08:17
popey50 are KDE the other 100 are clocks.08:17
didrocksogra_: btw, the Touch image is taking -updates by default?08:21
didrocksfor building08:21
didrocksa lovely08:21
didrocksand nice08:21
seb128you and your touch image08:22
seb128everybody should focus on fixing desktop bugs for the lts this week ;-)08:22
didrocksseb128: it's not a touch image08:22
didrocksit's a Touch image08:22
seb128didrocks, it's TheTouchImage(tm)08:22
ogra_didrocks, hmm, no idea, i dont think so08:27
* ogra_ checks sources.list08:27
ogra_well, at least the sources.list says so, but i will have to check build logs08:28
psivaadidrocks: Saviq: bug 1306453 is for the unity8 crash with image 287 during unity8 tests08:28
ubot5bug 1306453 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in glDeleteTextures()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130645308:28
didrocksthanks psivaa08:29
psivaayw :)08:29
psivaadidrocks: seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1306465 for system-settings crash with 28708:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1306465 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "system-settings crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Undecided,New]08:44
seb128psivaa, thanks08:45
seb128didrocks, psivaa: sigabrt in libqubuntumirclient.so08:45
seb128we had some of those on e.u.c some weeks ago, I pinged Saviq & others about it08:46
seb128not sure we ever figured those out/debugged the issue08:46
seb128could somebody get a debug bt?08:46
dbarthdidrocks: so for the final freeze, how can we release non-critical bug fixes in a different pocket?08:54
dbarthdidrocks: you mentioned a discussion; is there a mail about that already?08:54
seb128dbarth, well, you can do SRUs for trusty08:54
dbarthright, where do we relese a silo content?08:56
dbarthby default it goes to the archive / unapproved queue, and until it's released we can't free the silo08:56
ogra_dbarth, that should be transparent to you ... packages should go to -updates08:57
dbarthoh, nice08:57
ogra_(once thats all sortted with the release team)08:57
dbarthwell, let's keep going then08:57
dbarthand that "once" is when?08:58
ogra_not sure what needs to be set up there +08:58
didrocksdbarth: it was discussed with cjwatson on IRC. i'm waiting on him to get to it to see what we are going to do08:58
ogra_i assume its a minro switch or simething to make packages end up in -updates instead of the archive08:58
didrocks(as I poked on #ubuntu-release before his start of day, let's see when he's catching up)08:58
dbarthok, nw09:01
dbarthnow that we have a nice electric train, we're just eager to play more09:01
seb128Saviq, nice, we got a debug bt09:06
seb128Saviq, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172567842/Stacktrace.txt09:07
seb128who would be the right people to ping about QUbuntuMirIntegration issues?09:07
seb128psivaa, ^09:11
psivaaseb128: i'm not sure. may be Mirv knows?09:11
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Mirvpsivaa: not on that one09:16
ogra_dbarth, hmm, https://code.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/webbrowser-app/better-control-webengine-lib-loaded/+merge/215280 didnt make it in the last upload ?09:26
didrocksdbarth: if it's ready, I would suggest we throw away previous upload09:26
didrocksget everything in one request09:27
didrocksthat would be less work for Laney & co09:27
didrocksin reviewing09:27
ogra_yeah, that might be a good step forward here, the change definitely contributes to fix the blocker09:29
didrocksdbarth: thoughts?09:31
dbarthogra_: nope, but this would be a good one to land09:32
didrocksdbarth: so, do you prefer to merge the changes?09:32
dbarthdidrocks: you mean with osomon's silo?09:32
didrocksand just do one landing09:32
didrockswith both fixes09:32
dbarthand you think you could land it faster?09:33
didrocksthat will be faster for sure09:33
didrocks(if it lands and is accepted)09:34
didrockswhat we don't know for both09:34
popeybug 1306496 is new to me (and probably hard for someone other than me to reproduce)09:39
ubot5bug 1306496 in messaging-app (Ubuntu) "Some message notifications launch incorrect app when tapped #287 on mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130649609:39
ogra_didrocks, dbarth, hmm, well, jenkins failed on the MP above, so someone needs to fix it first09:41
popeybug 130649909:42
ubot5bug 1306499 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Sound indicator is laggy #287 on mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130649909:42
didrocksogra_: they are dealing with it09:42
ogra_ah, k09:42
ogra_popey, hmm, i think i have seen that bug reported before09:42
popeyah, i couldn't see it in the list09:42
ogra_well, i might misremember ... old man etc ...09:43
popeyis the store broken for anyone else? I see no apps on my phone09:47
popeycan't search09:47
ogra_i see apps but search doesnt work here either09:48
popeyonce you use search they disappear09:48
ogra_bah, you could have told me before :P09:48
popeyits local, not the store09:49
popeymy stable phone is fine09:49
dbarthogra_: we're loading it in the silo right now09:49
ogra_cool !09:49
dbarthogra_: feels like a timeout issue, all of the other tests pass09:52
ogra_i have had that with one landing yesterday iirc09:53
ogra_that also had constant timeouts09:53
Chipacawho should I pester about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1304265 ?09:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1304265 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity bugs out when changing screen size" [Undecided,New]09:55
=== om26er|lunch is now known as om26er
popeyogra_: started working again here09:55
ogra_popey, same09:55
popeyglitch in the matrix09:55
ogra_i guess it was actually the server then09:55
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/var/log/upstart# cat ubuntu-location-service.log09:57
popey/proc/self/fd/9: 5: [: =: unexpected operator09:57
popeyInstantiating and configuring: gps::Provider09:57
cjwatsonsounds like missing quoting09:58
* popey embuggens09:58
cjwatsoncan't say I see anything relevant in lp:location-service though10:00
ogra_there is an override job10:01
ogra_oot@ubuntu-phablet:~# dpkg -S /etc/init/ubuntu-location-service.override10:02
ogra_lxc-android-config: /etc/init/ubuntu-location-service.override10:02
ogra_missing quote around a getprop call10:02
* popey adds to bug10:03
ogra_popey, against lxc-android-config please ... that will take a while to land, lxc-android_config is blocked in the telephony silo10:04
ogra_assign me10:04
* ogra_ fears with all that stuff piling up there will be quite a big lxc-android-config change after that silo lands :(10:05
popeybug 130651510:05
ubot5bug 1306515 in location-service (Ubuntu) "Location detection no longer working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130651510:05
cjwatsonogra_: ah yes10:07
cjwatson(#1 rule of shell scripting: put "" around every $-expansion unless you have an explicit reason not to)10:07
ogra_popey, you might want to try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7234228/10:08
cjwatsonI think the reasons I can think of where they aren't needed are in case statements and (I recently-ish learned) on the RHS of assignments10:08
Saviqseb128, could use the .log file to see the abort message10:11
Saviqseb128, I'd start with ricmm to see who owns qtubuntu these days...10:12
Saviqpsivaa, didn't 1256360 show up as possible duplicate? 'cause it is10:13
sil2100ogra_: I hope the silo lands today, since otherwise I would propose landing all the lxc-android-config fixes in a separate silo first and then asking them for a rebuild10:13
ogra_sil2100, well, i would just stack their stuff on top of that upload and re-upload to the silo10:14
seb128Saviq, thanks10:15
seb128psivaa, ^ can you get the info Saviq mentioned there?10:16
psivaaSaviq: i do not remember seeing that prompted as a dupe.10:17
Saviqpsivaa, anyway, fixed with incoming Mir 0.1.810:17
psivaaSaviq: ack, the log files are in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-touch-mako-smoke-daily/240/artifact/clientlogs/unity8/ if in case you need any10:18
Saviqhmm we really need to add a hook so that unity8 apport collects the log there and then...10:20
Saviqpsivaa, do you know how to do ↑?10:20
psivaaSaviq: no, sorry not sure how to do that10:21
seb128Saviq, psivaa: the log has a could not create application instance ... mir issue?10:22
ogra_seb128, yes, and allready fixed in trunk (as usual ...)10:23
seb128psivaa, ^10:23
seb128ogra_, psivaa, didrocks: see, those settings report are not our fault :p10:23
ogra_seb128, yours are the ones on flo :P10:24
ogra_trying to show an IMEI where none is10:24
seb128I've no flo, can't test that10:24
ogra_thats why we have automation doing it ;)10:25
psivaaseb128: ahh. ack :)10:25
seb128joke aside we have a branch that fixes that which is getting ready for landing10:26
ogra_ah, cool10:27
ogra_your manager should get you a flo too :)10:27
ogra_hmm, the dashboard seems ot have issues syncing the logs10:29
ogra_even 286 is still in "Syncing" state10:30
ogra_that makes us miss the crash files10:30
ricmmpsivaa: hi there10:35
ricmmpsivaa: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu/+bug/1306465 reproducible?10:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1306465 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "system-settings crashed with SIGABRT in __libc_do_syscall()" [High,New]10:35
ricmmare there steps to do it10:35
psivaaricmm: this occurred during the unit8 AP tests, i could rerun to see if that's reproducible10:37
Mirvbzoltan: cleaning landing-003 for you as it has reached release pocket. so the trunks should be updated now.10:40
popeydidrocks: #287 is probably the best image we've had for some time.10:40
ogra_if only webapps would work now10:40
Mirvbzoltan: right, seems to have worked, also for the new package's trunk. success!10:41
didrockspopey: excellent! way snappier as well?10:42
didrockslike not more hanging?10:42
popeyi have 14 apps open and still feels snappy10:43
sil2100seb128: m&c'ing 001!10:44
seb128sil2100, thanks10:45
psivaaricmm: that's reproducible: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-touch-mako-smoke-daily/241/artifact/clientlogs/unity8/11:10
ricmmpsivaa: happens every time?11:11
psivaaricmm: yes happened on both occasions when i ran11:12
bzoltanMirv: awesome! Thank you!11:15
sil2100sergiusens: hello! Any plans for landing media-hub today? :)11:24
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sergiusenssil2100: heh; I hope; but fwiw, it's a joint effort; more upto rsalveti and jhodapp|afk11:26
t1mpgallery-app doesn't start for me in image 27811:28
t1mpdoes anyone else have that issue?11:29
t1mpneither from the apps scope or from the button in camera-app11:30
didrockst1mp: starting here11:32
didrockspopey: click updates work btw?11:32
popeydidrocks: just testing11:33
t1mpdidrocks: thanks for checking11:33
didrockst1mp: I just have one photo though11:34
sil2100t1mp: gallery-app works fine here as well11:34
didrockst1mp: is your database quite full?11:34
popeydidrocks: nope, i see no updates11:34
t1mpdidrocks: no it is not11:34
didrockspopey: and there are some?11:34
popeydidrocks: yes, i installed old versions of some apps11:35
didrockspopey: told you, the frenchies are lying!11:35
didrocksseb128: wth!11:35
didrocksfix it :p11:35
popeyand I know there are newer ones11:35
seb128popey, you are logged into u1?11:35
seb128popey, is update-manager listing the updates?11:36
popeyyes, no.11:36
t1mpdidrocks: I installed a gallery-app click package yesterday, but that should be wiped when I do a new ubuntu-device-flash right?11:36
seb128popey, "no" for update-manager?11:36
popey^ "no"11:36
popey"yes", logged into U1.11:36
seb128popey, what about the update-manager standalone app?11:36
t1mpI'll try an ubuntu-device-flash --wipe11:36
seb128well the old app11:36
seb128does it list the updates?11:37
didrockst1mp: if you install manually the click package, your will take precedence I think11:37
popeyyes http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-11-123716.png11:37
didrocksif the version is higher in particular11:37
seb128gatox, hey11:37
seb128gatox, any idea about ^?11:37
t1mpdidrocks: I did that before re-flashing, so I thought what I installed would be gone after flashing11:37
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popeyseb128: settings was open already, should I restart it maybe?11:41
popeyooh errors...11:41
ogra_t1mp, always use --bootstrap and --wipe11:42
popeyseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7234535/11:42
seb128gatox, ../../../../lib/SignOn/connection-manager.cpp 106 setupSocketConnection p2p error: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound", "Failed to connect to socket /run/user/32011/signond/socket: No such file or directory") 111:44
seb128is that a known issue?11:44
seb128mandel, mardy: ^11:45
mardyseb128: yes, there's a branch to suppress that warning and turn into a debug info11:47
mardyseb128: it's harmless11:47
seb128mardy, hum, ok :/11:47
popeyseb128: need me to file a bug?11:53
didrockspopey: yes please11:53
didrockswe are looking at it (can reproduce as well)11:53
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
popeydammit. laptop just completely wedged11:57
* popey REISUBs11:58
popeydidrocks: bug 130656912:18
ubot5bug 1306569 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Can't update clicks from store with u-s-s #287 on mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130656912:18
didrocksthanks popey!12:19
* didrocks stares at seb128 now12:19
seb128those french people12:19
didrocksyeah, unbelievable!12:20
popeypas de problème12:20
om26er_dbarth, ping12:28
plarsdidrocks: hi, what's up? looks like the latest results aren't showing up right from what I see in the backscroll?12:33
didrocksplars: there is no .crash file synced in the dashboard12:34
plarsdidrocks: hmm, that makes no sense12:35
plarsthere are .crash files getting copied to jenkins12:35
plarsjosepht: can you check the dashboard logs? is something blocking the sync12:36
josephtplars: looking12:37
Chipacabregma: do you have a minute or five? Wondering about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/130426512:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1304265 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity bugs out when changing screen size" [Undecided,New]12:56
ogra_didrocks, do you know who is our QA person today ?13:01
didrocksogra_: should be om26er_, why?13:02
ogra_didrocks, because my team looks for someone to test media-hub13:02
ogra_seems it passed all internal tests13:02
didrocksok, so yeah, om26er_ :)13:06
bregmaChipaca, that's a longstanding compiz problem, although I can't tell you more than that, if I could I would have fixed it already13:08
Chipacabregma: but ... it worked before trusty13:08
Chipacamaybe your 'longstanding' isn't as long as mine :)13:09
om26er_didrocks, the status for silo 008 is orange i.e. needs QA sign-off but I have figured multiple things missing there. which color should I change the status to ?13:09
didrocksom26er_: don't change the color, just set QA sign off to No13:10
didrocksin the silo sheet13:10
om26er_the 'Test plans to  run' section does not explain its third point on how to do that. and the silo ppa is missing a webapps-core version which is necessary to test13:10
didrocksand put a comment to explain why13:10
didrocksthe color will change back13:10
didrocksand ping upstream13:10
pmcgowanwow 287 has a lot of changes13:11
ogra_287 is a beauty13:11
popey287 is pretty nice13:12
* pmcgowan updates13:12
popeyi have had 15 apps open for the last 3 hours or so13:12
didrocksthat's a teaser :p13:12
didrockspopey: but not webapps though :(13:12
popeywell, no.13:12
ogra_you can use them one by one though13:12
ogra_as long as you use the quit function they clean up nicely13:13
sil2100didrocks: oSoMoN's landing doesn't need QA sign-off? (besides the FFe block) Since it has a feature in it, right? Is it because it's isolated?13:13
didrockssil2100: yeah, I think so (I didn't spot the feature the first time)13:13
bregmaChipaca, I have no problem reproducing that bug on a fully-updated Saucy13:24
Chipacabregma: on intel vid hw?13:25
bregmaChipaca, on nVidia hw13:25
Chipacadarn & drat13:25
bregmait got worse after the most recent x.org backport13:25
Chipacabregma: ah, maybe it's that -- in any case, sounds like nobody cares enough to get it fixed :(13:25
Chipacai guess i won't be using unity 7 again then, which sucks because i quite like it13:26
bregma"care" may not be the right word so much as "has the time and knowledge"13:26
Chipacabregma: you could say it's a heavily nuanced usage of the word "care" :)13:26
pmcgowandid I just see a push notification on my phone?13:33
ogra_could be :)13:33
pmcgowanalthough I think it lied to me13:34
popeyi saw one but then i blinked13:34
popeyand it was gone.13:34
ogra_what did it say ? "don't blink" ?13:35
didrocksdoctor who reference!13:36
didrockspmcgowan: it lied, but it was there!13:39
pmcgowandidrocks, yeah told me there was an update available that I just got that allowed me to see what updates were available13:39
dobeyhey guys. does CI train support landing by having packages pushed to -updates instead of the main release archive?13:41
didrockspmcgowan: yeah, that's what I saw as well13:41
didrocksdobey: yeah, it does13:41
didrockswhy ?13:41
dobeydidrocks: because we're in final freeze and wondering if we'll be able to land things13:42
ogra_we are13:42
ogra_for touch stuff only indeed13:42
didrocksdobey: yeah, that was already thought, no worry ;)13:42
ogra_for everything else consult the release team first13:43
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
cjwatsondobey: fwiw it's not actually something ci train itself does, the release team will need to sort out the alternate copy path13:47
cjwatsonci train just copies stuff into proposed13:47
dobeycjwatson: i thought the jenkins waited for stuff to show up in release?13:47
didrocksI guess his question was more "will it track the right pockets"?13:48
ogra_well, and even without CI train consulting the release team first in a final freeze is always a good idea ;)13:48
dobeydidrocks: yeah, i don't know exactly how it works. i mainly want to know how blocked we are for landing things13:50
cjwatsondobey: oh I see what you mean, I think didrocks made it check -updates too13:51
didrocksyeah, it does13:51
cjwatsoncupstream2distro r583, right13:52
alex-abreudidrocks, ping14:25
didrocksalex-abreu: pong14:25
alex-abreudidrocks, having a small issue w/ a migration session script, ... just login of the session should launch it right?14:27
dbarthwhile you're at webapps, could i get a reconfig of silo 6, i just added a branch for the firefox regression we spotted this morning14:30
dbarthdidrocks, or sil2100 ^^14:30
sil2100dbarth: sure14:30
sil2100dbarth: excellent, doing that now o/14:31
sil2100dbarth: done, you can build the new packages14:32
alex-abreudidrocks, here is the branch w/ the migration script if you have like 2 mns http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/webapps-applications/update-migration-script-to-remove-local-cruft/files14:33
didrocksalex-abreu: yeah, it's launching it once14:33
didrocksand only once14:33
alex-abreudidrocks, the script works, but does not seem to be triggered (for robru)14:33
didrocksdid you try once?14:33
didrocksand the fix it14:34
alex-abreudidrocks, ah ... mmmh so since we use the same name14:34
didrocksand didn't see the fix14:34
alex-abreuthe thing is that I reuse an old script14:34
alex-abreudidrocks, it might consider that it was launched before right?14:34
didrocksalex-abreu: yeah, you shouldn't reuse an old script14:34
didrocksif people who executed the old script needs to reexecute it14:35
dbarthsil2100: ok14:35
rsalvetisil2100: we're missing someone from QA to sign it14:35
alex-abreudidrocks, yeah14:37
seb128gatox, mandel, popey: ok, the issue was in settings, Laney has a fix14:37
sil2100rsalveti: you mean, the media-hub?14:40
rsalvetisil2100: yup14:40
sil2100rsalveti: maybe om26er could help? I guess he's around...14:40
sergiusenscihelp I can't connect to s-jenkins ; is it just me?14:40
sil2100rsalveti, sergiusens: but you guys already tested the feature from the silo, right?14:41
cjohnstonsergiusens: I can connect, but please use the vanguard14:41
rsalvetisil2100: sure, but still would like someone from QA to sign it :-)14:41
rsalvetiso we can share the responsibility if something is broken :P14:41
sil2100rsalveti: yeah, just wanted to know if it can be set to 'tested -> yes', since QA sign-off is another switch ;p14:41
rsalvetisil2100: right, for that we're good14:42
sil2100rsalveti: if you set the landing to tested: yes, then QA can see that it requires action from them and perform counter-signing ;)14:42
rsalvetican be moved to tested (by the team)14:42
om26ersil2100, yes I am, currently trying to work with media-hub changes14:42
sil2100om26er: awesome o/14:42
sil2100Let me upgrade my device as well14:43
jdstrandcan I have a silo for oxide-qt? it fixes some crashers and oxideqt-codecs not working, which is important for desktop (note, oxideqt-codecs-extra continues to work fine)14:58
jdstrandthis is another binary pocket copy from ubuntu-security-proposed14:58
* jdstrand updates the spreadsheet first14:59
jdstrandok, line 2715:00
didrocksjdstrand: all yours! silo 00315:04
sil2100jdstrand: looking o/15:04
sil2100...done by didrocks o/15:04
popeyballoons: when you get a moment can you please upload com.ubuntu.terminal_0.5.45_armhf.click from jenkins to the store. I have already tested it. Just needs approving.15:05
balloonspopey, sure thing15:05
balloonsdone popey ;-)15:07
popeyballoons: approved15:09
popeythats the turnaround I like.15:09
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 288 building (started: 20140411 15:15) ===15:15
ogra_oooh !15:15
balloonsoO OO15:15
ogra_didrocks, didnt you want to wait for webbrowser-app ?15:15
didrocksogra_: yeah, but it's not going to be unblocked soon15:16
didrocksand I want to see eventually side-effects or dropping python2 from AP15:16
didrocksyeah yeha I know15:16
didrocks"everything will be fine"15:16
sil2100rsalveti: when trying to run mediaplayer-app tests from the PPA (with media-hub and bits installed) I get the error "Cannot get volume without a valid media-hub player session" - maybe you know what package I'm missing from the PPA?15:20
sil2100Since I'm guessing I simply missed something during upgrading15:20
rsalvetisil2100: hm, interesting15:21
rsalvetijhodapp: ^^15:21
jhodappsil2100: interesting, let me try it again15:22
jhodappsil2100: are the tests failing as a result?15:22
sil2100jhodapp: yes, all 6 tests failed here15:24
jhodappsil2100: k, I'll take a look15:24
sil2100jhodapp: do you have maybe the full list of packages I should upgrade from the PPA?15:24
jhodappsil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7227996/15:24
didrocksChipaca: hey15:26
didrocksChipaca: I was wondering, we are seeing ubuntu-system-settings being started while unity8 tests were running, can push notification start a process?15:26
rsalvetiricmm: ^15:27
Chipacadidrocks: I'd be surprised, because we don't point at it directly15:27
Chipacadidrocks: we go through url-dispatcher15:27
didrocksbut you can issue a command that would start it?15:28
sil2100jhodapp: thanks!15:28
ricmmsil2100: are you sure media-hub-server is running?15:28
Chipacadidrocks: it's ... i'm going to say "no", because it's shorter, but i can also tell you the whole thing if you want :)15:29
Chipacadidrocks: i'm uncomfortable with just saying 'no' however, because i haven't looked into that particular aspect of it. I'd be, as I say, surprised if that happened.15:29
sil2100jhodapp: ok, now I guess this is what I was missing, since I could not find any public information on what to upgrade to test this, so I thought maybe only a PPA upgrade is necessary15:29
didrocksChipaca: ok, so in your opinion, it's "no" :)15:29
Chipacadidrocks: we talk to url-dispatcher over dbus, and tell it to open system settings, but only by direct user interaction15:29
jhodappsil2100: yeah, you need a new android side15:30
ricmmsil2100: you'd also need to install media-hub15:30
rsalvetiricmm: he said he had media-hub installed15:30
sil2100ricmm: media-hub is installed15:30
didrocksChipaca: ok, let's see if we reproduce that constantly15:30
rsalvetibut yeah, it might be the lack of the new android bits15:30
sil2100ricmm: just the android bits are old I guess15:30
rsalvetiand media-hub is probably crashing15:30
ogra_om26er, ^^^^15:30
rsalveticheck for crashes in /var/crash15:30
Chipacadidrocks: if and when we do, we log that, so if you look at ~/.upstart/ubuntu-push-client.log, you should see it15:30
ogra_om26er is reporting something similar15:30
rsalvetito install media-hub you need to follow http://paste.ubuntu.com/7227996/15:30
sil2100om26er: in case you need that, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7227996/ has all the instructions15:30
sil2100Let me add that to the landing, this is important stuff15:31
om26ersil2100, yeah I  have that15:31
didrocksChipaca: oh15:31
didrocksI think it's you15:32
didrocksany idea why?15:32
* Chipaca looks15:32
didrocks(ubuntu-system-settings crashed when starting and we shouldn't have it starting u-s-s while we do unity8 AP run :p)15:32
Chipacadidrocks: fuuu. Let me look and i'll tel you.15:33
Chipacathat log makes no sense15:33
Chipacadidrocks: that log gets printed from the click handerl. That means we're getting a clicked notification over dbus.15:34
Chipacadidrocks: but there's no logs for the notification being displayed15:34
Chipacadidrocks: can you tell me a little bit more about what's going on?15:35
didrocksChipaca: all unity8 AP tests are running, let me try to check locally15:35
didrocksChipaca: do you know what kind of click on notification will end up into that state?15:39
* Chipaca gets a nasty feeling of dread15:39
Chipacadidrocks: sorry, i didn't quite parse that15:39
Chipacadidrocks: however, my feeling of dread is because15:39
Chipacadidrocks: one way i imagine this happening15:40
Chipacais if we're getting notified for all clicks, not just the ones we created15:40
Chipacai'm looking into replicating that15:40
didrocksclicks as? new click packages in store?15:40
didrocksor clicks as click from the user on notifications?15:41
didrocksor on indicators?15:41
Chipacadidrocks: click from the user on notifications15:41
didrocksChipaca: I'm pretty sure unity8 AP tests are doing that15:43
didrocksChipaca: still flashing afresh before running them15:43
Chipacaso that's a massive15:45
Chipacathat we haven't caught :(15:46
Chipacadidrocks: look no further. It is I.15:46
Chipaca(OTOH, it boggles my mind that we're getting those notifications :( )15:46
jhodappsil2100: I see 2 tests fail for mediaplayer-app ap15:46
didrockswhat do you suggest?15:46
didrocksshould we remove push client from the seed?15:46
didrocksfor now15:46
didrocksthen, get it back with the fix?15:46
Chipacadidrocks: yes15:46
Chipacadidrocks: assuming that is quicker than stopping it15:47
didrocksChipaca: ok, doing, (and sorry)15:47
* Chipaca returns the champagne15:47
sil2100jhodapp: uh, not good then, we have no failures currently on the images15:47
jhodappsil2100: right...it's probably timing though since control goes over dbus now...the autopilot tests might be too fast15:48
jhodappsil2100: because things are event driven15:48
jhodappsil2100: I've heard there are possibly some AP test issues on flo?15:55
didrocksjhodapp: I guess sil2100 is talking about mako15:55
jhodappsil2100: this first test failure I'm looking at makes no sense...it simply brings up the mediaplayer-app and make sure the controls are visible...they should be visible whether media-hub is there or not15:55
didrocksjhodapp: on mako, there is no none flaky test on mediaplayer-app15:55
didrocksyou should compare to the dashboard for flo15:55
jhodappdidrocks, ok, I don't have a mako...only flo15:56
jhodappdidrocks, got a link to that?15:56
sil2100jhodapp: ah, flo15:56
didrocksyep, fetching it15:56
didrocks(someone still needs to confirm on mako though)15:56
didrockssorry, slow dashboard15:56
* sil2100 waits for dashboard as well ;/15:56
didrockslatest image15:57
didrockslet's check 2/315:57
sil21002 failures on 28715:57
sil2100For mediaplayer-app15:57
jhodappsame two I'm seeing15:58
jhodappgreat, it's not media-hub then15:58
didrockssame on 28615:58
popeyballoons: i am testing calendar 240 and it's failing 8 or 18 tests... my phone isn't clean (it has google calendar entries) do you have a clean phone you can test on?15:58
didrocks(the same 2)15:58
balloonspopey, om26er said something similar yesterday. Not sure where he got. I intended to check it out today after I got caught up on everything :-)15:59
om26erpopey, balloons it was failing on my desktop as well, try there15:59
balloonspopey, om26er I assumed it was all the new stuff landing that caused it16:00
* balloons is just confused how it landed without passing16:00
popeywell it could be my shonky phone16:01
popeyi need another phone to have clean for testing16:01
popey2 isnt enough ☻16:01
didrocksrobru: coming?16:03
sergiusenspopey: emulator :-) slow to boot but good for testing16:05
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
popeyok, I'll do that now to test.16:06
Chipacadidrocks: just to not do double work, did you file a bug for this?16:19
Chipacadidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-push/+bug/130670916:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1306709 in Ubuntu Push Notifications "Must filter out notifications not intended for us." [Critical,New]16:21
didrocksChipaca: no, I didn't (sorry, was in the landing meeting)16:26
Chipacadidrocks: no worries :)16:27
Chipacadidrocks: had you said on monday "sorry, was past beer o'clock" that would've been fine too16:27
didrocksChipaca: oh, I didn't, unfortunately, yet :p16:28
didrocksbut I'm going to fix it!16:28
sil2100Ok, EODing, need to go to the pharmacy16:28
sil2100See you next week!16:28
didrockssee you guys!16:29
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 288 DONE (finished: 20140411 16:35) ===16:35
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/288.changes ===16:35
ogra_hmm, less dropped python2 packages than expected i guess16:36
ogra_ok, meta is in, i triggered the next build ...16:49
asacmeta? feels dangerous :)16:49
ogra_a revert16:50
popeysergiusens: ogra_ "adb reboot" doesn't work on the emulator, should it?16:50
asaci knew it :)16:50
asacdont do meta16:50
asacthat dangerous16:50
asacalways causes issues. i thinkb ecause noone really knows how to test that stuff16:50
asacor because its just too difficult16:50
asacmust be a reason16:50
popeyogra_: sergiusens http://paste.ubuntu.com/723571216:50
popeywhen i adb reboot16:50
ogra_popey, yeah, might have issues simply because the kernel and initrd live outside of the VM16:51
ogra_popey, i suppose it shuts down properly ?16:51
ogra_asac, the revert was for the push service that causes AP crashes in unity816:52
ogra_(by starting ubuntu--system-settings unconditionally)16:52
popeyno, been sat there for 5 mins16:52
asacogra_: sure. so noone tested that16:52
asacor not correctly16:52
ogra_might be, i didnt follow push services16:52
ogra_only saw it first when it landed yesterday16:52
asacsergiusens: can we please make phablet-test-run fail on crashes  unless one passees --warn-about-crashes16:52
ogra_and it works actually fine it seems16:53
asacor even seed that deeper into AP :)16:53
ogra_it is just that the AP test of unity8 isnt expecting that it starts16:53
asacbut in the past I never managed to convince anyone from AP team to do anything, hence, i guess phablet-test-run would be the path of least resistance sothat testers dont miss crasehs16:53
asacogra_: right. but i think we have a pattern of seeing more crash regressions landing than actual AP failures16:54
asacgiven the fact that neither AP, nor phablet-test-run doesnt even tell the user there is a crash16:54
asacthis might be a low hanging fruit16:54
asacsergiusens: so please :).. .thx16:54
ogra_popey, try if a normal reboot works (or at least shuts down) ... adb just uses a kernel signal ... pretty much like hitting a reset button16:54
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 289 building (started: 20140411 16:55) ===16:54
popeyogra_: normal reboot?16:55
asacsergiusens: just if there is anything in the /var/crash directly (changed), bail out16:55
popeyits torn down, I have to close it now16:55
ogra_popey, yes, adb shell reboot16:55
asacor rather have a non-zero return code at the end16:55
popeywill try that next time16:55
asacwith big error message16:55
ogra_yeah, with a fresh instance16:55
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
popeysergiusens: have you actually run AP tests on music app in the emulator? It's painful17:03
sergiusenspopey: don't run the multimedia ones there17:04
sergiusenspopey: ogra_ you can't reboot the emulator17:04
sergiusensasac: what if the crashes are unrelated?17:05
popeyoh ffs17:05
ogra_sergiusens, right, but i would at least expect a working shutdown17:05
popeyyou asked me to run music-app tests and said I should use the emulator :þ17:05
ogra_at least with upstart17:05
ogra_adb will fail for sure17:05
asacsergiusens: doesnt matter17:05
asacsergiusens: if you run a test17:05
asacsergiusens: you remember exactly what is in /var/crash at start17:05
asacsergiusens: whatever changes after test ends is related to test17:05
asacsergiusens: thats the same with our infra17:05
asacand is pretty reasonable - even if not 100% of course17:06
ogra_sergiusens, just monitor /var/crash for new crash files that appear during or right after the test17:06
sergiusensasac: why wasn't this added to phablet-test-run initially then? :-/17:06
asacyou could a) copy them out at the beinning and report them17:06
asacthen remove them17:06
asacc) then run and if something appears its a failyure17:06
ogra_we didnt have that many crashes in the past17:06
asacsergiusens: people forgot17:06
ogra_nowadays we have more crashes than AP issues17:06
asacsergiusens: i thoguth it would get done for 6 month17:06
asacbut noone did it17:06
ogra_and it sticks out17:06
asacbecause i go through managers :)17:07
ogra_you should stop that17:07
asacnow i talk to the real guys because i am getting annoyed that we still have blind fllights17:07
asaccrash-blind landings17:07
ogra_fully flat hierarchy FTW :)17:07
sergiusensasac: bug reports get stuff done ;-)17:07
asacpeople are not doing it17:07
asacbugs are just a "calm down place"17:07
asacproblem ist hat i cannot track the non-activity of bugs17:07
asaci can only track the activity17:08
asacso i file a bug, noone does anything, i will never remember17:08
asacso i have to implement a timeout trigger anyway, and then i dont need bugs anymore17:08
sergiusensrobru: cyphermox can you reconfigure silo 13 and create a silo for l29-> u-d-m?17:08
robruon it17:08
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
asacsergiusens: the problem is that some folks are good at processing bugs, some are bad, some prefer something else, hence i rather speak to folks and they can use whatever tracking method they prefer17:09
sergiusensasac: well the people you tell have to write it down somewhere anyways to remember17:09
asace.g. you can file a bug17:09
asacor a TODO in a text file17:09
ogra_asac, well, bugs concentrate info around the issue17:09
ogra_they are not a bad thing :)17:09
asacsergiusens: sure, but i had often enough wasted time17:09
asacso i think the people that know what info they want are best to creatwe it :)17:10
asacanyway, to be clear, i sometimes create bugs17:10
sergiusensasac: I blame that to the fact that we moved to packaging bugs; upstream doesn't own them :-)17:10
asacits a general pttern17:10
asacsome guys like bugs17:10
robrusergiusens, ok, silo 13 reconfigured, and for l29 you got silo 1117:10
asacthey are good at it17:10
asacsome prefer TODO lists17:10
sergiusensok; let me add those items to my todo17:11
asacand forcing them to do bugs, will not work17:11
asaccool :)17:11
ogra_ricmm, see the last comment on bug 1303676 ... does that clearify things for you ?17:12
ubot5bug 1303676 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] when using multiple webapps they crash randomly, if there is only one app remaining, this one starts being replaced when new ones start" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130367617:12
* ogra_ updates to 28817:13
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
ogra_wow, this thing just got useful ... calendar sync works, mail works (well, reading at least) the webapps are snappier than androids ..17:28
popeysergiusens: i had to kill the emulator and now it won't start, it comes up but unity never starts, and when i log in I can't even run top17:29
popeyjust hangs17:29
popeytempted to destroy and start again...17:29
popeydoes anyone actually successfully use the emulator for testing?>17:30
sergiusenspopey: can you started again? there's a bug where i/o gets blocked17:30
sergiusenspopey: did you get a chance to run the music app tests btw?17:30
sergiusenson a mako?17:30
popeynot yet, trying to get this emulator working17:30
popeywill do music while it boots17:30
popeyi now have two broken emulators on different computers17:30
popeysergiusens: started this time17:34
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
popeysergiusens: ok, running now17:39
chrisccoulsonogra_, good to hear ;)17:41
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
popeysergiusens: that passed, feel free to upload it17:54
sergiusenspopey: ty18:00
popeysergiusens: can you wait for 417?18:03
sergiusenspopey: what's in that?18:03
sergiusensI can18:03
popeysergiusens: actually, wait for a bit.. might be a couple more merges18:03
popeyreplacing the empty track artwork18:03
popeydevs are online, hang out in #ubuntu-touch-music if you want to lurk18:03
sergiusenspopey: whichever you want, but if those don't pass; let's at least get 416 in18:04
popeyabsolutely, I'll re-test whatever, but we know this passes so we have a fallback18:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 289 DONE (finished: 20140411 18:05) ===18:04
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/289.changes ===18:05
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
popeysergiusens: calendar fails spectacularly in emulator, 14 of 18 fail18:21
popeydbus timeouts18:22
sergiusenspopey: nice! it's slower so that can be it18:22
ogra_thats 4 passing ... think positive ...18:22
sergiusensnow people can optomize their apps18:22
sergiusensogra_: most apps work fine18:22
sergiusensunder ap18:22
sergiusenscalendar is one of the ones that doesn't; it's sort of slow18:22
om26erwho is the didier equivalent in the US time ?18:23
Chipacarobru, cyphermox, rsalveti, could I have a slot for row 30 please?18:23
Chipacasilo, not slot, sorry :)18:23
popeyom26er: robru18:23
robruom26er, hi18:23
robruChipaca, yes18:23
Chipacarobru: ta18:24
robruChipaca, you got silo 12, you're welcome18:24
* Chipaca waits for the spreadsheet to realise18:25
robruChipaca, no need to wait actually, you can go right to the tab for silo 12 and click build. because that link goes to jenkins, and jenkins already knows even though the spreadsheet hasn't caught up yet ;-)18:26
Chipacarobru: noted :)18:27
robruToyKeeper, ping? need your ack on silo 1718:30
popeysergiusens: building music 418 in jenkins, will test and let you know19:26
Chipacarobru, cyphermox, rsalveti, could I have a landing for silo 12 please?19:27
robruon it19:27
Chipacarobru: thanks :)19:28
cyphermoxtoo fast!19:28
Chipacacyphermox: here, have a consolation beer19:28
robruChipaca, you're welcome19:29
Chipacarobru: thrice thank you :)19:32
boikorobru: landing-004 ready to go19:38
robruboiko, need QA signoff on that. ToyKeeper silo 4?20:22
boikoToyKeeper: just a heads up, if calls don't work or don't have sound, that's the pulseaudio thing being debugged already20:23
popeyfginther: can you push https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/update-to-cover-art/+merge/215498 please?20:23
boikoToyKeeper: salem is doing a bugreport on that already20:23
ToyKeeperboiko: I'm in the middle of testing that, actually.20:23
fgintherpopey, sure20:23
ToyKeeperrobru: ... then testing silo 017, then re-testing it when a bugfix is added.20:23
boikoToyKeeper: in case you need, salem_ on #ubuntu-app-devel has a backtrace and some more info related to that already20:24
robruToyKeeper, great, thanks20:24
ToyKeeperboiko: rsalveti is getting a pulseaudio crash fix into silo 017 right this moment.20:24
rsalvetiToyKeeper: boiko: will also push it to the archive20:25
rsalvetiso we can unblock other people20:25
boikorsalveti: would you mind letting me know when that is built? tiago and I can give it some testing on dialer-app (we have a few cases already)20:25
rsalvetihopefully part of the next image20:25
rsalvetiif all goes well20:26
ToyKeeperrsalveti: Do we need to do anything special to issue an Android fix as part of a new image?  (same update process as usual, or something special?)20:26
sergiusenspopey: testing still ongoing?20:26
popeysergiusens: just pushing that last rev to take music to 419 then we're ready20:27
popeyonce that click builds you're good to upload20:27
rsalvetiToyKeeper: if you want to test the proposed fix, you need to update the android system.img20:27
rsalvetiwhich is not necessarily trivial20:27
rsalvetineed to put a script for that in phablet-tools20:28
rsalvetigot one but part of our android build scripts20:28
ogra_rsalveti, ++ for the script ... i also want a resize script20:30
ogra_rsalveti, feel free to file a whishlist bug and assign to me20:30
rsalvetiogra_: sure20:30
popeysergiusens: music 419 is ready to go20:40
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
sergiusenspopey: uploading now20:44
rsalvetiandroid is currently building already, will trigger a new image once it's published20:52
* ogra_ still doesnt get where it comes from 20:54
ogra_looking through all changes for the last few images there is nothing touching sound20:54
rsalvetiogra_: right, would be interesting to investigate, but anyway, fix on the day20:55
ogra_ - Change M_CHECK_ACTION to abort if first MALLOC_CHECK_ bit is set.20:55
pmcgowanrsalveti, out of curiosity, what fixed it?20:55
ogra_libc change20:55
rsalvetipmcgowan: android20:55
rsalvetiogra_: yeah20:55
rsalvetithat might be the cause20:56
rsalvetibut who knows20:56
ogra_well, that went into 28820:56
ogra_and the pulse issue was malloc related20:56
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cjwatsonogra_: I can't imagine anything in touch is setting MALLOC_CHECK_, though.  That's a debugging flag.21:00
ogra_cjwatson, well, i cant really imagine any other change from http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/288.changes21:01
cjwatson*shrug* Just sayin', chances of it being the quoted libc change seem pretty minimal21:01
ogra_at least nothing that low level that it would affect pulse talking to android21:01
rsalvetilet me try to flash an older image21:02
rsalvetinot sure if dual boot supports that21:02
cjwatsonthat change was effectively just21:03
cjwatson+-      __libc_message (action & 2, "*** Error in `%s': %s: 0x%s ***\n",21:03
cjwatson++      __libc_message (action & 3, "*** Error in `%s': %s: 0x%s ***\n",21:03
cjwatson+                       __libc_argv[0] ? : "<unknown>", str, cp);21:03
popeysergiusens: problems?21:03
sergiusenspopey: yeah, distractions!21:03
cjwatsonIf that breaks anything, then (a) they were already setting a debugging environment variable and (b) they already had malloc corruption21:03
sergiusensone sec :-)21:03
popeyah okay ☻21:03
cjwatsonAnd there would be a pretty clear abort message in a log21:04
ogra_well, the fix in android that ricardo did is valid ... it just didnt affect us until now21:05
sergiusenspopey: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/143/21:05
rsalvetiflashing 28021:06
ogra_rsalveti, i would just try 287 ...21:06
popeysergiusens: approved21:06
ogra_someone on the ML specifically complains about 288 so i guess 287 was good for him21:07
rsalvetiright, just grabbing an older to make sure, but will flash 287 after21:07
rsalvetinow we wait ~1h for the package to be built & published21:08
ogra_yeah ...21:08
rsalvetiyour initrd changes should be in next image as well21:09
rsalvetihopefully that will not break anything ;-)21:09
rsalvetiogra_: did we remove hud at some point?21:09
rsalvetiit's useless atm21:10
ogra_i use it several times a day21:10
ogra_for closing apps21:10
rsalvetiright, but that's not really hud21:10
rsalvetiis it?21:10
ogra_it has a quit option in many aps :)21:10
ogra_the hud is the thing you slide in from the bottom21:11
rsalvetiright, but that's just the interface21:11
rsalvetiwonder if the hud integration is indeed working21:11
ogra_you can even see a nice animation if you tap the mic and say something21:11
rsalvetioh, then it's working again21:12
rsalvetiI know it was broken for months21:12
ogra_well, it never returns anything useful for me21:12
ogra_but i see a rotatong circle with orange dots ...21:12
ogra_then it returns to the input21:12
rsalvetiogra_: 280 is fine21:23
ogra_yeah, thought so21:24
ogra_i bet 287 too21:24
rsalvetiwill flash that one now21:24
ogra_a pulse crash at the bottom21:25
ogra_dialer-app didnt fail since a while21:25
ogra_so it is definitely 288 specific21:25
rsalvetitelephony-service from 0.1+14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1 to 0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu121:26
rsalvetimessaging-app from 0.1+14.04.20140327-0ubuntu1 to 0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu121:26
rsalvetiwhat changed in there?21:26
ogra_  * get accountIds from handler when appropriate to start apps faster.21:27
ogra_    set application names .21:27
ogra_thats telephony21:27
ogra_messaging has some UI fixes21:27
ogra_(press and hold interaction)21:27
rsalvetiI know the voice call shutdown process seems faster now21:27
rsalvetithat might be what triggered the bug21:28
rsalvetiwill know in a few minutes21:28
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ogra_hmpf, looks like 289 killed a mako in the lab21:29
ogra_plars, ^^^21:29
ogra_robru, if you have a spare silo, i wouldnt mind one for line 3122:04
robruogra_, ok, you got silo 12!22:05
ogra_thanks !22:05
robruyou're welcome!22:05
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, 287 is fine22:16
ogra_rsalveti, btw, would be good to wait til silo 12 and the webbrowser-app upload are landed before rolling an image22:17
ogra_that should get us working webapps again22:17
rsalvetisilo 12 is not yet tested it seems22:18
ogra_its building atm22:18
rsalvetisure, android will be published in a few minutes22:18
ogra_was already tested by ted and me, i just need to do a test of the package once it built22:18
ogra_to make sure the build didnt change anything :)22:19
ogra_rsalveti, what bothers me more is that we seem to have lost the mako in the lab ... that means no test results over the weekend :/22:20
rsalvetican't we have someone to get there?22:20
rsalvetikind of important the weekend before the release22:21
ogra_well, the landing team has nobody planned for the weekend either22:21
ogra_(so we cant really land anything (unless someone from the team is occasionally around))22:22
rsalvetibut it'd be nice to have the test results by monday morning22:23
cjwatsonI was going to try to land click, but only a "click chroot" change to belatedly flip the default framework to 14.0422:23
cjwatsonSo I guess we don't need runtime results for that22:23
cjwatsonOh, hmm, https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/phablet-tools/click-buddy-pass-framework/+merge/214744 hasn't landed22:24
cjwatsonDon't suppose there's any chance we could get that?22:24
cjwatsonMaybe I'll have to do all this in SRUs :-/22:24
ogra_hmm, where is sergio22:24
rsalvetihe's brb22:25
ogra_hmm, i really dont get along so well with the new design of the icon highlighting in the desktop launcher22:26
ogra_i always miss it with the new design22:26
cjwatsonAh, apparently MALLOC_CHECK_ is actually 1 by default, I was wrong22:34
rsalvetiyeah, it seems the crash started to happen with the new libc22:41
rsalvetiusing 287 + new libc22:41
rsalvetiable to generate the crash22:41
infinityrsalveti: What is the crash?  I missed context here.22:41
rsalvetiinfinity: a double free made pulse to crash22:42
cjwatsonSo apparently libc had a brief period of not aborting on this sort of thing, from 23 Feb to 9 Apr22:42
rsalvetiwe always had the double free in the code, which I just fixed22:42
infinityrsalveti: It should probably not do that.22:42
infinityrsalveti: I question "always".  This would have aborted before Feb 23 as well.22:42
cjwatsonDoesn't seem long enough for much in the way of misbehaviour to sneak in, but long enough for one or two, perhaps22:42
rsalvetiwell, the abort doesn't happen with yesterday's image22:43
cjwatsonSee above22:43
infinityrsalveti: Yes, I know.  Between Feb 23 and Apr 09, libc didn't abort on double free.  Blame sbeattie and I for regressing that. :/22:43
infinityBut the fact that it does again is a feature, not a bug. ;)22:44
rsalvetiI know :-)22:44
rsalvetiwe just curious about what made the real bug to appear now22:44
cjwatsonWe must have been pretty lucky that it didn't cause pulse to explode in strange ways later on.22:44
cjwatsonOr maybe it did and we didn't notice or work out why.22:44
cjwatsonSince that's usually the result of ignoring a double-free.22:44
rsalvetiogra_: ChickenCutlass: ricmm: so that explains why we got the bug with 288 ^22:46
infinityrsalveti: Sorry for the annoyance.  But amazing that someone snuck in a malloc bug in the month and a half when they could. ;)22:47
ogra_so my guessing wasnt so wrong then :)22:47
ChickenCutlassrsalveti: ah22:47
cjwatsonSorry for doubting you22:47
ChickenCutlassgood we found it22:47
rsalvetiinfinity: no worries, at least we fixed a real bug :-)22:47
cjwatson(I was misled by the lying documentation)22:48
cjwatson(in part)22:48
ogra_well, I was just guessing ... could as well have been rong22:48
ogra_robru, silo12 and be published22:55
robruogra_, done!23:03
ogra_now we got working webapps again :)23:03
rsalvetican I haz a new image?23:03
robruwhoa whoa, it's not even in proposed yet23:04
robrujust hit publish 10s ago ;-)23:04
rsalvetialright, then we wait23:04
ogra_rsalveti, well, in 3h there is a cron build anyway, just go ahead23:06
rsalvetiI can wait more 20 minutes23:08
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
robruogra_, ok! wanna kick an image build?23:29
ogra_rsalveti, i'm triggering one23:30
rsalvetiogra_: thanks!23:30
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 290 building (started: 20140411 23:35) ===23:34
ogra_jdstrand, ^^^23:57
jdstrandogra_: thanks! :)23:57

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