
=== ph_afk is now known as ph1
=== FJKong_afk is now known as FJKong
darkxstricotz, hey, gnome-terminal keep eating your cursor?08:56
darkxst^mouse cursor?08:56
ricotzdarkxst, hmm, not sure i know what you mean11:25
ricotzi guess it didn't happen here then11:26
darkxstricotz, mouse cursor disappears when you hover over a terminal window (although comes back when you switch tabs in gnome-terminal)11:28
ricotzdarkxst, didnt happen here yet12:02
darkxstbeen happening here on/off ever since I uploaded it12:09
darkxstalthough maybe I need to reboot more12:09
ricotzdarkxst, yeah, could be caused by a recent update, so an inconistently running system12:10
darkxstricotz, I have simulations running 24/7 so its kind a hard to reboot ;(12:11
=== FJKong is now known as FJKong_afk
Perkele-Linuxoi! I've got a question, if i download Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) Daily Build and try that one out, will I then get the final release automatically thru the apt-get dist-upgrade 17 april ?15:39
Perkele-Linuxmgedmin: *hug*15:44
darkxstNoskcaj, https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/111024543668500323770/albums/6001167781549094321/6001167786114950306?cfem=1&pid=6001167786114950306&oid=11102454366850032377022:46
darkxstNoskcaj, can you fix that today?22:47
darkxstjust drop the ubuntu branding patch, so we get the upstream logo + version22:47
ahoneybunhey darkxst23:41

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