
pmatuliswill 12.04.5 include an upgraded kernel and xorg stack (ex: include the trusty xserver-xorg-video-intel)?  also, what is the ETA for 12.04.5?00:17
RAOFpmatulis: I don't think we'll be spinning a 12.04.5; that would be after 14.04 release. If you need newer hardware support to install than in 12.04.4, then 14.04 is your oyster.00:42
RAOFOr perhaps I missed that thread :)00:44
RAOFpmatulis: So, now that I've remembered the “should we do a 12.04.5 release” thread; your answers are: (a) Yes, using the Trusty stack is the whole point, and (b) Probably August or September or such. Post 14.04.100:46
pmatulisRAOF: thanks!03:44
jarkko_Bus 002 Device 003: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter spams 16913.608602] ieee80211 phy0: rt2800usb_entry_txstatus_timeout: Warning - TX status timeout for entry 13 in queue this is reported and known issue could you do something about it?04:04
jarkko_it weakens the transfer speed also realibity 04:04
jhenkehi folks, bug 1294283 just reappeared after the latest kernel upgrade on 14.04 (3.13.0-23)09:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1294283 in linux (Ubuntu) "Memory balloning in Hyper-V generation 2 does not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129428309:33
jhenkethe vm is not able to get any more memory from the host, yesterday before I installed the latest updates all still worked09:34
henrixkamal: could you please take a look at this kteam-tools patch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7234771/12:49
henrixkamal: if you're ok with it, i'll just push it12:50
kamalhenrix, your change omits the stripping of "[PATCH]" from the Subject: line ... but (?) that shouldn't be on the subject line by this point anyway, so its doesn't matter?13:57
henrixkamal: this will be used to build the email subject in the format: '[3.11.y.z extended stable] Patch "<SUBJECT>" has been added to staging queue13:59
henrixkamal: and this never contails the '[PATCH]' in the <SUBJECT>14:00
* kamal has another sip of coffee and looks again14:00
henrix(maybe i'm just confusing you :) )14:00
kamalhenrix, I'm talking about this line from your diff, which (before your change removes it) seems to exist in order to try to strip off "[PATCH]" in order to extract the rest of the subject line ...14:01
kamal    -            subject = sub("Subject: (\[PATCH[^\]]*\] )?", "", line.rstrip())14:01
kamalI'm saying, "hey, you removed that line, so the script won't strip 14:02
kamal'[PATCH]' anymore like it used to do.14:02
henrixkamal: i see what you mean now14:02
kamal...  but I'm then also saying ...14:02
kamalI bet henrix has determined that that line was pointless anyway, since we *shouldn't* have [PATCH] on the subject lines at this point anyway.   yes?  no?  more coffee?14:03
henrixkamal: no, i believe you're absolutely correct. however....14:04
* henrix goes look at the code again14:05
kamalhenrix, ok, well despite my ramblings above, I think your change is actually fine -- so unless you find something actually wrong with it, you have my "ack"14:06
henrixkamal: cool, thanks! i'll just go fix the code (adding the '[PATCH]' removal from subject) and push it14:07
kamalhenrix, that's fine14:08
henrixkamal: ok, pushed fixed patch to kteam-tools. thanks for reviewing!14:25
infinityBenC: Any chance of one more saucy/ppc update? :P16:03
miseria"disfruto como pasajero de la capsula terrestre, los ranchos viejos de paris o roma no son mas lindos que los que veo aqui" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*19:41
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