
jrwreni've analysis paralysis00:57
jrwreni just noticed the CCAL on this pub: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.009421501:59
=== mrgoodcat_ is now known as mrgoodcat
Havenstancemrgoodcat, do you know if I could install zentyal over say xubuntu server?13:10
jrwrenwow, no idea how THAT copied.13:24
jrwreni meants: https://twitter.com/flowchainsensei/status/45451064554815488013:24
Havenstanceso many rednecks here13:25
Havenstanceone conversation about the government, next conversation about some lady bringing a baby to a bar, last conversation the methods of brewing beer vs making moonshine13:26
HavenstanceGod I love my job :)13:26
Havenstancejrwren, the graphic is hilarious13:33
mrgoodcatHavenstance: i'm confused by what you mean13:33
mrgoodcatxubuntu server is an oxymoron13:33
Havenstancemrgoodcat, yeah I just want the xubuntu gui instead of the lubuntu gui with zentyal. the lubuntu one is always broken no matter how many times I try to use it. Fileman doesn't work and a few other minor annoyances. Things that wouldn't bother me but I know will drive my boss looney13:37
mrgoodcati guess i've never used any sort of GUI with zentyal except for the web based so....13:38
HavenstanceThis new server is quick as hell13:38
HavenstanceNewegg gave us a free upgrade from the 6 core vishera to the 8 core because they were out of the 613:39
brouschThat could be a problem for people who use software licensed by the # of cores13:40
Havenstanceyeah but honestly shouldn't matter much for this rig13:41
Havenstancehe WAY overbuilt for a network controller13:41
mrgoodcatlol brousch this isn't microsoft13:43
brouschmrgoodcat: I know, but that upgrade would actual screw some people13:46
mrgoodcathave you read Havenstance's chat logs though?13:47
mrgoodcati wouldn't worry too much about things like "licensing" or "legality"13:47
mrgoodcatthey're all just words13:47
jrwrenHavenstance: just apt-get remove the xfce packages and apt-get install lxde13:49
jrwrenif you want to get really crazy you can lookup the package list and make sure you add/remove all the right ones.13:49
brouschug, yeah, removing xfce/gnome/kde from ubuntu is hard13:51
brouscheven if you remove all xfce* there are still some lingering things13:51
Havenstancemrgoodcat, yeah I tend to not worry too much about licensing :) if it were windows I might worry13:51
brouschThat is a bad choice13:52
* brousch dials up the BSA13:52
jrwrenits not hard at all.14:04
* ColonelPanic001 is an Eagle Scout14:05
ColonelPanic001brousch: you called?14:05
jrwrenhttps://twitter.com/jakevdp/status/454305129299079169  & https://twitter.com/jegpeek/status/45430740855137484814:18
jrwrenre: this week MUG meeting, what is Marlon's last name?15:06
cmaloney(I blieve)15:35
nullspacejrwren: I'm waiting on my perl 6 shirt17:06
jrwrennullspace: ha!17:07
nullspaceI wonder how many grones or blank stares I'd get if I wore a Java 8 shirt to PyCon17:11
jrwrendid you see pyjvm brousch linked yesterday?17:13
nullspaceI just threw up in my mouth a little17:14
jrwrenyou are overly sensitive. :p17:14
nullspacethough I'm curious how they did it, did they read Java byte code and reinterperit it or is it just a joke?17:17
nullspacebecuase this one, https://github.com/mrorii/pyjvm looks like a joke17:18
jrwrenwhy is that a joke?17:20
nullspaceit doesn't look like it does anything, I'm not a python coder so maybe I'm missing something17:21
jrwrenthe guts are here: https://github.com/mrorii/pyjvm/blob/master/pyjvm/method.py17:21
jrwrenit looks like maybe it runs a trivial example17:21
jrwrenbeyond that, it looks VERY incomplete17:22
nullspaceyeah I just saw that one and the opt codes17:22
nullspacefirst file I looked at was Thread and I frowned17:23
jrwrensame here17:24
Havenstanceif i encrypt a folder on my 2.5tb md raid does that folder have to have a defined filesize? or could I just use truecrypt and decrypt it to share at boot up?17:25
Havenstancebad explanation17:25
HavenstanceI want to create a folder within my raid device which is unencrypted currently, I want to encrypt only that folder and share it over my network. Basically ensuring that all data within the folder is encrypted but the rest of the drive is not17:26
Havenstanceto do this do I need to define a size that the particular folder in question can grow to, or will it just grow to the size of the raid17:26
jrwreni don't know of any filesystems which support encryption on a folder by folder basis other than NTFS on Windows.17:26
Havenstancetrue crypt claims to do it on ext4... whether it works or not I'll find out but just don't want to encrypt the whole drive17:27
Havenstancebut rather like /media/storage for instance17:27
HavenstanceCreates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk.17:27
Havenstancesuppose i'll just fly blind into it :) if it works cool, if I break something at least I have a computer fast enough to reinstall without a problem :D17:28
Havenstancejust some reason I can't get the partitioner in the installer to work with encryption I have broke that like 7 times now lol17:29
nullspaceI think you need to declare the max size of the encrypted container upfront.17:29
jrwrentruecrypt uses a loopback file, AFAIK.17:30
Havenstancenot really sure how it works but I'm all for playing with it17:31
jrwrenso you would preallocate a file, potentially sparse, mount it to the folder you want, and move on17:31
Havenstanceits gonna be a samba share, that's the onlyl reason I want it encrypted17:32
Havenstancebut for some reason when I had my raid set with 4 devices, I had 1 swap, 1 boot, 1/home and 1 large storage part when i installed it failed to install grub17:33
nullspaceoh your trying to setup encryption at install?17:35
nullspaceI'd just get the system up and running first then deal with encryption setup17:37
Havenstancenot anymore, I gave up that idea17:37
Havenstancenullspace, exactly what I'm doing now17:37
Havenstancethe way I wanted was the whole disk running in Raid, with one part for swap, one part for boot, one part for root, and one part for storage but it didn't like that configuration when it came time to install grub cuz I created separate raid1 devices for all 4 mount points.17:39
nullspaceso yeah just setup your encrypted file and write a script that runs teh decryption commands and handles the mounting but obviously ommiting the passphrase,17:40
Havenstancewell the passphrase would be stored on a usb key was the intention. you put in a usb key hit the script and it finds that file on that key and it decrypts the drive. fo some reason my boss is stuck on not having to enter a password even though its probably the safest encryption method out there17:41
nullspacecould make it even easier and write  udev rule for when that usb key is plugged in to run the script on the drive. But yeah if that usb drive dies your hosed unless you know the passphrase17:43
Havenstancesomeone said that you could do the usb drive by label, so tat you could have 2 or 3 copies of it?17:43
Havenstancedon't know how that would work though17:43
nullspaceby label?17:43
nullspaceyou mean uuid?17:44
Havenstancelike label the device "Thumb" and when it sees a USB Key with the name of Thumb it searches for the file if it finds it then the partition is unlocked17:44
Havenstanceif it doesn't find it then it locks the part down17:44
nullspacethat sounds like a bad idea17:44
Havenstancei agree17:45
Havenstancemy idea of encryption is you use a password that only you know17:45
Havenstancewith lots of letters numbers and pretty little @ symbols and stuff....17:45
Havenstanceand you enter it every time you boot your machine because that's the best way to do it. but he's set on if he's not here and I'm not here someone in the store has to be able to boot this thing17:46
Havenstancenow keep in mind all of this security is for a damn true value hardware store17:46
jrwrenanyone every use iptables match-set ?  it seems to not be matching for me.17:48
jrwrenah, src,dst is and not or.  ipset works18:26
HavenstanceI think I found my problem getting GRUB to install18:38
HavenstanceI turned the bootable flag on for my partitions I wanted it in. but didn't specifically define a /boot location18:38
Havenstance5th time the charm maybe?18:39
Havenstancei suppose that's what happens when you have a linux n00b configure your server18:42
mrgoodcat hey quick python question: if i want a function to always run in its own thread, is there a way to do that?19:00
mrgoodcator do i have to have a function inside the function that i call using start_new_thread?19:00
mrgoodcatthis is what i'm currently doing http://hastebin.com/pafiwosowi.py19:02
Havenstancehm, after some reasearch it appears what I was experiencing is part of a bug filed with ubuntu regarding grub219:51
Havenstancelooks as though starting all the partitions at the beginning of the free space was causing trouble as it reserves 63 sectors however grub2 requires 64 secotrs. I put in a 40gb hdd to hold the FS and grub & all that jazz and raided the 2.0tb drives. should show up better anyway. not sure how well its going to work if at all but hopefully19:53
brouschmrgoodcat: You could http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14234547/threads-with-decorators20:01
mrgoodcatbrousch: pretty much what i ended up with20:02
mrgoodcatbased on a suggestion from another channel20:02
mrgoodcatbut thanks20:02
Havenstanceif anyone has a nvidia GPU and runs windows 8.1 don't think about updating to the new beta driver....23:36
Havenstanceit just broke my machine hard....23:36
* Havenstance now has a broken window :( o well time to put ubuntu on it <323:37

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