
keesmhall119: so, I'm finally trying understand this summit layout, and I'm seriously lost. I'm used to django with apps. in summit's case, the apps are "schedule", "sponsor" and "common".03:29
keesmhall119: I don't understand at all how the _website directories come into play, and how the models get loaded03:30
keesah-ha! I see now -- the alternate settings file causes the _website dir to get added as an app! and my models weren't in admin because there was no admin.py03:53
keesI'm starting to feel less insane now :)03:53
keesyay, got some models happily working04:33
dakerkees: yes09:22
dakerand you need to pay attention about which django version you are using09:24
dakerin prod/dev09:24
keesdaker: yeah, the docs are good. I was just seriously confused about where things were living in the directory structure. now I just have to figure out how to populate a form.15:11
dakerkees: which version are you using ?15:12
dakermaybe start with the tutorial here https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/intro/tutorial01/ ?15:13
dakerthe tutorial does cover almost everything you need to get started15:15
keesdaker: yeah, I've gone through all that. I'm going to re-read the forms bit again.17:50
slangasekkees: hmm. 'debconf_website_userprofile.sex_id may not be NULL'?20:50
dakeryou need to set the sex field23:10
dakerbecause you didn't set blank=True, null=True in your model, that's for sure if the field is optional :)23:11
keesslangasek: you need to run the "migrate" manage.py command to build the db itself, and even then what I checked in doesn't work yet since it gets angry about empty fields and such.23:24
keesslangasek: haven't had time yet today to continue, but I checked in everything I had last night (include the "loaddata" fixtures for populating the drop-downs)23:24
slangasekkees: right, I get this error even after the loaddata runs; basically the form doesn't load for someone who doesn't already have a userprofile record, AIUI23:25
keesright, I haven't figured out how to prompt for "new" data yet. ran out of time.23:28
* slangasek nods23:29
dakerslangasek: kees do you need help :)23:43
slangasekdaker: oh, probably, but unless you want to write the django views for us we probably have to muddle through :)23:58
slangasekkees: fwiw I think schedule/views.py gives a better example, for the existing registration form23:58

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