
Aluejust the text.00:00
litropyAlue, do you remember your login info?00:00
litropychan: is startx still valid for Ubuntu?00:00
Alueyeah. I have logged in. now it says last login...,and welcome to Ubuntu....,documentation.....,00:01
litropyAlue, okay. now, try startx00:02
litropyAlue, type startx then hit enter.00:02
|jemc|I've been told ubuntu doesn't use the "vanilla" kernel by default - how do I install and use the "vanilla" kernel instead on my desktop?00:03
|jemc|current uname -a is:00:04
|jemc|Linux jemc 3.11.0-19-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 11 18:48:34 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:04
Alueokay done.i have got the cursor blinking after - checking battery status... And a couple of OK on the extreme right hand side.00:04
TJ-|jemc|: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds00:04
litropyAlue, okay, let me know if anything doesn't say OK00:04
litropyAlue, note: you could have tried another sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade beofre startx, but I just want to see what happens when you try to load your graphics environment.00:06
AlueI have connected the power plug. And my battery is on.but there is no progress after - checking battery status...00:06
|jemc|TJ-: thanks00:06
litropyAlue, do you know what I mean when I say, "Text cursor" ?00:07
litropyAlue, is there anything to the left of your text cursor?00:08
Aluethe cursor it at extreme lower left.00:08
litropyAlue, it seems you need to reinstall your graphics drivers. Give me a sec.00:09
Aluethere is still no progress to checking battery status...00:09
litropyAlue, there won't be.00:10
litropyAlue, hang on00:10
litropyAlue, press [CTRL]+[ALT]+[F2]. It should bring you to a command prompt00:12
litropyAlue, if it doesn't, press [CTRL]+[ALT]+[Fn]+[F2]00:13
Alueno there's nothing happening. my screen is stuck at checking battery status.00:14
litropyAlue, alrighty. Welp, I'm guessing in updating, you also updated your graphics drivers or xorg.conf, and now it's borked. Give me a bit and I'll find some things for you to try. Other chan members, feel free to chime in. Alue is running 12.04.00:17
Aluebut what about my screen??? it's still stuck at checking battery status.00:18
litropyAlue, it's done checking battery status. The next step is loading your video driver, and it's hung on that step.00:20
AlueI am waiting00:20
euryaleIs there aimp3 version for linux??00:22
litropyAlue, what is the make and model of your computer?00:26
litropyeuryale, not made by that company, no.00:27
Aluedell,1tb hd,6gb ram,2gb graphics, intel i5.00:28
litropyAlue, I need the model number, please00:28
litropyAlue, something like Inspirion 200000:29
Ri221Hello. I have a swap file configured as a test. Why is the swap memory used although only 1GB of my 8GB RAM is used?00:29
euryaleok thanks litropy. is there similar player for ubuntu ?00:29
habananycant access ubuntu partition folders from mint dual boot00:30
Alueit's dell inspiron 15-353700:30
litropyeuryale, I've been thinking about that ever since you asked your initial question. I'm not aware of one ... I use VLC, which is great, but it's basic.00:30
litropyAlue, hang on00:30
PlayerI would say VLC's basic, it's got a very nice/sophisticated EQ00:31
PlayerI like it's 2-pass mode.00:31
litropyeuryale, as far as its interface goes. VLC is a powerhouse under the hood.00:31
litropyPlayer, hah you're ahead of me - I was just about to check if it had a GUI EQ.00:31
litropyAlue, I'm checking your model's credentials00:32
habananymeant to say i cant access folders in ubuntu from linuxmint partition on adual boot00:32
Alueokay, I'm waiting.00:32
* litropy 's blown internal hard drive is trying to initialize again. Poor thing.00:33
litropyhabanany, what error do you get?00:34
* litropy 's internal HD is making horrible tiny monster sounds of whining death00:36
Nytramlitropy,  back-up asap00:37
litropyNytram, I did. And then I left it in there to hear it die.00:37
Playerlitropy : yeah it's got a sophisticated EQ (especially compared to a CAR), compressor, and spatializer00:38
PlayerI'd say the only feature it lacks that I really wish it didn't would be gapless playback, or even the option of having cheap cross fades between tracks00:38
litropyAlue, please follow this guide. On step 5, follow for AMD/ATI: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error00:38
NytramI threw a 'dead' hdd (wouldn't partition or accept a new partition table) into a new PC for a laugh and a play. Win XP, Arch, Manjaro, opensuse, Mint and ubuntu could not install to it. Kubuntu did and didn't even flinch in the process. I need to think about that one. oO00:41
litropyPlayer, VLC is open-source. I'm just armchairing, but it shouldn't take much to load a file into buffer for instant playback, nor play consecutive audio streams for crossfading. I'll look into it.00:43
litropyNytram, that's strange. Of all flavors ...00:44
TJ-Nytram: Was there a cold start before the Kubuntu installer session but only warm reboots for the others?00:44
TJ-Nytram: I've seen hard disks get into a confused state like that which a power-off reset has cured00:45
NytramNope, I did cold and warm at least three attempts on ALL distros.00:45
NytramI was 'testing' afterall.00:45
NytramI'm loath to try one of the other distros again now, just in case it breaks again LOL00:46
NytramIt was a throw away play thing for the afternoon, but now it's going to be my multimedia system in my gym. 8)00:46
litropyNytram, until it spontaneously corrupts, sending full-volume corrupted audio straight through your speaker cones :P00:49
litropyOne more time for this question:00:50
litropyWhen I click the time in the upper-right, the calendar shows, and that's a good thing because I like to use a calendar. But why on earth is a different day highlighted as opposed to the current day? I understand this is for selecting days to "Add an event", but the current day has no special indicator at all. So if I were to briefly look at my calendar, I would think it's April 11th. April 10th has no highlight, no marker of any kind.00:50
litropydate output: Thu Apr 10 20:51:37 EDT 201400:51
DrFooHow do I set my dns with nmcli?00:55
litropyDrFoo, I don't think there's an option00:56
DrFoolitropy: How do I set my DNS from the command line?00:56
daftykinsDrFoo: you may find this useful https://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/00:57
litropyDrFoo, yep, nmcli is just for radio connections.00:57
litropyDrFoo, scratch that -- physical connections.00:58
DrFooCan someone give me an example of an /etc/networking/interfaces entry with a DNS specified?01:01
slinkeeyYou are going to think that I am full of it, but for some reason my Touchpad pointer device worked better under Mint...  Are there tips for getting it to work nicer in Ubuntu?01:02
slinkeeyI think it might be because Mint allowed me to play with the sensitivity, and not just the speed.01:02
gvoDrFoo http://paste.ubuntu.com/7233057/01:02
rubitodos anyone know of any C++ chat rooms?01:03
xutlhow to add a ppa offline ?01:04
gvorubito: There are multiple ones on freenode.01:04
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:04
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:04
rubitogvo: could you point me in the direction of one? I've never used irc before01:04
gvoWhat client are you using rubito?01:05
rubitoI downloaded xchat and I'm currently installing quassel01:05
gvoYou should be able to search the available channels somehow.  Just look for c++01:06
xutlhow to add a ppa offline ?01:06
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:07
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:07
rubitoHow do you search for channels?01:07
gvoThat depends on the client01:07
rubitoI'm using xchat01:08
gvoI don't use nor do I know anything about xchat.  Poke around the menus.01:08
teaearlgraycoldSo I've got a C++ question. #C++ is throwing me into #Overflow. Does a class destructor need to explicitely clear all private variables?01:09
DrFooshould I have an iface entry next to eth001:09
rubitoOk, I found a way to look for channels!01:10
rubitoThanks dudes!01:10
xutlhow to add a ppa offline ?01:11
litropyrubito, #c++01:11
rubitoI went into ##c++01:11
TJ-teaearlgraycold: define "clear" ? You want to ensure they can't be read after their memory allocation has been freed?01:11
litropyrubito, that's the place :-)01:12
rubitolitropy, awesome!01:13
teaearlgraycoldTJ-: I don't think that's necessary. I'm writing my first class and I'm told that I need to have a destructor. I assume that I need to clear the variable. Is that proper form?01:13
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TJ-teaearlgraycold: Not usually. The destructor usually frees up manually allocated memory, and will 'zero' or randomise the values of memory blocks and variables before release so that other processes can't inadvertently access the values01:15
litropyteaearlgraycold, a destructor for the class? That would be ~myclass(); I'm pretty sure01:15
TJ-teaearlgraycold: If you're not doing any manual allocation of memory, or managing your own file handles, then generally a default destructor is all that is needed01:16
teaearlgraycoldlitropy: yeah I have that already. I've manually cleared a private vector but there are a few private strings as well.01:16
litropyteaearlgraycold, are you using std lib?01:17
teaearlgraycoldTJ-: so I can have it pretty much blank?01:17
teaearlgraycoldlitropy: no01:17
TJ-teaearlgraycold: See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/destructor01:17
teaearlgraycold21:11 -!- Yatekii [~Yatekii@] has joined #reddit-buildapc01:17
teaearlgraycold21:11 < Firebolt1914> ,ac uhdoy01:17
teaearlgraycoldOh, that's a mistake01:18
litropyteaearlgraycold, for instance, in Qt, I need to kill timers and delete ui in my MainWindow destructor. So it depends on the lib, I'd say.01:18
teaearlgraycoldOkay, thanks for your help.01:19
xar-how do I upgrade *ONLY* openssl via apt-get ?01:19
teaearlgraycoldxar-: you mean without upgradeing openssl's dependancies or whatever?01:20
Bray90820_So for the life of me i can't get my screen to wake wake even after i restart01:20
litropyteaearlgraycold, you can always do an if (whatever) std::cout << "It still exists!" << endl; to test it..01:20
xar-I only want to pull in openssl related packages, not anything else.01:20
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teaearlgraycoldxar-: do you not want to just sudo apt-get install openssl01:23
xar-that might work, let me try01:23
teaearlgraycoldxar-: that's what I just ran and it updated my openssl installation01:23
xar-libssl-devel needs to be in there too01:24
teaearlgraycoldI guess this is about the heartbleed thing01:24
apb1963 12.04... I have a USB speakerphone... there's a popup when I plug it in indicating that the device is apparently recognized... but, I get no sound out of it (nor does the mic. seem to work).  It's a Kinyo ArtDio "True USB VoIP Speaker" model SS-100/SS-100B Any ideas on how to get this to work??01:25
xar-teaearlgraycold: indeed01:25
teaearlgraycoldapb1963: open up alsa sound manager or your audio manager of choice01:26
teaearlgraycoldMake sure the output device is enabled01:26
xar-most of the servers I've patched in the last 48 hours are Red Hat, not Debian/Ubuntu, so dpkg is just "weird"01:26
Bray90820_So for the life of me i can't get my screen to wake even after i restart the computer01:26
litropyteaearlgraycold, xar - thanks for that - I didn't know.01:26
xar-litropy: yw01:26
xar-updating ALL packages on a production server is sloppy; performing a blanket apt-get update/upgrade is downright wreckless.01:27
gvoapb1963: Right click on the speaker in the system tray if you have one.  You may see a sound preferences display.  You may have to select the hardware/input/outut, etc.01:27
SamwiseGamgeeDoes anyone know how to use Trinity Rescue Kit?01:27
teaearlgraycoldxar-: Oh god, that would be horrible01:27
xar-litropy: you need to restart services once you are done updating libssl; use `lsof` to check what's running.01:28
teaearlgraycoldYou can kiss your sweet sweet uptime goodbye01:28
xar-it's not really about server uptime, it's about application instability01:28
b0tHello, I'm trying for hours with irc bot in unreal, I can not fix this error01:29
xar-an update to libcurl for example, won't bring a server down, but it might break a customer's application and/or dependency.01:29
apb1963teaearlgraycold: any device in particular?  I'm using alsamixer01:30
apb1963gvo: I don't see any speaker icon01:30
apb1963teaearlgraycold: gvo: I do get sound, just not through that device.01:31
teaearlgraycoldapb1963: there should be a list of devices, pick one with the appropriate name. I can't say for certain though. You're on 12.04, right?01:31
apb1963gvo: xfce01:31
apb1963teaearlgraycold: yes01:31
b0tHello, I'm trying for hours with irc bot in unreal, I can not fix this error01:31
apb1963teaearlgraycold: "phone" seems to be appropriate.... I cranked it up... I don't hear anything01:32
xar-the heck is whoopsie, i see a whoopsie proc linked against an old openssl -_-01:32
litropyxar-, thx01:32
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Bray90820_So for the life of me i can't get my screen to wake when it goes to sleep the black screen persists even after i restart the computer01:33
xar-ah it's some canonical nonsense le sigh01:33
xutlhow to add a ppa offline ?01:33
gvoapb1963: You might try pavucontrol01:34
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:34
gvoI've sometimes had good luck configuring sound with that app.01:34
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details01:35
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fdafweafxar-, whoopsie is bug reporting01:35
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:35
xar-fdafweaf: thanks, yea I googled it01:35
xar-whoopsie was linked against the compromised openssl, cool stuff01:36
xar-litropy: `lsof -n | grep ssl | grep DEL`01:39
xar-litropy: as root; it'll tell you what you need to respond to01:39
xar-I see so many posts about restarting servers...01:39
apb1963gvo: :  Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK01:39
* xar- facepalm.01:39
gvoYou might not be running PulseAudio.  Try alsamixer then.01:40
litropyxar-, wouldn't a reboot after upgrading openssl do the trick?01:41
apb1963gvo: Yes... did that... it has a bunch of devices....  I cranked up everything that looks like an output01:41
gvoapb1963: Select the card with the F601:42
gvoThen play with the controls.01:42
gvoYou may have to run an application that understands multiple devices and select the device in that app, too.01:43
apb1963gvo: such as?01:46
gvoapb1963: I don't do a lot with sound beyond some very specialize apps, so I'm not the best one to say.  I know aplay has a way to select devices.01:48
apb1963gvo: Up until a few minutes ago I had sound coming through my sound card... not sure what I did but now I don't even get that anymore.01:49
gvoapb1963: Means you did select a different device somehow.01:49
apb1963gvo: It may have been the F6... but I put it back to the default where it was... and still no joy01:50
gvoAs long as you didn't select something F6 shouldn't have had any effect.01:50
gvoHow many devices did you see?01:50
apb1963gvo: I did select... my USB from/through F601:50
gvoOK but when you went back to default it doesn't work.  Check your levels and make sure it isn't muted.01:51
apb1963gvo: then I put it back to default... which didn't help... and also changed it to the only other device Intel ICH601:51
john2x_When I log in to my server, it says "You have new mail". WHere can find these mail?01:53
apb1963gvo: If I mute the headphone device, then I get my sound back01:54
apb1963gvo: Odd... but true01:54
gvoapb1963: Either or I guess.01:54
apb1963gvo: sound back through sound card01:55
apb1963gvo: usb device still not working.. but let me play a bit01:55
gvoapb1963: It's been my experience that sound cards are a bit tricky to get going.  The more tools you have the better off you are.01:56
gvoapb1963: Search for "debugging sound problems" and you'll see multiple pages with hints and tips.01:57
apb1963gvo: yes... far too many... I don't know what applies01:57
gvoStart with the "Ubuntu" ones.01:58
apb1963gvo: that's what I was actually referring to01:59
xar-litropy: sure, but it's overkill01:59
xar-litropy: you only need to restart the services using openssl01:59
litropyxar-, thx01:59
xar-litropy: use the lsof command to identify what services need restarting01:59
john2x_do I need to install apache for sendmail?02:01
xar-try to install sendmail, it will tell you what dependencies it has02:02
john2x_I've installed sendmail and ran sendmailconfig, but I can't seem to send any emails02:02
xar-so what does the mail log say?02:02
mapphow can i cut the 2nd line of an output ..trying to get part of nslookup02:03
xar-mapp: why are you using nslookup?02:04
xar-mapp: and not dig?02:04
xar-nslookup is so 2001 :P02:04
mappnot sure really..it was just to be able to get the value of a hostname and store it in a variable02:04
mappi think it'd be even harder to get the ip from dig outut though02:04
mapp*output argh02:04
xar-mapp: man dig; look at +short02:05
mappoke:) ta02:05
xar-mapp: example: dig @ www.google.com +short02:05
john2x_xar-: here are the last couple of lines of mail.log https://www.refheap.com/74729 (no errors in mail.err)02:06
mappthats a lot easier hey02:06
mappthe result it returns is easier to assign to a var saves me using grep and cut etc02:06
xar-john2x_: I'm assuming your domain has been redacted? gsmtp says it received it, looks fine to me02:07
xar-mapp: yup02:07
john2x_xar-: yes, redacted. which line is it?02:07
john2x_ah line 4?02:08
xar-john2x_: doesn't matter, gsmtp says it has it, did you look in spam?02:08
xar-OK 1397181627 mx10si5254739icb.140 - gsmtp02:08
john2x_xar-: ah yes, it's in spam :) thanks02:08
mappxar- quick question..how could i cut say the 2nd line of an output? say i ran nslookup frogs.zapto.org | grep Address | - im going to use dig +short way better but m still interested02:08
xar-john2x_: you're welcome.02:09
mapphow would i be able to get say the second line and then cut it02:09
gvonslookup xxx|head -2| tail -102:10
mappThanks so i need to read on head02:10
mappthanks gvo02:10
xar-mapp: lots of ways, but easiest dirty way? $ nslookup frogs.zapto.org | grep Address | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}'02:10
mappah ok i was wondering on awk too, just been reading up on it02:10
mappwhats sed used for?02:10
xar-stream editing; but this channel is ubuntu support, not linux tutorial.02:11
xar-best to go to #ubuntu-offtopic or #linux02:11
mappyea, sorry02:11
xar-np :)02:11
gvoMake that ##linux02:12
john2x_what's a good guide on setting up a private proxy server on Ubuntu (on EC2)? I found one that uses tinyproxy, is this good?02:12
xar-gvo: it should redirect to the proper destination ;)02:12
xar-john2x_: if you have ssh listening presumably, tunnel over ssh.02:12
pnormanI have a slightly odd graphical problem on my laptop running 13.04. Most text isn't displaying, including anything on the top of windows. Neither are any icons for closing windows. Some is however, including XTerm, all the text under activities, and everything off of the top bar.02:15
xar-sounds bad02:15
pnormanI'm slightly befuddled. I haven't used the laptop in a bit so I'm running apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, but on airport wifi it'll take another 7 minutes02:15
john2x_xar-: hmm I want it so anyone (non-technical people) in the office can easily use it.. (I heard there are browser extensions to do that?)02:16
xar-john2x_: perhaps a more integrated solution, openvpn for instance?02:16
rictoohey guys, i would like to grep one file for a list of things to grep another file for. how would i go about doing this?02:16
rictooi have this so far: grep "succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta" GPL2004-3450.txt | awk '{print $1}'02:16
rictooi would like to take the outputs of this (about 10 lines) and grep another file for each of those02:17
xar-john2x_: if you have a decent cisco hardware firewall at AWS, you can use the cisco vpn features too *shrug*02:17
MrSelfDestruct#Ubuntu today: Bash and Bash and Bash...02:17
pnormanrictoo: I'd probably suggest #grep. If I were doing it I'd proably do grep | xargs grep, but I dunno if that's optimal02:18
pnormanAlso, the XTerm application works but Terminal doesn't02:21
ice9I see this line "test -e /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key || dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server"  in /etc/rc.local, what does it do?02:22
chicognuso, after i boot up wifi conects automatic. Great. But i cant browser anything before I reconnect02:23
__paleo__In order to patch heartbleed in an Ubuntu webserver, do I need to upgrade only OpenSSL or do I need to upgrade nginx and Apache as well?02:24
xar-__paleo__: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/02:24
__paleo__xar-: so if I upgrade OpenSSL (which I already did) and restart nginx/Apache, I am safe?02:25
xar-__paleo__: not necessarily; *any* service linked against the bad openssl version needs to be restarted.02:26
__paleo__OK, but I don't need to upgrade nginx if OpenSSL is at the 1.0.1g level on Ubuntu, correct?02:26
xar-__paleo__: if you suspect leakage, you should toss your old private keys and regenerate.02:26
__paleo__We'll do that.02:26
xar-If nginx has open processes linked against openssl, prior to your update, it needs to be restarted.02:27
litropyxar-, we should get an OP to update the MOTD with that link.02:27
xar-we should get people to *READ*02:27
xar-how about that? lol02:27
trismice9: that just checks if your ssh host key exists and if not regenerates it and then restarts sshd02:27
apb1963gvo: For the record, alsa -l lists my device as: card 1: Set [C-Media USB Headphone Set], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]02:27
pnormanI see the topic says 12.10 and 13.10 are supported. Is 13.04 EOL?02:28
xar-pnorman: 13.04 was EOL on Jan 201402:28
pnormanWhen is 12.10 EOL?02:29
xar-pnorman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:29
xar-it's all right there, in a nice pretty chart02:29
litropypnorman, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:29
Beldarpnorman, 12.10 this month, 13.04 has no support in general.02:29
pnormanxar-: The above text problem includes text in browsers02:30
xar-I have a short term irc memory pnorman ;)02:32
AcidRain2012im running multiple monitors. how do i make it so when i click on a certain icon, that window will open on the desktop that i opened it on02:33
xar-wishful thinking AcidRain2012 :)02:34
litropyAcidRain2012, it depends on what you're opening02:34
AtrophiedAnyone know how to get proprietary drivers for amd working on 12.04?02:34
AcidRain2012litropy, i want it to apply to EVERYTHING02:34
AcidRain2012if i open dolphin on monitor 1. i want it to do it02:34
AcidRain2012if i open dolphin on monitor 2. i wnat it to happen02:35
pnormanWhat's the command for updating major versions from the command line?02:35
TJ-AcidRain2012: How many X screens?02:36
xar-pnorman: if you can avoid doing it that way, I would; a good old-fashioned re-install is good for soul.02:36
phaoHi. If I just want to play an oga file on the terminal, is there any program to do it?02:36
usr13pnorman: do-release-upgrade02:36
TJ-AcidRain2012: If you're using multiple X screens you can use the DISPLAY=:0.1 env var prefix, or for many GUI applications the "-display 0:0.1" form02:36
phaoThis is to implement a simple alarm script here.02:36
litropyphao, check out cvlc, part of vlc.02:37
usr13pnorman: Are you LTS?02:37
phaoworked litropy02:37
pnormanxar-: I'm at an airport without a working web browser or 2nd computer, a ubuntu reinstall is probably beyond what I can do before the flight02:38
litropyphao, yw02:38
pnormanusr13: not on the laptop. 14.04 is LTS I think, so odds are I'll be moving to LTS. running do-release-upgrade02:40
usr13pnorman: You will more-than-likely need to change update-manager to lts02:40
usr13pnorman: What version do you have now?02:41
pnormanwell, for 14.04 I'll do a reinstall02:41
usr13pnorman: You'll be goint to 13.1002:42
usr13pnorman: You can do it again later for 14.0402:43
AcidRain2012tj, where do i do that at?02:44
stochastichey all, last night I was mucking about with my dhcp and interface config files in an attempt to get a PXE boot working (ended up giving up on the task).  Now today after a reboot my internet is being exceedingly slow.  Can anyone help me get back to default settings?  I'm on 12.0402:47
usr13stochastic: What did you do?02:48
usr13stochastic: Did you change nameserver?02:48
stochasticusr13 possibly - I was honestly mucking about too much to know all the things I changed.  How can I tell if I've changed my nameserver?02:49
stochasticI really was just following various out-of-date PXE tutorials02:50
usr13stochastic: Look at network-manager02:50
stochasticusr13 the gnome applet?  or is there a specific command?02:51
usr13stochastic: Did you change the router?02:52
stochasticusr13 all my changes were software - I think of a router as the box on the ground (I'm not terribly good at network setup/config)02:52
usr13stochastic: nm-tool | tail -n 802:53
usr13stochastic: Or just nm-tool to see all02:54
usr13lux_: Hello02:54
stochasticusr13,  nm-tool | tail -n 8    IPv4 Settings:    Address:    Prefix:          24 (    Gateway:   DNS:   
usr13stochastic: route -n02:55
lux_i have a question02:55
stochasticlux_, ask!02:55
stochasticusr13, Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface02:56
stochastic0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 wlan002:56
stochastic169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 eth002:56
stochastic192.168.1.0   U     0      0        0 eth002:56
stochastic192.168.1.0   U     2      0        0 wlan002:56
unopastestochastic you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted02:56
lux_how do you know your ubuntu installation is at the beginning of the partition? or how do you move it there in gparted?02:56
usr13!paste | stochastic02:56
ubottustochastic: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:56
usr13stochastic: iwconfig |pastebinit02:57
stochasticusr13, I would use paste.ubuntu.com but my network is taking about 7 minutes to just load the page.02:57
usr13stochastic: iwconfig |pastebinit02:58
* stochastic is waiting for paste.ubuntu.com to load usr13 *please standby*02:58
usr13stochastic: iwconfig   #Look at it yourself, see what the signal report is.02:58
alesanhow do I stop ubuntu to write random things in /etc/resolv.conf ? like nameserver
usr13iwconfig |grep Quality=03:00
usr13stochastic:  ^^^^^^^  You can just paste the last line here.03:00
stochasticusr13, lo and eth0 both have no wireless connections - wlan0 has my usual wireless stuff with the Quality line reading:  Link Quality=70/70  Signal level=-39 dBm03:00
stochasticbut I'm currently using a wired connection because wireless doesn't seem to be connected to the router.03:01
stochasticusr13, or should I say the gui thinks it's connected but pages don't load in web browsers unless my eth0 is connected03:02
usr13stochastic: You really need to just look at the complete output and decide what the problem is. See: http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/iwconfig8.html03:03
devhostSo I'm trying to start dwm through lightdm but it kicks me out the moment I log in. This is ubuntu 12.04, dwm-6.0.03:04
devhostRunning dwm through startx on tty1 fails with xinit: connection to X server lost.03:05
stochasticusr13 nothing looks off from iwconfig - I think it's lower level than that (DHCP server stuff)  This line is the closest to anything wrong in iwconfig:   Tx excessive retries:2  Invalid misc:257   Missed beacon:003:05
usr13stochastic: host av.com  #See how it  resolves.03:06
usr13stochastic: or if it does...03:06
usr13stochastic: Maybe you just need to power-cycle your router?03:06
stochasticusr13, I get three IP addresses, one error line ";; Warning: Message parser reports malformed message packet." then two lines that describe it as being hosted by yahoo.com03:07
stochasticusr13, others on the network can access the internet just fine.03:07
usr13stochastic: Well, if you'd use pastebinit, we could look with you....03:08
stochasticusr13, but the pastebin website won't load - it keeps timing out03:08
usr13stochastic: tcpdump wlan003:09
stochasticusr13, tcpdump: no suitable device found03:09
usr13stochastic: tcpdump -t wlan003:09
stochasticusr13, ^^ same error message03:10
stochasticusr13, also get the same error with tcpdump eth003:10
usr13stochastic: And Ctrl-c to stop it, scroll up and look for anomaly03:11
usr13schultza: sudo tcpdump -t wlan003:11
stochasticusr13, it doesn't continue running (no ctrl+c needed to stop, it stops immediately) and the sudo command does the same but with the following error: tcpdump: syntax error03:12
sprungSo, i've used heartbleed.com to provide me with the supported versions of ubuntu's corresponding openssl versions, the oldest servers i have are still runninig 10.0.4 and it's not time to upgrade yet. do they have a vulnerable version?03:12
usr13stochastic: Well, don't know about that.03:12
usr13ping -c3
sprungupgrading is on the roadmap but i need to know about the version for 10.0.403:13
usr13stochastic: tell us your ping times.03:13
sprungthe oldest supported, as you know, is 12.0.403:13
stochasticusr13,  3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1998ms,  average ping time=0.638 ms03:14
usr13stochastic:  Thats fine.  Now try this:03:14
usr13ping -c3
stochasticusr13, 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2016ms03:15
usr13stochastic: What country are you in?03:15
* stochastic finally got a pastebin page to load.03:16
stochasticlet me know if any command dumps are needed03:16
usr13stochastic: I just wanted you to use pastebinit03:16
usr13stochastic: sudo dhclient wlan003:17
stochasticusr13, oh pastebinit isn't installed and apt-get isn't resolving servers03:17
usr13stochastic: sudo apt-get update03:19
macscam1i am having a hrd time booting from USB on this system so I cant install Ubuntu ... its running windows 8 now and EFI03:19
usr13stochastic: host us.archive.ubuntu.com03:19
usr13stochastic: host ca.archive.ubuntu.com03:20
usr13stochastic: Is apt-get update doing anything?03:20
usr13stochastic: iptables -L03:21
usr13macscam1: Did you setup the USB drive properly for Ubuntu install?03:23
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
wise_phoneHello!  Umm, installed gnome 3 to try it out.  If i boot to unity via sudo service lightdm start i am greeted with the side bar and no trackpad input, sudo service gdm start greets me with a blank unresponsive screen.  Ideas?03:48
pvl1you still there03:54
pvl1so why isnt your DM loading automagically03:55
pvl1where are you entering to start the service03:55
pvl1and how did you install gnome 303:55
wise_phoneIm at tty103:55
pvl1whts on tty703:55
wise_phoneI installed gnome through the repositories03:56
wise_phoneTty7 is gdm at a blank screen with an input cursor but unresponsive.03:57
pvl1kill it first03:57
pvl1then try to start whatever other service03:57
pvl1wise_phone: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/gnome-3-8-ppa-for-ubuntu-gnome03:57
pvl1now try to start your DM03:57
wise_phoneStarted lightdm, all i see is unitys sidebar and notification panel, and an error window.03:59
pvl1whats the error say04:00
wise_phoneSystem program problem detected//do you want to report.. Yes or no04:01
wise_phoneI can navigate yes or no with tab.04:01
pvl1no mouse movement? or no mouse at all04:02
wise_phoneNo mouse at all, correct04:02
wise_phoneAlso, no wall paper.04:03
pvl1hm weird04:03
wise_phoneSudo apt-get install lightdm?04:03
pvl1get to tty1, killall the dm's04:03
pvl1and do04:03
pvl1sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm04:03
pvl1sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:04
pvl1just to be sure04:04
ubottuUbuntu can be installed on a Nexus 7 tablet. The installation tutorial can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation04:04
SonikkuAmericaUh, nope04:04
pvl1and does dmesg or syslog mention the mouse04:04
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch04:04
SonikkuAmerica!no nexus7 is <reply> The Ubuntu Nexus 7 installer has been discontinued. See !touch for for information about Ubuntu Touch.04:05
lotuspsychjeSonikkuAmerica: tnx, well ive tested touch already, no other options to wait the future bring the stable touch04:06
wise_phoneOk, so killall -9 both gdm and light dm, ran dcfg which i was prompted for during install of gnome.04:06
wise_phoneShould i choose gdm, i was chose lightdm last time04:07
pvl1wise_phone: the choice of DM shouldnt change anything in the end04:08
pvl1its merely a means to an ends04:08
wise_phoneOk i chose gdm... It went to gnome login screen fine, logged in, mouse worked for a second but other than a greyish background im in unity.04:11
=== flappy_bird is now known as pretty_function
pvl1wise_phone: why did you pick gnome 304:11
wise_phoneI just wanted to try it,04:12
pvl1wise_phone: have you seen pictures of gnome 3? looks almost the same to me04:12
wise_phoneI havent had a computer in five years, im a mtn biker and hunter but i hurt my leg and only like linux.04:13
pvl1!desktop | wise_phone04:14
ubottuwise_phone: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors04:14
wise_phoneI have a big hdd too, so it couldnt hurt, so i thought.04:14
pvl1im really sorry to hear that wise_phone04:14
pvl1thats terrible. i too love biking. though im too broke to buy anything special04:15
pvl1might be going snowboarding in vermont this weekend tho04:15
pvl1wise_phone: 5 fivers. you want cinnamon or perhaps mate. they are gnome 2 forks04:15
wise_phonePvl1 im in Invermere04:15
pvl1like how ubuntu used to be 5 years ago04:16
pvl1wise_phone: must be beautiful up there04:16
wise_phonePvl1 so., sudo pat-get install cinnamon?04:16
wise_phonePvl1 yeah, its nice scenery, lots of work too.04:17
pvl1wise_phone: im honestly not sure if its in the official repos. if you give me a minute, ill check04:17
pvl1what kind of work wise_phone04:17
wise_phoneIm a mechanic, but the work for computer smart people is up to you.04:19
wise_phonePeople here mainly run old shitty windows 95 boxes..04:19
chipotlehi, i want to install php5-fpm on ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS. right now i have php5 installed. to do this, do i just do apt-get install php-fpm and i'll get the fpm version and the fastcgi version will be removed?04:20
pvl1wise_phone: i just finished tech school for hvac04:20
wise_phoneLots of point of sale machines at the pubs have tux on them :)04:20
SonikkuAmericaWell Tux can mean anything04:21
pvl1chipotle: whats the difference between fpm versus fastcgi... is fast cgi an apache module04:21
monkwitdafunktux is the mascot for gnu linux. is that right04:21
chipotlepvl1: fastcgi is much slower; and yes, usually fastcgi is used with apache. i prefer nginx04:21
SonikkuAmericamonkwitdafunk: Just the mascot for Linux itself.04:21
pvl1wise_phone: methinks you want this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed04:22
pvl1chipotle: i kind of doubt itd remove the fastcgi. either way, there is a way to see what changes with apt04:23
pvl1but i dont remember what the command is or how to see changes04:23
wise_phonePvl1 yeah hvac you can get work and own your own business out here, you could have your fittings and hoses and stuff in a shed and run your work out of a truck.  In hvac people are spread way to thin.04:23
chipotlewhat's the command to remove a program and its config files?04:24
wise_phoneCinnamon or -common or -dbg?04:24
pvl1wise_phone: just cinnamon04:25
pvl1chipotle: sudo apt-get purge program04:25
wise_phoneI guess dbg is debug, And im not common, so, cinnamon, straight up?04:25
chipotlepvl1: thanks04:25
pvl1chipotle: np04:25
pvl1wise_phone: yes04:25
pvl1wise_phone: common is the common files neccessarry for the cinnamon system04:25
pvl1wise_phone: because you could just want their text editor04:26
pvl1rather than the whole system04:26
pvl1so they separate the system into parts04:26
wise_phoneOh i see.  I knew that i was just making a repository joke that wasnt very funny.04:26
pvl1actually that is kinda funny04:27
pvl1oh i forgot to look at mars04:27
wise_phoneMars the weird red thing?04:28
wise_phoneIts real?04:29
pvl1yes you can see it in the sky right now04:31
pvl1on the 14 it will be the closest to earth in the last 22 years04:31
wise_phonePvl1 to cloudy :/04:31
pvl1something something 22 years, something orbit, something 95 million kilometers, something something something04:31
pvl1well the 14th is the time youll see it best anyway04:32
wise_phoneI'll turn my tellie to it :)04:32
wise_phoneCuriosity has had some sweet pics though recently.04:33
pvl1i thought it was awesome how they got it to take a selfie04:35
wise_phoneOk, cinnamon is installed, how do i boot directly to it?04:35
pvl1do you mean without the login screen?04:36
pvl1you would make cinnamon your default, and enable autologin04:36
dreamy_do i have to decompress an iso to make it run , boot on a usb pen?04:36
wise_phonePlv1 that was the most awesome selfie in the universe!04:36
pvl1dreamy_: now04:36
pvl1wise_phone: literally!!04:36
pvl1dreamy_: *no04:36
dreamy_ill just copy it?04:36
dreamy_i want to install ubuntu studio04:37
pvl1dreamy_: just use unetbootin04:37
dreamy_pvl1, i just got a pen, i lost systen on my second computer04:38
dreamy_pvl1, can i just copy the iso into the pen?04:38
pvl1dreamy_: but to answer your q, it doesnt exactly work the way you were thinking. for example, you were gonna ddecompress your iso to the usb. but idk if bios can read fat32 or ntfs04:38
pvl1lemme check dreamy_04:38
wise_phonePvl1 now when i attempt to start either gdm or lightdm it says unredonized service :/04:39
pvl1wise_phone: how are you attempting04:39
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
pvl1dreamy_: seems bios is fat3204:40
wise_phoneWell startx booted me to gnome3.10.04:40
pvl1dreamy_: however firstly, what system are you creating bootable usb04:41
wise_phoneBut i did sudo service start x      x being the dm04:41
pvl1wise_phone: what dm? cinnamon could have its own dm04:42
pvl1wise_phone: unless you removed lightdm or gdm, they should work04:42
dreamy_heres my situation, i got 2 pcs, one lost system, this one is the one im using im not capable of recording dvds at the moment so i need to recover the other pc04:42
pvl1one sec gonna throw a hoodie on to smoke a cig04:42
dreamy_im anxious about installing ubuntu studio04:42
wise_phoneIts not displaying a login screen..04:43
dreamy_i play guitar04:43
pvl1i wish i continued learning guitar :(04:43
pvl1wise_phone what is it displaying04:44
pvl1dreamy_ what OS are we using04:44
dreamy_what if i put uneetboting on a pen?04:44
dreamy_an old ubuntu04:44
pvl1and I'm assuming we have internet04:45
dreamy_im my laptop04:45
pvl1no no no04:45
pvl1unetbootin is an app04:45
wise_phonePvl1 im in gnome3 without sound...04:45
dreamy_pvl1, we do, the other pc is connected with a network cable04:45
pvl1it automates this process04:45
pvl1of making bootable usb04:45
pvl1in fact04:45
pvl1u can use it to install ubuntu to a usb04:46
pvl1and use that as ur hd04:46
pvl1wise_phone check alsamixer04:46
pvl1from terminal04:46
pvl1aw balls it's cloudy04:46
dreamy_can we try it another way. it whould be too risky to use the boot loader of my only working pc, at the moment04:47
wise_phonePlv1 i can tab select alsamixer from terminal... But it does not exist.04:49
dreamy_pvl1, im gonna give it a shot04:49
wise_phoneI tried to apt-get. No luck.04:49
pvl1dreamy_ boot loader?04:50
pvl1dreamy_ unetbootin makes a bootable usb04:51
pvl1that's it04:51
dreamy_pvl1, could you help me find a ubuntu studio live cd, it will run on the pen04:52
dreamy_i got internet on the pc, cable04:52
pvl1dreamy_: thats fine... but you already have an ubuntu iso right... so why not just make a bootable usb from it04:53
pvl1wise_phone: sudo apt-get install ubuntu04:53
pvl1is the package04:53
dreamy_pvl1, i just found out. it seems that the iso wont fit04:54
wise_phoneUnable to locate04:54
pvl1wise_phone: hmmm04:54
pvl1sudo apt-get update04:54
pvl1dreamy_: what size usb you have04:55
chipotlebest way to deal with this? i have several php5 packages installed, i want to install php-fpm and get rid of 'php5' from my ubuntu 12.0.4. LTS system. what's the best way to do this? should i remove php5 and every php5* program installed and then install php-fpm via aptitude and reinstall the other php5 apps i need, or someway else?04:55
dreamy_it says its 2g,  but it appears to have just 1.8, ive erased all the files on it04:56
pvl1chipotle: id ask in #linux04:56
pvl1dreamy_: ubuntu minimal04:56
pvl1!minimal | dreamy_04:56
ubottudreamy_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:56
wise_phonePvl1 after apt-get update, still no music.04:57
dreamy_pvl1, id like to use that04:57
pvl1dreamy_: so download that iso04:57
pvl1wise_phone: try to install alsa-utils now04:57
pvl1this is weird04:57
pvl1wise_phone: may i pm you04:57
dreamy_can you tell me where to find it?04:57
wise_phonePvl1 thats what i meant, tried three times.04:58
wise_phoneIm doing a cold boot.04:58
pvl1dreamy_: h.o04:58
pvl1wise_phone: good idea at this point04:58
pvl1the link that ubottu gave you04:59
pvl1has the downloads04:59
pvl1and links to instructions on making a bootable usb04:59
wise_phone,ahhhhh booted to the gdm with unity no responce from mouse, no sound.05:02
pvl1wise_phone: what kind of mouse05:04
dreamy_the tuturial is a bot complicate :(05:04
=== michael_imac is now known as michael_mbp
wise_phonePvl1 trackpad on a acer laptop05:05
dreamy_do i need root?05:05
pvl1dreamy_: maybe. i doubt it. ill help you. have you yet downloaded the iso05:06
pvl1wise_phone: lets first confirm sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics05:07
RahulANI am using mate, By mistake i removed the pannel  on upside of screen which have the network interfaces and clock etc, how to bring it back?05:07
pvl1wise_phone: also try gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled true05:07
pvl1RahulAN: ask in #mate05:08
pvl1RahulAN: because i cannot remember05:08
dreamy_pvl1, i just did, can you give me some instructions05:08
pvl1dreamy_: so we have the iso right05:09
RahulANpvl1, okk05:09
wise_phoneFrom tty1 i type startx and have full use of the track pad.  Synaptic drivers are a non issue.05:10
dreamy_i didnt found any ubuntu studio tho, but ill install it aftewards, ill install 2 linux05:11
pvl1wise_phone: so its unity05:11
pvl1wise_phone: do you plan on sticking with unity05:11
pvl1we should get one window manager working first05:11
pvl1dreamy_: studio can be installed from the repos05:12
dreamy_from apt?05:12
pvl1!studio | dreamy_05:12
ubottudreamy_: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org05:12
pvl1from apt dreamy_05:12
wise_phonePvl1 lets purge unity, fuck unity, once and for all.05:12
dreamy_pvl1, can you tell me what to do with the iso?05:12
wise_phonePvl1 sudo apt-get perge unity.  ??05:13
pvl1dreamy_: do you have root access05:14
pvl1!language | wise_phone05:14
ubottuwise_phone: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:14
dreamy_i forgot my pass05:14
pvl1because ...05:14
pvl1wise_phone: may i PM you05:14
pvl1dreamy_: ok05:14
pvl1thats not making this any easier lol05:14
pvl1dreamy_: hold on05:14
pvl1dreamy_: you can just change it...05:15
wise_phoneYeah pm away, we could be friends maybe, sorry to swear.05:15
df3d2hello govs05:15
dreamy_cant i just use unetbootin insteaf of mkusb?05:16
deadlyninjahow can i test my udev rules for net?05:16
pvl1hello df3d205:16
deadlyninjai cloned a drive that has the 14.04 beta on it and networking doesnt work until i say dhclient p2p105:16
pvl1dreamy_: no. reboot into the management ubuntu thing. cant remember the name05:16
pvl1and run passwd05:16
deadlyninjai see in dmesg that udev is renaming eth0 to p2p1, but i dont want it to do that05:17
dreamy_control panel? console?05:17
dreamy_passwd from the command line?05:18
pvl1deadlyninja: theres files you have to edit and stuffs to do. theres an archlinux wiki article on it05:18
pvl1dreamy_: well yes... but no05:18
pvl1dreamy_: hold on05:19
vkkhuravaHi, I want to get back my original kernel on ubuntu 14.04.. earlier on 13.10 I switched it to general due to wi-fi issue...05:19
pvl1dreamy_: your going to need root05:22
dreamy_to use mkusb?05:22
pvl1dreamy_: yes05:22
dreamy_ill just use unetbootin? can i?05:23
dreamy_some people say its not good to use root05:23
pvl1dreamy_: you HAVE to use root on linux to be functional, what they mean05:24
pvl1is dont log in as root05:24
pvl1even still... you can as long as you know what your doing05:24
pvl1dreamy_: without root, you cannot install software05:24
pvl1nor can you read write mount drives05:24
pvl1the system is what is going to access the usb, as root. so therefore, you need root account05:25
vkkhuravaI want to get back my original kernel on ubuntu 14.04.. earlier on 13.10 I switched it to general due to wi-fi issue.... pls help05:25
pvl1vkkhurava: you want to downgrade your kernel?05:25
vkkhuravano... I just want to get original in place of generic05:26
dreamy_so ill recover root, how?05:26
pvl1dreamy_: you must reboot. get into grub. in grub the second option will be ubuntu [recovery]05:27
pvl1or something like that05:27
vkkhuravapvll : my current kernel version is 3.13.0-20-generic05:27
pvl1you select that, and then select a terminal and then type passwd05:28
pvl1dreamy_: i bet theres a youtube video05:28
dreamy_pvl1, ill take a risk..05:28
dreamy_if its a risk05:28
pvl1dreamy_: its not a risk05:29
dreamy_so ill be right back05:29
pvl1if it were, it would be more difficult to do05:29
HomelessSantaHowdy all, quick problem. I updated my Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS machine about an hour ago and took a walk. I started it up and it instantly dropped me into a virtual terminal I can't seem to run Unity or any other GUI. Any suggestions to somehow get back into Unity/LightDM?!?05:29
pvl1vkkhurava: i think you are in a missunderstanding05:29
Flannelvkkhurava: You want #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support, but there's only -generic now a days.05:29
pvl1thought so, thanks Flannel05:29
pvl1HomelessSanta: try sudo service restart lightdm05:30
pvl1and check syslog05:30
vkkhuravaPvll & Flannel : I didnt get ur point05:30
HomelessSantaRight now I'm on the LiveUSB.05:30
Flannelvkkhurava: What do you think you switched to in 13.10?05:30
HomelessSantaAnymore suggestions before I take a reboot?05:30
pvl1in unity login, where can you select a diff desktop05:30
HomelessSantapvl1: By the way X.org did fail to start it implied.05:31
pvl1HomelessSanta: not without any more details05:31
pvl1need errors or something05:31
pvl1HomelessSanta: ah05:31
HomelessSantaMy guess is X is more likely the problem.05:31
vkkhuravaFlannel: I was on 13.10 then upgraded to 14.0405:31
Flannelvkkhurava: ok05:31
pvl1HomelessSanta: i like the username btw05:31
HomelessSantapvl1: I updated the system and I suppose one of the updates killed it.05:31
Flannelvkkhurava: So, what is it you're looking to do?05:31
pvl1Flannel: where in the unity login does one select their different desktop05:31
pvl1do you know?05:31
HomelessSantapvl1: Thankies.05:32
pvl1HomelessSanta: try to update again05:32
pvl1i should be here05:32
Flannelpvl1: no idea05:32
pvl1always lurking on freenode05:32
pvl1yeah... been using i3 for a while now05:32
vkkhuravaFlannel: while I was on 13.10 I replaced my original kernel with generic due to Wifi issue... but now on 14.04 I want to get back original kernel which ship with 14.0405:32
HomelessSantaI'll try it in a while by the way there isn't away to take a screenshot from the terminal is there?05:33
Flannelvkkhurava: What "original kernel" and what "generic kernel" are you talking about?05:33
pvl1HomelessSanta: no but05:33
pvl1HomelessSanta: there are lil scripts that can upload output to a pastebin05:33
pvl1HomelessSanta: or, cellphone and imgur :)05:34
kandinskihi all05:34
HomelessSantaHaha to bad my cellphone died in dirty water.05:34
pvl1aww HomelessSanta what phone05:35
pvl1hello kandinski05:35
dreamy_pvl1, success05:35
dreamy_whats further05:35
vkkhuravaFlannel: as per my understanding 14.04 comes with 3.13.5 and I have its generic version05:35
kandinskiI have a fstab line that mounts a samba share with the _netdev option. It worked on 12.04, mounting the filesystem when it was available on the network, but it's stopped working since I upgraded to 13.10. Any ideas?05:35
HomelessSantaIt was an Android phone. LG Motion 4G it was a good phone for the budget price.05:35
pvl1dreamy_: see no danger, good job!05:35
pvl1HomelessSanta: ive seen them, good phones. im sorry to hear that. bag of rice right05:36
HomelessSantaWill be back in a while possibly see ya soon pvl1. :P05:36
kandinskicifs-utils is installed, and the partition does mount manually with mount -a05:36
vkkhuravaFlannel: currently i am on 3.13.0-20-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 28 09:56:33 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:36
pvl1although ive fixed many phones iwth isoprpyl alcohol05:36
HomelessSantaBag of rice didn't work either.05:36
jack_Hey I need help with something05:36
kandinskiso it's something aboug ubuntu not triggering the mount anymore.05:36
pvl1dreamy_: install unetbootin05:36
dreamy_no trouble05:37
jack_anyone here have experience with openvpn?05:37
Flannelvkkhurava: According to the website I have, trusty is on  However, you should ask in #ubuntu+1 (thats a channel), because they'll know more about trusty than we do here.05:38
jack_pv11: You do? I need to know how to disconnect from a vpn profile via terminal05:38
pvl1can you confirm that you have interwebs connection before its mounting05:38
pvl1jack_: sudo service openvpn stop05:38
jack_plz someone05:38
vkkhuravaFlannel: Thx for ur support05:38
dreamy_pvl1, next?05:39
pvl1dreamy_: oh wait sorry i forgot we switched to the minimal iso. my fault. but anyways. do you know which /dev device is your usb05:40
pvl1dreamy_: i mean at this point, u can just us mkusb05:40
dreamy_pvl1, it probably in /media05:40
Psil0Cybinhey guys how do i delete terminal history history -c?05:41
dreamy_pvl1, let me try to check that on the link05:41
pvl1Psil0Cybin: have you googled this05:42
dreamy_im having some trouble understanding the tuturial, can i just do something like this? sudo mkusb saucy-desktop-i386.iso05:43
pvl1well thats what ur supposed to do05:46
pvl1but saucy wont fit05:46
zhiyuanHI FAGGOTS05:47
OperaGhostkvwhy just use dd ?05:47
OperaGhostkvmkusb is based on dd anyway05:47
pvl1but he thinks the device is in /media05:48
pvl1dreamy_: do you know which /dev file is your usb thumb drive05:48
OperaGhostkvunmount it first of course !05:48
pvl1because you can just do sudo dd if=/mini.iso of=/dev/sdX05:49
dreamy_pvl1, no, mkusb is a script im tryng to donwload it and run it?05:49
OperaGhostkvyou should run #sudo fdisk -l05:50
pvl1great idea05:50
pvl1yea do that dreamy_ ^^^05:50
dreamy_bit scared..05:50
OperaGhostkvto check where is your usb device05:50
pvl1of what dreamy_ ?05:50
OperaGhostkvit might be /dev/sdg05:50
pvl1dreamy_: you would rather trust a script you download from the internet05:51
OperaGhostkvor some like that05:51
pvl1over running the commands yourself?05:51
OperaGhostkvthe script will use dd anyway !05:51
dreamy_can i press the key control to donwload the script?05:51
dreamy_or copy paste it?05:52
dreamy_i cant download it, the browser edits the file05:53
pvl1dreamy_: where are you downloading from05:53
pvl1dreamy_: also. never trust scripts you find on the internet05:53
pvl1thats much more likely to damage your system05:54
OperaGhostkvit is crazy to use a dd in that way05:55
dreamy_if unetbootin works with the dvd iso, it could work with the minimal iso too05:55
pvl1dreamy_: right click save as05:56
dreamy_pvl1, im going to try unetbootin, ill only use the script after i get some rest05:57
pvl1dreamy_: just use dd05:57
pvl1this can be done in 2 minutes05:57
dreamy_after some sleep?05:58
pvl1idk if ill be here but im sure someone will help06:01
pvl1dd is very simple06:01
z8zwhich is better to locally mirror the package repos? ftpsync or apt-mirror?06:04
OperaGhostkvif you just forget your root passwd06:04
OperaGhostkvyou don't need to do that ..there are many simple way to recover06:05
pvl1OperaGhostkv: how would you do it06:06
OperaGhostkvwell ,you can change your run level06:06
OperaGhostkvinto the single user mod06:06
pilgoHey all.06:07
pvl1OperaGhostkv: isnt that what recovery mode is?06:07
pvl1pilgo: hello06:07
pilgoI ran apt-get update then ran apt-get dist-upgrade but it failed with some resolvconf issue. Now apt-get dist-upgrade doesn’t do anything06:08
pilgomy openssl pacakge is still the old one :(06:08
OperaGhostkvyou can use live cd to into linux rescue06:09
somsippilgo: run openssl version -a and look for a build date of 7th April2014.06:10
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pilgosomsip: Not getting that so much...06:10
pilgowhich is why i’m concerned06:10
pvl1pilgo: try sudo apt-get update, to be sure06:11
pilgopvl1: Yeah, I did that06:11
somsippilgo: follow this https://gist.github.com/dhrrgn/1012547706:11
geirhapilgo: try specifically upgrading the openssl package by running:  sudo apt-get install openssl06:11
geirhaIf that fails, post the output in a pastebin06:11
pilgolibssl1.0.0 is already the newest version.06:12
pilgolibssl1.0.0 set to manually installed.06:12
pvl1pilgo: and sudo apt-get upgrade06:12
pvl1not dist06:12
pvl1just upgrade06:12
pilgopvl1: Yeah,  tried that06:13
geirhapilgo: ls -l "$(type -P openssl)"06:13
pilgopvl1: It says 0 packages to upgrade and what not06:13
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pilgogeirha: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 510224 Apr  7 20:35 /usr/bin/openssl06:15
geirhalooks like it's the right version06:15
pilgogeirha: openssl verion -a returns this: OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201206:16
pilgobut also says: built on: Mon Apr  7 20:31:55 UTC 201406:16
pilgoI guess it’s correct but 2012 threw me off06:17
pilgoThanks guys06:17
geirhaah, so it was right all along :)06:17
pilgogeirha: yeah, sorry06:17
vqoleyanyone can help me to me torrent with iptables?06:20
vqoleythis is list http://paste.ubuntu.com/7233694/ for block torrent in ubuntu using iptables06:21
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oreni try to install ubuntu and in the first install page (choosing language) my keyboard is not working. i can't hit anything. i tried reinstalling and had the same issue. any advice?06:24
oreni know the keyboard is working fine since i was able to choose 'install' from the first menu.06:25
oreni also tried 'command line install' and 'install ubuntu server' but had the same issue.06:25
z8zpilgo: mine too06:26
z8zpilgo: sorry quote mistake06:26
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KartagisI have a spreadsheet with the conditional formattings and all. formatting got lost when I saved the file. what the hell?06:42
ikoniawhat application was the spreadsheet created in ?06:42
ikonia(noted created, not opened)06:42
lerraHi, I have a netinstall setup based on preseed and 12.04.4, a new laptop I have does not have it's nic present in debian installer. So i tested a 12.04.4 livecd and the nic comes up there so the kernel supports it. When I create my own alt 12.04.4 cd with the preseed on it it gives the same error that it cant find the nic but when I use the normal preseed it seams like the nic works but in a later stage of the installation,06:42
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ikoniaKartagis: what application was the spreadsheet CREATED in ?06:44
ikoniaKartagis: ok, so this normally happens when you save it using the open office standards06:45
ikoniasome of the conditional formatting is microsoft only, and saving it in an application that can't deal with that often removes it in the save06:46
Kartagisikonia: I needed to save as?06:46
ikoniaKartagis: as the same microsoft format as it came in (although sometimes this can also fail if you've done something that updates the formatting and the open source app can't apply the propritary formatting)06:46
afibhello everyone!06:47
ikoniaKartagis: this is not uncommon, when you hit save it normally asks something like "do you want to save this in it's orginal format or OSD format"06:47
Kartagiswell it didn't06:47
murlidharhi everybody. after update the flash isn't working. firefox says flash isn't installed.06:47
docsaintlyHas anyone been able to use Ubuntu on a Gigabyte Brix with an AMD CPU?06:47
ikoniadocsaintly: just state YOUR problem06:48
afibi was curious to know if it is possible for me to start a unity session via SSH. i've left the computer on, but it's at login screen so i can't VNC into it. i do have root, but im stuck on a windows machine atm so i've only got PuTTY to work with for SSH06:48
docsaintlyikonia: three different versions of Ubuntu (or distro based on it) all have problems with it. Xorg locks up, becomes unresponsive.06:49
afibbasically i need to know if i can login my session via SSH using my credentials, so i can start my VNC session06:49
ikoniadocsaintly: ok, so why does the cpu matter, do you mean the gpu /06:49
ikoniaKartagis: what version of ubuntu is this ?06:49
docsaintlyWell, all the Brix style things are APUs06:49
Kartagisikonia: 13.0406:49
Kartagiserm, might be .1006:50
Kartagislemme check06:50
ikoniaKartagis: I can't test 13.04 sorry, but 12.04 it certainly works fine on06:50
ikoniadocsaintly: look in the xorg log which xorg module (driver) it's loading for your setup06:50
Kartagisyeah, it's 13.1006:50
ikoniaKartagis: what application are you opening it in ?06:52
Kartagisikonia: libreoffice06:52
ikoniaKartagis: yeah, works fine on 12.0406:53
ikoniajust tested it on an excel spreadsheet with ms specific conditional formatting06:53
Kartagisikonia: should I not save it and do something else?06:53
ikoniasave it as a micrisoft xls rather than osd, all fine in excel06:53
JC_YangI redirect a hexdump output to a text file and some lines are missing with "*" in-place, what's wrong?06:54
afibis it not possible for me to start a session, remotely, through SSH? the server has restarted and i don't have physical access to login from the main login screen. thus, i cannot tunnel in through ssh/vnc as the connection is refused until a session is started (eg login through lightdm)06:55
z8zwhich is better to locally mirror the package repos? ftpsync or apt-mirror?06:57
ikoniaz8z: up to you06:57
z8zikonia: ??? same behaviour?06:58
Bray90820_So for the life of me i can't properly boot ubuntu06:58
Bray90820_After grub the screen goes black06:58
ikoniaz8z: same concept copy files from a->b06:58
bazhang!cn | soft-wxy06:59
ubottusoft-wxy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:59
afibi don't need to start x through ssh, i just need to start my session... without getting past the initial login screen i cant get vnc to work07:01
afibor rather, forward x through the SSH07:01
Bray90820_So for the life of me i can't properly boot ubuntu After grub the screen goes black07:01
JC_Yangdamn it... it's a hex dump feature... line identical to the previous one will be displayed as asterisk...07:02
afibbray: no messages?07:02
Bray90820_basically the monitor goes to sleep07:02
Bray90820_but i can tell it booted because i can here the ubuntu sound07:02
z8zikonia: so those software doesn't anything specific related to any checking or some other issue?07:03
z8zikonia: ftpsync is generic?07:03
z8zikonia: i'm a bit confused07:03
Bray90820_afib: no message07:04
Bray90820_afib: do you know what's going on07:07
afibbray: no, i haven't experienced anything similar with no message. have you tried another monitor? if it's starting up for sure, then surely it's a problem with the display server right? but in my past experience, i would never have been able to hear the sounds of loggin in etc07:08
afibsince no server means no gui, and those sounds don't run if you aren't in the gui07:09
Bray90820_afib: i tried booting windows installed on the same pc07:10
MaxFramesaccidentally clicked on "never notify again" on a "couldn't connect to vpn" message, and now I can't reset this pref07:10
docsaintlyikonia: how do I check which Xorg driver it's loading?07:10
MaxFramesgsettings reset org.gnome.nm-applet disable-vpn-notifications => fails with "failed to commit changes to dconf"07:10
Bray90820_This all started when the display refused to wake from sleep07:10
[A3G1S]Hey guys How can I make all traffic for a user go through a specific network interface ?07:10
MaxFramesdconf-editor also fails with the same error07:10
[A3G1S]can anyone guide me on this ?07:10
MaxFramesif I sudo dconf-editor I don't see the same settings i.e. the notifications for vpn networks are still default07:11
MaxFrameshow do I reset the pref for the non-sudo user?07:11
MaxFramesanyone please?07:17
geirhaMaxFrames: run it without sudo ...07:17
MaxFramesif I run it without sudo, I cannot change any value07:17
MaxFramesif I run it with sudo, I don't see the same values07:17
geirhaMaxFrames: but since you (wrongly) have run it with sudo already, the permissions are likely broken07:17
MaxFramesno no no no. I tried to run it with sudo after seeing that running w/o sudo did not allow me to change the settings07:18
MaxFramesin sudo mode, I didn't do anything. Just read the values.07:18
MaxFramesit's a catch 22. I made a change to a setting as non-sudo, and now I cannot change it back.07:19
geirhaMaxFrames: well, let's make sure there's no files with wrong ownership in your homedir first.  find ~ -xdev ! -user "$USER" -ls07:20
geirhathat should hopefully not list any files.07:20
MaxFramesno files.07:22
MaxFramesthis is a fresh lubuntu install from yesterday, almost everything is default07:22
MaxFramesthe command I am trying is "gsettings reset org.gnome.nm-applet disable-vpn-notifications"07:23
MaxFramesthe error I get is "dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf"07:23
MaxFrames"gsettings org.gnome.nm-applet disable-vpn-notifications" shows that the current value is "true" and I can't change it to "false"07:24
MaxFrames"sudo gsettings reset org.gnome.nm-applet disable-vpn-notifications" gives no errors, but it does not change anything for the non-sudo user07:25
Bray90820_Anyone have a solution to my error?07:26
MaxFramesbesides that, there's also another problem with the nm-editor, more exactly with the openvpn plugin for the nm-editor07:26
MaxFramesI have a vpn connection whose client key is protected with a password; I don't want to save this password, I want it to be requested every time07:27
MaxFrameswell, there is no way to save the vpn connection in the nm-editor unless I fill in the password field07:27
MaxFramesthis way the vpn connection works, but I don't want the password to be stored.07:27
MaxFramesfinally third problem, the nm-editor window is just a tad too tall for my netbook screen, and I have a hard time dragging the window to reveal the "save" button, there seems to be no way to resize the window to make it shorter07:29
Guido1Hello, I would like to change the location of some maps in my profile like music, pictures etc. How can I do that? I also would like uninstall some programs. the siftwercenter shows al installed programs, but I can't uninstal them from there. (I also want to remove some programs i installed with the commenadline so that other programs run. How can i see the relations?)07:30
bazhangGuido1, how were they installed07:31
Guido1bazhang: some where installed via the cmommandline and some via the software center07:32
bazhangGuido1, all from the ubuntu software repositories then07:32
bazhangGuido1, when you say "some maps" did you wish to have Documents, Music, etc on another driver/partition?07:33
silv3r_m00nhi there07:33
Guido1bazhang: yes, that's what i want07:34
bazhangGuido1, and as for removing applications/packages, it's simply sudo apt-get remove packagename07:34
Guido1bazhang: but how do i do that? the system is always looking on the old place and making the maps, if they are not there07:35
KeithWeissharwhy is it taking a long to create a live usb with persistant data using pendrivelinux07:36
Guido1bazhang: but some pacages seam to consist of several smaller pakages07:36
KeithWeissharwhy does it take a long time to create the persistant file on my sandisk cruzer07:36
Bray90820_Why does my screen go to sleep after grub but ubuntu boots anyways because i can here the startup sound07:37
KeithWeisshari created the persistant file of the maximum size in universal usb installer07:37
KeithWeissharit's still writing and the progrress bar does not move until finished07:37
bazhangGuido1, the dependencies? yes, it may remove those as well07:38
KeithWeisshari have a 32gb flash drive and the persistent file is 4gb07:38
Guido1bazhang: can i change them?07:38
KeithWeissharit's taking a long time to write casper-rw07:38
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KeithWeissharwhy can't i cancel the usb installer while writing persistent file07:40
ChiragHi....i have a performance issue in ubuntu 12.04 lTS07:43
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ChiragI have performance issue in ubuntu 12.04 LTS07:56
MrMovlhi there.08:32
bulliconI am running a command like /home/ubuntu/bin/program.py 2>&1 | mail -s <email_address>08:39
bulliconI need to redirect output to a log file as well08:39
bulliconcan I have multiple tees08:39
Tex_Nickbullicon: if you don't gen an answer here, you might ask in #bash ... tis kinda a slow now though08:46
bulliconThanks Tex_Nick08:47
Tex_Nicknp :)08:47
zaof-laelk onda alguien alli...08:49
Tex_Nick!es | zaof-lael08:50
ubottuzaof-lael: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:50
leopeCode-free website software08:53
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sharkpoofieHello people09:06
sharkpoofieI have a question, my ubuntu 13.10 (freshly reinstalled for 3rd time) is always freezing on me, not even sysrq key is working... which log could contain some information on the cause?09:08
sharkpoofiei tried to let memtest run over the night and it did not show any errors09:08
jjavaholicI ran both "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity" and rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity .cache .dbus .dmrc .mission-control .thumbnails ~/.config/dconf/user ~.compiz* but none of my settings reset on reboot what could be going wrong here?09:09
cfhowlettjjavaholic last time I wanted to do a complete reset, I nuked ALL the .hiiddent files/folders.  worked.  of course, YMMV09:10
jjavaholicgnome-tweak-tool worked to switch back to the defaults manually09:11
humboltHands on my palm for Trusty. This thing breaks in so many ways!!! Well, mostly Gnome does.09:11
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jjavaholiclike this: "rm -Rfv ~/.*"09:12
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k1ljjavaholic: which settings do you mean especially?09:16
jjavaholicwindow theme, icon theme, font, cursor theme09:17
k1lsharkpoofie: see the syslog in /var/log but the one from last boot, that should be named syslog.0 or syslog.109:18
sharkpoofiek1l: thanks,  will look into it09:27
sharkpoofiehmmm nothing to be found there09:29
ala_I got ubuntu problems! Would anyone care to help?09:32
keevitajahi, which one to use: keepass2 or keepassX ?09:32
k1llook at the end, that should be the last thing before you had to reboot, sharkpoofie09:32
ala_Trying to get audio to play with a CLI-only install09:32
sharkpoofiekeepassX if you want to use it on android, windows, osx and so on09:33
keevitajasharkpoofie how does it work exactly? will it autofill the password fields?09:33
sharkpoofiek1l: it only contains some logs from whoopsie09:34
sharkpoofiekeevitaja, it can work with some plugins, but i never used them09:34
keevitajaok, thanx. will give it a try09:34
sharkpoofiek1l, i can paste it somewhere online09:34
k1l!paste | sharkpoofie09:35
ubottusharkpoofie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:35
jjavaholicso I blitzed the hidden folders restarted and kinda got what I expected except the cursor theme hasn't changed that is kinda weird behaviour is it not?09:35
k1ljjavaholic: if you made the change systemwide and not only for your user its not unexpected09:36
jjavaholichow would I do that?09:36
maveasSorry ^09:36
sharkpoofiek1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7234127/ because it's too big to copy :09:36
mortal_hi yall09:36
k1ljjavaholic: i dont know how you did set that cursor theme09:37
zetheroo1what will the version of qemu and libvirt be in 14.0409:37
k1lzetheroo1: see packages.ubuntu.com09:37
mortal_how do i changee the color of the top bar?09:37
mortal_i want to make it black09:37
soc42hi #ubuntu09:37
jjavaholicextracting the cursor theme to /usr/share/icon/ then selecting it via gnome-tweak-tool09:38
cfhowlettmortal_ greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions09:38
sharkpoofiek1l, i have to leave for like an hour, i will return unless my ubuntu freezes :D thanks for the help :D09:38
soc42i am on 12.04 on a thinkpad r60 and need to update the graphics adapter driver09:38
mortal_install additional drivers?09:38
jjavaholicthen manually editing /usr/share/icon/default/index.theme and changing that to match09:39
mortal_im newbie09:39
soc42currently in System Settings the graphics driver states: "Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV515 "09:39
k1ljjavaholic: so maybe you have overwritten the original cursor theme there?09:39
soc42the notebook has a "ATI Mobility Radeon X1400" inside09:39
zetheroo1if we are running a system with the latest 14.04 release as of today, will we need to update when 14.04 final is released09:39
soc42do i have to install fglrx to update the driver?09:40
DJones!final | zetheroo109:40
ikoniazetheroo1: yes09:40
ubottuzetheroo1: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.09:40
zetheroo1sorry, that question came out wrong ...09:40
ikoniazetheroo1: #ubuntu+1 for 14.04 chat09:40
zetheroo1will be have to re-install fresh when the final is released09:40
k1lzetheroo1: just install all updates09:40
jjavaholicas far as user permissions who should own /usr/share/icons and /usr/share/themes09:42
mortal_anyone know how to change the top bar to black?09:43
k1ljjavaholic: that is all root territory09:43
soc42problem why i try to update the graphics adapter driver is that gpu temp is currently at 65°C09:44
jjavaholicso "sudo chown root -Rfv /usr/share/icons/*" and "sudo chown root -Rfv /usr/share/themes/*" should rectify any discrepancy?09:48
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geirhalose the *09:52
geirhasudo chown -Rv root: /usr/share/{icons,themes}09:53
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Sly__If anyone is there, I need help09:57
ubottuSly__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:57
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Sly__I'm trying to install elementary OS alongside Win8, but from what I know, Ubuntu installs in the same way so the problem might be similar. When I get to the part where I would select "Other" for the installation method, I don't see that or any other option. I get this instead: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bk7juorIEAA1Eg4.jpg09:59
cfhowlettSly__ elementary OS is not supported here.  use their support channels.  sorry.09:59
Sly__Only one person is there, and he's in and out. And I've seen the installation methods are almost the same. You really can't help me out?10:00
amirchandrapadydecoded:jpeg not available while running python..how to solve10:00
cfhowlettSly__ this is ubuntu.  we support canonical ubuntu flavors.  (and if your OS doesn't support you, perhaps you should reconsider ...)10:00
Sly__Well, thanks anyway.10:01
cor_you have to it manually.10:01
cor_to late ;-)10:01
amirchandrapadyyes tell me..how to solve10:01
interwebWhere could I find a good linux/unix command cheatsheet ?10:03
cfhowlettamirchandrapady ask the #python channel10:03
deferihi. i have new thinkpad E531. thinkpad keyboard backlight doesnt work on ubuntu?10:03
cfhowlettinterweb wait 1 ... https://www.dropbox.com/s/7sqzo0wip1tlngh/fwunixref.pdf10:03
TeraJLVLC does not seem to be working with HTTPS protocol, "main tls client error: TLS client plugin not available"10:04
cfhowlettinterweb https://www.dropbox.com/s/msv95ijbb0uoeb4/Ubuntu%20Reference%20Sheet.pdf10:04
interwebcfhowlett, thanks for both10:04
cfhowlettinterweb enjoy them10:05
interwebWhen I want to upgrade my packages using apt-get "duplicity" have been kept back, I've looked at apt-mark and it is unhold but I can not upgrade it why ?10:05
cfhowlette01 greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions10:13
e01will i get some benefits if i install intel gpu driver, or it is the same with this instaled by default in ubuntu 13.10 ?10:13
[Gentoo]e01: intel drivers should be built into the kernel10:14
amirchandrapadyanything changes in ubuntu 13.10 and 14.0410:14
e01[Gentoo]: so i not need to install it manually?10:15
ubottuX.Org is an implementation of the X Windows System, and is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart it on an Ubuntu system, type 'sudo service lightdm restart'. To fix screen resolution or other X.Org problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . See also !xorgconf10:15
cfhowlettamirchandrapady yes.10:16
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia10:16
cfhowlettXubHuman greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions10:16
jjavaholicthunar-uca-WARNING **: Failed to load `/etc/xdg/Thunar/uca.xml': Permission denied10:17
kostkonamirchandrapady, support for 13.10 will end in July so you'll have to upgrade to 14.04 anyway10:18
interwebWhat is the different between less and more ?10:19
amirchandrapadylast year i used12.04.but in  that version some package wont support,as same way asking you is in 14.04 will support every package?10:21
Anuskahi, i use linux on x64 and i install wine to run a little program and give me this: err:module:import_dll Loading library WLDAP32.dll ?10:22
Anuskahow i resolve this10:22
ubottuAnuska: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:23
Anuskanice answer :) thanks10:23
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications10:23
amirchandrapadyi need to install 2 packages in different  terminal at the same time..is it possible?10:25
XubHumanremote ?10:25
troulouliou_devhi how to compil explicitly against openssl0.9.8 ?10:26
DJonesamirchandrapady: I would say not, because only one package manager can have exclusive locks on the package databases etc10:26
Linuxatorwhy isn't ubuntu so nicely customised as Mint?10:29
cfhowlettLinuxator if you prefer mint, please use it.10:29
NicholasCPoor guy, tried to troll and got shot down within 30 secs.10:30
Linuxatorcfhowlett: i use LMDE10:30
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interwebWhen ubuntu 14.04 comes out ?10:40
DJones17th APril10:40
interwebDJones, Could I update my ubuntu 13.10 direct to it ?10:40
DJonesinterweb: Yes you will be able to10:41
DJones!upgrade | interweb10:41
ubottuinterweb: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:41
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DbuggerHey guys. I have noticed that in my server, whenever I do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", it becomes REALLY slow. Like it takes 2 minutes in "Building dependency tree". Does anyone know how to fix this?10:44
husnainlatifwhat's the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu touch?10:52
Linuxatorsuperlinux-hp: plan 9 from Bell lab ما رأيك في ?10:55
ubottuhusnainlatif: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:55
husnainlatifthanks cfhowlett10:57
cfhowlettelectron-beam if you have a specific question, ask.  random url's help no one10:57
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idimmuhow are you?11:00
idimmui hope you are having a nice day11:00
Guest33470I'm ok.11:00
idimmuonly ok? im GREAT! im about to have lunch on the BEACH its going to be SUPER AWESOME11:00
Guest33470sure, because today is friday.11:00
idimmuyes! yes it is, 6 more hours and im FREE free and ready for the weekend, its' going to be SMASHING11:01
gryI have this issue. http://askubuntu.com/questions/81939/foreman-command-not-found. `rbenv rehash` does not solve it. Please suggest.11:01
bekksCould you take that to the offtopic channel? ;)11:01
bekksgry: No, not you.11:01
gryGood. :)11:01
Guest33470I'm wondering how to search intersting channel on this irc server11:01
Guest33470who knows?11:01
gryGuest33470: Ask ALIS for help.11:01
kostkon!alis | Guest3347011:01
ubottuGuest33470: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:01
gryGuest33470: /msg ALIS help11:01
Guest33470thanks, that helped.11:02
gryGuest33470: /msg ALIS help list11:02
gryGood. :)11:02
idimmubekks in the spirit and harmoney of the ubuntu philosophy, i dont see how exchanging pleasentaries with a stranger is offtopic11:03
bekksidimmu: Exchanging pleasentaries is a very nice thing, but not necessarily an ubuntu support issue, technically ;)11:03
willi have done my work. it's time to go home. cannot be more happy now.11:04
idimmuneither are almost 100% of the questions people ask in here, technically ;)11:04
k1lidimmu: please dont make a drama out of it. we try to keep this channel clear for technical support. that doesnt mean that pleasentries are forbidden but for extended pleasentaries the space for support will shrink. so we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that chat11:04
sharkpoofiecould somebody look at my syslog and see if he can spot some problems why my ubuntu is freezing? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/7234127/11:04
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k1lsharkpoofie: which syslog is that? is that the one till the freeze?11:05
sharkpoofiek1l, yes11:05
k1lsharkpoofie: which ubuntu is that exactly?11:07
sharkpoofiedownloaded today11:08
k1loh, need to be afk for some time now11:09
cfhowlettpeteed1985 greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions11:10
peteed1985my latest experience with linux is red hat linux 9 and fedora core 1 and 2 and I tried to install a video watching program like windows media player on it and ended up giving up cause you had to do it all in command line and then needed 1000 or more dependencies, never tried ubuntu so was curios how it is compared to what I remember of red hat linux 9?11:12
bekkspeteed1985: sudo apt-get install kaffeine   does that job.11:13
cfhowlettpeteed1985 sorry, but we have NO IDEA of what you remember from redhat.  to install a program in ubuntu, use the software center or bekks suggestions11:13
gvopeteed1985: much improved, try it.11:13
cfhowlettm4rtijn greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions11:14
husnainlatifcfhowlett,  i've gotta ask, if you don't mind, i skimmed through those pages and if I haven't got it wrong, ubuntutouch=arm and ubuntu=x86?11:16
peteed1985how does uninstalling ubuntu work? I have windows 8.1 and was wondering if I install ubuntu and then format the ubuntu drive will it break my windows because of grub loader replacing MBR?11:17
cfhowletthusnainlatif correctomundo11:18
peteed1985just wanna make sure I don't break my windows just to try it11:18
cfhowlettpeteed1985 you're running windows 8 - likely you've got uefi  not mbr11:18
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:18
peteed1985ahh yeah I do I have an ASUS ROG board and it mentioned UEFI but I didn't understand it :D11:19
m4rtijnsimple question, but google doesnt aswer well - i need an sh script to execute a /usr/local/bin/command in a the .sh directory..11:19
m4rtijnhow do I start?11:19
cfhowlettpeteed1985 nor I.  Haven't had to deal with it yet ...11:20
dawnk_I'm not able to open Vidalia11:21
dawnk_I get the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/7234445/11:21
m4rtijnif I just do "command" in my sh script.. will it execute in the folder from the sh script?11:22
gryyes, I think so11:23
OerHeksm4v, yes, you need to use full path to your script11:26
jjavaholicif I want to do a clean reinstall of the ubuntu base packages?11:29
jjavaholicwatch?v=SwUxvoFAO78 shows my problem window resize high CPU in system-monitor--indicator11:42
OerHeksjjavaholic, is that bad?11:43
OerHekskannot see the link, as it is incomplete, but hey, resizing takes a little cpu power more11:43
OerHeksand should go back to 'normal' as you relaese the resize function11:44
bekksjjavaholic: Then dont use system monitor since thats the monitoring tool with the highest overhead ever known. It takes up to 30% of the resources shown used for itself.11:45
jjavaholicI suspect a mistake somewhere11:46
jjavaholicit never used to be this bad11:46
bekksjjavaholic: It always was that bad, regardring system monitor. :)11:47
jjavaholicit doesn't matter what session i'm in be it fallback or unity default11:47
bekksjjavaholic: Yes. because system monitor uses a lot of resources.11:48
bekksjjavaholic: Use a sane tool like top, sar or vmstat - but dont use system monitor.11:48
jjavaholicwhy does windows resize normal cost so much?11:51
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: "cost" is what way?11:51
bekksjjavaholic: As long as you are measuring with system monitor, all results arent worth to be mentioned.11:52
dawnk_guys how do I add bridges to tor without vidalia?11:53
jjavaholicI swear it came as a top 10 recommended indicator11:54
jjavaholicyou are ruining my delusion that is it the only valuable indicator to have behind the weather-applet11:54
bekksjjavaholic: It is the most invaluable indicator ever.11:55
OerHeksjjavaholic, top or htop in terminal takes less resources11:55
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: do you want a CPU usage indicator? Is this the requirement?11:56
jjavaholicactionparsnip: cost in terms of CPU usage and why wouldn't it be handled by the GPU?11:56
kostkonjjavaholic, depends of your graphics driver i guess11:56
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: handled in what way...?11:56
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ActionParsnipjjavaholic: if the window resizing is done in Compiz then I'd imagine it is done in 3D11:57
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: If you disable the show window content while resizing, you will be given a wire shape which is faster and lighter11:58
ActionParsnip*wire frame11:58
bekksjjavaholic: Until you use a full openGL implementation and offloading graphic operations to the GPU entirely, the CPU will do most of the job.11:58
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: are you using compiz? If you are unsure then you can run:    ps -ef | grep compiz | grep -v grep     to check11:59
=== kenny_18 is now known as kenny18
kostkonjjavaholic, wait for mir qt5 non-compiz based unity8 it'll be much faster11:59
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: or ditch junky compiz and use Gnome Shell :)12:00
bekkskostkon: Which will be available not before october :)12:00
kostkonjjavaholic, it's just around the corner. 1.5-2y max12:00
bekkskostkon: :D12:00
jjavaholiccan't stand gnome-shell12:00
kostkonbekks, a very early preview of it yes12:00
ActionParsnipor use LXDE, XFCE  and so forth12:00
ActionParsnipimho the sooner compiz dies the better12:00
jjavaholicthe idea that you would add a new workspace on the fly and not designate a workspace for certain app doesn't make workspace sense to me12:01
bekksjjavaholic: How are workspaces involved into all that?12:01
jjavaholicthat is part of the reason I ditched fedora at the time before cinammon was introduced12:02
jjavaholicmoving down the workspaces to a new empty one12:02
jjavaholicor moving apps to certain workspaces12:02
karma6969jjavaholic i dped your mom12:03
bekksjjavaholic: How is that related to measuring cpu performance without system monitir?12:03
karma6969ubuntu sucks12:03
bekkskarma6969: then leave.12:03
ActionParsnipkarma6969: dont use it then...12:03
karma6969yer all gay12:03
karma6969bye fags12:03
ActionParsnipwell, that was productive12:03
jjavaholicI know how to read system monitor12:04
jjavaholicI would have to read up on how to use htop12:04
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: why do you want to see the CPU use anyway?12:04
jjavaholicand it does seem like a waste of a terminal12:04
bekksjjavaholic: type "htop" and look at the screen.12:04
bekksjjavaholic: system monitor is wasting more resources than a terminal ever could. If you insist on using it, dont complain about wasting resources.12:05
bekksyeah, on :)12:06
jjavaholicthe convience of seeing what my CPU levels are without having to necessarily open a window12:06
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: why do you want to see the CPU use anyway?12:06
ActionParsnipbekks: sneezed (im full of cold)12:06
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: but why do you want to see the cpu levels?12:06
jjavaholicI can see what app is using what CPU usage12:07
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: ok but what will you do with this information? To what end do you want this information?12:07
jjavaholicso I can kill it if necessary12:08
jjavaholicif I think it is using too much12:08
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: your system will hang if it uses too much. You dont need to see the cpu usage every 5 seconds to do that12:08
bekksjjavaholic: You decision is based on what exactly?12:08
jjavaholiceven back in the days of gnome2 an indicator type app was useful12:09
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: if a process is starving other processes of time, you will see it as it will directly affect the desktop experience12:09
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: the entire desktop and its performance can show you that12:09
OerHeksis a higher cpu use bad with resizing an (active) window?12:10
ActionParsnipOerHeks: yes because the 2 seconds I am resizing its soooo annoying ;)12:10
jjavaholicnot if the application is on a another workspace12:10
Johnny_Linuxinstall the single second version12:10
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: so why do you need an indicator when you can see the desktop noticably slow down for long periods of time, you can then take action. This human manual monitoring will cost you zero resources12:11
bekksjjavaholic: Of course.12:11
bekksjjavaholic: Because the workspaces are controlled by the same desktop environment.12:11
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: the whole desktop will be affected as it is all using the same CPU pool12:11
OerHeksresizing an app on an other workspace, right.12:11
* OerHeks goes idle12:12
elichai2can someone here help me with reinstalling GRUB through ubuntu live cd?12:12
bekks!grub2 | elichai212:12
ubottuelichai2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:12
ActionParsnipelichai2: omgubuntu has a fantastic guide called "sticking it to grub"12:12
=== kevin is now known as Guest17909
jjavaholicmy worst abuse of my quad core was leaving secondlife on overnight12:12
ActionParsnipjjavaholic: basically the rationale for the indicator that you have is flawed12:13
bekksjjavaholic: Then why are you worried about window redraw resources?12:13
jjavaholicI think Ideally I was find something better more convient to monitor GPU usage12:13
Treyshawngood evening fellow rapists12:13
elichai2yeah but my problem is any guide say me to mount apecific partition12:13
elichai2and i have 3OS's on my machine12:13
berthais this dominos12:13
elichai2so which one to mount?!12:14
jjavaholicthis expensive redraw has been a recent thing 13.1012:14
Treyshawni'll mount your mum12:14
ActionParsnipelichai2: then you need to work out which partition has Ubuntu onto it so you can chroot12:14
elichai2none of them12:14
berthai have an ubuntu partition12:14
berthaits called mac os12:14
elichai2i have Kali&Debian&Windows12:14
TreyshawnI lovve macs12:14
Treyshawnthey are so good at gaems12:15
berthai have standard ubunto and backtrack12:15
bekkselichai2: Neither KAli not Debian nor Windows is supported in here.12:15
berthai dont like kali12:15
ActionParsnipelichai2: then how is this ubuntu related when you dont have ubunt uinstaled?12:15
berthathe ui isnt as friendly imo12:15
ActionParsnipelichai2: I suggest you ask in #kali-linux12:15
elichai2ActionParsnip: becuase i'm trying to use ubuntu live cd?12:15
TreyshawnYES IT IS12:15
kostkonwhy so many trolls today :/12:15
chulishello ¿how can i decrease the appear time of a pop up? for example, when i recieve a mail or status battery etc?12:15
chulis excuse for my english im spanish12:15
Treyshawnstupid trolls12:15
Treyshawnthis bertha bitch is stupid12:15
chulisi use lubuntu12:15
bekks!ops | Treyshawn12:15
ubottuTreyshawn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!12:15
ActionParsnipelichai2: the omgubutu guide shows how to reinstate grub using chroot, you will need to work out which has the partition you boot to, you can then chroot to that12:16
jjavaholicI think it might be traced back to a bad default resize normal mode12:16
bekksDJones: Thank you.12:16
jjavaholicchanging resize mode to outline seems to have improved things12:16
ActionParsnipelichai2: if this isnt clear then the guys in #kali-linux will be able to advise12:17
elichai2ActionParsnip: but i boot to all of my partitions!12:17
ActionParsnipelichai2: no, grub is on ONE partition. Grub then makes the others load12:17
berthawhat distro do you recommend for a noob to linux12:17
ActionParsnipbertha: ubuntu12:17
bekksbertha: Ubuntu12:17
berthaok sweet12:17
ActionParsnipbertha: it does a lot of hand holding (at the cost of bloat)12:17
berthabut i know no programming or commands whatsoever12:18
ActionParsnipbertha: you arent expected to12:18
ActionParsnipbertha: why is that a thing?12:18
ActionParsnipbertha: im not a programmer either, I use Ubuntu12:18
berthai want to make the most out of it12:18
berthaif i do switch12:18
b1001Hi guys.. do any of you have an idea how to tile windows in unity? Like in dwm, xmonad awesome etc?12:18
elichai2ActionParsnip: so how can i know on which one?12:18
ActionParsnipbertha: what does knowing about programming have to do with anything?12:19
berthaive already partitioned my harddrive and installed ubuntu12:19
ActionParsnipelichai2: I'd ask your Kali userbase, they'll be able to tell you12:19
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=== pho is now known as phao
berthaactionparsnip: i dont know, i just assumed to make the most out of ubuntu you needed to know some commands or progamming or something12:19
ActionParsnipbertha: not at all, same as windows. Its a desktop OS12:19
Nick____HI FAGOTS12:20
mantashello, can somebody tel me which command to use to check linux server HDD for bad sectors? HDDs are SAS12:20
berthaactionparsnip: thanks12:20
ActionParsnipmantas: use fsck in live CD. The partition must be unmounted to be fsck'd12:20
ActionParsnipmantas: or if you can simply unmount them in the OS, then that is fine too12:21
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mantasActionParsnip is there any chance to check it without unmount? smartctl?12:21
ActionParsnipmantas: no, the data may change as it is checked and cause a false positive12:22
berthawell boys im out12:22
ActionParsnipmantas: fsck will complain if you try to check mounted partitions12:23
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elichai2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair will repair debian grub too?12:24
ActionParsnipelichai2: ask in #debian12:25
=== varunendra is now known as Guest22900
Jay----Hello, how to install catalyst on xubuntu. I get it working on Ubuntu but not xubuntu12:27
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soc42hi #ubuntu12:27
Jay----Soc42: how do I install amd catalyst on xubuntu12:28
soc42i cant start unity because of running on low graphics card settings12:28
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:28
soc42meaning my graphics card display driver might be broken12:28
Guest0234Hello guys; I've tryied to install win 7 along with ubuntu 12.04 but I changed my mind before starting the installation. When I came back to the ubuntu desktop, I cant see unity anymore, even the top bar is gone and I have very low resolution12:28
ActionParsnipJay----: spatry also has a youtube videoguide12:29
Guest0234Please help!!12:29
jjavaholicb1001: ccsm > place windows > placement mode there are a number of options12:29
Jay----Link me12:29
soc42sorry jay, but... i guess i'll need your help ;o)12:29
soc42now the system 12.04.4 says "starting CUPS" but halting12:30
brothersomeGuest0234: Change your screen resolution (system preferences)12:30
soc42any suggestions?12:30
Guest0234brothersome: unity bar is gone so I cant do that12:30
Guest0234it's like display is not loaded properly12:31
Jay----Go on xorg and fine their repo and insert the command into terminal12:31
Jay----Beta is beta12:31
brothersomeGuest0234: restart and choose before you choose your name gnome (right above your name) and try12:32
brothersomeGuest0234, you can also logoff and then do it12:32
XanoI just installed 13.10 on a brand new machine, but Unity feels extremely sluggish to me. Is there a way to speed things up? Googling only resulted in tons of topics with complaints12:32
zteamHi all!12:32
gareppatry to reset unity config with this dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ unity --reset-icons &disown12:32
Guest0234brothersome: I have no menus guys12:32
gareppadconf reset -f /org/compiz/12:32
gareppaunity --reset-icons &disown12:33
gareppait should reset unity12:33
elichai2can i get help with ubunt Boot-repair?12:33
zteamis there any easy way to install XBMC without getting the greeter addon for LightDM?12:33
brothersomeGuest0234: Ctrl-Alt-F1 prompt and Ctrl-Alt-F6 = Graphics12:33
embrikCan anyone please explain how I can set up a pc and give external acess to the desktop and let the local user watch?12:33
Guest0234gareppa:  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".12:33
bekksbrothersome: ctrl alt f7 not f612:33
zteamBecause I think it screw up my LightDM12:34
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embrikdid you understand my question?12:34
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zteamXano, do you have the propriarety driver installed for your graphics card?12:35
brothersomeembrik, teamviewer of vnc?12:35
embriktried teamviewer - that's a possible solution.12:35
gareppatry a reinstall then...12:35
embrikTried VLC too, streaming, but am not finsihed trying it out -12:36
embrikThought more of a linux-solution :-)12:36
brothersomeembrik, problem with rdp is that it opens a new session12:36
embrikbrothersome Yes, The local user must see what's going on12:37
Xanozteam Where do I find out which drivers have been installed?12:38
embrikbrothersome: Wuld it be possible to stream the whole desktop with vlc?12:38
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
XanoIḿ not really familiar with the UI anymore :P12:38
phaoHey. Whenever I try to login with my user I type the password and then go back to the login screen (terminal 'black' screen appens in between with some messages like starting virtualbox stuff and a "Restoring Resolver State" at the end).12:39
phaoI can start a guest session, and I can also login with my acct from the console.12:39
phaoI'm on a guest session right now...12:39
phaoany clues on how I solve this?12:39
zteamXano, go to software and drivers -> additional drivers and check if you are using the suggested driver12:40
zteamXano, (the system will automatically suggest, the best driver for you)12:41
Xanozteam, "No additional drivers available"12:41
Xanozteam, I have an Intel HD 4400 card, not sure if there are any third party drivers available at all12:41
bekksXano: No, there arent.12:42
Xanolet me look that up first12:42
kostkonXano, you are using the intel driver already12:44
zteamXano, well with that graphics card u should be able to handle Unity without any problems at all12:45
Xanozteam, I'm sure itś not the card itself, but opening the dash is sluggish, alt+tab is sluggish too12:46
zteamXano, Nope it is not the card, my graphics card is waaaay older12:47
kostkonXano, mine is 1000s times slower than your intel hd and dash is fine12:48
phaodamn it... it was just some bad shellscript I've added to my .profile.12:49
donofrioFolks, do we have an equal in Ubuntu of http://magnifier.sourceforge.net/ for current day Ubuntu.....12:49
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo
kostkonXano, install the package "mesa-utils" then give in the terminal:  glxinfo | grep -i renderer     easier way is to open your system settings and click on Details. What does it say about the graphics card12:51
ActionParsnipdonofrio: xmag12:52
Xanokostkon, "Driver Intel® Haswell Mobile " and "Experience Standard"12:54
Xanokostkon, There is no more specific informatoin12:54
kostkonXano, ok. the driver used is the correct one.12:55
musonici’m getting an apache error related to installing the intl extension. can anyone help?12:59
donofrioActionParsnip, is that a new'ish™ application for the LightDM/Unity'ish and less (gulp) x11'ish....(can't believe I even asked that but with Mir and such...you know...)12:59
ActionParsnipdonofrio: xmag is ancient dude13:00
donofrioActionParsnip, I know, hence I original question (-;13:01
ActionParsnipdonofrio: i believe its a default part in all Xorg installs13:01
=== dean|away is now known as dean
ActionParsnip!info xmag13:01
ubottuPackage xmag does not exist in saucy13:01
donofrio!info xmag13:01
donofriomy bad13:02
ActionParsnip!find xmag13:02
ubottuFile xmag found in fvwm-icons, lemonldap-ng-doc, libpython2.7-testsuite, libpython3.3-testsuite, nuvola-icon-theme, openclipart-png, openclipart-svg, pypy-lib, texlive-base, vym (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xmag&mode=&suite=saucy&arch=any13:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:02
ActionParsnipdonofrio: in a termimal, type xmag and hit ENTER, it will tell you what package is needed (if any)13:03
ActionParsnipXano: there is an intel driver installer, omgubuntu has a guide regarding it13:03
LachezarHey all... I'm looking for a way to perform port-redirect IPa:PORTa->IPa:PORTb without firewall rules and without root. In #linux I was pointed to something called 'relayd', but it does not seem to exist with Ubuntu. Please advise on an alternative.13:11
XanoActionParsnip, I am not having much luck finding the guide yet. Do you perhaps have a link for me?13:13
XanoActionParsnip, Ah, found it elsewhere already :)13:14
Xanothanks for the hint13:14
ActionParsnipXano: websearching is good13:15
XanoActionParsnip, Yeah, but you need to look in the right corner :P13:17
XanoActionParsnip, kostkon zteam Thanks for your hepl, looks like I may have solved my problem13:17
kostkonXano, what was the problem13:18
Xanokostkon, Missing driver, probably13:19
kostkonXano, hmm ok13:19
XanoUbuntu itself didn notify my. Had to use Intelś installer13:19
t4ng0hey guys13:20
t4ng0how to set linux 13.10 to have gnome 2 desktop?13:21
ZeroXpCan i help you.?13:21
ActionParsnipt4ng0: 13.10 is eol soon13:21
t4ng0i mean the classic desktop or MATE13:21
ActionParsnipt4ng0: there is cinammon in the default repos13:21
ActionParsnipt4ng0: gnome 2 is dead and gone13:22
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t4ng0so the latest LTS to be released this 17 will be eol?13:22
ActionParsnipt4ng0: that makes no sense13:22
ZeroXpCan I apply some restrictions on ubuntu, the same GPO13:22
t4ng0lol, i am stucked with the old desktop13:22
Xanokostkon, ActionParsnip zteam The animations are still annoying, but at least they are no longer sluggish. Thanks! :)13:23
t4ng0but i want the latest version of ubuntu because of security13:23
Picit4ng0: 13.10 will reach EOL in July. 14.04 (which comes out on the 17th) will reach EOL in 2019.13:24
donofrioActionParsnip, was not looking for "quick" answer just the "Native Application" answer to the Magnification request13:24
t4ng0i would like to have the 10.4 desktop on 13.1013:25
ActionParsnipt4ng0: if you like the old style desktop then install cinammon13:25
ActionParsnipt4ng0: or install gnome-panel and log off then select the new session13:25
t4ng0hmm but its stability?13:25
ActionParsnipt4ng0: yes13:25
ActionParsnipt4ng0: again, 13.10 is dead soon, I'd update to 14.04 soon13:26
t4ng0what would be the desktop be like on 14.04?13:26
Stats_Ethan14.04 isn't out yet though, is it?13:26
Stats_EthanNot a stable version, at least.13:26
PiciNot for another week.13:26
ActionParsnipt4ng0: its the same as the default in 13.1013:26
ActionParsnipt4ng0: if you like the 2 panel session then Xubuntu may be a way to go13:26
Stats_EthanThere are some tweaks but overall it'll be the same.13:26
t4ng0well lol okay13:27
voldymi have made  a custom xkb keymap with changes caps key to ctrl but after login all the keys are mapped except the caps, i have to execute setxkbmap everytime.13:33
voldymthe keymap file is https://github.com/voldyman/keylayout/blob/master/ak13:33
voldymanyone knows about keymaps ?13:37
=== GeekBlogTV is now known as BasedGeek_bike
maverickshallo everyone, i am just facing a "reboot instead of down" problem could any one help me ..13:42
mavericksthis is my first time using xchat, do not know how to do it13:42
ActionParsnipmavericks: so you cannot shutdown, the system reboots instead?13:42
cfhowlettmavericks ask your ubuntu questions13:43
mavericksthe problem is as follows. If I click the shutdown button in GUI, it will shutdown but 3 seconds later restarts again.13:44
ActionParsnipmavericks: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now     does it turn off?13:44
mavericksHowever, if i use command line "sudo shutdown -h now", it will be shutted down13:44
ActionParsnipmavericks: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue13:44
mavericksi have tried "laptop_mode_toos", no success13:45
ActionParsnipmavericks: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue13:45
cfhowlettmavericks cat /etc/issue13:45
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
maverickscat / etc/issue is   Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l13:46
donofrioI guess what I'm asking for is - Does anyone know of a Magnifier Application for Unity?13:46
cfhowlettdonofrio should be one in the Accessibility options13:46
mavericksnothing more just Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l13:46
ActionParsnipmavericks: Saucy is EOL soon, I suggest you upgrade to Trusty soon13:46
maverickshaha, i am planning to, but i will be in next week. And Trusty may also have this bug..13:47
hillaryhow do redetect my keyboard in ubuntu 12.0413:47
hillaryhow to redetect key board in ubuntu 12.0413:48
CatKillermavericks: When you say "it reboots" you mean like a "physical" reboot (you see the BIOS again) or it never really shutdowns: the system tries to halt but resumes operation13:48
JC_SoCali have a 12.04 box and a usb 3.0 card in the PCI slow. However my speeds are only 26MB/s -- any idea where I should start to troubleshoot this?13:48
CatKillerJC_SoCal: What is plugged in onto that card13:49
ActionParsnipJC_SoCal: what is the output of:  uname -a13:49
JC_SoCalits a 4 port card -- with 1 WD USB3 HDD plugged in13:49
mavericksCatKiller: it reboots and even stays shutdown for about 3 seconds13:49
JC_SoCalLinux Karpo 3.8.0-35-generic #52~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 30 17:24:40 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:49
bekksJC_SoCal: 26MB/s when doing what?13:49
ActionParsnipJC_SoCal: try the 3.11 kernel13:50
CatKillermavericks: Sounds like your BIOS is configured to "automatically restart system after..."13:50
CatKillerSometimes you have "power failure"13:50
mavericks.... unfortunately i did not find this configuration in the BIOS...13:50
CatKillerbut I guess it could be that "automatically restart node after shutdown"13:50
JC_SoCalbekks:  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb13:50
CatKillermavericks: Does this only happen with Ubuntu?13:50
mavericksyes only with ubuntu13:51
ActionParsnipmavericks: be sure you have the latest BIOS13:51
bekksJC_SoCal: Then you can consider yourself lucky to have those fast results.13:51
CatKillermavericks: So with Windows for instance it doesn't happen?13:51
JC_SoCalbekks: is there a better way to test speeds?13:51
mavericksfor windows it does not happen, very normal13:51
CatKillerJC_SoCal: Speed of what? What are you testing? a USB key?13:51
bekksJC_SoCal: How much RAM do you have?13:51
JC_SoCalWD USB3.0 hd13:51
JC_SoCal8 gigs13:51
mavericksActionParsnip: i did not check the version of BIOS13:52
CatKillermavericks: I don't see how Ubuntu could affect it honestly. You even said that the machine physically powers off for three seconds13:52
CatKillerat that stage Ubuntu has no more "trace" left on your system13:52
bekksJC_SoCal: Then run the following: dd bs=16M count=640 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb13:52
bekksJC_SoCal: That will transfer 10GB in 16M blocks to your sdb13:52
CatKillermavericks: Just to be clear: after it "reboots" on its own, you see the BIOS screen again: i.e. it really powers off totally?13:52
mavericksyeah, but the command line works for ubuntu to shutdown. i managed to do that. Before command line did not work either..13:53
CatKillermavericks: The fact that the command line didn't work and now works sounds more like a fluke13:53
mavericksCatKiller: Yes, see the BIOS again13:53
CatKillerthe code for shutting down isn't being changed very often13:53
CatKillerin fact it's very simple it sends a signal on a specific bus to tell the MB to shutdown13:54
JC_SoCalbekks: i'm now between 107MB and 111 MB/s13:54
bekksJC_SoCal: Wait for the result. Up to 8GB might be served from RAM cache.13:54
CatKillermavericks: Maybe something else on the network in sending a Wake On Lan signal that gets interpreted by your NIC card? Try to shutdown completely disconnected from the network13:54
JC_SoCalbekks: can you explain the logic behind the BS vs my Ram?13:54
mavericksok i try that now and come back13:55
bekksJC_SoCal: Well, consider you have 1M accessed already. Then this data will be in the RAM cache. If access it again, you will actually access RAM, not disk. Thats the short story.13:55
mavericksThanks for your help.13:55
bekksJC_SoCal: for reliable dd tests, you have to use a block size near to the physical cache of the disk (which is about 16 to 32M nowadays) and you have to transfer more data than you have RAM to avoid caching effects.13:56
JC_SoCal10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 98.6371 s, 109 MB/s13:57
bekksJC_SoCal: Thats a pretty good value for USB3.13:57
JC_SoCalbekks: this helped a lot! thank you13:57
hillarymy keyboard key like @ not detected ubuntu 12.0413:57
JC_SoCalbekks: would it be worthwile to find the cache size of my USB 3.0 HDD?13:57
bekksJC_SoCal: Can you pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please?13:58
CatKillerbekks: dd will most likely split those incredibly large chunks into smaller, 64K chunks anyways13:59
XanoI can really find whether Contacts supports Google sync or not. Some sources say it doesn't, some say it does. Some say to use Ubuntu One as a workaround, but I don't want to store my data in yet another place *and* that service will be shut down later this year anyway.13:59
bekks!pastebin | JC_SoCal13:59
ubottuJC_SoCal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:59
Xano*I can't13:59
CatKillerbekks: really specifying 1MB chunks is perfect13:59
bekksCatKiller: Nope. The default withou bs= is 512 Bytes.13:59
mavericksCatKiller: i tried turn off networking, but it still rebooted.13:59
CatKillerbekks: In fact run the test for yourself. Using 1MB or 16MB is going to yielf the same performance13:59
CatKillermavericks: So you unplugged the machine from the LAN right?13:59
mavericksi did not use LAN..14:00
bekksCatKiller: And specifying smaller chunks than the cache size is nonsense either, since it will unnecessarily increase cache preasure on the hdd cache.14:00
mavericksI used Wlan for network14:00
JC_SoCalbekks: paste.ubuntu.com/7235013/14:00
bekksCatKiller: In fact the best results I achieved where when I set the block size to the cache size.14:00
CatKillermavericks: Ah sorry, so it couldn't be wake on lan then14:00
mavericksi disabled lan and wlan and tried to shutdown14:00
JC_SoCalCatKiller: i will try 1mb -- one sec14:00
CatKillerbekks: I'd be amazed at that. Since dd does split your blocks in smaller chunks anyways14:00
mavericksno problem. ;-)14:00
bekksJC_SoCal: could you pastebin "dmesg" as well please?14:01
CatKillermavericks: it's a really complex problem and most likely hardware related. Good luck with that! If the command line works fine, use that instead. Maybe map a button to it14:01
bekksCatKiller: Which it doesnt when you specify bs14:01
CatKillerbekks: It does. If you don't specify it defaul;ts to 512B14:01
CatKillerwhen you specify 16M14:01
CatKillerthe reality is that the actual block sent to the device will be smaller14:02
CatKillerI'm talking about the block IO14:02
JC_SoCalbekks: paste.ubuntu.com/7235019/14:02
rt_91hi , i am trying to build a webapplication, where i am trying to access the files from the ubuntu one cloud , while authentication. i am using the following url to https://login.ubuntu.com/api/1.0/authentications to authenticate cloud.14:02
mavericksCatKiller: thanks a lot, though. I will live with that. :-)14:02
bekksCatKiller: I strongly doubt that until you can prove that.14:02
bekksJC_SoCal: An URL starts with a resource locator. Use that please.14:03
rt_91it asks for username and password14:03
rt_91but when i am trying to use the same url14:03
CatKillerbekks: Doesn't matter to me ;) You can see for yourself by printing each BIO sent to the device14:03
CatKilleryou'll be syurprised at the result14:03
CatKillerdoubt it's worth the effort anyways14:03
rt_91again it is not asking the username and password.14:03
CatKillerOr even easier: just compare results of 1MB vs 64MB (for drives with 64MiB of cache)14:04
CatKilleryou should get the same14:04
Picirt_91: 1) Ubuntu One is shutting down. 2) #ubuntu-app-devel would probably be a better place for this.14:04
YasminasHello, I can't figure out if Tp-Link TL-WN725N is linux-compatible or not  (I find contradicting info online). help please14:05
bekksCatKiller: Yeah, so I consider your statements as "I cannot prove it.". Thanks anyway.14:05
donofriowhat channel here fields lightdm questions?  tried #lightdm but I was the only one in the channel?14:05
CatKillerbekks: OK. I did prove it though.14:06
CatKillerI gave you the exact test to run14:06
CatKillerin fact I'll run it myself here14:06
bekksCatKiller: you didnt. you just said to do something, which is no prove at all, but a suggestion in best case. I'll move on now, since you cant prove your statements.14:06
CatKillerbekks: test is running14:07
CatKillerWhat I wouldn't do just to help a fellow user! :p14:07
bekksCatKiller: So you do you monitor block i/o sizes? :P14:07
CatKillerbekks: My test is simple: I run one test with bs= disk cache size14:08
CatKillerand one test with bs=1M14:08
YasminasI have a machine with Lubuntu 13.10 , will TP-LINK TL-WN725N work on it?14:08
CatKillerif both test yielf exactly the same speed14:08
CatKillerthen it's likely that using a bs > 1MiB has no effect14:08
bekksCatKiller: thats not what you suggested. you suggested to monitor data blocl sizes for block i/o when using dd.14:08
CatKillerbekks: And here are the results14:09
CatKillerI suggested two things14:09
CatKiller<CatKiller> Or even easier: just compare results of 1MB vs 64MB (for drives with 64MiB of cache)14:09
bekksSo bs=16M is faster. q.e.d.14:09
CatKillerNo it's not14:09
bekksCatKiller: In my world, 128 is bigger than 126. In yours too?14:10
CatKiller126MiB/sec vs 128MiB/sec14:10
CatKilleryes it's the same14:10
CatKilleryou have a +/- margin in IO tests14:10
CatKillerthe only way to get rid of this margin is to run the test 10000 times14:10
Yasminasnobody? is this not the right place to ask this question?14:10
ubottuYasminas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:11
CatKilleralso note that the second test would have a lot of blocks stored in cache14:11
CatKillerso it should have been a *lot* faster14:11
bekksCatKiller: How much RAM do you have?14:11
CatKiller80184k buffers14:11
bekksThen point is, that when you using more data than your RAM can hold, you avoid caching effects.14:11
CatKillerthere's 80MB that was buffered14:11
CatKillerbekks: That's why I used 5GiB14:12
bekksThats what I sai already. And caching 80M out of 2.5G can be safely ignored.14:12
CatKillerto ease the effects of cache14:12
CatKillerno it can't14:12
CatKillerit might account for 2MiB/sec14:12
JC_SoCalthanks for your help bekks -- i'm getting back it it14:12
JC_SoCalto it*14:12
bekksCatKiller: Whatever you are talking about, all I can see is that you are pretty confused.14:12
CatKillerbekks: No you are confused :p14:13
CatKillerbekks: The proof is here14:13
limeyhaving problem with torrents not starting. firewall isnt on. any ideas? fresh install of xubuntu. deluge and transmission both sit14:13
CatKillerlarge block size vs 1MiB block size: same speed14:13
CatKillerno noticeable improvement14:13
bekksCatKiller: so how big your hdd cache?14:13
CatKillernothing that would prompt anyone to recommend 64MiB block size over 1MiB block size14:13
CatKillerlet me restart the test with 64MiB14:13
bekksthen use 64M instead of 16. Thats what I said. Do what you want, but dont tell me, I am not interested in continuing this pointless discussing with you anymore.14:14
CatKillerbekks: I am :)14:14
CatKillerIt's not pointless14:14
francis_HI,there are italian in this chat??14:14
CatKilleryou are spreading disinformation14:14
ubottufrancis_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:14
CatKillerAh, 125MB/sec with 64MiB14:14
bekksCatKiller: whatever. move on. last chance to avoid an ignore. I am not interested in any further conversation with you.14:15
francis_thank you ubottu14:15
CatKilleralso it took us a while but while developping our SAS scsi target here we noticed that dd was a poor test compared to say xdd or even IO meter as it split the IOs in variable chunk size, regardless of the bs parameter14:15
CatKillerbekks: That's fine but please don't spread disinformation, it's counter productive14:16
bekksCatKiller: Well you spreading misinformation, since you a) where not using dd with a stock block device driver but b) using iscsi instead. So unless you face the fact that iscsi works different from stock block device drivers, please c) dont hilight me anymore and d) stop spreading misinformation.14:17
CatKilleriscsi? why? no it's a SATA drive14:17
CatKillerand when we noticed the dd behaviour it was while working on a SAS target14:18
CatKillerwhich is even more scsi than SATA could be ;)14:18
bekksWhatever. Ignore set.14:18
CatKillernice :) Way to go!14:18
CatKillerI prefer #python because there people can actually suck it up when they said something wrong and learn from it14:19
DrFoowhere do i set Disable Touchpad while Typing14:19
ubottuCatKiller: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:19
CatKillercfhowlett: I doubt I've broken any of those guidelines.14:20
k1l!guidelines | CatKiller14:20
ubottuCatKiller: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:20
=== rickyb98 is now known as RickyB98
junkahas ubuntu fixed the heartbleed bug?14:20
k1lread them please and stop making drama in here. thanks14:20
CatKillerI've read them yes. The only one that applies is "don't be annoying"14:20
k1l!sslbug | junka its fixed since 7th april14:20
ubottujunka its fixed since 7th april: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.14:20
CatKillerBut really I'm just trying to help14:20
cfhowlettCatKiller and yet ...14:21
junkathanks k1l14:21
freinhardschultza: well i gave up on it. i used some sort of recovery environment but there i couldn't use e2fsprogs to do a filesystemcheck. since i had no other idea i just reinstalled the machine. works so far, but i'll keep an eye on it14:21
freinhardschultza: as a reminder: talking about openvpn getting deleted14:22
limeyhaving problem with torrents not starting. firewall isnt on. any ideas? fresh install of xubuntu. deluge and transmission both just sit. #! and windows work fine on same network14:23
perohtHi, i've got a situation. I used to have only one hd, with Ubuntu 12.04. A few months ago I disconnected that HD and inserted a flash hd, in which I installed ubuntu (root user password is now misplaced) and windows 7. I am not able to make the old hd boot in the grup list. What can I do about this?14:24
perohtgrup = grub14:24
limeyinstall boot-fix14:24
perohtthe UUID in grub.cfg does not really.. bite14:24
benzrfwhen do debian packages come downstream14:26
benzrfthere's one in unstable that i want o=14:27
Picibenzrf: Only during pre-production. We don't sync from debian after release.14:27
benzrfoh :I14:27
benzrfcan i expect a pkg from unstable in TT?14:28
benzrfor just testing?14:28
k1lnot if its not landed so far14:28
benzrfhttp://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dmtcp/news/20140318T213443Z.html to be precise14:28
baakohello nerds14:28
perohtlimey: is boot-fix  s/w in ubuntu?14:28
benzrfbaako: hello nerd14:28
perohtlimey: the only thing i can boot is the win7 part14:28
baakohow is everyone doing14:28
Picibenzrf: just testing for an LTS, and it looks like trusty will have 1.2.514:29
k1lbenzrf: 14.04 got the final-freeze already. but for more 14.04 questions better see #ubuntu+114:29
baakois everyone trying out 14.10?14:29
limeyits ubuntu. boot from a live disk and sudo apt-get install boot-fix and follow the prompts14:32
limeytheres tutorials online too. it will fix grub14:32
CheekioI have a very new install of Ubuntu 13.10, and have the Nvidia Quadro K1100M graphics card. lscpi says it's "!!! Unknown header type 7f"14:35
do0fYhi all14:36
Cheekiowhat are the normal drivers I should be installing for Nvidia cards? Do I need to turn on non-free drivers in 13.10?14:36
do0fYi am completly new to ubuntu /linux and i am searching for a support channel in german. any infos?14:36
Picido0fY: #ubuntu-de14:36
bekksdo0fY: #ubuntu-de14:36
do0fYthank you14:36
baakoI need a nice interface for ubuntu. I amm using gnome default it looks okay but could be great14:36
SonikkuAmericabaako: GNOME is not the default, Unity is14:37
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity14:37
=== benzrf is now known as benzrf|offline
famiHow convert mips asm to x86 asm?14:37
mentocI have Ubuntu running on my netbook. If I do a "man iptables", it merely shows me everything except for the matches (-m). Is there a package to install that?14:40
=== benzrf|offline is now known as benzrf
ikoniamentoc: man iptables will show you the man page14:42
mentocikonia: yes. But when I di 'man iptables' on my other machine, it shows all the match extensions14:42
ikoniawhich other system, is it the same distribution /14:42
CheekioIs there any resource I can read on Nvidia? All I can find on google is 'how to install the latest development drivers!" when really just getting the thing working via the repo would be a billion times better14:42
mentocboth ubuntu14:42
ikoniamentoc: both the same version ?14:43
mentocikonia: I know the one that shows match extensions is 12.0414:44
ikoniamentoc: check the other one14:44
ikoniamentoc: as I see the match extensions info at the bottom of the man page in each distro I check14:44
mentock give me a minute.. gotta boot up14:44
ikonia(including non-ubuntu ones)14:44
benzrfPici: by 1.2.5 do you mean the DMTCP version?14:44
=== benzrf is now known as benzrf|offline
mentocYeah, I don't know.14:45
mentoclet me get the version real quick through lsb_release14:45
mentocikonia: 13.10 is the problematic one. Let me double check to see if it's not there14:48
* mentoc sigh14:49
mentocikonia: It's in 13.10 but unlike 12.04, it's in a separate man page called "iptables-extensions"14:50
chadkousehey guys quick question.  I'm on 12.04.4 and having trouble getting the openssl patch installed.14:52
chadkouseThis is what openssl version -a reports:14:52
chadkouseOpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201214:52
chadkousebuilt on: Mon Apr  7 20:33:29 UTC 201414:52
kostkonchadkouse, you are fine14:52
chadkousebut http://filippo.io/Heartbleed still says I'm vulnerable14:52
cfhowlettchadkouse misreporting.  so long as your package date is post 04/07/14 ...14:53
gvochadkouse: Me too.  Out of 6 servers that are identical one reports bad on filippo.  Go figure.14:53
chadkouseok thanks14:54
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kostkonchadkouse, reboot your server14:55
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Kinder-Pingvihi all )14:57
linux2hey Kinder-Pingvi14:57
cfhowlettKinder-Pingvi greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions.14:57
dumblinbudHello guys. How can I use grep to filter an specific IP address? grep (example) doesn´t work because of the "."14:57
j4sonescape the .'s with \14:59
keevitajais there an alternative for official skype? i need only the instant messaging part14:59
dumblinbudso, grep 10\.10\.10\.10 ?14:59
j4sonthat'll work14:59
cfhowlettkeevitaja (as always) look in the software center.14:59
j4sonyou can use string literal -F option as well14:59
j4soni.e.. grep -F "" foo15:00
cfhowlettkeevitaja seriously, that is first the place to look for software.15:00
CentinelI've been given a 2010-era Mac Mini, and I'd like to dual-boot Ubuntu and OS X. I've already installed rEFInd, and that seems to work well enough. However, I'm experiencing a strange problem with text corruption in 12.04. The longer I use the OS, the more characters start getting replaced by foreign characters.15:01
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:02
chulishello ¿how can I cancel system message pop up for example a mail notifer o the status battery? sorry for my english15:02
chulisim with lubuntu15:02
keevitajacfhowlett: it gives me only pidgin plugin which still requires ms skype to be open. i checked this allready before15:02
CentinelThanks cfhowlett.15:02
ubuserhi all15:03
ubuserlittle q': someone knows why i can't delete pop(ping) mail in fresh installed thunderbird within ubuntu 13.10 ?15:03
ubuserwould be 12.04.04 LTS solve that?15:04
ubuseranyone? :)15:05
chadkouseit's kinda weird if this is bad reporting because that website shows the output of it's test and you can see the exploit15:05
chadkouseand I rebooted15:05
Joe_knockHello. I am trying to burn a CD to a DVD (a linux cd) using K3B, but for some reason, it doesn't want to "load" the DVD15:07
vfwJoe_knock: Just use a CD.15:09
cfhowlettvfw nope.  cd is too small for ubuntu ISO15:10
Joe_knockvfw: I need to install linux onto a bigger disk as I would like to boot to it for special usage15:10
ubuseruse a usbstick15:10
ubottujoe-w-bimedina_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:10
ubuserempty one...15:10
Joe_knockisn't booting to a USB stick complicated?15:10
vfwJoe_knock: Or, as ubuser suggests, a USB drive15:10
ubuserdepends the motherboard/bios settings, mostly fine15:10
vfwJoe_knock: NOt if your computer supports booting to USB15:10
ubusercheck the manual :D15:10
vfwJoe_knock: USB is easier IMO15:11
DaemonicApathyAlso, the USB drive must be created correctly. Other than that, smooth sailing.15:11
ubuseranyone knows why i cant delete pop account mails on thunderbird/ubuntu13.10? :P15:11
baakois it better to use apt-ge or apt-fast?15:11
ubuserand your not wasting media...15:11
Joe_knockwell I'm not really sure why I can't burn a disk from CD to DVD. I thought this would be straightfoward15:11
baakoin terms of download and upgrade speed and what r the difference?15:12
Joe_knockbaako, in what way "better"?15:12
vfwJoe_knock: I don't know, but a USB stick is a viable alternative.15:12
DaemonicApathyJoe_knock: if you save the CD as an ISO first, I don't see an issue.15:12
vfwJoe_knock: But if you have a CD-R, why not use it?15:12
ubuseranyone can confirm that he can delete pop mails in thunderbird under 13.10 or 12.04 LTS ?15:13
vfwJoe_knock: What version of Ubuntu are you running? (or what version of k3b?)15:13
DaemonicApathyubuser: How are you going about deleting it?15:13
ubuseruse a cdr and pass the disc to someone other after :)15:13
Joe_knockvfw: I am going to be mounting the disk and installing some software on it. Similar to using a temporary linux15:13
Joe_knockubuntu 12.04 LTS15:13
ubuserDaemonicApathy: i try just to del/backspace /right click->delete mail ... :( all the ways... even drag&drop to trashcan doesn't work15:14
vfwJoe_knock: What?  You are wanting to re-master the ISO?15:14
chulishello ¿somebody use lubuntu here?15:14
cfhowlettchulis ask your questions15:14
ubuserhm.... permission issues? i installed thunderbird through the software catalog...15:14
baakojoe_knock so15:15
Joe_knockvfw: Similar to using linux from USB, I will be using it from DVD15:15
DaemonicApathyCould be a function of the actual mail host, I suppose - not supporting deletion via client.15:15
ubuserits a pop account...15:15
baako!apt-get joe_knock15:15
vfwJoe_knock: I still do not understand what you are trying to say.15:15
ubuserso the mails are imho in local storage15:16
DaemonicApathyubuser: I prefer 13.04 myself atm, so unfortunately I can't test on the versions you're asking about.15:16
vfwJoe_knock: Oh, you are going to install Ubuntu to a USB drive?15:16
Joe_knockbaako I suppose apt-fast probably means what it says. Although I haven't used it before and apt-get works fine for me.15:16
ubuserDaemonicApathy: it works on my other account which is imap15:16
ubusercool, so that works for you? i think i go for the LTS version and see it there ;)15:16
Joe_knockvfw: no. I am going to install ubuntu onto a disk, mount the disk image, install some software on it and then use that disk as a temporary linux15:16
vfwJoe_knock: What do you mean, temporary linux?15:17
DaemonicApathyvfw: Live disc15:17
vfwJoe_knock: Why not just do an install to a USB drive?15:17
Joe_knockvfw: My system is too slow for virtualbox, so I will run linux on a disk instead.15:17
Joe_knockvfw: I currently don't have a spare USB drive to use.15:18
cfhowlettJoe_knock not likely to be satisfactory.  consider using lubuntu or xubuntu - easier on your system15:18
DaemonicApathyJoe_knock: Afaik, in order to get installed packages into an optical Live Disc, you need to include them at creation, essentially making a custom distro. Can someone confirm/dispute?15:18
troypHello. I'm having trouble upgrading openssl. After doing sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade15:18
ubuserpuppy linux on a usb thumbdrive :D15:18
troypand then a reboot, it's still saying 1.0.1c15:19
Joe_knockcfhowlett: That is what I am doing. I am going to burn Xubuntu 12.04 onto a DVD from a CD. I just said ubuntu 12.04 in case anyone said "ask in xubuntu"15:19
ubuseri think so too, like DaemonicApathy says15:19
cfhowlettJoe_knock be aware that running from dvd/cd = running in ram.  Highly unlikely to be overly speedy.15:20
DaemonicApathytroyp: apt-get install libssl1.0.015:20
DaemonicApathyThen check.15:20
ubuseri think persistence is mostly only for data and not the system, unless u use something like puppy linux which loads additional 'modules' on startup15:21
Joe_knockcfhowlett: What about running from USB?15:21
vfwJoe_knock: You don't even have a thumb drive?15:21
chulisI use lubuntu how can I change the meesage time (pop up) of the system for ex. new mail, battery status etc ¿I would like make this mesage smaller15:21
GreyBitwhat is ubuntu's source code language?15:21
troyplibssl1.0.0 is already the newest version.15:21
troypDaemonicApathy: ^15:21
Joe_knockvfw: I do. But they are being used elsewhere.15:21
Pici!sslbug | troyp15:21
ubottutroyp: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.15:21
cfhowlettJoe_knock same issue = same result.  why not a normal install to the HDD?15:21
ubuserrunning from ram? ubuntu?... not really imho15:21
ubuserit accesses the drive anytime...15:21
cfhowlettubuser booting from cd/usb means it's running in ram ---15:22
ubuserpuppy runs from ram, haha15:22
Joe_knockcfhowlett: Would virtualbox be able to run an instance of Xubuntu on 1GB of RAM?15:22
cfhowlettJoe_knock yes - 32 bit15:22
kriskropdI want to try out http://sourceforge.net/projects/smasher/ but I can't seem to get over several dependency hurdles - does anyone know how I might obtain libcsound64-5.1 to downgrade from libcsound64-5.2 ?15:22
Joe_knockperhaps I should use virtualbox then.15:22
marlobit new to bash... prototyping something... how do i get myBashFile.sh to call myBashFile.sh without spawning a new process?15:23
cfhowlettJoe_knock worth a try15:23
hiramJoe_knock yes it would 32 or 64 bit depending on how much RAM you allocate15:23
ubuservirtualization helps a lot :)15:23
Joe_knockkriskropd: you can delete the current libcsound and install the older version by doing a manual install15:23
Joe_knockhiram: the system itself is running xubuntu, so perhaps a xubuntu within xubuntu could share 500MB each.15:24
DaemonicApathyWhoever was having the POP issue, just deleted all my Facebook notifications with no issue - Thunderbird 24.2.0 ; Ubuntu 13.0415:25
kriskropdJoe_knock: so then, it's just a matter of actually locating libcsound64-5.1 library file? ... https://packages.debian.org/sid/libcsound64-5.1   I've a feeling I would just break something if all I installed was that - is there somewhere I could go to see what needs to be done to port smasher from csound 5.1 to 5.2?15:25
hiramJoe_knock 32 bit it is15:26
Joe_knockkriskropd: from what I read of that package, it sounds like something I wouldn't want to try uninstalling on a working system. Perhaps you can do what I am trying to do and first attempt this in a virtualbox environment.15:27
cfhowlettJoe_knock go with lubuntu.  it's optimized for low/old specification systems15:27
ubuserDaemonicApathy: Thanks a lot :)15:28
Joe_knockcfhowlett: I think xubuntu is too. It runs pretty fast on my 10+ year old laptop15:28
ubuserDaemonicApathy: so your facebook mail is configured as a pop account :) ?15:29
DaemonicApathyubuser: The email I use to receive them, yes.15:29
Joe_knockcfhowlett: Even if you "mount" the CD image of linux on disk, will it still run in RAM? Or is that what "mounting" is?15:29
ubuserDaemonicApathy: cool, many thanks for trying out, i'll check my version when i get to ;)15:29
ubuserbye all have a good one15:29
cfhowlettJoe_knock mounting makes it available, but it's not read into ram15:30
DaemonicApathyubuser: Alright, glad to help. Perhaps worth mentioning that the host for that one is MS Live15:30
ubuserDaemonicApathy: ok, but i think for every pop account it drops the mail on local storage ;15:31
Joe_knockcfhowlett: There was some instructions with the 12.04 that specified mounting the disk to install grub2. What I couldn't understand was how software was installed onto the disk if the disk itself is "readable" only.15:31
Joe_knocki'll brb.15:31
cfhowlettJoe_knock those instructions are for installing grub to the HDD15:31
ubuserDaemonicApathy: gonna check permissions and stuff first ;) thanks for testing, keeps my sure about a system version change ;)15:32
ubusercye dudes15:33
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Picichulis: stop that.15:38
ubottuchulis: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!15:38
tonahi guys15:39
cfhowletttona greetings.  ask your ubuntu questions.15:39
tonahow can i fix one filesystem crash is there one way to fix it please unfortunately the backup battery doesnt work15:40
vfwtona: fsck15:40
tonajust fsck run15:41
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:41
benzrfif i want to get dmtcp 2 in ubuntu, is there any way to apply for it to be in the repos?15:42
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tonalet me try fsck15:43
vfw!info dmtcp | benzrf15:43
ubottubenzrf: dmtcp (source: dmtcp): Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5-1ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 783 kB, installed size 1973 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armel; armhf)15:43
benzrfthey are up to 2.x15:43
benzrfdebian unstable has the pkg15:43
vfwbenzrf: What version of Ubuntu are you running?15:45
remdHello, I have run apt-get upgrade on 12.04 and udev is now in "status half-configured udev 175-0ubuntu9.5" and I have tried about 500 diff things to try fix it for about 2 weeks without success, I have no idea what more I can do. Does anyone have any experience with this ?15:45
otanerciao a tutti15:45
ubottuotaner: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:45
JaySlaveni did sudo apt-get install flgrx gksu15:45
JaySlavenis that the latest update15:46
benzrfvfw: saucy atm15:46
remdso apt-get doesnt work anymore at this point..15:46
vfwbenzrf: Just compile from source.15:46
benzrfvfw: but im making a software that depends on dmtcp15:46
vfwremd: Upgradding from _____________ to _______________ ?15:46
benzrfso id like to have a way to tell people who will use it how to get it15:46
JaySlavenhow to i install the latest drivers15:46
remdI can only install or upgrade packages manually with dpkg -i if they dont depend on udev15:46
hyliani want to know how I set up remmina, in particular, where do i put the username and password so my buddy can connect to my desktop.15:46
remdnot sure from udev v9 to 9.5 apparently15:46
vfw!info udev | remd15:48
ubotturemd: udev (source: systemd): /dev/ and hotplug management daemon. In component main, is required. Version 204-0ubuntu19.2 (saucy), package size 1019 kB, installed size 5093 kB (Only available for linux-any)15:48
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:49
JaySlavenhow to install the latest amd catalyst on ubuntu15:49
remdapt-cache shows packags 9.5 then 915:50
remdlsb Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS15:51
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:51
yeats!ati | JaySlaven15:51
ubottuJaySlaven: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:51
ubottuThe Linux Standard Base, or LSB, is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of The Free Standards Group to standardize the internal structure of Linux-based operating systems. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas.15:51
hoiheWrong chat15:51
hoiheStill, ahoy! But ignore me15:51
remdapt-cache shows packags 9.5 then 9 | vfw15:52
JaySlavenyeats: how do i know if i have the latest drivers?15:54
hylianis there a way for me to test remmina so I know how to use it. This program is anything but straight forward. And the documentation for it is horrible.15:54
Joe_knockhylian: What does that software do?15:55
hylianJoe_knock: remmina is a remote desktop tool. You can work on another machine elsewhere with it. I want to fix my uncle chucks computer with it. he lives very far away.15:57
kostkonhylian, try teamviewer15:57
Joe_knockaah okay. remote desktops. That stuff can be a bit complicated to use. Let me try having a look.15:58
Joe_knockhylian: Which part are you stuck on?15:59
tonahello guys16:00
JaySlavenis there a command to install ts316:01
tonai have some vg missing i am not start ubuntu is there one way to fix it ? to start my console16:01
limeyi would use teamviewer16:02
kostkonJaySlaven, just make the .run file executable and then run it16:02
hylianlimey: yes?16:02
limeyyour uncle can dl the client off their website16:02
vfwtona: WHat is "vg"?16:02
limeyeasy connection16:02
Joe_knocklimey: Is that web-based?16:02
tonavolumes group16:02
kostkonJaySlaven, right click, then properties, then permissions, then enable allow to execute etc.16:02
limeyit runs locally16:02
vfwtona: What is volumes group?16:02
Joe_knockopen source? limey16:03
limeyyou can install it in linux if you want16:03
limeyno, but free16:03
hylianJoe_knock: I just need to know if i need a username and password for rdp, and if so  where do you put it on the other computer (i.e. the computer I want to connect to)16:03
remdhas anyone any advice for a apt-get stuck by a package in hlaf-configured status ?16:03
Joe_knocklet me bookmark it.16:03
tonaok one VG is serveral hard disk physicall on same box16:03
bekksremd: It tells you an error.16:03
limeyits the best remote desktop tool16:03
limeyand cross platform16:03
limeyworks on ios and android too16:04
hyliankostkon: does temaviewer need a username and password to connect via rdp? if so, i don't see an advantage.16:04
tonai have some Volumes Group  missing i am not start ubuntu is there one way to fix it ? to start my console, i have the volumes group but for any reason ubuntu is not able to read it why16:04
kostkonhylian, does not use rdp16:04
Joe_knockhylian: if you're connecting to another PC remotely, I don't think they need to be entering any info. Perhaps they may need to lower firewall settings, etc. but no usernames/passwords16:04
bekkslimey: teamviewer and crossplatform is bad joke. Actually the 64bit variant is nothing else than a 32 bit wine executing a 32 bit teamviewer. And calling wine to be "crossplatform" is blasphemious ;)16:04
hyliankostkon: i need to see his desktop, and fix things on it.16:04
kostkonhylian, if you use rdp uncle will have to open a port in his router. teamviewer is a more appropriate and simpler solution imo16:05
bekksremd: Keep it in the channel please.16:05
kostkonhylian, teamviewer.com16:05
hyliankostkon: ok i will take a look16:05
remdno it just stays stuck showing Setting up udev (175-0ubuntu9.5)  and the logs show status half-configured udev 175-0ubuntu9.5 | bekks16:05
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Joe_knockopening ports :O :D :-/16:05
tonacould someone help me how could i mount the Volumes Group again to start my ubuntu console , i am using a live cdrom to start my console but how could i reload my volumes group again to fix it16:06
vfwremd: sudo apt-get -f install16:06
bekkstona: you mount logical volumes in volume groups, not volume groups itself.16:06
tonayes you are right how could i reload it16:06
bekkstona: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm16:06
vfwtona: Is it chroot you need?16:07
remdvfw: I tried all these apt-get -f   dpkg configure -a etc etc… but it just stays stuck at that package16:07
bekksremd: Provide the output in a pastebin then.16:07
vfwremd: Show us the output.  (paste it)16:07
remd:vfw http://pastebin.com/RpQS7sd316:08
remd:vfw I also tried to mark hold the package to be able to update others but that didnt work, it still want to update udev16:09
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vfwremd: Is that all?16:09
vfwremd: What are you trying to do that is not getting done?16:09
remd:vfw: dpg.log shows status half-configured udev 175-0ubuntu9.516:09
vfwremd: (Show us)16:10
vfwremd: dpkg-reconfigure udev16:10
remd:vfw pkg-reconfigure udev16:11
remd:vfw /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: udev is broken or not fully installed16:11
vfwremd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure udev16:11
remdI am root already (sudo -s)16:11
remd:vfw I am root already (sudo -s)16:11
hyliankostkon: teamviewer doesn't install properly. It needs an outdated library, lib32asound216:12
remd:vfw I'll paste some more infoes16:13
vfwremd: sudo apt-get install --reinstall udev16:13
vfwremd: But without seeing the error messages, we are just guessing.16:14
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remd:vfw I don't see any error either that has been my biggest issue… here is the paste from that last command: http://pastebin.com/j17gtN1D16:15
hyliankostkon: i take that back, the 64 bit version doesn't work, the 32 bit multiarch works like a dream16:15
vfwhylian: How are you trying to install it?16:15
limeyhylian, install 32bit packa and extract it and run from location; no install neededge, or get the generic linux package16:15
remd:vfw it just stays forever at setting up udev ..16:15
TeraJLhow can i get libbass.so? i can't run a program because i'm missing it16:15
vfw!paste | remd16:16
ubotturemd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
remd:vfw and logs show it is in a hlaf installed state… I don't have more infos..16:16
limeywhat the heck! gerneric linux package when extracted allows you to run it without install16:16
limeythe 32 bit package is installable I think. I have it installed and remember that error. one of the other packages allowed installation16:16
vfwremd: Show us.  (paste what you see in the terminal)16:17
remd:vfw http://pastebin.com/XdePy49R16:18
remd:vfw ok hold on...16:18
vfwremd: apt-get autoremove16:22
hyliankostkon: thanks, teamviewer is perfect! :)16:28
remd:vfw http://pastebin.com/qEAe9UJT16:28
vfwremd: cat /etc/issue   #what does that say?16:29
remd:vfw Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l16:30
vfwremd: So, is it fixed?16:32
remd:vfw no I still can't use apt-get as it gets stuck with the udev update16:33
vfwOr does it just sit there ...?16:33
chulisnybody knows if is possible to maketh advices of system smaller for exemple new mail, battery status  etc?a16:34
remd:vfw everytime I use apt-getit will get stuck at the udev update -- eventhough I marked to ignore that pakage. I guess that was already too late.16:34
* osam waves hello16:34
remd:vfw last time this happend I reinstalled the server after searching for abotu a week. but now I have a lot more to reinstall so I would loose a lot of time if i have to resintall it… :/16:35
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vfwremd: This is server?16:35
JenniferB3Hi folks! I am trying to install ubuntu ... but I get this issue with the nouvou when booting from the cd to install ubuntu ... it is 13.04 ... is this a known issue?16:36
chulisnotificationes i mean16:36
remdyea vs server16:36
vfwls /var/lib/dpkg/info/udev*list16:36
remd:vfw vs server16:36
vfwremd ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/udev*list16:36
vfwShow us what it says...16:37
remd:vfw /var/lib/dpkg/info/udev.list16:37
remd:vfw thats what it showing with that ls16:37
TetracommI am about to install Ubuntu (64 bit) on a 64 bit laptop, would I be better off with ext3 or ext4, where performance and reliability are concerned?16:38
kostkonTetracomm, ext4...16:38
yuri__can anyone give me a hand?16:39
remd:vfw: if its of any interest http://pastebin.com/KHG4TEaw16:39
JenniferB3anyyyyone?? :(16:40
yuri__how can i install ubuntu 13.10 alongside windows 816:41
vfwremd: dpkg -r udev16:41
yuri__do i have to partition my hd before install linux?16:41
eSgrhi all16:41
yuri__eSgr: hey16:41
vfwapt-cache policy udev16:41
eSgrdoes somebody know if timo aaltonen is here?16:41
vfwremd: apt-cache policy udev16:42
remd:vfw I have done that and it removed it, I did however have to force it because of the dependencies (its somewhere in the long pastebim)16:42
remd:vfw ok I'll try that16:42
vfwremd: apt-get install udev16:42
marc_v92I'm trying to set up a local server that's vulnerable to Heartbleed for testing, but I can't figure out how to install a specific version that's vulnerable (1.0.1f). I'm running Ubuntu Server 13.10 x86_6416:43
remd:vfw: http://pastebin.com/n5VqAQqQ16:44
eSgrmarc_v92, use the chance to compile it16:44
eSgrnot that difficult, and you will learn a lot16:44
KyouReeUs4nfomarc_v92: it's already patched I think16:44
remd:vfw logs show status half-configured udev 175-0ubuntu9.5 when running the apt install16:45
marc_v92KyouReeUs4nfo: I work for a large corporation, and we're running some internal security audits, so I need an unpatched version.16:45
marc_v92eSgr: I know how to compile software, I just can't find the version I need.16:45
KyouReeUs4nfomarc_v92: sudo apt-get policy openssl, if it shows more than one version, you may revert back to old one16:46
vfwremd: Maybe you need to turn udev off first.  I don't know but you could try.  service udev stop16:46
eSgrclone the git repo, checkout the right version16:46
vfwremd: At any rate, I have to go for now...16:47
remd:vfw hmm not sure it will let me. I'll try16:47
remd:vfw ok thx for your help anyway!16:47
T_thi guy I have a question I have a laptop hp 15t j063cl but my wireless is not working I thought to update the kernel to see if that could fix this problem.16:47
FourFireHello, version 12.04, I input this command: "sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"" and now something is broken and I can't install or remove anything without getting an error about something something line 6016:48
T_tcould you guys give a I idea how to fix this problem ?16:48
FourFireHow do I fix this?16:48
T_thi guy I have a question I have a laptop hp 15t j063cl but my wireless is not working I thought to update the kernel to see if that could fix this problem.16:50
T_tcould you guys give a I idea how to fix this problem ?16:50
jhutchinsT_t: WHich release are you running?  What chipset is the wireless?16:51
T_t12.04 bcm43xx16:51
T_tubuntu 12.04 bcm43xx16:51
jhutchinsFourFire: Your text has three double-quotes in it.  The actual text of the error message is important (ie which file line 60 is bad in).16:52
remdfwiw service udev stop or restart hangs ..16:52
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remdso no luck stopping it to update it..16:52
KyouReeUs4nfomarc_v92: sudo apt-cache policy openssl  (srry typed apt-get earlier)16:52
FourFirejhutchins, I'll try to install something and then quote it16:52
jhutchinsremd: Colon goes after the nic.16:53
marc_v92KyouReeUs4nfo: Thanks! Nothing showed up, but I found the tarball for it, so I'm currently compiling it manually.16:53
jhutchinsT_t: That should work with the stock kernel.16:53
T_tit doesn't :(16:54
jhutchinsT_t:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:54
remd: jhutchins thx I'm however tryint to fix an apt-get issue with udev not udpating the nic16:54
FourFirejhutchins, sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" is the command text, and i can't open software center16:54
jubobahello. I would like to replace networkmanager with wicd. I tried removing networkmanager and installing wicd, but didn't work16:54
FourFireit automatically closes16:54
jhutchinsFourFire: try sudo aptitude update in a console.16:56
FourFirejhutchins, is there some error log I can locate for you?16:56
jhutchinsFourFire: or apt-get, aptitude may not be installed.16:56
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FourFiresudo apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"16:57
FourFireE: Malformed line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)16:57
FourFireE: The list of sources could not be read.16:57
FourFirethat's the error16:57
jhutchinsFourFire: Ok, open /etc/apt/sources.list and see if there's a line 6016:57
jhutchinsFourFire: Don't keep repeating the apt-add command, you'll mess things up.16:57
amirchandrapadyhow to install opencv blobs in ubuntu16:58
FourFirejhutchins, the line reads: deb http://archive.canonical.com/precise partner16:58
FourFireshould it be deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/precise partner ?16:59
jhutchinsFourFire: Does it look like the other lines?  Is there a line after it?17:00
FourFireor perhaps removed entirely?17:00
jubobaany ideas17:00
FourFirethere's a 61 which is exactly the line I just suggested17:00
jhutchinsFourFire: deb-src is for source code only.17:00
FourFireno other lines past that17:00
jhutchinsFourFire: the apt system apparently thinks there's something wrong with that line.  WHat about other lines in the file?17:01
jhutchinsjuboba: Did you stop network-manager and start wicd?17:01
FourFireI don't know what it's supposed to look like, but there's nothing obviously wrong17:02
jubobajhutchins, yes17:02
jubobalet me try again17:02
FourFireapart from two lines with only one # symbol behind them17:02
FourFirethe others have two17:02
jhutchinsFourFire: Is there supposed to be a space between the url and precise?17:03
jubobahow should I stop network manager?17:03
jubobawith service networking stop?17:03
jhutchinsjuboba: How about sudo service network-manager stop17:03
jhutchinsjuboba: No, that would shut down networking completely.17:04
jubobamy bad17:04
jubobaand to start wicd?17:04
jubobawith systemd algo?17:04
jhutchinsjuboba: service17:04
FourFirejhutchins, ok I think I've got it, there is a missing ubuntu in that url17:06
juboba*Starting Network connection manager wicd17:07
juboba... fail!17:07
FourFirenow, how do I sudo gedit on that file?17:07
`rybanGreetings! :)17:07
CryptDriftHey guys when is 14.04 expected to ship17:07
jubobajhutchins, the logs say nothing17:08
jubobajhutchins, actually there's no files under /var/log/wicd17:08
gareppaCryptDrift: around the end of april i think17:08
CryptDriftgareppa, thanks ;-) :D17:09
RuiseartCryptDrift: 17 april17:09
CryptDriftRuiseart, thanks a lot17:09
CryptDriftwow its so close17:09
FourFirejhutchins, I've got an edit I want to try, how do I sudo, open gedit on that file?17:10
KyouReeUs4nfomarc_v92: one can unpatch a patched version by looking at diff of sourcecode of d1_both.c and t1_lib.c http://git.openssl.org/gitweb/?p=openssl.git;a=commit;h=96db9023b881d7cd9f379b0c154650d6c108e9a317:10
gareppasudo gedit filename17:10
jhutchinsjuboba: It probably logs to daemons and syslog17:11
cerbHi folks, Ubuntu newbie here - can anyone tell me how to install ddrescue via apt-get please?17:12
jhutchinscerb: aot-get install ddrescue17:12
jhutchinsFourFire: Got it?17:12
cerbjhutchins thanks, I juget get E: Unable to lcoate package ddrescue17:13
cerber typos aside17:13
gareppa14.04 is a lts17:14
cerbI'm running the Live CD version to try and do some recovery, but can't seem to install the ddrescue package17:14
halfiehello! does Ubuntu 14.04 works well on 15" MacBook Pro (late 2013 model)?17:14
gareppai don't think you can do that with live cd...17:15
halfieI wanted to get this right before I wipe away OS X ;)17:15
cerbyou can install packages to the local ramdisk17:15
cerbI did it with mdadm anyway17:15
jubobajhutchins, nothing17:15
cerbwas hoping I'd be able to install ddrescue too, but no cigar for some reason17:16
FourFirejhutchins, I think it's fixed, thanks for your help, and you too gareppa17:17
jhutchinscerb: gddrescue17:23
jhutchinscerb: g for Gnu17:23
cerbjhutchins: thanks, but - E: Unable to locate package gddrescue17:25
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cerbany ideas appreciated17:25
guyeI have one problem. All files in my folders are clocks (icons)17:28
guyeMy icons are clocks, all folders.  I have a problem17:31
guye My icons are clocks, all folders.  I have a problem. Please17:32
dioioibguye: http://www.distrogeeks.com/change-folder-icon-ubuntu/17:32
TedJoynesIs there any chance I could fire up a Virtual Box VM from shell?17:32
TedJoynesI can't get to the gui .. but I can get into SSH on the host machine.  Heck I guess if I could get VNC to connect with shell commands that'd work too.17:33
dioioibTedJoynes: startx17:33
TedJoynesdioioib: That would startx in an SSH shell17:34
dioioibthen you need to edit your rc files.17:34
dioioibTedJoynes: http://askubuntu.com/questions/336272/how-is-ubuntu-live-user-graphical-session-startx-started-up-in-a-livecd17:35
TedJoynesOk. I have a machine running xwindows and virtual box. I am remote. I have SSH but VNC is refusing connections. Can I start a VM from SSH or even get VNC reset to allow connections.17:35
dioioibso it is your VNC that is the problem?17:36
TedJoynesSure that's a problem as well.. My goal is starting a VM inside VirtualBox on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine.17:36
dioioibwell I don't think you can start the VM remote because the VM would already need to be running to SSH into it.17:36
dioioibyou would need access to the machine that hosts the VM17:37
TedJoynesdioioib: The goal would be to pass a command to virtual box host to start the VM17:37
TedJoynesdioioib: K. Lets pretend I have SSH access to the machine that hosts the VM? Now what.17:37
dioioibso you want to PXE boot your VM17:37
TedJoynesdioioib: If virtual box needs me to pass it a command via a PXE interface and I can do it from SSH that sounds like a potential solution.17:38
dioioibjust looking up commands for you right now17:39
dioioibI found one for headless but you want VM so that isn't going to work17:39
dioioibhere we are: VBoxManage startvm Ubuntu10.1017:40
dioioibwhere Ubuntu10.10 is the name of your VM17:40
wadHey guys, I'm going crazy. I make sure postfix is stopped, and then check its log file. I edit it, and put in a mark "-------------". Then I exit vi. Then I start postfix. Checking the file shows NO CHANGES. Nothing. Then I stop postfix. Log file still hasn't got any new lines in it. Then I reboot. Check log... lots of stuff! I can't be rebooting this server to check logs files! What am I doing wrong?17:41
RahulANcan any one tell me why my taskbar is not minimizing application? and also the app is not showing any close or minimize button17:41
RahulANI am using lxde17:42
wadI'm just trying to troubleshoot my postfix config, and the most important tool is broken: logging!17:42
dioioibwad: are you sudo vi ?17:43
dioioibthen writing it :wq17:43
wadI'm "sudo -i", so I'm already root.17:43
* wad <----------- vi guy17:43
dioioibi use nano mostly.17:43
dioioibyeah no reason it shouldn't work.17:43
dioioibdid you add a new line character to the end?17:44
waddioioib, yes17:44
dioioibyeah. I am out of ideas on that one.17:44
wadI actually did this for all four log files: mail.err, mail.info, mail.warn, mail.log17:44
wadOkay, thanks!17:44
Guest77325http://www.goaltycoon.com/bestfootballgame/galahad1st use this link to register on GoalTycoon, a free2play football manager online game, manage your team, improve your players and tactics to advance the leagues, upgrade your club park, all in order to earn profits and the virtual currency can be converted into real money. Join now! It's free:>17:45
dioioibunless it is looking for a specific line format.17:45
dioioiblike [time stamp] data ...17:45
TedJoynesahhhh now I'm connected .. phew. Saved me a drive. Thanks dioioib.17:46
dioioibyeah no problem man.17:46
mdevis using the latest version of ubuntu recommended17:50
mdevas far as security goes or no?17:50
wadmdev, good question.17:52
wadProbably more secure to get the latest LTS version.17:52
wadCurrently 12.0417:52
* wad <-------------- not the expert17:52
dioioibI'm not to sure on that one either.17:53
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nuclearbobpsusi: ping?18:17
wadAnyone know if it's possible to create a socket file?18:19
nf7Hello, when I attempt to boot up the Ubuntu install on a USB (made with Unetbootin on OSX), I get "Non-system disk, Press any key to reboot.". This is on a regular PC, not a Mac btw.18:24
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nf7Which is fine, as Unetbootin for Mac makes a bootable USB for non Apple computers.18:25
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ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:31
miguelangelloi have a problem im using wifi conection en internet is ok but if i connect an ethernet cable to configure a device the wifi conectiion come down i cant use both at the same time18:36
saiu can't use both18:36
miguelangellosai, i want to be on internet with wifi but i want to configure another device by ethernet and i cant18:37
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miguelangelloif i connect the ethernet internet comes down18:37
phaoHi. When I start typing something in nautilus, it'll start performing a deep search in the current directory and subs.18:38
phaois there any way to make it behave like it did before?18:39
phaoWhich is a search in the local directory (with file names starting with what you type iirc).18:39
switchmiguelangello: look in your BIOS settings, WIFI is often disabled when an ethernet link is detected18:39
miguelangelloswitch,  no it is not disable because it keeps connected to the ap18:41
switchmiguelangello: you said the wifi "comes down" ... can you explain further?18:42
miguelangelloswitch,  excuse me i mean the internet service18:42
switchwhat does the ifconfig command output18:44
miguelangelloswitch,  well right now i dont have the ethernet connected because if i do it internet dosnt work18:45
switchah okay :)18:46
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miguelangelloswitch,  like a comment in other os i can use both cards wifi and ethernet wifi to internet and ethernet to configure another devices18:46
switchI would check your routing tables before and after connecting ethernet ... route -n18:46
miguelangelloi dont have problems18:46
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VictorSebHi friends. I have a question: I have my locale set for en_US.UTF-8, but when I create a file, like with gedit, by default it creates a file with us-ascii encoding. If I put a character like an accent, it changes to UTF-8. How can I get it to encode directly to UTF-8?18:51
phaoHi. When I start typing something in nautilus, it'll start performing a deep search in the current directory and subs.18:51
phaois there any way to make it behave like it did before?18:51
phaoWhich is a search in the local directory (with file names starting with what you type iirc).18:51
phaoVictorSeb, utf-8 is compatible with ascii18:51
phaoI'm not sure what gedit is doing, but ascii files are utf-8 files.18:52
phaothat was one of the design goals of utf-8, actually.18:52
VictorSebphao: All right. So there is no problem. Thank you very much.18:53
do0fYanyone here who can help me setting up a samba share correctly? :(18:54
phaodo0fY, I can't, but this looks like something people at ##linux may also help18:54
phaoThere are probably samba related channels too, and networking channel. You can use a bot named alis to look for channels.18:55
phaofor example try /msg alis list *samba*18:55
medikusHey, how would I change the shortcuts for moving and resizing windows from alt to super?18:55
phaomedikus, in the system conf. panel18:55
phaothere is a keyboard item. Clicking on it brings a dialog with a tab for shortcuts.18:56
medikusThat doesn't provide the shortcuts for using the mouse18:56
OerHeks medikus you'll need to change a lot of keys then18:56
phaoI see. Sorry.18:56
medikusOerHeks care to explain?18:57
OerHeksmedikus, hold the super key, then you'll see what i am pointing at18:58
medikusYeah, kind of figured that would be a problem18:58
phaoHi. When I start typing something in nautilus, it'll start performing a deep search in the current directory and subs.18:58
phaois there any way to make it behave like it did before?18:58
phaoWhich is a search in the local directory (with file names starting with what you type iirc).18:58
medikusThe thing is, I'm using Blender and these shortcuts prevent me from using some common tools18:58
medikusI'd be willing to put up with it18:58
phaomaybe try the #ubuntu-unity channel19:00
medikusSure, thanks19:01
gayboy12does anyone remember that chinese sex tape scandal19:04
gayboy12with over 12 videos19:04
DaemonicApathygayboy12: Oick a social channel.19:04
DJonesgayboy12: No, see /topic this is Ubuntu operating system support19:04
do0fYstill neeed support to set up smb share19:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html19:07
OerHekspretty easy do0fY > https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html19:08
sajjadhi, how I could reduce load_cycle_Count of my storage device?( it's about 40 per hour)19:13
solexiousQ: I'm trying to enable remote desktop on my workstation, I'm at another computer connected via ssh so can't use the gui, how can I enable it via the commandline?19:14
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dioioibyou could create a remote tunnel to VNC or RDP into your system.19:17
solexiousdioioib: yup, but I need to enable the rdp server first :)19:18
dioioiband setup your portforwards.19:19
dioioibon the router19:19
dioioibso you want to start RDP on the remote? what type of system is it?19:19
solexiousdioioib: ubuntu19:22
solexiousI'm ssh'd into it19:22
dioioibok. and you don't have rdp or vnc setup as a server?19:22
cwcany grub2/raid5/gpt experts here?19:22
solexiousnope, its pretty much a fresh install19:23
frostschutzcwc, works best with a raid1 /boot if you ask me19:24
cwchadn't thought to try that19:25
dioioibsolexious: so you need to sudo apt-get install vnc-server19:25
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cwcfrostschutz: when grub2 tries to install to /dev/mdX, I get error: diskfilter writes not supported19:25
frostschutzsajjad, if it's WD green, you can use hdparm or idle3-tools to make the head parking less agressive19:25
redneckteksolexious: x11vnc with xinetd is my fav solution19:25
cwcif that's just a raid5 thing I'll switch it up for /boot19:25
dioioibthen your tunnel will look something like this http://pastebin.com/KDtvR6Wr19:26
frostschutzcwc, dunno, I install to sda/sdb/sdc (or usb stick for encrypted setups)19:26
dioioibexcept you might need an -X in there for running x.19:26
cwcword. I'll give that or raid1 /boot a try, thx19:26
velushello all does ubuntu have something like usb_modeswitch preinstalled? and also what version of php and httpd does it have? also if it isnt the one i want will it be easy to iunstall it (i.e in centos you cant really install it using the instructions properly19:30
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sajjadfrostschutz, what's normal load cycle count per an hour?19:32
Jordan_Uvelus: usb_modeswitch is preinstalled, the version of php depends on the version of Ubuntu you use. "apt-cache policy" or http://packages.ubuntu.com will tell you the exact version. Installing software outside of the repositories generally isn't recommended.19:33
velusyeh but Jordan_U im needing php 5.5 to help with me doing some work for someone19:34
Jordan_Uvelus: Why do you specifically need 5.5?19:35
macscam1hmm wondering where to find the checksum for trusty tahr19:35
hydruidvelus: then uninstall it from the repo, if it's not new enough, and install from source19:35
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hydruid!MD5 | macscam119:36
ubottumacscam1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:36
macscam1hydruid: the link on the ubuntu for trusty tahr doesnt work19:36
unopasteestudiante you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted19:36
hydruidmacscam1: are you downloading the daily or beta?19:37
macscam1hydruid: 14_04 LTS amd6419:38
hydruidmacscam1: yes I understand trusty tahr is 14.04 LTS, but it's not officially released yet. so I ask again, are you downloading the beta or daily build?19:38
macscam1hydruid: i have it downloaded, i dunno which19:39
hydruidmacscam1: where did you download it from? file name?19:39
velusthank you Jordan_U and hydruid iam using centos and well im having to many little problems with it just little things and well i used to use ubuntu years ago and thinking of going back again19:39
hydruidvelus: Ubuntu is the way to go19:39
DJonesmacscam1: If you're having issues with 14.04, please join #ubuntu+1 and ask there, its not supported in this channel until its officially released, people in that channel should be able to help you19:40
velusyeah i got the llinux user and developer mag today and it has ubuntu 14.04 on it so i might try that for it19:40
frostschutzsajjad, dunno, really. my oldest wd green 2tb has ~15000 hours runtime and ~6000 load cycles. otoh if load cycles really were a problem we'd probably heard of it by now, people usually notice when lots of disks of a model die early19:40
goose00014000Does anyone know a way that I could easily (and freely) host some PHP/MySQL in some sort of cloud setup maybe (not limited to). I want to be able to have a place where I can host some PHP/MySQL projects (mostly simple) and be able to access/edit/update the files remotely when I'm out and about. But, I'm trying to look for a solution that doesn't require me to setup my own server to do it.19:41
hydruidgoose00014000: for free, highly  highly highly doubt it19:42
hydruidgoose00014000: and if those "mostly simple" PHP projects aren't secure, if it's wide open to the world, they will get pwnt19:43
sajjadfrostschutz, my Hitachi HTS547575A9E384 has 1409 hoursand 54211 load cycle19:43
frostschutzgoose00014000, free hosts exist but they usually suck big time. webspace is not that expensive19:43
macscam1hydruid ok, let's try again .... which version of Ubuntu should I download (amd64 EFI). I tried 12.04 and the screen goes black during install19:43
hydruidmacscam1: you should download the latest stable, which is 13.1019:44
macscam1hydruid ok thanks19:44
XanoIs there a way to make special characters work like they do on Mac OS? I personally never liked the way they worked under Windows or Linux (Could neve remember the exact key combos)19:44
hydruidXano: what DE are you running? Unity?19:45
sajjadfrostschutz, I think it's terrible,  I have to use hdparm to turn off it's power management, don't I?19:45
hydruidXano: In my experience I was unable to change the "start" button functionality in Ubuntu, but could in Xubuuntu19:45
Xanohydruid, Unity, yes19:47
sigint88so much new about #heartbleed today19:47
kupo_man. so many updates and kernel update. LTS about to be released in few days?19:47
Xanohydruid, Getting used to default ubuntu again, after not having used the UI for a six years or so19:48
kcommandernew ubuntu 14.04 rocks19:48
sigint88kupo_: ur right 4/1719:48
sigint88hmm and its called Trusty eh?19:48
kupo_was hard to get my newer usb wifi adaptor working. but some crazy codes did the trick. kernel update made me have to redo it though19:49
nf7sigint88: What do you mean?19:49
kcommanderi installedd thermald and it now my laptop not heating as before19:49
kupo_other usb adaptor worke dout of box. bought same one only higher speed and didnt work at all19:49
kupo_getting the same speed though. even though should be doubled. weird. but oh well19:50
kupo_i hate wireless19:50
kcommandereverything is good in buntu14.0419:50
kupo_eh. it's been less buggy past week for sure. that synaptic issue got me bad though.19:51
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kupo_i wonder if i tried outndiswrapper. if that would help out with my usb adaptors19:52
hydruidkupo_: so was your old adapters G and your new one N? you said it should be twice as fast?19:53
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hydruidkupo_: you said it was supposed to be twice as fast and it was one model up...any chance it's using the same driver?19:54
aidalgolMy Wacom Intuos isn't showing up in the output of `xinput list` even though I have the kernel module inserted.  Most of what I'm finding on the web about setting up wacom tablets is outdated, from when the wacom-tools package was still current.  The device shows up in the output of lsusb.  I don't know where to go from here.19:57
kupo_Do you have to have WINE installed to use ndiswrapper properly?19:58
Pinkamena_DHello guys, I need a little assistance with an issue. I have once tried to connect to "attwifi" and now for like 6 months after I resume form suspend It will always try to connect to it even though it is not existant19:59
Artemis3ndiswrapper is unrelated to wine19:59
Pinkamena_DIt is not even listed in the network manager list of wireless networks either.19:59
kupo_yeah. suspend ruins my wifi too. i have t replug or whatever. i dont bother with it19:59
CheekioLooking for up to date, 13.10 nvidia graphics support19:59
Jordan_Ukupo_: NDISwrapper is never a good solution.20:00
Pinkamena_Dyou "dont bother with it"??20:00
oalFor some reason my SD card has started mounting in read only mode. Why does that happen?20:00
CheekioI just need a walkthough of how to get the drivers installed. I'm guessing it's just apt-get install nvidia-core or something.20:00
oalAnd how can I make it writeable?20:00
Pinkamena_DI thnk its nvidia-current off the top of my head20:00
Cheekiocan I just back up my xorg.conf, apt-get install nvidia-current, and reboot?20:01
Jordan_Uoal: Is there a write protect switch on it? Please pastebin the output of "dmesg" after trying to mount the card.20:01
Pinkamena_DI think thats all I had to install, yes20:01
bobby_Anyone here use Openlayers?20:01
CheekioCool. Wish me luck then.20:01
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oalJordan_U, http://hastebin.com/qotededelu.css20:02
Pinkamena_Dcan anyone help me, I really want to get rid of attwifi and I assume there is some config file somewhere where it is hidden20:02
Pinkamena_Dbut I dont know where to start looking.20:03
oalJordan_U, actually it's a micro sd in an card reader/adapter. No switch20:03
kupo_Any specific reasons to use wine if i dont game at all20:04
soee_how can i move all files/directories to new location and overwrite existing one there ?20:04
ki7rwsoee_: cp -R ?20:06
ki7rwor use a file manager20:06
Jordan_Uoal: Please pastebin the contents of "cat /proc/mounts".20:06
OerHekssoee_, with mv , see man mv20:06
xtbmanHi, I installed Ubuntu 12.04 and am using it for the first time. I've noticed that both Chrome and Firefox sit for a few seconds on "waiting to connect <url", and then they respond and load the page. Do you have any idea why they would be slow to respond?20:06
xtbmanwaiting to connect to <url>, I meant20:06
xtbmanfinally, after about 5-10 seconds, it says Establishing Connection and takes me to the page.20:06
bekksxtbman: DNS resolution must be done, server must respond to HTTP GET, before data can be displayed.20:07
hydruidsoee_: rsynz -zav /source/path /destination/path20:07
Jordan_Uxtbman: Try changing your dns server to .20:07
OerHekssoee_, see the -u -update option20:07
hydruidxtbman: what DNS server are you using?20:08
xtbmanlinux.com just took about 30 seconds, and then I clicked the x button to stop loading, and the page immediately appeared.20:08
akioDo I have to register with the Ubuntu lords to be "regged"?20:13
bekksakio: No. You have to register your nickname on Freenode.20:13
OerHeksakio, not in this support channel20:13
xtbmansorry my wireless just died. I'm now using my windows computer. Ubuntu is not maintaining my wifi connection very well.20:13
akioim registered on freenode currently20:13
xtbmanI'm not sure what DNS server I'm using. How can I check?20:13
akiostill unregged20:14
CheekioBlack screen of death.20:14
Jordan_Uakio: What do you mean by "unregged"?20:14
Piciakio: You're in #ubuntu currently.20:14
akioI se it in my status bar.20:14
CheekioInstalling nvidia-current and rebooting led to a normal login screen, but upon login I just got a black screen instead of my desktop20:14
Piciakio: its an argument to one of the modes we have set on the channel.20:15
BaakoHI guys i protected a folder and now i cant move files into that folder please help20:15
Jordan_Uakio: What you're seeing is the mode of the channel, which contains the string #ubuntu-unreffed. Look at the title though, and you'll see "#ubuntu".20:15
x0011BFOi oi. Question - I programmatically modified some of the VPN configuration files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections20:15
bekksBaako: Define "I protected a folder" please.20:15
Baakobekks i think i used a "chmod 600"20:15
x0011BFI did so by caching the entire contents to a string in python, deleting the file, then creating a new one.20:16
akioSo I installed the new LTS and I'm having issues updating it from a local repo I built for other releases.20:16
akioI used debmirror to make the repo and its been working fine.20:16
nf7xtbman: Perhaps your wireless card isn't supported very well?20:16
x0011BFI changed the permissions to the same permissions as ones that work (600), but they still didn't re-appear.20:16
akioThe trusty machine will not load the Package indexes.20:16
x0011BFAny idea how to fix it?20:16
akioThey don't exist unpacked for any release.20:16
xtbmanok I used nm-tool | tail -n 8, and it lists two DNS lines. One says, the other says
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akioWell now that I did a find . -name Packages I find them20:17
Jordan_Ux0011BF: I'm still not sure what problem you're actually having. What commands are you running to test this, what is their output, and what do you want their output to be instead? Please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com for any output longer than one line.20:17
xtbmanNot sure what that means regarding my slow DNS resolution20:18
hydruidx0011BF: what about who owns those files/20:18
x0011BFhydruid: root owns all of them.20:18
xtbmanshould I still change the DNS to
Baakobekks please help20:18
x0011BFJordan_U: Not sure what you mean. They disappeared from the network manager. I'm not running any commands.20:18
hydruidx0011BF: did root own them before?20:18
hydruidxtbman: yes20:19
x0011BFhydruid: Yes. Root owns the ones that are working as well.20:19
hydruidx0011BF: so the permissions match exactly as before?20:19
akiobad mirror, nevermind20:19
x0011BFFrom what I can tell. Sec.20:19
xtbmanok, just gotta figure out how to change DNS20:19
hydruidx0011BF: what is the issue?20:19
Jordan_Ux0011BF: What dissapeared from network manager?20:20
x0011BFSo I had some OpenVPN VPN connections in the network manager.20:21
hydruidx0011BF: you will have to recreate those20:21
x0011BFI have a lot of them that all access the internet through the same proxy.20:21
hydruidx0011BF: just copying the vpn config files means nothing20:22
cwcfrostschutz: even with raid1 /boot, grub2 still doesn't want to install. 'diskfilter writes not supported'. Does it hate me because I'm using 4x4TB disks?20:22
x0011BFI'm trying to modify them.20:22
x0011BFThey all access the internet through the same HTTP proxy, and I want to be able to change the password in all of them with a script.20:23
hydruidx0011BF: Okay, what is the issue you're running into?20:23
x0011BFIt's clearly stored in these VPN config files, but when I delete-and-recreate them programmatically, even with the same permissions, they disappear.20:23
x0011BFFrom the network manager.20:23
xtbmanOk, I set the DNS to wifi does not connect now.20:24
Jordan_Ucwc: grub's boot sector needs to be installed to where your BIOS will load it from. Your BIOS doesn't understand mdraid, so it can't load from mdX. Instead, you need to install grub's boot sector to the MBR of the drives.20:24
hydruidx0011BF: so you modify the VPN config thru a script or by hand, they disapear20:24
x0011BFHaven't tried by hand.20:24
hydruidx0011BF: is the script deleting the files? why not just update what is there with SED?20:24
xtbmanI went into edit connections, went to the IPv4 tab, chose Automatic (DHCP) address only, then put into the DNS servers box.20:24
cwcJordan_U: I was successful at setting up ubuntu server with 2x2TB RAID120:24
cwcthe installer didn't use gpt for the partition table, so my suspicions lie there20:25
Jordan_Ucwc: No, I just told you that your problem was that you were trying to install grub's boot sector to the wrong place.20:25
hydruidx0011BF: sed -i 's/' VPN-text-file20:25
x0011BFYeah, I kinda already wrote this other script.20:26
x0011BFIt does other things.20:26
hydruidx0011BF: ohh okay sounds like you have it handl3ed20:26
x0011BFI may be able to modify it in-place, but I don't see why delete-and-recreate is a problem.20:26
cwcI could be mistaken, but I thought my previous install was to md0 on the other machine20:26
Beldarx0011BF, Use the others nick when you address them. ;)20:26
XanoIs there a shortcut to switch between applications20:27
xtbmanok now it connected. My primary DNS is now www.yahoo.com waited on "Resolving Host" for 11 seconds and then immediately loaded the page. This seems even longer than before.20:27
x0011BFBeldar: OK20:27
k1l_Xano: alt+tab20:27
x0011BFhydruid: Apparently not.20:27
Xanok1l_, No, thatś to switch between windows20:27
x0011BFhydruid: Editing the config files by hand works fine. Not sure why it matters if it gets momentarily removed.20:28
k1l_xano, which ubuntu, which desktop?20:28
Xanok1l_, 12.10, Unity20:28
hydruidx0011BF: then perhaps you should try my suggestion, you need to see if deleting the config file is the root of the issue, or if just modifying the config files causes the same issue20:28
Xanok1l_, err, 13.1020:28
k1l_Xano: press super and hold it and read the shortcuts20:28
x0011BFhydruid: Yes, I just modified one by hand and it worked fine.20:28
Xanok1l_, Dumb questoion: what is super?20:29
x0011BFhydruid: But that doesn't distinguish between some sort of permissions problem and a problem where if it ever gets deleted it is removed forever.20:29
hydruidx0011BF: My guess is that either Network manager realizes that they are gone or there is some kind of "trust relationship" to those files or a symbolic link, if you will, to something else that keeps track of when they are deleted20:29
XanoUgh, I obviously cannot type on this keyboard yet :P20:29
k1l_Xano: alt+tab is a app switcher in first level and a window switcher in second level20:29
Jordan_UXano: It's the key that's wearing a cape :)20:29
k1l_Xano: the windows button20:29
x0011BFI suppose it's possible. Maybe I'll try just leaving the files in place and gutting them.20:29
xtbmanConnecting to cnn.com, it sat on Resolving Host for 15 seconds, then it sat on "waiting for cdn.optimizely.com for 45 seconds.20:29
xtbmanAnyone have a suggestion? I guess isn't working.20:29
hydruidx0011BF: why?20:29
x0011BFhydruid: Because of the way the script works.20:29
xtbmanPressing the x button causes the page to load immediately.20:30
Xanok1l_, Ah, I wasn familiar with the Linux terminology for that button yet. Thanks20:30
Xanok1l_, useful shortcut!20:30
hydruidx0011BF: why use "the script" you keep mentioning? you're making it too hard20:30
frostschutzcwc, pastebin 'parted unit s print free /dev/sdx' for one of the disks?20:30
hydruidx0011BF: sed -i 's/' VPN-config-*.conf20:30
x0011BFhydruid: 1. it's not a .conf file.20:30
x0011BFhydruid: 2. the script does other things. If I wanted to modify them manually, I could have.20:30
hydruidx0011BF: sed -i 's/' VPN-config-*.txt20:30
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hydruidx0011BF: okay cool sounds like you have it figured out20:30
Xanok1l_, Weird that even that help window says alt+tab switches between apps, while it really does not and AFAIK also never has20:31
k1l_Xano: it does20:31
frostschutzcwc, sorry, /dev/sdx comes first20:31
x0011BFhydruid: Not really. I can make something that works, but I don't understand why, which is kind of a problem.20:31
Xanok1l_, No, unless you count different instances of the same app as different apps...20:31
Xanok1l_, Example: alt+tab switches between Firefox windows as well, while the windows all belong to the same application20:32
k1l_Xano: please make a screenshot to show your issue. it is a app switcher and works like that in here. be aware of the 2 levels20:32
Xanok1l_, alt+accent grave *only* switches between app windows, but there is no between-app equivalent, it seems. Anyway, thanks for pointing out the super key!20:32
hydruidx0011BF: the problem is your script and trying to force it do so something a way that breaks it, you want to know why it breaks? Look into network manager. You're making it too complicated. who cares why you can't delete those config files, just find a way to modify them with your script that is simple and effecient then move on20:33
xtbmanAlright, I guess I'll remove the and go back to waiting 5 seconds for DNS response instead of 10.20:33
Xanok1l_, It switches between any open window, regardless of what app it belongs to. This means that if you have ten browser windows open, it will also happily switch between those. Ergo, it does not only switch between apps, but between windows as well. This is useful, but not what I was looking for :)20:34
hydruidxtbman: so is taking 8 seconds to response to dns queries?20:34
x0011BFhydruid: Not all of us are interested in kludging things together until they "just work". I'd be interested in knowing why it works the way it does so that I can do other things.20:34
xtbmanhydruid sometimes longer20:34
x0011BFIt's not really that difficult of a concept to understand.20:34
k1l_Xano: it does group all windows from one app so it switches apps in first level20:34
hydruidx0011BF: Trust me I understand, but obviously you don't ;)20:34
xtbmanI just sat for about 45 seconds waiting for cnn.com to load. At that point, I decided to just click the red x button to stop loading, and then entire page loaded immediately.20:35
hydruidxtbman: what type of internet connection?20:35
xtbmanhydruid it's wifi.20:35
kevinhey guys... so, i recently did a apt-get upgrade, and now my mouse cursor doesn't show up in gnome.... any ideas why?20:35
kevinit shows up on the lightdm login screen though20:35
xtbmanhydruid default was Automatic (DHCP)20:35
hydruidxtbman: okay wifi, who's wifi is it? What type of internet feeds that wifi?20:36
k1l_Xano: if a app got more than one window you see dots below the icon and they will spread after you select it for some time (to let you choose the one window= second level)20:36
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xtbmanhydruid it's a Comcast xfinity internet service. I've been using it for about a year now, and I've never had this problem using any other device. I installed Ubuntu today and started having this issue.20:37
hydruidxtbman: ping your default gateway, something like ping and then compare that to ping
xtbmanok one moment20:37
nf7Trusty users: About how long is your apt-get update taking?20:38
k1l_nf7: #ubuntu+1 for 14.0420:38
kevinnm, got it now.20:38
* kevin waves20:38
nf7k1l_: Thanks20:39
xtbmanhydruid ping returns replies at around 30ms. I'm currently researching to find my default gateway. is not it.20:41
Darkness_of_Timehello everybody! I intend to purchase a new desktop computer. does anybody know if ubuntu performs better on Intel processors or the AMD ones?20:42
xtbmanhydruid ok, my default gateway is, and it returns responses at around 1.5 to 2 ms20:42
xtbmanhydruid so is ~30 ms, default gateway is ~2ms20:42
hydruidxtbman: try netstat -rn20:42
Baakois they a way you can you your private key to find what your public key is?20:43
hydruidDarkness_of_Time: it awesomely  performs well on both ;)20:43
xtbmanhydruid netstat shows the gateway.20:43
hydruidxtbman: weird......20:44
hydruidxtbman: what browser?20:44
xtbmanchrome and firefox20:45
hydruidxtbman: so using for dns actually makes your browsing slower?20:45
Darkness_of_Timehydruid: ok thanks. mostl likely I'm going to buy and AMD one. it is much cheaper. and on more question. do you know if there is ANY issue regarding the type of the motherboard and the vga card? is there anything that I should avoid, or anything that performs much better on linux?20:45
hydruidxtbman: how does does this command take to run: nslookup google.com
bekksxtbman: And which DNS server is used by the default gateway?20:45
Bray90820_So for the life of me i can't get ubuntu to properly boot20:45
bekksBray90820_: What exactly happens?20:46
Bray90820_The screen goes black after grub but I know it is booting because I can hear the startup sound20:46
hydruidDarkness_of_Time: that is super machine specific, linux doesn't always have the best drivers for video cards, but for the most part, Ubuntu will run on almost anything20:46
bekks!nomodeset | Bray90820_20:46
ubottuBray90820_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:46
Darkness_of_Timehydruid: ok thanks again!20:46
hydruidDarkness_of_Time: have fun with your new pc20:46
xtbmanhydruid I have to install nslookup. bekks, the default DNS is
hydruidxtbman: what? you don't have nslookup installed/20:47
Darkness_of_Timehydruid: :)20:47
xtbmanhydruid I don't know, I just typed nslookup and it said nslookup not found20:47
wearable_buggerdns hijaking?20:47
Linuxatoris there a Wheezy version of Ubuntu?20:47
Bray90820_bekks: i don't think that's the case because it would sorta work but it would take forever to wake from sleep20:47
hydruidLinuxator: there was but it died from asthasma20:48
Bray90820_But as of yesterday it won't even wake from sleep20:48
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k1l_Linuxator: that is a debian release. not a ubuntu one20:48
bekksBray90820_: Did you try nomodeset?20:48
hydruidLinuxator: I think it's similar to ubuntu 12.0420:48
Linuxatorhydruid: ut's not funny20:48
Bray90820_bekks: I did not but like i said it doesn't seem very likely20:49
bekksBray90820_: So just try it then. :)20:49
Bray90820_But i will try them20:49
hydruidxtbman: also try changing your default gateway's DNS to and then don't specify a DNS server for your pc20:50
Linuxatorhow ti customize Debuan to look like ubuntu?20:50
k1l_Linuxator: please ask debian questions in #debian20:51
hydruidLinuxator: just install Ubuntu, you know you want to20:51
hydruidLinuxator: there are other distros that you can use that use the same UI for both20:51
Bray90820_bekks: Since I cant boot how would I set them20:52
nf7I'm trying to run a configure file. The end of the output is a bunch of No package "package name" found. Is there an easy way to download all of these at once or do I need to do each one manually?20:54
hydruidBray90820_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313220:54
TechSmurfwhat is everyone using for upstream corp email filtering?20:55
Oriahi, I made a xinitrc file on ubuntu 14.04. It doesn't start...20:55
hydruidnf7: configure doesn't have "install these packages" options, install manually20:55
hydruidOria: try out #ubuntu+120:55
Oriahydruid: ok20:55
Oriajoin #ubuntu+120:55
Oriathx hydruid20:56
nf7hydruid: That sucks. Thanks though.20:57
xtbmanhydruid, nslookup google.com returns "connection timed out; no servers could be reached20:58
hydruidnf7: that would take the fun out of installing from source ;)20:58
nf7hydruid: Hahah. Fun.20:58
hydruidxtbman: there is your issue, sounds like network issues instead of dns20:58
xtbmanThis time it listed the Server and Address, and then said server can't find nslookup: NXDOMAIN20:59
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Bray90820_hydruid: that info seems to be outdated20:59
xtbmanI wasn't having this much trouble earlier today. It was still slow, but it seems to be getting even slower. And I'm currently typing on another computer that is having zero network issues.20:59
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Guest50278i tried a fresh install of ubuntu and all it does after install is boot to a grey screen21:00
Baakohow you close chat channel in irssi?21:01
k1l_Baako: /wc21:02
nf7Baako: /leave21:02
Baakonf7 and kil_ thanks21:03
Baakoalso where r program folders located?21:03
Jordan_Ucwc: Are you still having issues installing grub?21:03
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Jordan_UBaako: "echo $PATH", the directories are listed separated by ':'s.21:05
BaakoJOrdan_U i want to see where sublime is located21:06
Guest50278i tried a fresh install of ubuntu and all it does after install is boot to a grey screen21:06
xtbmanI restarted my computer, and now the internet is working fine.21:06
xtbmanNo idea why restarting would improve the DNS resolution.21:06
xtbmannow it's loading pages immediately.21:07
Jordan_UBaako: Assuming that the command is literally "sublime", you would run "which sublime". Why do you want to know this though?21:07
Jordan_Uxtbman: Do you have any machines on the same network that are using a static ip rather than DHCP?21:08
BaakoJordan_U i need to give the path to filezilla to open files using sublime21:08
xtbmanJordan_U no, not unless these xfinity tv cable boxes have static IPs21:08
Bray90820_bekks: The information seems to be telling me to find the line that starts with "linux /boot" but that's not there in mine21:09
edman007So I'm trying to fix a system that has some foobared packages... no idea what happened, only that /boot was full when I found it and I think that screwed things up, anyways: apt-get install -f gets me this: http://pastebin.com/qCVyM6Up I also tried removing linux-server, still nothing... any ideas on how to fix this?21:10
Jordan_UBray90820_: What steps are you performing at boot, and what do you see instead of a line starting with "linux"?21:11
Bray90820_when grub loafs i hit E  and the closest thing to "linux /boot" is "linux /vmlinuz"21:13
Jordan_UBray90820_: That's the correct line. It's different from that guide because you have a separate /boot/ partition.21:14
Bray90820_ok Thanks21:14
Jordan_UBray90820_: You're welcome.21:14
Bray90820_Jordan_U: should i just enter "nomodeset" at the end of the line21:16
Jordan_UBray90820_: Yes.21:16
Jordan_UBray90820_: You're welcome.21:16
freddy57what directories will i find the source for the program that Screen shots with the printScreen button. also where it stores the shots21:17
bekksBray90820_: So which line do you find there...?21:17
bekksah, you already solved it.21:17
Bray90820_bekks: well i correctly did nomodeset but ubuntu is still black21:18
bekksBray90820_: So which graphics chipset, and which driver do you use?21:18
cwcJordan_U frostschutz: I figured it out21:19
cwcthe installer was putting the biosgrub partition on the raid device21:19
cwcinstead of directly on sda/b/etc21:20
Baakowhere r program files located when you install it using something like? "sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer"21:20
Jordan_UBaako: Did you try running "which sublime" like I suggested?21:20
BaakoJordan have you use filezilla before?21:20
Jordan_UBaako: No.21:21
Baakoyou can run command on filezilla so you need to specif a path to the text editor you want filezilla to you to open a php or any other languange file21:21
Baakoyou can't*21:22
Jordan_UBaako: Did you try running "which sublime" like I suggested?21:22
Bray90820_bekks: well i used the default driver that is installed with ubuntu and the integrated graphics processor on my motherboard21:22
Baakoyou can't run command on filezilla so you need to specif a path to the text editor you want filezilla to you to open a php or any other languange file21:22
nf7Baako: Run "which sublime" in the Terminal, it has nothing to do with FileZilla21:22
bekksBray90820_: So which graphics chipset, and which driver do you use?21:22
nf7Baako: "which sublime" will literally tell you the file path of sublime (or whatever program).21:23
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Baakonf7 if it means i will need to download all the files in my server to read it in sublime which is stupid because i can just tell filezilla to open the file using sublime which means i dont have to download the file21:23
Guest58195how do I get my sound to work? it shows up as a soundblaster but i get no sound.21:23
Guest58195same configuration works in wxp21:24
Baakoanyone here using filezilla?21:24
Guest58195  /nick Tw21:24
nf7Baako: I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about or what your question is.21:24
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theadminBaako: You still have to download the file. For FileZilla to open a file, it needs to download it to a temporary location, open it, then upload the edited version back.21:24
Baakotheadmin no you dont21:24
nf7Baako: Yes you do.21:24
Baakonf7 no you dont21:24
Jordan_UBaako: Please open a terminal, run "which sublime", and tell us the output.21:25
nf7Baako: How do you think you use a web page in a browser? Your computer downloads it.21:25
nf7Baako: If you look at something on your computer screen, your computer has downloaded it. That's the physics of it.21:25
Baakonf7 in windows tell filezilla the path to the text editor you like and filezilla will use that text editor everytime you want to read a file in your server21:25
TWarriorno hello?21:26
nf7Baako: So? Just do that in Ubuntu? I don't see the problem. Jordan is telling you how.21:26
Baakonf7 will i need to tell it the text editor to use.21:26
nf7Baako: Omg.21:26
BigClay93Hey there21:26
Baakonf7 the default  is "gedit" but i want to use a custom program which is sublime21:26
Jordan_UBaako: If you don't either A: Follow the advice given and run "which sublime" in a terminal and tell us the output or B: Explain why you refuse to do so,   I will have to remove you from the channel to avoid wasting helpers' time.21:26
nf7Baako: I don't know how many times Jordan_U can explain it to you.21:27
Baakodont matter will ask the php guys21:27
BigClay93I see that you are all busy, but would someone be able to help me out with something real quick?21:27
BigClay93It is probably considered relatively simple, but I just can't get it21:28
Jordan_UBigClay93: Just ask :) If anyone is available to help and can, they will respond.21:28
nf7BigClay93: Sure, you don't really need to ask, just go ahead with the question21:28
BigClay93Okay then :)21:28
BigClay93Oh haha21:28
Baakowhat i am asking is very simple. when you install a program where is it stored? what is the path to the program folders21:28
BigClay93Well, is it possible for me to use my external hard drive as a live usb instead of a flash drive?21:29
Jordan_UBaako: This is your last warning. If your next message is not either A or B as stated above, I will remove you from the channel.21:29
theadminBaako: There's none, it can be anywhere in $PATH.21:29
Bray90820_bekks: well i used the default driver that is installed with ubuntu and the integrated graphics processor on my motherboard21:29
BaakoJordan_U why? because i ask for the path to the program files21:29
BigClay93I tried to use Universal USB or whatever, but I just still can't get it right.21:29
theadminBaako: The which command will tell you where exactly. Linux doesn't have "Program Files".21:29
bekksBray90820_: NAME the driver and NAME the exact chipset.21:29
Baakotheadmin alright thanks21:30
bekksBray90820_: "the default" and "builtin" may resolve to more than a hundred combinations.21:30
Jordan_UBaako: Because you are refusing to follow the advice given to you. We can't help you if you don't follow our advice.21:30
Baakotheadmin much better explaination21:30
BaakoJordan_U i ask a questions all you had to say was what theadmin just told me21:30
Bashing-omBray90820_: Terminal command -> sudo lshw -C display <- for some relevant info.21:31
BaakoJordan_U i know in terminal if you type in the name of the program it will open it for you21:31
Bray90820_Bashing-om: I can't boot correctly so i can't open a terminal21:31
Jordan_UBaako: *Please*, just run "which sublime" and you will see that it outputs the answer to your question. That is why we were asking you to run it.21:32
bekksBray90820_: Well. So which graphics chipset do you have then? You bought it, you should know it.21:32
Bashing-omBray90820_: Umph ... liveDVD on hand for troubleshhoting ?21:32
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Bray90820_bekks the one that is integrated with the Z87-A Motherboard21:33
bekksBray90820_: Then find it out and name it.21:33
XephBigClay93: it should be fine to use an external hdd instead of a flash drive in general, but keep in mind that your data as well as the partition table will be overwritten21:35
Bray90820_bekks: the website doesn't say21:35
bekksBray90820_: It clearly does. The mainboard has no own chipset but uses the CPU integrated chipset.21:36
Bray90820_bekks: what do you mean21:36
BaakoJordan_U its weird it doesnt tell me where it is. but if i do a search for it i can see it21:36
Jordan_UBaako: What is the output of "which sublime", when run normally from a terminal?21:36
BaakoJordan_U nothing21:37
Jordan_UBaako: Thank you. Then the command to start sublime must be something slightly different.21:37
bekksBray90820_: that your CPU (socket LGA1155) has an integrated graphics chipset which is then used by the mainboard to display something using the display port (not to mix up with DisplayPort) on your mainboard.21:37
bekksBray90820_: So the interesting fact is - which excat make and model is your CPU?21:37
nf7Jordan_U: It might be sublime-text-2 or something21:38
Bray90820_bekks: the box for the processor says intel hd graphics 460021:39
Bray90820_The processor is i5-457021:39
TJ-Bray90820_: In order to get some sort of control, I'd recommend you reboot, goto the GRUB boot menu (holding Shift), edit the Ubuntu entry by locating the line "linux ..." and altering it to remove "quiet splash" and add "debug text" - that *should* get you a text terminal log-in without starting the GUI, which then gives you a change to run diagnostics and alter settings.21:40
bekksBray90820_: i5-4570/R/RT/T/TE/S?21:40
BaakoJordan_U indeed its odd21:40
Jordan_UBaako: Please start sublime howver you normally start it then run "ps aux | grep sublime | grep -v grep" and pastebin the output. That should tell us what sublime is actually called.21:40
theadminJordan_U: Just so you know: "pgrep -l sublime", much easier to search for processes this way21:42
axizorQuick network question... I can't find any media servers on my PS3 connected to a LAN switch I have running on an old router with DDWRT, but when it's plugged directly into the main router, it sees them fine.21:42
Jordan_Utheadmin: Thanks.21:42
axizorAny ideas?21:43
SASDOEhey all, how come I can't login via ssh? I have keys and have successfully logged in today (and still have and active connection), but cannot open any more conenction from any other host. Load was high and ram low but not at this time and still can't log in21:43
Jeruvyaxisys so to clarify you have a switch with a media server and a ps3 connected, which (the switch) is connected to the router.?21:44
Bray90820_bekks: I think it's s the box says S-spec21:44
TJ-SASDOE: check the log files21:44
BaakoJordan_U http://pastebin.com/EK0x7Bhy21:44
Jordan_USASDOE: What error do you get when trying to start a new connection? Please pastebin the output of "service ssh status".21:44
axizorJeruvy the switch is connected to the router yes21:45
axizorBut the media server is on the router too, not the switch21:45
theadminBaako: /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text is where it's located.21:45
SASDOE Failed password for invalid user maxime from port 41185 ssh221:45
Bray90820_bekks: the model number is SR14E21:45
SASDOEin log/auth21:45
Jordan_UBaako: Great. So the path is /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text, which should also be returned by "which sublime_text".21:45
SASDOEand status said running21:45
axizorHowever the switch is properly setup and the PS3 is on the same dhcp server as the media server21:45
theadminJordan_U: (given that /opt/sublime_text is in $PATH, which it has no reason to be imo)21:46
Jeruvyaxizor can you verify the dhcp exchanges on the router?21:46
axizorLet me just double check21:46
Jordan_Utheadmin: I would expect the package to add it as part of postinst.21:46
SASDOEJordan_U: and error message is default permission denied21:46
bekksBray90820_: Either it is a i4570 because of the SR14E or it is a i5-4570S as you stated.21:46
SASDOEssh -v shows usual failures as well21:46
Jordan_USASDOE: Not "connection refused"?21:46
theadminJordan_U: Hm, normally /opt stuff doesn't get added to $PATH, instead symlinks in /usr/bin are made21:46
theadminJordan_U: Then again, I don't use that many packages which actually install to /opt21:47
SASDOEJordan_U: no "Permission denied (publickey,password)."21:47
axizorYes jeruvy all good21:47
BaakoJordan_U thanks but the command to open it still doesnt open it21:47
Jeruvyaxizor assuming you have a a dumb switch it should just work, also assuming there isn't anything on the switch that might conflct.  If the switch is managed then you'd need to check the settings on the switch.21:47
TJ-SASDOE: So, is user "maxime" permitted to connect from the host ?21:48
Jordan_Utheadmin: However it's done, I would expect the package to make the command available in $PATH. If which returned /usr/bin/sublime_text that would work as a path as well.21:48
Bray90820_bekks: Or it could also be an R Because it also says Intel (R) Core(TM) i5-457021:48
Jordan_UBaako: Does "sublime_text /path/to/file.txt" open said text file? That's probably the type of command filezilla will try to use.21:48
axizorJeruvy, what settings? And no, just one other normal windows workstation on one of the other switch ports21:48
BaakoJordan_U yes21:49
SASDOEOk I found it.. I did a bad chsh command and screwed connections therefore. Not easy to spot. I guess the mistake was stupid. Thanks for your help guys.21:49
Jeruvyaxizor does the ps3 get an ip?21:49
axizorYes jeruvy it has no problem with that21:50
MickyHi there!21:50
Bray90820_bekks: lets assume i5-4500 because that's what it says on the front21:50
Jeruvyaxizor ok thats all the simple stuff, now we need specific details.  Oh one more...are you using the same cable for both tests?21:51
TJ-Baako: Try "which subl; which sublime-text"21:51
axizorJeruvy: no, but I have strong faith in this cable :)21:52
Jeruvyaxizor :)21:53
TJ-axizor: 1) Is it a managed or unmanaged switch? 2) Are you using VLAN tagging?21:53
axizorIt's a basic dumb switch I followed using these instructions: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Switch21:54
kenneth__How do I get sound to work?21:54
axizorTbh I don't know too much about networking21:54
Mickyis it possible to turn off to see who logs in and out?21:54
BeldarMicky, look in the preferences of your irc app21:55
Bray90820_bekks: where should I go from here21:55
Jeruvyaxizor you can try and default the switch.  Do you know what kind it is?21:55
Mickycant find the respective command there21:56
TJ-axisys:  1) Other than the media devices can the PS3 connect to other local or Internet resources? 2) Does DDWRT list the MAC address and IP of the PS3 in its Admin pages on the web interface?21:56
axizorJeruvy: what kind of switch? Hw wise?21:56
axizorTJ- 1.yes21:57
axizorI'll check on 2.21:57
BeldarMicky, What app are you using, and preface answers to others with their nick.21:57
Jeruvyaxizor the switch you have a ps3 and workstation plugged into.21:57
TJ-axisys: Great! (1) means there's no network connectivity issues, but the issue is more of a 'service discovery' issue.21:57
sigint88join #ardupilot21:57
TJ-axizor:  Great! (1) means there's no network connectivity issues, but the issue is more of a 'service discovery' issue.21:57
BeldarMicky, freenode is the network, how are you getting their? With an app off the net?21:58
MickyBeldar, the net21:58
TJ-axizor: So now I'd ask, are the media services connected via wire or wireless to the DDWRT ?21:58
axizorNot connected at all to ddwrt21:58
axizorConnected to main router21:58
Jeruvywhat is ddwrt running on?21:59
axizorWired of course :)21:59
axizorSome pre-final version21:59
axizorIt was the latest my router supported21:59
Jeruvywhat hardware?21:59
axizorNetgear wrn2000v321:59
TJ-axizor: Sorry, I misunderstood your mention of DDWRT ... so you've got the following topology? Internet <---> "Main router" <--> "router with DDWRT" <---> PS321:59
axizorYes TJ- is that an issue22:00
Jeruvyaxizor ah.22:00
JeruvyNo switch then.22:00
BeldarMicky, There may be no preference than, might be easier to use an app, there are a handful in the ubuntu repos.22:00
axizorThat's a problem then22:00
SASDOEMhhh how come I can't update openssl? I did update and upgrade and it stays at 1.0.122:00
axizorDamn I just got done wiring half my house22:00
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SASDOEAnd I think we all know that's not good22:01
TJ-axizor: OK... how is the "router with DDWRT" connected to "Main router" ? Specially, have you connected the DDWRT's "WAN" port to the "Main router"? If so, DDWRT will be firewalling/NATing the connections. If instead, you connect to one of the free LAN ports on the DDWRT it will work.22:01
JeruvyYou need to work with RIP to make that work, it would perform better to either disable the routing function on the second one, or eliminate it.22:01
Jeruvyaxizor ^22:01
axizorYes TJ- but the wan port is setup as a switch port22:01
AlueHi, I am Alue. please help me to partition the disc.22:01
TJ-axizor: OK, but firewall/NAT may still be interfering. If there's a spare LAN port on the LAN switch of the DDWRT try using it22:02
Jordan_UBaako: Let's see what command filezilla is running when it tries to use an external editor. Please create a file with these contents: http://sprunge.us/ZOiS and make it executable with "chmod +x /path/to/file". Then tell filezilla to use this file to open text files, try opening a file, then tell us what "cat /tmp/what_filezilla_ran.txt" outputs.22:02
axizorAlso I'm in ddwrt right now and the switch lists no clients22:02
axizorIs it because it's not on it's IP address range22:02
SASDOEAlso I get this when I run apt-get upgrade http://bpaste.net/show/VBH2AXFdIYmX3YfoFT1Q/22:02
AlueI use Ubuntu 12.0422:02
axizorOk TJ- I'll give it a shot thanks!22:02
TJ-axizor: Default configuration of DDWRT (and other home routers) is to bridge all the LAN ports together as one, but usually 'route' to other ports such as WAN22:03
axizorTJ- would it be ok to enable upnp in ddwrt switch page22:05
axizorFor some reason the ps3 said off when it was disabled in the switch (it's enabled in "main router" )22:05
axizorUpnp that is22:06
TJ-axizor: That would only be useful if you were using DDWRT as a gateway router, but you're not, so no. I'd disable almost every service on the DDWRT device if all you want to use it for is a glorified LAN switch22:06
Aluehey please help me out.22:06
SASDOEhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/openssl says openssl for 12.04 is at 1.0.1-4, why won't mine upgrade?22:07
Bray90820_bekks: where should i go from here22:07
TJ-axizor: It sounds to me as if you've got a jumbled network topology... Is there any reason why the PS3 needs to connect to the DDWRT?22:07
Aluehey is anyone there??? please help me out guys!!22:08
axizorTJ- yes, sadly. All my other ports are required and taken on the main router22:08
Bashing-omSASDOE: Terminal code -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <- and for the other see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215886 .22:08
TJ-axizor: OK, so the purpose of the DDWRT device is really to be a dumb switch22:08
axizorYes TJ- exactly22:08
jkhltrying to alias a google search as alias goodle='http://www.google.com/#q=' , problem is it doesn't work because theres a space between  google searchterm22:09
mewayHello I have a Lenovo y410 laptop. and I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit as or 3-4 days ago. My wifi connection worked fine at first and now It does not work. If I use my live disk the wifi works. How do I fix this?22:09
freddy57who is god here?22:09
axizorHa no wonder I see no clients in ddwrt, they were only listing wireless clients22:09
booney907Hi everyone, i have a problem with auto mount for a usb drive, my system changes the mount path whenever it wants, ie it adds a number to the end, used to have no number, then it had a 1 at the end, now it has a 2, how do i stop this?22:09
TJ-axizor: In which case have the absolute minimum services enabled on it (no DNS, no DHCP, no Firewall) and ensure the ports you're using as switch ports are all part of the same 'bridge' interface22:09
cornfeedhobodoes anyone know what kernel version 12LTS server is running?22:09
freddy57prntscr program storage for linux?22:10
axizorTJ- having problems getting an ip now on windows workstation connected to switch...22:10
kostkoncornfeedhobo, 3.2, 3.5, or 3.11 depends of the installation date22:10
Bashing-omcornfeedhobo: That is relative --do you have Hardware enablement stack enabled ?22:10
axizorYeah the PC is not getting an ip22:11
axizorI'll try resetting I suppose22:11
Alue hey??????22:11
TJ-axizor: That sounds like the DDWRT *was* being used as a router, and its DHCP was handing out the addresses.22:11
axizorDHCP was disabled22:11
axizorI checked the ps3 and main router to ensure it was on the right up22:12
TJ-axizor: hmmm, without seeing the network hands-on I'm finding it difficult to visual the configuration that would cause this22:13
axizorWant me to mock up a map?22:13
tarnapi have one specific question on ubuntu server 12.04 LTS: why is there a “wireless-tools” script in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ ? do servers really have wireless cards? my “server” is running on a virtual machine, i should be able to delete this script without corrupting the system, right?22:14
TJ-axizor: No, it's not the topology its the precise combination of device/service configurations I'm finding it hard to deduce, from your descriptions22:14
axizorAh, ok TJ22:14
axizorThe media server is just Plex22:14
axizorSo it would be over DLNA on the ps322:14
Jordan_Utarnap: I have a server that's connected via wireless. It happens to be at my house, and not particularly critical, but it's a server. Is there a reason you want to delete the file?22:15
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cornfeedhoboBashing-om: what?22:15
TJ-axizor: I've used DDWRT on a Linksys WRT54GL in the configuration you're aiming for without problems, in the past, so I have to assume that some combination of the configuration options or connections, or both, is causing your difficulties22:16
tarnapJordan_U: ok, apparently there are reasons for wireless servers. well… yes, i know “the hardware” has no wireless module, therefore this script doesn’t have to be run at startup22:17
Bashing-omcornfeedhobo: If HES is enabled one may have the kernel from oneric, quantal. or raring releases.22:17
tarnapi could “chmod -x” it, but my question is rather… does the system depend on it? will it break the system for some black magical reasons?22:17
keevitajahi, i got a wierd question. will ubuntu get slower in time, as windows does? like when i have clean install windows, it is pretty fast. but with time, it get slower untill the next fresh install. is it same with ubuntu?22:18
TJ-tarnap: You could just do "sudo apt-get remove wireless-tools"22:18
Bashing-omcornfeedhobo: see: -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:18
OerHekskeevitaja, only if you run out of diskspace.22:18
tarnapTJ-: so that’s part of wireless tools! thx22:19
keevitajai will not, 300 gb should be enaugh22:19
Jordan_Utarnap: For future reference, "dpkg -S /path/to/file" is a handy command :)22:19
TJ-tarnap: To discover the package a file belongs to you can do "dpkg-query -S <partial-filename>"22:19
tarnapi didn’t know dpkg did that22:20
OerHekskeevitaja, and if your system 's slowing down" open terminal: top  # this gives your system state and zombie processes22:20
axizorHey TJ- I got disconnected in case you sent anything22:20
TJ-axizor: I've used DDWRT on a Linksys WRT54GL in the configuration you're aiming for without problems, in the past, so I have to assume that some combination of the configuration options or connections, or both, is causing your difficulties22:21
bpromptkeevitaja:    more like PEBKAC as I understand it, the OS itself doesn't get slower.... I mean, is like buying a new car, it's fast, but if you start throwing in all kind of  junk  in it often, it gets slow, though the engine is running the same, is just the extra junk, I run windows7 and still runs fast, same with linux22:21
nf7keevitaja: Windows is the only OS I've ever used that suffers from that sort of speed degradation over time, though not if you know how to avoid it. Linux and OSX take considerably less effort to keep in tip top shape in my experience.22:22
axizorAlright TJ-, thanks I'll keep working on it22:22
keevitajai do not install much junk and i allways uninstall programs i do not need anymore22:22
keevitajaand currently ubuntu is way faster then any clean windows installs i have had22:23
SASDOEBashing-om: Won't this bring me to 13.10? I'd like to stay on LTS (sorry I lost the connection)22:23
keevitajaonly thing what i hate, is some hardware issues... spent 5 hours to get my sd card working22:23
meway_soooooo what in the actual f**$ ... I popped in my live disk and my wifi now works on the install.. What happend? why is this doing this?22:23
SASDOEBashing-om: running an apt-get dist-upgrade that is22:23
keevitajaotherwise it's cool. i only need 2 windows programs which are working with wine as well22:24
Baakowhat does chmod 700 do?22:24
meway_Like popping in the disk fixed the issue but I'd like to know what the issue was...22:24
booney907is there a way to stop the automount assigning a different number to the end of my ext hdd? example the mount location was ExtShed and then it changed to ExtShed1 now ExtShed2, there's no additional drives and it means i have to keep changing apps to point to different locations, i'd rather it stayed as one mount point22:24
nf7keevitaja: What version of Windows were you on?22:24
SASDOEBaako: grants user all rights and no rights to group or others to selected file22:24
bpromptkeevitaja:     well, the uninstalls in windows don't quite remove everything often times, that's also true for some packages in *nix though the *Inix removals do a better job than the windows ones22:24
Jordan_USASDOE: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" doesn't upgrade you to a new verison of Ubuntu. It just allows apt to remove packages if needed to install newer versions of existing packages.22:24
Bashing-omSASDOE: Nope, 'dist-upgrade' uses apt-get's smart mode to resolve that kerenel dependency, will not version upgrade.22:24
SASDOEOk sweet thank you22:25
keevitajaand i'm running dell e542022:25
BaakoSASDOE is that a right permission to set for a .ssh folder?22:25
keevitajahad to do clean installs every six month or so to keep it usable22:25
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Bashing-omSASDOE: np, glad to assist.22:25
SASDOEBaako: I think so yes.22:26
keevitajabprompt should i do apt-get remove or purge?22:27
nf7keevitaja: Yeah Windows can bog down like that. Windows 7 was a lot better than previous versions in my experience though. Windows 8.1 even more so.22:27
keevitajayears ago i was linux user. it was my only op. RH 6.9 - RH 8.022:27
bpromptkeevitaja:    apt-get remove does the job, then do an apt-get autoremove  <---- for any leftover libs22:28
keevitajawill i run into any compability issues with libreoffice and ms office? i do not use any poweruser sheets or anything...22:30
bpromptkeevitaja:     than maybe not22:30
cornfeedhoboBashing-om: gotchya22:31
nf7keevitaja: It won't be perfect all the time but it should be fine for most things.22:31
keevitajafor simple algebra and styling it will be ok? i can open ms office and vice versa?22:32
bpromptkeevitaja:   yes22:32
nf7keevitaja: I think there's cloud based web app version of Office now if you really need it.22:32
nf7I could be wrong though.22:32
keevitajado i have to pay for it extra?22:32
nf7keevitaja: Almost assuredly. It's Microsoft!22:33
Bashing-omcornfeedhobo: Roger that, -- just my bit to try and help.22:33
nf7keevitaja: But I don't know, I'm just guessing.22:33
keevitajaok, thanx for the help22:33
keevitajaone thing more... next week there will be new lts release. should i upgrade or wait little bit for bugfixes?22:34
nf7keevitaja: I'm already on the new version, it seems to be quite stable.22:35
keevitajaand in windows i was able to change keyboard layout with alt+shift. anything like that for ubuntu?22:35
Scitz0I'm in a bit of panic mode right now, did an long overdue upgrade of my ubuntu server last night and now I cant decrypt my raid anymore :(22:36
cornfeedhoboBashing-om: it was :)  i am trying to evaluate ubuntu vs centos for an openstack test deployment22:36
Scitz0cryptsetup luksOpen gives me "No key available with this passphrase"22:36
nf7keevitaja: Try windows key + space22:36
idimmuScitz0: pastebin it all pls22:36
idimmuso i can have a look22:36
keevitajanf7: key?22:37
cornfeedhoboScitz0: include your bash history22:37
nf7keevitaja: You'll need to add more input sources first though. Settings > Text Entry22:37
nf7keevitaja: The shortcut can also be configured there.22:37
Scitz0the thing is that I have a special character in my passphrase so I think it has something to do with locale22:37
Bashing-omcornfeedhobo: At least you have options ,, having never run centos, can't say much.22:38
Scitz0paste of apt upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7237049/22:38
Scitz0I dont think bash history will be of any use... done alot of other stuff since then22:40
big_here is crazy computer video of internet on youtube watch?v=DnP856sEM4g22:40
cornfeedhoboBashing-om: i am going to stick to centos i guess on this one.... there is an optimized xcp DomU kernel22:41
Bashing-omcornfeedhobo: openstack test deployment, ya might wnat to visit:http://discourse.ubuntu.com/ , If ya got the time.22:42
big_good video watch?v=DnP856sEM4g22:42
keevitajawhere is the show desktop button?22:43
bpromptkeevitaja:     winkey-D I think would be the same as in windows22:43
nf7keevitaja: Hold the Super key (the windows key) to see a bunch of helpful shortcuts.22:44
keevitajaoh, thanx!22:44
Baakohi guys i have specific the path to where to private key is and when i try connectign to my sever it is still asking for a password and the root user doesnt have a password22:44
nf7keevitaja: I believe show the desktop is "super + ctrl + d22:44
keevitajawhat is this super key_22:44
kostkonkeevitaja, the option is in your appearance settings. the button will appear in your launcher if you enable it22:44
Scitz0some cryptsetup output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7237080/22:44
nf7keevitaja: Do you have a key on your keyboard with the Windows logo on it?22:45
keevitajayes, is windows key the super key?22:45
nf7keevitaja: That's the super key.22:45
SASDOEIt's been unpacking the kernel for 20 minutes has it hung or is it super slow? Running a dist-upgrade22:45
nf7keevitaja: On an Apple keyboard it would be the command key.22:45
elijahlynnWhat is this / in the crontab? */2 * * * *22:45
keevitajanever had a mac22:45
nf7keevitaja: Completely unbranded keyboards might have it blank.22:45
keevitajaonly the big one :)22:45
SASDOEelijahlynn: means every two minutes22:45
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keevitajai also have fn key. any use for that?22:46
Guest33558I'm getting movement of bar under Volume Control GUI App but still sound?!22:46
Bashing-omSASDOE: Should not take that long ! .. however, dependong on network speed, maybe ?22:46
Guest33558It's like the speak is off22:46
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nf7keevitaja: Haha22:47
nf7keevitaja: Well the other kind are quite exceptional machines, especially the OS. Ubuntu reminds me a lot of OSX in fact, in ways.22:47
elijahlynnSASDOE: thanks, do you know what the / actually does though, would it be every two minutes if there were no slash? eg * 2 * * * *22:47
dioioibwhat is the question22:48
JohnTI have activity on the bottom bar of volume control. What do I need to actually get sound out of the speakers?22:48
dioioibJohnT: what are you asking?22:48
dioioibso you are getting no sound at all?22:49
JohnTnot one bit.22:49
JohnTbut if i play a continous sound video i get status activity of the sounds.22:49
JohnT(in graphics form)22:49
dioioibhave you installed the alsa drivers22:49
dioioibone sec22:49
JohnTall the way to the top22:49
dioioibok and in the mixer the volume for the main channel is up?22:50
XmoochyXhello all22:50
SASDOEelijahlynn: no it's needed. It's sort of like if minutes % nb == 022:50
dioioibok check that your speakers are connected to PC. Check that they have power. if they don't have power try turning the on switch off.22:50
cornfeedhoboBashing-om: thx22:50
JohnTyes, i had them working fine in xp22:51
garyis2meWhat is a good decent web cam for Ubuntu 13.10, and  software to run it.??22:51
dioioibok. one sec. I will look into it for you22:51
keevitajaone thing more. scrolling with ms mouse is awful. i tried one old acme mouse(with cable) and it is perfect. any idea why or how to fix this?22:51
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MickyHi, so I have same basic questions (I am relatively new to Linux)... Does anyone know whether Lubuntu has the same repo server as Ubuntu?22:52
dioioibJohnT: when you load alsamixer is there a sound device listed?22:52
teaearlgraycoldTJ-: I figured out destructors today. Had that "aha" moment.22:53
Micky...And do I get secuirty updates for Lubuntu as fast as for Ubuntu?22:53
nf7keevitaja: I'm not sure. It's a bit of a hassle to configure mice. I'm actually using a MS mouse right now, but it doesn't feel nearly as good on Ubuntu. You'll have to ask someone else I'm afraid.22:53
dioioibalso try this in terminal $ pacmd22:54
JohnTi followed the just about the whole ubuntu doc page for audio.22:54
dioioibok. so you did the trouble shooting doc?22:55
dioioibdid you try playing an audio file as sudo?22:55
bpromptMicky:   I run kubuntu, pretty much the same repository22:55
dioioibor try sudo alsa force-reload22:55
bpromptMicky:   you can simply just check your sources  /etc/apt/sources.list22:56
SASDOEWill it cause any problems that I updated my grub with an external drive mounted?22:56
SASDOEKnowing that it had a bootable partition etc.22:57
bpromptSASDOE:      FROM an external drive, or just WITH an external drive mounted?22:57
SASDOENo WITH not from22:57
dioioibJohnT: ok. and just to humor me can you check to make sure it is in the right port?22:57
SASDOEgrub mentionned it while updating22:57
dioioiband or try the front facing ports if you have them22:57
Scitz0idimmu: I can decrypt other encrypted volumes that doesn't contain special chars, just the one with a ö in the passphrase that fails22:58
bpromptSASDOE:    it may include in the grub.cfg... then again, you can just unplug it, and run sudo update-grub again22:58
TJ-SASDOE: It's possible that the "/etc/grub.d/" scripts will have os-probed the mounted device, and included its bootable OSes in the new grub.cfg22:58
SASDOEBut will grub fail without it?22:58
JohnTgreat now my videos pause for no reason22:58
ubuntuhello everyone22:58
JohnTdioioib: yes it is22:58
SASDOEYeah I'll just run a grub-update. But out of curiousity would it have?22:58
JohnTlight green22:58
bpromptSASDOE:    nope, you'd just have a "zombie" entry in the grub menu22:58
TJ-SASDOE: You can disable the os-prober by adding "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" to "/etc/default/grub"22:58
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SASDOEGood thks!22:59
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dioioibJohnT: ok thanks22:59
SASDOENa it's fine I'm just copying old files22:59
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vardlehelo everyone22:59
bpromptallo vardle22:59
vardleI am formatting my system to reinstall ubuntu and facing graphics issues which is second in line22:59
Jordan_UScitz0: There are multiple ways to represent an umlout in utf8. I don't know if passphrases are canonicallized normally, but if not then that might be the problem.22:59
dioioibJohnT: can you run $ cat /dev/urandom | aplay23:00
SASDOEOh but wait dist-updgrade then update and upgrade didn't bring openssl to 1.0.1-4 ...23:00
JohnTgreat now i can't play videos23:00
JohnTdioioib: i hear nothing, but no errors.23:00
TJ-teaearlgraycold: That's great :) (sorry I missed your comment initially)23:01
Scitz0Jordan_U: ok, any suggestion on how to proceed?23:01
vardlefirst is a huge problem and that is from the usb ubuntu I see  4 different sizes of the same folder  !!.  nautilus tells me ( contents unreadable) but content size as 7.3 gb but 13.6 gb is 'used' . I tried using ncdu and that tells me  8.7 GiB and 9.2 GiB respective . My head is spinning .23:01
JohnTdioioib: aplay: pcm_write:1939: write error: Input/output error23:02
teaearlgraycoldI got to thinking about destructors when I decided I'd like to create an IRC bot in C++. When thinking about how to keep connections cleanly disconnected I would just close the socket in the destructor.23:02
Mickybprompt: thanks, I havent installed lubuntu yet. Basically I am looking for a secure distribution that is fast because I want to install it on a laptop with a VM on it...23:02
dioioibok. sounds like it might not be directed to the right hardware device.23:02
Bashing-omSASDOE: openssal version will rmain the same, but the patch will be installed, see the link I provided earlier.23:02
teaearlgraycoldAnd that the destructor is simply a block of code that's ran upon the destuction of a block of code.23:02
dioioibcan you do an $ lshw and look for the id of the audio device23:02
SASDOEBashing-om: just realised that by running apt-cache policy openssl libssl-dev23:03
JohnTyes, i'm not using my on board one and that has been disabled in bios.23:03
vardlebprompt, any idea ?23:03
dioioibah ok. is it usb?23:03
JohnTnope pci23:03
dioioibok. lspci should show us.23:03
Bashing-omSASDOE: the test is -> openssl version -a <- .23:04
JohnT01:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster23:04
dioioibis there a hardware id. like PCI:#:#23:04
Jordan_UScitz0: Try both 'ö' and 'ö' (Pre-composed vs o + combining diaeresis).23:04
bpromptvardle:     hmm   what is reporting those sizes of what  directory ?23:05
vardlebprompt, let me show you. just a min23:05
barretti have a second desktop manager uxlaunch for running xbmc, for some reason it started poping up the nvidia-xconfig window at startup and I can't figure out how to prevent this. any ideas?23:05
JohnTdioioib: thats all i can see, all the other rows are non related.23:05
barretti cant close it since xbmc in uxlaunch has no window boarders23:05
k4r1mumount is telling me a drive his not mounted and mount is saying it's already mounted. I initially unmounted using -f. Any suggestions?23:06
dioioibdamn. I need that hardware id.23:06
JohnTdioioib: gotta reboot brb.23:06
vardlebprompt, this is my output from nautilus http://imagebin.org/305115  and this is what I get from ncdu -    Total disk usage:   8.7GiB  Apparent size:   9.2GiB  Items: 2337423:08
Bashing-omSASDOE: If the date is on/after Apr 7 "built on: Mon Apr  7 20:33:19 UTC 2014" you are covered.23:08
Scitz0Jordan_U: not sure I fully understand... by pre-composed you mean hitting the ö key one my keyboard?, and how do I do for "o + combining diaeresis"?23:09
JohnTdioioib: ever since you told me to force reload my videos pause, and cannot restart.23:10
JohnT19 seconds in, bam, total freeze.23:11
JohnTcannot continue23:11
Jordan_UScitz0: Copy and paste the characters from my message if possible. (hopefully the encoding wasn't lost between our two clients).23:11
dioioibcan you drop to shell?23:12
JohnTyes, everything is fine, just no audio.23:12
dioioibok. is video working now23:12
vardleis this a problem coz of links ?23:12
JohnTof course it isn't working23:13
dioioibis the video playing back at all or is there no sound?23:13
bpromptvardle:      what do you get from  ->   df -lh   <--- ?23:14
JohnTno sound, and ever since you told me to force reload all flash videos pause and then nothing else.23:14
vardleone sec bprompt23:14
IainKayDykesanybody been testing 14.04 server beta 2 with xenserver?23:14
hillaryhelp with a command to kill an hanging application. ubuntu 12.0423:15
hillarymy netbeans hangs23:15
dioioibwell there are recommendations to purge and reload alsa. http://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/23:15
willwhhillary: sudo killall netbeans?23:15
willwhor; ps aux | grep netbeans23:15
willwhand; kill -15 <the process ID>23:15
willwhif that doesn't work, kill -9 ;)\23:15
vardlebprompt, for df -lh varun/  I get  used : 12G and Available 15G23:16
Scitz0Jordan_U, either copy messed with encoding or none of the ones you typed worked23:16
JohnTNo permission to use the keyboard API for http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net23:16
barrettcan I uninstall nvidia-settings?23:17
Jordan_UScitz0: There are (at least) two ways of writing that character in utf8. One way is with the two byte sequece for that specific character, 0xc3b6, and another is with the one byte for 'o', ox6f plus the two byte sequence for "Add two dots to the preceding character", 0x308, for a complete three byte sequence of 0x6f0308 .23:17
hillaryall  not working23:18
dioioibJohnT: here is the text in pastebin http://pastebin.com/W5YUDjRh23:18
hillaryhow can i check process running?23:18
dioioibps -A23:18
Scitz0hmm, ok23:18
JohnTdioioib: let me reboot23:19
blip-hi all, I run dual boot windows+linux with GRUB2 managing the boot.  I need to shrink and move the /boot partition to bring some space over to the windows first partition.23:20
Jordan_UScitz0: You can use the utility "xdd" to get a hex dump of anything, including stdin.23:20
vardlehillary, on the cli you can do : ps ax | grep netbeans and then see the process number and then do -- kill -9  procnumber23:20
blip-i only need to reinstall grub right ?  Is there an easy way to do this in ubuntu ?23:20
blip-like a wrapper that will do all the checks23:20
blip-or even a gui23:20
vardlebprompt, any ideas ?23:20
Baakoanyone know why filezilla doesnt reconized the format of the private key generate using ssh keygen?23:22
bpromptvardle:     .....  hmmm   if I read your screenshot correcly.... it says 7.3Gbs in folder "home" subfolder of "media", thus /media/home,   , "disk where media folder is at" has a capacity of 29.6Gbs, 16Gb free, and 13.6 used23:22
Scitz0Jordan_U, can't find xdd in my system... apt-get didnt find it either23:23
hillaryprocesses running in my ubuntu 12.0423:23
Jordan_UScitz0: Sorry, "xxd".23:23
bpromptvardle:    .... about ... ncdu.... ahemm.... ... dunno on that one23:23
dioioibhillary: ps -A23:23
Scitz0ahh :)23:23
vardlebprompt, okay but my question about nautilus is why is it 7.3 gbs and not 13.6 ?23:24
bprompthillary:     try installing "qps" maybe23:24
vardlethat is a huge gap23:24
hillaryi mean which terminal command can i use to check running processes in ubuntu 12.0423:24
bprompthillary:  top23:25
Jordan_UScitz0: There are also many Ubuntu channels for other languages, like #ubuntu-de for german. They might be more familiar with common caveats of non-ascii characters in passphrases. That is assuming that you speak such a language fluently so that you can ask and understand the answers given in such channels :)23:25
vardlehillary, system monitor is an alredy installed program and tells you all those processes. can try the windows key > type system > clik on system monitor > go to processes23:25
bprompthillary:   or qps   for GUI  -> http://wood1978.dyndns.org/~wood/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Qps.png23:25
vardlehillary, ps ax23:25
dioioibyeah top would work23:25
vardleor top sure  .23:26
Scitz0ok, I'm from Sweden and I don't speak german very well23:26
vardlebprompt, so why the huge diff ?  7.3 vs 1323:26
Scitz0how do I use this xxd utility23:26
bpromptvardle:    the screenshot means... 7.3Gbs used by /media/home folder alone, 13Gbs are used, so from all 13Gbs used in that device, /media/home is taking up 7.3Gbs23:28
vardlebprompt, so you mean /media is using 13 gigs ?23:29
bpromptvardle:    /media/home    the listing in the window is a bit ..... shown as ..... home folder, whose parent folder is /media23:30
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bpromptvardle:    so /media/home is taking up 50% of lthe 13.6Gbs used in the device with 29.6Gbs capacity23:30
bpromptwell.... about 50% a bit less23:31
vardlebprompt, do you mean that if  I choose all folders inside /media/home/ and do a 'properties' on it , it should not give me 13. 6 gb ?23:31
bpromptvardle:     it'll show the 13.6 on all, since that's the amount for the device, not the folder, the amount used in  that device where that folder is at23:32
vardlebprompt, my question is 'what' files are taking up the 13.6 - 7 = 5.6 gb and where are they ?23:32
JohnTwow, left me high and dry23:32
dioioibwhats up23:32
JohnTdioioib: there you are23:33
Jordan_U!se | Scitz023:33
ubottuScitz0: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!23:33
JohnTdioioib: google chrome video doesn't stop like firefox. but I removed alsa-base.23:33
quidnuncI just installed Trusty and it looks like the structure of dovecot.conf changed dramatically. Can someone tell me what I need to do to update my config?23:33
dioioibok so. it is probably just a setting to auto play or something we will look into that in a bit.23:33
vardlebprompt, I want to find out what files are taking the 5 gigs on the device. how do I find that out ? I never knew this would be so difficult to understand !!23:34
JohnTyes, works fine now under firefox. it's something in alsa-base.23:34
JohnTor alsa-utils23:34
vardlecoming from a windows environment  I mean23:34
JohnTno sounds still.23:34
dioioibjohnT: and you are getting audio too?23:34
bpromptvardle:      assuming /media/home is some mounted filesystem , thus a device itself.... where are the other 5.6Gbs.... hmmmm maybe hidden files/folders23:34
JohnTi also enabled my internel sound card.23:34
Jordan_UScitz0: If you do solve the problem please keep me updated. I'm curious :)23:34
JohnTnope, no sounds at all.23:34
SASDOEvardle: du -h | sort -h -r23:35
dioioibJohnT: what version of ubuntu is it?23:35
vardleSASDOE, okay lemm try that23:35
Scitz0Jordan_U, sure23:35
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SASDOEvardle: you might want to pipe that to head23:35
KihokkiI'm going to give ssh access to few users but how do I prevent them browsing each others homedirs? Just chmod?23:36
zykotick9SASDOE: you don't need a "-" for each switch, so in your example ".. sort -hr" should work23:36
vardleSASDOE, that gave me a tonne of output23:36
SASDOEzykotick9: trye23:36
vardlehow do I do the pipe to 'head' ? what is head ?23:37
SASDOErun this then du -h | sort -h -r | head23:37
hillarynetbeans still hangs23:37
vardleSASDOE, THanks ! so finally I have it . without a sudo I get permission denied directories with a . and then with a sudo I get 12 gigs occupied and no permission denied23:38
JohnTdioioib: how can i switch to my onboard nvidia sound?23:38
bpromptvardle:    maybe using "filelight" -> http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/baobab.jpg  <--  it's in the repositories, so23:39
vardlebprompt, thanks. and I got the solution :)23:39
vardleI tried sudo ncdu and that too gave me like 11.1 which is better coz 7.3 was weird23:40
dioioibJohnT: nvidia sound you would need to check your /proc/asound/cards using $ sudo cat /proc/asound/cards23:40
dioioibsee if it is listed23:40
vardleSASDOE, question : why does sudo ncdu , sudo df -h |  .... , and sudo nautilus give me different sizes for the same folder ?23:40
JohnTdioioib: pavucontrol seems to make videos lock.23:41
vardleSASDOE, oo I got it , it is a GiB to GB issue23:42
dioioibpavcontrol.. ok23:42
dioioibok so it is there. one sec23:43
dioioibok can you load alsa-mixer?23:44
dioioibpress F623:44
dioioibcan you see your card in the F6 menu?23:45
zykotick9vardle: don't use sudo with gui apps, see "/msg ubottu gksudo" for more details23:45
JohnTyes, bot of them23:46
dioioibok. can you go into your /etc/asound.conf and paste that to me23:47
JohnTdioioib: not a valid path/file23:48
JohnTdioioib: going to bed.23:49
dioioibok. you might need to make your default file manually23:50
JohnTsee ya l8r23:51
apb1963So I was able to get my USB headset working...  anyone interested in how I did it?23:55
apb1963Here was my original question:23:56
apb196312.04... I have a USB speakerphone...23:56
apb1963alsa -l lists it as "card 1: Set [C-Media USB Headphone Set], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]".  I get no sound out of it (nor does the mic. seem to work).  It's a Kinyo ArtDio "True USB VoIP Speaker" model SS-100/SS-100B23:56
apb1963Someone suggested I pick the sound card through alsamixer... but that didn't work.23:57
quidnuncHow do I get dpkg to overwrite my config with maintainer's version?23:57
dioioibapb1963: JohnT would be but he just logged out23:57
apb1963Interestingly, kmix was able to access it.23:57
apb1963However, the correct solution was..... <drum roll please>23:58
rwwWindows 8.123:58
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dioioibapb1963: Windows 8.1? That is the solution to mixed video cards23:59
apb1963I had to select the device in the program that actually needed to use it.  My VoIP softphone.  Tadaaaaa.  Sadly the device has too much echo and is therefore useless.  Oh well.23:59
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dioioibapb1963: is it usb?23:59
apb1963dioioib: yes23:59
Johnny_Linuxuse a bias resistor between the out and in,23:59

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