
deltis it intended/normal that fonts in puredata are -HUUUUGE- ...?00:31
deltlike, the menubar doesn't fit on the screen. that huge.00:32
Unit193What packages did you install, and I'd presume this is without config?00:33
deltjust the regular puredata that comes with ubuntustudio, and yeah just checked, without config00:33
delt...so, any idea?00:41
Unit193I don't personally, no.  First I've heard of the program. :/00:42
deltanyway, i'll look into this probably tomorrow.... :/00:43
dreamy_hi, can i get some codrination on how to install ubuntu studio from a 2 g pen?04:01
dreamy_im a bit anxious04:02
stochasticdreamy_, what are you having trouble with?04:12
stochasticI think the ubuntustudio iso is larger than a 2gig image so you'll need to install regular Ubuntu and then install all of the Ubuntustudio packages on top of it04:12
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:21
holsteinthose fit for sure :)04:21
holsteinthey are like 30mb's04:21
dreamy_anyone helping?04:26
stochasticdreamy_, did you see my post earlier?  I know holstein's posts were while you were out of the channel - he was talking about !mini04:40
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:40
declan2hi all05:00
stochastichi declan205:32
staxxxHello everyone! I need a little help here please. When I start up qjackctl I always get some error messages: Unknown engine parameter ´name´ & unknown parameter midi driver for driver alsa. everything still seems to work but I feel like a geta  lot of xruns when using ardour. Anyways maybe it was some settings I tweaked but I dont remember. Anyone out there?10:08
staxxxWell I just unchecked D-Bus and the error dissapeared10:11
=== Iota-Spencer is now known as IotaSpencer
JTmAchey guys, what version of blender is in the latest release?16:11
cfhowlettJTmAc check at blender.org16:11
JTmAchi holstein : )  It's me JTa16:11
cfhowlettJTmAc blender is not part part of ubuntu except in ubuntustudio16:11
zequenceJTmAc: You can see what versions of packages are in which releases with: rmadison <packagename>16:12
zequenceJTmAc: You'll need to install ubuntu-dev-tools16:12
JTmAccfhowlett: i know what "blender release" it is, what release is included on the ubuntu liveCD/DVD?16:12
JTmAcwow, such a complicated path to an answer16:12
zequence(works on Debian too)16:12
zequenceI'm not on Ubuntu right now, but if you install ubuntu-dev-tools, and run the command: rmadison blender, you'll see which version it is16:13
zequence(Debian shows Debian versions only)16:13
JTmAci appreciate all the help guys, but I was looking for a quick answer16:14
JTmAcI'll check the repos next time I got a ubuntu distro up16:14
JTmActhanks : )16:14
zequenceJTmAc: Google is pretty quick to answer too ;)16:14
JTmAczequence: not really16:14
JTmAcmy search fu sucks16:14
JTmAcand I don't have the patience to wade through a pile of garbage to be excited about a discovery of a usable answer, lol....at garbageoogle at least16:15
JTmActhanks, zequence, I didn'16:15
JTmAcI didn't mean to have you do my work for me...ya, it's been stuck on 2.66a for a while...I think the package manager wandered off to a different shinny object some time ago, lol...16:16
JTmActhanks : )16:16
zequenceNext time, if you need a version of a package on a release you're not at, I recommend using rmadison. It's the most efficient in the time it takes for you to get your information16:16
JTmAcHmmmm, thanks, I'll check it out16:17
zequenceThe command line tool. But, in order to use it, you need to unstall ubuntu-dev-tools16:17
zequenceThen run the command: rmadison <packagenameA>16:17
zequence..or use google/web services16:17
zequencetrusty is coming out next week16:18
zequenceJTmAc: ^ It'll have version 2.69-416:18
JTmAcwow, slick tool, i'll add it to my tool belt zequence , thanks : )16:18
JTmAcah, perfect, thanks zequence16:19
delthow do i correct the fonts in puredata? they're waaay to HUGE to be usable :/18:59
deltlooks like this: http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/puredata-huge-fonts.png19:00
delt...so, anyone has any idea about this puredata font issue?19:27
deltjust installed pd-extended (puredata extended) ...same problem19:49
zequencedelt: What kind of font issue?21:20
zequencedelt: I read about it a bit on #dataflow, but don't have the time to look through it now. bb tomorrow21:22
deltzequence: fixed it21:23
zequencedelt: What was the fix?21:23
zequencedelt: A custom config of your ownj?21:26
zequence(..causing it, I mean)21:26
deltzequence: get this... old Xdefaults i was loadign from my .xprofile22:48
deltoooooollld scripts i wrote years ago22:48

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