
micky_Habe vor Lubuntu zu installieren...11:58
micky_Ups English again I guess...11:59
micky_So I wann install Lubuntu. And my question is whether the alternate installer ist just different with respect to the installing process and whether there is no difference with regard to the packages etc...12:00
maxvihi everyone! how can I use Templates in it? it seems doesn't work for me (( I created the template file in Templates dir but it hadn't appear in menu14:09
=== zooko`` is now known as zooko
Ahmuckhi.  is there a way to have spanish and english in lubuntu21:28
MeerkatAhmuck, menu -> preferences -> language support. There you can install many languages, including spanish.21:57
simiantwhat is the minimum PyGTK package I can install? I can't seem to find it in the repos?22:14
FuuqUmiistLXLE is actually pretty good and seems to be more user friendly than Lubuntu, and it was smart for them to just focus on LTS releases22:32
=== io is now known as IdleOne
Ahmuckhow do i start a program in a specific languae23:11
Ahmuckpor ejemplo, LANG=us_EN LANGUAGE=us_EN23:11
Ahmuckbecause I am getting crashes when trying23:11
Meerkatthe appliations should follow the system language.23:14
MeerkatAhmuck, did you logout and back in after changing the language?23:14

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