
rsalvetirobru: I need to rebuild a few projects, usually I'd just bump changelog and dput them, but how should we do for the ones we're also the upstream project and part of CI train?00:14
rsalvetino changes, just a rebuild00:15
robrursalveti, if the project is in a silo, you can FORCE_REBUILD in the jenkins jobs01:04
rsalvetirobru: not yet in a silo01:04
robrursalveti, i don't understand. you need to rebuild something in the archive?01:06
rsalvetiI could probably just bump the changelog and dput directly I guess01:06
robrursalveti, ok, so propose a null merge (branch trunk, push it to a new branch, and propose it back to trunk without any changes). then you can put that MP in a silo, then build & test the silo, and if it's successful, publish the silo01:06
robrursalveti, you *could* do that, but just make sure you push the changelog back to trunk after, or it confuses citrain)01:07
rsalvetiyeah, was afraid of that :-)01:07
rsalvetiwill have a big landing on monday then, just a bunch of rebuilds01:07
robrursalveti, how big? like qt52 big?01:08
rsalveti~20, 30 projects01:09
robruugh, just dput them. ;-)01:09
rsalvetihaha, yeah, might be easier01:10
rsalvetijust rebuilds anyway01:10
robrursalveti, yeah, this was the issue we had with qt5.2, there were dozens of no-change rebuilds, it was a disaster. locked up citrain for weeks. citrain just doesn't scale very well when you have that many rebuilds going on01:10
rsalvetiyeah, exactly01:11
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 290 DONE (finished: 20140412 01:25) ===01:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/290.changes ===01:25
ogra_seems dropping the push service wasnt didiers best idea today ... i dont get any updates offered01:47
ogra_aha, reboot helped01:50
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 291 building (started: 20140412 02:05) ===02:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 291 DONE (finished: 20140412 03:30) ===03:29
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/291.changes ===03:30
ToyKeeperD'oh, I just finished flashing 290.03:30
* ToyKeeper -> up, enter, wait03:30
* robru -> EOD03:55
robruhave a good weekend everybody03:55
ToyKeeperHuh.  Never noticed that before.  Contacts -> add works, but Dialer -> Contacts has no "add new contact" function.03:59
ToyKeeperOops, need an extra phone to test this.04:03
=== jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp
jhodapphey sergiusens, you around?13:21
sergiusensjhodapp: for abit now, then off and then on again13:22
sergiusenswant a rebuild of something?13:22
jhodappsergiusens, can you kick off a qtubuntu-media build in 17?13:22
sergiusenswe should get you access :)13:22
jhodappfixed the unittests13:22
jhodapplol, indeed :)13:22
ogra_sergiusens, cjwatson was looking for you yesterday for https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/phablet-tools/click-buddy-pass-framework/+merge/21474413:25
sergiusensogra_: thanks, I'll get that in; hard to get a silo today though13:26
sergiusensshould I just dput?13:26
ogra_if it is safe13:27
ogra_just test a few more times than usual i guess :)13:27
sergiusensogra_: it's a script :-)13:27
ogra_heh, right, and trivial too13:28
sergiusensjhodapp: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-017-1-build/27/console13:28
ogra_i guess you can just go ahead13:28
jhodappsergiusens, thank you sir :)13:28
jhodappwait till you both try seeking in mediaplayer-app out, it's as responsive as music-app now13:30
jhodappalright, I'm out13:31
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
jhodapp|afkhave a great day sergiusens and ogra_13:31
ogra_you too13:31
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 292 building (started: 20140412 14:45) ===14:44
ogra_popey, ^^^that has the location service fix14:45
popeyogra_: awesome, thanks15:07
popeyogra_: tried contact sync?15:10
popeythere's a "sync" button in contacts, just pressed it and it says "Syncing..." - does that work?15:10
popeyooh, lots of contacts appeared15:21
popeythis changes everything :D15:21
jhodapp|afkogra_, on a fresh install of the latest build when I apt-get upgrade, I'm getting this:15:34
jhodapp|afkUnpacking lxc-android-config (0.160) over (0.159) ...15:34
jhodapp|afkdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/lxc-android-config_0.160_all.deb (--unpack):15:34
jhodapp|afk unable to make backup link of `./lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules' before installing new version: Invalid cross-device link15:34
jhodapp|afkogra_, and if you reboot, the shell doesn't come up15:35
ogra_jhodapp|afk, yeah, lxc-android-config cant be cleanly upgraded thats a filesystem design issue with dpkg ...15:35
ogra_you can do: dpkg -x /var/cache/apt/archives/lxc-android-config_0.160_all.deb /15:35
ogra_that will at least unpack it on top (will also print errors though)15:36
jhodapp|afkyeah: tar: ./lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules: Cannot open: File exists15:36
jhodapp|afktar: ./etc/init/ssh.override: Cannot open: File exists15:36
jhodapp|afkbut I should be all good at least?15:37
ogra_err, wait on what image are you doing that15:37
ogra_you need at least 290 for lxc-android-config 0.16015:37
jhodapp|afkogra_, where do I find that build number again in the filesystem?15:38
ogra_system-image-cli -i15:38
jhodapp|afkit's a daily rootfs, no build #15:38
jhodapp|afkjust downloaded it a few mins ago15:38
ogra_using rootstock ?15:39
ogra_or how did you install15:39
ogra_in any case lxc-android-config 0.160 needs a very recent initrd15:40
jhodapp|afkrootstock, yes15:40
ogra_what you can try is to just run "update-initramfs -u" (ignore all the errors, they are harmless)15:40
jhodapp|afkrsalveti's install instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7227996/15:40
ogra_right, the instructions are fine if you did use a recent boot.img (newer than 290)15:41
ogra_that has the corresponding changes for lxc-android-config15:41
* ogra_ needs to go afk again ... back later 15:42
jhodapp|afkogra_, ah, we must need to update that then15:42
jhodapp|afkthanks ogra_, it seems fine now15:42
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 292 DONE (finished: 20140412 16:15) ===16:14
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/292.changes ===16:15

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