
rsalvetijdstrand: yup00:02
rsalvetiin a few00:02
Aki-Thinkpadhow do tooltips work on ubuntu touch?02:07
Aki-ThinkpadI can add one for my button, but I do not know how it will show up when I push my finger on it02:07
Aki-Thinkpaddoes anyone know?02:08
dobeyi think it won't02:13
Aki-Thinkpaddobey, hmmmm; does the current onscreen keyboard show what you just typed? I'd like to do something like that then02:17
Aki-Thinkpadwhere you press a button down, and a bubble pops up above it.02:18
dobeyi don't know, but the OSK is i'm sure not using tooltips for whatever it's doing02:18
Aki-Thinkpaddobey, Ahh, i think i'll just add a blank area for tool tips then02:21
Aki-Thinkpadand do it manually02:21
dobeywhat are you trying to do?02:29
dobeytooltips are not a generally good thing to use02:29
Aki-Thinkpaddobey, Because my calculator is pretty... extensive (its basically a front end for Gnu APL), I'd like to give a brief description of all the primitives02:33
Aki-Thinkpaddobey, What I think I will do, is add a bar at the bottom, just like on the ubuntu file manager, and whenever a button is clicked, a description will be listed below02:34
dobeyi'm not sure tooltips that display after the user has already done something, are all that useful02:35
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, what file manager uses is called a Popover02:37
vthompsonyou'll find it in the SDK02:38
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, Ah thanks; I was looking at statusbar, slightly confused02:39
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, you might want a Popover to become visible "onClick" but when released it should disappear02:40
vthompsonI assume the OSK has a custom Popover type component02:41
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, I'll put that in later perhaps. For now, what am I looking for if I just want a persistent bottom toolbar?02:44
karislighthello guys02:46
karislightdoes somebody know how can I test a app that I have done in qml using phable emulator ?02:47
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, you can lock the toolbar in it's open state02:47
karislighti just dont have a real phone to test02:47
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7237689/02:49
karislighthello, anybody can help me testing my apps for touch using the phone emulated?02:51
LandWalkerhmmm will the ubuntu touch run smoothly on alcatel one touch scribe easy?02:51
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, ah great; thanks02:53
Aki-Thinkpad!cookie vthompson02:53
ubot5Aki-Thinkpad: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:53
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, I'll gladly walk down my stairs and grab my own cookie. Thanks!02:55
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, show off02:56
Aki-ThinkpadI wish I had stairs...02:56
vthompson:) Aki-Thinkpad, I grab 2 because stairs are involved02:56
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, hey something about your code: http://imagebin.org/30514103:05
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, when locked is set to true, it mucks up the interface like on the left03:06
Aki-Thinkpadbut corrects itself when set to false03:06
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, hm, might need to set an anchor for the component that holds the buttons03:07
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, where is the best tutorial for qml and ubuntu development. Ive been looking for some videos, but havn't found anything particularly informative yet.03:08
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, or do you suggest that I just keep trial and error like I am doing right now?03:08
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, Start here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/03:09
vthompsonthat has tutorials03:09
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, above that look at the source for some of the core apps: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps03:09
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, thanks, I think this is what I am more looking for http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/UbuntuUserInterfaceToolkit.ubuntu-layouts/03:11
vthompsonAki-Thinkpad, possibly. Good work at digging right for the APIs. :) those will help you immensely!03:13
Aki-ThinkpadI am just happy I am finally moving forward ~03:15
vthompsonIn general some of the Qt 5 QML docs are great references. Google or start here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtqml-index.html03:16
vthompsonIf something's not in the Ubuntu SDK it very well might be in the base Qt libraries03:17
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, looks like this documentation has broken links http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/UbuntuUserInterfaceToolkit.ubuntu-layouts/03:20
Aki-Thinkpadgrid, rows, colums, and flow are 404'ing03:20
Aki-ThinkpadCan you verify? Should I file a bug?03:20
vthompsonYea, broken. mhall119 might be able to help get the API docs up to par03:22
vthompsonI'm not sure which project the bug should get assigned to, however03:22
vthompsonSince it points to the Qt docs anyway, I'd just continue on your way in that direction.03:23
vthompsonBUT, it might also be nice to ping mhall119 in terms of the docs. I'm not sure who else works that area03:24
Aki-Thinkpadvthompson, I filed a bug at the ubuntu docs launchpad page03:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1306867 in Ubuntu Documentation "Column, Row, Grid, Flow broken links at http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/UbuntuUserInterfaceToolkit.ubuntu-layouts/ " [Undecided,New]03:27
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sh1ft1Hello, I have a question.04:25
lotuspsychjesh1ft1: whats going on mate04:49
sh1ft1Not much, has anyone tried the Ubuntu for tablets on the 2010 nexus 7? Not the 2013... I understand that on their site it said that it was deprecated, but I want to know if someone has tried it?05:13
echoeI'm installing ubuntu touch on my nexus 4 now, going through the motions, and currently it's on 'shared storage' in the backups. it was referencing other files. is this going to finish and it's in progress now? there is no terminal output as it runs - i'd assume so but want to be sure05:33
Aki-Thinkpadwhat does gu stand for?05:34
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, woah nice; I'm jealous :)05:34
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, have you tried ubuntu-touch yet?05:34
echoeno! doing it now :P05:34
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, after 40 minutes, you'll be side swiping everything :P05:35
echoeit's probably not going to replace my shiny new iphone 5c but my prior phone was the nexus 4, and i think i'm going to keep it around. for stuff like this05:35
echoehehe. well maybe05:35
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, it really is a great ui, and I have only had my hand at it on a lousy barns and noble nook05:36
echoewell, I guess I can always back up from something else if the backup process got all fubar'd. ... I have only seen previews. it's releasing officially in 6 days right?05:37
echoehere we go. :005:45
echoethe instructions could be clearer, I didn't realize that the bootloader was the stage where the phone is booted with volume keys held. ... also, it says to wait, and "then it will boot into the ubuntu unity shell", but that isn't the last step.05:50
sh1ft1So no one has tried ubuntu for the 2010 nexus 7?05:53
echoe... the automated install is not working on my nexus 4 for some reason, I'm rebooting into android. :|05:55
echoealso, I haven't, and you probably mean the 2012 one right?05:55
sh1ft1Yeah, not the 201305:58
sh1ft1It says it is deprecated on their help site05:59
sh1ft1Which to my understanding it might be frowned upon trying.06:00
echoeyeah it's deprecated so there's no official support for it anymore.06:01
echoefrom what I understand the nexus 4 and nexus 7 have very similar chips/setups so that's why. one chip, less to support06:01
echoealso, theoretically they have to hit their 5 day goal06:01
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, sh1ft1 Can you blame them? I tried stepping into that quicksand of android kernel kuffufling...06:01
Aki-Thinkpadway too much effort to get this installed on an old device :P06:02
echoeAki-Thinkpad: no, I can't. I can blame them for not creating stupid instructions that work, I am seeing it actually start to load up now though!06:02
echoeit's rebooted into recovery to flash. rotating ubuntu logo.06:02
sh1ft1So the nexus 4 has the same chip setup as the 2013 or 2014 nexus 7?06:03
echoethe 2013 one06:03
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, sometimes the devices have a failsafe boot install hardwired in. After every 7 non successful boots or something, my nook would reinstall itself06:04
sh1ft1Oh, well that is still somewhat a relief to where i can actually try it.06:04
Aki-ThinkpadPiece of trash; don't buy barnes and noble anything06:04
echoeI had a nook. ... yeah it was slow.06:04
Aki-ThinkpadDid you have it in canada?06:04
Aki-Thinkpad"Please enter your credit card to install applications..."06:05
Aki-Thinkpad"Thanks! Oh wait, you live in Canada, we can't install this free application because something something"06:05
echoeno, US here. pluses, minuses. ... it booted into a google logo. oh, dear.06:06
Aki-ThinkpadYour pain is funny06:07
sh1ft1Haha I'm sorry echoe....06:07
echoewell, the screen's blank now so maybe it's just rebooting or something.06:07
* echoe nods. obliviousness. let's not think about it06:07
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, Try yelling at it if it doesnt work06:07
Aki-Thinkpadand if that doesnt work, try spitting on it06:08
echoeoh it booted into an os!06:08
Aki-Thinkpadand insulting its mother06:08
sh1ft1Lol try making it feel bad06:08
echoewoooo it's ... laggy06:08
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, you got in?06:08
echoeyeah. this is me posting from it in irccloud. :p ... this dorsnt seem close to an actual release at all to me ghough, its a bit worrisome06:11
echoeit does look nice though.06:12
echoeI hope they fix the thing where if you swipe out of an app using the keyboard the keboard stays open.06:18
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, is that a bug?06:21
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, are there still place holder apps in the release you are using?06:22
echoenot sure?06:22
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, also do not forget that the current version you have, may be like a year old (I am not sure what the nexus 4 image actually uses)06:22
echoeit's the most recent release06:22
Aki-Thinkpadfor example the nook used a 12.10 developer preview release06:23
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, are you sure?06:23
echoeit's the one in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Instructions_for_flashing_a_phone_or_tablet_device_with_Ubuntu . so, no, it would be older if they havne't updated the bootstrap06:24
echoewhich is possible06:24
Aki-Thinkpadso you are using the mako...06:26
Aki-Thinkpadyah I guess that one is pretty up to date06:27
echoehah there's a flappy bird clone in the store06:31
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, Angry birds?06:32
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, True story; I woke up with a wild flappy bird bouncing on my knee today06:32
Aki-Thinkpadand that is not an allusion to anything06:33
echoethat'd be weird06:33
Aki-Thinkpadit was euphoric06:33
Aki-ThinkpadI think it was a sparrow06:33
Aki-Thinkpadwas tweeting away, looking for grub06:33
Aki-Thinkpadhappened with a squirrel a few weeks back06:34
echoewhere do you live? a more rural area?06:36
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, woods06:42
echoeah, cool.06:46
echoei'm in the middle of civilization. i don't think that would happen ... a few people said they saw a skunk once, a few months ago. that's about it06:46
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, that stinks :P06:49
echoeit's ok! the outside is kind of icky sometimes, hehe.06:50
Aki-Thinkpadechoe, yep :)06:51
echoeoh wow06:54
echoethere actually are a bunch of apps.06:54
echoewell. i'm going to sleep. will find out more tomorrow. :P06:55
sh1ft1 Later dudes06:56
echoegood to talk with you. [i'm on a thinkpad too right now! gasp.]06:57
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Aki-Thinkpadechoe, later gator07:30
dudo33hi everyone, i have a zopo zp810 android smartphone with MTK processor, is it possible to install ubuntu on this device? i'd love to have my favourite os on the phone!07:47
dudo33hi, i'd like to install ubuntu touch on a mtk6589 android device, can anyone help me?09:02
n3tJ4ckrWill ubuntu touch 14.04 come out the same day as the desktop image?11:16
kappa91hi all11:34
kappa91can anybody gimme support on the ubuntu touch installation process?11:36
kappa91i did all the step suggested at the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install11:38
kappa91got into the recovery screen11:39
kappa91but maybe i'm missing something, i mean, i expect to reboot the device and find the ubuntu touch os, not android 4...or we still have just the recovery screen?11:40
WebVisitor-3hi there12:11
* WebVisitor-3 test12:11
WebVisitor-3anyone there?12:11
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McferryHi everyone14:49
Mcferrywhy nexus 5 is not supported?14:50
ogra_nope, but there is a relatively good community port15:00
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svensodei try to intsall ubuntu on my nexus 415:30
svensodecan somone tell me the the chennel?15:30
svensodeubuntu-device-flash --channel= [???] --bootstrap15:31
popeydevel or devel-proposed15:31
ogra_devel for images that have had proper QA before being released ...15:31
ogra_devel-proposed for untested images (the latest and greatest but at times broken stuff)15:32
svensodeokay, i have tryed it but...15:32
svensodei cant select a provider in the celluar settings15:33
ogra_and it doesnt pick one by default ?15:33
svensodebtw im from germany and i use also a sim from germany15:34
ogra_hmm, your provider is probably not in the database15:34
ogra_bug 122517415:35
ubot5bug 1225174 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular Settings -- No way to edit APN" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122517415:35
svensodeok i will reed it. thx15:35
svensodecan i check it, if my provider is in the datatbase?15:38
echoesven, not sure what you're asking but that bug also has a way to edit the settings if your provider is not in the database, if you know what they should be edited to16:09
echoeit's the next to last comment16:09
noobastankstupid noob question here: I read that Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will be released on the 17th, I was wondering if I'll be able to install that on my Nexus 4 android device? Thanks in advance!16:35
noobastankand how about a samsung tab 2??16:41
echoenoobastank: nexus 4/7 are the only two officially supported devices for first release16:47
echoe[nexus 7 2013 at that]16:47
noobastankcool! so I'll be able to try it out on my nexus 4 !16:50
noobastankthanks echoe!16:50
echoeyou can currently install ubuntu touch on your nexus 4 now, actually :)16:50
echoeit's not a final version but i got it working myself, though i'm not using that phone for actual calls [and it does seem to have a ways to go for me to use it as my actual phone].16:51
noobastankhaha nice :)16:52
noobastankatm it is my main phone so I'm gonna wait a week and see how the official release looks!16:52
echoethat's a good idea i think. :D16:53
noobastankwell thanks alot echoe, I'm off for now, have a good weekend :D16:57
cwaynesergiusens, ping17:46
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echoeoh. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices I guess I was wrong about the tab 2, kinda. community support18:39
PloppzI am going to buy a new phone and wondering if I should think about getting ubuntu on it. Is it a good idea to get ubuntu touch now or should I wait?18:55
echoedefinitely wait, imho. phones either aren't powerful enough, or ubuntu touch isn't optimized enough. but we'll know better in a week when the official build is scheduled to launch?18:56
PloppzI could also just buy a phone and use that phone's operating system until it's a good idea to get ubuntu touch. If so, what kind of phone should I look for? (most fit for ubuntu=18:56
echoethe current reference device is a nexus 4.18:56
PloppzOkay, thanks. And oh, only a week?18:56
echoeit's supposed to release with 14.0418:57
echoewhich releases on the 17th of april if i'm not mistaken?18:57
PloppzOh at first I though you meant 14.04 as in 14th of april :P18:57
echoeubuntu 14, to be precise, hehe.18:59
PloppzOh, Nexus 4 is actually pretty cheap19:01
echoeit is!19:01
PloppzDo you think it also will be adept for Ubuntu touch?19:03
PloppzHm, just thinking, any possibility for dual booting or something? :P19:08
PloppzInstalling UT without uninstalling the previous OS?19:08
ogra_Ploppz, phones with ubuntu preinstalled will be available some time in the second half of the year19:24
Tassadarwhere can I see changelog of lxc-android-config or its repository? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/lxc-android-config/trusty has 0.117, but I have 0.160 on my phone?19:25
Tassadar*. instead of ? at the end19:25
ogra_Tassadar, the gunzipping of the android initrd was removed19:27
ogra_happens in ubuntu initramfs since 29019:27
ogra_so it wasnt needed to do it again from lxc-android-config19:28
Tassadark, thanks. why itsn't that in the repository?19:29
ogra_(speeds up the boot a bit)19:29
ogra_lxc-android-config is a deb source package ...19:29
ogra_bzr branch lp:ubuntu/lxc-android-config19:30
ogra_these ubuntu bracnhes get created on package uploads (there is no upstram branch for it atm)19:31
Tassadarif it is in init now, that means I have to force-rebuild the android part, because the initrd is in their boot.imgs, right?19:31
ogra_right, you should always upgrade the bootimg regardless19:32
Tassadarright now, android parts get built only when the android package changes19:33
ogra_well, it changed :)19:33
ogra_with image 29019:34
Ploppzogra_: Do you mean regular Nexus 4 phones just with ubuntu installed or are there other advantages?19:34
ogra_Ploppz, canonical works with meizu and bq on preinstalled ubuntu phones19:34
ogra_Ploppz, http://www.engadget.com/2014/02/19/ubuntu-phones-meizu-and-bq-mobile/19:35
PloppzOoh. Those look like the ubuntu phones that were planned but failed in kickstarting19:36
PloppzSo they are special made for ubuntu?19:36
ogra_no, thats just a photo ... these are not the phones :)19:37
ogra_google for "meizu mx3 ubuntu"19:38
PloppzHm, yet it will take some time before there are a lot of apps for ubuntu19:38
ogra_yeah, there are ~250 or so in the store atm19:39
ogra_but it is constantly getting more19:39
PloppzAh. I am thinking most about skype, kik, snapchat19:41
ogra_well, there are facebook, twitter and G+ webapps ... but yeah, things like whatsapp or skype are still missing19:42
PloppzIs Meizu Mx3 the name of the phone?19:42
ogra_this first batch of phones is actually thought for developers of such apps19:42
Tassadarogra_: the android package has version like this: "20140328-2310-0ubuntu2" - what does the 0 in front of ubuntu mean?19:42
PloppzAnd it's made specifically for ubuntu?19:42
ogra_Tassadar, usually debian packages are versioned x.x.x-y19:43
ogra_Tassadar, where x.x.x is the upstream version19:43
ogra_and -y the revision of the package19:43
ogra_ubuntu adds -yubuntuz to show that there was an ubuntu specific change ... debian always starts to could at -119:44
ogra_so if there is a debian package of whatever you find in ubuntu and it gets -1 this will be greater than -0ubuntuZ19:44
sergiusenscwayne: pong19:44
ogra_that guarantees that debian packages will always override ubuntu ones ... i.e. if your package that wasnt in debian before gets adopted there19:45
ogra_Tassadar, i think you can safely ignore the -0ubuntu part ... but you want to watch the upstream version and the last number (ubuntu revision) to see if anything changed19:46
Tassadaryeah, I wasn't checking the last number19:46
ogra_that usually gets updated for "no change rebuilds" when we want it to pick up a new initramfs or kernel19:47
ogra_actual android changes automatically cause an upstream version bump19:48
Tassadarcool, so I can do "make clean" only for the full rebuilds at don't do it for the "no change" rebuilds19:49
ogra_that usually only pulls in new debs from the archive ... (hybris, platform-api, kernel, initrd)19:51
Tassadarare the initrd scripts for ubuntu touch in a repository somewhere?20:02
ogra_yeah, bzr branch lp:ubuntu/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch20:04
Tassadarmeh, it's rebuilding stuff even without make clean20:04
ogra_fun ...20:04
ogra_... android20:05
* Tassadar cheers his one-thread-shared-among-a-dozen-other-VPS on20:05
programguyI just flashed ubuntu touch to rom-slot 4 on my Droid 4. I rebooted and now all my phone does is vibrate and restart when I'm using rom-slot 4. Ideas?20:09
cwaynesergiusens, does the packaged version of go-flags in universe have the fix for this: https://github.com/jessevdk/go-flags/issues/5520:10
sergiusenscwayne: working with go? :-) nice20:12
sergiusenscwayne: let me check20:12
sergiusenscwayne: it's not, want me to update the package?20:15
cwaynesergiusens, if you don't mind, that'd be awesome :)20:15
sergiusenscwayne: just for gossip; care to say what you are crafting?20:16
cwaynesergiusens, making a tool that people can use to easily make a custom tarball (so like adding themes/click pkgs and stuff)20:18
cwaynewrote the frontend with qml+go, figured the cli tool should be go as well :)20:18
sergiusenscwayne: nice; is that the thing you showed during vUDS?20:23
cwaynesergiusens, yeah, although i think it was c++ then20:25
sergiusenscwayne: hmm, optional subcommands is something I wanted actually; this may work for me too :-)20:27
cwayne:) perfect20:28
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