
amigamagicI would only tell you that I admire and respect very much all the work it has been done on xubuntu... I tried debian 7 with xfce and it's EONS behind the work that xubuntu team has done to make xubuntu not only a great xfce based distro, but one of the most usable and configurable one.... Great, great work...00:10
amigamagicI can't wait for the new xubuntu LTS00:11
knomeamigamagic, thanks, and enjoy00:24
amigamagicthat's only a strange thing that it's happened to me, after the installation of xubuntu 13.10: I installed the distro and all the updates with a new pc attached to an old crt monitor at res of 1280x1024. I rebooted it several times and it worked flawless. After that, I powered off and I connected the PC to an LCD 1440x900 and... Up to the login screen it was all right but... After the login, it appeared the default00:28
knomei guess bigger monitor gets preference00:30
amigamagicToday I had no chance to investigate further, but tomorrow I will see again if I'm able to load the desktop environment. What do you think it happened?00:30
knomehmm, maybe your message was cut, at "appreared the default..." ?00:31
amigamagicAfter the login, it appeared the default background desktop wallpaper, but no xfce panels and no icons...00:31
amigamagicVery strange... I tried to reboot but it was the same thing...00:32
amigamagicAfter the login, a void desktop...00:32
knomedid you reboot without the external monitor?00:32
amigamagicno, after power off (from the CRT) I attached the PC to an LCD and power on00:33
knomedid everything else work though?00:34
knomeor did the desktop appear as not working00:34
amigamagicknome, I was able to login in textual mode with CTRL-ALT-F100:34
knomejust checking: did you enable the root account?00:35
amigamagicbut the graphical mode was only a void desktop... No I didn't enabled the root account00:35
knomeok, good. don't do that :)00:35
amigamagicroot password void, during installation00:35
knomei'd try to remove the .Xauthority file and .cache directory from your home directory00:36
amigamagicok, thanks, tomorrow I will try to do that... It is a PC in my office so I cannot try now.00:37
knomesure, good luck with it00:37
amigamagicI hope there are no problems. I would like to use this distro because I like it very much the way it's organized. And I love xfce. I think it has the potential to be the real gnome successor.00:39
knomei'd say thinking xfce is a "gnome successor" is an underestimate00:39
amigamagicyou know, I think is very similar to the good old gnome 2, but it's lighter for what I could see.00:40
knomeit's a lot more (and less...)00:40
amigamagicI like very much its customizability00:41
amigamagicand how much it's easy to customize it00:41
amigamagicand it doesn't want to be too "special FX" like others would like to do. Only the bare minimum to make a pretty productive workstation.00:43
DonnieI'm gonna make a live usb. only for live use... Is there a way to save changes to the usb that I put on it?01:41
nomicdonnie. you should be able to save files to a live usb01:55
nomici have used one on occasion to store a file .. the permissions alllow stuff to be copied on01:55
nomicit's a filing system01:55
nomicpersonally I only stuck it onto root ie. without booting FROM the usb ...01:56
mzrso...I like 14.04 but the dock's gone, is that a hidden feature or am I going to have to get cairo or something?01:58
amigamagicmzr, the dock in xfce is a panel... So I think it should not be so difficult to recreat as you like...01:59
mzrgotcha, time to push rrandom buttons02:00
mzrany reason it was dropped?02:00
amigamagicI don't know, I'm on 13.10 now02:00
xubuntu824I'm going to have a live only thumbdrive... if I make some changes to it. can I save it to the drive?03:04
holsteinxubuntu824: there are many ways to do that.. "persistent live usb stick".. but, i prefer just installing a normal installation to the USB03:06
xubuntu824How do I do that? :D03:12
holsteinxubuntu824: i just install, like a normal install, selecting the desired USB stick as the destination03:14
holsteinxubuntu824: i'll use an alternate ISO, or mini, or an installer that lets me select where grub goes03:14
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:14
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD03:14
holsteinnot many alternate iso 's left, but the mini does the job fine03:14
xubuntu824Awesome.. I'm gonna do that.. I'm not a fan of dual boot, and I won't be using it as often as I should but it's nice to have it around for when I do..03:18
holsteinxubuntu824: well, that is a booting stick.. thus dual boot03:19
holsteinxubuntu824: you can and will mess up your windows boot loader if you try to take a normal installer live CD and install to the USB that way03:20
holsteinxubuntu824: if it were me, and i had another machine laying around, i would remove the hard drive from there and prepare the stick on it03:22
phm-grand_jct1so i'm having a problem burning media04:26
phm-grand_jct1first things first, is there a quick way to pull up Bombono DVD error log?04:27
phm-grand_jct1what happened was there was a failed burn, then when i tried to play the file, i realized that (this being a new install) i had not yet installed the h.204 codecs (or whatever they are called), so i thought that might be the problem, so i tried to burn again, and got a weird result which is familiar from windows days when a burn would fail, you'd have to try a new medium, so i tried to eject the dvd and i am unable to do 04:28
phm-grand_jct1my guess would normally be a driver issue, but i can't find any linux drivers for the Phillips 8801 DVD Re-writer04:29
phm-grand_jct1so some help will be appreciated!04:29
phm-grand_jct1!nick phm-grand_junction04:31
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.04:31
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=== phm-grand_juncti is now known as phm-grand_jct
limeyanyone here?05:05
ZatsuneNoMokouhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-April/009997.html how do I record and post result if I wanna try?07:44
cfhowlettZatsuneNoMokou see 14.04 channel = #ubuntu+107:44
phm-grand_jctinappropriate ioctal?08:52
amigamagichi, I would like to know 2 things: a) when the new LTS version will come out?  ---  b) I see that in the current 14.04 final beta thera are some known issues... They will be corrected before the official release?09:33
cfhowlettamigamagic release is April 17th09:34
amigamagiccfhowlett, thanks09:35
amigamagicand for the (b) question?09:35
cfhowlettamigamagic sorry, I'm not qualified to answer09:35
amigamagicI read of the issues here: http://xubuntu.org/blog/09:35
amigamagicanother thing: if I install the last beta of 14.04 branch, then I will be able to upgrade to the official LTS release?09:36
ubottuamigamagic: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.09:36
cfhowlettamigamagic as far as the known issues, we can safely assume they're being worked on ...09:37
amigamagicso, now, on a new pc, do you think it's better for me to install the last 14.04 development version, instead of 13.10 ?09:38
cfhowlettamigamagic personally, I consider beta = beta.  I don't beta on my work machine09:39
cfhowlettothers, however ...09:40
amigamagiccfhowlett, ok, but if there are so few days to release the official and it's based on the current development version...09:40
cfhowlettamigamagic call me superstitious09:40
amigamagicapart the security and relevant bug-fixes, shouldn't the current development branch be freezed as for new features?09:41
cfhowlettamigamagic yep09:41
amigamagicI mean, as debian testing when a stable release is imminent09:42
amigamagicthey freeze the testing development09:42
cfhowlettamigamagic feature freeze has indeed been passed.09:42
amigamagicso, this is the case for xubuntu too, I think it will be safe to use a 14.04 development in this moment, unless currently there are yet critical bugs to solve...09:43
amigamagicdo you know if current 14.04 has critical bugs not yet solved?09:44
cfhowlettamigamagic I don't really track such, but I've seen nothing in IRC or forums to suggest critical bugs09:44
amigamagicwhere I can download the very last development version? Maybe here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/trusty/beta-2/ ?09:45
raydufhello  just install xubuntu on a pcchips desktop  p27g     did go in  ok  but  lost  all icon  on  any menu or submenu    appear and  disappear   when cursor slide over09:46
cfhowlettamigamagic http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/09:46
amigamagiccfhowlett, thanks!09:48
cfhowlettamigamagic have fun, be safe!09:48
raydufcan i recover my icons09:58
raydufhello  just install xubuntu on a pcchips desktop  p27g     did go in  ok  but  lost  all icon  on  any menu or submenu    appear and  disappear   when cursor slide over10:14
knomerayduf, what's your native language?10:15
amigamagicif the installation is not damaged, to me rayduf problem appears as a theme problem or maybe a video driver problem10:19
raydufnative language is english now10:20
amigamagicrayduf, do you use the integrated vga of your motherboard?10:21
raydufno  could not install  with  int vga  add a agp   video card10:22
[1]amigamagicsorry, connection problem... rayduf if you said something, then say it again... :P10:23
raydufno  could not install  with  int vga  add a agp   video card10:24
[1]amigamagicwhat agp card is it?10:24
raydufnvidia ge force 4 mx agp8x10:25
=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic
amigamagicmmmh... it's very old, but it shouldn't have problems for a light desktop environment like xfce...10:26
knomerayduf, what's the actual issue?10:27
raydufure  rite   but........   what  would  u  suggest10:27
knomerayduf, icons disappeared from the menu?10:27
knomeor everywhere on the system?10:27
rayduflooks like  that  all  over10:28
knomedid they just disappear or is there some other problems like them not being displayed clearly?10:28
raydufno  just  icons  lost  and reappear  when  i slide  cursor  over10:29
knomecursor over what/where?10:29
knomehow do the icons disappear? suddenly?10:30
raydufif  i  open a  submenu    i loose  icons  in front  of  app name   then if i slide my cursor over the area  it reapears10:31
amigamagicwhat xubuntu version have you installed?10:31
raydufthey just blank out10:31
rayduf13.10    and  used it  on  other  pc  here10:32
starratsgood morning everyone!10:38
cfhowlettstarrats greetings.  ask your xubuntu questions ...10:38
=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic
starratsno questions today cfhowlett just saying hello10:39
rayduf hello  just install xubuntu on a pcchips desktop  p27g     did go in  ok  but  lost  all icon  on  any menu or submenu    appear and  disappear   when cursor slide over10:39
amigamagichey guys I'm installing the last 14.04 daily and the installer says it is the 14.04 LTS !! So, after I installed this one, I will not have to do a dist-upgrade when it will be official released?10:42
knome!patience | rayduf10:42
ubotturayduf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:42
knomeamigamagic, you might have to do dist-upgrade, but not do-release-upgrade (or, a "release upgrade")10:43
cfhowlettamigamagic 14.04 has not been released yet.10:43
amigamagiccfhowlett, it's the daily development version you suggested to me before10:43
cfhowlettamigamagic understood.  so even though the numbering is correct, you'd still need to do-release-upgrade10:44
cfhowlettas knome correctly stated10:44
knomecfhowlett, that's incorrect...10:44
cfhowlett??? elaborate please10:44
knomeno need to do a do-release-upgrade; but probably a dist-upgrade10:44
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.10:44
knomeyes.. dist-upgrade != do-release-upgrade10:45
cfhowlettknome right, right. Thank you.10:45
knomedo-release-upgrade is what you need to do when you jump from a release to another, like 13.10 to 14.0410:45
knomeif you installed the first 14.04 alpha, you still wouldn't need to do a do-release-upgrade to get the final 14.0410:45
knomebecause it's technically the same release (same repositories etc)10:46
amigamagicso when it will be official, I should do just "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", right?10:46
knomeamigamagic, yes.10:46
knomeamigamagic, which updates your packages normally... so you could just update the packages from the GUI as well10:46
amigamagicok, there will be some notify in current 14.04 development to notify me of the official release?10:47
knomeno, because you are running 14.04.10:47
cfhowlettamigamagic usually, on release day it's 48 hours of "is it out yet?!!" all over IRC10:47
cfhowlettwhen that stops, it's out10:48
amigamagicthe current repositories for the development branch are different from the future LTS official ones?10:49
knomethe package (version)s that the repositories will be different10:50
knome*the packages in the repositories have will..10:50
knomeif you installed 14.04, you are on 14.04 until you upgrade (to 14.10 or 16.04)10:51
knomeregardless if the installation ISO was alpha, beta, or RC10:51
amigamagicI mean, if current 14.04 development repositories are the same of the LTS ones, for what is the "apt-get dist-upgrade" for?10:52
amigamagicit will change something in the sources.list ?10:52
phm-grand_jctif you're in 14.04, you're in Ubuntu, not Xu, yeah? or did i miss an announcement?10:53
amigamagicphm-grand_jct, I'm on the the current daily development version of xubuntu 14.0410:53
phm-grand_jctany bearings loose?10:54
amigamagicand it should be the next LTS within a few days10:54
knomeamigamagic, http://askubuntu.com/questions/81585/what-is-dist-upgrade-and-why-does-it-upgrade-more-than-upgrade/81594#8159410:54
starratsamigamagic I am also running xubuntu 14.0410:54
phm-grand_jcti'm just wondering if anyone ever tried both Thunar and Nemo and had a preference between them10:56
knomephm-grand_jct, nemo is practically nautilus10:56
knomethey are both file managers.. thus very similar10:56
phm-grand_jcthow recent is that perception?10:56
phm-grand_jctof course it's very similar10:57
knomeit was forked from nautilus in 201210:57
phm-grand_jcti was about to tell you that10:57
phm-grand_jctbut anyway, i'm just wondering if it's better or worse, in someone's experience, than thunar10:58
knomei'm not understanding the scope of the question...10:58
knomeif thunar has all the features you need, i would advise using that if you are running xubuntu10:58
amigamagicI'm trying the new xfce environment and I find it beautiful. XFCE is going in the right direction... That new applications menu is great!10:58
phm-grand_jctthunar confuses me a little10:59
phm-grand_jcti've gotten used to it10:59
amigamagicphm-grand_jct, to me thunar is not different from nautilus11:00
amigamagicit's nearly the same11:00
amigamagicapart some little things11:00
phm-grand_jctwhat got me on this this morning was that i right-clicked, assuming i'd be able to create a new LibreOffice document, or even Abiword, and I was unable, and then I started trying to figure out how to make that menu happen, and got confused, and don't remember not being able to do this in Ubu 12.0411:01
amigamagicbut for most things it works as you expect, like when you press CTRL-H to make visible hidden files, or press CTRL-1. 2. 3 to alternate different type of view, etc.11:01
amigamagicphm-grand_jct, you can do that in thunar too11:01
phm-grand_jctokay, yeah, templates, but ... f*ck11:02
phm-grand_jctsomething in my head is not making a connection, like, okay, i want an ODT11:02
phm-grand_jctso i create an ODT in Templates11:02
phm-grand_jctand i go to create new document11:02
phm-grand_jctand it creates it, and everything, but i just want it to open the dang program and let me use it when i click11:02
knomephm-grand_jct, please watch your language and attitude.11:03
cfhowlettphm-grand_jct different program = different behavior11:04
phm-grand_jctthunar is the program in question; i want to utilize its ability to create new files from the right-click menu, so how do i get this going?11:05
phm-grand_jctright now when i create the new document, it just creates a new file with that file extension and the name you input11:06
phm-grand_jctwhat i WANT it to do is when i click that link in the menu, it launches the associated program and lets me save at my leisure, or even if it makes me enter the name, lets me edit the file without another step; otherwise what is the purpose of this menu?11:06
=== phm-grand_jct is now known as phm-GJ-CO-US[AFK
cfhowlettphm-grand_jct please read   http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/start11:07
knomeyou can create a custom menu action if you wish to have filename input and launch the app when the file is created11:07
phm-GJ-CO-US[AFKknome, how is this done?11:08
phm-GJ-CO-US[AFKcfhowlett, thank you for your contribution to the Google AdSense Program.11:08
amigamagicI have to say, current behaviour is the usual you expect from a file manager. In Windows it happens the same thing: it creates a new file without launch its related application.11:08
phm-GJ-CO-US[AFKamiga, in thinking about it, i realized that you're right11:09
phm-GJ-CO-US[AFKbefore you had said so, but anyway, this is the behavior that i want11:09
phm-GJ-CO-US[AFKthank you knome11:09
phm-GJ-CO-US[AFKi'll make a howbunto about it, simple enough i'm sure, but was frustrating to me and not immediately obvious11:10
amigamagicI think thunar is pretty powerful.11:11
amigamagicthe new whisker menu is a very great plus to the usability of xfce environment11:16
amigamagicthe official linux kernel of 14.04 LTS will be the version ?11:20
jhenkeamigamagic proably on release day, but normally the kernel tends to get updates from time to time11:21
jhenkeso 3.13 definitelly11:21
jhenkebut 3.13.0-24, just for the time being11:22
amigamagicthe updater already proposes to me the update to kernel image 3.13.0-2411:22
amigamagicit's a stable kernel?11:22
jhenkesure, ubuntu never released a version with an unrealeased upstream kernel version11:22
starratsI'm using it now amigamagic11:22
cfhowlettamigamagic if it's in the normal upgrade stream, yes11:22
amigamagicok, thanks :)11:23
jhenkeI even was hoping 14.04 would be on 3.14, but they did not rebase when that one was released upstream 1-2 weeks ago11:23
cfhowlettjhenke when it's ready, it'll happen11:24
jhenkein 14.04?11:24
cfhowlettjhenke sometime over the 5 year life-span?  absolutely.11:24
jhenkenot in this life, they always stay on the same upstream branch for the entire release11:24
starrats 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:25
jhenkeno, there will just be the hardware enablement stacks11:25
amigamagicdebian 7 stable uses an old kernel 3.2, so to me (I came from debian) 3.13 is very new... :D11:25
jhenkemy server is running ubuntu server 12.04 and that one is also on 3.211:25
jhenkewhich is the 12.04 defauöt11:26
amigamagicjhenke, on a recent pc,  with debian I had to update the kernel because it had critical problems with the acpi of my machine11:26
jhenke3.2.0-60 to be exact ;)11:26
amigamagicafter I backported to the 3.13.xxx acpi worked well11:27
jhenkethat is the reason I was hoping 14.04 would use the 3.14 branch11:27
cfhowlettjhenke that's what I've got as well11:27
amigamagicthe strange thing is that on that pc ubuntu 12.04 worked flawless11:28
jhenkeso 14.04 will remain with 3.13.0 for the next 5 years11:28
olbiomfg, added news repo to USC, than update and it can'f find app by its name :/ what a shit it still is11:28
amigamagicbut debian 7 wheezy didn't work11:28
knomeolbi, watch the language.11:28
cfhowlettolbi clean language is required to use this channel.  thank you.11:28
olbisorry :P11:28
jhenkeyou only have the option ot install the hardwar enablement stacks with the point releases, which backport the kernel from 14.10,15.04,15.1011:29
ZatsuneNoMokouHi, I have just one question, with light-locker, there's no screen saver like there was with xscreensaver?11:29
knomeZatsuneNoMokou, correct.11:30
ZatsuneNoMokouxD it sucks11:30
knomeyou can remove light-locker and keep using xscreensaver if the screensaver is the feature you "need" the most11:30
jhenkeI haven't used a screensaver in the last 5 years or so11:30
ZatsuneNoMokouit's planned to be added later or no? I don't need to re-add as I have just upgraded to 14.0411:31
knomenot planned11:31
amigamagicI'm currently trying xubuntu 14.04 (nearly-LTS :D) on a vmware machine, and do you know how can I disable that floppy disk icon on the desktop? I haven't configured floppy devices in the virtual machine, but it appears in the fstab.11:31
jhenkeif you are upgrading you should still xscreensaver installed11:31
knomeamigamagic, disable device icons from desktop11:32
amigamagicknome, then if I insert a pendrive I will not see it?11:32
knomethat's correct11:32
amigamagichow can I disable "only" the floppy icon?11:32
jhenkeamigamagic you can check vmware to see if you can remove the floppy driver emulation somewhere11:33
knomei think i've done that once, iirc, it involved poking fstab11:33
jhenkeor you can check if vmware offers a uefi based vm as well11:33
amigamagicjhenke, I checked in vmware configuration, but I have no floppy device installed in my virtual machine config11:34
jhenkeon hyper-v there is a second generation vm that does away with this legacy hardware like floppy drive, maybe there is something similar11:34
amigamagicmaybe I should check in the vmware bios11:34
jhenkeamigamagic I read that, still it looks like the vm simulates the hardware connection for it11:34
ZatsuneNoMokouxscreensaver will stay in the packages?11:36
knomeZatsuneNoMokou, on upgrading yes, but not on new installs.11:36
knomeZatsuneNoMokou, but it will be available in the repositories for all11:36
ZatsuneNoMokouOh thanks11:36
ZatsuneNoMokouI had just one problem when I try to upgrade11:37
amigamagicok I found the floppy option in the bios of the vmware machine (F2 at the boot, to enter in vmware bios). I disabled it and now there is no more that icon on the desktop... :)11:37
jhenkeamigamagic great11:37
ZatsuneNoMokouthe installed version of nemo (from launchpad ppa) was needing a version of a package that was needed to update11:37
knomeZatsuneNoMokou, you always use PPA's at your own risk and you accept the probability that it will "break" your system in a way or another... to put it other way, that's not a xubuntu issue11:38
amigamagicwhat's evolution-calendar-factory? It takes 45MB of ram11:39
jhenkeZatsuneNoMokou PPAs are always a problem, when you need one, I really suggest to stay at the older version until the PPA maintainer has updated the PPA for the new version11:39
ZatsuneNoMokouthe stable version of nemo ppa need a version of a package that is older than the version in 14.0411:40
amigamagiccan I safely uninstall Evolution Data Server ?11:41
amigamagicI don't thin I need it11:41
jhenkeZatsuneNoMokou as I said,, if you really reley on the PPA, stay with 12.04 or 13.10 until 14.04 is suported by the PPA11:41
amigamagicI hate things that I don't need and take my ram away11:42
ZatsuneNoMokouwell, I'm using nightly ppa of nemo now, it seems to work11:43
knomeamigamagic, safely... if you don't need it and removing it won't remove other stuff you need.. why couldn't you do it?11:43
amigamagicin previous xubuntu (13.10) I had < 200MB occupied ram after the boot. Now I have nearly 400MB at the boot11:43
ZatsuneNoMokouI'll put the stable version when it'll available11:43
jhenkeamigamagic with our without the kernel cache?11:43
jhenkei.e. did you use "free -h" or other means to get the value11:44
amigamagicit's the indicator I added on the panel11:44
amigamagicthat indicator of the cpu load, memory load, etc.11:44
jhenkecautious, RAM is in your pc to be used, as long as there is free memory, some parts of the system might use it11:46
jhenkeif you really want to know how much of your memory is actually claimed by applications you can use "free -h" on a terminal or "htop" on a terminal11:46
jhenkethe first one shows the memory usage without the kernel caching in the second line11:47
jhenkethe second one shows the allocated memory for every running process11:47
[1]amigamagicjhenke, does linux uses some windows vista/7/8-like algo to fill unused ram in advance?11:48
[1]amigamagicI didn't see that in previous xubuntu11:48
jhenkethat is not true11:48
jhenkeevery os kernel will use unused memory to buffer some data11:48
jhenkealso linux did that for a long time already11:49
[1]amigamagicjhenke, yes but that usually happens when you load some program11:49
jhenkebecause it actally improves the performance of your system11:49
[1]amigamagicif you do that in advance is another thing11:49
knomejhenke, [1]amigamagic: can you take this one to #xubuntu-offtopic? cheers11:49
jhenkeknome sorry11:49
knomeno problem11:50
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jhenkemea culpa11:50
amigamagicok sorry11:50
amigamagicit's more a generic linux topic11:50
knomeyep, -offtopic is suited for that11:50
jhenkeamigamagic I'll try to explain it if you join #xubuntu-offtopic11:50
amigamagicok thanks :)11:50
xubuntu586alguien me puede ayudar con los controladores de mi tarjeta de video12:30
xubuntu586me los he descargado de nVidia para Linux pero no se instalarlos12:31
ubottuxubuntu586!: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:32
Guido1Hello, I have Xubuntu and on the ext4 system partition 19 GB are in use. That seams to me quite a lot. How can I reduce it? (See which files and programs are not used any more etc.)13:32
amigamagicit's the usual size for a modern os distro, in my opinion13:34
amigamagicwith the usual applications installed, I mean13:34
amigamagicoffice, web browsing, graphics, etc.13:34
amigamagicbut of course, you could uninstall all the unwanted programs13:35
elfyGuido1: if you want a GUI way of looking at where space is used - install baobab13:35
elfyGuido1: unless you have a seperate /home partition then things like media will be in that 19Gb13:36
Guido1elfy: I have a seperate partition for media and documents13:39
Guido1elfy: that's why i'm iritated by that amount of used space13:42
elfyGuido1: run this sudo du -h --max-depth=1 / |pastebinit13:42
elfylet's have a look at the url when it's done13:43
amigamagichow can I check disk usage in xubuntu? There is a gui app?13:44
Guido1elfy: No access to ‘/proc/2834/task/2834/ns/net13:45
knomeamigamagic, install baobab13:45
amigamagicI have to install baobab only to check how much space is actually used on my hdd?13:46
elfyamigamagic: no - you wanted a GUI method13:47
elfyGuido1: yea - but it should still spit out a url13:47
amigamagicI think in xubunutu there was an applet I could add to the panel13:48
amigamagicbut I cannot find it anymore13:48
Guido1elfy: sadly not or still running13:49
elfyit might take a while to run - it did here - had to decide what to do with the 500Gb of media here13:49
amigamagicanyway, now that I think about it, 19GB for a linux install is pretty big :D13:51
Guido1elfy: baobab helpet. the browser uses 13 gb, but still i think i can free some space13:51
amigamagicnow my used space is 4GB13:51
amigamagicyour browser uses 13GB ??13:52
amigamagicwow, what a cache!13:52
Guido1amigamagic: al the mails are saved offline13:53
amigamagic13GB of emails is pretty big too :)13:53
amigamagicso, baobab is Disk Usage Analyzer...13:55
amigamagicI didn't know...13:55
knomeGuido1, well if you have 19GB space and 13GB is used by your browser/mails, i would definitely start looking there13:56
Guido1elfy, amigamagic: But i think i can still free some space, because i tryed to instal node just to run a java program (alternative for prezi). If I don't want the program using node I can remove node as well. there are some more programs, but how can i see which i can remove and what the pakage name is?13:56
Guido1elfy, amigamagic, knome: one mail account is 5,6 GB, second 3,7, GB third 3,3 GB13:57
amigamagicmaybe you could free 1 or 2GB13:58
amigamagicfrom installed apps13:58
Guido1amigamagic: yes, would also make sense. what do i have on not used stuff?13:59
knomethe regular 14.04 installation uses about 6GB of space13:59
knomeGuido1, you could try if 'sudo apt-get autoclean' helps any13:59
elfyGuido1: I'm just off out - but perhaps you could at moving firefox out and symlinking it14:00
elfythat's what I do with f/fox, tbird, hexchat and a few other things14:00
amigamagicknome, the 14.04 I just installed is 4GB14:00
Guido1knome: what are the consequences? Removing al new programs?14:00
Guido1elfy: yes, that could be interesting, but how?14:01
elfyfirefox - move the folder out - then in your home - edit profile ini to point at the new location for the files14:02
Guido1elfy: I also want to update the dpendencies for music etc. (so that it automaticlie opens the correct map)14:02
elfyanyway - good luck - I'm off out now14:02
Guido1elfy: bye and thanks14:02
elfythat's my profile.ini in .mozilla/firefox14:03
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Guido1elfy: thanks14:06
Guido1how can i find out which apps i can remove and what the names for removing are?14:08
knomeGuido1, removes unneeded packages downloaded when installing them14:08
Guido1knome: i mean for example node. I installed it to run another program, but im'm not interested in the other program any more. so bothe can be removed14:09
knomeGuido1, if you have manually installed node, then you will need to manually uninstall it14:10
knomeGuido1, after you remove that, run 'sudo apt-cache autoremove' which will then remove all unneeded packages that node (and others) might have been pulling in14:11
knomenote that autoremove won't delete applications that are manually installed14:11
Guido1knome: yes, but i need to know the needed name to include in the remove commant - sudo apt-get remove packagename and I'm not sure which other packuges could also be removed14:12
knomeGuido1, no, you don't. run 'sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE_YOU_INSTALLED'. then run 'sudo apt-get autoremove', which will remove all applications that were automatically installed and no longer needed14:14
Guido1sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE_YOU_INSTALLED to remove node14:14
Guido1and there are more programs like node, but not always i remember the name14:15
knomethere isn't much we can do about that14:15
knomei think there are some apps that try to track what you have installed and what not, but i am not familiar with them14:15
Guido1shouldn't you able to see all apps and than find out which are system apps and which are others?14:16
knomeGuido1, what do you mean by "system apps"?14:20
knomethe system is unaware of what was installed during installation, if you are referring to that14:20
Guido1knome: apps needed to run linux including drivers etc.14:21
knomeGuido1, there are app categories, but not all "system" apps are installed14:21
knomeand xubuntu installs a lot of non-system apps by default14:21
Guido1yes, but i don't want to remove somthing i need to run / start linux14:22
knomei understand.14:22
Guido1and i just got an error by "sudo apt-cache autoremove" - Invalid operation autoremove14:23
Guido1(empty the cach)14:24
knomewhat about trying 'sudo apt-get autoremove' as i suggested14:24
cfhowlettUBUNTU reference sheet:   https://www.dropbox.com/s/msv95ijbb0uoeb4/Ubuntu%20Reference%20Sheet.pdf14:27
Guido1knome: nothing to delete, but according to baobab there are 190 mb in .cach14:27
knomei'd consider that a small amount comparing to your email stuff14:28
knomeyou can safely remove ~/.cache though14:28
knomelunch/dinner, bbl14:28
Guido1yes, but the mails i want to keep, but i want to have it clean / tidy14:28
Guido1knome: what's the comment for that? (safely remove ~/.cache though14:30
Guido1 lunch/dinner, bbl)14:30
Guido1knome: and do i need ".thumbnails"?14:34
knomeGuido1, you can remove ~/.cache, there's nothing important in there14:44
knomeGuido1, you can also remove ~/.thumbnails, but they will be recreated when you browse the filesystem14:44
Guido1okee, how can i remove them? from the explorer or with sudo and if with sudo how?14:45
knomeGuido1, for example from the file manager14:47
Guido1is somewehre a list / map with al installed apps?15:02
Guido1can i also delete tmp?15:04
JT_the_Ninjaanyone available to answer an apt-related problem?15:13
slickymaster!ask | JT_the_Ninja15:14
ubottuJT_the_Ninja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:14
JT_the_Ninjasure thing.15:15
JT_the_NinjaEvery time I use apt-get (upgrade, dist-upgrade, install, etc.) I get an error that says "ERROR: Can't find the archive-keyring;Is the ubuntu-keyring package installed?" I haven't deleted anything from keyrings, so I don't know what the problem is, and now obviously I can't apt-get install --reinstall to try and fix any broken packages. Unsure of what to do at this point.15:17
slickymasterJT_the_Ninja, have you tried to run sudo apt-get -f install ubuntu-keyring in the terminal?15:21
JT_the_Ninja@slickymaster yep; it says it's the newest version.15:23
JT_the_Ninjaand I still get the same error message if I, say, use install --reinstall.15:23
slickymasterJT_the_Ninja, what about -> sudo dpkg --configure -a15:26
JT_the_Ninja@slickymaster: same error, unfortunately.15:26
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JT_the_Ninjawait I think I might've fixed it....15:31
slickymasterJT_the_Ninja, being so, I'm afraid you're facing a major issue, which only might be resolved by a fresh install15:31
JT_the_NinjaI copied the backup ubuntu-keyring.gpg from the /save folder15:31
JT_the_Ninjathanks! you helped me look at it a different way15:32
Guido1hello, is there a way to fix windows xp from out linux? After hitting xp by grub i only get to see a blinking "_"16:03
holsteinGuido1: windows XP support is ended.. you should ask in a windows channel about support options.. you can use ubuntu or live rescue CD's to address many issues such as filesystem, but, if a hard drive is failing (which is likely on an XP era machine) you wont fix that with any software16:09
Guido1holstein: the hard drive is okee. linux works fine. there are some nice programs on xp. i think the problem is somewehre within xp. maybe the conection betwene grub and windows. i do not want to lose xubuntu by fixing xp16:11
holsteinGuido1: im not addressing "nice" or quality in any way.. you are free to use XP as long as you like16:17
holsteinGuido1: the fact is, you need to test the hard drive, and should not assume everything is "fine"16:17
holsteinGuido1: linux working fine on that hard drive doenst indicate its fine16:17
delti have an old mac plus from the 80's and its hard disk seems to still be working fine...16:18
holsteinGuido1: if it were me, i would ust a live CD ( i like the ultimate boot cd) to run a smart test on the hard drive, then, i would try filesystem repairs, then, i would try the repairative windows XP install, then, reinstalling XP16:18
Guido1holstein: i not only assume that the drive is okee. use inux on it, cheked with geparted etc. it's from the beginning time from vista16:19
holsteinGuido1: you should try and mount the windows partitions (as well as the other partitions on that disk) and backup any important data ASAP16:19
holsteinGuido1: you do a test now, and you know all is ok.. if you havent, then you are assuming..16:19
holsteinGuido1: if you have, then you know its fine, and you move on to the next suggestions..16:19
holsteindelt: test and you'll know for sure..16:20
deltholstein: i plan to eventually -)16:20
Guido1i did a test. so i know it;s okee. how do i do "filesystem repairs, then, i would try the repairative windows XP install"?16:21
deltthis is weird.. all of a sudden jackd is completely tying up my sound card. i used to be able to run dozens of stuff all using it at once through alsa16:21
deltnow i still can, -except- jack.16:21
deltit completely ties up the sound card, and even freezes programs that might be using it until it exits or they do.16:22
Guido1i tryed the windows live cd adnd for some reason it does not offer an repairfunction and i don't want to kill grub16:23
deltGuido1: you can easily reinstall grub after you're done with the windows stuff16:24
deltwell... "easily", it does take a bit of know how16:24
Guido1yes, i know, but i prefeur without16:25
Guido1and i need to know how to fix windows without the instalation cd - somhow the windows recovery cd does not offer a (visible) recovery function - only new instalation16:26
holsteinGuido1: windows has no live CD16:28
deltthis is weird.... renoise and pianoteq (both using alsa) can coexist with jackd, but other programs using pulse or alsa (mplayer, firefox/swf, etc) nope....16:28
holsteinGuido1: there is (and you should ask in a proper windows support venue) a repairative installation option i have used many times16:28
deltatm i have jackd, renoise, and pianoteq all using alsa, everything is running fine. but jackd seems to be blocking other programs from using the sound card.16:29
holsteinGuido1: keeps the data in place, and repairs the OS.. otherwise, you backup your data, and reinstall the broken system16:29
knomedelt, i'd ask #ubuntustudio for more insightful answers on audio stuff16:29
knomedelt, you'll meet holstein there... :)16:29
deltknome: thanks16:29
holsteindelt: thats the pulse jack dbus16:29
Guido1holstein: not like linux, but a cd from where you are normaly able to repair. i lokked in some topics. they al say the same - it shows r = repair, but i can't chose it :-S16:29
kupo_is it simple to try out different window managers ?16:30
holsteinkupo_: i suggest trying them from live CD's, so you dont break your system, but, yes..16:31
holsteinGuido1: ask in a windows support channel about that. i have found cases where the repair option wasnt there from certain OEM disks, and i reinstalled the OS16:32
Guido1okee, i will check again16:32
kupo_ok. brb16:32
kupo_welp. on awesome. seems odd. everything is bigger heh16:41
kupo_Okay. enough of that for now16:43
martinrameHi, does anyone was able to install skype on XUbuntu 13.10 64bits ?17:47
holsteinmartinrame: i just got the .deb from the site, and installed17:47
baizonmartinrame: yes, me17:47
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:47
martinrameafter sudo apt-get install skype it says I need to install skype-bin, and then http://pastebin.com/KSpd1feG17:48
holsteinmartinrame: have you tried removing that, and installing from the skype site? the *.deb ?17:50
martinrameholstein: yes, and got the same i386 dependencies problems. BTW, what should I remove?17:51
holsteinmartinrame: i just followed proceedure for installing the 32bit .deb on my 64bit system, IIRC17:51
martinrameI'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype if that not works I'll try again downloading from skype's site.17:52
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/359156/how-do-you-run-a-32-bit-program-on-a-64-bit-version-of-ubuntu for example17:52
Unit193martinrame: I use the one from the partner repo, works fine.17:52
holsteinnothing wrong with the partner repo one ^.. i just use the one from the site..17:53
martinrameI'm on skype's site should I download Ubuntu 12.04 (multiarch), Debian 7.0 (multiarch) or Dynamic version?17:55
holsteinmartinrame: there is no "should", really.. but, i suggest trying the repo version that Unit193 says works fine.. there is nothing wrong with it..17:55
martinrameUnit193: can you point me to that repo?17:56
holsteinmartinrame: when i dont do that, i'll just download the most recent ubuntu version.. which, i was under the imporession you had already tried17:56
Unit193martinrame: Should be commented out in /etc/apt/sources.list already.17:56
holsteinshould be what the wiki page suggests..17:56
martinrameI have it uncommented:  deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu saucy partner17:56
Unit193holstein: It in fact, had a pulseaudio workaround whereas the one from their site didn't.17:56
holsteinUnit193: handy!17:57
Unit193!info skype-bin partner17:57
ubottuskype-bin (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service - binary files. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 16612 kB, installed size 38380 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:57
martinramehere's my sources.list http://pastebin.com/nLpAMFaq17:57
martinrameDo you see anything wrong?17:58
Unit193martinrame: Oh dear, you used some sort of "repo maker" didn't you?  Well anyway, should be able to  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype18:04
martinrameUnit193: yes, after following some of those tutorials of how to f*king install skype :)18:05
martinrameUnit193: it still does not work18:05
Unit193What's the error?18:05
martinrameThis http://pastebin.com/rTQWjSKa18:06
Unit193If you have held packages, that can mess it up, as in theory could a PPA.  It's finding the package, just not being clear what the problem is.18:08
martinrameIs there a way to go the apt system back to an initial state? without removing any app?18:10
martinrameI mean initial to the moment of installing.18:10
holsteinmartinrame: undo whatever you have installed, or purge ppa's.. then, put in default sources18:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:11
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:13
holsteinwhich wont work well, if you have already changed your sources18:14
martinramehehe, here's the autogenerated sources.list http://pastebin.com/q35phiyy18:15
holsteinmartinrame: not sure what is "auto generating" what, but, i'll grab a live CD, or get sources from a fresh install.. whatever it takes18:16
martinrameholstein: I mean, I deleted sources.list and ran software-properties-gtk18:17
martinrameholstein: it generated that small sources.list18:18
holsteinmartinrame: that  doesnt remove the packages you may or may not have installed from ppa's or other sources.. or deb files18:18
martinrameholstein: now I did sudo apt-get --purge remove skype && sudo apt-get autoremove aparently now the system is clean18:20
martinramenow I have to add the partner repo18:21
holsteinmartinrame: should be all there is to it.. should be well outlined on the wiki page18:21
laxdogWill it be easy to update the final beta to the full version, or would I be better just waiting for the final release?18:25
martinrameno way, I've added the partner ppa, please see http://pastebin.com/NkdDw9ns18:26
Unit193laxdog: It'll just be a  apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade  away.  In theory, if you install later you won't have indicator-datetime and ibus installed, but at this point very minor changes.18:26
martinramethen sudo apt-eget install skype, it suggested skype-bin, then sudo apt-get install skype-bin, but I get the same i386 dependencies problem.18:27
martinrameHere's http://pastebin.com/NQSybSfD18:27
laxdogUnit193: Ok, great. Thanks. I guess I'll just install now then.18:28
amigamagicsomeone knows how to check if 3d acceleration is enabled?19:14
holsteinamigamagic: i just fire something up that requires 3d.. glxinfo may do what you seek19:17
amigamagicyes, I do that too19:17
amigamagicusually I do glxgears and the fps is locked at 6019:18
amigamagicbut when I had debian 7 installed, the fps where near 2000fps19:18
amigamagicsorry, where = were19:18
holsteinamigamagic: could be a different driver, kernel, or misconfiguration19:19
holsteinamigamagic: i like to reference steam, and what they suggest to use for drivers19:19
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.19:19
holsteini think the suggest the xorg edgers ppa19:19
amigamagicactually I have an intel gpu (I think it's integrated in the cpu)19:20
rstreeterhow can I configure sendto menu to use geary as the mail client?19:21
holsteinamigamagic: the ppa they reference could effect intel19:21
kajairthere is no send to in my files right click menu dear19:22
kajairis there anyone here to join the xubuntu-devel meetings?19:23
knomekajair, there are xubuntu developers in this channel19:24
kajairhi knome, i know but we should collect people for this very tiny meetings.19:25
knomekajair, what's your point?19:26
knomekajair, maybe you should take it to #xubuntu-devel...19:26
kajairoki oki. sorry19:26
amigamagicso, there is some way to detect at 100% if your vga is 3d accelerated with the current driver or the opengl is software emulated?19:41
amigamagicI tried glxgears, but it doesn't help me much... The fps appear to be locked at 60fps19:42
amigamagicmy vga is an Intel HD Graphics integrated in a Pentium G3220 cpu19:42
amigamagiclet's say in the other way: it's possible to "disable" current 3d hardware acceleration and doing 3d things in software?19:53
amigamagicmaybe in this way I could notice the difference with and without19:54
junkaubuntu does not get an ipv6 ip why20:01
amigamagicare you in a country when your internet company gives you ipv6 addresses?20:03
junkayeah i get with fedora20:04
junkabut not with ubuntu20:05
amigamagicwhat ubuntu version?20:05
junkaevery ubuntu version actually20:05
amigamagicit's strange... I don't know, my internet company gives to me only ipv4 addresses20:06
amigamagicmaybe it's a setting somewhere to enable them20:06
sesqyuhello. I am using xubuntu 13.10. when i connect a usb drive or insert a dvd it does not automount in /media/*. it only mounts when I open the file manager and click on the device name. is there a way to have it automatically mount in /media? thanks!21:18
holsteinsesqyu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar-volman/+bug/1210898 might be relevant21:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1210898 in thunar-volman (Ubuntu) "Thunar does not automatically mount removable drives and media" [Low,Confirmed]21:46
sesqyuholstein: yep, that's it! the workaround(s) worked, thanks!22:12
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amigamagichi, how I can activate hibernate in xubuntu?22:48
amigamagicnoone knows how to hibernate in xubuntu?22:54
knomenobody who looked at the channel in the 6 minutes before your questions..22:56
amigamagicI can add a button in the panel so that I could exit or suspend from it, but the hibernate option is grayed out...22:56
amigamagichi knome :)22:56
amigamagicyou are always there :)22:56
knomedid you read the documentation?22:57
amigamagicthere is a documentation for the hibernation?22:57
amigamagicwhere is it?22:57
knomeamigamagic, try looking in the official documentation, under "help" in the menu22:58
amigamagicah ok, I checked... Indeed there is something in the docs22:58
amigamagic" 22:58
amigamagicNote that hibernate is disabled by default in Xubuntu and does not appear as an option in any menus. For a command line workaround, see the section called “Enabling hibernation”."22:58
amigamagicbut I already know that I could hibernate from command-line22:59
amigamagicI wanted to know how I can have a button to hibernate when I click on the logout menu22:59
holsteinamigamagic: you can always take that command and add it to a button of your choice23:00
amigamagicyes it's true... But I wonder why there is not an hibernate option in the logout menu23:00
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2140494 seems a relevant read23:00
holsteinamigamagic: ?23:00
holsteinamigamagic: its disabled by default in xubuntu23:00
holsteinamigamagic: thats why there is no button in the menu.. its disabled23:01
amigamagicand in the plugin logout panel there is indeed an 'hibernate' but it is grayed out... Why?23:01
holsteinamigamagic: its greyed out becuase its disabled23:01
amigamagicholstein, I want to enable it23:01
amigamagichow I can do?23:01
holsteinamigamagic: i would just add a button using the command you said worked, or read what knome suggested, or the forum post i found and linked23:02
amigamagicif no one can enable it, so, why do you place that option there? To make me nervous? :D23:02
holsteinamigamagic: anyone can enable it23:02
amigamagicholstein, I've already done all that it's written in that post23:02
amigamagicand it doesn't work23:03
holsteinamigamagic: ok.. well, let us know if you have a question about a step23:03
amigamagicwhat step?23:03
holsteinamigamagic: the steps you just stated were not working for you23:03
holsteinamigamagic: i would just either double check the steps, or just make a button with the command i know works in the terminal23:03
holsteinamigamagic: i find hibernation has not positives, personally, so i dont personally use it, but i have made it work in the past for others23:04
amigamagicok, but I would contrib to the community and make it work the function in the menu23:04
holsteinamigamagic: its disabled23:04
holsteinamigamagic: its needs no contribution to make it work, though, you are welcome and encouraged to add to whatever wiki pages you find, or make suggestions where ever you like23:05
amigamagicholstein, I tried the pm-hibernate command and it works in my pc23:05
holsteinamigamagic: cool. enjoy!23:05
holsteinamigamagic: use that command to hibernate23:05
amigamagicbut I wanted the interface would display a button to hibernate when I logout23:05
holsteinamigamagic: add a button containing that command23:06
amigamagicI know I can do that but it's not this the point...23:06
amigamagicI think I should do that in the specific window when you logout and you can suspend, power off, etc.23:06
holsteinamigamagic: the guide i linked, and the documentation knome referenced specifically addresses that method23:07
holsteinamigamagic: if you cant make it work, you can add a button the other way, if the goal is to have a hibernate button23:07
amigamagicholstein, my goal now is to have a good looking system, when each button is when it should be... :D23:08
holsteinamigamagic: its not enabled, so, if its not working, thats as its intended23:09
holsteinamigamagic: good luck!.. i need to run23:09
amigamagicI created this file: gksudo mousepad /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla23:09
amigamagicand I placed inside it:23:09
amigamagic[Enable Hibernate]23:09
amigamagic... I saved the file, logout, login23:10
amigamagicbut the hibernate option is still grayed  out23:10
amigamagicso I wonder what I've done wrong... I did this on Ubuntu 12.04 and it worked flawless23:11
amigamagicI would like to know if it's a problem of my configuration, or it's an actual bug of the 14.04 release23:12
amigamagicbye holstein :)23:12
amigamagicI think xubuntu is a very beautiful distro, so I wish it was perfect in those small details too, don't you agree?23:15
amigamagicand as a user who pays a lot of attention to these details, I would be glad to help you23:17
amigamagic...Ok... I just read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/Hibernate and it says that in xubuntu 13.10 (and I suppose next versions too) you can hibernate only from terminal with sudo pm-hibernate23:20
amigamagicI would like to talk to the developers on this matter...23:20
amigamagicwhy xubuntu cannot have that option in the gui, if ubuntu can have it?23:21
amigamagicI don't understand...23:21
amigamagicok, then let's start another topic to which probably no one is interested, as the latter... I'm trying the new xubuntu 14.04. I like it very much. The default graphic theme is very nice, but don't you think that the border of the windows is so thin that it's very difficult to enlarge/reduce them when you place the mouse on the very thin (1 pixel?) border on the left or on the right of a window?23:28
knomeamigamagic, http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/23:35
amigamagicknome I'm reading that doc now.... Thanks!23:36
amigamagic(so maybe someone was interested in that matter... :p)23:37
knomeamigamagic, before asking the next question (what ever it might be) what about if you *gasp* put the question through an internet search engine?23:38
amigamagicYou are right knome. Sorry. :)23:40
amigamagicindeed I have many other questions... :D23:42
amigamagicI will try to resist the urge to post in here...23:44
knomenothing wrong with that, but you might get answers quicker (and possibly learn more) if you dug up the stuff yourself23:44
amigamagicknome, I found on the web a method to unlock the frame cap limit for glxgears. In this way you can check if your 3d hardware acceleration works well.23:58
holsteinid say, if you are checking, then its not working well..23:59
amigamagicIt's very simple... You have to "export vblank_mode=0" before doing "glxgears"23:59
amigamagicnow it shows to me 7-8000 fps!23:59
amigamagic(before it was locked to 60fps)23:59

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