
=== Adri2000 is now known as Guest6785
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=== Guest6785 is now known as Adri2000
=== Adri2000 is now known as Guest38197
=== Guest38197 is now known as Adri200
=== Adri200 is now known as Adri2000_
basd82Hi i hope in the correct channel now, are there any ubuntu sponsors online ?13:59
ari-tczewbasd82: yes14:07
basd82I have question about syncrequest https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/burp/+bug/130330714:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303307 in burp (Ubuntu) "Sync burp 1.3.48-3 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,Won't fix]14:08
ari-tczeweveryone on this channel is online, just can to be afk :)14:08
basd82I have made the request fix to debian packages14:08
basd82and version 1.3.48-4 was uploaded to fix this14:09
basd82do i need to file a new sync request14:09
ari-tczewbasd82: what gives something special in -4 release, that should be uploaded yet in trusty?14:12
basd82I prefer to have the LTS in trusty14:13
ari-tczewif your latest upload contents only current Ubuntu delta, there is no point to syncing this time. it'll be done in the next development cycle14:13
basd82in 1.3.48-3 contains a broken init script14:14
basd82big show stopper14:14
ari-tczewbasd82: trusty got already https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/burp/1.3.48-3ubuntu114:14
ari-tczewit has been merged14:14
basd82Oke didnt know that14:15
ari-tczewno problem14:16
basd82becouse of the syncrequest i was in idea that 1.3.48-3 wasnt sync14:16
basd82But request of the sponsor team was to change debian/rules to include autotools-dev14:17
basd82so a delta isnt needed any more14:17
basd82does there need to happen someting special for that ?14:17
ari-tczewbasd82: that's right, but we cannot upload -4 in this cycle, no reason to do it14:18
basd82understand that14:19
basd82But does this mean i dont have take any action to get the delta removed, this hapens automaticly ?14:19
ari-tczewin practice, there is no different between -3ubuntu1 and -414:19
ari-tczewbasd82: you can reopen your closed request or open a new sync request, but please subscribe ubuntu-sponsors when new devel cycle is open14:20
basd82just i want to streamline te proces, thats why i am asling14:20
basd82oke wil do new sync request14:21
ari-tczewit won't get synced automatically until we got *ubuntuX upload in the archive14:21
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
jtaylorScottK: filed an ffe for lz4, bug 130722020:28
ubottubug 1307220 in lz4 (Ubuntu) "FFe: sync lz4 r114 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130722020:28

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