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stonedhow do you enable TLS 1.2 for apache in 10.04 LTS06:07
bekksstoned: Like this e.g.: http://blog.joefallon.net/2010/08/configure-tls-and-ssl-in-ubuntu-10-04-lts/06:25
stonedaptitude install openssl06:27
stonedwell see, this is where the problem lies.06:27
stonedThe packages are too old.06:27
stonedI should have asked a different question06:28
stonedhang on let me rephrase my question06:28
stonedI am on ubuntu Lucid server LTS. I am on the distro's latest apache httpd w/ mod ssl and the distro's openssl and openssh packges.06:28
stonedThey don't provide TLS 1.2 but only TLS 1.006:29
stonedI need to get openssl (latest patched version I suppose) in order to tet the TLS 1.2 extentions06:29
stonedSo I am looking for open ssl and open ssh server/client packeages (possibly backported)06:29
stonedI am on open ssl 0.9.8k06:29
stonedI need a newer updated version as well as I need openssh 5.7+06:30
bekks!sslbug | stoned06:30
ubottustoned: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.06:30
bekksWrite less, read more :)06:30
stoned0.9.8k is not affected by heartbleed.06:31
stonedAlso, I am aware that the bugfixes have been pushed out.06:31
stonedsince Lucid has only 0.9.8k which is not affected by heartbleed, there is no updated openssl for Lucid.06:32
bekksyou already said that.06:32
stonedHow about you don't say inflammatory things to people.06:32
stonedbekks, alright, find me the latest openssh and openssl packages for lucid06:33
stonedI need openssh 5.7+ for lucid06:33
bekksUh, you think someone providing informtion is inflammatory. Let's see how inflammator someone is who doesnt speak with you anymore.06:33
stonedyak yak yak06:33
stonedworst come to worst I'll build from source myself06:35
stoned<- former DD who is stuck managing an ubuntu server for someone06:35
stonedI wouldn't touch ubuntu w/ a 100 foot pole06:35
stonedabsolute garbage distro.06:35
stonedI was just hoping someone has already backported it06:36
stonedif not no big deal, be built in a little while.06:36
stonedlol, I'm looking for packages and he's telling me a link to how to setup it up, hahaha. Brilliant. Classic example of the oh-so-wonderful Ubuntu support.06:37
stonedSpot on.06:37
bekksclassic example of the ranting troll in ubuntu. ignore set.06:37
stonedlol, a debian dev a troll.06:37
stonedHahaha omg.06:37
stonedyou're THAT guy.06:37
stonedWelcome to who you are.06:37
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lordievaderGood morning.08:45
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stethoMorning all. I'm having trouble finding the answer to something I know is simple. I'm PXE booting precise/saucy with a preseed file. The machines get their name using DNS/DHCP and then wait for me to press return to carry on - everything else then carries on without intervention. Does anyone know the preseed command for "use the name you get from DHCP"?10:15
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maveasAnybody else having a problem with missing log files? Ie. /var/log/messages haven't been written to since monday the 7th of april on my server. Any ideas?12:39
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mortrcaDovecot seems to be crashing on me again and again. Every time I start it (service dovecot start) it appears to start normally, but if I check the status of the service, it says it isn't running. I have checked the log files for anything that might explain this, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing in the logs from Dovecot. Without any logs, I don't have any idea how to debug this. Does anyone have a suggestion?18:22
mortrcaOh, and according to "doveadm log find", the log files do exist, so I don't think that's the problem. There just isn't anything to read in the logs18:24
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bananapieSometimes I have to compile software for my servers. Should I be building packages even when I am only installing the software on one server?19:37
lordievaderbananapie: If you want apt/dpkg to be able to track it, yes.19:39
bananapiea while ago I was yelled at for using checkinstall to make packages for easier tracking. So that means I have to manually create the debian folder and all it's files each time ?19:44
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