holstein | im not sure that is accurate, on an integrated intel gpu | 00:00 |
amigamagic | holstein, I checked with an opengl app and it's very smooth, so I think glxgears results are accurate | 00:01 |
amigamagic | what is you result? | 00:02 |
holstein | amigamagic: "Think" would be my problem with that statement.. but, as long as you are enjoying it, go for it | 00:02 |
amigamagic | to me (Intel HD Graphics integrated in a G3220 intel cpu) it shows ~7600fps | 00:03 |
phm-grand_jct | when is 14.04 going up? | 00:03 |
holstein | !14.04 > phm-grand_jct | 00:03 |
ubottu | phm-grand_jct, please see my private message | 00:03 |
amigamagic | holstein, I don't know how much it's accurate glxgears, but if do you know a better method, tell me. | 00:04 |
holstein | amigamagic: i just load up what i want to use, and test with it | 00:04 |
holstein | amigamagic: if a want to use a game, i test the game | 00:05 |
amigamagic | yes, I tested with a third opengl app, and it worked well | 00:05 |
amigamagic | but I'm curious to know the values of other pepole with glxgears | 00:06 |
holstein | amigamagic: you should be able to find any vaild and invalid responses on the internet | 00:06 |
amigamagic | yes it was just curiosity | 00:08 |
holstein | amigamagic: i have personally seen from 20 to 2000 | 00:09 |
amigamagic | ok thanks holstein | 00:10 |
holstein | i usually just lock games to 30 or less | 00:10 |
amigamagic | how can you do that? Do you mean when the game permits you to limit the framerate? | 00:11 |
holstein | amigamagic: the games have settings.. i configure them to work best with my hardware | 00:12 |
amigamagic | ok | 00:12 |
amigamagic | there is a way to "restart" an xfce panel without logout and login? | 00:13 |
holstein | amigamagic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels should be all you need to start, reset, restart.. whatever with the pane | 00:14 |
holstein | panel* | 00:14 |
amigamagic | perfect, thanks! | 00:15 |
amigamagic | it's normal that the Keyboard indicator in the xfce4-indicator-plugin has no icon? | 00:17 |
amigamagic | (I'm on 14.04 now) | 00:17 |
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NRDisciple | Need some help guys. Just came from ZorinOS because it caused the computer to be laggy, and Xubuntu is stable. However, the SB Audigy 2 Value has no sound. To fix this I installed gnome-alsamixer and ticked the option for audigy analog/digital was checked and sound came back on ZorinOS. However, this has no effect in Xubuntu 13.10. Any ideas? Do i need to remove pulseaudio first? Thanks! | 02:51 |
NRDisciple | ^^ Sorry, this was fixed in ZorinOS by doing the procedure above, but in Xubuntu there is no effect (fixed) | 02:52 |
`Fibz | sorry, i just removed the Audigy 2 from all of our systems rather than try to support it | 02:53 |
NRDisciple | sadly the onboard realtek doesn't work either | 02:54 |
NRDisciple | temporary fix til we get new computers, stupid XP EoL | 02:55 |
NRDisciple | new computers in maybe... 2 months | 02:56 |
NRDisciple | meanwhile trying to not work with a security hole opened OS | 02:56 |
holstein | NRDisciple: i would load the live CD, to undo any changes you may have done, then, reference.. | 02:56 |
holstein | !audio | 02:56 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 02:56 |
NRDisciple | do i need to remove pulseaudio first? | 02:57 |
holstein | NRDisciple: if you open a terminal and run "aplay -l" and "arecord -l" and see the device, then it should be able to work.. then, you can run alsamixer and/or pavocontrol | 02:57 |
holstein | NRDisciple: i use pulse | 02:57 |
holstein | NRDisciple: onboard realtek, if not working (and it should) should be disabled in the bios | 02:58 |
holstein | NRDisciple: at this point, i would be testing with a 14.04 live CD | 02:58 |
NRDisciple | yes it's disabled. I enabled it to try when I pulled out the Audigy card, but it had no sound either | 02:58 |
holstein | NRDisciple: i dont think this is an audio device support issue | 02:58 |
NRDisciple | i'm just surprised since ZorinOS worked with the fix | 02:58 |
holstein | NRDisciple: i think its a simple mute issue | 02:58 |
NRDisciple | master volume was at 100? | 02:59 |
holstein | NRDisciple: in what? alsamixer should have those settings you reference | 02:59 |
NRDisciple | yes in alsamixer | 02:59 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you can try a live CD to get around any changes you have made | 03:00 |
NRDisciple | and do what in the livecd? | 03:00 |
NRDisciple | had no sound with the livecd too. I can try from there though | 03:00 |
NRDisciple | not at the work computer right now sadly | 03:01 |
holstein | NRDisciple: as i said above, reference | 03:01 |
holstein | !audio | 03:01 |
holstein | NRDisciple: if you have output from aplay and arecord, then, you can make it work | 03:01 |
NRDisciple | ok | 03:01 |
NRDisciple | noting the reference settings? | 03:02 |
holstein | NRDisciple: ? if you see output there, then alsa is using the device | 03:03 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you are just, either like in zorin, not checking a tick box, or something even simpler | 03:03 |
NRDisciple | one issue i had awhile ago on Mint Linux was that i saw output volume but with no sound | 03:04 |
NRDisciple | i'll see what i can do tomorrow | 03:04 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you saw sound? | 03:04 |
holstein | NRDisciple: anwyways.. a nother nice tool if pavucontrol | 03:05 |
NRDisciple | well the output bar was moving up and down | 03:05 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you may have missed that i had suggested that | 03:05 |
holstein | !info pavucontrol | 03:05 |
NRDisciple | i'll look into it | 03:05 |
ubottu | pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (saucy), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB | 03:05 |
holstein | NRDisciple: it could be as simple as ticking the correct setting there in pavucontrol | 03:08 |
holstein | NRDisciple: it could be as complex as, you are running zorin, which could have older kernel/alsa versions.. the support for your device has been removed from the kernel, or some other changes to the kernel or alsa has broken support for your device | 03:09 |
NRDisciple | sounds wonderful :P | 03:09 |
holstein | NRDisciple: i like testing with live CD's since they provide a simple way to use different kernel versions and alsa versions without changing the system settings at all | 03:09 |
NRDisciple | livecds allow you to install things too? | 03:10 |
holstein | NRDisciple: at this point (a week from 14.04, or whatever) i would totally try a 14.04 live daily, and see if the device "just works" there | 03:10 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you dont need to install anything in the live environment to test audio with the kernel and alsa version, but, yes.. you can install things there for testing purposes | 03:10 |
NRDisciple | i'll play around in the live cd | 03:11 |
NRDisciple | thanks | 03:11 |
NRDisciple | 14.04 is out? | 03:11 |
cfhowlett | NRDisciple april 17th | 03:12 |
NRDisciple | sorry, firefox tab kicked me off | 03:12 |
holstein | !14.04, as i tried to say above, is released in a week or so | 03:13 |
holstein | !14.04 | 03:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu. See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 03:13 |
NRDisciple | got it | 03:13 |
holstein | but, at this point, if it just works, i would use it.. rather than fight with 13.10, which is supported for 3 more months only | 03:14 |
holstein | for me, 12.04 would still be on the table as well.. if all the hardware "just works", 12.04 is supported for years to come as well | 03:14 |
NRDisciple | yeah i was considering the LTS | 03:15 |
NRDisciple | sadly the mobo doesn't support booting from a USB key, so i have some discs to burn | 03:15 |
holstein | NRDisciple: 14.04 is an lts as well | 03:15 |
NRDisciple | then i can wait a week i guess lol | 03:16 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you can use plop.. burn plop to cd, then, have plop boot USB sticks on that hardware | 03:16 |
phm-grand_jct | you can make a boot floppy? | 03:16 |
holstein | NRDisciple: you dont need to wait a week.. you can try 14.04 daily live | 03:16 |
holstein | NRDisciple: all im saying is, if i loaded up the daily 14.04 live and it worked "out of the box" without any issues, i would just use it, since its out next week anyways | 03:17 |
NRDisciple | is it listed under the downloads? | 03:17 |
holstein | NRDisciple: i usually just open a search query,a nd type exactly what i want.. "xubuntu 14.04 daily live download" | 03:18 |
holstein | NRDisciple: it will be listed in the official downloads area when its officiallly released | 03:18 |
holstein | NRDisciple: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/index.html is what i use to boot USB sticks on hardware that doesnt boot USB sticks | 03:19 |
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Guido1 | I have a problem with mounting. gparted seas al partitions, but xubuntu is not mounting al partitions by startup or conecting | 07:29 |
Guido1 | and restart doesn't help | 07:30 |
bazhang | put them in fstab | 08:36 |
bazhang | !blkid | 08:37 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 08:37 |
ray_ | is there anything particular to do in order to make tightvnc server work on xubuntu ? | 09:14 |
Dry_Lips | Hi, how do you turn up the brightness of the screen? | 10:13 |
junka | Dry_Lips, r u using a desktop? | 10:14 |
Dry_Lips | Laptop | 10:14 |
Dry_Lips | I'm writing this from my phone, i havent got interet on my laptop at the moment | 10:15 |
Dry_Lips | So I cannot google this myself | 10:15 |
junka | what brand | 10:15 |
Dry_Lips | Eh.. a local norwegian brand | 10:16 |
Dry_Lips | Multicom | 10:16 |
junka | does it have a FN key like acer? :P | 10:16 |
Dry_Lips | Yup | 10:17 |
junka | then it should be FN+ right/left arrow | 10:17 |
junka | up/down arrow for volume | 10:17 |
Dry_Lips | The model is | 10:17 |
knome | junka, not "should"... | 10:17 |
Dry_Lips | FL90 | 10:17 |
knome | junka, it might, the function keys can differ between models | 10:18 |
Dry_Lips | Compal FL90 | 10:18 |
Dry_Lips | Judging from the sticker underneath the laptop | 10:19 |
junka | Dry_Lips, there should be brightness markings on some keys, so FN+'that keys' | 10:19 |
Dry_Lips | Ah, there is | 10:20 |
Dry_Lips | :) | 10:20 |
junka | ;D | 10:20 |
Dry_Lips | Junka, you're a genious... (and I'm retarded) | 10:21 |
Dry_Lips | :) | 10:21 |
Guido1 | how can i remove directories from "media"? | 10:26 |
amigamagic | usually media has directories used for mounting devices | 10:28 |
amigamagic | so, if it's a acutally mounted device, you have first to unmount it | 10:28 |
amigamagic | *actually | 10:29 |
amigamagic | but why you would want to delete a dir inside it? | 10:29 |
Guido1 | amigamagic: in the moment nothing is mounted in the media folder. so there are empty maps | 10:29 |
Guido1 | and they have no use - leftovers from mounting | 10:31 |
amigamagic | and what's the problem? | 10:31 |
Guido1 | i want to remove the leftovers | 10:31 |
Guido1 | but how? | 10:32 |
knome | Guido1, i would stop trying to remove "everything" from your system | 10:32 |
amigamagic | I am not an expert of the linux filesystem but I think if you don't delete them is better... Maybe if you force their deleting, something will not work well in the future | 10:32 |
Guido1 | amigamagic: i made them myself. they are not made by linux itself | 10:33 |
amigamagic | Guido1, then you tried with rm -r "my_dir_to_remove" ? | 10:33 |
Guido1 | i expect something with sudo | 10:34 |
amigamagic | if the dir owner is you, sudo should not be necessary | 10:34 |
amigamagic | but I don't know how you created those dirs | 10:35 |
amigamagic | inside the media folder... | 10:35 |
Guido1 | sudo mkdir /media/Name_of_directory | 10:35 |
amigamagic | so you have to prefix the rm command with sudo... What's the problem? | 10:36 |
Guido1 | so: sudo rm -r /media/Name_of_directory | 10:38 |
amigamagic | yes | 10:38 |
amigamagic | knome, do you know if it's normal that in xubuntu 14.04, the xfce4-indicator-plugin lacks the icons for Keyboard and Power Management indicators? | 10:42 |
amigamagic | or maybe it's a language problem? Actually I use italian language. Maybe in english locale the icons are there? | 10:44 |
Guido1 | amigamagic: okee, removed | 10:45 |
amigamagic | Guido1, good :) | 10:45 |
junka | amigamagic, no it's the same for eng locale | 10:45 |
elfy | amigamagic: same here | 10:46 |
amigamagic | mmmh... then it's strange... | 10:46 |
amigamagic | the default desktop configuration place those indicators there | 10:46 |
amigamagic | but they have no icons... | 10:46 |
junka | yeah also there two time/calendar icons | 10:47 |
amigamagic | yes, it's true, because one it's integrated in the xfce4-indicators-plugin | 10:48 |
amigamagic | but you can disable it in the properties of the indicators plugin | 10:48 |
amigamagic | (hide/unhide) | 10:48 |
junka | I would prefer Hexchat then xchat | 10:49 |
elfy | none of this is ontopic for this channel :) | 10:49 |
junka | rigt | 10:49 |
amigamagic | elfy, if I discover a bug, it is not here that I should talk about it? | 10:50 |
elfy | nope | 10:50 |
elfy | #ubuntu+1 or if you want to talk to one of us then #xubuntu-devel | 10:50 |
amigamagic | mmmh... so, exactly what is for this channel? | 10:51 |
elfy | but we do know about many of these issues | 10:51 |
elfy | amigamagic: this is for released versions :) | 10:51 |
knome | amigamagic, /topic; "Xubuntu support" | 10:51 |
amigamagic | ah ok :) | 10:51 |
amigamagic | I go to the developer channel, then... | 10:52 |
Guido1 | next problem: automount does not work (the [partitions from the main HDD are not shown in the explorer and later conected devices are not mounted) | 10:55 |
amigamagic | Guido1, what xubuntu version you use? | 10:56 |
Guido1 | 12.04 | 10:56 |
amigamagic | mmmh... I know that in the last release there are some problems with automount, but with the 12.04 I don't know... | 10:57 |
Guido1 | amigamagic: i hjave it since today | 10:58 |
Guido1 | (the problem) | 10:58 |
knome | Guido1, i guess you have removed some package that would automount them for you | 11:11 |
knome | Guido1, bugs that you previously didn't have do not appear randomly, they all have a root cause | 11:12 |
Guido1 | knome: any idea which package? | 11:13 |
knome | Guido1, to be honest, i don't think it's "cool" that you have now ripped your system apart for two days (and we've told you not to) and now you ask us to tell you which packages you need to get it working again | 11:15 |
knome | Guido1, i would warmly recommend looking at the list of packages you have removed, reading their descriptions and trying to understand what they do and why they are included in xubuntu; you will find the answer to your last question this way as well | 11:16 |
Guido1 | knome: only removed thos who made sence and let the onse i was doubting there | 11:18 |
knome | Guido1, obviously you have removed too many packages | 11:18 |
knome | Guido1, and to me, that proves you don't know which packages "make sense" and which not, which is why i'm recommending you to look and think what you have done to resolve your issue | 11:19 |
amigamagic | there is an history of installed packages in synaptics | 11:20 |
amigamagic | it's useful, I'm always using that | 11:20 |
amigamagic | when I want to "undo" something | 11:20 |
elfy | .bash_history if you used apt-get in a terminal | 11:21 |
Guido1 | knome: will look there in every case | 11:21 |
elfy | there is also a history option in software centre | 11:21 |
Guido1 | knome: today i got some new apps - linux-header, linux-image | 11:40 |
Guido1 | elfy: just using it, but i can't recognice something - mean i removed node, alarm-clock, gthumb, skype | 11:42 |
Guido1 | i also did an update yesterday after the cleaning | 11:59 |
Guido1 | can i somwehere see a reboot history? | 12:06 |
Guido1 | (when it reboted) | 12:07 |
Guido1 | could the problem be related to the update of linux-headers-3.2.0-60 linux-image-3.2.0-60-generic and linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic? | 12:14 |
Guido1 | the partitions etc. are not automaticaly listed anymore and i think it has nothing to do with removed apps, but with updates or something else | 12:23 |
cfhowlett | Guido1 reboot and try an older kernel | 12:26 |
cfhowlett | Guido1 assuming that works, reinstall xubuntu-desktop and then *selectively* remove apps | 12:26 |
Guido1 | cfhowlett: one moment | 12:28 |
Guido1 | didn't worked | 12:44 |
cfhowlett | Guido1 did you reinstall xubuntu-desktop? | 12:45 |
Guido1 | cfhowlett: no, but than i have to install al new apps again | 12:46 |
knome | installing xubuntu-desktop does not uninstall any applications. | 12:47 |
cfhowlett | Guido1 I understand it, your issues started when you deleted essential files. I suggest sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop to reset your system to fresh install defaults | 12:48 |
Guido1 | knome, cfhowlett: so if i do that i still have all aplication and links etc. fore instance i changed the office tools. do i have options during the instalation? | 12:50 |
knome | you don't | 12:51 |
cfhowlett | Guido1 this would NOT uninstall anything you currently have | 12:51 |
knome | but if you installed libreoffice, it won't be uninstalled | 12:51 |
Guido1 | but it adds some programs, right? | 12:52 |
Guido1 | just did apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, but it's already the newest version | 12:57 |
=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic | ||
Guido1 | i just re installed the apps and it didn't helpt - the partitions etc. are still not listed automaticaly in the explorer | 13:23 |
RudiOnTheAir | hi | 13:35 |
starrats | hello | 13:35 |
RudiOnTheAir | One question. Is the a way to simple mount a samba share with a gui like the filemanager, and then use them in all applications. ( Scripts for backup) No gvfs... | 13:37 |
notwist | RudiOnTheAir: google how to add a samba share to fstab | 13:43 |
RudiOnTheAir | :) yes. That's what i'm doing know. But i've thought, there is in 2014 a more comfortabel was to do that.?! Nautilus and all other filemanager can do it, but not accessable for scripts... | 13:47 |
knome | RudiOnTheAir, gigolo? | 13:47 |
amigamagic | he asked for a tool that doesn't use gvfs... | 13:48 |
RudiOnTheAir | Can gigolo mout in a normal directory? | 13:48 |
knome | well you are both asking for an easy GUI tool and a specific need... | 13:49 |
RudiOnTheAir | Like in Win, where i can "mount" to a driveletter, i would like to mount to ~/mydata ... | 13:51 |
RudiOnTheAir | I don't know where, but i mean for KDE there was a solution for that. But KDE and XFCE... :( | 13:52 |
notwist | RudiOnTheAir: that is exactly what fstab is for. Google it and learn it,its not complicated. Im sure anyone will help you if you have more concrete questions after that | 14:02 |
notwist | Not wanting to learn "complicated" tasks isnt a good way to use Linux, I think a large part of what makes Linux good is that time you put in learning is rewarded with increased flexibility | 14:03 |
Guido1 | I still have problems with mounting. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions "When you mount a disc normally with the file browser (nautilus etc) it mounts disks by interacting with udisks behind the scenes." but i don't see it in the file manager. | 14:05 |
RudiOnTheAir | I know how to edit the fstab. Using Linux (Xubuntu, Debian, CentOS) since many years. Doing the support for some mail and fileserver.. I'm asking for a simpler way for all the ex. XP User around...;) | 14:08 |
RudiOnTheAir | And i don't understand why nautilus mounts in a hidden dir like ".gvfs"... | 14:10 |
Guido1 | do i need openjdk java runtime? | 14:47 |
Guido1 | and KNetAttach? | 14:48 |
Masterjedi688 | Hello | 14:56 |
Masterjedi688 | Can anyone answer a few questions for me please | 14:57 |
Masterjedi688 | Hello? | 14:57 |
amigamagic | Masterjedi688, ask your question. If there is someone that can answer it will answer (I hope). :D | 14:58 |
Masterjedi688 | Lol | 14:59 |
Masterjedi688 | Ok | 14:59 |
Masterjedi688 | I have a dell dimension B110 desktop PC 7-8 years old, windows xp home edition on it, 1GB of ram can be expanded to more more then 2Gb | 15:00 |
Masterjedi688 | Intel r Celeron r CPU 2.53 GHz | 15:00 |
Masterjedi688 | 27.2 GB hard drive left | 15:01 |
Masterjedi688 | 768 ram | 15:01 |
Masterjedi688 | Is xubuntu right for my old slow PC? | 15:02 |
Masterjedi688 | Is it easy to install? | 15:02 |
Masterjedi688 | It's a 64 bit | 15:02 |
cfhowlett | Masterjedi688 try lubuntu = it's optimized for older/lower spec systems like yours | 15:03 |
Masterjedi688 | Not to mention I want to remove all of windows xp from my PC. I've had it with xp | 15:03 |
cfhowlett | Masterjedi688 just in time :_ | 15:03 |
Masterjedi688 | Just in time? | 15:03 |
cfhowlett | Masterjedi688 well, microsoft DID finally end XP support this week, so yes. | 15:04 |
Masterjedi688 | Oh yes, they did after all these years | 15:04 |
Masterjedi688 | My PC is basically for fun no school work or work work | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | Masterjedi688 try lubuntu but wait a few days for 14.04 to come out. You'll be well pleased | 15:05 |
Masterjedi688 | Music, surfing the web, facebook, chatting downloading pictures for wall papers | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | April 17th. | 15:05 |
Masterjedi688 | Ok | 15:05 |
Masterjedi688 | On another site they told me try xubuntu | 15:06 |
Masterjedi688 | Now lulu tu? | 15:06 |
Masterjedi688 | LOLOLOL | 15:06 |
cfhowlett | !lubuntu | 15:06 |
ubottu | lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 15:06 |
Masterjedi688 | Ok | 15:06 |
cfhowlett | Masterjedi688 the difference is that lubuntu is specifically optimized for older tech. xubuntu is not - but it is a good optoin | 15:06 |
Masterjedi688 | Ok, ta | 15:07 |
Masterjedi688 | Thanks for answering my questions. Will Ubuntu be a stable version? | 15:07 |
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wrongplace | i wanto to install xubuntu 13.10 from a usb stick into a new computer. I have the iso copy in the stick, is that enough? | 17:15 |
amigamagic | no | 17:17 |
wrongplace | ok, what else do I need? | 17:17 |
amigamagic | you have to use some tool like unetbootin | 17:17 |
amigamagic | you give the path of the iso to the program, select the pendrive, and then it does all the things to make it bootable | 17:18 |
wrongplace | ok | 17:19 |
wrongplace | I assume all contents of the pendrive will be deleted... | 17:23 |
wrongplace | am I wrong? | 17:23 |
knome | you are correct | 17:23 |
wrongplace | the pendrive has a partition (double one) , will unetbooting disregard that and nuke the whole unit or respect the partitions? | 17:23 |
knome | i would imagine unetbootin will let you choose the partition, as long as it's possible to make that partition bootable | 17:24 |
wrongplace | has that never been tried before? to make a partition bootable | 17:24 |
wrongplace | i can choose the path/drive, that should work (theoretically at least) | 17:25 |
amigamagic | wrongplace, if you want to be sure, backup all the content of your pendrive and then format it in FAT32 | 17:26 |
amigamagic | after that use unetbootin | 17:27 |
clackerd | Hello - Firewall control panel is telling me that enabling a rule allowing ssh is not good security practice - why is that the case and what is the preferred method? | 17:30 |
wrongplace | will do | 17:30 |
knome | clackerd, if you need ssh, obviously you need to open it | 17:30 |
clackerd | that is what i figured. the error message just surprised me is all | 17:31 |
knome | clackerd, look at changing the ssh server port if you want to be more secure | 17:31 |
clackerd | ok thank you | 17:31 |
knome | and if you want to go really far, you can only enable certain ip's to connect.. | 17:31 |
wrongplace | amigamagic, noob question, how do I backupt the unit? | 17:31 |
clackerd | nah just want to be able to reach my laptop in the garage. :) it's working, but thought maybe my method was a hack | 17:32 |
wrongplace | please, i need instrusctions to change permission of a partition | 17:35 |
knome | clackerd, if it's in the same network, you could limit connecting ip's to local ones, and it would be pretty safe | 17:35 |
wrongplace | done | 17:36 |
amigamagic | wrongplace, what's the problem? | 17:37 |
wrongplace | amigamagic, i have no idea what to use to backup | 17:37 |
amigamagic | wrongplace, select all files and copy them to another dir, maybe on a folder on your desktop | 17:38 |
wrongplace | Already did taht, but thats not backing up | 17:38 |
wrongplace | is it? | 17:38 |
amigamagic | you want to backup all the files on a pendrive, right? | 17:38 |
amigamagic | I mean, from a pendrive to another place | 17:38 |
amigamagic | if this is the case, you can just copy the files and paste them in some other device | 17:39 |
wrongplace | ok | 17:42 |
wrongplace | how miuch time does unetbooting need to do its thing? | 17:46 |
wrongplace | its stuck at 51% | 17:46 |
amigamagic | maybe 2 or 3 days | 17:47 |
amigamagic | I'm joking... :D | 17:47 |
amigamagic | I think 5-10 minutes, but it depends from the speed of your pendrive | 17:47 |
wrongplace | o, done | 17:48 |
waterpie | hi all | 18:14 |
waterpie | is fstrim enabled in xubuntu 14.4, and how could I test if it's actually working ok? | 18:14 |
stormchaser3000 | hi | 18:17 |
brainwash | waterpie: this is general ubuntu 14.04 feature and not xubuntu specific, you should ask in #ubuntu+1 | 18:18 |
stormchaser3000 | ok i am installing xubuntu on a mv but my last attemt failed because of some memory thing and the installer failed | 18:18 |
waterpie | brainwash: went there, sent me here :-) :-/ | 18:18 |
stormchaser3000 | vm* | 18:18 |
brainwash | waterpie: oh, it should be a weekly cron job, maybe it does some debug logging | 18:19 |
brainwash | waterpie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/443761/how-is-trim-enabled | 18:20 |
waterpie | brainwash: it is indeed a weekly cron job, but some online tutorials say you should add some config to eg /etc/..?/grub that isn't there. just want to check if it is actually working | 18:20 |
brainwash | waterpie: someone here might know | 18:23 |
brainwash | sadly I don't | 18:23 |
brainwash | but I assume that the cron job should do the job, otherwise the devs would have added some extra grub parameters | 18:25 |
waterpie | brainwash: ok, thanks. Your links points to: http://blog.neutrino.es/2013/howto-properly-activate-trim-for-your-ssd-on-linux-fstrim-lvm-and-dmcrypt/ which after I followed all the steps, it seems that trim is indeed used on 14.4 xubuntu, and working on my comp (hopefully). Thanks | 18:31 |
brainwash | waterpie: that's great :) | 18:33 |
xubuntu202 | hi, I wanted to visit the xubuntu website via the plug in (?) (sorry not sure what the technical term is) but I selected chrome to access it and now... well it doesn't recognise it | 18:36 |
knome | xubuntu202, what exactly is it what you are trying to access? | 18:36 |
xubuntu202 | hi knome, software update | 18:41 |
xubuntu202 | my friend is the expert, he switched me over | 18:41 |
xubuntu202 | but he's not here to ask!! | 18:42 |
xubuntu202 | I suppose, what it is, is how do I change the 'default web browser' from chrome, which it doesn't recognise, to something that it will | 18:42 |
xubuntu202 | this is the error message: failed to execute child process "chrome" (No such file or directory) | 18:44 |
xubuntu617 | cool | 18:47 |
Tim__ | how do i change the network workgroup setting? | 19:20 |
Tim__ | Hi Nezzto | 19:22 |
Tim__ | hi dormito; How do i change the network workgroup setting? | 19:23 |
Tim__ | Anyone? How do i change the network workgroup setting? | 19:25 |
tnk | Why is 13.10 sound not working? I can't get it to work! Seems a ton of people have been having this problem! | 19:26 |
Tim__ | i need my three computers to be on the same network workgroup | 19:28 |
knome | !patience | Tim__ | 19:32 |
ubottu | Tim__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 19:32 |
Tim__ | Roger patience. thank you. | 19:33 |
junka | Tim__, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html | 19:33 |
Tim__ | Edit SMB.conf | 19:36 |
Nezzto | I would like to host a Forum website, are there any recommendations for what to use? | 19:42 |
xubuntu202 | @tnk, did you find out about the sound issue? problem for me too, sound only works through headphones | 20:24 |
freeman__ | hi guys I am using a lenovo T510 with Nvidia Card where I find the setting to correct the brightness in the xorg.conf file? | 20:53 |
freeman__ | hi | 21:26 |
freeman__ | could someone help me please with my nvidia driver problem? | 21:27 |
=== PetrushLeFou is now known as Igros | ||
Type | Any optimization tips for a thinkpad T40 | 22:19 |
Type | 500mb ram | 22:20 |
Type | 40gb hdd | 22:20 |
Type | 1.7ghz | 22:20 |
=== kupo is now known as Guest76480 | ||
Meerkat | I really like the new menu in 14.04. Good work devs! =) | 22:21 |
holstein | Type: add more ram if you can | 22:28 |
Guest76480 | what new menu? | 22:28 |
Meerkat | Guest76480, http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Xubuntu-14-04-LTS-Beta-1-Trusty-Tahr-Gets-the-Whiskermenu-Launcher-Screenshot-Tour-430077-2.jpg | 22:32 |
Guest76480 | oh whisker menu. yeah search feature is cool. not th eone i use. but an improvement | 22:32 |
Guest76480 | i wonder when you'll be able to theme whisker menu | 22:35 |
rawfodog | im having a hard time trying to find console emulators for xubuntu 64. Im trying to find some for SNES and MEGADRIVE | 22:35 |
rawfodog | Is there a 3rd party repo I should be addding ? | 22:36 |
holstein | rawfodog: there were many in the repos.. try using synaptic software manager to search | 22:36 |
rawfodog | holstein, where is it in the menu ? I thought they removed it ... | 22:37 |
holstein | rawfodog: they? | 22:37 |
rawfodog | the team that manages ubuntu/xubuntu | 22:38 |
holstein | rawfodog: im suggesting using another package manager to search for the applications you want. there are many ways to do that, though | 22:38 |
rawfodog | oh ok | 22:38 |
holstein | rawfodog: they removed synaptic? | 22:38 |
holstein | rawfodog: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synaptic | 22:38 |
rawfodog | Well, I used to to be able to select it in old version of ubuntu. But its been years since I ve seen synaptic | 22:38 |
holstein | use apt-cache search whatever if you prefer | 22:38 |
rawfodog | Oh cool I didnt know I could add it back :) | 22:38 |
rawfodog | thanks | 22:38 |
Meerkat | bsnes shows up for me in software center | 22:39 |
Guest76480 | the position search feature near panel is nice for whisker | 22:39 |
Guest76480 | so no need to move mouse to type | 22:39 |
rawfodog | Meerkat, my specs are low. bsnes needs a quad core I think | 22:39 |
Meerkat | quad core for snes? jesus. | 22:40 |
Meerkat | rawfodog, the only thing I can think of is http://emulator-zone.com/ | 22:44 |
=== kupo is now known as Guest30661 | ||
Guest30661 | how to get hibernation working on xubuntu besides sudo pm-hibernate. always faded out from menu etc | 23:13 |
* linuxthefish slaps i_dun_get_it around a bit with a large trout | 23:33 | |
i_dun_get_it | ello | 23:33 |
Guest30661 | Any tips on how to bring back hibernate on xfce? | 23:35 |
delt | lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions <--- why am i getting tons of these in my kernel logs? | 23:41 |
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest13666 | ||
=== Guest13666 is now known as ponpon | ||
skribblezatcha | i would turn off the screensave Guest30661, as well as make sure that you have a swap partition of the right size. | 23:50 |
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