
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
frankbanrick_h_: morning, I filed two holidays12:08
rick_h_frankban: cool looking 12:08
rick_h_frankban: approved12:09
rick_h_frankban: thanks for getting them in pre-planning poker so we can schedule cards 12:10
frankbanrick_h_: thank you, I guess we are doing the poker today?12:10
rick_h_frankban: yes, I've updated the spreadsheet and it should be a bit shorter12:11
rick_h_we've got a lot of carry over from last cycle12:11
rick_h_so just left those out 12:11
frankbanrick_h_: cool, how was the pycon?12:12
rick_h_frankban: it was cool. I did a hand ful of talks but talked with a lot of people. Was cool, ran into one of our applicants for the new team and talked with him some. 12:12
frankbanrick_h_: cool, heh, interviewing time also at a conference ;-)12:14
frankbanrick_h_: for trusty charm I'd be inclined to drop legacy server support (not removing the code, just documenting that legacy server only works on precise). What do you think?12:16
rick_h_frankban: +112:17
bacjujugui: my irc client is reporting it cannot verify irc.canonical.com.  anyone else seeing this?12:49
rick_h_bac: not at the moment12:49
baci'm sure they just reissued the cert and it is a-ok.  but was curious.12:50
frankbanbac: no, it works well here. speaking of ssl, can we safely assume the openssl in trusty and precise is patched? we use that in our gui charm12:51
bacfrankban: yes, i'm sure it is.12:52
rick_h_frankban: yes, there should be a security update. The issue we might want to chat to IS about is that those aren't forced on deployed charms that I know of12:52
frankbanbac: cool, good to know12:52
rick_h_and I wonder how that effects those clouds running out there with an unpatched SSL gui12:52
bacfrankban: unfortunately, last time i looked, we were not using the upstream patch, so our package still starts with 1.0.1f, which is the bad version12:52
frankbanrick_h_: I guess that depends on the cloud image installed by juju12:53
bacso the patched version is 1.0.1f-1ubuntu212:53
frankbanbac: ack, yeah that can be confusing12:53
baci'm sure they updated the cloud images12:54
hatchgood morning everyone14:00
rick_h_hatch: if you get time I want to catch up and see where we're at and what other cards we need ot finish state14:01
rick_h_hatch: and get tests going that test changes to state, not just the initial parsing 14:01
hatchyeah those tests are going to be coming in the current branch14:02
hatchI'm hooking up a new navigate event called 'changeState' and it's working really well14:02
hatchlots of odd legacy stuff though that I need to workaround14:03
hatchmorning Makyo 14:03
hatchrick_h_ will after our standup work? Give me a bit to get back into the groove14:04
rick_h_hatch: rgr14:26
hatchlooks like a good thing for all those lenovo users out there with the massive bricks :) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/215201435/dart-the-worlds-smallest-laptop-adapter14:26
hatchrick_h_ how goes the rest of the conf? getting some bookie stuff done?14:27
rick_h_hatch: working on it, almost caught up on GSoC pull requests :)14:28
hatchhaha - did you end up picking up someone?14:29
rick_h_hatch: yea, we'll have two students. 14:29
rick_h_got the slots from google and the 21st they're announced14:29
hatchahh cool, so how long until it sells to Facebook for 17 billion?14:31
rick_h_10000000000000 years14:31
hatchhmm, that's a lot of years14:31
hatchso it's not a very good investment opportunity is what you're telling me...14:32
kadams54guihelp: review needed on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/23614:33
bachatch: did you read the dart fine print about macbook support?  they have to buy a real apple power supply to cannibalize the connector, passing the costs on to you.14:34
hatchbac haha I didn't, I don't really find the mackbook ones -that- big14:36
hatchit would be nice if the cord was thinner though and retracted14:36
baci think i'm going to save my $168 and not have a brightly colored power supply14:37
hatchI end up twisting the crap out of that skinny cable.....of course the one that's not replaceable 14:37
rick_h_kadams54: linter is angry with you14:44
kadams54Yeah, I'm fixing14:44
rick_h_coolio 14:44
kadams54One missing comma and indentation all outta whack, should be easy fixes14:44
hatchjujugui call in 1014:50
MakyoTrying to get plugin installed15:01
MakyoRebooting this computer real quick.15:03
bacrick_h_: my fix drops gui-x and gui-y from annotations.  is there *anything* in annotations we'd want to present to ES?  iow, just drop all annotations.15:05
rick_h_bac: no, I don't think anything15:06
Makyojujugui Since I'm already stopped from the call, I'm going to duck out now, then work through lunch. Have to get the receipt from the plumbing work to the sewer co. to get the $450 bill canceled.15:37
rick_h_Makyo: good luck!15:38
hatchjujugui after a discussion with rick_h_  it's been decided that the state changes and left inspector will be landed before vegas and be separate from the machine view and deployer. If you have any concerns/comments about this let me know15:56
frankbanrick_h_: trying to deploy from branch in trusty charm exits with an error. I think the failure is this one: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7250529/16:33
rick_h_frankban: hmm, ok. I'll have to look at the process there. I don't recall the reason/what that was meant to do16:36
rick_h_I'd expect that to create a master branch from the origin master 16:36
rick_h_but I'm assuming we git cloned and have master already?16:36
frankbanrick_h_: the code path seems to be this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7250546/16:38
frankbanrick_h_: "git branch" on the source directoty just returns develop16:38
rick_h_right, ok. So it's meant for generically checking out a specified branch16:39
rick_h_and it's trying to get master16:39
rick_h_http://stackoverflow.com/questions/945654/git-checkout-on-a-remote-branch-does-not-work ?16:40
frankbanrick_h_: yes, because the test uses "https://github.com/juju/juju-gui.git master" as source16:40
rick_h_frankban: so I'm assuming a git update that's broken something. Wonder if that stackoverflow git remote update16:41
rick_h_will help?16:41
rick_h_it does a fetch, but not this remote update (not run across that before)16:41
frankbanrick_h_: on that same branch, that does not seem to work16:42
frankbanI get the same error16:42
frankbanand the test worked on precise, so I guess this is a new git change16:42
rick_h_frankban: http://www.btaz.com/scm/git/fatal-git-checkout-updating-paths-is-incompatible-with-switching-branches/16:43
rick_h_frankban: yea, I mean I see a ton of people with this error, tring to parse out what's the root. Seems like it's a lovely unhelpful error16:44
frankbanrick_h_: "git remote show origin" does not include master16:44
frankbantrying pull16:45
rick_h_frankban: oh, a git fetch should show that16:45
rick_h_and that's done in the snippet before the failing command16:45
rick_h_I'd expect it to show16:45
rick_h_git branch -a ?16:45
frankbanrick_h_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7250586/16:47
rick_h_frankban: ok, will pull down the charm source and see. Not sure. Something definitely changed but not sure what atm. 16:57
hatchrick_h_ go away it's your time off :P16:58
hatch"just say no to juju"16:58
rick_h_heh, hacky hacky16:58
frankbanrick_h_: thanks. EOD, please feel free to send me an email if you find something, otherwise don't worry, I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning16:58
rick_h_frankban: will do16:58
rick_h_thanks for the update, sucky that git broke something on us16:59
hatchrick_h_ is it hacking time now at the conf or are there still talks?16:59
frankbanthanks, have a nice evening!16:59
rick_h_I remember needing that work because working with a shallow-clone needed extra work16:59
rick_h_to be able to pull some branch down16:59
hatchcya frankban 17:00
hatchoh man do we ever need a code coverage tool17:20
kadams54Hey, has anyone ever figured out what test-prod crashes in Vagrant?17:33
hatchnot yet no....I can't run debug either17:38
hatchI can only use test-server17:38
hatch^ kadams54 17:38
kadams54debug didn't crash for me17:38
kadams54But I'm not entirely sure it finished successfully either17:39
kadams54It just stopped running17:39
hatchoh....yeah that's what it does17:39
kadams54It seemed to get through the majority of the tests, but then it just stopped.17:39
kadams54Prod at least had the decency to crash with a PhantomJS crash error17:39
hatchhaha yeah - tbh I can't figure out the issue, I can run individual tests just fine17:42
hatchbut it seems like running too many tests causes it to fail17:42
hatchwe probably need to fix our single big index file of tests17:42
hatchbut that's just a guess17:42
hatchoh... and the phantom error is entirely useless too....at least mine was17:42
hatchso hows everyones day going?18:49
hatchrick_h_ those MS emails were from you, correct?18:49
rick_h_hatch: ?18:50
rick_h_MS emails?18:50
hatchthe security code stuff18:50
rick_h_oh yea18:50
rick_h_because I'm in CA it didn't want to let me into the azure env18:50
hatchyeah us Canadians are bad eggs18:50
hatchrick_h_ so with your vim you use jj for esc....do you not use home row as the arrow keys then?18:56
rick_h_hatch: yes, I nop my arrow keys18:57
hatchso doesn't hitting jj then keep triggering escape while you move around?18:57
rick_h_hatch: no, it's only a shortcut in insert mode18:57
rick_h_it does nothing in command mode18:57
rick_h_but to move down18:57
hatchso you can't move around in insert mode then?18:58
rick_h_no, I jj to command mode and move around using normal vim-isms18:58
bacjcsackett: could you review https://codereview.appspot.com/8771004318:58
rick_h_moving around in insert mode is kind of meh18:58
rick_h_insert mode is for typing, moving quickly by word/line/paragraph are all command mode18:59
hatchahh ok 18:59
hatchmakes sense18:59
hatchjujugui lf a review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/237 19:00
jcsackettbac: yup.19:00
hatchrick_h_ the simulator does not create containers in machines - this might be something we'll want to plan for. It's making it a little more work to QA Huw's branch19:22
rick_h_hatch: rgr19:23
rick_h_hatch: one day thing you think? maybe add a card to our on deck and I'll try to sched dit19:24
hatchrick_h_ yeah - frankban is probably the best to get it done the quickest because he is the most familiar with the machine db stuff19:25
hatchanyone else might take a little bit longer because of needing to get up to speed on the formats19:25
hatchjust going by the branches landed19:25
hatchcard created 19:26
hatchproject 1 - on deck19:26
rick_h_hatch: ty19:26
arosalesdo folks know off hand how long it takes for the juju-gui to injest a personal branch?19:27
rick_h_arosales: usually 15-30min19:27
hatcharosales depends on the machine but a couple minutes19:27
arosalesspecifically if I upload a branch (in the right format) to LP, when can I expect to be able to find it in the gui?19:27
hatchsorry I missunderstood19:27
hatchwhat rick said :D19:28
arosaleshatch, rick_h_ thanks19:28
rick_h_arosales: if you don't see it by then let us know and we can look into it19:28
rick_h_arosales: http://manage.jujucharms.com/heartbeat shows the last ingest time at the bottom19:28
rick_h_for the too much info version of the answer19:29
arosalesrick_h_, ah nice thanks for that link19:30
arosalesrick_h_, naw exactly the info I was looking for19:30
bacarosales: it is a 15 minute cycle, so best case is 15 minutes, worst case is 30.19:39
hatchMakyo are you able to qa my branch?19:46
jcsackettbac: sorry for the delay. lgtm, with minor comments.19:47
bacthanks jcsackett19:47
hatchbac are able to review/qa my branch?19:53
bachatch: i might can.  let me get this thing landed so i can do a release to charmworld this afternoon19:54
hatchoh ok np19:54
Makyohatch, kind of heads down at the moment, sorry.  Found a big bug in my branch.19:55
hatchalright - I'm going to branch off of it and keep trucking19:56
bacok hatch on it now19:57
hatchoh that was quick19:57
bacwell, i got it submitted and jenkins will take a while19:57
arosalesbac, ack thanks. So I could catch it every half hour. Not bad -- thanks for the info19:59
hatchoh ok :)20:01
hatchrunning to the airport20:10
bachatch: gone?20:18
MakyoSo much for that bug.  The method was more complete in my head than on the screen, just forgot to type a line.20:42
hatchbac thankjs for the review20:54
bacrick_h_: for your viewing pleasure: RT 69317 -- all of our resources on canonistack are hosed.21:15
rick_h_bac: huh?!21:16
rick_h_bac: oh! yea, I meant to bring that up on the call today21:17
rick_h_bac: I'm darn tempted to use our azure account to bring up another QA, we can try to use the new dns name we want. 21:17
bacrick_h_: huh.  perhaps that's a good idea.  we'd need two, though, if we want jenkins too21:18
rick_h_bac: we'll we've got a jenkins install running21:18
bacrick_h_: but it is broken too21:18
rick_h_we can build onto it with more jobs ci.jujugui.org:808021:18
rick_h_that's what we run on azure currently21:18
bacoh, you mean another21:18
rick_h_but then we'd have to maintain it, so not sure if there's plans to bring back the old or if it's on us to get it back running21:19
* bac -> dogwalk.21:22
hatchI love git stash21:40
hatchit's like a mini secret diff storage21:42
kadams54git stash is dangerous21:49
kadams54I've stashed things in there and forgotten about them21:49
kadams54Like a squirrel21:49
hatchyeah, then it's like a present!21:50
hatcha surprise present!21:50
hatchkadams54 what are you working on today? Got any python hacking projects?21:50
kadams54Yeah, working on docs for my feature flags library21:51
kadams54Also trying to get this branch landed for unit tokens :-)21:51
MakyoTests fly by with 16gb ram.22:10
hatchMakyo heh, how long?22:12
MakyoI'll tell you when they all pass :P22:12
hatchman I -really- wish we could figure out why charmworld is so slow at responding to OPTIONS22:21
hatchit's almost 1s sometimes22:21
Makyojujugui hierarchical commits for review/qa: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/23822:35
hatchMakyo I can do it22:38
Makyohatch, thanks22:38
MakyoIt runs the commits in the proper order, have a card to wait on RPC callbacks.22:39
hatchMakyo where is the test that you modified? 23:04
hatch""Fixed test that was doing a deep-equal on an object that had changed.""23:04
hatchor was this an in-code fix?23:05
hatchjust want to make sure you didn't forget a file or something23:05
Makyohatch, Sorry, that was a squashed commit message.  And my comment seems to have gotten lost.  Line 207 has no 'parents' attribute.23:05
MakyoI'll re-add the comment.23:05
MakyoIt should gracefully handle both an empty array and a missing attribute.23:05
hatchahh ok looks good23:06
MakyoYeah.  I'm pulling those functions out now, but it's causing it to infloop.23:06
MakyoHunting that down.23:06
MakyoI started with recursion, but that was really slow, and causing more headaches than it was worth, thus the stack-based approach.23:07
hatchyeah I like it - as I was reading I was wondering why you didn't go recusion, but this is much easier to read 23:08
MakyoIt's super fast, and flexible enough for us to have $MAXINT possible levels, as opposed to $MAXSTACK23:09
MakyoBut I guess that's maybe premature optimization :)23:09
hatchhaha yeah - I kind of doubt we will ever run into an issue where stack size is causing problems23:09
hatchthat would be one massive bundle23:09
MakyoOpenstack, maybe :P23:10
hatchI'm not sure about the "Wait until each level of the hierarchy has fully executed" limitation of the level by level execution follow-up 23:10
hatchwhat if one item in there gets hung up, then the rest of the stack fails?23:10
MakyoWe could timeout?23:11
hatchsomething to think about anyways23:11
MakyoWithout that, though, we risk trying to create a relation between two services, one of which has failed to deploy, and then you've lost all your changes.23:11
hatchyeah I'm thinking of the case where you have three "stacks" so no relations between anything, and one machine fails to start, I would still want the other two "stacks" of commands to execute23:12
hatchmaybe 'fails to start' is the wrong thing23:12
hatchmaybe 'juju fails to recognize the command'23:12
hatchor something...23:12
MakyoThose commands would still be in the change set, but it would pause in executing.23:13
MakyoWe'll think through it.  It's just comments for now.23:13
hatchyeah - I'm not sure if it's really a real problem or not either23:13
MakyoMan, I spent so much of the weekend writing C++ I'm having a hard time getting back into Javascript.23:15
MakyoI keep thinking, "Man, don't I need to dereference that?"23:15
hatchC++ eh? what would make you want to dive into C++ again?23:21
MakyoI was playing around with that time lapse software, but it's really old abandonware written in not-very-good C++.  I figured learning Qt wouldn't be a bad idea, given how much QML Ubuntu uses, so I decided to reimplement it in Qt from wxWidgets and just steal all the camera-handling code.23:27
MakyoI got it functional by Sunday afternoon, which was nice.23:27
MakyoTook this with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlqyT0Jj1Rk23:27
hatchoh very cool23:30
hatchgood work23:30
MakyoHeh, thanks.23:32
MakyoGood portfolio piece, too, though I have plans to figure out packaging at some point, make it more widely available.23:32
MakyoCurrently need QtCreator to build it.23:32
MakyoOr, well, qmake, plus deps.23:32
MakyoAlright, I'm gonna duck out to dinner.  Mom's in town.  Will re-push after.23:33

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