zooko | Hey, does anybody want to help me diagnose a failure of the lubuntu trusty daily build installer? | 15:17 |
zooko | It opens a pop-up window saying nothing but "???". :-) | 15:17 |
leszek | zooko: did you tried starting it from terminal to see any helpful error message yet ? | 15:19 |
zooko | leszek: how do I do that? | 15:19 |
zooko | I tried running: | 15:19 |
zooko | sudo /usr/bin/ubiquity-dm vt7 :0 ubuntu /usr/bin/ubiquity --only | 15:19 |
zooko | but that did nothing visible. | 15:19 |
leszek | running ubiquity from terminal | 15:19 |
* zooko tries just "ubiquity" | 15:20 | |
zooko | Oh, I see. :-) | 15:20 |
zooko | Haha. I'm too smart for my own good. | 15:20 |
leszek | why do you want to install the displaymanager ubiquity session ? If its an error in the installer then just execute it | 15:20 |
zooko | Okay, now there are no error messages on stdout or stderr from the "ubiquity" command, but I have the "??? ???" dialog box. | 15:20 |
leszek | ubiquity-dm is just a displaymanager wrapper script which executes ubiquity in a minimal openbox environment as far as I know | 15:20 |
xnox | leszek: ubiquity-dm runs _just ubiquity_ without loading up a full blown desktop. (the difference is huge e.g. on ubuntu/gnome flavours, much less on openbox though) | 15:21 |
zooko | Okay, so is there anything else I can try to diagnose this? | 15:22 |
zooko | I ran "ubiquity" from the command-line, and got the same failure: a dialog box saying "??? ???". | 15:23 |
zooko | There are no new lines added to /var/log/syslog. | 15:23 |
zooko | Can I turn on debugging verbose output when invoking "ubiquity" ? | 15:24 |
xnox | zooko: check /var/log/installer/debug | 15:24 |
zooko | Good news! There is a "--debug" flag. | 15:24 |
zooko | xnox: thanks. | 15:25 |
xnox | zooko: there are also other files in /var/log/installer (dm debug log and parman partitioning file) | 15:25 |
zooko | Bummer: no data is written to those files! | 15:27 |
zooko | Oh, no there is something wrong with my "tail" command. | 15:28 |
zooko | what the heck. | 15:28 |
zooko | Why doesn't tail -F /var/log/installer/debug show me the newly added data? | 15:28 |
zooko | Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar" | 15:31 |
leszek | zooko: maybe it is loging to /var/log/messages | 15:31 |
zooko | (ubiquity:21129): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_radio_button_set_group: assertion '!g_slist_find (group, radio_button)' failed | 15:31 |
zooko | that line is then repeated a second time. | 15:32 |
zooko | Is that the error? | 15:32 |
zooko | Hm, there are also some scary-sounding error messages in /var/log/syslog. | 15:32 |
zooko | Let's see... | 15:32 |
zooko | a backtrace from ped_assert inside libparted.so.3. | 15:33 |
zooko | Sounds like a likely culprit. | 15:33 |
zooko | So I guess that something about my partition table causes libparted.so to assert-fail! | 15:33 |
zooko | Oh, it says fat_open in that stack rtace. | 15:33 |
zooko | There is no FAT fs attached. | 15:33 |
zooko | Oh, yes there is, the EFI System Partition. | 15:34 |
zooko | fat32 | 15:34 |
zooko | Okay, well I have to stop this and do other work today. | 15:34 |
zooko | I would like to help get this fixed, if possible. | 15:34 |
zooko | Let me know how I can help. | 15:34 |
leszek | zooko: I would suggest the #ubuntu-devel channel for this as it is not lubuntu specific but a general ubuntu / ubiquity thing | 15:35 |
xnox | leszek: zooko: installer bugs go to #ubuntu-installer | 15:36 |
xnox | leszek: zooko: not ubuntu-devel. | 15:36 |
xnox | zooko: Gtk-CRITICAL are normal gtk things it says.... you can see those pretty much from any gtk app one runs. | 15:36 |
zooko | xnox: ok. | 15:37 |
d_jgro | I just upgraded Lubuntu to 13.04, and the screen changed to what appears to be 16 bit graphics. Any way to revert this? | 17:16 |
d_jgro | I just upgraded Lubuntu to 13.04, and the screen changed to what appears to be 16 bit graphics. Any way to revert this? | 17:52 |
Unit193 | d_jgro: Old intel graphics? | 18:03 |
d_jgro | Unit193: yeah | 18:07 |
Unit193 | d_jgro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1173649/comments/51 | 18:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1173649 in xf86-video-intel "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Low,Fix released] | 18:08 |
Unit193 | Also, you may want to upgrade, 13.04 went EOL. | 18:08 |
d_jgro | 13.04 is the latest... | 18:09 |
wxl | no 13.10 is the latest d_jgro | 18:09 |
wxl | and 14.04 is set to come out in one day | 18:09 |
Unit193 | Right, and 14.04 will be an LTS if you don't like to upgrade. | 18:10 |
wxl | 13.04 is indeed EOL (read: insecure) | 18:10 |
Unit193 | !13.04 | 18:10 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring | 18:10 |
* wxl wonders | 18:11 | |
wxl | !13.10 | 18:11 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes | 18:11 |
wxl | ah it doesn't say when support ends | 18:11 |
Unit193 | Quantal has 4 more days, saucy 94. | 18:11 |
d_jgro | Anyway, thanks for the help :-) | 18:14 |
chulis | is possible to change my nick colour in xchat.gnome? | 20:19 |
wxl | !lts | 20:28 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) | 20:28 |
Meerkat | hm. a bit outdated. :p | 20:54 |
wxl | are we still doing 3/5 years? | 21:06 |
Unit193 | wxl: Servers, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu get 5, rest go for 3. | 21:11 |
wxl | interesting. | 21:12 |
Silverlion | are you guys talking LTSs`? | 21:14 |
wxl | yep | 21:15 |
gQuigs | hi there. .I just wanted to confirm if lubuntu will be supported for 3 or 5 years | 22:01 |
gQuigs | ahh | 22:01 |
gQuigs | Lubuntu 14.04! | 22:01 |
ianorlin | 3 | 22:10 |
gQuigs | ianorlin: so this page is wrong? and I should contact omgubuntu to let them know they are wrong too | 22:13 |
gQuigs | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu#Lubuntu_14.04_LTS | 22:13 |
gQuigs | is it written somewhere official that people can check? | 22:14 |
ianorlin | http://www.tuxarena.com/2014/04/one-week-until-lubuntu-14-04-lightweight-lts-tidy-overview-with-screenshots/ this is one with correct | 22:26 |
micky | hello? | 22:48 |
micky | anyone here? | 22:49 |
wxl | !ask | micky | 22:49 |
ubottu | micky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 22:49 |
micky | cool | 22:50 |
micky | My question is when exactly the 14.04 Lubuntu LTS will come out (not the beta). | 22:51 |
wxl | the 17th | 22:51 |
wxl | !14.04 | 22:51 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu. See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 22:51 |
micky | So it is safe to say that Lubuntu will be out the same day as Ubuntu? | 22:52 |
wxl | yep | 22:52 |
micky | ok | 22:52 |
wxl | that is always the plan | 22:52 |
micky | Something else: The spyware / privacy issues Stallman talked about with respect to Ubuntu (search inquireis going to a canonical server and the amazon targeted ads). Is there any such stuff in Lubuntu? | 22:53 |
wxl | nope | 22:54 |
wxl | and bdesides, everything is configurable | 22:55 |
wxl | it's not windows. | 22:55 |
wxl | stallman is just a grumpy old toe cheese eater :) | 22:55 |
micky | I think most of his arguments are sound.... .) | 22:57 |
micky | Minor question: Is all the Lubuntu developement done through voluntary contribution (no one paid)? And who does most of the Linux kernel developement? Volunteer or Red Hat and other such companies? | 22:57 |
micky | *Volunteers | 22:57 |
wxl | there are paid developers at canonical | 22:57 |
wxl | all of the ubuntu derivatives use some of that development | 22:57 |
wxl | the rest is voluntary | 22:58 |
wxl | as for the kernel, that's a darn good question but it's a heck of a lot of people :) | 22:58 |
micky | :) okidoy | 22:58 |
micky | okidok | 22:58 |
micky | I am beginning to use linux but I think I will not go back to windows. Also the support is much greater that with Windows! | 23:00 |
wxl | indeed | 23:00 |
wxl | and it's not virusbait | 23:00 |
micky | that was the initial reason | 23:01 |
micky | have you tried out other distros than lubuntu? | 23:02 |
wxl | certainly | 23:02 |
micky | Ok. Thanks! Got to go to bed... n8 | 23:04 |
ianorlin | wiating on people in IRC is greater than being on hold on the phone | 23:06 |
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