
macosvaksha: ok. here: i have no interest in the project, but i think you're misreading what other people write18:04
macosvaksha: it looked to me like on the mailing list lyz was saying that if changing to allow postings from non-subscribers and then moderate them all was going to be add a significant burden, then the current moderators should not feel like they're stuck having more work piled on them and should feel free to speak up and say "we'll need more help in that case"18:07
svakshamaco: and I have addressed them here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2014-April/004046.html and subsequent emails. Besides, Jamfish has also said that spam is a problem hence people interested in UW should not be offended if asked to subscribe to a mailing list and if they find it difficult to do that I have offered to help them out and even whitelist them. However, this feedback18:25
svakshaand help offered by the admins is being ignored by the US leaders and in light of one the UW leader (Cherie) email regarding list control, it comes across as a power struggle. That saddens me because unlike you, I have an interest in the project I founded and personally as a foss contributer and a woman, I know how hard it is to keep oneself motivated and continue contributing. Today we lost 618:25
svakshawomen who unsubscribed from the mailing list and a list admin is blaming herself for this whole fiasco. That is so sad adn I cannot understand why the leadership is not worried about these actual women who have been demoralised (me included).18:25
svakshaAnd now if you will excuse me I'd like to retire for the night. NN18:26
Cheri703I will state that I find it to be a fascinating reading of my email to assume it means this is now a power struggle. I merely asked a question, as in all other groups that I have a knowledge of the inner workings, *all* team resources pass to the leadership, which they can then delegate out, but ownership remains with the team, not with individuals. So I was wondering why that was not the case here. I am not saying that *must* happen18:57
Cheri703, I merely asked a question and then had massive assumptions made about my motivations.18:57
IdleOneevery year or so there is a discussion that leads to the inevitable "power struggle" argument.19:08
IdleOneI personally believe that team leadership (whoever that might be) should own/control whatever resources that team uses.19:09
IdleOneI haven't experienced any issues with the UW list and I have no comments or complaints about the list admins. I just think that the elected leaders should be able to allow a moderated email to the list without having to ask someone else to do it.19:13

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