Guest30661 | will check screensaver settings. also used to have screen saver issue. but screenlocker 14.04 fixed that issue | 00:00 |
skribblezatcha | well thats cool. yeah if you use the screenlocker, then that means when it goes to sleep the screen locks too. | 00:01 |
skribblezatcha | so it kinda defeats the purpose if you want to tap a mouse and be back to where you were and still be connected to the net. | 00:02 |
skribblezatcha | i usually shut off the screen locker as well..but thats me. | 00:02 |
Guest30661 | i just want to be able to hibernate. it works with terminal only it seems | 00:05 |
skribblezatcha | i see, thats odd. | 00:10 |
skribblezatcha | well go ahead and turn off those things and see if that works for you Guest30661. you can also check out the screen locker too. | 00:10 |
skribblezatcha | see what works for you man. | 00:11 |
Guest30661 | well. i have everything disabled. so i dont get lock screens,screensavers etc | 00:12 |
skribblezatcha | ok and you went and set everything to hibernate and all of that? | 00:14 |
Guest30661 | I just want to be able to set hibernation manually | 00:17 |
Guest30661 | Like. it's not in my action button section. when i put it in.. it's shaded out | 00:18 |
Guest30661 | suspend is in it. but that always seems to cause problems. it's not a huge deal. I have an SSD and reboot shutdown takes seconds | 00:18 |
Guest30661 | when i used to use gnome 3. when i pressed my power button it would hibernate | 00:19 |
skribblezatcha | o ok, i see what you mean. you dont need it to hibernate once you arent typing for a while? you want the power button to cause it to do that. | 00:20 |
skribblezatcha | yeah i cant do that either. i havent been able to do that in a long time. lol | 00:20 |
Guest30661 | yeah scribblez | 00:21 |
Guest30661 | i did this one command with gedit. that is mean tto make it work. but no outcome at all with it | 00:21 |
skribblezatcha | yeah, i dont know about that one. thats all you messing around playing with settings, or trying to find a script that can get you that function. | 00:22 |
skribblezatcha | right right..i feel you. | 00:22 |
skribblezatcha | brb man. | 00:22 |
skribblezatcha | ok back..thanks. | 00:28 |
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xubuntu990 | hello. i have a problem. after installing xubuntu (or other linux) when i reboot my computer i see a screen in which i can get to bios a then black screen appears. if i want to get to system i must do ctrl alt delete, esc, ctrl-f1 then write sudo lghtm stop/start and them ctrl-f7. can you help me? asus eee 1201ha | 06:16 |
xubuntu990 | and i must do lghtm start/stop because bottom half of my screen is black | 06:18 |
Mosconi | ma che oooooooh | 07:45 |
Mosconi | ma è possibile?!? | 07:45 |
`Fibz | ? | 07:54 |
mapp | ? | 07:54 |
`Fibz | delayed reaction | 07:54 |
freeman__ | hi guys how I can optimize my prop. nvidia driver on Lenovo T510 that I can control the brightness level? It does not work here in Xubuntu when I try to change the brightness | 08:07 |
xubuntu403 | What is the downside of Xubuntu 12.04 LTS compared to ubuntu 12.04 LTS? | 08:38 |
junka | what do u mean xubuntu403 | 08:39 |
`Fibz | it's not as "pretty"? | 08:41 |
xubuntu403 | I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and find there are some unsolved problems with older machines. Xubuntu seems to not have these problems. I would like opinions about the relative merits of both systems, especially the downside so I will know what to expect, at least as an over-view before I decide on Xubuntu. | 08:43 |
junka | well in 3 days the next LTS is going to be released. You can wait and test them out too | 08:44 |
xubuntu403 | I am concerned with function, not looks. | 08:44 |
xubuntu403 | I intend to stay with 12.04 until it expires. This will allow the bugs to be fixed in the next LTS. | 08:45 |
junka | xubuntu403, i dont see any downside. The only real difference is the DE and some default packages | 08:50 |
mimoid | Xfce 4.10 Has been the DE for the last three versions. It doesn't look like anything new is coming out of Xfce. Where is a rundown on the upcoming release? I can't find a page with real answers. | 08:52 |
mimoid | I guess a new kernel, keeping in-line with ubuntu upstream. | 08:53 |
junka | mimoid, xubuntu 14.04 will ship with 4.11 | 08:54 |
junka | unfortunately there is not eta for 4.12 other than 'when it's ready' | 08:54 |
mimoid | I don't see anything on about 4.11 | 08:55 |
mimoid | it is nonexistent as far as i can see | 08:55 |
mimoid | Link? | 08:55 |
junka | mimoid, | 08:57 |
junka | 4.11 is not an official release that's why it;s not on | 08:57 |
mimoid | where can I learn about 4.11 by itself | 08:58 |
mimoid | the components, etc | 08:59 |
junka | mimoid, | 09:00 |
mimoid | whatever, as long as it keeps up with new stuff thrown at desktop linux like, say, systemd or whatnot | 09:01 |
mimoid | xubuntu doesn't change anything that is going on here, right? | 09:02 |
mimoid | of course not | 09:04 |
junka | xubuntu has also patched heartbleed bug | 09:04 |
mimoid | why would i ask that | 09:04 |
junka | xubuntu uses ubuntu as core | 09:05 |
mimoid | It is good to know that a malicious https server wont peek at my memory | 09:06 |
mimoid | But a 6GB install... hmmm... I'm going to have to think on how to ration my 240GB drive between windows 7 and this | 09:07 |
kajair | hey there. how can you play both tuxguitar in one jack and a mp3 in an input jack and mix of them in an soundcard? | 11:52 |
kajair | *sry | 11:53 |
kajair | tuxguitar (out) + guitar(in jack) + mp3 (background) | 11:54 |
kajair | whole output mix in another soundcard | 11:54 |
Foggalong | Anybody know of a workspace overview that works with XFCE? | 12:43 |
knome | Foggalong, there's a workspace switcher panel applet | 12:44 |
Foggalong | knome: yeah, I mean something a little more fancy | 12:44 |
knome | Foggalong, middle-clicking the desktop (by default) also shows the applications for workspaces | 12:45 |
knome | other than that, i don't think so | 12:45 |
Foggalong | knome: not GNOME or Unity style fancy but something more than a pannel | 12:45 |
Foggalong | knone: well that's cool! Not sure how I hadn't noticed that | 12:45 |
alex72gr | hello everybody | 12:46 |
alex72gr | I've installed xubuntu 12.04 64 bit on my PC | 12:47 |
alex72gr | my display card has an HDMI output with audio (which works perfectly on windows) | 12:48 |
alex72gr | xubuntu recognizes this output, but... although the sound settings window shows an indicator bar for HDMI audio output... I have NO sound... | 12:49 |
alex72gr | does anybody know what happens? | 12:49 |
limey | good morning! | 13:11 |
limey | I have a question. I connect via vpn to a provider, whenever I download torrents | 13:12 |
limey | I don't know why, but under xubuntu, they never start | 13:13 |
limey | if I kill the vpn, they work | 13:13 |
limey | anyone ever come across this? In windows they just work. why would the vpn have a problem with linux? | 13:14 |
watermark | As an FYI, doesn't redirect properly, but does. | 13:49 |
knome | watermark, will send a RT ticket about that, thanks for noticing | 13:52 |
watermark | knome, np | 13:52 |
knome | done, now pending on canonical IS | 13:53 |
Foggalong | 14.04, I've got two clocks in my pannel | 14:17 |
Foggalong | What's the deal? | 14:17 |
elfy | Foggalong: the deal is the fix hasn't landed yet | 14:32 |
Foggalong | elfy: ah, thanks for the update | 14:32 |
Meerkat | Foggalong, I only have 1 clock on 14.04. I upgraded from 13.10, did you do a fresh install? | 14:38 |
Foggalong | Yeah, fresh install | 14:39 |
Foggalong | Meerkat: Upgrade completely tanked when I tried | 14:40 |
Foggalong | Hey jono | 15:05 |
NRDisciple | finally running live cd on this old computer sigh, still can't get sound to work, just wait for 14.04? | 15:21 |
NRDisciple | or try out beta 2 | 15:21 |
NRDisciple | the user of the computer is someone that once she sets everything up, doesn't like to change things | 15:22 |
knome | NRDisciple, sounds is hardly just starting to work on the final image... what's the issue? | 15:22 |
amigamagic | you can try last daily development version but I don't think new releases support older hardware... | 15:22 |
NRDisciple | =/ | 15:22 |
NRDisciple | no sound coming from the speakers | 15:23 |
NRDisciple | running an audigy2 value | 15:23 |
NRDisciple | yes old hardware :P | 15:23 |
knome | NRDisciple, what release are you running from the live CD? | 15:23 |
amigamagic | you have to check what sound chipset you have and then search on the web for linux drivers | 15:23 |
knome | i have an audigy2 card as well, it has worked for me since 12.04 | 15:23 |
elfy | NRDisciple: I have an old audigy too | 15:24 |
NRDisciple | on another distro, i just ticked audigy analog/digital in GNOME Alsamixer and it worked | 15:24 |
Meerkat | are the speakers connected properly? Can you verify with another OS? | 15:24 |
NRDisciple | yes | 15:24 |
NRDisciple | they were working on ZorinOS | 15:24 |
amigamagic | if it works in 12.04 it's strange it doesn't work on 13.x or 14.x releases | 15:24 |
NRDisciple | so i know the speakers work | 15:24 |
NRDisciple | first time user of Xubuntu | 15:25 |
NRDisciple | i'm running the 13.10 live cd | 15:25 |
amigamagic | NRDisciple, sometimes the live cd doesn't have all the drivers and maybe with a full install it downloads the missing drivers from the web | 15:25 |
Meerkat | have you tried playing a youtube video? | 15:26 |
NRDisciple | yes meerkat | 15:26 |
knome | NRDisciple, did you try changing the output from pavucontrol? | 15:26 |
NRDisciple | lol someone told me not to do a full install and see if the livecd would have audio | 15:26 |
NRDisciple | but i have it installed | 15:26 |
NRDisciple | just testing out the cd | 15:26 |
NRDisciple | and pavucontrol is fine | 15:27 |
NRDisciple | shows the audigy card | 15:27 |
Meerkat | NRDisciple, click the speaker icon in the panel (where the clock and menu button is) and click 'sound settings'. Is Volume Control up with the Output Devices tab? | 15:27 |
NRDisciple | clicking the speaker up top in the taskbard doesn't do anything | 15:28 |
elfy | NRDisciple: checked it's set as analog in alsamixer | 15:28 |
elfy | ? | 15:28 |
NRDisciple | speaker with - - - after it | 15:29 |
Meerkat | NRDisciple, then entering pavucontrol in a terminal emulator would bring that up. | 15:29 |
NRDisciple | yes i went to pavucontrol | 15:29 |
NRDisciple | now in alsamixer from terminal | 15:29 |
Meerkat | how many devices do you have in the Output Devices tab? | 15:30 |
NRDisciple | how do i set it as analog? | 15:30 |
NRDisciple | default is just - | 15:30 |
NRDisciple | device 0 is Audigy | 15:30 |
NRDisciple | i set it for device 0 | 15:30 |
NRDisciple | Audigy Analog/Digital output Jack is 00 | 15:31 |
NRDisciple | with no ability to alter volume | 15:31 |
elfy | NRDisciple: press M | 15:31 |
NRDisciple | master volume is 100 | 15:31 |
NRDisciple | i did, it changes to MM | 15:31 |
elfy | when on that channel 00 is digital | 15:31 |
NRDisciple | when i hit M again, it goes back to 00 | 15:31 |
NRDisciple | ah | 15:32 |
elfy | leave it at MM :) | 15:32 |
NRDisciple | ok | 15:32 |
elfy | now you can deal with the volumes and check that pavucontrol is actually set to use it :) | 15:32 |
NRDisciple | on analog output/no amplifier | 15:33 |
NRDisciple | nothing =/ | 15:33 |
NRDisciple | i installed GNOME alsamixer too, no dice | 15:33 |
elfy | start playing something - then go to the playback tab | 15:33 |
elfy | you can set the desired output there | 15:34 |
NRDisciple | alsa playback shows a moving bar | 15:34 |
NRDisciple | but no sound | 15:34 |
NRDisciple | as with the output tab | 15:35 |
NRDisciple | i'd rather just chuck this computer into the garbage :P but we dont have money to upgrade and i dont want to keep it on XP | 15:36 |
NRDisciple | it's 50x more stable running on xubuntu =/ just need it to have sound | 15:36 |
elfy | just double check that aplay -l in a terminal shows the card(s) | 15:36 |
NRDisciple | i should just back out and load up the installed OS and try this | 15:37 |
NRDisciple | ok lemme check | 15:37 |
elfy |,AsexNhH | 15:37 |
NRDisciple | yup it sees it | 15:37 |
elfy | is how I'm set up here | 15:38 |
elfy | and I've got an audigy 1 ;) | 15:38 |
NRDisciple | all i have is sSB0400 Audigy 2 Value ANalog Stereo | 15:38 |
NRDisciple | excuse the little s | 15:38 |
NRDisciple | lol | 15:38 |
NRDisciple | there is a realtek onboard audio chip as well.... | 15:38 |
NRDisciple | but I couldn't even get sound to work with it on xp | 15:39 |
NRDisciple | so i just disabled it | 15:39 |
elfy | yep | 15:39 |
elfy | other than checking the various outputs on pavucontrol and making sure it's all on - I've no more help | 15:39 |
NRDisciple | =/ | 15:39 |
NRDisciple | wonder what in ZorinOS allowed the sound to come | 15:39 |
NRDisciple | strange =/ | 15:40 |
elfy | though I did once spend 30 minutes fiddling with no sound then plugged the cable in | 15:40 |
NRDisciple | lol | 15:40 |
NRDisciple | it's plugged in :P | 15:40 |
NRDisciple | just double checked | 15:41 |
NRDisciple | ok gonna log into the installed OS | 15:41 |
NRDisciple | bbiab | 15:41 |
elfy | then I would guess it is something simple | 15:41 |
amigamagic | sometimes one plug the cable in the input jack instead of the output jack. I did that too. :P | 15:42 |
NRDisciple | no difference :( | 15:44 |
amigamagic | with the live of ubuntu 12.04 it works? | 15:45 |
NRDisciple | naw still on 13.10 but now on the installed OS | 15:45 |
elfy | check alsamixer again and then play something and then work with pavucontrol | 15:46 |
NRDisciple | only have one more DVD to burn... should i try the 12.04LTS? | 15:46 |
elfy | just work with what you've got :) | 15:47 |
NRDisciple | hate to install it and have 14.04 come out hehehe | 15:47 |
Meerkat | NRDisciple, how many devices was listed in the pavucontrol outputs list? | 15:47 |
NRDisciple | well i heard that | 15:47 |
NRDisciple | the beep from the IRC | 15:47 |
NRDisciple | just not the youtube video | 15:47 |
NRDisciple | nvm it was muted | 15:48 |
NRDisciple | sound works! | 15:48 |
NRDisciple | strange | 15:48 |
NRDisciple | i'm not complaining hehe | 15:48 |
NRDisciple | thanks guys | 15:49 |
amigamagic | NRDisciple, you can use an usb pendrive to install linux | 15:49 |
amigamagic | in this way you don't have to burn hundreds of dvd | 15:49 |
NRDisciple | would have to install that thing that allows USB booting for mobos that do not support it | 15:50 |
NRDisciple | anyways hoping that all works well whenthe LTS comes out | 15:50 |
amigamagic | it needs a motherboard that supports boot from usb | 15:50 |
amigamagic | if your mb is too old, maybe this is not possible | 15:50 |
amigamagic | you have to check in the bios | 15:51 |
Meerkat | I can send you 600 floppies | 15:51 |
SonikkuAmerica | I'm not seeing the update notifications in the notification area, but I have update-notifier-common installed. What do I do? | 15:51 |
amigamagic | I don't think 600 floppies are sufficient for an actual iso live | 15:52 |
NRDisciple | there is a progam to isntall to the MBR that allows you to boot from USB | 15:52 |
bekks | Which is called "boot loader" ;) | 15:52 |
knome | NRDisciple, amigamagic: | 15:52 |
amigamagic | knome, that's cool! | 15:53 |
NRDisciple | ah | 15:56 |
NRDisciple | PLoP | 15:56 |
NRDisciple | that's what it's called | 15:56 |
NRDisciple | anyways the mother is not going to enjoy redoing everything when 14.04 comes out :P thanks for the help | 15:57 |
SonikkuAmerica | Pity my impatience, but: I'm not seeing the update notifications in the notification area, but I have update-notifier-common installed. What do I do? | 15:59 |
SonikkuAmerica | (And update-notifier for that matter) | 16:00 |
amigamagic | have you checked in the options that the update check is done every day? | 16:00 |
iwsh | Hy, guys! | 16:04 |
junka | hey | 16:05 |
iwsh | Um, I'll be short. I have Xubuntu 12.04.4 and I can't set a wallpaper with ristretto. I could in 13.10 (but my Intel video driver is working better here for some reason) | 16:06 |
iwsh | Plus, I have xfce 4.12 | 16:06 |
iwsh | So, has anyone encountered this problem before? | 16:07 |
amigamagic | wow, xfce 4.12 | 16:07 |
iwsh | Uhm, xfce 4.10 and 4.12 ppa connected : ) | 16:07 |
amigamagic | 4.12 is so better than 4.11 ? | 16:08 |
bekks | It is more recent. | 16:08 |
iwsh | 4.11 ? oO | 16:08 |
iwsh | I have never heard of that : D | 16:08 |
Foggalong | Wait there's a 4.12 ppa?! | 16:08 |
amigamagic | xubuntu 14.04 ships with xfce 4.11 | 16:08 |
iwsh | | 16:08 |
junka | it's development | 16:09 |
iwsh | Yep | 16:09 |
iwsh | However, ristretto isn't there oO | 16:09 |
iwsh | Can't remember, if I tried switching wallpapers withouth xfce 4.12 | 16:09 |
iwsh | 4.08 is quite old for me oO (even though, it was the first I used) | 16:10 |
iwsh | I haven't tried 14.04. I tried 12.10, because it was released on my birthday (it was good). I tried 13.04 (for an hour : D ), but I had instant kernel panics during login (something related to my broadcom wlan card). And then I used 13.10. Which was also good, but my brightness controls were more wrecked, than before, and some wine games wouldn't recognize my video card :$ . | 16:14 |
iwsh | Guess, I'll just test 12.04 in a VirtualBox | 16:14 |
iwsh | Withouth xfce4.12 | 16:14 |
Foggalong | Is there a disadvantage to using 4.12? | 16:15 |
iwsh | No disadvantages, I'm just trying to comprehend, why ristretto won't set a wallpaper for me : ) | 16:17 |
iwsh | Like it did in 13.10 | 16:17 |
Foggalong | amigamagic: are you sure? | 16:17 |
iwsh | Maybe something related to xfdesktop package or I don't know. | 16:17 |
Foggalong | I'm running 14.04 right now and it's still 4.10 | 16:17 |
iwsh | It surely did in 13.10 : ) | 16:17 |
iwsh | WEll, I must admit, i'm misusing it | 16:18 |
iwsh | I just have the | 16:18 |
iwsh | connected | 16:18 |
iwsh | There are just some packages | 16:18 |
iwsh | And the version is actually 4.11 | 16:18 |
iwsh | So, there are misusing it too : ) | 16:18 |
iwsh | they are* | 16:19 |
iwsh | (what a mess of numbers) | 16:19 |
Foggalong | I'm confused now | 16:20 |
iwsh | So. Again. I have Xubuntu 12.04.04, with xfce4.10 and xfce4.12 ppas connected. And xfce4.12 ppa actually contains several 4.11 packages. | 16:20 |
iwsh | Not 4.12 as the name suggests oO | 16:20 |
Foggalong | So if you wanted 4.12 how do you get it?! | 16:21 |
elfy | can we take this conversation to #xubuntu-offtopic please :) | 16:21 |
iwsh | If so, than back to my problem. I can't set a wallpaper with ristretto. And the desktop settings window doesn't have a '+' sign to add some either | 16:22 |
SonikkuAmerica | amigamagic: Sorry, was playing Minecraft. I should check, probably | 16:22 |
Foggalong | elfy: isn't the Xubuntu Topic that 13.10 was released? | 16:23 |
SonikkuAmerica | amigamagic: The thing reads "Daily" | 16:23 |
Foggalong | Oh, and support | 16:23 |
Foggalong | Which is what this seems to be | 16:23 |
elfy | this is support for released version - but not PPAs | 16:24 |
elfy | and 14.04 is released Thursday ;) | 16:24 |
amigamagic | SonikkuAmerica, so it should work | 16:24 |
Foggalong | elfy: surely this dicussion isn't harming anything? | 16:25 |
Foggalong | elfy: or I could just rephrase the question | 16:25 |
iwsh | Okay oO . I actually found out, that my problem is indeed related to using these ppas. I'll try disconnecting 4.12, see if it works for me. | 16:25 |
iwsh | Thanks for Help! : ) | 16:25 |
Foggalong | I'm currently running 13.10 and I want 4.12 - will it be in 14.04 or is there a ppa I can add to get it? | 16:26 |
Foggalong | ;) | 16:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | amigamagic: Well it doesn't/ | 16:26 |
iwsh | exist* | 16:26 |
iwsh | : D | 16:26 |
knome | Foggalong, 4.12 hasn't been released. no, there most probably won't be a PPA for 4.12 for 13.10. | 16:26 |
iwsh | I confused everyone oO . | 16:27 |
Foggalong | knome: thanks :) | 16:27 |
Foggalong | knome: so it's going to be 4.10 in 14.10? | 16:27 |
knome | Foggalong, whatever is in there now will be pretty much what it will have | 16:27 |
knome | no sense to backport stuff to a release that's supported for 9 months... | 16:27 |
knome | wait, | 16:28 |
knome | 14.10? depends if 4.12 is ready in time | 16:28 |
Foggalong | Oops | 16:31 |
Foggalong | I did mean 14.04 :P | 16:31 |
knome | 14.04 will have 4.10 and some 4.11 components | 16:31 |
Foggalong | knome: thanks | 16:32 |
Foggalong | It just seems to be a fair bit different from 13.10 | 16:33 |
Foggalong | I...I..MEAN SUPPOSEDLY | 16:33 |
knome | yes... we are finally landing last of the stuff that has been prepared in the last two years | 16:33 |
Foggalong | knome: cool! | 16:35 |
Foggalong | knome: well other than the panel everything is working brilliantly so far | 16:35 |
Foggalong | ...supposedly) | 16:36 |
iwsh | ... I ppa-purged 4.11 and I can now set wallpapers with ristretto oO . So here's my questions regarind non-ppa-ed Xubuntus. Does Xubuntu 13.10 contain onlu 4.10 packages? | 16:37 |
iwsh | regarding* | 16:37 |
iwsh | only* | 16:37 |
iwsh | question* | 16:38 |
Foggalong | The new messaging indicator is pretty cool | 16:42 |
sleezio | hello, i'm trying to open a file in google earth over my network, but i don't see any network connections to choose from, i only see my harddrive | 17:02 |
sleezio | i'm mapped to the network in question in thunar | 17:02 |
sleezio | even in add > network link, when i click browse, i only see my harddrive | 17:04 |
sleezio | any ideas whats going on with this? | 17:04 |
junka | Foggalong, what messaging indicator? :D | 17:13 |
Foggalong | sc | 17:14 |
Foggalong | Hold on :) | 17:14 |
Foggalong | junka: | 17:16 |
junka | awesome | 17:18 |
junka | it was not present in beta version | 17:18 |
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube | ||
junka | Foggalong, what artwork do u have | 17:21 |
Foggalong | junka: | 17:21 |
junka | thanks | 17:22 |
Foggalong | junka: you're we;lcome | 17:36 |
Ilezzo | Hi! sorry for my bad english! =D | 17:49 |
Ilezzo | I'm currently installing Xubuntu 13.10 | 17:50 |
Ilezzo | =) | 17:50 |
RFleming | Ilezzo, what is your native language? | 17:52 |
serg_ | hi all. I have a problem. But may be it normally. On my pc installed xbuntu 13.10. By default system using Pulse audio server. Problem with skype. When i logon to my profile, skype starting automatically. When it starts, it haven't sound, bat when i restart it manually sound is work. | 18:09 |
serg_ | *but | 18:10 |
GridCube | serg_, open the skype that you launch automatically and go see if in pavucontrol the output device for it is the one you want to use | 18:24 |
TheSheep | also, you migth want to place it after pulseaudio in the autostart list | 18:26 |
serg_ | you right. it paced before pulse audio in my session. Thank you | 18:26 |
guest2152352 | Quick question if anybody knows: is there any way to upgrade from LTS to 'regular' release without re-installing? It's sort of silly but I don't have a blank DVD or a USB stick handy. | 18:32 |
knome | guest2152352, you can upgrade LTS to a regular release. | 18:32 |
guest2152352 | How? | 18:33 |
knome | guest2152352, in "software and upgrades", check the "updates" tab and change "notify me of a new ubuntu version" to "for any new version" | 18:34 |
knome | guest2152352, then run update-manager | 18:34 |
knome | guest2152352, if you are on 12.04 though, you might want to wait for a few days and upgrade to 14.04 directly though | 18:34 |
guest2152352 | Hmm, you know I saw some kind of guide (I think in the docs?) about that. There is no 'Software and Upgrades' in my system settings. There is an 'Update Manager' program that alerts me to updates, but I don't think there was a setting like that in the program. It just scans for updates to all my software. | 18:39 |
knome | guest2152352, are you on 12.04? | 18:39 |
guest2152352 | Yes | 18:39 |
knome | guest2152352, is there a specific reason you want to upgrade to 12.10? | 18:40 |
=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic | ||
guest2152352 | knome: Not particularly, I just have no practical reason to be on the LTS line. | 18:42 |
knome | guest2152352, 14.04, the next LTS, is released on thursday | 18:43 |
knome | guest2152352, you will be able to upgrade directly to it | 18:43 |
knome | guest2152352, otherwise, you will have to run several upgrades to get to 14.04 | 18:44 |
knome | guest2152352, so i would wait until thursday before upgrading | 18:44 |
guest2152352 | Oh? Good to know. I'll wait on that, then. Thanks. | 18:44 |
knome | no problem | 18:45 |
guest2152352 | Nice timing, I guess, hehe. | 18:45 |
knome | if it's not a production machine, and you have backups, and want to help xubuntu, you can upgrade it now and report the test results as well... :) | 18:45 |
guest2152352 | I originally installed it as an alternate boot option for very infrequent cases when I needed to check some code on linux. | 18:45 |
guest2152352 | Hah. Happy to do that, actually. | 18:45 |
knome | guest2152352, ok, then join us at #xubuntu-devel | 18:45 |
guest2152352 | I have just got a new computer, so this one with xubuntu on it I intend to make entirely linux so I can poke at it more often / use it to test random whims on / etc. without having to switch OS (just intend to remote to it from the new computer). | 18:47 |
delt | "lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions" <--- why am i getting tons of these in my kernel logs? | 19:13 |
kupo_ | what's the ubuntu+1 chan again? | 19:17 |
bekks | kupo_: put a # in front ;) | 19:18 |
kupo_ | thanks | 19:18 |
leinnan | Hi | 19:31 |
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veronica | ciao a tutti | 20:20 |
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Guest83265 | qualcuno puo aiutarmi | 20:21 |
Unit193 | !it | 20:21 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 20:21 |
Guest83265 | grazie a voi | 20:22 |
kupo_ | oh yeah. just upgraded my ram. a whole 7.4 gigs now in use | 20:43 |
Unit193 | Amd64 I'd presume? | 20:44 |
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gQuigs | Hi there.. I was wondering if Xubuntu 14.04 is going to come with 3 or 5 years of support | 21:59 |
knome | three years for xubuntu lts releases | 21:59 |
gQuigs | knome: thanks! | 22:00 |
kupo_ | I thought LTS was always 5 years | 22:17 |
gQuigs | if there is an officially place where it's listed what flavors mean by LTS I'd appreciate it | 22:20 |
gQuigs | kupo_: different flavors can choose to go LTS or not, and I guess decide how long their LTS is | 22:20 |
skribblezatcha | there is an official place where it is listed. its listed right on the xubuntu website gQuigs. | 22:22 |
kupo_ | I see. all is well | 22:22 |
gQuigs | skribblezatcha: I meant *Ubuntu project wide, so I can see who is supporting LTS for how long | 22:23 |
* gQuigs is trying to pick which flavors to bring to an installfest | 22:23 | |
skribblezatcha | o ok, i see gQuigs. i bet that there is such a page if you were to look for it. | 22:25 |
bekks | | 22:26 |
kupo_ | wonder if mint is going for the 17 quick | 22:27 |
knome | gQuigs, | 22:35 |
skribblezatcha | what do you mean kupo_? | 22:36 |
knome | general linux discussion to #xubuntu-offtopic please | 22:37 |
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delt | oops | 22:47 |
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amigamagic | someone knows why thunar is so slow in browsing an smb folder the first time? | 23:31 |
amigamagic | with nautilus when you browse the lan, the smb folders on your local lan are accessible very fast | 23:32 |
juanmontoya | amigamagic: not always, in my case, browsing the lan for windows share is even faster than windows :/ | 23:33 |
amigamagic | so it depends from the ethernet driver? | 23:34 |
juanmontoya | I don't know on what depends... btw the other machine is windows xp, on windows 7, vista, etc... it's impossible | 23:35 |
amigamagic | in my case, when I browse the lan it takes very much time before it goes in the windows shared folders... | 23:36 |
juanmontoya | well I'm just another user and I don't have all the answers. But when I need to access a samba share I type smb://IPADDRESS | 23:38 |
juanmontoya | exactly because it is slow sometimes :/ | 23:38 |
amigamagic | I will try with the direct address... | 23:39 |
amigamagic | mmmh... I don't know if it's a case, but with a direct smb:// it's fast | 23:42 |
amigamagic | I have to try to reboot and see if it access the lan fast again with direct ip addressing | 23:43 |
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