
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ScottKshadeslayer: If it's not on the image we've got tons of time.02:02
apacheloggersometimes I am quite the hero07:36
ovidiu-floringood morning yall07:37
ovidiu-florinone more hour untill demo migration feedback deadline07:37
jussiapachelogger: only sometimes? 07:37
apacheloggerother times I am unable to debug python07:45
yofelovidiu-florin: is the german section going to stay? Because http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/de is completely useless07:47
ovidiu-florinif no one will translate it, then it's useless07:48
ovidiu-florinyofel: ^07:48
ovidiu-florinI've added it as an example07:48
ovidiu-florinand to have more than just 2 languages07:49
yofelthen leave it away. The german community is managed by kubuntu-de.org so you probably won't find anyone that'll bother07:49
apacheloggermerge the german chapter07:50
ovidiu-florinthis project is not meant to impose anything to anyone07:52
ovidiu-florinjust to provide the opportinity to have a better managed community website07:52
ovidiu-florinthat is also multilingual07:52
* ovidiu-florin will be back in ~2 hours07:53
yofelsure, the new website turned out really nice07:53
* apachelogger rages a bit08:12
* valorie passes along a cup of tea to apachelogger08:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: yo, that python string problem appears to be on the qstring->pystr conversion side rather than the pystr->qstring08:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes08:29
shadeslayerbecause the QComboBox shows it appropriately08:29
apacheloggerthe qstring when arriving in qcombobox is correctly encoded as it were08:29
apacheloggerj6 pyqt08:31
apachelogger /home/me/tmp/python-qt4-4.10.4+dfsg/build-2.7/QtGui/sipQtGuipart4.cpp:58495:1: warning: narrowing conversion of ‘(QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature)4294967295u’ from ‘unsigned int’ to ‘int’ inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]08:32
apacheloggerthis also makes me very confident08:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: it does not explain this though https://launchpadlibrarian.net/171287077/ole.png08:35
apacheloggerwhy would one line be encoded correctly and the others not08:35
shadeslayerit does not, yeah08:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: try writing a minimal test case?08:36
apacheloggerwhat would that test case be? Oo08:36
shadeslayerextract romanian string from the po file -> make a QLabel -> display it in a QApplication?08:39
shadeslayeror for that matter, get the label string and print it?08:39
apacheloggerwhat's the point of that?08:39
shadeslayerto check if it's Qt or something else ? :S08:39
shadeslayerthough I can't say what 08:40
shadeslayerthough I can't say what "something else" would be here08:40
apacheloggerthe screenshot shows a line containing the incorrectly decoded characters and a line with the same characters correctly dedcoded08:40
apacheloggerthe line below the buttons where there is a 1, those are the same character as the i without the point in the first label08:40
shadeslayerkde-zeroconf is seeded 08:42
apacheloggernice, one also cannot gammaray it08:43
shadeslayerScottK: kde-zeroconf in unapproved08:44
shadeslayerwould be awesome if we could get it in08:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1182784/comments/2508:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1182784 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Install with German / Swiss Keyboard fails: "ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 141" or "Installer Crashed"" [High,Triaged]08:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: what do I do with it?08:52
shadeslayerthoughts on how to fix it?08:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: sure, talk to xnox08:55
shadeslayerhaven't heard back from him  :)08:55
* shadeslayer downloads ISO to test08:57
=== shadeslayer changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - So Sweet. | Archive: Frozen for Final | Testing for final in progress http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Reports http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Polo Shirts are available again!! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ (Women also)
apacheloggeroh fancy09:00
apacheloggerthe string is already borked when it arrives in the translate function09:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ_fkw5j-t009:05
apacheloggerwhat is this?09:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py#L503 < code drops privs before launching ff09:14
shadeslayerthis is via the dm09:14
apacheloggerTEXT En iyi sonuç için, bilgisayarınızın şunları sağladığına emin olun:09:18
apacheloggerTEXT En iyi sonuç için, bilgisayar1n1z1n _unlar1 salad11na emin olun:09:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: I know why it bricks09:19
apacheloggerqstring->pystr is broken, it only affects some widgets because the initial setText works just fine (as observed with qcombobox)09:19
apacheloggerthe strings that are broken are processed later (after initial setText) to fiddle RELEASE into Kubuntu etc.09:20
apacheloggerto do that text() needs to be used to get the previously set translation, now since text exhibits the qstring->pystr problem it returns a shit string09:20
apacheloggerthe post-processing takes the broken string, does the processing, and then calls setText with the broken string ultimately breaking the actual string in the qwidget09:21
agateaumorning! I have two possible patches for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1038522 a short one, and a larger one which results in a slightly saner infrastructure09:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged]09:23
agateauI assume we want the short one for 14.0409:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254258/ here's your minimal example09:24
apacheloggeragateau: yeah09:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah09:25
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: so, we have fixes for ubiquity (very very very very important) and pam-kwallet (very very very important)09:25
tsimpsonso my habit of wrapping all strings with QString.fromUtf8 is actually a good thing...09:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: proper music for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GGKS3x5XIY&list=RD7GGKS3x5XIY&index=109:28
apacheloggertsimpson: wouldn't actually help here :P09:28
apacheloggerit is however a good habit when you do not know whether a string might be ascii or utf809:28
tsimpsonwell I have the coding: utf-8, and I know my editor is actually using utf-8, so I tend to just make a function that just forwards to QString.fromUtf8(arg) whenever I want a QString09:30
tsimpsonbut that's because I don't trust the QString constructor09:30
Riddellapachelogger: sounds important09:31
Riddellapachelogger: what's the fixes?09:31
shadeslayerthe cellists seem to hold the bow weirdly09:31
shadeslayerok, some of them seem to hold the bow weirdly09:32
apacheloggerRiddell: ubiquity fixes crash when there are too many partitions manually created (too many can be 4), pam-kwallet fixes lightdm crash due to too short mallocs09:32
apacheloggerRiddell: test building the pam stuff right now09:33
shadeslayerRiddell: zeroconf-ioslave was also updated09:34
shadeslayerplz accept that too09:34
Riddellshadeslayer: accepted!  was there not another one still not at 4.13?09:35
shadeslayerii  kdenetwork-filesharing                      4:4.12.97-0ubuntu1                         amd64        network filesharing configuration module09:35
apachelogger  Uploading pam-kwallet_0.0~git20140410-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.09:35
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.09:35
apacheloggerRiddell: ^09:35
apacheloggeragateau: are you coordinating with xnox on landing the ubiquity fix for trusty?09:36
agateauapachelogger: not for now, branch is not yet on LP. Riddell is usually the one landing stuff for me on ubiquity.09:36
shadeslayerRiddell: kdenetwork up as well09:38
Riddellagateau: where's the fix?09:42
agateauRiddell: on my laptop for now09:42
agateauRiddell: need to do a last test, but virtualbox is being a nuisance09:42
Riddelllet me know if I can help09:43
apachelogger  Uploading baloo_4.13.0-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.09:46
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.09:46
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ fixes random xapian exception crashery in krunner09:46
Riddellapachelogger: nice09:50
* Riddell accepts pam-kwallet, baloo and kdenetwork-filesharing09:52
Riddellshadeslayer: argh?09:52
shadeslayerxnox: how do I tell ubiquity-dm to start ubiquity with --debug09:52
shadeslayerI ran it manually with sudo, but I can't reproduce my issue there09:52
shadeslayerRiddell: so 1285705 is somewhat solved :)10:00
Riddellshadeslayer: ooh?10:03
Riddellthat doesn't look very solved10:03
shadeslayerRiddell: well, firefox is the right user10:03
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/pzobnah4310:09
shadeslayercan you try that patch10:09
shadeslayerargh wait10:11
shadeslayerxnox: Riddell http://paste.kde.org/pb7nkpgsb10:26
shadeslayermakes things work10:26
Riddellshadeslayer: sweet!10:29
shadeslayerRiddell: just finishing off installing on VBox10:32
Riddellmorning sgclark 10:35
sgclarkRiddell: good morning 10:35
shadeslayerRiddell: xnox https://code.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/ubiquity/ubiquity/+merge/21583710:35
shadeslayeractually, this one https://code.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/ubiquity/ubiquity/+merge/21583910:41
Riddellshadeslayer: committed!10:42
* Riddell goes to test an upgrade while waiting for agateau's ubiquity fix10:42
shadeslayerRiddell: would have been nice to get a +1 from xnox too10:43
shadeslayerbut ok :)10:43
* apachelogger blinks10:52
shadeslayerfirefox themeing is still shit, though it's the right user10:53
apacheloggerwell, we setup theming in startkde10:54
apacheloggerbut startkde is not excuted10:54
apacheloggerwe don't set it up in startkde?10:54
shadeslayerwe do10:54
shadeslayerI'm asking if it's because of the kde-gtk thingy10:54
apacheloggerI dunno10:54
apacheloggerpyqt 4.10.4 is broken10:56
apacheloggerthat's why the strings are shit10:56
apacheloggerand from what I have seen so far it is because it is itering over chars but never increments the pointer, so it evaluates the same over and over again10:57
apacheloggeralso that appears to have arrived in the .4 update10:57
apacheloggerquite the pointless versioning scheme it appears10:57
apacheloggeralso appears borked in their git snapshot11:00
shadeslayeryeah, copying over gtk files does the trick11:01
* apachelogger is smart without realizing it11:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/dot-gtkrc-2.0-kde4 needs copying to ~/ to get the themeing right11:02
* Riddell had realised apachelogger was smart, does that make me smarter11:03
shadeslayerjust well informed ;)11:03
apacheloggerfun fact about pyqt11:04
apacheloggerto get a change in a cpp file adopted you actually need to rebuild everything11:04
apacheloggerguise, listen11:05
apacheloggerthe python string<-qstring conversion is kaput11:06
apacheloggerpossible courses of action: a) revert to what it was before pyqt 4.10.4 which apparently has some conversion issues with certain encodings b) fix the shitty code (alas, I am not yet sure how) and make all conversions possibly work11:06
apacheloggerI'd argue that a) makes more sense for a hotfix11:07
shadeslayerI'm waiting for a reply from PyQt guys11:12
apacheloggerI am not11:12
shadeslayerif they don't reply by evening, go with a)11:12
apacheloggerunjelss you want to block the release11:12
apacheloggerbecause I am not releasing with an installer that has fucked localization11:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw apart from hard coding /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings in ubiquity , do you know of a better way to copy .gtkrc-2.0 >11:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, you need to hardcode something I reckon11:13
shadeslayerhm okay11:13
apacheloggeri.e. you could extract the copy logic etc from startkde put it in a standalone script, call that from both, but you still need to hardcode the script path11:14
RiddellI just installed on my shiny new SSD hard disk and now the install is too fast to watch the slideshow, is this a release critical bug?11:14
apacheloggeror you put something in bin/11:14
apacheloggerthough that seems inappropriate11:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: please prep an upload http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/python-qt4/trusty/revision/1.8.1#qpy/QtCore/qpycore_qstring.cpp11:17
apacheloggerthe two line removal at 57/58 is what we want instaed of the present ifdef11:18
apacheloggerthe present ifdef comment also explains what the problem with the previous code was ^^11:18
shadeslayerRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/ubiquity/ubiquity/+merge/21584411:19
apacheloggerI do now also have a proper fix I reckon11:19
apacheloggerEn iyi sonuç için, bilgisayarınızın şunları sağladığına emin olun:11:19
apacheloggermuch magic11:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: if you have a proper fix, just upload a patch?11:21
apacheloggernot without review by upstream11:21
shadeslayershow patch?11:22
shadeslayerxnox: https://code.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/ubiquity/ubiquity/+merge/21584411:23
apacheloggerI am working on rather nonexistant understanding of what the code is supposed to do and simply extrapolate what would make sense from the surrounding code11:23
apacheloggeralso it's very shitty code IMO11:24
apacheloggerit loops in a loop, except the inner loop only gets run when a !ascii character is encountered and the results of inner will abort the outer11:25
Riddellshadeslayer: how does that fix bug 1038522 ?11:25
ubottubug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103852211:25
shadeslayerRiddell: it doesn't, Launchpad is being weird11:25
shadeslayerI don't know why it thinks it does11:26
shadeslayerRiddell: http://imgur.com/d4D9znk11:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254739/ please be posting to the upstream thread on the topic11:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok11:30
apacheloggergeneral description: the previous logic didn't do no nothing, the changes make it continue iter qch to the end and adjust size values accordingly, qch gets reset later on before actually converting the data11:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: already senrt11:32
* shadeslayer is hungry11:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254756/11:34
apacheloggeradjusted test clearly showing the issue11:34
shadeslayercool beans11:34
Riddellshadeslayer: merged!11:35
shadeslayerthat's one whole bug down :P11:35
Riddellagateau: how are you getting on?11:35
agateauRiddell: yelling rude words at virtualbox11:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/kubuntu-driver-manager/+imports11:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: u looking at the l10n bugs?11:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: not quite, I had it open in my browser from yesterday and realized the bug had a url11:38
shadeslayerand clicking it allowed me to find the translations page11:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: what you doing right now?11:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: just finished off ubiquity buggery, looking at bug list for next bug11:39
shadeslayerand keeping an eye on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/129466611:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1294666 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[HSW mesa kde needs Xorg-1.15.1] Multiple tiling-esque artifacts in KDE" [High,Fix committed]11:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: pick the l10n ones :P11:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: I don't know what to do there tbh11:40
apacheloggerwhen imported -> mark language team task fix released -> open new task against language-o-matic and poke pitti to look into adding them asap11:40
apacheloggerif a thing is not imported tell me so I can forward poke11:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/langpack-o-matic/+bug/126776311:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1267763 in langpack-o-matic "kde-config-whoopsie not localized" [Undecided,New]11:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: pokery required https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesudo/+bug/126776511:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1267765 in kdesudo (Ubuntu) "kdesudo not localized" [High,Triaged]11:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: looks imported to me?11:44
apacheloggerwhat do I do with whoopsie?11:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: I don't see them imports https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/kdesudo/+imports11:45
shadeslayerintltool 11:45
apacheloggerif there is nothing on the imports stuff, it should all be fine, just click translations so check11:46
apacheloggerthere is a buttload of gst related crashes in amarok11:47
apacheloggerthere's no day going by with at least 2 distinct crashes11:47
agateauRiddell: finally https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/ubiquity/kde-partman-fix-model-updates2/+merge/21584911:48
agateaualso anyone noticed cropped elements in sidebar, like this? http://agateau.com/tmp/ubiquity-cropped-sidebar.png11:49
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:49
apacheloggerI am pondering catching all and everything everywhere11:50
apacheloggerjust because exceptions are so shitty11:50
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1299689] kwalletd crashed with SIGSEGV in atomic_exchange_and_add() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1299689 (by terry b)11:50
Riddellagateau: no I've not seen cropped elements in sidebar like that11:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: those amarok crashes seem to be in gst?11:51
apacheloggeryeah, except gst also likes to crash when you are using it wrong11:52
apacheloggersince C doesn't do exceptions, the gst devs thought to themselfs, why not simply crash11:52
agateauRiddell: the bug goes away if I maximize the window, so maybe it's just a matter of making the window small enough11:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: all done11:56
shadeslayerdown to 10 bugs11:56
shadeslayeragateau: did you fix 1307291 too?11:57
agateaushadeslayer: I think they are the same11:57
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/download-kubuntu seems broken11:59
shadeslayerscroll halfway through -> theme changes color11:59
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: noted12:00
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: http://imgur.com/Nfy5m7T12:00
shadeslayerlayouting also seems a bit broken12:01
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: saw it, no need for the screensot12:01
shadeslayerI see :)12:01
jussisaid the blind man to his deaf son... :P12:02
* apachelogger falls off chair12:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: what's wrong :S12:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: forum threads12:07
apacheloggermost terrible to read12:07
apacheloggernothing interesting going on with the crashery12:09
apacheloggerexcept ark's abortion problems being somewhat more excessive than I thought12:09
* agateau goes off for an errand12:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?65120-I-honestly-think-you-ought-to-sit-down-calmly-take-a-stress-pill&p=348896&viewfull=1#post34889612:13
apacheloggerI did not read that12:14
apacheloggerwall of text are not meant to be read I believe12:14
Riddellgosh baloo is fast and accurate on a new install with an SSD :)12:15
ovidiu-florinjose: are you around?12:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you prepare a pyqt4 revert upload?12:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: no, I'd rather wait for a couple of hours to hear back on the PyQt mailing list12:17
apacheloggerI don't want you to upload, but have something ready :P12:18
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the story with pyqt?12:19
shadeslayerle broken12:19
Riddellin what way? does it need to get on the iso?12:20
apachelogger(could have been entirely prevented by having unit tests)12:20
apacheloggerRiddell: yes12:20
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: as a dependancy of what?12:20
apacheloggerbug 129988112:20
ubottubug 1299881 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[kubuntu] Strange characters in different locale" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129988112:20
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: dependency?12:20
Riddellmost things could be prevented by having unit tests12:21
apacheloggerthat thing should have had a unit test12:21
apacheloggeror at least QA12:21
ovidiu-florinpyqt is the library that provides the ability to code in python using Qt, right?12:21
apacheloggerbut apparently pyqt is meant to be used with ascii characters to begin with12:21
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: yes12:21
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: then do we also provide tools for development on the ISO?12:22
ovidiu-florinor it is necessary on the iso because it's a dependency of something12:23
apacheloggerof a pile of things12:23
apacheloggerubuntu likes to write stuff in python for the oddest of reasons12:23
apacheloggerso we end up needing to write stuff in python short of duplicating efforts12:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'll prep a upload after lunch12:28
ovidiu-florinRiddell: the full migration is done. I just need to do some category cleanup12:29
ovidiu-florinWhere can we place the logo of the sponsor?12:29
Riddellovidiu-florin: at the bottom of the donations page? http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/donate12:31
ovidiu-florinI had that in mind12:31
ovidiu-florinI'll make another Heading called Sponsors12:32
ovidiu-florinWe can put there Cms2Cms and Blue Systems12:32
Riddelland canonical too to be fair :)12:33
ovidiu-florinok 12:34
Riddellmaybe even limux12:34
ovidiu-florinI need their logos12:34
ovidiu-florinand what link to point them to12:34
Riddellgoogle knows12:37
ovidiu-florinRiddell: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news12:44
Riddellovidiu-florin: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/page/2 not work12:45
Riddellfrom the "older entries" link12:45
Riddellshadeslayer, apachelogger: should I respin images now or wait for the pyqt fix?12:47
apacheloggerRiddell: wait IMO12:47
apacheloggerat the very least until shadeslayer returns from lunch12:47
Riddellshould I be worried that after an upgrade I got a crash from nepomuk?12:47
Riddellwhat what?12:48
apacheloggerwhat crash12:48
apacheloggerRiddell: upgrade from 13.10?12:48
Riddellyep upgrade from 13.1012:48
Riddelloh great now apport doesn't want to show me what it was12:49
apacheloggerafter reboot or before?12:49
Riddellafter reboot12:50
apacheloggerRiddell: did you send that to errors.ubuntu?12:50
Riddellalas no, it disappeared when I clicked on apport12:51
apacheloggerRiddell: kcmshell4 whoopsie12:51
apacheloggerclick on previous reports12:51
apacheloggeris anything listed there?12:51
Riddellfirst box is ticked12:51
apacheloggerthere is a link at the bottom12:51
apachelogger"previous reports"12:51
=== soee_ is now known as soee
Riddellbaloo file broke https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/c4f5e0cc-c498-11e3-8cbe-fa163e37368312:52
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I don't think that URL is wrong12:54
ovidiu-florinbecause you would never type in that URL12:54
apacheloggervHanda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7255118/ this is a new creash with 4.13.0 and Riddell just encountered it12:54
apacheloggerhave fun :P12:54
ovidiu-florinyou would use the link from the bottom of the page12:54
Riddellovidiu-florin: pardon?13:00
ovidiu-florinRiddell: the link you gave me (http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/page/2 ) is a generated link by the CMS that points to the second page13:00
ovidiu-florinthat link will show different things13:01
ovidiu-florinI'll try to get it to work, but IMO it's useless to do so13:01
Riddellovidiu-florin: why is it useless?  the "older entries" link on http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news seems quite important?13:02
ovidiu-floringo to the bottom of that page13:02
ovidiu-florinyou'll see a link: Older posts13:02
Riddellwhich takes me to the broken page13:03
ovidiu-florinlet me check that13:03
=== greyback_ is now known as greyback|lunch
vHandaapachelogger: urgh. I don't get where these exceptions keep coming from.13:06
apacheloggervHanda: perhaps Riddell can reproduce it13:08
apacheloggerthe backtrace certainly isn't much help13:08
vHandaRiddell: if you can please ping me.13:08
Riddellping vHanda 13:08
apacheloggerRiddell: or, maybe the startkde.log has something about it?13:08
Riddelloh if I can recreate it?13:08
vHandaRiddell: yes.13:09
Riddellunlikely, happened shortly after I logged in, I'll try logging out and in again13:09
Riddellbut it was after an upgrade from 13.10 with nepomuk so it might have to do with the nepomuk migration13:09
apacheloggerRiddell: check yer startkde.log13:09
vHandaif you can please run it under gdb and type 'catch throw'13:10
vHandaRiddell: it's the baloo_file process that is crashing, not the migrator. But you never know.13:10
vHandaalso, could you please check to see if baloo_file automatically restarted itself13:10
apacheloggerterminate called after throwing an instance of 'Xapian::DocNotFoundError'13:10
Riddell"baloo_file(1751): Indexer crashed while indexing 516"13:10
vHandaafter crashing?13:10
apacheloggerthere, I am hero13:10
RiddellvHanda: yep now running  jr       13437  1166  1 13:23 ?        00:00:37 /usr/bin/baloo_file --nocrashhandler13:11
vHandaapachelogger: thanks, that helps a little.13:11
apacheloggervHanda: you should write a macro XAPIAN_CALL(x) try { x } catch (Xapian::Error&) {}13:13
vHandaapachelogger: I've written a wrapper library over most parts of xapian13:13
vHandaRiddell: found it. 13:15
vHandaapachelogger: thanks, that helped13:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: what do you propose as the version for the rollback of pyqt413:19
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
shadeslayer4.10.4really4.10.3+dfsg1 ?13:19
vHandaapachelogger: any chance you can get this one into 14.04 as well?13:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: you don't roll back13:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: you selectively patch back that one function13:21
apacheloggervHanda: if you give me a patch probably13:22
apacheloggerdepends on whether Riddell accepts the upload or not ^^13:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: so roll back qpycore_qstring.cpp  to python3.3 ?13:24
shadeslayerrollback to version 4.10.3 ?13:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: mh, yeah, I posted a rev earlier13:26
apacheloggeralso see the bug report, I added it there as well13:26
apacheloggerit basically changes the content of one ifdef from a billion lines to two ^^13:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7255289/13:27
shadeslayerignore headers and what not ^^ 13:27
vHandaapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/Vb8p12vg13:28
vHandaI've also informed the release team13:28
vHandaso it should go into the final release13:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: looks fine13:28
apacheloggerwhat day is it anyway13:29
apacheloggerkubotu: date13:29
apacheloggerkubotu: you really don't have a date plugin, oh my13:29
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)13:31
apacheloggerall very useless13:32
apacheloggerits a tuesday I found out13:32
apacheloggerwhich is two days from a release day13:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: how much longer do you intend to wait for pyqt?13:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: another hour13:32
shadeslayertest building revert now13:33
shadeslayerwill test things locally13:33
shadeslayerand then upload13:33
ovidiu-florinRiddell: fixed http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news13:36
agateauvHanda: just randomly read your commit: shouldn't the emit be outside of the try {} catch block? you probably don't want to catch any exception raised by code connected to the signal, right?13:37
vHandaagateau: Good catch, but it's fine. The relevant code just appends it to a list and calls a timer.13:38
agateauvHanda: ok. it's fine... for now.13:39
apachelogger  Uploading baloo_4.13.0-0ubuntu3_source.changes: done.13:40
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.13:40
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ catches more exceptions reducing crashery13:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: langpacks in btw13:42
apacheloggergroovy, thx13:42
Riddellovidiu-florin: older entries link still points to http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/page/2 which is "Not Found"13:57
Riddellshadeslayer: got a upload of pyqt?13:57
shadeslayerRiddell: not yet, another 30 minutes13:58
shadeslayerwaiting for upstream13:58
* Riddell sets timer13:58
shadeslayerI also need to test it locally, pbuilder is still configuring13:58
ovidiu-florinRiddell: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news works, it redirects to /category/news13:58
ovidiu-florinfrom there it works13:58
Riddellovidiu-florin: not for me it doesn't13:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: I don't see anything else on the bug fixing side :P14:04
apacheloggerout of bugs14:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: why is 1297936 still new14:05
apacheloggerbug 129793614:05
ubottubug 1297936 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "After upgrade 12.04->14.04 lightdm fails to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129793614:05
apacheloggerit's not invalid14:05
apacheloggerIMHO it should not be tagged kubuntu14:05
apacheloggersee mailing list14:05
apacheloggerthere is nothing particularly kubuntu about this bug14:05
apacheloggerand really I do not consider it a bug but a wish14:05
ovidiu-florinRiddell: it works in firefox... but not in chromium... interesting14:06
apacheloggerlightdm is well behaving within expected parameters14:06
Riddellovidiu-florin: are you logged in with firefox? does that affect some cache?14:06
ovidiu-florinit could14:06
ovidiu-florinI've tried with: Redirect 301 /news/$ /category/news/14:06
ovidiu-florinand RewriteRule ^/news/$ /category/news/ [L,R=301]14:07
ovidiu-florinbut none works14:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: random note: dbus in ruby is just as shitty as in python :P14:07
ovidiu-florinit should redirect you from /news to /category/news14:07
ovidiu-florinbut it doesn't14:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you trying to do fancy stuff with driver manager14:07
apacheloggerno, neon notifications14:07
shadeslayerover dbus?!14:07
apacheloggeryou'll see :P14:08
apacheloggeranyway, I think ruby-dbus introspects the interface object and tries to export all attributes over dbus14:08
apacheloggerwhich explodes if you have a non-primitive object as an attribute ^^14:08
ovidiu-florinRiddell: it redirects me because I'm logged in14:10
joseovidiu-florin: I am around now, I've been having network issues since 1am but I'm back alive!14:10
ovidiu-florinjose: do you know something about apache redirects?14:11
ovidiu-florinrewrites or 301s?14:11
joseovidiu-florin: a bit, yes14:11
joseI've set up a couple following some Internet guides and they worked14:11
ovidiu-florinwe need to redirect http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news to http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/category/news14:11
joseok, let me try and write something up14:12
ovidiu-florinI tried to add in the .htaccess: Redirect 301 /news/$ /category/news/ and RewriteRule ^/news/$ /category/news/ [L,R=301] and they don't work14:13
joseovidiu-florin: I think I've got it14:13
josetry with RedirectMatch 301 ^/news/ http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/category/news14:13
ovidiu-florinjose: is the full URL necessary?14:14
joseor if you want just the /news page to redirect, RedirectMatch 301 /news http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/category/news14:14
joseI think yes, not sure, try without the full URL?14:14
ovidiu-florindoesn't work with the full URL14:15
ovidiu-florinalso it should be ^/news$ or ^/news/$14:16
joseare you doing this on the .htaccess or httpd.conf?14:16
josehave you added `Options +FollowSymLinks` and `RewriteEngine on`?14:17
ovidiu-florinI have Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews14:20
ovidiu-florinand AllowOverride FileInfo in the virtual host14:20
josethis thingy says it's +FollowSymLinks, not sure if the + sign changes anything14:20
joseand `RedirectMatch 301 ^/news/ http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/category/news/` should work, let me give it a try on my server to double check14:21
joseright, doesn't work14:23
joseovidiu-florin: is mod_rewrite enabled?14:27
joseand/or mod_alias?14:27
ovidiu-florinjose: mod_rewrite is enabled14:33
joseovidiu-florin: is it possible to enable mod_alias? according to http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/301-redirect-with-mod_rewrite-or-redirectmatch.html Redirect and RedirectMatch are managed by mod_alias14:33
shadeslayerRiddell: going to upload pyqt414:36
Riddellshadeslayer: did upstream say anything or are you just going with what works?14:36
shadeslayerRiddell: going with what works14:36
shadeslayerI tested the patch locally and it works14:37
apachelogger(what works to a known degree :P)14:37
shadeslayerRiddell: uploaded14:41
ovidiu-florinjose: alias is already enabled14:41
Riddellapachelogger: what shall we do with your testing document for the release?14:41
apacheloggerwhich one, where what?14:41
joseovidiu-florin: and still not working?14:42
Riddellapachelogger: the ones your had in google docs14:42
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, I kept looking at them, alas, data was coming in slow since we did not mention it again14:43
apacheloggersomething to be aware of in the future14:43
Riddellapachelogger: right, so should I mention it now, or at release?14:43
apacheloggerthat's a pre-release QA measure14:43
apacheloggerpost-release we solely rely on errors.ubuntu14:43
apacheloggerwhich really turned out a great resource for finding problems14:44
ovidiu-florinjose: still14:44
shadeslayerRiddell: accepted python-qt4?14:57
Riddellshadeslayer: yep14:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: I can't reproduce https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33099915:26
ubottuKDE bug 330999 in updater "crash when cache update brings in completely new package that must be installed for update" [Crash,Confirmed]15:26
shadeslayerctrl+r doesn't cause a crash15:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://imgur.com/bSHyzJO15:30
shadeslayercan even proceed to install15:31
shadeslayerbut then it gives me file conflicts15:31
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=== kfunk_ is now known as kfunk
shadeslayerwhy are we still getting crashes for synaptiks :/15:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: got anything to do?16:01
shadeslayernothing I guess :)16:27
shadeslayerapart from ISO testing16:27
shadeslayerRiddell: python-qt4 should be done soonish, ready to hit the retry button the images?16:28
soeeho is the iso testing going ?17:48
soeeRiddell: ping18:38
Riddellhi soee 18:38
soeeRiddell: testing iso, installed without any problem in VM and after login: http://postimg.org/image/hu9w0p4bd/63a3536f/18:38
soeenot sure if this is because of VM18:39
shadeslayersoee: potentially fixed18:39
yofel Bus error o.O?18:40
soeeshadeslayer: this is known ?18:40
shadeslayersoee: maybe18:40
shadeslayerwhat does the backtrace show18:40
soeeis there any chance that this is caused by VB configuration ?18:40
shadeslayersoee: and apt-cache policy baloo18:41
shadeslayersoee: doubt it18:41
shadeslayerofcourse, can't be sure18:41
soeeshadeslayer: http://postimg.org/image/gmnwzl2cd/81dc07e1/18:43
soeethere is also info about kmix crash18:46
soeeand plasma desktop shell and ... clack screen :)18:47
soeei cant send bugreport because information arent useful, if i try to install debug symbols it says there are no debug sumbols for /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5 /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.5 /usr/lib/libplasma.so.319:04
shadeslayersoee: apt-cache policy baloo19:05
soeeshadeslayer: can't dont have any interface when i close error windows19:06
shadeslayersoee: ctrl+alt+F119:06
shadeslayerapt-cache policy baloo19:06
soeethis triggers cli in my system not VB :)19:08
shadeslayersoee: on the bottom right of vbox it should mention a key19:10
shadeslayerthat key + F119:10
shadeslayerin the screenshot it says Prawy ... I guess that's right19:10
soeeshadeslayer: http://postimg.org/image/kdpg0pb15/88e158d6/19:12
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shadeslayersoee: plz upgrade19:13
shadeslayerand check if it happens19:13
=== jalcine is now known as Guest87179
soeeshadeslayer: no crashes now but i see only wallpaper nothing more :)19:17
shadeslayersoee: move the cursor to the bottom19:17
shadeslayerof the vbox19:17
soeeand ?19:18
shadeslayersoee: do you see a taskbar?19:20
soeei have no any elements, just wallpaper19:21
soeewill you update iso so ican do fresh install with this upgrades ?19:21
shadeslayersoee: yes19:32
shadeslayersoee: can you right click on the desktop?19:32
soeeshadeslayer: i can click mouse but nothing show sup19:33
soeei can only move cursor19:33
shadeslayerso no plasma at all19:33
shadeslayersoee: and this is reproducible with the "Download updates while installing"?19:34
shadeslayerthat way you get a fully updated system post install19:34
soeeshadeslayer: i didnt try with it19:34
soeelet me reinstall19:35
ovidiu-florinRiddell: are you around?19:36
ovidiu-florinyofel: are you around?19:38
yofelyes, kinda19:38
ovidiu-florinyofel: theres a tag for an article on the site "KDE 12.04"19:39
ovidiu-florinwhat does it reffer to?19:39
ovidiu-florinyofel: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/news/kde-plasma-workspaces-applications-and-platform-4-8-5-updates-released-for-all-12-04-users19:39
yofelI don't think it refers to much as we never had a proper tag management on the old site19:39
ovidiu-florinI know19:39
yofel'KDE' was essentially added to all posts about kde releases, not sure what the version is for19:39
ovidiu-florinthat's what I'm trying to fix19:39
ovidiu-florinyofel: what's the difference between KDE and KDE SC in terms of tags on the site?19:42
yofelI think it was more general, like calligra posts would have it too, or anthing "KDE" related19:42
yofelas we never had an SC tag19:42
yofelI'm talking about my posts though19:43
kdeuser56hi yofel!19:43
yofelhi kdeuser5619:43
kdeuser56where to report dependency issues? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7257215/19:43
yofelno idea, the dbgsym archive isn't really maintained. Though it's mostly supposed to be in sync with archive.ubuntu.com19:44
kdeuser56the whole dbgsym situation is very disstatisfying19:45
kdeuser56all other major distributions handle this a lot better :-(19:45
yofelhm, it always kind of worked for me19:45
kdeuser56I talked to pitti, he told me dbgsym generation has been changed over a year ago19:46
kdeuser56now dbgsym is not created if it is part of another dbg package19:46
kdeuser56to save space19:46
kdeuser56this brings a lot of problems however (with dependencies and other not related stuff being pulled in)19:47
kdeuser56for example plasma-dataengines-addons-dbgsym installs "plasma-runners-addons plasma-wallpapers-addons plasma-widget-lancelot kde-wallpapers"19:47
kdeuser56kde-wallpapers have nothing to do with debugging however ^^19:48
yofelwell, the binary package probably depends/recommends it19:48
yofellibkdecore5-dbgsym however is built even if kdelibs5-dbg exists19:48
vgezerapachelogger: Thanks for the triage of the bug. Will we be able to try it out today? with the daily?19:48
yofelas far as I remember it, the dbgsym creation is done by pkg-create-dbgsym19:49
yofelwhich overrides dh_strip19:49
kdeuser56yeah but the situation is not optimal19:49
soeeshadeslayer: i can confirm that with this updates all works fine19:49
kdeuser56yofel unnecessary dependencies are created19:49
shadeslayersoee: \o/19:49
kdeuser56yofel: you have to pull stuff you do not need19:49
kdeuser56yofel: if dbgsym would work like they used to do (being independent from dbg) this issue would not exist19:50
yofelkdeuser56: well, if it re-uses the the -dbg package, that's a matter of how the dbg package was intended to be used19:50
soeeshadeslayer: shall i add report as success to iso testing or wait for new isos ?19:50
shadeslayersoee: wait for new ISO's19:50
yofele.g. having kdelibs5-dbg is rather useless without libqt4-dbg, which will install tons of other stuff19:51
shadeslayersoee: we need to spin new ones because of python-qt anyway19:51
yofelI do prefer the old way too, and I never noticed it changing19:51
kdeuser56yofel: thats the issue: -dbg should not be there in the first place19:51
shadeslayeron that matter19:51
yofelkdeuser56: it's the debian way19:51
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^^ ISO respinnery plz19:51
kdeuser56yofel: yeah, but ubuntu is not debian19:51
yofeldebian has no -dbgsym19:52
kdeuser56yofel: ubuntu does not have to inherit -dbg packages19:52
yofelwell, ubuntu is debian based though, and removing -dbg will break quite a lot of expectations19:52
kdeuser56which ones?19:52
yofelso I'm personally against it, not that I have a say in it19:52
yofelkdeuser56: a package should build everything in the control file, messing with that isn't good IMO19:53
kdeuser56the dbg situation is completely messy to be honest19:53
kdeuser56dbg packages should be autogenerated for every package being compiled in a unified way19:53
yofelsure, but take that up with debian. The old ubuntu way worked completely fine and did exactly that19:54
yofelif they run out of space, that's Canonical's problem19:54
kdeuser56the old way was fine19:54
yofelif you want, start up a discussion on the ubuntu-devel-discuss ML (or ubuntu-devel if your message isn't rejected) 19:55
kdeuser56I do not think that discussing that issue will lead to any changes19:55
kdeuser56pitti has been the person who implemented dbgsym and he is not willing to change anything / has no time19:56
kdeuser56it seems thats life ... no perfect distribution :-(, but imho kubuntu is still the best 19:58
yofelkdeuser56: personally, the issues you see are a bug in the dbgsym creation though. The 64bit dbgsym package should not depend on packages not available on that architecture20:01
yofele.g. g++-4.8-dbgsym amd64 depends on lib64gomp1-dbg which is i38620:01
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kdeuser56maybe I'll inform pitti about it20:03
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kdeuser56I do not think I have the knowledge / time to fix it myself20:03
kdeuser56although I suppose the generation script is written in python20:04
yofelpython, or perl if it's still the old dh_strip override20:04
Blizzzwhen is deadline for iso testing? some time tomorrow?20:14
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yofelBlizzz: release is in 2 days, so the sooner the better20:34
yofelor make that 1.X days20:34
Blizzzyofel: that's way i ask. i am dead today and fall to bed soon, maybe i can find time tomorrow between work, child and saving them kittens20:37
yofelBlizzz: heh, don't worry, any help is really appreciated20:38
Blizzzright, let's see tomorrow20:38
Riddellshadeslayer: iso respin is under way22:04
Riddelleverything is being respun22:04
shadeslayerRiddell: \o/22:04
Riddellovidiu-florin: you pinged?22:05
ovidiu-florinRiddell: loong ago22:06
* ovidiu-florin is going to bed22:07
ovidiu-florinnighty night22:07
Riddellsleep well22:09
vgezerRiddell: are you there?23:04
Riddellhi vgezer 23:04
vgezerRiddell: hi. do you know why there are no daily images for today? I wanted to test this strange characters bug triaged by Harald23:04
Riddellvgezer: because we're two days from release! :)23:05
Riddellvgezer: new images with the fix in are being made now, they will appear in an hour or so23:05
vgezerRiddell: haha :). but do you know if it will be solved with the fix23:05
vgezerahh ok :)23:05
vgezerthen I have to wait :p23:05
vgezerthanks :)23:05
Riddellvgezer: you can always try the current image and dist upgrade before starting ubiquity23:06
vgezerit was related to ubiquity so I need to see the second step on installation wizard23:06
vgezerRiddell: is there another way to test this without downloading the iso, e.g. only ubiquity?23:07
Riddellvgezer: yes you can just run ubiquity23:08
Riddellworks fine23:08
Riddelljust don't go past the partitioning step23:08
Riddellor things will break23:08
vgezerok thanks :). i'll try it now 23:08
vgezerRiddell: can I just install it from repo or should I need to build it?23:10
Riddellvgezer: install with apt-get23:14
vgezerRiddell: ops. http://i.imgur.com/h8MsL8l.png23:17
vgezerstill exists23:17
Riddellvgezer: oh did you upgrad python-qt4 ?23:18
Riddellwhat's wrong in that screenshot anyway?23:18
vgezerit says it is already in the new version23:18
vgezerlook at the title and the first paragraph. there are 1's instead of char23:19
vgezerand we dont have a phi character :p23:19
Riddellshadeslayer: ↑23:20
vgezerRiddell: how can I try ubiquity of Ubuntu?23:21
vgezeror can I23:21
Riddellnew images up!23:24
Riddell!testers | final candidate images23:24
ubottufinal candidate images: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information23:24
Riddellvgezer: worth trying those images to make sure23:24
Riddellyou can install ubiquity-frontend-gtk and run that23:24
vgezerRiddell: Ok good :). downloading now23:24
vgezeri will try gtk first23:25
* Riddell snoozes23:25
vgezerRiddell: ops. it is ok with gtk23:27
vgezerok the theme is messed up, but strings are ok.23:27
ScottKapachelogger: congratulations on being a pyqt developer.23:30
vgezerRiddell: yay!! thanks apachelogger :)23:40

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