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dutchuss2016is  any one alive tonight i need a system wide equalizer02:46
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donkaliservus jemand da03:34
donkaliwie stellt man den die repositrois gut in kubuntu ein, hab ihr ein paar quellen, und ein how to wie man die einplegt...03:35
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!03:37
donkalibrauche da ne software die heisst Shrew Soft VPN Client installier03:37
donkaliStatusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig E: Paket ike kann nicht gefunden werden. E: Paket ike-qtgui kann nicht gefunden werden.03:38
donkalisudo apt-get install ike ike-qtgui03:39
donkalia ok sorry03:39
donkalihow can i konfig my repositrois to get a software called03:40
donkaliShrew Soft VPN Client03:41
donkalisudo apt-get install ike ike-qtgu03:42
donkalithis is not working03:42
donkalipacked not found03:43
donkaliapt get03:43
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yossarianukhi - if i'm migrating my desktop to another machine and want to copy over my SSH keys, etc -whats the best way of doing that08:09
yossarianuki.e - just copy .ssh ?08:09
valorieyossarianuk: askubuntu.com/questions/4830/easiest-way-to-copy-ssh-keys-to-another-machine08:21
valorielooks good08:22
yossarianukthats how to copy your key to a target machine -- I mean how to migrate desktops...08:24
yossarianukalso i'm on a vpn - i   am trying to copy over my .ssh client files from my work desktop -> home08:24
yossarianukI can connect home -> work - I cannot connect work -> home (if that helps)08:25
valorielet's see if ubottu know more08:26
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:26
valoriethat first link probably is best08:26
yossarianuksorry im using linux desktops (home + work)08:27
yossarianukok will read thats08:27
valorieI always just copy all dot files08:27
valorieI've never tried to copy just ssh keys08:27
yossarianuk(normally I just copy the entire .ssh folder - but I wanted to make sure that was in fact right)08:27
valorieoh, hmmm08:28
valoriewell, bsd would do it the same way08:28
valoriein fact I used to use ssh on win08:28
valorielooks like everything is in ~/.ssh yeah08:29
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valoriehmmm, I see one answer though: Copying a private key is really not a good idea. Having a single key at multiple locations 1. makes it more vulnerable, 2. increases risk that you lost control of all the locations, 3. does not allow you to disable access from just one location. From the security point of view you should generate a new key-pair on every location08:32
valoriebut heck, sometimes people move a HD from one machine to another08:32
yossarianukin my case i'm not just migrating - i.e I want access from 2 different places.08:36
yossarianuk(to all existing servers that have my work key..)08:36
* valorie is signing off.... best of luck08:36
yossarianukcheers !08:37
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Addleyossarianuk: ssh-copy-id might be worth checking out.09:53
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:49
yossarianukonly a few days till 14.04....11:53
salsero_still gonna wait a couple of weeks after release12:19
salsero_to be safe from 0day bugs12:19
salsero_cant afford to lose my working machine12:19
lordievadersalsero_: You know that there is an entire test cycle for releases?12:20
salsero_i do know12:21
lordievadersalsero_: So in theory there shouldn't be any 0 days.12:22
BluesKajbest to wait a month or so after the release to install on a work machine12:23
salsero_ye, when I did that, I always got better results than upgrading right away12:23
yossarianuklordievader: the 13.10 .iso still has one ....12:26
yossarianukUEFI bug .12:26
yossarianuk(solved if you enable updates during install)12:27
lordievaderyossarianuk: So it's fixed?12:27
salsero_which bug?12:30
salsero_i migrated to uefi boot but I reinstalled my machien due to filesystem problems with btrfs12:30
salsero_ah yes, i had this problem too12:31
salsero_i think what I did was install under dosmode and then fix the uefi using a livecd12:32
yossarianuklordievader: yes - as long as you have network access during install.12:36
yossarianuk(you can fix also by chrooting after install..)12:36
lordievaderyossarianuk: So it has nothing to do with 0-day bugs.12:39
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alkethow to install java from oracle ?12:58
alketdoes it owrk on 14.04 ?13:00
salsero_this one13:00
salsero_14.04 has not been released so how should i know13:00
alketsalsero_: thank you13:01
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george_Hello. Does anyone know how to reset update notifier's settings? The update wheel no longer appears.13:51
salsero_george_: does it appear if you do apt-get update14:02
george_salsero: No. It used to appear, but now I only get a "It is recomendable to update your system" notification.14:03
HorusHorrendusit seems like the current 14.04 version is affected by this bug: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6841015:49
ubottuFreedesktop bug 68410 in Driver/intel "[bisected ivb] Small black box corruption in firefox" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]15:49
HorusHorrendushad this bug for a while, switched to uxa (instead of standard sna?) yesterday, no problem today15:50
HorusHorrendusotherwise I had to restart thunderbird & firefox (both were affected, see screenshot how that looks in firefox) every few hours or so15:50
OerHeksHorusHorrendus, untill release, join #ubuntu+1 for 14.04 support15:51
BluesKajHorusHorrendus, i tried that with no luck , but that was a few weeks ago. No graphics troubles now.15:51
HorusHorrendusok :)15:52
HorusHorrenduslet's see if #ubuntu+1 can find out what is happening :)15:58
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ubottuleader: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:04
bennypr0faneHi, is this Kubuntu IRC network sort of a mirror of a freenode channel?16:26
bennypr0fanebcs when connecting to it in Quassel, it's not called freenode, but Kubuntu IRC16:27
lordievaderbennypr0fane: I believe it is simply an alias.16:28
bennypr0faneand a directly kubuntu question: How can I overmodulate the system audio volume? I got the checkbox activated in Kmix, but the scale still goes up to 100%16:30
bennypr0faneI'm on 14.04 beta216:31
bennypr0faneI mean it should go over 100% when I activate it, yes?16:31
BluesKajbennypr0fane, install pavucontrol and you can increase the audio output to 200%16:32
BluesKajbennypr0fane, it won't help your audio quality tho , 100% is enough to drive an amplifier to it's maximum, any higher just causes more distortion and possibel damage to the amp and speakers16:33
bennypr0faneBluesKaj: shouldn't this be available by default?16:33
bennypr0fanemost Flash videos on the internet have really bad sound quality where 100% won't cut it on my laptop. I've already been doing this a long time in other distros, the speakers seem to be handling it fine16:35
BluesKajpavucontrol is an optional volume gui for pulseaudio, not installed by default16:35
BluesKajlaptop speakers aren't exactly meant to be played loud, unless you have a very high end laptop with a fancy sound system/16:39
bennypr0faneBluesKaj: I know. I was wondering if overmodulating can be done with the default app (Kmix). Otherwise what is that checknox for that activates it?16:39
bennypr0fanelet me worry about my speakers16:39
BluesKajregular middle of the road laptops don't do loud music much justice, headphones are better for that kind of volume16:40
bennypr0faneBluesKaj: so you don't know the answer to my question?16:41
BluesKajI'm not worried about your speakers, but trying to play them louder than they designed for is almost impossible. That's the reality ..and that's the answer to your question16:42
OerHeksSound quality goes bad when volume is more than the restricted 100%16:47
BluesKajOerHeks, yeah i have 40yrs experience with audio systems of all kinds...I know what it takes to have good sound , but some ppl think louder is best.16:50
bennypr0faneOerHeks: I know al about that, thanks. BluesKaj: no, that's most definitely not the answetr to my question. It was "how can I...?" The answer would include instructions regarding what to do in Kmix to use a built-in feature16:50
bennypr0fanesound quality is also not what I was aqsking about16:51
BluesKajwhich built in feature?16:52
bennypr0faneBluesKaj: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8lnj2kp834gzim/Bildschirmfoto1.png here you go17:08
BluesKajyes , install pavucontrol like I mentioned earlier that's the feature you need, but i doubt very much the sound will be much louder since a lot of laptops have protection circuits to prevent speaker overload17:11
BluesKajif you want louder sound, buy a speaker system like those for desktops and connect it to the audio output of your laptop17:14
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alketis there any file hosting like dropbox that runs well on kubuntu ?19:32
BluesKajalket, dropbox runs fine on kubuntu, http://www.nixternal.com/kde-and-dropbox/19:36
alketBluesKaj: thanks19:38
svetoslavhi all, any idea why kde 4.12.4 is not available in ubuntu ppas???20:02
lordievadersvetoslav: It's available in the Kubuntu Backports ppa.20:07
svetoslavwell which is this ppa, becaouse i've added one and it has updated kde only to version 4.12.320:09
lordievadersvetoslav: Ah, sorry didn't see the .4. Anyhow in 4.13 is in Trusty which will be released in a few days.20:10
svetoslavdid u say when trusty tahr comes with version 4.13 of kde???20:11
lordievadersvetoslav: Yes, Trusty has 4.13.20:12
svetoslavok.thanks a lot mate.greetings from BULGARIA20:13
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saiarcot895In an upgrade, is it normal for ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal to be re-installed, even though nothing depends on it?21:17
evanvarvell.. test..21:31
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Roeyhey is there such a thing as a triadic software patent?23:31
Roeyand triadic business method patent?23:31

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