
AndChat|197561Hello there05:45
Noskcajhey AndChat|19756105:45
AndChat|197561Ve got some problems installing lubuntu 13.10 on my worstation in my college05:46
AndChat|197561Have windows xp and free space for lubuntu on my dev sda05:46
AndChat|197561But i can't get access to my dev sda through live05:47
AndChat|197561It shows only dev sdb (my flash usb) and just dev sda05:48
AndChat|197561But there are not any partition05:48
AndChat|197561But lsblk dev sda shows everything normal05:48
NoskcajIs the hard drive partitioned?05:48
NoskcajIf there's only one, it will just be called sda05:49
AndChat|197561Nope, i also have windows xp on it05:50
Noskcajok. Do you want to install them side-by-side or just lubuntu?05:50
AndChat|197561But it doesn't shows my partitions05:50
AndChat|197561Side by side05:50
NoskcajThat is weird.05:51
NoskcajYou could try 14.04's release candidate05:52
Noskcajit will come out in two days, so it's pretty much stable05:53
Noskcajsomeone in #ubuntu might also be able to help you05:53
JohnDoe_71Russome one can test hostapd in RC lubuntu?05:54
JohnDoe_71Rusone week ago it don't work. use hostapd from 13.1005:55
NoskcajJohnDoe_71Rus, One moment06:00
AndChat|197561Noskcaj, look http://imgur.com/s6iozpc06:09
NoskcajAndChat|197561, That is strange06:10
NoskcajLike i said above, it might be fixed in 14.0406:10
NoskcajActually, is it mounted yet?06:11
Noskcajand what's the ! for in gparted?06:11
JohnDoe_71Rusthe disk base oк dynamic logical?06:11
NoskcajJohnDoe_71Rus, No idea what's wrong with hostapd sorry. But the version in 14.04 is a lot newer06:13
Noskcajso it could work06:13
AndChat|197561Noskcaj, it says that my sda is unallocated06:14
NoskcajAndChat|197561, No idea then, sorry.06:15
Noskcaj14.04 might have it fixed though06:15
NoskcajYou could try that06:15
JohnDoe_71RusNoskcaj: i get this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/+bug/128904706:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289047 in wpa (Ubuntu) "[Trusty] hostapd package is broken" [Critical,Confirmed]06:17
AndChat|197561Noskcaj, i can partition sda with cfdisk06:31
AndChat|197561Noskcaj, is there any way to install lubuntu usind terminal?06:31
AndChat|197561Like in archlinux06:31
JohnDoe_71RusAndChat|197561: alternative cd06:33
NoskcajA cli installer06:35
RoxxorHello, I upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04. The network-manager is not showing anymore. I have the notification area activated in the panel, and nm-applet in terminal does not lead to anything :/ Can somebody help me? Thank you :)11:48
RoxxorAlso for a newly created user, therefore with standard setting, the network-manager does not appear11:49
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
K350I've lubuntu 13.04. There are never any updates when I do apt-get upgrade anymore. Why is that and what can I do about it?17:03
SonikkuAmericaK350: Because 13.04 is dead.17:04
SonikkuAmericaK350: Get Lubuntu 13.1017:04
K350SonikkuAmerica: oh, uff..then I've to make a new install...and configure it the way I want it...*rolls eyes*...that'll take for ever..oh well...what to do...17:06
SonikkuAmericaK350: You don't have to do that!!17:07
SonikkuAmericaThere are ways to do release upgrades without screwing around with your configuration!17:07
SonikkuAmericaK350: You can use [ do-release-upgrade ] from the terminal, or you can run the Software Updater and it will tell you a new release is available.17:08
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:09
K350SonikkuAmerica: I tried that a couple of years ago. But then it screwwed up my system. Well that was then..maybe it works better now?17:12
SonikkuAmericaK350: I'd say it's much more solid now, but you can upgrade via a 13.10 !Live image as well. Just select "Upgrade Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu 13.10" at the third screen.17:13
SonikkuAmericaK350: (Unless you have UEFI)17:13
K350Should I wait fo r14.04 instead?17:14
K350And upgrade from 13.04 direct to 14.04?17:14
SonikkuAmericaThat isn't possible. However, if you get 13.10 now, you can upgrade to 14.04 at release time (this Thursday) without needing another !Live image.17:14
K350so if I run the upgrade from the command line from 13.04 to 13.10 then I've to do it again from 13.10 to 14.04..right?17:15
SonikkuAmericaYes. Run it now, and in a few days after 14.04 comes out, run it again - or any time between Thursday and July.17:17
K350Okay. is it safe to keep some configuration files in /etc..I mean not repalcing them?17:18
SonikkuAmericaK350: If you use do-release-upgrade or the Software Updater, you'll be given the choice to keep or replace conflicting configuration files.17:20
K350SonikkuAmerica: yes, but is it safe to keep them?17:21
SonikkuAmericaK350: That is for you to find out, but not for us to know. If you know what config files you want to keep, keep 'em. Otherwise, replace 'em.17:22
K350SonikkuAmerica: okay, thanks! :-)17:23
SonikkuAmericaHappy upgrading!17:23
K350thanks. happy eastern! :-)17:23
SonikkuAmericaYou too!17:23
evanvarvell.. test..21:32
ianorlinyour client is working now do you need any support21:38
Ahmuckhi hi23:38
Ahmuckhi hi23:38
Ahmucki am using a spanish system (language) but need spanish and english spell check system wide.  is there a way to set the system up to do spanish and english spellcheck?23:39
holsteinmaybe you can just combing both into one custom one, and use it23:40
Ahmuckcombine?  you mean combine the spell checkers?23:40
holsteinAhmuck: whats spell check? just a database of words, correct?23:41
holsteinyou can add to that base, if you like23:41
holsteinso, why not just make a new one that contains both the english words from the english one, and spanish from the spanish one?23:41
holsteincall it your own custom one.. id say, the issue could be that, many things may pass as correctly spelled in one langauge, and be an error in another23:42
holsteini cant imagine why you would need a document going that goes back and forth like that23:42
holsteini would just do one, then do the other... otherwise, you may have false positives, or just mistakes that pass un-noticed23:43
Ahmucki can do that however the system checks for spanish only23:43
Ahmucka document that would do that is conversational spanish for education23:43
holsteinstill, it shouldnt be both at the same time, correct?23:44
Ahmuckgnucash allows me to start with LANG & LANGUAGE variables, however, i can't seem to find that option with libreoffice23:44
holsteinAhmuck: id ask in ubuntu, since lubuntu doesnt ship with it23:45
Ahmuckholstein: yes, that would be correct.  a nice feature would be an option to highlight and then select the language for language correction23:45
holsteinAhmuck: or, try a libreoffice specific support23:45
Ahmuckholstein: the problem i'm having however is not just with libreoffice23:45
Ahmuckfor example, chatzilla, thunderbird, osmo, etc.23:45
holsteinAhmuck: a large custom database with both is what you are asking for23:45
holsteini would just make my own, if thats what i wanted23:46
Ahmucknot really.  i'm asking for an option to start a desired program in a specific language23:46
Ahmuckwhatever it may be23:47
holsteinAhmuck: i read, system wide spanish and english spell checking23:47
holsteinAhmuck: ive just seen you ask a few times, otherwise, i wouldnt bother commenting23:47
Ahmuckyes, it does not stop there, that is the simple explanation23:47
holsteinAhmuck: you should try main ubuntu since its not lubuntu or lxde specific23:47
Ahmuckfor example, in gnucash the country code makes a difference in the type of accounts offered23:47
Ahmuckin other programs the country code makes a difference in the help options offered23:47
Ahmuckso if i want to do this i would have to select preferences, support of languages and change for every program i do which would require a logout, login, etc.23:48
holsteinor, just select the custom one one time, that contains both languages23:49
Ahmuckgetting help in ubuntu is near impossible because of their size (large) and it may be impossible here because of lubuntu's size (small) or unable to code a solution for those who use dual language systems23:50
holsteinor, have 2 users setup.. or custom flags for the applications.. etc23:50
Ahmuckya, i've thought of the 2 users setup, but then you have to share files, folders, etc.23:50
Ahmucki was hoping someone else had encountered the problem and that perhaps i've missed the solution in the documentation23:52
holsteinsure, and someone ight have in the main ubuntu community23:53
holsteinin here, you are the only spanish speaking person i ever encounter on any regular basis23:53
holsteinoccasionally someone will pop in and we give the !es bot link, and they leave.. i dont think *anyone* here is more knowlegable about spanish and english in lubuntu than you23:54
Ahmuckis there a spanish lubuntu channel?23:54
holsteinoccasionally someone will pop in and we give the !es bot link, and they leave.. i dont think *anyone* here is more knowlegable about spanish and english in lubuntu than you23:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:54
Ahmuckthe bot link is broke23:55
holsteinbut, the main ubuntu channel, thats where you would *maybe* actually encounter a user that is either like you, or looking for exactly the same as you, or has already found it23:55
Ahmuckneed to be #ubuntu-es ?23:55
holsteinAhmuck: whats the question, friend?23:55
Ahmucker, #ubuntu-es ;23:55
holsteinAhmuck: i just sent you text in that channel23:56
holsteinAhmuck: what is "broke" about what, specifically?23:56
holsteinAhmuck: i would also ask in the very large libreoffice community23:57
Ahmuckok.  so my lubuntu system is in LANG=es_MX LANGUAGE=es_MX23:58
Ahmucki can start gnucash with the variables LANG=en_US and LANGUAGE=en_US23:58
holsteinAhmuck: what is broken?23:58
holsteinAhmuck: what about the bot link is broken?23:58
Ahmucksetting system variables on the fly for certian programs23:59
Ahmuckoh, ok23:59
Ahmucki thought you meant with the language and country was set up and operating23:59
Ahmuckok, so the link you gave me i clicked on #ubuntu; and it opened up channel #ubuntu; rather than #ubuntu23:59

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