
houkouonchi-homewas libmpich2-3 removed on purpose and any reasoning? The page no longer exists at: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libmpich2-3 and it disappeared from the repo's a few days ago00:00
* rww takes a look00:02
rwwThe last change to its source package was in December :\00:03
rwwoh wait no, I'm looking at the wrong page00:03
rwwhoukouonchi-home: "superseded by mpich (3.0.4-6ubuntu1), which has already taken over most of mpich2's binary packages"00:04
rwwper https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mpich2/+publishinghistory00:04
houkouonchi-homerww: thanks00:06
Mark-PotterCan I upgrade from 12.04?00:36
rohandoes ubuntu installer support using btrfs in automatic partitioning?00:44
johnjohn101hard to believe less than 3 days01:33
Arnexok cats and kittens, if i have ubuntu 13.10 and do an apt-get dist-upgrade at this very moment, will it take me to the 14.04 beta?01:47
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.01:47
rwwYou're probably looking for do-release-upgrade -d01:47
Arnexyeah, that is what i'm looking for01:47
Arnexsame question, but with do-release-upgrade, will it take me to the beta? or will that only be live on the 17th?01:48
rwwArnex: -d = development version = beta01:48
Arnexah, okay!  thanks!01:49
vonsyd0wrww, ubuntu-server 14.04 questions in here, right?01:54
rwwvonsyd0w: correct01:54
vonsyd0wI haven't messed w/ ubuntu server versions between 12.04 and 14.04, so I dont know if you cant install linux-image-virtual anymore. Is that correct? Are linux-image-generic and virtual the same now?01:55
=== rww is now known as ubuparty
=== ubuparty is now known as rww
owen1when does systemd going to be part of ubuntu? 14.04 ?02:39
rwwowen1: No, not 14.04. A bunch of stuff needs to be converted from upstart to systemd, so it'll be a while.02:46
rwwIt's a major change, and it was only announced halfway through the release cycle, so...02:46
Aki-Thinkpadhey is anyones rhythmbox crashing when you try to back a song?02:46
Aki-ThinkpadI'd like to report a bug if this is the case02:48
owen1rww: got it. thank you!02:51
=== dabomb63432 is now known as bandit63
=== roasted_ is now known as roasted
bandit63any one succesfully built kernel 3.15rc1?03:46
bandit63getting cannot create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d//01autoremove-kernels.dpkg-new: Permission denied03:52
Aki-Thinkpadbandit63, #ubuntu+2 :P04:05
bandit63i will try to build 3.14.1 and see if it builds go from there04:09
sakangso it's all set this Thursday?04:11
bandit63or i can stay here untill thursday and it will be +2 kind of04:11
bandit63ubuntu+2 in invite only and gets you kicked04:13
bandit633.14.1 builds fine so its something with 3.15rc1 oh well its time for sleep04:49
Aki-Thinkpadbandit63, wait, ubuntu+2 actually exists? lol05:41
scarleoHi, the new cool lock screen doesn't work if I enable On Screen Keyboard, which package should I file the bug report against?06:07
scarleoAnd, uhm, ubuntu-bug launched Lynx :D06:11
=== Guest10814 is now known as jack
abhrahi, having a little problem with huawei E355 modem.could use as a wifi hotspot but not working as a wired connection. in ubuntu 12.04 with 3.8 kernel (raring lts backport), it worked. otherwise, the wired connection mode does not work with anyother kernel. any help for xubuntu 14.04 will be appreciated. one way to work it in linux mint, xubuntu 13.10 is mentioned here http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=14899006:26
abhraneither working in ubuntu06:27
Aki-Thinkpadabhra, you will probably have more luck in #xubuntu or #mint tbh.06:32
Aki-Thinkpadabhra, its sort of like going to a redhat channel and asking for centos support (okay Yah they are now the same entity, but you know what I mean :P)06:32
rwwThey're asking for help with Xubuntu 14.04. #xubuntu doesn't support 14.04, and Mint's channels don't support Xubuntu06:33
rwwand #ubuntu+1 supports the dev version of what #ubuntu supports, which is #ubuntu and official flavors06:34
abhraAki-Thinkpad, though i mentioned about xubuntu 14.04 specifically, but it is not working in ubuntu 14.04 either. moreover, #xubuntu does not support xubuntu 14.04 and i was advised to present the problem here from that channel. and i mentioned linux mint forum, because the  solution was mentioned in that forum. that solution worked in both ubuntu and xubuntu 13.10 with 3.11 kernel series.06:43
Aki-Thinkpadabhra, Oh fair enough;06:44
Aki-Thinkpadrww, someone is in a forgiving mood :P06:45
rwwcleaning up our bantracker is easier if there are only four bans to track ;)06:45
Aki-Thinkpadah well goodnight07:00
dangelovhey everyone - i was directed here from the main #ubuntu channel. I'm running 14.04 beta2, on which my internal laptop monitor doesn't work. It worked previously on 13.10, which was unusable because of lack of drivers for my wireless card. I've been looking for solutions online, but haven't found anything yet - i was hoping someone here may be able to help me out07:22
KnownSyntaxIs there any way for you to try to see if it is a missing driver for your monitor? For me this happened after awhile but it was a bad "default" choice Ubuntu set on my graphics card.07:35
dangelovthe display works just before ubuntu starts booting (i get a purple rectangle)07:38
dangelovxrandr also shows it as connected in output, with the correct resolution/refresh rate07:38
dangelovand so does Displays in system preferences07:38
dangelovwould a screenshot of Displays, or a paste of the xrandr output help in narrowing down the problem?07:39
efestitohello, good morning, i'm trying to enable gesture trackpad, (3 or 4 fingers), i have search about it, and the easier way is using a perl-script, but i recieve that -m parameter over synclient is not recognized. (i'm over 14.04). is there other option to do that?08:34
jlucI pray08:37
jlucubuntu god, please correct the nautilus bug that cripple the search tool08:38
k1l_!bug | jluc08:38
ubottujluc: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:38
jlucubuntu god, please correct the nautilus bug that prevent the correct resizing of columns and prevent the use of "place" column08:38
jlucubuntu god, i know thou are good08:39
jlucplease hear me08:39
ikoniajluc: stop it08:39
ikoniajluc: if you have a problem ask for help, log a bug so that it can start to get resolved08:39
ikoniarather than make random complaints to no-mans land08:40
efestitojluc, enable gestures trackpad08:40
jlucpraying is not complaining08:46
tomboy64do i want for desktop use the lowlatency kernel or the generic one?09:20
ikoniawhy would you need low latency ?09:28
=== quem_ is now known as quem
zequencetomboy64: -generic is fine for most things, especially for servers. -lowlatency is fine for most things, but not for servers09:35
zequenceanother term used for -lowlatency I sometimes see is -desktop09:35
zequencethere are only a few cases when you would need -lowlatency - whenever you need to monitor something going into the computer with lowlatency09:36
zequence..like playing a soft synth with a midi keyboard09:36
zequence-lowlatency has a bit less data throughput (about 10-20% less), but in return, you get higher preemptiveness09:37
zetheroothis seems to indicate that 14.04 will be released with libvirt 1.2.2 ... is this correct? http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/main/base/libvirt09:45
lotuspsychje!info libvirt09:45
ubottuPackage libvirt does not exist in trusty09:46
jpdszetheroo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes#Libvirt_1.2.209:46
lotuspsychje!find libvirt09:46
ubottuFound: libvirt-bin, libvirt-dev, libvirt-doc, libvirt0, libvirt0-dbg, libvirtodbc0, nova-compute-libvirt, python-libvirt, gir1.2-libvirt-glib-1.0, libvirt-glib-1.0-0 (and 8 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libvirt&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all09:46
zetheroojpds: sounds good - thanks!09:46
oncawhen I move windows to the edge of my screen gnome tries to resize the window, this is undesirable but I cannot figure out how to turn it off. is there a way?09:46
zetheroois anyone using gthumb in 14.04 ? ... it's totally unusable for me!09:47
ikoniaglib error zetheroo ?09:47
dangelovis anyone having issues with built-in laptop monitors under 10.04 beta2?09:48
ikoniadangelov: how about just tell us your issue09:48
dangelovthe screen is off, but everything i check indicates that it's on09:48
bekks!nomodeset | dangelov09:48
ubottudangelov: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:48
dangelovalright, i'll try that, thanks09:48
dangelovthe screen is off - not black though09:49
zetheroo ikonia: yes  - how did you know!?09:49
dangelovdo I still want nomodeset, or should I use09:49
ikoniazetheroo: I am all seeing09:50
ikoniazetheroo: a bug has been logged for it already09:50
zetherooapparently you are :D09:50
zetheroo ikonia: yes, I logged one myself ...09:50
bekksdangelov: for using that parameter, you would have to decode your ACPI DSDT table first, to see the valid values for your specific ACPI implementation.09:50
ikoniazetheroo: maybe worth finding the other bug then and trying to link to it, rather than have 2 bugs for the same thing09:51
bekksdangelov: So unless you know how to do that, you want to use nomodeset first.09:51
zetheroo ikonia: I have not heard anything back about it ... so I thought I might ask the IRC community ...09:51
ikoniazetheroo: you won't hear anything back about it - you have to push it09:51
ikoniazetheroo: it doesn't just get fixed on it's own09:51
zetherooikonia: push it!?09:51
ikoniazetheroo: yes, work with people to get it fixed09:51
dangelovbekks: thanks09:52
zetherooikonia: this is my bug ... how do I "push it"!? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gthumb/+bug/130712709:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307127 in gthumb (Ubuntu) "Too slow to use, and feature missing!" [Undecided,New]09:52
ikoniazetheroo: ok, so that's a poor bug09:52
ikoniazetheroo: you need to verify it happens in a clean 14.04 isntall09:53
ikoniazetheroo: make sure it happens in the current 14.04 patch level09:53
zetherooikonia: why? many people will be upgrading from 13.20 to 14.04 ...09:53
ikoniazetheroo: not link to a pastebin that expires09:53
ikoniazetheroo: yes, but finding out if the problem is a core problem, or cause by an ugprade helps09:53
ikoniaso people know where to look and can manage it09:54
zetheroo" current 14.04 patch level" ?09:54
ikoniayes, the current distro patch level09:55
ikoniainclude the error in the bug report, not a link to a pastebin09:55
ikoniaforget the auto enchance feature, thats a seperate issue/task09:56
zetheroook, well if there is already another similar bug report out there I won't bother re-issuing this one ...09:56
ikoniabasically you've just logged a bug that says "help, stuffs broken and missing"09:56
ikoniaand then seem surprised that nothing is happening09:56
dangelovjust tried nomodeset09:58
dangelovubuntu now thinks my external monitor is my built-in one09:58
dangelovunplugging the external doesn't activate internal monitor09:58
lotuspsychjecheck this out for trusty: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/cirrus-7-nimbus-1-pc-ubuntu-14-0410:06
ljunggrenit looks awesome10:07
ljunggreni want one of those10:07
dangelovso - i tried nomodeset and the acpi_osi=, the internal laptop monitor still doesn't want to start10:08
dangelovwhen ubuntu is booting, when I set the options, the monitor was working up until "initializing ram disk", after which it turns itself off10:08
tomboy64thanks zequence10:23
tomboy64i just finished installing ubuntu 14.04 via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux   / debootstrap and it finished with 40 packages left unconfigured10:23
tomboy64is it still likely that ubuntu will boot up fine?10:24
ikoniadepends if you did a good install10:24
tomboy64let's see10:25
oncaso I just popped this ssd into my netbook from a much faster machine and while it works great what can I do to reduce latency?10:27
oncawho doesn't love big brother? right?10:29
lotuspsychjeonca: there are few settings for ubuntu you can tweak10:29
oncaI think I tweaked them all10:30
lotuspsychjeonca: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd10:30
oncacompiz settings are set, init scripts are off10:30
lotuspsychjeonca: swappiness? fstab tweak?10:30
oncaI had to add swap, because the drive came out of a beast with 16gb ram10:31
lotuspsychjeonca: TRIM should be enabled by default in trusty10:31
oncaand now it has only 2gb10:31
bekksonca: And why did you have to add swap then?10:31
oncathat bigbrother comment was meant for a much sillier channel10:32
oncaand wasn't appropriate in either one. so sorry10:32
lotuspsychjeonca: what ssd brand did you get?10:32
oncaI added swap to get the gimp to render properly10:32
oncalotuspsychje: I can't remember, but it's been serving me well10:32
oncaI gave two away to friends10:34
oncaI like the patriot one I gave away10:34
oncalotuspsychje: I discovered it's a 120GB kingston hyperX I bought for under 100$10:43
lotuspsychjeonca: nice!10:44
lotuspsychjegot myself a samsung evo, running on ubuntu 64bit netbook10:44
oncawhat's great is I took the drive out of a serious machine and put it in a netbook and your os booted right up perfectly10:44
oncayou don't understand what that's worth to me10:44
oncaif I had some money, which I don't, I'd donate10:45
bekksDonate to Samsung?10:45
lotuspsychjeyou can donate to me :p10:46
bekksOr to me, I'll pass the money to lotuspsychje then :P10:46
Komatrusty daily build server?10:48
bekksKoma: full question?10:49
Komanevermind wrong channel10:49
Komabut, as I'm here10:49
Komausing the daily today is near the same of downloading the GM?10:50
Koma(i mean Release)10:50
lotuspsychje2 days remaining for final release10:50
bekksIt is near, yes.10:50
lotuspsychjecan happen alot of fixing in 2 days :p10:51
KomaI hope not :P10:51
ljunggrenHope not stuff gets fixed?10:51
KomaI mean, it's everything freezed righ now10:51
ljunggrenyeah i heard about that10:51
ljunggrenwhat does that mean?10:51
Komaljunggren:  i hoe that there isn't much to be fixed10:52
Koma\\hope=/=hoe but I'll get used to this10:52
MannerManAny chance that this one will be fixed in 14.04: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/108709010:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1087090 in compiz (Ubuntu) "[raring][regression] Window management - Maximized windows aren't fullscreen in the workspace switcher" [Medium,Triaged]10:52
ljunggrenWell, what does this mean? freeze?10:52
Komathat many of the packages has been freezed to a version so probably are already addressed as stable to release10:53
lotuspsychjeMannerMan: bugs can exist a long time, its best you try to fix it then wait for release10:53
MannerManlotuspsychje: Looking at it in launchpad, a fix seems to be committed10:54
lotuspsychje!info compiz10:55
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.11+14.04.20140409-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 126 kB10:55
lotuspsychjeMannerMan: seems same version here10:55
lotuspsychjeMannerMan: can you check your current version?10:56
lotuspsychjeMannerMan: apt-cache show compiz10:57
MannerManlotuspsychje: Currently i'm at work, so i'm using Ubuntu 12.04 (where the bug does not exist)10:57
MannerManAt home i'm running 14.04, so have to check up on it later10:58
lotuspsychjeMannerMan: ok10:58
MannerManBut thanks for the info10:58
zetherooI just installed 14.04 server onto one of our test servers ... and the network configuration is a bit odd ... instead of getting eth0, eth1, and so on, there is "p255p1" ... what's that!?10:58
* Yelu is away: sorry, but I'm sooo busy with being away ...11:06
* Yelu is back (gone 00:00:41)11:06
jackhelp, plz11:20
jack$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:20
jackPaketlisten werden gelesen... Fehler!11:20
jackE: Encountered a section with no Package: header11:20
zetheroojack: have you checked your sources.list /11:24
jackzetheroo: checked?11:35
jacki never touched it...11:35
jackE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/de.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_multiverse_i18n_Translation-en11:36
jackE: Die Paketliste oder die Statusdatei konnte nicht eingelesen oder geöffnet werden.11:36
jacksorry for the german11:37
jackwhat can i do now?11:41
zetheroois this a fresh install of 14.04 .... or an upgrade?11:44
zetheroocan you pastebin your sources.list file?11:45
Teduardo<zetheroo: pxxpx means the pci-e or pci slot and the port number of the card11:45
zetherooTeduardo: right, but why is it no longer eth0 etc ... ?11:45
Teduardobecause using eths wasn't predictable11:46
jackone sec11:46
jackzetheroo: pretty fresh, no upgrade11:46
Teduardoim sure there is a way to go back to the old way11:46
Teduardoon dell hardware it's called em1 and em2, etc11:47
zetherooTeduardo: with 14.04?11:47
Teduardothey did all of this so that the same port on the same box on 10000 machines are all addressed the same way all the time11:47
zetherooTeduardo: I have never seen anything other than eth0, eth1, etc ... at least before 14.0411:48
Teduardoit might only do the em1, em2, thing on redhat, centos.. but the principal is the same; and the p1p2, etc stuff has been happening for a long time at least since 1311:48
Teduardoit may only do that on add-on ethernet cards though11:49
Teduardoand not built-in11:49
Teduardop255 doesnt sound like a real device11:49
zetherooit's doing it with built-in Intel cards11:49
Teduardohmm that's not virtualized?11:49
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:49
zetheroobefore this we had 12.04.4 and it was always ethx11:49
Teduardoweird, the only ones i've seen are like p1p1 and p1p2 and p2p1 and normal things like that, i've never seen a p25511:49
Teduardoanyway, to answer your question that's just the way it is now =)11:50
zetheroono - this is not virtualized11:50
zetherooI have p255p1 and p255p2 for the onboard NIC's ... and then p3p1 for the addon NIC11:51
ikoniazetheroo: device names have changed in all distros11:51
ikoniait's just updated udev rules11:51
zetherooI also noticed that "/etc/init.d/networking restart" doesn't seem to work anymore ...11:52
funkyHatIt's related to the heartbleed exploit (it's not, I'm making it up)11:52
TeduardofunkyHat: crap now thats going to be breaking news on CNN for the next 18 hours11:52
Teduardodont make jokes11:52
Teduardo(they dont get it)11:53
ikoniazetheroo: sysv init is dead, stop using bad habbits11:53
zetherooikonia: it was the only way that restarting the networking really worked in 12.04.x11:54
ikoniathat's just nonsense11:54
zetheroowell "service networking restart" did not work nearly as well ...11:54
ikonia"work nearly as well"11:54
ikoniasorry - that's just nonsense11:55
zetheroowhats the "new" way? :P11:55
jackzetheroo: http://pastebin.com/bMBdH4VY11:55
zetherooikonia: sorry, it just didn't ... not for our networking setup anyhow ...11:55
ikoniazetheroo: it did11:55
jackseems like it is an upgraded raring11:55
ikoniazetheroo: it executes the same scripts11:55
jacksorry ;)11:55
ikoniait's black or white, the network is either down or up11:55
ikoniaso how can it work "not as good"11:56
zetherooikonia: well we got different results with the two commands ...11:56
ikoniathe network is either up or down - black/white11:56
ikoniaso I don't know how you can get different results11:56
zetheroothe "restart" command I am talking about11:56
ikoniayes, it's either started, or stopped11:56
ikoniaso again, I don't know how you can have different results11:56
ikoniabut this is nothing to do with 14.04 - it's your lack of understanding11:57
ikoniaso I suggest reading the admin guide11:57
zetherooikonia: when I made changes to /etc/network/interfaces and then would do "service networking restart" it would fail half the time ... but with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" the network would restart properly (meaning come back up with the updated settings) almost all the time.11:59
ikoniazetheroo: sure sure, whatever11:59
zetherooThat has been my experience - so I continued to use the "/etc/init.d/networking restart" command ... but if your saying that there is a better way that actually WORKS as well with bridging and bonding etc ... then by all means do tell ...12:00
ikoniaread the admin guide12:01
zetherooYou talking about the Ubuntu Server Guide?12:06
ikoniathat's a good guide12:06
zetheroobecause this is what it says in Chapter 1.4 :12:06
zetherooNow restart networking to enable the bridge interface:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:07
zetherooChapter 1.4 is the chapter on Bridging btw ...12:07
zetherooikonia: cool, looks like I was following the guide afterall ... :D12:08
ikoniadoes it really say that in the guide now?12:09
zetherooikonia: and again in section 3.2 :12:10
zetherooAfter changing the config file you have to restart the dhcpd:12:10
ikoniawhat's the URL12:10
jackzetheroo: what should i do now?12:10
ikoniaI only see the 13.10 server guide12:10
zetheroosudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart12:10
zetherooikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/serverguide.pdf12:10
ikoniazetheroo: 12.0412:11
ikonianot 14.0412:11
zetherooikonia: yes, and I was saying that is what I WAS doing in 12.04.x and you were calling it "nonsense"! :P12:12
ikoniano, I didn't say what you where doing was nonsense12:12
ikoniaI said the results you where seeing where nonsense12:12
ikoniathat "one worked better"12:12
zetheroowell you called it a "bad habit" ...12:12
ikoniait is a bad habbit12:12
ikoniaas system V is dead12:13
zetheroowhen in fact it was a perfectly good habit as per the documentation12:13
ikoniathe sooner you stop depending on system V scripts the better you'll be12:13
zetheroouhm ... not yet ... it's got a few day to go ;)12:13
ikoniagood luck with it then....12:13
zetheroowell sure, but it's not a "bad" habit mate!12:13
ikoniait is a bad habbit12:13
ikoniaand don't call me "mate"12:13
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system V init ?12:13
zetherooit's how things were done for the past several years with the latest official Ubuntu LTS release as per the documentation ... so it's not "bad" .... it may be old ... but not "bad"!12:16
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system V init - yes / no12:16
ikoniaeven in 12.04 - doe it use system v init12:16
zetherooSo now the documentation is wrong!?12:16
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system v init - yes/no12:16
zetheroospinning ... just spinning ... :P12:16
ikoniayou seem either unwilling or unable to answer the question12:17
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system v init - yes/no12:17
zetheroowhat use is the documentation if people on IRC know better!?12:17
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system v init - yes/no12:17
zetherooyou yourself pointed to the documentation repeatedly!12:17
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system v init - yes/no12:17
zetherooand now you want to skip on over to something else because the documentation does not suite your opinion that documented instructions for the latest official LTS release are "bad" - HA!12:18
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system v init - yes/no12:18
ikoniaif you answer the question, I can actually explain12:18
ikoniabut you seem unable to answer this question12:18
zetheroowhy don't you just explain?12:18
ikoniabut you seem unable to answer this question12:19
ikoniadoes ubuntu use system v init - yes/no12:19
zetherooI am not going to answer because I don't know! But I DO know what the docs say ... and if you know better than the docs why then do you refer to them!?12:19
ikoniaok, that's fair enough, you don't know12:19
ikoniathat's all you had to say12:20
zetherooif you know better than the docs why then do you refer to them!?12:20
ikoniaso ubuntu doesn't use system V init - it uses upstart, and there are some legacy links to system v init scripts to call the upstart jobs12:20
ikoniato depend commands from an init system that is no longer in user and being maintained with hacks - is a "bad habbit"12:20
ikoniaI'm a little dissapointed that the docs seem to reference this still, however I applaud you following them12:20
zetheroohow is anyone reading the docs supposed to know that... or even what that means!?12:20
ikoniawhat what means ?12:21
zetheroo"ubuntu doesn't use system V init - it uses upstart, and there are some legacy links to system v init scripts to call the upstart jobs"12:21
ikoniaubuntu not using system V init has been well documented for a while12:21
ikoniaas you rightly point out though, that is the documented way of calling the upstart jobs, so that's the right way to do it12:22
zetherooAll that is immediately important to me is "how to restart networking"  ... and so I lookup the docs and it say xyz ....12:22
ikoniaso you did the right thing then12:22
zetherooso now with 14.04 it's different I am guessing12:23
ikoniaI suggest you follow the same practce12:23
zetherooor maybe it has been since 13.10 or 13.04 ... ?! We tend to only use LTS releases here so I wouldn't know what's going on with 12.10, 13.04 and 13.10 ...12:23
ikonianot the 13.10 docs (which appear to be identical to the 12.04 ones) seem to suggest the same thing12:24
zetherooin the 13.10 doc I found this under Bridging: sudo service networking restart12:24
zetheroo12.10 doc also has "sudo service networking restart" under Bridging ...12:26
ikoniayou're not using 12.10/13.04 are you ?12:27
ikoniaeither way it doesn't matter to the 14.04 build12:27
zetheroooh, I found the 14.04 giude12:28
zetheroohmmm .... it says this now: sudo ifup br012:29
zetheroounder Bridging ...12:29
zetherooso no network restart at all ... !? :P12:29
zetherooseems in other parts of the docs to still use the "service servicename restart" command ...12:30
zetherooone other thing I could not do like before (with 12.04.x) was ssh into root@hostname ... it will not accept the root password .. so I have to ssh into user@hostname and then su into root ...12:32
k1l_zetheroo: why dont you use sudo?12:32
k1l_!sudo | zetheroo12:32
ubottuzetheroo: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:32
zetherook1l_: yes that is an option ... but I rather be in as root ...12:33
zetherooeverything I do is as root anyhow ...12:33
Roryzetheroo: You've set a root password, right?12:33
zetherooRory: yep12:33
k1l_ubuntu is build around sudo. so that is the proper ubuntu way. is there a need to be always root? besides old habbits?12:33
Roryzetheroo: If you find yourself always being root, you may want to re-think your linux usage paradigms12:34
Roryzetheroo: Like when Windows Xp made every account an administrator12:34
zetherooput it this way, if I was not logged in as root 100% of my commands would have to start with "sudo" in front of them12:34
zetherooso .. is anyone aware of a "new" security feature which prohibits sshing as root on 14.04?12:35
ikoniait should be blocked by default on all distros12:35
ikonia1.) the root account is locked 2.) the sshd config should disable any root login12:36
k1l_zetheroo: again: "i need to always be root" means there is something wrong at all. but do as you like, its your system. but be aware that ubuntu is build around sudo12:38
k1l_zetheroo: see the ssh server config if root login is permitted12:38
ikoniait should be disabled by default, I'm shocked it's not disabled in earlier versions12:38
ikonia(if it's not)12:39
zetheroook thanks ... checking now12:39
zetherooin 12.04.x it was working out of the box ;)12:39
ikoniaenabling it will fail many audits, so be aware of your business has any iso standards, this will void pretty much all of them12:39
k1l_ikonia: root login was enabled so far, dont know if that changed (which i would prefer)12:39
Roryikonia: It 100% isn't blocked in Ubuntu 12.04, you can ssh as root if you can write a malicious authorized_keys file to /root/.ssh/12:39
ikoniak1l_: Rory poor12:40
RoryI agree, it's a terrible default to have12:40
zetheroook , I see it as being "PermitRootLogin without-password"12:40
zetherooso with a swap of ssh keys it is still possible then by default!?12:40
Roryzetheroo: Perhaps it disallows password logins, but allows logins with key-based authentication12:40
Roryzetheroo: Try adding your key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys12:41
zetherooRory: yep ... sounds like that12:41
zetherooRory: that worked a treat!12:42
Roryzetheroo: I feel dirty12:44
zetheroojack: if it's not an upgrade why does your sources.list file contain this: "# deb cdrom:[Xubuntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtail_ - Release amd64 (20130423.1)]/ raring main multiverse restricted universe" ?12:51
Gamoder_Hi everyone, I got the following problem: I am using Ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit, XFCE and nm-applet is not shown13:25
Gamoder_(even if I start it - but it is running and sometimes even shows notifications)13:25
gabmushello i have a problem: i dont see the volume popup anymore when pressing volume buttons. I'm using ubuntu gnome 14.04 with the gnome3 ppa.13:29
gad-zllangmy os no sound now .13:43
gad-zllangtoday  i install some upgrade package.13:43
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Rorygad-zllang: Have you tried turning it off and on again?14:03
Rory(seriously, though)14:03
gad-zllangRory: how?14:04
gad-zllangi try restart14:04
Rorygad-zllang: in the top-right, click the cog, choose Shut Down14:04
Rorygad-zllang: Then press the button on your computer which turns it on14:04
gad-zllangRory: i see ,i alread restart it .14:05
gad-zllangRory: it not work.14:05
RoryOK. Can you make sure it's set to use the correct output device for sound? Click the volume button, click Sound Settings14:05
RoryYou'll see a list of possible devices on the left, make sure the one you want it selected14:06
gad-zllangit only a dummy14:06
RoryThat's the only one in the list?14:06
RoryI'll refer you to this wiki page which has a few more troubleshooting steps to try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting14:06
RoryNot that one, my apologies14:07
RoryThis one ----> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems14:07
riverloopHi, anyone here? I can't do a DUN using Trusty.14:31
riverloopAnyone experiencing same issues?14:31
holsteinriverloop: dial up?14:33
riverloopBtw, I'm talking about bluetooth dialup.14:33
riverloopholstein, yeah.14:33
hydruid1Is it the 17th YET? lol14:33
riverloopIt used to work in 12.04. There were issues starting from kernel versions 3.8, however.14:34
holsteinsounds awful, riverloop .. i would test as independently as possible14:34
riverloopDisconnecting dialup connection caused kernel panics, but I think it is fixed in the later kernel releases. Haven't got a chance to try 3.10, 3.11, etc.14:34
holsteinshould be easy to test with live CD's14:35
riverloopI can confirm it used to work in 13.04 (don't know about 13.10)14:35
riverloopMy laptop is an Acer Aspire 4736z, and the phone I'm using is a Nokia 5230, if that makes any difference.14:35
holsteinriverloop: likely not, unless nokia has promised to support linux for you14:36
riverloopI'm sorry, I don't have a speedy internet connection. I can't do that right now14:37
holsteinriverloop: i would test things as independently as possible.. does the phone work? is bluetooth working? USB, etc.. i would try those with live CDs, and just look for bug reports (if any), though, ideally, it would be nokia that could "Fix" this14:37
holsteinanytime you say "think", just go in and confirm14:37
Rorygad-zllang: Hello, yes?14:38
riverloopIf I should test using a live CD, I should download the ISO first, which is impossible with my current connection speed.14:38
riverloopholstein: yes, it works. I use it in 12.04, it works flawlessly.14:41
riverloopI installed 14.04 in another partition yesterday. Pairing the phone works okay. But when I tick the "Access Internet using this phone", it takes forever to detect the phone configuration, and ultimately times out.14:41
holsteinriverloop: no need to install anything14:42
riverloopholstein: thanks for a helping mind. :)14:42
holsteinriverloop: use the live CD's to test14:42
holsteinriverloop: is bluetooth working? if not, the dial up wont14:43
gad-zllangRory, i just offline .14:43
holsteinriverloop: is USB? that would be necesssary as well14:43
gad-zllang i download a oem-audio-hda-daily-dkms source package from code.launchpad.net . but i cannt built it .14:43
riverloopBtw, it's just bluetooth DUN that is not working. Right now I'm using USB DUN from the very same phone.14:43
holsteinriverloop: wow.. i know what i would do14:43
gad-zllangwhen make , it need unpatched-source.14:44
holsteinriverloop: since im not guaranteed linux support for the device from the device manufacturer, id just use it with USB14:44
holsteinotherwise, i still dont see that you have tested that bluetooth is working.. bluetooth will need to be working for you to use bt DUN14:45
riverloopholstein: Bluetooth is working.14:46
riverloopholstein: I can transfer files to and fro. No problem.14:47
riverloopissue is with dialup only.14:48
holsteinid say, other than letting nokia know you are having a hard time, and troubleshooting with live CD's for different kernel versions, i know i would just use USB tether14:48
riverloopYeah. I tested it using live USB yesterday. Same problem persists for 14.04.14:49
holsteinnothing about linux is preventing that from working, but, its also challenging to expect it to facilitate it14:49
riverloopBut I have the option of USB dialup, that's why I installed it rightaway.14:49
riverloopBut it would be nice to have bluetooth DUN working. I'm not sure many people use bluetooth DUN nowadays.14:50
holsteini think you'll do better finding a user with that actual device14:50
holsteinriverloop: this is not even about bt DUN, as far as we know14:50
holsteincould be more about that specific device14:51
riverloopholstein: Maybe not. The phone configuration is not detected at all.14:52
riverloopholstein: Yeah, I better find one person using the same phone to connect to a linux box via bluetooth DUN, to access internet.14:53
holsteinriverloop: i say, a few mailing lists/forums might help you find those users14:53
riverloopholstein: do you think submitting a bug report would be a better idea?14:54
riverloopholstein: Yeah. Thanks for guiding. I'll surely look into it.14:55
holsteinriverloop: ideally, nokia would have a bug program, and you could submit that there.. i really feel like the burden is misplace to expect the linux kernel to provide support for it, since, its not doing anything to prevent that support.. as a matter of fact, its totally welcoming said support14:55
holsteinriverloop: but, an official bug support would be a good idea, if there is not already one14:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:56
holsteinriverloop: if you find one, you may find a user there who is at least doing bt DUN.. not many are.. which is a challenge for you14:56
pseubodotIs the 17 APR release estimate for another RC or for 14.04 proper?15:11
BluesKajpseubodot, it's the official release, not an rc15:12
pseubodotI'm working with a colleague through an issue with CUPS on the 14.04 rc15:13
pseubodotintermittant problem when printing from browse. the argument line to gs uses %stdout instead of %stdout% (per docs)15:14
pseubodotbrowser, rather15:14
pseubodotand the print job dies15:14
BluesKajpseubodot, hmm, if it's a work machine one has to expect problems with a beta release, not recommended to use on the job yet. It's still bit early days for workplace computing.15:16
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pseubodotBluesKaj: the best way to prevent bugs is to find them early. :)15:17
BluesKajpseubodot, agreed, but let the edgy/devel users find the bugs first before committing and that can up to a month after official release IME.15:19
BluesKajtake up to a month15:19
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pseubodotedgy ~= equivalent of debian/unstable?15:20
darthanubiswindow shade broken for anybody?15:20
BluesKajedgy = beta releases15:21
darthanubisdouble clicking titlebar shades window but leaves a ghost outline. Only way back to program is by clicking it's icon in the taskbar. Unity.15:21
pseubodotso similar to debian's 'testing' distro then15:21
BluesKajpseubodot, I imagine so , haven't used debian testing OS in a while15:22
* pseubodot points to al___ 15:27
pseubodotso how would we contact the edgy/devel folks?15:29
BluesKajpseubodot, join # ubuntu-devel15:33
BluesKajerr #ubuntu-devel15:34
BluesKajps that's if you use unity/gnome desktop15:34
BluesKajpseubodot, but there are users here who could probly help with cups. I'm just not one of them.15:36
al___the cups problem is on a fresh install unity 14.04. nothing fancy15:39
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HorusHorrendusHey all ... I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 and had a weird bug in Firefox & Thunderbird (black boxes appearing all over the screen after some time) that didn't go away, even if I disable smooth scrolling & hardware acceleration in firefox15:53
HorusHorrendusyesterday I found this bug here: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68410 and I followed the instructions and switched AccelMethod to uxa instead of the standard (sna?)15:54
ubottuFreedesktop bug 68410 in Driver/intel "[bisected ivb] Small black box corruption in firefox" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]15:54
HorusHorrendusand it is gone, so it seems like the current beta/rc is affected by this bug (at least on some machines)15:54
module000is the indicator whitelist (for tray icons from chrome, skype, sylpheed, etc) dead forever in 14.04? or is there a way to get indicator icons working in 14.04's unity?16:04
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nonubyany idea where this redundant icon (same login/logout button almost as far right) has come from?  http://uploadir.com/u/fxe19g0h17:06
mathuinNoticed the other day that I have two networking icons on my gnome panel thing.  This particular system has wired but no wireless AFAIK.  Why might I have two icons?17:06
k1l_i had the doubled NM icons, too. but the other one is gone since some days now17:09
mathuinOkay, I'll reboot when I go home and see if that fixes it.17:10
darthanubisflash just broke17:25
utusandone prepping 14.04, and ubuntu installer doesn't offer you anymore choice of what disk to install grub.  just install to sda which is wrong/bad18:31
bekkshow many disks do you have in your system then?18:32
utusanI have 2 and sda happens to be the usb installer18:32
utusanand I want it on sdc18:33
HorusHorrendusanyone knows of a problem with ubuntu 14.04, intel graphic cards, default (sna) acceleration and black boxes in firefox & thunderbird18:33
HorusHorrendussimilar to this bug here: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6841018:33
ubottuFreedesktop bug 68410 in Driver/intel "[bisected ivb] Small black box corruption in firefox" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]18:33
HorusHorrendusswitching to uxa acceleration fixes it, but I would like to use sna :)18:33
rbergHorusHorrendus: I have been seeing the same thing, and also strange white lines in kde once and a while18:39
HorusHorrendusrberg: yeah white lines or white boxes ... also in KDE18:39
HorusHorrendusI mean I also use KDE18:39
HorusHorrendusuxa seems to have no such screen artifcats ... so to me it seems very similar to above bug, but ubuntu 14.04 already has a higher intel driver version than stated in this bug18:40
trismHorusHorrendus: somebody linked this bug a couple days ago: bug 128286718:43
ubottubug 1282867 in linux (Ubuntu) "Frequent hang and render glitches in Xorg, caused by SNA" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128286718:43
trismHorusHorrendus: the last comment from about 40 minutes ago says the latest mesa (which was updated yesterday) fixes it, have you updated today?18:46
HorusHorrendustrism: thx for the link, yes I updated but been using uxa since yesterday evening18:46
trismHorusHorrendus: although the changelog says "fix rendering in unity" so might not help kde18:46
HorusHorrendustrism: well I can switch back to sna and see ... will follow the bug for the moment18:47
pepeehttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_athlon_r3linux&num=1 http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_am1_catalyst&num=218:50
pepeeisn't it great? many ubuntu users could benefit (now and in the future) from trusty, simply by using the latest stable kernel...18:52
Meerkatnew ubuntu increased the levels of monitor dimming it seems. Now I have to press the button 48 times instead of 6 or 7. :p19:00
patdk-wkMeerkat, should make it easier to just hold it though :)19:08
Meerkatoh. right. i'm an idiot19:08
* Meerkat celebrates good changes19:09
beardtreeSo I'm updating my computer to 14.04 but my screen went black all of a sudden and I can't Ctrl+Alt+F<n> to get to a virtual terminal. What do I do?19:09
Meerkatctrl+alt+f2 should be it19:10
beardtreeMeerkat: it's black on F1-F719:11
Meerkatif it doesn't work you can do a shutdown by typing alt+sysrq+r,e,i,s,u,b19:11
beardtreeI know, but I am in the middle of an upgrade and that will likely leave my system in a broken state19:11
MeerkatI had some black screens too after the screen was locked.19:12
Meerkatoh, fuck.19:12
Meerkatyou can't wait it out either because the installer holds the upgrade when asking to update certain config files. But maybe you knew that. Crappy situation.19:16
beardtreeSo what do I do?19:20
quemhmm, i tried installing the latest daily build (ubuntu server) on an old computer with btrfs for /, but the "installing the system" step failed. now i tried with ext4 instead, and it reached 100%.19:21
quemwas looking forward to using btrfs for /. :(19:21
quemnow i'm a bit discouraged to try it with my NAS server and primary laptop when i install 14.04 on them during the weekend.19:22
quemor not.. the same error just popped up.19:23
Meerkatquem, same error on ext4?19:25
quemlog is very vague..19:26
quema few "Unexpected error; command not executed"19:26
quemnothing concrete.19:26
quemi'll try tomorrow's daily build again.19:27
rohandoes anyone know when 13.10 will stop being supported? is it right after 14.04 release, or is there a timeframe to upgrade?19:48
holsteinrohan: 9 months support on 13.1019:49
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes19:49
holsteinso, should be somewhere around 3 months from now19:50
rohanholstein: so 3 months af19:50
rohanthanks, holstein19:50
rohanthe 14.04 release notes talk about something called "Oxide" -- anyone have any idea what it is?19:52
trismrohan: I think it is the new browser widget, for the ubuntu-touch apps, etc: https://launchpad.net/oxide20:14
rohantrism: interesting, thanks. wonder why they chose to fork chromium -- the chromium browser receives updates in ubuntu anyway20:15
rohanfrom the QML api i guess20:15
CrazyZurferhi, downloaded an 14.04 iso but cannot install it20:28
CrazyZurferright now Ive choosen try it20:28
holsteinCrazyZurfer: cool.. let us konw if you have a question20:29
CrazyZurferbut when choosing if I want to delete my ubuntu 13.10 and install or upgrade or delete windows and ubuntu and install... I choose the delete ubuntu 13.10 and install 14.04  but then doesnt give me the option to continue, the button continue seems disabled20:29
CrazyZurfernow works20:29
CrazyZurferthis thing is weeeird20:30
holsteinCrazyZurfer: you might just not be patient enough for the live media20:30
CrazyZurferholstein: might be... lol :)20:32
CrazyZurferI've got a question... which nvidia driver should I use?? should I keep using bumblebee?20:32
CrazyZurferor ubuntu 14.04 supports nvidia optimus out of the box?20:33
beidlCrazyZurfer: yes it does, you can apt-get install nvidia-prime nvidia-331-updates20:50
beidland in nvidia settings you can switch between those two. the change requires you to re-login though.20:51
beidlbetween the two GPUs*20:51
rohanbeidl: do you know if nvidia-prime does power management also? i.e. does it shut off the GPU when it's not in use?21:10
beidlrohan: when you select the intel GPU and re-login it deactivates the nvidia GPU through ACPI trickery (using bbswitch)21:11
rohanbeidl: so it's still not as seamless as bumblebee, right?21:12
beidlrohan: you can't run 1 app with the intel GPU and the other with the nvidia GPU, but generally the whole DE uses the nvidia GPU21:12
beidlrohan: I actually prefer the nvidia-prime way21:13
beidlrohan: so either you fully run with intel or fully run with nvidia, depending on your setting in nvidia-settings21:13
rohanbeidl: and you keep the nvidia card always powered up?21:13
beidlrohan: nope, only when gaming21:13
rohanbut you need to logout and back in to start gaming?21:14
beidlrohan: yup. I actually wrote an indicator that requries no password and automatically logs me out21:14
rohanbeidl: any reason you prefer this method over bumblebee then?21:14
rohani am trying to see the advantage :)21:15
beidlrohan: the whole environment is accelerated, not only one specific app21:15
rohanbeidl: but you generally don't have the whole environment accelerated, right, you said you have it only when gaming?21:16
beidlrohan: when I'm done gaming, and wanna do something else before shutting down, I notice it :)21:17
rohanfair enough21:17
beidlrohan: when I'm at school, I run on the intel GPU, when I'm home I generally run on nvidia21:17
rohanah gotcha21:18
beidlrohan: I agree that more flexibility would be nice but it's not that bad :)21:19
cmarsanyone getting stuck at "Installing new version of config file /etc/init/systemd-logind.conf ..." on apt-get dist-upgrade?21:39
spikebikenope, what does top show?21:41
spikebikeI've done mostly fresh installs and do_release_upgrades21:41
cmarsspikebike, from pstree, bash───sudo───apt-get───dpkg───libpam-systemd:───invoke-rc.d───start21:43
cmarssounds like i should open a bug on libpam-systemd21:44
danmarndahi installing ppa kernel 3.14 and 3.15 make no control over screen brightnes...21:57
danmarndahave anyone  any solution?21:58
holsteindanmarnda: dont use the ppa.. or ask the ppa maintainer for maintenance21:59
k1ldanmarnda: make sure the kernels are build to support that21:59
danmarndahm I think they are becous it work like one time over 3021:59
danmarndajust now get back to mineline21:59
danmarndaI think problem is with intel p-state22:01
danmarndabecous when I activate p-state on mineline same problem22:01
johnjohn101is it ready?22:59
ChibaPetHello all. I'm wondering if there's a good place to read about changes in the impending 14.04 release. I'm thinking of trying it on a partition on a 13" rMBP/Haswell/Iris. The help wiki talks about 13.10 and while I don't suspect anything huge to have changed, I'm curious.23:05
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:05
holsteinjust try it live23:05
ChibaPetMm, downloading the beta now. I wanted something to read while it comes down, but that seems to be what you linked. Thanks!23:06
holsteini would get the daily23:06
holsteinbut, the beta is fine, if you are already getting it23:06
holsteinyou'll download it one way or the other23:06
ChibaPetI can get the daily... I pulled it from release.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - where would I find a daily ISO?23:07
ChibaPets/it/the beta/23:07
ChibaPetOh, hm, yeah - the beta's a bit long in the tooth now I see.23:08
holsteinunless someone says theres something wrong with it, and i dont think there is23:08
ChibaPetThe web site was noting 14.04 LTS (cloud at least) being released on the 17th - while things can obviously change, historically are desktop/server/cloud released together?23:08
johnjohn101hopefully not much wrong 2 days before release23:09
holsteinChibaPet: all the official versions should release the same day23:09
ChibaPetI'm looking forward to trying it again. It's been a long time since I tried installing Ubuntu on anything.23:10
holsteinno reason to. try it live and see how it works23:10
holsteinby the time im ready to "try ubuntu", i already have a pretty good idea of how exactly the hardware supports linux23:11
ChibaPetWell. Yeah. I'm happy to do that. I made some space on a disk where it can live, though. :) I'm happy to give it its allotted 50g.23:11
holsteintrying it live is just an easy step in the process23:11
holsteinno reason not to try it live, and test the audio, wifi, etc.. see what will work how after you install, and if anything will be problematic23:12
ChibaPetI have little faith in laptops lately. Within the last month I've sent back both a ThinkPad T440 and an ASUS ZenBook, both of which had awful problems with SecureBooting Fedora despite my reading reports to the contrary. I think the MacBook will do okay given that reports of it under 13.10 are positive.23:12
ChibaPetMm, I will happily try the LiveCD tonight.23:12
holsteini have had no luck with macbooks, and i definitely, personally will not get one to run linux on23:13
holsteinif i wanted a machine to run linux on, i would get a system76 that is designed for it23:13
ChibaPetI was really feeling hopeful about the ZenBook and it crushed my spirit, so I went for the Mac as a safe fallback. If it works well I'll be happy.23:13
holsteinotherwise, its live CD, and careful testing23:13
ChibaPetThe problem there is that I wanted an ultrabook with a backlit keyboard, and those are thin on the ground. I probably should have gotten a Dell XPS Developer Edition, but I was reading horror stories about overheating there.23:14
holsteinbasically, you are taking on the responsibility of a reseller.. a team of experts at apple makes sure that machine works with all the hardware its supposed to work with. and you are saying "no thanks, i'll handle all that on my own"23:14
ChibaPetSystem76 and (I forget the name) the other popular equivalent both had systems vaguely like what I wanted, but without the backlit keyboard.23:14
ChibaPetExactly. Hence, 50g partition shaved off the top, and dual-booting. I keep my fallback. :)23:15
ChibaPetAs long as I don't melt the hardware I can restore from back-ups easily enough.23:15
ChibaPetAnyway, thanks for the pointers and advice. Heading home, and I'll write out the daily image to a USB stick and give it a run.23:16
CrazyZurfershould I install bumblebee or ubuntu 14.04 suppors nvidia OPTIMUS out of the box? :)23:21
johnjohn101ChibaPet: i think you'll like 14.04.   rock solid here23:22
holsteinCrazyZurfer: i would just try it and see.. bumblebee didnt work for me, but i mauy have the wrong hardware im testing23:22
CrazyZurferI've an nvidia Geforce 650M23:25
holsteinCrazyZurfer: id say, just fire up the live CD and see. if the open driver supports it, you should be able to tell from there23:26
CrazyZurferwell.. 13.10 didn't find anything in additional controllers, now I see a few options.. it says that now X.org x is being used... I'm affraid that installing any other might have the video card on all the time that's dangerous because of the heat23:27

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