
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
Aki-Thinkpadwhat is the conditional layout for when the phone is in portrait mode?02:33
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tangohi every body05:32
Aki-Thinkpadhi dr nick05:42
DanChapmanGood Morning06:43
dholbachgood morning06:49
justCarakasgood morning all07:00
Aki-Thinkpadgood night.07:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy One Day Without Shoes Day! :-D07:12
dpmmorning nik90, I'm looking at all pending branches for core apps and for clock I saw this one. Is this something you think we need to include or should it be rejected? Looking at it I'm not really sure what it solves, as afaik getting QtC to run the app is related to the .desktop file, which this MP does not touch -> https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-clock-app/run_from_qtcreator/+merge/20659808:05
dpmrpadovani, when you've got a minute, could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/qtc-changes ? I'll look at your pending merges this morning as well08:07
nik90dpm: yeah that branch can be rejected since we already have patch inttegrated into the clock app for that.08:44
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dpmnik90, cool, thanks. I'll reject it, then09:22
dpmone down!09:22
nik90dpm: do you know how to merge a proposal into another person's branch?09:49
* nik90 looks like an idiot now :P09:49
nik90dpm: Paolo created https://code.launchpad.net/~paolorotolo/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-for-1284564/+merge/210903 and I have helped him fix the AP tests in a branch. I need to propose my branch to his branch09:49
nik90dholbach: ^^09:50
dholbachnik90, only the person whose branch it is can merge the proposed branch09:52
dholbachyou need a team branch if you want multiple people to be able to do that09:52
nik90dholbach: but you proposed a branch to my branch..remember? for the debian packaging09:52
dholbachnik90, and you were able to merge it, right?09:53
nik90dholbach: yeah09:53
nik90dholbach: I want paolo to do the same09:53
dholbachso yeah, I wouldn't have been able to merge my branch into yours09:53
dholbachahh ok09:53
nik90dholbach: I just want to propose. he will merge it09:53
dholbachnik90, ok09:53
dholbachpush your branch to launchpad, run   bzr lp-propose   and enter Paolo's branch location09:54
nik90dholbach: thnx09:55
dpmnik90, it seems you got it sorted. One thing you can do is to still propose your branch to merge into his, by choosing the target branch to be Paolo's when you send the MP. This way he'll see the diff, but only he can do the actual merge of your branch to his09:59
nik90dpm: yeah that's what I just did...now need to wait on paolo to merge it09:59
rpadovanidpm, I saw it, works as expected on desktop :-) But I don't understand all changes (my fault). Why do you removed click folder? Also, there isn't a better solution than hardcoded values?10:31
mihirdpm, are you facing any issues while opening Calendar app on desktop after upgrading to 14.04?10:55
dpmmihir, I'm not facing any issues, but jono reported yesterday that it crashes for him on desktop10:56
dpmhi rpadovani. Thanks for reviewing. I had to remove the click folder and move the files from there to the root of the source tree because Qt Creator expects to have the manifest there and it doesn't work with subdirectories10:57
dpmrpadovani, Qt Creator also does not work with all variables that are replaced at build time by cmake. I decided hardcoding them would be the easiest thing for now10:58
rpadovanidpm, ok, all clear, thanks, I'll approve it then10:58
dpmawesome, thanks!10:58
rpadovanidpm, it will be easier to work on new design if Qt Creator works well :-)10:59
mihirdpm, i am not able to run this app from Ubuntu-SDK10:59
dpmyeah, I saw your branch with the new visual designs, but I still haven't tested it11:00
mihiri asked renato but still haven't figured out the bug.11:00
rpadovanidpm, ah, it's an early stage, I hope to work on it during easter holidays11:01
popeymihir: any logs of what happens when you try running calendar? It works fine here on my up-to-date 14.04 laptop11:04
popeymihir: any chance you're missing some sdk component?11:05
mihirpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254609/11:05
mihirpopey, i just upgraded 13.10 to 14.04 from upgrade manager.11:05
popeyright, so ppa would be disabled11:06
popeyre-enable it11:06
popeyand "sudo apt-get install --reinstall touch-coreapps" ?11:06
mihirpopey, let me try, i just uncommented all the PPA from sources.list11:08
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popeymihir: you need to change it from saucy to trusty11:11
mihirpopey, ohhh11:13
mihirpopey, i did that but no luck, i need to figure it out, all core apps works except calendar from Qt creator.11:16
mihiri don't think it would be PPA problem.11:16
mihirpopey, i get this output in console http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254609/11:18
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popeymihir: running calendar from trunk?11:36
popeymihir: just bzr pulled latest calendar and did "qtcreator calendar-app.qmlproject" then ran it in qtc, worked fine11:37
mihirpopey, yup it was latest , but let me try again.11:39
mihirpopey, no luck , i guess have to re-install 14.0411:41
mihirit is throwing same errors of GTK11:42
popeythat seems excessive11:42
popeybet you're missing a package11:42
popeywhat does "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^" do?11:42
popeynote the ^ caret11:42
popeyit may install stuff you were missing.11:43
gerlowskijapopey: Out of curiousity, what does "ubuntu-desktop^" contain/ what is it for?  Is it just all the pre-reqs needed to get set up to test/run the desktop apps?11:47
mihirpopey, yes i thought of same, it is hard to find which package it is related to GTk that means GNOME i guess.11:47
popeygerlowskija: its a task11:48
dpmzbenjamin, has the kits support already landed in the archive? I'm still running QtC from the development PPA, and I wonder if I should just upgrade to the version in the archive11:52
zbenjamindpm: yes it has11:54
dpmzbenjamin, bzoltan, nice work on the kits support again, I love how easy it is now to cross-compile!11:54
popeymihir: did you run that command?11:55
bzoltandpm: good to hear that finally it does what you expect11:55
mihirpopey, yup , but still it didn't worked.11:55
nerochiaroartmello: hi, when you have a few minutes, can you please help me by testing something on a branch I have been working on ?11:55
zbenjamindpm: that was the plan :)11:56
mihirgettting same GTK errors, only for calendar app.11:56
popeymihir: hmm11:56
artmellonerochiaro: sure, what do you need?11:56
nerochiaroartmello: lp:~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-flip-hint , basically can you verify that when opening an album and hovering near the edge of the pages, the pages will slightly start turning (as an hint that you can flip them) ? on desktop of course11:57
artmellonerochiaro: sure, just a sec11:58
nerochiaroartmello: no rush11:58
artmellonerochiaro: yes, when I hover near the edge, they slightly start turning12:15
artmellonerochiaro: but, if I start the drag there, it does not work12:15
nerochiaroartmello: that's what i was about to ask next. clicking doesn't work either, right ?12:15
artmellonerochiaro: I need to start almost on the middle of the page12:16
artmellonerochiaro: no, neither clicking12:16
nerochiaroartmello: you should start being able to drag as soon as the flip hint disappear12:16
artmellonerochiaro: yes, exactly12:16
nerochiaroartmello: there's something that steals the mouse press/release events while the page is flipped, and i can't figure out what that is. the position events keep flowing, but not press and release for left mouse button (for right mouse button they work)12:17
nerochiaroit's really off12:17
popeydpm: do we have a good guide now for setting up armhf chroot for building stuff locally?12:36
dpmpopey, do you mean with QtC or on the command line? In either case, the answer is that we don't, this just landed now in QtC12:37
popeyoh ok12:37
* popey looks forward to a work item being assigned to someone to write docs for that ☻12:37
dpmwell, not the click support, but what landed is a better UX that makes it a lot easier12:37
dpmyeah, I was thinking of doing a blog post on d.u.c, but the hours in the day keep slipping away :)12:38
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dpmballoons, do you want to do the honours, top approve and upload to the store? :-) https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/+merge/21336813:31
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popeydpm: balloons please don't upload to store without autopilot testing.13:42
dpmpopey, yes, whichever the procedure you've followed up until now. I just wanted to kick off the process13:44
popeydpm: I'll add it to the list off apps to update in the store13:50
rpadovanilast promoted version is awesome. And Google sync <313:50
dpmrpadovani, yes! \o/13:50
dpmpopey, thanks. It will need top approval first, though, but I'm hoping balloons can get to that when he's online. He's already reviewed and provided the fix that made Jenkins pass the tests, so I guess top-approving should be trivial on this one13:51
balloonsdpm, ohh you want me to approve? sure :-)14:14
balloonsdpm, why http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/revision/170?14:16
dpmballoons, there is no cmake rule that updates those variables. I've just expanded them so that the manifest works with Qt Creator for now (which expects a manifest.json file at the top of the source tree)14:18
balloonsdpm, ahh.. I just wondered if it's something that should be done across all the apps.. sounds like yes14:19
dpmballoons, I think it deserves a bit more of thinking to see if it's the best solution. I'm not entirely satisfied with hardcoding the values, but I think it's valid for now to move the file manager forward.14:20
balloonsdpm, terminal next? :-)14:20
dpmthat was my thought, but it will take me a while until I can tackle it, this is weekend hacking, and I'll be away next WE :-)14:21
balloonsno rush ofc14:21
renatopopey, nik90 , could you guys help me to test the fixed on EDS organizer plugin?14:56
renatopopey, nik90: the packages are  in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-001/14:56
popeyrenato: i think nik90 is afk for the day (exams)..14:57
popeyrenato: what does this fix?14:57
renatopopey, this release include these MR:14:58
popeyrenato: ok, will do now..15:01
Devusercan anyone point me in the right direction with regards to local storage methods with html5 ubuntu apps?15:04
popeymhall119: dpm if you get a moment could you please review my tiny changes on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1288885 ?16:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 1288885 in Ubuntu Terminal App "App cannot be started on clean Trusty desktop" [Undecided,In progress]16:03
dpmpopey, sure, just finished my call, on it16:06
popeythis is so apps start not just on unity7 but also the unity8 desktop16:06
dpmpopey, can you give me some context on why that parameter is needed, so I know what I'm reviewing?16:10
popeydpm: on a clean install of 14.04 you may have qt4 and qt516:10
dpmis it because otherwise the qt4 libraries or qt4's qmlscene would be loaded?16:10
dpmah, ok16:10
popeyand it tries to run the apps with the wrong qt16:10
popeyand the same on unity816:10
dpmgotcha, thanks16:10
dpmpopey, on an installed package, be it click or .deb, where should I see your change reflected? I.e. I can see neither the .desktop file nor the /usr/bin script to get added the -qt5 parameter16:20
dpmI've built the .deb package, I'm going to try the click package next16:21
dpmah, yeah, looking at the cmake file it seems only the click package is affected by that change. Is that the intention? If so, let me know and I'll be happy to approve16:24
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popeydpm: oh, no, which app?16:40
popeydpm: it is the deb that needs it16:40
dpmpopey, I'm looking at your terminal mp. That changes the exec for the click package, but not for the .deb file16:41
popeyhmm, thats not going to work is it.16:42
popeyubuntu-terminal-app.in needs modifying16:42
popeyI'll fix it, thanks16:42
popeyI'll re-check them all16:42
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dpmpopey, yes, the *.in script is the one that needs modifying17:10
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dpmballoons, could you help the calendar guys with the issue in the last comment? I think it might be something trivial, but I'm not familiar enough with AP to tell -> https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/21335517:53
popeydpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-terminal-app/fix-1288885/+merge/210176 should be okay now?18:02
dpmpopey, looks good now, approved!18:09
popeyrenato: bfiller_afk tested silo ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-001 with the qtorganiser-eds fixes.. i still can't enable alarms, they flip back off again.18:24
renatopopey, this is not related with these branches18:25
popeyrenato: bfiller_afk and when i set a recurring alarm for mon-fri, it still shows in the indicator as "Mon" as the next one, not "Wed" as you'd expect18:25
popeyi thought you said it did include those?18:25
renatothe first is  a bug on SKD18:25
renatopopey, the second I thought I have fixed18:25
popeyso what *does* this fix? ☻18:25
nik90popey: the alarm enable bug is related to the SDK. No time for this cycle. So I removing the switch buttons.18:26
renatocharles, did you test that ^^^?18:26
popeynik90: does clock need an update then?18:26
popey(in the store)18:26
nik90popey: yes. I just coordinated with paolo for a branch for that.18:27
nik90popey: I am going to review quickly and approve now18:27
popeyI will organise pushing clock to store a little later.18:27
nik90popey: ok..the branch that removes the switch is at https://code.launchpad.net/~paolorotolo/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-for-1284564/+merge/21090318:28
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renatopopey, do you have a bug for this mon-fri problem?18:30
popeynot sure, nik90 ?18:31
nik90renato, popey: No we don't have a bug for the mon-fri issue18:31
nik90what issue is it actually?18:31
popeyi thought i filed it... hmmm18:32
renatopopey, is this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtorganizer5-eds/+bug/128385918:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1283859 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu) "Updated recurring alarm values are not reflected in the indicator until phone reboot" [Undecided,In progress]18:32
popeydunno, not rebooted ☻18:32
renatopopey, this looks like a different bug18:33
popeyno, http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-193319.png18:33
popeyi set one for every day, but indicator says "monday" is the next one, when clearly wednesday should be18:33
popeyI'm sure I filed this, I remember taking a split screenshot like that18:33
popeycan't find it. will file now18:34
charlespopey, thanks18:35
charlespopey, I don't think I've seen that one before18:35
nik90charles: is the above a clock app bug or indicator datetime bug?18:37
charlesnik90, at first blush it sounds like an indicator-datetime bug, but this is the first time I've heard of it so that's a guess.18:38
popeycharles: there you go https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/130819318:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308193 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [Undecided,New]18:38
charlespopey, thanks18:38
popeyrenato: so is there any testing I can do on that silo?18:45
renatopopey, just make sure that the app still working :D18:45
renatothe clock and the calendar app18:46
charlesnik90, I wish I didn't have to drag the hour hand around to set an alarm time18:51
popeyare you kidding. I *love* that! :D18:51
charlesI wish I could just click on the 6 and the hour would change to 618:51
charlespopey, I'm seeing 1308193 in r297 too :/18:52
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popeyfginther: can you poke https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/stock-ticker-mobile-app/fix-1288885/+merge/215912 pls?19:07
fgintherpopey, going there now19:07
fgintherpopey, was that supposed to be approved?19:10
popeywell I'm more wondering why it barfed, and if it was transient if it could be poked to run again?19:11
fgintherpopey, the raring failure? I assume it's time to kill that build19:11
popeyoh, raring19:12
popeymissed that19:12
fgintherthat can't be useful... I'll remove it post haste19:12
popeyok, I'll topapprove then19:12
fgintherpopey, the job is removed now.19:13
fgintherthe raring job19:13
popeyrenato: seems pretty good19:27
renatonice, thanks19:27
renatoI will try to release it soon19:28
huskerhey, what's the recommended language for the new coming version of Ubuntu19:34
huskerto build apps19:34
huskerQt? or Python still a valid option19:37
sarnoldhusker: QML is likely the path of least resistance, but some app developers are embedding a full JVM into their apps. I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but it's feasible..19:38
huskerWell my idea is start developing/extending few apps for sysadmin stuff19:39
huskerand if it becomes useful eventually add some UI19:39
huskerthat's why I thing Qt + QML can be a good choice19:39
huskerbut with python you get faster results19:40
sarnold*nod* I've thoght myself it'd be fu nto write some nice tools; but I think the core of what I' dwant to write would need to be done in C++ and the qml is mostly for the happy display..19:40
huskerI know, still possible to link python with QML19:40
dpmballoons, around?19:44
popeybfiller: has https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1295180/+merge/212218 landed in the image?19:46
bfillerpopey: yes that went in last week sometime19:46
popeybut not in distro?19:47
bfillerpopey: should be in this version 0.1.1+14.04.20140404-0ubuntu119:47
popeyok, ta19:47
bfillerpopey: went it at rev 47 and was released at rev 48 https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtorganizer5-eds/trunk19:49
popeyrenato: can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/213355 please?19:49
popeyi just tested it on device and it works for me..19:50
renatopopey, let me see19:51
charlespopey, nik90, looks like the M-F issue might be a clock-app bug rather than datetime19:56
charlespopey, nik90: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1308193/comments/419:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308193 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [Medium,Confirmed]19:57
ybonhumm, since today update, it seems my "Build" menu in QtCreator isn't active anymore, any idea?19:57
ybonrenato: I've been told that you are the master of QtOrganizer :) Do you have any example how to use DetailFilter to filter out alarms from events list: https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/AgendaView/+merge/212164 (last comment)19:58
ybonI've tried from the example in the documentation, but I've an error (trying to reproduce now, but QtCreator doesn't want me to run the app atm :( )19:59
ybonfile:///home/ybon/Code/qml/calendar-app/AgendaView/AgendaView.qml:16 Invalid property assignment: "type" is a read-only property20:00
ybonwhen setting the type in Type (as in the example of the doc)20:00
renatoybon, I use a detail filter on contact list something like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7257300/20:01
ybonthanks! :)20:02
ybonthe code of the contacts app isn't on the core apps? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps20:04
ybon(ah, QtCreator working now :) )20:04
renatopopey,  two comments on the MR20:05
popeythanks renato20:06
dpmybon, it's not a core app per se, we make a distinction between system and core apps, but both are open source and in LP, they're just under different projects20:10
ybonok, thanks for the info dpm20:10
* ybon looks in lp then :)20:11
dpmybon, np. How are you getting on with the Agenda view? It'd be awesome to land it before release in 2 days20:12
ybonI'm dramataically missing time20:12
ybonbut I'm on it right now20:13
yboni've already looked at the issue some days ago, but didn't get the DetailFilter to work20:13
dpmok, cool. Do you have all you need now?20:15
ybonhopefully :)20:16
ybonmaybe you know about the i18n part in javascript20:16
ybonis there a way to call i18n.tr() in a javascript lib?20:17
ybon(I mean in shared mode)20:17
dpmI don't know for certain, I've only used it in QML, but did Kunal not mention in an MP that it was possible?20:19
ybonin QML yes20:19
ybonin JavaScript, when in shared mode, I don't know20:20
dpmkalikiana, if you're still around, do you happen to know if it's possible to use i18n.tr() in JS?20:20
dpmah, I see in shared mode20:20
ybonI can move my code to QML but it will be uglier and less DRY20:20
dpmare there many translatable strings in your JS code right now?20:20
ybonand at the moment I don't even know why my code would not work as it is :)20:20
ybononly date and time strings20:21
charlesnik90, ping20:21
dpmybon, I'd say concentrate on the rest and leave the translations part for a separate MP20:21
ybon(formats, I mean, like "YYYY:MM"...)20:21
dpmwe'll figure out a way20:21
ybonYes, this was my position too, but kunal was saying better to move it on QML20:22
ybonand so I'm just asking in case you know a way to keep it on js :)20:22
dpmI don't know off the top of my head, but I wouldn't make it a blocker. Better to focus on the core functionality, and we can figure this one out later20:23
ybonfully agree20:23
ybonI'm a little bit sad that this MR is still ongoing at this time, partly because of me for sure, but imho we have missed a little bit of agility on the process20:23
ybonlike we may have merged it earlier and have many other developper to work on small enhancements20:24
yboninstead of it bloked because of me missing time, and the rest of the code going ahead, and me merging again from time to time ;)20:24
ybonanyway, /me need to code, not discuss ;)20:25
dpmyeah, I agree, but it's sort of a big feature anyway, not sure if we could have broken it off in smaller parts20:25
dpmdiscussion is good if there are outcomes :)20:25
dpmso feel free to ping any of us if we can help20:26
ybonthanks dpm :)20:26
dpmnp, thank *you* for your hard work on this20:26
ybonah, damn, it's not the same DetailFilter it seems20:30
ybonrenato: I may be wrong, but it seems that the one you pointed to me is not the DetailFilter from QtOrganizer but from QtContact20:31
ybonhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/QtOrganizer.DetailFilter/ vs http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/QtContacts.DetailFilter/20:31
renatoybon, yes this is for QtContact but should have the same syntax20:32
ybonok, good to know thanks20:32
ybonbut which values can be in detail: in this case?20:32
dpmrenato, right now we can read eventy from a Google calendar. Should it be possible to write events to the remote Google calendar with the EDS plugin?20:34
renatodpm, yes sure20:34
renatodpm, in theory you write events on the local calendar which is synced with google20:35
renatoyou do not write direct in google calendar20:35
dpmah, I see20:35
renatoa new calendar is created for every account20:36
renatoas soon as you write on this specific calendar a new sync starts20:36
dpmso in theory this should already work in the current calendar app?20:36
nik90charles: pong20:37
charlesnik90, I tried to trace that M-F issue as far upstream as I could and wrote up my findings at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1308193/comments/520:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308193 in ubuntu-clock-app (Ubuntu) "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [Medium,New]20:38
charlesnik90, I think this might be a clock-app bug, but am not positive where the bug is between ubuntu-ui-toolkit and unity-clock-app and would appreciate another pair of eyes20:39
nik90charles: looking at it now20:39
charlesnik90, thanks :)20:39
renatodpm, yes20:40
yboncool, I've no more the alarms, but gasp I've no anymore event :p20:41
dpmybon, did you figure out the syntax of details: in QtContact?20:42
dpmthanks renato20:42
balloonsdpm, pong20:43
ybondpm: on the riddle :)20:43
dpmhey balloons, thanks for coming back to me. Could you help the calendar guys with the issue in the last comment? I think it might be something trivial, but I'm not familiar enough with AP to tell -> https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/21335520:43
ybonI'm trying detail: [Type.Event, Type.EventOccurrence]20:43
balloonssorry I missed your ping.. me and the dentist had a little visit :-)20:43
ybonbut this filter out everything :p20:44
dpmballoons, ouch, I hope all is well!20:44
dpmybon, you might want to ask renato again about the best filter to use20:44
ybonI'm at this point http://paste.ubuntu.com/7257553/20:45
ybonbut still no events on the list :(20:45
renatodpm, ybon, maybe this feature is not implemented on the plugin20:45
dpmhmm... renato, do we need a bug for that?20:46
renatowait sorry20:46
ybonhow can we check that for sure?20:46
renatoI was thinking about other problem :D20:47
renatoso many people talking :D20:47
renatothis should works20:47
balloonsdpm, rev 222? I'm confused as to what's wrong20:47
ybonhuhu :)20:47
dpmballoons, have a look at the latest comment from jenkins on that MP20:47
balloonsdpm, about where the collection is saveD>20:48
renatoybon, try with this small app: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7257576/20:48
renatoif you still having problems send me the code20:48
dpmballoons, yes, it's r222, and the failure from Jenkins is the one described at https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/213355/comments/510855 - do you have an idea what could be causing it?20:49
ybonthanks renato :)20:49
balloonsdpm, ahh.. makes more sense.. Could be a timing thing.. or the objectname is wrong :-)20:50
balloonsI'll pull and check both20:50
dpmthanks balloons, this will move calendar selection for syncing forward, which is a huge thing, so any help is appreciated :)20:51
balloons+1 for syncing~!20:51
ybonrenato: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7257603/ doesn't show any event anymore20:52
balloonsdpm, ok so calendar.qml has "todaybutton" as a defined object20:52
renatoybon, what exactly do you want to filter?20:54
renatothis filter that you paste does not make sense20:54
dpmballoons, right, so why can't AP find the "todaybutton" object?20:54
ybonrenato: I want to filter out the alarms20:55
ybonthat are of type Todo afaik20:55
ybonthis is more or less what I can see here http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/QtOrganizer.DetailFilter/20:55
nik90charles: The alarms API automatically sets the Date to today if none are specified. So if that time is passed, then it should automatically ring the next day if the alarm is set to ring EveryDay20:55
yboni.e. a DetailFilter that define a type20:56
popeygah, 4 errors in autopilot this time on calendar20:56
* popey wipes data and runs again20:56
nik90charles: which is why the clock app doesn't set the date20:56
balloonsdpm, having a look, it appears to be a timing thing20:59
dpmok, thanks21:03
renatodpm, the calendar app that came with the image is the latest one  or I need to update it show how?21:05
charlesnik90, I think maybe the error is in ubuntu-ui-toolkit's UCAlarmPrivate::checkRepeatingWeekly(). Testing21:08
dpmrenato, I think trunk is ahead of what's in the image, so it might be better to update to the latest trunk release21:08
charlesnik90, I think maybe the error is in ubuntu-ui-toolkit's UCAlarmPrivate::checkRepeatingWeekly(). Testing that theory now.21:08
nik90charles: check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1308193/comments/621:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308193 in Ubuntu Clock App "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [High,Confirmed]21:08
charlesah, ok! thanks for the info :)21:09
dpmrenato, or you can install from the core apps PPA on the desktop, that has a daily build and it's up to date21:09
charlesI'll table the ubuntu-ui-toolkit testing then :)21:09
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popeyfginther: do you know what's required to fix https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-calculator-app/ubuntu-calculator-app-title-fix/+merge/215758 ?21:14
popeyis it major work?21:14
fgintherpopey, looking21:20
fgintherpopey, any idea what update "to handle localized application name" are needed? I see that the calendar app MP worked just fine: https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-calendar-app/ubuntu-calendar-titlefix/+merge/21576021:29
popeyfginther: i thought you might know ☻21:30
fgintherpopey, I'm retesting and testing trunk to see if the test failures are unrelated to the MP21:32
popeyfginther: also clock fails to build s-jenkins:8080/view/click/job/clock-app-click/181/console21:52
popeyhudson.util.IOException2: remote file operation failed: /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/clock-app-click at hudson.remoting.Channel@46019814:cyclops-node0721:52
fgintherpopey, blah! looks like a machine failure21:53
fgintherpopey, nope, not a machine failure, looks like a former bad build left some crud around. I've cleaned it up and trying again21:56
popeyfginther: next, weather is missing the key in the deb21:57
popeythats close, but the key has more letters than that21:57
popeyfginther: also ☻  if you get a moment can you poke https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/twc_5day_forecast/+merge/215269 please?22:01
fgintherpopey, sure, I'll add it to your request queue :-)22:01
popey☻ sorry22:02
fgintherpopey, that's one's building22:07
fgintherpopey, something strange is happening with those calculator tests. When the tests starts, there's already a result in the registers, as if the db isn't cleared before the tests runs22:09
popeyyou mean clock?22:09
fgintherpopey, during the tests all worked until test_divide_with_zero and then they all fail after.22:10
fgintherpopey, http://s-jenkins:8080/view/click/job/clock-app-click/ is passing now22:17
popeyok, thanks22:17
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andrewvosIs it possible to write an html5 ubuntu app that accesses the file system?22:26
fgintherpopey, I found (at least part of) the cause for the calculator failures... Changing the app name caused the database name to change, but the pathname in the tests was not updated23:09
fginthersee https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/ubuntu-calculator-app/ubuntu-calculator-app-title-fix-2/+merge/21598023:09
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