
cprofittanyone know what to do when ubuntu-bug fails to report a bug?03:27
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hggdhcprofitt: you can open it manually; also, a bug on ubuntu-bug might be interesting ;-)12:27
cprofitthggdh: I might do that tonight12:30
cprofittIt was just disapointing to not be able to report the test failure...12:30
cprofittsince I did not have a bug I could not complete the report.12:30
cprofittbad thing is it makes the install fail.12:30
hggdhI can understand the frustration; and collecting data from a failed install usually is not fun12:31
cprofittyeah... I tried using the .crash file on my other computer and it would not send either.12:31
hggdhthe .crash file has first to be preprocessed by apport12:33
cprofittI was using apport-report (forget the command)12:34
cprofittbut things did not appear to work12:34
hggdhtry apport-cli12:34
cprofittyeah... that is the one12:35
hggdhbut, then, I may be outdated12:35
cprofittI sent the .crash file to baloons12:35
cprofittI will try today's daily build when I get home as well12:35
cprofittthis release has been very rough on my equipment.12:35
cprofittvolume control mute button does not work, though the OSD displays12:36
cprofittlocking the screen does not automaticlaly invoke the screen saver12:36
cprofittsome very little niggling things, but they are high visibility12:36
hggdhmy personal experience has been good, but I have a system7612:54
hggdh(which means everything works)12:54
cprofittI have a Lenovo X230 and T53012:56
cprofitteverything was working great until we hit beta and they introduced the new lock screen12:57
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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