
robrukgunn, great, got silo 5 fully landed, I just hit merge & clean for you now because we're a little short on silos ;-)00:04
robrukgunn, I guess this means silos 2 and 3 should be rebuilt, but I will leave that up to you.00:06
* robru -> dinner! bbl00:06
kgunnrobru: dinner and thanks!00:07
robrukgunn, you're welcome!00:07
ToyKeepersergiusens, mandel: The unity-scope-click MP in the download manager silo looks like it's waiting on re-testing and review from alecu.00:07
ToyKeepersergiusens, mandel: You sure this is ready for landing?00:07
ToyKeeperThe last jenkins test run also lists some failures.00:08
ToyKeeperChipaca: Any extra details you could give about silo 012 (push) would be helpful.  Really, almost any detail at all.  Link to a bug or MP, details on how to test it, etc.00:20
ToyKeeperThe landing proposal has a comment indicating it can't currently be tested, and needs additional people around.00:21
sergiusensToyKeeper: I'm not so worried about the jenkins failures as it requires the latest unmerged u-d-m (which is why it built fine in the silo); I am worried however about alecu's comment from just 3 hours ago01:01
ToyKeeperThanks, I was wondering about that.01:03
robruToyKeeper, how's it going? anything signed off for me to land?03:06
ToyKeeperrobru: Sorry, didn't hear your ping earlier.03:48
ToyKeeperrobru: I finally got the third phone, and am testing it.03:48
robruToyKeeper, no worries, thanks03:48
ToyKeeperIts owner stayed late at work...03:49
Mirvgood morning03:57
ToyKeeperrobru: It appears to work, aside from one kind of big issue.  After ending one call, the second one stays on hold.04:03
robruToyKeeper, oh excellent04:03
ToyKeeperIt's still an improvement over the base image though, so I'm inclined to give it a "Yes".04:03
ToyKeeperIt must be late.  It didn't occur to me for like 10 minutes that you can get the second call back by hitting 'play' after hanging up the first call.04:16
ToyKeeperrobru: In any case, silo 004 is signed off.04:19
robruToyKeeper, thanks!04:19
Mirvmaybe a new image with mir 0.1.8 should be kicked?06:42
didrocksMirv: +1, doing06:43
* didrocks wonders why a Mir version landed without the qt fix06:43
didrocksasac: do you know from your backlog? ^06:43
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 296 building (started: 20140415 06:50) ===06:49
sil2100Am I the only one not being able to sign in on the CI Train spreadsheet? I get a login.ubuntu.com Oops!07:09
Mirvsil2100: LP seems down too, so no, not the only one07:09
Mirvit worked a while ago, and spreadsheet does work but I was already logged in07:10
Mirvso down maybe for 10 mins or so07:10
sil2100Mirv: btw. I marked you as a reviewer for one of my appmenu-qt5 fixes I made - didn't know who to ask and thought maybe you could help ;)07:11
Mirvsil2100: I noticed, the diff looked good to me (aside from the #undef signals but that's what you get for mixing Gtk + Qt...) but I've not run it yet07:12
sil2100Mirv: thanks for taking a look - yeah, it's also what Qt5 does actually for their gtk theme plugin, so I would say it's something acceptable...07:15
sil2100At least in this case, as I am not using signals anywhere in that file07:15
Mirvyep, should be good07:21
MirvLP seems to work again07:22
sil2100login.ubuntu.com still seems to have problems07:24
* Saviq just had to try 5 times to finally log in to ci-train... openid failed to "discover a server" first, then OOPS, then 2fa, wrong link...07:30
Saviquh or am I able to log in at all?07:30
Saviqah, 6 times a charm...07:30
* sil2100 still can't log in07:31
ogra_didrocks, asac, did either of you request the cron job to be shut off ?07:35
didrocksogra_: I didn't at least07:36
asacdidrocks: i dont know tbh. i know kgunn came along with a crash fix that was supposed to be added to the projects that jfunk could validate while we are waiting for the event fix. I didn't know that was landing a new upstream version with ABI break etc.07:38
asacdidrocks: any damage?07:38
asacogra_: not me07:38
didrocksasac: the crash fix was the one with "crash on shutdown" that we had for weeks now07:38
asacdidrocks: right07:39
didrocksasac: we don't know yet of any damage as I had to kick an image with it07:39
ogra_should i start an image build now ? we didnt get one for the night and there were quite some chnages07:39
didrocksogra_: already done07:39
ogra_ah, k07:40
ogra_right, i should listen to my bot :P07:40
didrocksogra_: still ~30 minutes before it's done I guess07:40
didrocks(1h ago, I didn't realize right away that the image didn't contain Mir as it wasn't the cronned one)07:40
asacnot good that we didnt get an image; is robru not able to kick images?07:40
didrocksasac: we got an image07:41
didrocksbefore the Mir change07:41
didrocksMir was early today07:41
ogra_we got 295 from yesterday evening07:41
didrocksI thought the produced image was the cronned one07:41
didrocksas there was only one07:41
ogra_would have been nice to have one inbetween07:41
didrocksdidn't check right away, and so, assumed that Mir which entered before the cronned image was in latest07:41
ogra_since 2/3 of the changes of the night are on the image07:41
didrocksogra_: so you think the release team disabled again by error?07:42
didrocksogra_: is there a comment in crontab?07:42
ogra_no comment07:42
didrocksshould have one I guess :)07:42
ogra_and this kind of changes usually doesnt happen in the bzr branch07:42
ogra_so no commit message either07:42
didrockswe got that on beta as well, right?07:43
ogra_(only permanent changes to crontab usually go to bzr)07:43
didrocksnot sure beforehand07:43
ogra_i assume infinity has a script or some such ... and forgot to remove touch07:43
didrocksmaybe, infinity can you check, please?07:43
didrocksogra_: is there a way to ensure that I'm on the right android version?07:43
didrocks(tested some upgrade path)07:44
ogra_## Also built on demand by touch release team.07:44
ogra_02 2 * * *      for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live07:44
didrockslike, the container has the right drivers…07:44
ogra_i changed it to that07:44
didrocksgreat ;)07:44
asacdidrocks: if ToyKeeper refers to "new bugs found" ... this doesnt mena they are regressions, right?07:44
ogra_(though if it is a script it probably cant read )07:44
didrocksasac: I guess so. It doesn't seem anything that could have been regressed again. It's hard to parse though07:45
didrocksasac: but I'm unsure, as I explained to her multiple times that we don't really care about exploratory testing and if we find new bugs, we need to confirm if it's a regression or not07:45
asacToyKeeper: would be cool if you could clearly state that "New bugs found" are not regressions and highlight those that are.07:45
didrocksogra_: did you see my question about the driver/android version?07:46
didrocks09:43:58 didrocks | ogra_: is there a way to ensure that I'm on the right android version?07:46
didrocks09:44:02 didrocks | (tested some upgrade path)07:46
didrocks09:44:16 didrocks | like, the container has the right drivers…07:46
ogra_didrocks, there is one stamp in the system-image ini file07:48
ogra_and there is:07:48
ogra_adb shell getprop ro.build.date07:48
didrocksFri Apr 11 21:04:45 UTC 201407:48
didrocksseems to match07:48
didrocksso, it's a good news :)07:48
didrocksasac: I tested stable -> devel upgrade07:49
ogra_i dont think there is a way to verify the boot.img though07:49
didrocksworked well07:49
didrocks(a full image download happened of course)07:49
ogra_but if it wouldnt have changed you wouldnt be able to boot a new rootfs07:49
didrocksthen, I did devel -> devel-proposed to be on latest07:49
didrocksogra_: oh? I thought some people were still able to boot the new rootfs with the old android07:49
didrocksogra_: like those on maguro07:49
ogra_didrocks, they need an up to date initrd07:50
didrocksah, so probably possible at the beginning07:50
didrocksuntil we broke ABI07:50
ogra_it is still possible, but the initrd needs to have the recent code changes07:50
didrocksok, anyway, good news! the fact to not flash recovery right away while doing stable -> devel-proposed doesn't impact us07:50
ogra_(worst case you can just update-initramfs -u)07:51
didrocksstable -> devel07:51
didrocksogra_: ok, making sense ;)07:51
didrocks(I didn't tried with any living data, just the upgrade path regarding recovery)07:51
didrocksrsalveti: FYI ^07:51
ogra_this is good stuff :)07:52
didrocksso, of course, you see the old android logo while doing the first update :)07:52
didrocksand then, the new one with new recovery07:52
didrocks(while I was doing devel -> devel-proposed as a subsequent update)07:52
ogra_you did that all with a readonly image ?07:53
asacdidrocks: really?07:54
asacdidrocks: thats good news :)07:54
didrocksogra_: had to pass it rw to change channels.ini07:54
didrocksasac: indeed! I was quite skeptical myself TBH :p07:54
ogra_ah so only the last bit in rw07:54
asacdidrocks: did you use apps at all on the old image?07:54
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 296 DONE (finished: 20140415 07:55) ===07:54
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/296.changes ===07:54
didrocksasac: no, it was really about testing recovery07:54
asacchecking how configs might explode07:54
didrocksI think QA is going to do the real test?07:55
ogra_so many changes07:55
asacwell, now that we know that it works, we could try to find someone else07:55
didrocksI was just preparing the rest as we didn't get any news :p07:55
didrocksI was really worried about that one, so good to know where we stands for07:55
didrocksand having a positive news)07:55
didrocksogra_: most of the changes are rsalveti's rebuild for shlibs07:55
asacogra_: yeah, that might mean dead to the idea of producing a better image. lets hope07:55
didrocksogra_: so don't be so afraid07:55
ogra_some of them, yes07:55
* didrocks updates to get new Mir and see07:56
ogra_my phone woke up, i opened system-settings and now it is stuck07:57
asacogra_: unity crash?07:57
ogra_doesnt take input07:57
ogra_asac, well, might be, the screen is still on07:58
ogra_with system-settings on it07:58
asacsounds like something is freezing07:58
asacmight dump core07:58
ogra_so if it crashed  it doesnt repawn07:58
didrocksbe patient07:58
didrocksit's a whole minute :)07:58
didrockscheck if something appeared in /var/crash07:58
didrockswith a growing size07:58
didrocksok, after reboot with new Mir, I have an UI07:59
didrocksship it! :)07:59
ogra_ok, it respawned now07:59
didrocksI don't see perf enhancement :/07:59
ogra_thats a very odd user experience07:59
ogra_i doubt an enduser will wait that long and just reboot07:59
ogra_-rw-r----- 1 phablet whoopsie  6696880 Apr 15 09:59 _usr_bin_system-settings.32011.crash08:00
ogra_-rw-r----- 1 phablet whoopsie 31881265 Apr 15 09:59 _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash08:00
ogra_31M ... sigh08:00
asacogra_: probably ricks crash08:00
ogra_yeah, smells very much like it08:01
asacmaybe it got fixed by the crash that only happens on shut down :)08:01
ogra_oh !08:01
asacand thats why they wanted that in08:01
asacogra_: thats not on the latest, right?08:01
ogra_seems download-manager did its job while the system was hung+08:01
didrocksasac: because ogra asked to shutdown his unity8! :)08:01
ogra_asac, 29408:01
asacat least our services dont get torn down08:01
didrocksI know what you mean :p08:01
didrocksok, after a 5 minutes play, at least, nothing major08:02
* ogra_ got the reboot dialog immediately after opening updates after the crash08:02
asacdidrocks: on the new mir image?08:02
didrocksasac: yep08:02
asacdidrocks: i tell you they fixed the crash that ogra is seeing :)08:02
didrocksasac: let's hope it's the same :)08:02
didrockswe'll know if the crash is really fix however in some hours only08:02
didrockswhen the AP for that image will run08:03
didrocksor maybe08:03
didrockslet me run them08:03
asacdidrocks: try to get a backtrace from your .crash08:03
asacor upload to a bug at least08:03
asacor not :)08:03
asacogra can do that08:03
didrocksasac: I mean, you talk to ogra, right?08:03
asacoh right08:03
asacyou didnt see it yet :P08:03
didrocksyep :)08:03
didrockslet me run AP tests08:03
asacogra_: can you try to retrace that one?08:03
didrocks(AP tests started)08:04
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ogra_asac, just checking why whoopsie doesnt bother to upload them08:05
didrocksasac: few tests run, no AP crash! (it crashed on first one)08:05
didrocksbut I do see the rendering is so slowwww compared to #25008:06
didrocks(UI staggering)08:06
didrockswas already the cases in recent images08:06
asacogra_: whoopsie is supposed to work?08:08
ogra_asac, yes08:08
asacogra_: why didnt we tell rick to use that?08:08
ogra_asac, well, it is supposed to upload08:08
asacwithout interaction?08:08
ogra_because it should happen automatically08:08
asacthought we disabled that to avoid bandwidth etc.08:08
asaci actually was under the impression we disabled whoopsie automatic upload08:09
asacsaying people should run it manually if there is a crash08:09
asacthat was roughly 8 month ago :)08:09
asac/var/lib/apport/autoreport exists?08:10
ogra_no, but the MATCH=NULL disables it08:10
evasac: huh? Why would we rely on people to manually run whoopsie? That's a recipe for wildly skewed statistics. There were bugs in the upstart job, but if those are fixed we should enable automatic reporting.08:10
evas was always the intention08:10
asacev: err08:11
asacev: if you are on a phone08:11
ogra_ev, well, look at the job above08:11
asacyou dont want to do that08:11
ogra_ev, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7253982/08:11
asacev: we agreed to not auto upload long ago :)08:11
evreally? Because it's exactly what Apple and google do08:11
asacev: 3g bandwidth08:11
evwe agreed to disable it in the face of bugs08:11
evwhoopsie already is a no-op when you're on 3g data08:11
asacok; well, seems to not work still :P08:12
evEvery time an application crashes on my iPhone, data goes up to either the application developer or to Apple08:12
evand the platform and applications are better for it08:12
ogra_well, it seems pretty explicitly disabled from what i see in the job08:12
evthey don't rely on developers to manually trigger crash reporting for every general consumer use case08:12
evbecause developers wont use their phones in the same way that consumers do08:12
evand because developers will never scale to the degree that consumers do08:13
asacev: i am not saying it should be manually forever08:13
ogra_high hopes :)08:13
asacbut rather opt in08:13
asacallowing users when there is a crash to decide whether he wants to provide feedback or not08:13
asacand then remembering that seting08:13
ogra_we have a switch in treh privacy settings for that08:13
evthat's entirely not how our competitors operate, and for good reason08:14
asacseems its not working/enabled from what ogra is saying08:14
asacogra_: right, is that disabled?08:14
ogra_but i doubt it does any apport/whoopsie interaction08:14
evit can be disabled, and we can give them the opportunity to disable it at first use08:14
ogra_last time i chgecked it was on08:14
* ogra_ looks08:14
asacev: we should ask on first use; until that happens you shouldnt just call home and upload potentially sensitive data.08:14
asaci havent really used android for a while08:14
asacerr started using a new phone; but if i remember i also got asked something like that08:15
asacon first use08:15
ogra_it is off now and i cant tick it08:15
asacanyhow, seems we agree08:15
asacogra_: thats seb12808:15
evasac: the plan is to have the first use dialog ask you if you want to turn it off08:15
asacev: where is that plan?08:16
asacin general its what i am saying: ask user on first use what to do08:16
evasac: in conversations between myself and the legal team08:17
evright, but to be clear the default will be set to leaving it on08:17
evopt-out, rather than opt-in08:17
didrocksasac: ok, no crash while running the unity8 AP tests…08:17
asacev: if you get asked on first use, there is no default08:17
didrocksasac: however, got a freeze of the whole UI08:17
asacits a choice08:17
didrockscompletely stuck…08:17
evit's a toggle in this case08:17
asacif we plan to make the dialog so that we trick users to enable it, i would think we should at least have a wider discussion on what we want08:18
asacdidrocks: the freeze isnt a crash?08:18
didrocksasac: doesn't seem so, no crash file, no collect happening08:18
evasac: it's not tricking anyone into enabling anything08:19
ogra_so my former crash left the renderer processes of all open webapps around08:19
asacev: we will see :)08:19
evit's about being positive about the error reporting experience08:19
evasac: we will see?08:19
asachow the solution looks like08:19
evthe solution is already established and has been for some considerable amount of time08:19
asacwe have a first start dialog asking that?08:19
asacdidrocks: that happens after AP tests were run?08:20
didrocksthe UI responsivness seems even worse to me08:20
didrocksasac: while it was running08:20
didrocks-/+ buffers/cache:       4254       361308:21
asacseb128: i am not sure; ogra mentioned that the error reporting setting doesnt work; thought you might know more08:21
didrocks-/+ buffers/cache:        400       143408:21
didrocksso not swapping/mem full08:21
sil2100didrocks: yeah, me and Mirv noticed something similar before08:21
asacdidrocks: dmesg?08:21
didrockssil2100: before == before that image?08:21
asacsil2100: in an old image?08:21
ogra_asac, seb128, it worked after a while (two minutes or so) that i tried to tick it08:21
evwe've already planned out with the design team how it should look. With people coming and going in that department, I haven't followed up on where it stands - I know the first use dialog was stalled for a while. I need to catch up with cimi.08:21
seb128asac, no, our code didn't change, we are just using dbus to talk to whoopsie iirc ...08:21
seb128ogra_, ^08:22
sil2100didrocks: remember when we were running AP tests once because of smoketesting being done? During running unity8 tests I was getting a unity8 hang-up, no crash, just non-responsive08:22
seb128I would say it's an issue on the whoopsie side08:22
asacogra_: kk08:22
sil2100asac, didrocks: on an old image, yes08:22
didrocksasac: nothing apart from britness and wlan changes08:22
ogra_seb128, well, i dont think i have ever even touched that area of the settings before (i had seen it once) so i dont know if it ever worked for me08:22
asacogra_: did it ever work better?08:22
didrockssil2100: hum…08:22
didrockslet me reboot08:22
asacogra_: ah ok08:23
ogra_asac, i never ticked/unticked the box before and it was ticked the times i opened that page before08:23
sil2100didrocks: I remember I think I just restarted unity8 from console, pressed the power button twice and the tests moved on08:23
ogra_this time i saw it untick itself while the page opened08:23
sil2100didrocks: as it seemed that unity8 hanged becoming unresponsive after stopping08:23
asachmm. eventqueue bug?08:23
sil2100(during restart)08:23
didrocksok, let's try a full rerun08:23
ogra_and trying to tick it again didnt work for about 2min08:23
sil2100didrocks: from what I understood, Mirv was getting something similar apparently08:24
didrocksok, let's see08:24
asacogra_: maybe after you enabled, whoopsie started processing the crash files?08:24
asacogra_: and thats why system was busy?08:24
ogra_asac, ?08:24
Mirvsil2100: yes, I got it once08:24
asacogra_: 10:23 < ogra_> and trying to tick it again didnt work for about 2min08:25
ogra_asac, i only looked at that setting long after the crash appeared08:25
asacwell, whoopsie also has to do something with the .crash file08:25
ogra_and there are no whoopsie upload processes08:25
ogra_(and there were none, i checked)08:25
bzoltansil2100: Mirv: I would like to land couple of fixes with the line 4408:25
asacogra_: ok08:25
asacthen i dont know08:25
evwhoopsie only reads crash files and shovels them over the wire to daisy.ubuntu.com if a .upload file exists for the .crash file08:26
evif something is going wrong in the report creation or processing, that's apport08:26
* ogra_ runs whoopsie-upload-all manually ... 08:26
asacguess something that ev and seb128 would have to look at if its the same behaviour for other folks08:26
evkernel core pipe -> apport -> something that touches .upload (apport-gtk or whoopsie-upload-all) -> whoopsie -> daisy.u.c08:27
asace.g. odd behaviour of settings08:27
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:~# sudo -u \#32011 /usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all08:27
ogra_WARNING: Not running as root, cannot process reports which are not owned by uid 3201108:27
ogra_so running it manually works fine it seems ...08:27
ogra_it just doesnt auto-trigger08:27
asacogra_: cool. how will you find the error report online?08:28
ogra_whoopsie keeps a local record or so08:28
asacok then lets wait what it tells us08:28
ogra_there is a UI option too08:28
seb128asac, ogra_: settings just call defined whoopsie interfaces, I would be surprised if the issue was on our side08:28
* asac excited :)08:28
ogra_probably this works now08:28
didrocksasac: sil2100: Mirv: stuck again08:28
didrockscan you reproduce guys?08:28
Mirvbzoltan: landing-00408:28
bzoltanMirv: thanks08:28
popeydidrocks: will be 2 mins late..08:28
Mirvhmm, I haven't seen it now08:28
ogra_seb128, well, the odd behavior of the tickbox seems to be on your side08:28
didrocksMirv: try on latest image08:29
ogra_seb128, i doubt any of the other issues is08:29
asacseb128: have you ever tried that settting :)?08:29
ogra_oh, crap, i will be late for the meeting08:29
* ogra_ brb in 508:29
didrocksI'll be late as well08:29
didrocksI have a delivery08:29
seb128asac, yes, it worked fine and works fine on the desktop as well08:29
didrocksso 5 minutes08:29
didrocksogra_: asac: sil2100: Mirv: popey: davmor2: ^08:29
sil2100Let me upgrade08:29
sil2100didrocks: ACK08:30
didrocksstart the unity8 AP tests meanwhile :p08:30
asachmm. i only intended to attend the evening meeting08:31
Mirvdidrocks: I'm on it, and I've been running dialer app AP tests mostly08:31
ogra_"All reports uploaded successfully"08:37
asacogra_: can you find them now?08:38
ogra_no, they are not in the page the "previous error reports" option in the system-settings offers08:39
ogra_and i have no clue where else to look for them08:40
popeyseb128: happy days.. http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-094044.png08:40
seb128popey, \o/08:41
seb128thanks for testing ;-)08:41
seb128ogra_, ^08:41
popeyneeds more testing ☻08:41
seb128didrocks, ^08:41
seb128right, but that's an improvement ;-)08:41
popeye.g. the percentage bar issue that I see in bug 1307683 can happen08:41
ubot5bug 1307683 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Updates percentage bar never goes above 0% on #294" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130768308:41
seb128is that issue new since that click fix?08:42
seb128or was it here before?08:42
popeyi saw it in #294 for sure08:42
popeyseems intermittent08:42
seb128k, weird08:42
ChipacaToyKeeper: you still there?08:42
seb128if it's intermittent I would say it's an issue with the service/dbus communication between the service<->settings08:42
seb128ogra_, is bug #1307687 still happening with yesterday's settings update? we tweaked the scrolling bounds in that update08:44
ubot5bug 1307687 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "swiping upwards in the updater dialog while it downloads an image makes the UI vanish" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130768708:44
ogra_seb128, dunni, it is already downloaded ... (so i always get the reboot option immediately when opening that page)08:45
ogra_seb128, i'll keep an eye open for it on the next update08:45
seb128ogra_, danke08:46
asacthe update thing looks good08:46
Laneywhen that swipe up thing happens you get stuck in the page somehow08:56
Laney'back' doesn't work08:56
ogra_but eventually the download has finished and you get a reboot question08:56
LaneyI don't even understand how that can happen08:56
* Laney plays the x-files theme08:56
ogra_asac, ev, so while /var/crash claims the reports have been uploaded, i cant find it on e.u.c  ... https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2014.04&package=unity8&period=day&version=7.85%2014.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu109:01
sil2100Mirv: can you give that merge a review-try again? :) If anything, I built packages from this branch for testing in ppa:sil2100/qt09:03
evogra_: pm me the output of this sudo gdbus call -y -d com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences -o /com/ubuntu/WhoopsiePreferences -m com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences.GetIdentifier09:03
evon that device09:03
popeydavmor2: didrocks http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-100423.png09:04
popeygot a screenshot of it ☻09:04
didrockspopey: nicely done!09:04
seb128Laney, you still get it with the current version?09:04
seb128Laney, Ken made changes to avoid the scrolling09:04
Laneyseb128: dunno about the bug09:07
Laneybut how can you get stuck in a screen?09:08
seb128Laney, seems like a toolkit issue if that really happens, I can't confirm though ... what do you do exactly?09:09
Laneyswipe up to get into that blank state09:09
Laneythen try to go back09:09
seb128swipe up does nothing for me09:09
seb128is that specific to the device or do you get it on desktop as well?09:09
Laneyif the initial bug is fixed you might not be able to reproduce it any more09:10
seb128Laney, well "initial bug", we got https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/update_listview_bounds_fix/+merge/215182 landed09:11
seb128that's why I'm asking what version you guys are running09:12
seb128I guess that means "a version without that change"09:12
davmor2popey: nice09:13
didrockspopey: if the click updates got the +1 for you, I'll just update touch-meta to drop the system updates btw, keep me posted09:14
didrocksdavmor2: in addition to you reaching out the Mir guys on the UI speed09:18
didrocksdavmor2: do you have a bug for the laggyness of the whole rendering?09:19
didrockspopey: maybe? ^09:19
davmor2popey: did09:19
thostr_didrocks: what's the status on preview silos? any estimate when those become available?09:20
didrocksthostr_: can you give me a line?09:20
didrocksis it 32?09:20
thostr_didrocks: no, not ci sheet related09:21
thostr_didrocks: I was more asking about special kind of silos which we can "block" for days/weeks to prepare new features09:21
didrocksthostr_: it wasn't ack yet09:22
thostr_didrocks: cannot recall if it was you or asac calling those preview silos09:22
didrocksthostr_: and I'm already working at 100% on the release09:22
didrocksand trying to get regressions fixed09:22
thostr_didrocks: ack09:22
asacthostr_: not before release09:22
mandelsil2100, any idea if silo 11 was et to be landed?09:23
mandelsil2100, I lost connection last night and I could not talk with sergio about it09:23
Mirvsil2100: reviewed that merge proposal, and it seemed functionally good too09:23
sil2100Mirv: thanks!09:25
sil2100mandel: so, I think the idea was to land it, but we still need someone from QA to sign it off before releasing09:25
mandelsil2100, ok, very well, do you know if I can do something from my side?09:26
mandelsil2100, or should I just move to other things? :)09:26
sil2100mandel: I think you're free right now ;)09:33
popeydidrocks: am doing more tetsing of click updates09:35
popeylet me play more before +1ing09:35
mandelsil2100, great, let me know, if you can, any developments :)09:35
didrocksdon't trust French-released code!09:35
didrocksmandel: from what I know, this will be post-trusty09:35
didrocksfrom the description and what was discussed yesterday09:35
didrocks(if you talk about the media-hub)09:36
popeyyou can say that now seb128 isn't in guillotining distance?09:36
mandeldidrocks, I'm talking about the download manager09:36
mandeldidrocks, media-hub is a diff beast hehe09:36
didrocksah, ok ;)09:36
didrockspopey: exactly!09:36
mhr3didrocks, is the train spreadsheet right in saying that we're at traincon0?09:38
* seb128 see the guillotine mentioned and give the look to didrocks09:38
didrocksmhr3: we do are in the same situation: QA sign off every feature09:38
mhr3didrocks, why? there was promoted image yesterday09:39
didrocksmhr3: because the promoted image was under the "whitelist blockers"09:39
didrocksand because the blockers are supposed to be fixed in the next 2 days?09:39
didrocksremember, we have a trusty release…09:40
mhr3we still do releases? :P09:40
mhr3i thought that's a thing of past :)09:40
didrocksmhr3: well, that's what people will try "ubuntu touch"09:41
bzoltanMirv:  the silo4 is good to land09:41
mhr3didrocks, j/k thx for explanation09:42
didrocksmhr3: yw!09:42
Mirvbzoltan: it looks like sil2100 published it now10:04
sil2100I published it as soon as I noticed it being yellowish10:05
ogra_ crap10:09
ogra_my network dropped again10:10
ogra_(on the phone)10:10
ogra_NM is seriously misbeahving since a few days for me10:10
ogra_so NM definitely messes up the routing on my phone10:15
Chipacaom26er: good morning kind sir!10:15
ogra_popey, davmor2, did one of you notice something like that ? i got it a few times a day10:16
ogra_suddnely the browser cant find sites anymore etc10:16
om26erChipaca, hey ;)10:16
Chipacaom26er: let me know when you're set to finish this10:17
popeyogra_: no, but that could explain bug 1307051 and bug 130705210:17
ubot5bug 1307051 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "u-s-s never finishes finding updates on 3g" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130705110:17
ubot5bug 1307052 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Scope crashes when searching with poor connectivity" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130705210:17
Chipacaom26er: on the "good news" front, rhuddie is working on making autopilot do these checks :)10:17
ogra_i'll file a NM one ... lets see10:17
om26erChipaca, ok, in 10 minutes. I am doing lunch atm10:17
om26erChipaca, that's great to hear10:17
Chipacaom26er: buen provecho! ping me when you're lunched10:18
ogra_bug 130798110:23
ubot5bug 1307981 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[touch] randomly messed up routing with recent trusty images" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130798110:23
ogra_popey, in case you run into networking issues, please check routing and (possibly) confirm10:23
ogra_davmor2, ^^^you too10:23
popeyi rarely leave the house, so it doesn't happen often ☹10:24
ogra_it happens to me with a phone that didnt leave the room10:24
davmor2Morning all10:26
davmor2ogra_: I've not had any issue but I'll keep my eyes open10:27
didrocksogra_: stop throwing your phone out of the window!10:27
didrocksthat's how the screen broke10:27
ogra_nah, it broke in oakland :P10:27
popeyseb128: should system-settings tell me there are updates available to click apps, or does it only say "1 update available" at the top when there's system image updates?10:29
ogra_i thinnk thats something the push service is supposed to do10:29
ogra_(once we get it back)10:29
om26erChipaca, ok, I think we can do the testing now10:29
seb128popey, sorry, I'm not sure to parse that question right ... it should list all updates available, system and clicks10:30
seb128popey, system being one entry, usually listed first, then followed by clicks10:30
Chipacaom26er: ok. before going ahead, could you pastebin ~phablet/.cache/upstart/ubuntu-push-client.log ?10:30
seb128popey, the label should be "<n> updates available" where n = system_image + n_click10:31
om26erChipaca, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254526/10:31
Chipacaom26er: interesting; you had a bit of trouble there, but it's sorted now10:32
om26erChipaca, that might be network disconnect10:33
Chipacaom26er: i've asked for notifications to be sent; i'll let you know once i get an ack10:34
om26erChipaca, btw how do you know my device name ?10:34
Chipacaom26er: you mean, system-image-cli -i ?10:35
Chipacaom26er: I don't; the notifications we're sending out cover everything right now10:35
om26erChipaca, no I meant how do you send a message to me without knowing my device ID etc, but I guess you send the same message to everyone who have the client installed ?10:36
Chipacaom26er: system updates are broadcast, yes10:36
popeyseb128: ok10:36
popeyseb128: i dont see that10:36
Chipacaom26er: unicast notifications are in the future still10:36
seb128popey, what do you see?10:36
Chipacaom26er: rick wanted it this way around :)10:36
popeyseb128: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-113641.png10:36
om26erChipaca, cool10:36
popeyseb128: i have not visited the updates screen yet10:37
popeyseb128: and i know i have a bunch10:37
popeyseb128: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-113739.png10:37
seb128popey, that screenshot seems about right? what is the issue?10:38
popeyseb128: i see no indication of updates at the top10:38
seb128popey, oh, sorry, I misread what you ask .. "Install 41 updates" label in the button is the indication10:39
seb128popey, that's the design https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-updates-available.png10:39
popeyseb128: no, i mean, on the screen http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-113641.png - below search usually i see a notification there's a system update waiting10:40
popeymy question is - should I see a notification there for click updates too, or do we only notify users of system updates?10:41
bzoltansil2100: Mirv: thank you10:43
seb128popey, oh ok, yes we should for click, I don't think we tested that though/not sure if that got implemented10:44
seb128popey, can you open a bug about it?10:44
popeysure thing10:44
LaneyI think it's that the visibility isn't set if you have only click updates10:44
Chipacaom26er: ok, ready?10:45
om26erChipaca, yes10:45
Chipacaom26er: sent10:45
om26erChipaca, it works :)10:45
Chipacaom26er: \o/10:45
om26erChipaca, approved, its a go now.10:46
Chipacaom26er: thanks!10:47
Chipacasil2100, Mirv, didrocks: got a +1 from QA :) does that mean i can ask you to land it?10:47
popeyseb128: ok done, bug 130799310:48
ubot5bug 1307993 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "U-S-S doesn't show notification for click updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130799310:48
seb128popey, thanks10:48
didrocksChipaca: published!10:48
didrocksChipaca: we'll kick an image as soon as it landed10:48
Chipacadidrocks: sil2100: Mirv: party mode is ON10:55
didrocksChipaca: another bottle of champaign? :)10:55
Chipacadidrocks: no, not on a tuesday. Just a silly hat.10:55
Chipacafreenode doesn't let me nick to Chipâca10:56
Chipacaso you'll have to take my word for it10:56
* Chipaca is lying10:56
Chipacassh, you10:56
* popey steps away from the irc11:00
* sil2100 goes for lunch11:02
dpmhi psivaa, would it be possible to trigger a Jenkins run for https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/+merge/213368 ? For some reason it hasn't run ever since the last change in the branch was done a couple of hours ago11:20
psivaadpm: just a sec11:21
dpmcool, thanks11:23
didrocksChipaca: kicking an image with push notification11:38
didrocksdavmor2: still all good on dogfooding side for now?11:42
davmor2didrocks: I'll get back to you but there seems to be nothing worse that yesterday so far11:42
davmor2than even11:43
didrocksgood :)11:43
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 297 building (started: 20140415 11:45) ===11:44
psivaadpm: appears to have run successfully11:45
dpmpsivaa, excellent, thanks! Will it take a while for the Jenkins approval to show up in https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/+merge/213368 ?11:47
Mirvbzoltan: you can merge & clean landing-004 now, all in release pocket now11:47
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bzoltanMirv: Cool, thanks11:55
dpmpsivaa, could it be that jenkins ran on the wrong MP? The results you show me correspond to https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-filemanager-app/ap-binary-support/+merge/21572411:57
dpmbut I was expecting it to run on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/+merge/21336811:57
ogra_line 22 would be ready ... unless someone thinks this needs specific QA signoff11:57
didrocksogra_: easy revertable, so I would say, go ahead and publish11:58
popeyseb128: in updates I have 41 of them, and i tapped install, strangely the UI started randomly scrolling down.. then started scrolling up again...11:58
psivaadpm: yes, it could be. i picked up from the latest rebuild, wich had balloons's branch. i've kicked the one with your branch now: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/include-plugin/+merge/21336811:58
ogra_right, its zero risk11:58
dpmpsivaa, thanks11:59
seb128popey, I'm not sure we tested with a list going over the screen, seems like worth another bug report11:59
psivaadpm: si the new one. sorry about it earlier11:59
popeyseb128: ok11:59
dpmpsivaa, no worries, thank you!11:59
LaneyYou should ping gatox instead of poor seb128 about updates UI bugs11:59
Laneyor I guess just file them ...12:00
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
sergiusensdidrocks: om26er not sure who to contact; but can we get a second QA look on https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=2912:10
didrockssergiusens: it's om26er on that time, but I guess he's looking at every entry having QA testing needed to yes12:11
sergiusensseems it was misled yesterday by the failing jenkins MR for the scope as it was failing; which is as expected12:11
ogra_didrocks, hmm http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254934/12:11
ogra_did i do something wrong ?12:11
sergiusensdidrocks: yeah, just trying to uncross off a possible list12:11
didrocksogra_: when you did run build with "watch only", did it detect lxc-android-config?12:12
didrocksogra_: do you have that log?12:12
ogra_the main sheet updated properly with each setp i did12:12
ogra_which log ?12:12
didrocksogra_: of the build job12:12
didrocksogra_: as told, it doesn't fail on purpose as you may upload it afterwards12:12
didrocksand rekick a watch only12:13
sergiusensmandel: can you track with om26er? ^^12:13
* sergiusens needs to make a coffee run; all out12:13
ogra_didrocks, you mean this ? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-006-1-build/23/console12:13
didrocksogra_: yeah, see you don't see "lxc-android-config"12:14
didrocksogra_: just rerun it with watch only12:14
didrocksI guess the source is published now12:14
mandelom26er, ping me if you need anything, I think the test plan is clear enough12:14
ogra_i did run with watch only12:14
didrocksogra_: too early, before lxc-android-config source was published, I guess?12:15
ogra_(and the package said it was published on LP)12:15
didrocksogra_: don't trust it that status, I've been tricked sometimes ;)12:15
didrocksogra_: see, it's in now12:15
didrocksand publish will let you pulish12:15
didrockseven publish12:16
ogra_yep, works ... it seems12:17
ogra_sergiusens, hmm ... just seeing https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/package_install/+merge/215777 ... didnt we say we dont want to apt-get update beofre tests ?12:21
ogra_(even though that can cause probs you want to test against the state the image had at build time)12:22
sergiusensogra_: well I'm trying to address the bug;12:23
sergiusensogra_: I can add a switch perhaps12:23
ogra_iirc asac wanted it explicitly to not apt-get update back in the days12:23
ogra_but that might have changed :)12:23
sergiusensogra_: it runs update when ppas and custom tars are added12:24
ogra_iirc that was stemming from the fact that we couldnt be sure AP in the archive didnt get updated inbetween12:24
sergiusenstrue we may not want to update12:24
sergiusensdoanac: plars can you look at the above MR? ^12:24
ogra_well, for PPAs it indeed has to update12:24
ogra_i dont know a way to make apt do a selective update with only adding the PPA info12:24
sergiusensogra_: the ideal solution is to NOT go into writable mode for image testing ;-)12:25
ogra_time to revisit in U12:25
asacogra_: sergiusens: yes, we dont want apt-get update because only if we do that we can parallelize image production while test are running12:26
ogra_asac, the prob is if people try to test against an older image12:26
asacwe explicitely kicked that out for that reason12:26
asacogra_: sure, then the package is gone12:26
ogra_we had that a few times when people tried some tests against promoted12:26
asacbut better than pretending you test that image (which you dont .. .you test something undefined)12:26
asacogra_: the problem is that we dont keep the debs around afaik12:27
ogra_we do12:27
asacsure in librarian12:27
asacbut we dont resolve that magically12:28
ogra_but apt doesnt know about them anymore once they are supeseded12:28
sergiusensasac: can you address https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/128461212:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1284612 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-config writable-image -p foobar doesn't apt-get update" [High,Confirmed]12:28
ogra_if we cant force testing into redonly we should consider reworking the rw test with launchpadlib calls to pull the right versions12:29
asacsergiusens: if this is a tool to install a package it should probably update12:29
ogra_would be rather complex though12:29
asacsergiusens: or get a flag that allow updating12:29
sergiusensasac: right, the flag is fine12:30
asacsergiusens: however, i am talkinga bout phablet-test-run behavioru. that thing surely shouldnt12:30
asacudpate by default12:30
ogra_asac, well, as i said above you cant add a PPA without apt-get update12:30
sergiusensogra_: the problem with launchpad lib is the dependency management12:30
ogra_if you test landings you are forced to do it12:30
sergiusensasac: yeah, reason for asking doanac and plars to review; this code is there for ci and others have started to use it12:31
sergiusenswe really need to NOT use debs for the autopilots12:31
didrockspsivaa: mind restarting mediaplayer-app test?12:31
didrocks(now that the image test is over)12:31
didrocksand before next image is published12:31
psivaadidrocks: ack, running. sorry missed it before12:33
didrocksno worry :)12:33
mardyasac: hi! Are there any news about the request of decoupling trunk from the archive image?12:35
mardyasac: if you are looking for pilots, I volunteer :-)12:36
asacmardy: the call I mentioned was pushed to next week - after release. I assume we will work on planning this out after that12:38
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didrocksogra_: seems we just went above the threshold for settle after on calculator app, but not that much, so seems to just be noise12:40
didrocksu-s-c isn't that high12:40
didrocksbut contributed12:40
didrocksogra_: you can m&c FYI12:41
ogra_oh, sorry12:42
didrocks(which will, in your case, just delete the package from the ppa and free the silo)12:42
didrocksogra_: no worry, we aren't low in silos12:42
mardyasac: OK, thanks12:43
didrocksok, time for running I guess!12:44
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 297 DONE (finished: 20140415 12:45) ===12:44
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/297.changes ===12:44
didrocksChipaca: FYI ^12:45
didrocksthis is YOUR image :)12:45
Laneyrun and hide12:45
ogra_massive changes !!!12:45
davmor2Chipaca: don't act like it's a good thing though, it means you and your team get to fix everything that goes wrong with it :D12:46
Chipacadidrocks: davmor2: I'm going to take it home and hug it and squeeze it and pet it and lock it in a cage and keep it forever.12:47
ogra_didrocks, dang, so we cant publish it12:48
davmor2Chipaca: photo's or it didn't happen12:48
didrocksogra_: we will! ;)12:48
didrocksanyway, really running now :p12:48
ChipacaI'm going to make myself a tee with “I have an image.”12:50
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Saviqdidrocks, line 24 has "QA sign off needed: Yes", not sure who set it so, but shouldn't this only be there for features? it's a rather small bugfix landing?12:57
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om26ermandel, we need to run the testplan for ubntu-click-scope as well given that's a dependency of u-d-m13:11
om26erthat's not mentioned in the testplan page13:11
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
om26ermandel, also do you know what else other than unity-click-scope uses ubuntu-download-manager ? we need to ensure anything that uses it is also tested13:21
Saviqcihelp: I've filed a bug about unity8 otto runs being down: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/130806213:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308062 in Ubuntu CI Services "unity8 in otto fails miserably" [Undecided,New]13:22
fgintherSaviq, ack on the bug report. I've been looking at this off and on for the past couple days. I'm looking at an alternative to otto to get this going again13:24
fgintherSaviq, do you see any issues when running on a desktop under unity7?13:28
fgintherSaviq, any unity8 autopilot test issues?13:28
Saviqfginther, no, that works fine13:29
Saviqfginther, I've been playing with the idea of running them under xvfb with autopkgtests13:29
Saviqfginther, this way we'd at least have a way to reproduce locally13:29
fgintherSaviq, I've also been playing with running them on a VM as we used to.13:29
Saviqfginther, uh... feels like a step back :/13:30
fgintherSaviq, agreed, but don't want to discount any option that might get things running again13:34
Saviqfginther, understood13:34
zsombicjwatson: ping13:47
cjwatsonzsombi: hi13:48
zsombicjwatson: I'll have an updated branch soon 4 U13:48
zsombicjwatson: lp:~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/dynamic-tabs-test-failure has some changes, could you check it with arm64? thx!13:53
bfillersil2100: could you please reconfigure silo 14 to remove qtorganizer5-eds? And then create a silo for line 28 which has multiple qtorgranizer5-eds bug fixes13:56
cjwatsonzsombi: two runs of just tst_tabs passed; let me try a full build/test13:58
sil2100bfiller: let me take a look at that one13:58
sil2100didrocks: if you have a moment, I would need a packaging ACK for this one: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-005-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_appmenu-qt5_0.3.0+14.04.20140415-0ubuntu1.diff13:58
zsombicjwatson: huhh??! now that's weird!!!13:59
cjwatsonwell, your last iteration passed with the extra delays, I just figured you'd done a better version of that14:00
sil2100bfiller: both things - done14:05
bfillersil2100: thank you14:06
didrocksSaviq: not for the one which was discovered by QA and are spot lighted (on the release blocker list)14:10
didrockssil2100: +114:11
Saviqdidrocks, that one's not a blocker, afaik?14:11
sil2100Thank you o/14:11
didrocksSaviq: it's a "need to be fixed before release"14:11
didrocksSaviq: like the Qt one14:12
Saviqdidrocks, so a blocker - should be marked as such :P14:12
didrocksSaviq: we didn't put as promotion blocker14:12
didrocksSaviq: or we wouldn't have promoted yesterday14:12
Saviqdidrocks, ok is fine14:12
Saviqin any case14:13
Saviqit's ready for QA sign off14:13
didrocksSaviq: " * Important bugs to track before trusty release:"14:13
didrocksSaviq: that's how I labelled it, if you think I should change… :)14:13
didrocksom26er: can you please test that one as a priority? ^14:13
zsombicjwatson: let me know when you get some news on my branch...14:13
Saviqdidrocks, whatever, is fixed already ;)14:13
didrocksom26er: line 2414:13
didrocksSaviq: excellent news!14:13
didrocksSaviq: so, the "no dialer app showing" and messaging app, was all the same, right?14:13
didrocksjust greeter not unlocking?14:14
om26erdoanac, ok, on it14:14
om26erdidrocks, ^14:14
didrocksthanks om26er :)14:14
didrocksSaviq: also, the "cover 3 components" weight in the decision14:14
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, there's one more: bug #1305128, but not a blocker/important AFAICT14:15
didrocksSaviq: thanks for the quick fix btw!14:15
ubot5bug 1305128 in Unity 8 "Apps don't always get focused when started with upstart-app-launch" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130512814:15
Saviqdidrocks, thank mterry!14:15
* didrocks does14:15
didrocksSaviq: oh, that even user facing?14:15
didrockslet me open the bug14:15
Saviqdidrocks, with content-hub yes14:15
didrocksSaviq: yeah, reading the description, we have more important issues IMHO14:16
davmor2didrocks: dogfooding complete at last.  it looks like the only new issue I have is merging multiple calls but that might not be supported by my provider so I'm going to play about with that a bit and report an issue if there is one14:16
didrocksdavmor2: ok, so not a regression in any way!14:16
didrocksdavmor2: it was #295, right?14:17
didrocksor #296?14:17
zsombicjwatson: actually seems a simple idle timer (wait(0)) would also be enough there... but let's get this done first14:17
didrocksshould be 296 actually14:18
davmor2didrocks: 29614:18
didrocksdavmor2: nice, so with the new Mir!14:18
didrocksdavmor2: can you do a light dogfood of 297? (it's 296 + push notifications)14:18
didrocksdavmor2: I guess we'll have another image kicked soon, so not a full test, but just to see if you don't spot any regression14:18
didrocksogra_: mind promoting #296?14:19
ogra_not at all14:19
didrocksall indicators are green!14:19
didrocksogra_: you should have your command line in ctrl + R :p14:19
ogra_thats  a bug14:19
ogra_the indicators are surely not supposed to be green :P14:19
didrocksogra_: it's the new greenpeace theme!14:20
cjwatsonzsombi: full build passed14:20
sil2100Yay for promotions \o/14:20
sil2100It's been so long since we had a promotion-streak that I think we need to celebrate this somehow14:20
zsombicjwatson: awesome! I'll give you one more snapshot, let's get tested with that as well14:21
didrockswe are too close to not have image #300 as the one we switch on the stable image :p14:21
cjwatsonzsombi: ok14:21
ogra_didrocks, hmm, that messaging-app crash is new14:21
sil2100messaging-app crash?14:21
ogra_(telepathy-ofono in the messaging-app test)14:22
didrocksogra_: we had it in the past IIRC (I checked this morning)14:22
ogra_hmm, when ?14:22
ogra_not in the last one14:22
didrockslike 8-10 images ago14:22
ogra_we had it with dialer a few times14:22
didrocksit was on and off14:22
davmor2didrocks: next image is 297a right?14:22
didrocksyeah, but also with messaging-app14:22
didrocksdavmor2: no, it's 297b! :)14:22
didrocksChipaca: confirmed on the dashboard that push notification didn't kill unity8 AP tests at least!14:23
Chipacadidrocks: foiled again!14:23
ogra_yeah, you are totally breaking our chance of having 300 for release14:23
didrockssil2100: mind checking gallery-app?14:23
didrocksogra_: are we must refrain!14:24
Chipacahey, i can ask you to rerun that with an updated push client14:24
didrocksor have 33314:24
ogra_oh, then lets hurry up ...14:24
didrocksChipaca: you need to ask doanac with the self-service test system14:24
didrocksChipaca: we can only test images here14:24
didrocksogra_: disable the cron job! :)14:25
sil2100didrocks: aye!14:26
Chipacaor we could claim the openssl in the image has a bug whereby if you say "please" it gives you *all* the passwords, not just some of them14:26
ogra_usage: copy-image [-h] [-k] [--verbose]14:26
ogra_copy-image: error: Can't find version: 29614:26
ogra_stgraber, ^^^i thought we had synced up the image versions for the emulator builds ?14:26
didrocksChipaca: as long it forces you to be polite… :)14:26
Chipacadidrocks: people finding that bug will just *know* it's the MI514:27
didrocksheh ;)14:27
zsombicjwatson: one more try then, pls :)14:27
* sil2100 upgrades and checks the logs in the meantime14:27
mandelom26er, udm is a dependency of click-scope and AFAIK both projects have testng plans14:27
mandelom26er, the udm test plan covers on single step of the click-scope as well as a single one of image updates14:27
om26ermandel, the way we tackle this is that we ensure all the reverse deps for a service (u-d-m in this case) are mentioned in the test plan, so that someone testing that component knows and makes sure to execute all the required test plans14:28
om26ermandel, also is click-store and image updater the only consumers for downloader in default image ?14:29
imgbot=== Seems like Image 296 was just promoted ... just saying ... ===14:30
cjwatsonzsombi: if this is racy, how about I wait for my pending mir build to finish ...14:31
stgraberogra_: we did...14:31
ogra_stgraber, oh ... i see, generic_x86 never had a promotion14:31
mandelom26er, yes, they are the only clients in the image. In the test plan of udm both are mentioned (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ubuntu-download-manager)14:31
zsombicjwatson: the wait(0) doesn;'t differ too much from the wait(1) :) but I thought it woudl be good to try before we push it for landing14:31
renatosil2100, I am having problems with the new Qt Signal/Slot connection syntax on powerpc arch, do you know something about that?14:32
zsombicjwatson: how long would that take?14:32
ogra_hmm, and the fact that it is an x86 build minght mean the build is queued somewhere on a buildd ...14:32
mandelom26er, in the test plan we are touching all those parts in which udm is fundamental, testing that installed apps are shown in the click scope in order to land udm does not make much sense14:32
stgraberogra_: hmm, also doesn't explain why generic_x86 is two builds behind...14:32
ogra_copy-image is actually right14:32
ogra_there is no 296 for generic_x8614:32
mandelom26er, nevertheless I have run all the tests in the click-scope14:32
stgraberoh yeah, of course, since they don't share the build chroot, there's no guarantee that they'll stay in sync at all14:32
ogra_stgraber, busy buildds ?14:32
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stgraberbecause you may trigger the x86 one more often or it may fail while the armhf one doesn't14:33
om26ermandel, great, we just need to update the u-d-m wiki page to create a header like 'Dependents/Client' as seen in this test plan https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/media-hub14:33
ogra_well, they are in sync in cdimage14:33
ogra_so the trigger should trigger both arches at the same time14:33
ogra_but if the livefs builder has a queue ...14:33
sil2100didrocks: so, just finished upgrading now, but from the logs I see that we already had this test failing before... it seems to be the same issue as reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/130495014:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1304950 in gallery-app "Autopilot test flakyness in test_add_photo" [Low,New]14:34
sil2100didrocks: although the final error is different14:35
cjwatsonzsombi: not exactly sure, 15min maybe?14:35
sil2100didrocks: I suspected before that the toolbar didn't appear and the click wasn't properly registered - this time it seems to be the same I guess, but it fails in an earlier stage14:35
cjwatsonit's at 82% in cmake but who knows what that means14:35
zsombicjwatson: ok... then I'll hand it over to t1mp, I'll go EOD14:35
sil2100renato: hi! Sadly, didn't encounter that yet, so I guess I cannot help with this one14:36
cjwatsonhopefully the answer will be "yes" and then it's easy14:36
didrockssil2100: ok, let's see what QA can say14:37
* didrocks restarts collecitng the flaky tests list14:37
bfillersil2100: sorry to bug you again about silo14 - needs another reconfiguration, this time with syncevolution added with that MR specified in the comment: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu/trusty/syncevolution/fix-1306112/+merge/21588114:38
sil2100hah! Indeed14:38
sil2100bfiller: oh, I think we'll have to do a source package upload to the PPA in this case14:38
bfillersil2100: yes I think so14:38
sil2100bfiller: since this package is not under citrain14:38
bfillersil2100: right, recall we had to do that last time as well14:39
sil2100bfiller: let me reconfigure and push that14:39
mandelom26er, well, but how am I suppose to know all the clients of udm, I mean, is going to be exposed in qml14:39
mandelom26er, could be all apps in the store14:39
om26ermandel, we only care about what comes by default in the image, for example for qtdeclarative i was asked to run all the autopilot tests for all the apps in the image + uitoolkit and unity814:41
om26erwe probably need to maintain a list of internal consumers of u-d-m14:41
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mandelom26er, well, I have updated the wiki with what I know that uses udm14:45
mandelom26er, AFAIK only clients atm14:45
om26ermandel, ok thanks.14:45
om26erdidrocks, Saviq so it seems unity8 silo testing will take a *while* given we have an autopilot test plan to run for this which requires to run all autopilot tests for all apps14:46
mandelom26er, no problem14:47
didrocksom26er: it's one of the more important one, so I guess the focus should be there14:47
didrocks(release blocker)14:48
om26erdidrocks, the focus is there already, device just finished flashing. just wanted to let you guys know14:48
didrocksom26er: oh sure, I didn't expect it to be quickly done, thanks for the head's up !14:48
sil2100bfiller: ok, prepared the package and pushed it to the silo PPA, should appear there pretty soon14:48
sil2100bfiller: in some minutes you can run Build with 'watch-only' I guess14:49
Saviqom26er, well, the test plan is to test *one* click app, unity8 and UITK manually14:49
Saviqom26er, or use the gatekeeper automagically14:49
zsombi1cjwatson: I'm still here :D any update?14:49
om26erSaviq, since there is a change in autopilot as well, we have to run its testplan as well, which requires us to run all tests14:49
Saviqom26er, I disagree, that's not what the testplan says14:50
bfillersil2100: thanks14:50
sil2100bfiller: yw!14:50
cjwatsonzsombi1: my other test build's in dpkg-deb right at the end, so will start very shortly14:50
Saviqom26er, "Run at least one click app autopilot suite..."14:51
om26ersil2100, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/autopilot "Dependents/Clients"14:51
zsombi1cjwatson: I'll wait till that's done then :)14:51
om26eryeah in train-con0 we are being super precautious14:51
om26er*cautious rather ;)14:51
Saviqom26er, then please, find someone to run it automagically14:51
sil2100om26er: s/sil2100/Saviq ;p14:52
Saviqom26er, through http://q-jenkins:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/ (if you yourself can't)14:52
didrocksseb128: killing update-manager from touch FYI based on popey's feedback14:52
om26ersil2100, ^14:52
pmcgowandoes anyone know if a new chromium hit the archives recently14:52
popeypmcgowan: 34 today14:53
om26ernow that meant for you :)14:53
popeypmcgowan: i lie, yesterday14:53
Saviqom26er, it's just a waste of time otherwise :|14:53
seb128didrocks, thanks14:53
pmcgowanpopey, well, it is severely busted me thinks14:53
popeypmcgowan: i haven't restarted it since.. thanks ☻14:53
pmcgowanall my plugins are gone and cant install more14:54
didrockspmcgowan: you should ping qengho on #ubuntu-desktop14:54
om26erSaviq, the reason is because some apps use certain autopilot features which other dont. and autopilot breakage can be catastrophic14:54
ogra_just use oxide14:54
pmcgowanogra_, doesnt do plugins either ;(14:54
popeyyeah, no problem with plugins there!14:54
ogra_heh, true14:55
pmcgowanpopey, works for you?14:55
popeyI mean, no problem as there are none.14:55
t1mpcjwatson: let me know when you test the changes that zsombi made in https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/dynamic-tabs-test-failure/+merge/21588614:55
Saviqom26er, sure, that's ok, but doing it by hand is just crazy, they even have a jenkins job that does that already14:55
t1mpcjwatson: if it all works, I will happrove and we can land it14:55
Saviqit's even called "autopilot release gatekeeper"14:55
cjwatsont1mp: test's running now14:55
t1mpcjwatson: cool, thanks14:56
t1mpcjwatson: did you do a pull? there were some changes in the last few minutes14:56
om26ersil2100, ping14:56
cjwatsont1mp: I just did, yes, on r101114:56
om26ersil2100, there is an autopilot change incoming and we want to run autopilot tests, can you run that in a jenkins job please ?14:57
Saviqhttp://q-jenkins:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/ ← here14:58
om26erSaviq, I don't have admin access to that job, trying to find the right person14:59
Saviqom26er, yup, me neither14:59
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sil2100om26er: hmmmm, good question if I have the permissions, I probably don't...15:03
sil2100But let me try15:03
bfillersil2100: need a silo for line 2915:05
sil2100om26er, Saviq: it seems I have the permissions, let me look into how this works15:05
sil2100bfiller: checking in a moment15:05
Saviqsil2100, thanks15:06
bfillersil2100: thanks15:06
sil2100bfiller: assigned, thanks for filling in the landing o/15:07
sil2100om26er: so, you want me to run all the tests with this with which silo?15:09
cjwatsont1mp,zsombi1: that looks fine, debuild -B passed15:09
om26ersil2100, line 2415:09
zsombi1cjwatson: thx!!!!!15:09
om26ersil2100, yeah 00815:09
t1mpcjwatson: thanks! I'll approve the MR15:10
cjwatsonthanks for looking at this15:11
sil2100om26er, Saviq: triggered, let's see how it goes15:11
Saviqsil2100, awesome, thanks15:11
om26ersil2100, when will you EOD ?15:12
sil2100om26er: I will be jumping out in like ~30 minutes for practice, but I will be back before 21:00 CEST15:13
om26ersil2100, Ninja much ?15:13
sil2100om26er: not ninja, but related ;p15:13
sil2100om26er: so, if you need anything re-ran, just drop me a PM and I'll do it for sure once back15:14
sil2100didrocks: ok, just in case I ran gallery-app test suite 2 times on the latest image with no failures once again15:30
didrockssil2100: ok, anyway, I'm listing it15:30
sil2100didrocks: so it seems to be flakyness on the smoketesting infra as before ;/15:30
sil2100didrocks: I'll be jumping out now in ~5 min if anything o/15:35
didrockssil2100: enjoy man!15:40
didrocksSaviq: you are going to deliver bug #1297197 as well?15:50
ubot5bug 1297197 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "New scopes performance needs to be improved" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129719715:50
didrocks(saw you duplicated the other one)15:50
Saviqdidrocks, define "deliver"?15:50
didrocksSaviq: like before trusty15:51
didrocks(I see a MP attached)15:51
didrocksbut needs fixing15:51
Saviqis probably fixed already15:51
Saviqdidrocks, so yeah, is on the readar15:51
Saviqradar, even15:51
didrocksSaviq: oh, like in the silo you propose?15:51
didrocksSaviq: it's not in #296 for sure15:51
Saviqdidrocks, I mean the MP is fixed15:52
didrocksah ok :)15:52
Saviqdidrocks, I have 15 approved MPs already, want to get them through first... at least those you will agree to :P15:52
Saviqbut will definitely look at that one, too, and Albert is looking into more ways to improve it, too15:53
Saviqtruth is... it's mhr3's fault15:53
didrocksSaviq: I'm not surprised! all mhr3's fault! :)15:53
Saviqbecause before we would load the results on startup, so it'd be hidden behind the greeter ;P15:53
didrocksSaviq: more seriously, I have a lot of chopiness that I didn't get before new scopes, but not only scrolling15:53
Saviqand now they're only loaded when you unlock15:53
didrocksSaviq: like when switching between scopes15:53
didrocks(even once loaded)15:53
Saviqdidrocks, same15:53
Saviqdidrocks, they refresh15:54
didrocksah ok15:54
didrocksso yeah, makes sense15:54
Saviqdidrocks, not every time, but when they know they should, they refresh the results15:54
didrocksSaviq: ok, that exactly explain the behavior I'm seeins15:54
Saviqoh yeah, and that's the other mhr3's fault - all results go away and come in again even though nothing might've changed15:54
didrockstssss :p15:54
didrocksSaviq: this branch will fix it as well?15:54
didrocksmhr3: what have you done dude!15:55
mhr3i break stuff15:55
mhr3you're welcome15:55
mhr3didrocks, your mails would be so boring without me :P15:55
Saviqdidrocks, no, that won't be fixed until mhr3 gets off 'is a$$15:56
didrocksmhr3: I like boring :p15:56
didrocksSaviq: should that be 2 bugs then?15:56
didrocksor is there another one for mhr3?15:56
didrocksthostr_: do you know? ^15:56
Saviqdidrocks, I don't think that's reported as a bug, it's a feature request from me :P15:57
didrockslet's use the same bug and adding a scope task15:57
didrocksas the net result is the same15:57
didrocksmhr3: which components? ^15:58
Saviqdidrocks, unity-scopes-shell15:58
mhr3Saviq, lies! scopes don't refresh all the time15:59
ogra_oh man15:59
ogra_dialer-app gets worse with every new image15:59
mhr3didrocks, pls describe in detail what you're seeing15:59
ogra_stop these image builds !15:59
didrocksmhr3: skipping frames when switching between scopes16:00
thostr_mhr3: so, it was you!!! I had this suspicion all day long...16:00
Saviqmhr3, I didn't say all the time16:00
Saviqmhr3, I said that *if* you experience a jerk when switching between scopes, most often that's going to be scope refreshing16:00
* asac starts ho16:01
mhr3didrocks, on each and every swipe?16:03
ogra_so the updater just updated my dict.cc webapp from 0.4 to 0.316:07
popeyodd thing with the welcome screen since previous stable (#294) - swipe to unlock, tap ubuntu button..16:08
ogra_(0.4 was only locally installed though ... but i have like 20 other apps like this)16:08
popeyas soon as you press the ubuntu button the time disappears from the welcome screen just before the welcome screen goes16:08
ogra_popey, wow, that just a fraction of a second though16:09
ogra_it seems to print something at the very top of the lock screen16:09
popeynoticable though.16:09
popeythe date16:09
popeyit moves up as the time disappears16:09
ogra_i wouldnt have noticed without you telling me16:09
popeybet you would eventually16:09
ogra_hmm, it felt like it was a longer string16:09
popeyits repeatable16:09
popeyis the welcome screen lightdm?16:10
ogra_not yet16:10
ogra_there is a landing for that somewhere16:10
ogra_(split greeter)16:10
popeyso is this unity8? (for bug filing purposes)16:11
popeygot it! :D16:12
popeyogra_: feel free to confirm bug 130813916:16
ubot5bug 1308139 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Clock momentarily disappears when unlocking #294" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130813916:16
davmor2Chipaca: How do I test the push service?  Or is it a case of wait for another image?16:18
Chipacadavmor2: which image are we talking about?16:19
Chipacadavmor2: *my* image?16:19
popeyChipaca: i got a notification that there was a new image after flashing cleanly #29716:19
popeybut the popup appeared and disappeared to quick to see16:20
davmor2Chipaca: yes I'm on your image what push notifications should I receive16:20
popeyand it had [34] in it16:20
Chipacapopey: ok16:20
Chipacai think we should probably stop sending testing notifications about now16:20
davmor2popey: confirmed your clock issue16:20
popeyi rebooted hoping to get it again, but i didnt16:20
popeythanks davmor216:20
Chipacapopey: from the terminal (as phablet), stop ubuntu-push-client, move ~/.local/share/ubuntu-push-client/levels.db aside, and start it again16:21
Chipacapopey: that might get you a popup again :)16:21
popeyChipaca: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-15-172211.png16:22
Chipacapopey: yep16:23
Chipacapopey: i'm ... not sure if you think it's a bug or not :)16:23
popeyis [34] some code for "you are awesome"?16:24
popeybecause it means nothing to me16:24
popeyergo, yes, I think that's a bug16:24
Chipacawe should get rid of the [##]16:24
popeywant a bug?16:24
Chipacapopey: go on then :) thanks16:24
Chipacapopey: fwiw it's the message level16:25
Chipacaor number, or count16:25
Chipacabut it's called a level in push16:25
ToyKeeperChipaca: You pinged earlier?16:33
ChipacaToyKeeper: in response to something you were telling me16:33
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ToyKeeperChipaca: I don't see the silo in the spreadsheet any more; did you get everything landed?16:39
ChipacaToyKeeper: yes, worked with om26er on that16:40
ChipacaToyKeeper: thank you16:40
ToyKeeperOkay, good.  :)16:40
ChipacaToyKeeper: rhuddie is working on making this level of testing automatable16:40
ChipacaToyKeeper: and i'm working on making the tests more comprehensive16:41
Saviqwe need something to run ap suites https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1278659 - running them manually is just a waste of time that we don't have...16:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1278659 in Ubuntu CI Services "Please run the autopilot-qt autopilot test suite as part of CI" [Undecided,New]16:52
asacSaviq: you mean against landing silos?16:58
asac(just asking because CI is used by many just for the MP bot)16:59
asacoh its really about the MP bot17:00
davmor2meh I forgot about the landing meeting that's what happens when you are doing too much :D17:00
asacjust autopilot-qt havin a special build system17:00
asacdavmor2: we didnt notice :)17:00
asacdavmor2: its all good. i had action to get jfunk find someone from QA to do upgrade testing from stable to current devel17:01
asacdidrocks trie that the upgrade works17:01
asacin general, but we need more thorough look - meaing: accumulate some user data on the 6 month old image17:01
asacand see what happens then if you upgrade17:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
renatorobru, hi, could you push a new build for silo 1417:12
renatorobru, I have update the MR for syncevolution17:13
robrurenato, sure17:13
robrurenato, so you have new commits on same MPs, no new MPs right?17:13
renatorobru, yes only new commits17:15
jhodapprobru, can you kick off a rebuild of media-hub in silo 017?17:18
robrurenato, ok, building: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-014-1-build/20/console17:18
robrujhodapp, one sec17:18
renatorobru, thanks17:18
robrujhodapp, sorry. new commits or new MPs?17:20
robrurenato, you're welcome17:20
jhodapprobru, new push to an existing MP17:20
robrujhodapp, ok, just media-hub: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-017-1-build/30/console17:21
jhodapprobru, thanks!17:21
robrujhodapp, you're welcome!17:21
robrubfiller_afk, publishing silo 417:23
Saviqasac, no, not about the MP bot, against silos17:23
Saviqasac, I need to be able to take a silo, tell jenkins to run x, y, z tests on it, and come back to get results17:24
sergiusensMP testing is orthogonal to silos (predates it)17:27
asacSaviq: sound fginther is talking about the "CI" job (e.g. the MP review bot)17:28
asacSaviq: we have silo automation high on our list17:28
ogra_Saviq, in my ideal worlls there would be an LP buildd producing an image from your silo and then run all AP tests automated against that image17:28
asacright. its also related to image production for silos17:28
ogra_but thats all pretty time consuming with our current setup17:29
Saviqogra_, sure, images could be used, although I feel that a bit heavy17:29
ogra_well, thats the only way to actually test in the real context17:29
Saviqasac, I think I pasted a wrong link :D17:29
Saviqhence the confusion17:29
SaviqI meant https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/130815617:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308156 in Ubuntu CI Services "Need a paralellized jenkins job that runs autopilot suites on silos" [Undecided,New]17:29
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|lunch
asacSaviq: that also adds the "parallellization feature" into the mix :)17:30
asacwhich is number three17:30
asacnow you could also add emulator :P17:31
asacbut yeah, your need is known; lest review priorities on tuesday17:31
asacfor ev's team17:31
asacthose should clearly be pretty much on top17:31
ogra_well, emulator and parallelization are kind of the same thing17:32
jhodapp|lunchrobru, sorry but had to make a couple more changes to media-hub, can you queue another rebuild of it please?17:42
robrujhodapp|lunch, sure thing17:43
robruugh, no space left on device...17:43
robrujhodapp|lunch, you're welcome: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-017-1-build/31/console17:45
fgintherSaviq, regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/130815617:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308156 in Ubuntu CI Services "Need a paralellized jenkins job that runs autopilot suites on silos" [Undecided,New]17:47
fgintherSaviq, is a job that runs all the ap suites in serial of any use?17:47
Saviqfginther, sure17:48
Saviqfginther, would be a stop-gap, but still faster than running them manually17:49
Saviqfginther, and, fwiw, more reliable17:49
fgintherSaviq, what would the image baseline need to be? proposed?17:49
Saviqfginther, that'd probably be used most often17:49
Saviqfginther, but since it's flashing every time anyway, would that really matter?17:49
Saviqfginther, should be possible to flash with any channel / revision even17:50
fgintherSaviq, I guess I meant proposed vs stable, etc.17:50
Saviqfginther, in terms of system image, not distro, right?17:50
fgintherSaviq, yes, I'm referreing to the system image, my terminology may be off17:51
Saviqfginther, but yeah, same applies, since the devices are being flashed every time anyway, it should be possible to select which channel / revision to flash17:51
Saviqfginther, channel = devel-proposed, revision = 283 or whatever's the latest17:51
Saviqfginther, it would default to the newest revision in devel-proposed, could be useful to allow overriding, but not *really* necessary I'd think, for dev purposes we're all doing against the latest17:52
Saviqfginther, and for anything that would require investigation, I'd say local runs are good enough17:53
fgintherSaviq, thanks so far... What about specifying the packages from the silo? Would it be acceptable to require a list of binary packages to install?17:53
Saviqfginther, I think yes17:54
Saviqfginther, we could then wrap that job with defaults for that per-project17:54
Saviqfginther, or something to that effect, but yes, I think installing all generated packages would be wrong to do, dist-upgrade could be not enough... or too much, installing from distro...17:56
Saviqfginther, then there's the ro requirement, phablet-test-click-setup currently only pulls from distro, it would need to understand PPAs, too17:56
fgintherSaviq, yep, all of those can lead to problems, but I need to make sure this isn't going to error prone17:57
Saviqwhich brings us to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/1262879 ...17:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1262879 in Ubuntu CI Services "There should only be one, documented, way to run tests on devices" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:58
Saviqwhich probably needs fixing prior to the above...17:58
* Saviq wonders if we should have autopkgtests ran on device...17:58
Saviqor something standard to that end17:58
fgintherphablet-test-click-setup pulls stuff from distro? I thought it just hit bzr branches17:58
Saviqfginther, it does pull a unity8 tarball, for example17:59
fgintherand yes, the goal is to move to something autopkgktests like, at least in the sense that the package knows how to test itself17:59
Saviqfginther, but even if it didn't, stuff that's in silos isn't there in trunks anyway...17:59
fgintherSaviq, ah, unity817:59
om26er_Saviq, ok, so trying through test plans for unity8, powerd and autopilot things are working fine, as expected. Only waiting for http://q-jenkins:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/110/console to finish17:59
Saviqom26er_, awesome, thanks17:59
fgintherSaviq, how do you test click packages (or do you)17:59
Saviqfginther, phablet-test-click-setup + phablet-test-run18:00
Saviqfginther, but when I add a unity8 silo, p-t-c-s fails, 'cause it's trying to get a tarball for the installed unity8 version from distro18:00
fgintherSaviq, sorry, I meant if a click package needs to be built, those are being built by silos18:00
fgintherSaviq, I've seen that problem18:00
Saviqfginther, I'm not sure, but if they are indeed built by silos (I'm not sure they are, at least not for uploading to the store), p-t-c-s would need to know how to deal with that, too, and either branch from the silo (it's currently possible from http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/citrain/silos/) or grab tarballs from the PPAs18:01
fgintherSaviq, we're trying to solve the same issue with the ci-airline, I was just curious if the ci-train how a known way for dealing with click packages18:03
fgintherSaviq, thanks for the input, I'll update the bug18:04
Saviqfginther, no worries, and sorry for dumping this like this ;D18:04
Saviqfginther, when I heard that we should run all app suites manually when trying to release autopilot... my heart stopped...18:05
fgintherSaviq, I understand, it's obviously not the best use of people's time18:06
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Saviqom26er, one failure: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/label=mako-07/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/18:40
* Saviq runs locally to see if flaky18:40
om26erSaviq, unity8 tests passed for locally so I don't see why they failed in jenkins18:41
Saviqom26er, where do you mean?18:41
om26erSaviq, woops looking at wrong column18:41
Saviqom26er, the clock test +1 here, must be flaky18:42
om26erSaviq, alright so we can approve this now :)18:42
Saviqom26er, yes please :)18:42
om26erSaviq, done18:43
Saviqkgunn, silo 008 is +1 from QA ↑18:44
kgunnwhere's mterry so i can thank him for the speedy work18:45
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
robruSaviq, kgunn ... what's that? silo 8 ready to publish?18:54
robruSaviq, kgunn : published silo 8!18:55
Saviqrobru, thanks!19:00
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ogra_asac, i assume we want an image build witht that ? ^^^19:08
kgunnogra_: asac yes that's youre greeter wont unlock fix19:11
bfillerrobru: can you re-upload syncevolution to silo14 with this MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu/trusty/syncevolution/fix-1306112/+merge/21588119:17
bfillerrobru: the MR was updated since it was first uploaded19:18
robrubfiller, sure19:23
robrubfiller, wait, is it just one MR? or are there two now?19:23
bfillerrobru: should just be the one MR to syncevo19:24
robrubfiller, ok19:24
robrubfiller, hmmm, no19:25
robrubfiller, the original branch I uploaded was https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/syncevolution/fix-photo-merge19:25
robrubfiller, and the commit there is different than the two at https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu/trusty/syncevolution/fix-1306112/+merge/21588119:25
bfillerrobru: the fix-photo-merge MR  got released a while ago I believe. We're testing a new fix now which is the MR I pasted19:26
robrubfiller, oh ok, I guess I have old stuff lying around then ;-)19:27
bfillerrobru: np, sil had uploaded this to silo 14 this morning, but since then renato has modified it19:28
robrubfiller, ohh ok ok, from just this morning19:28
bfillerrobru: yeah19:28
cjwatsonCould somebody retrigger CI on https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/mir/arm64-install/+merge/215892, please (if it's not already running)?  I seem to have misplaced my s-jenkins login details19:30
boikorobru: hi, would you mind assigning a silo to row 34 when possible?19:45
robruboiko, ok, you got silo 1619:49
boikorobru: thanks!19:49
robruboiko, you're welcome!19:49
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robrucihelp ^^ see cjwatson 's message19:52
cjwatsonOh thanks19:52
fginthercjwatson, ack19:52
robrucjwatson, you're welcome!19:53
fginthercjwatson, it just finished 21 minutes ago and passed. do you still want to rerun it?19:54
cjwatsonOh right :-)19:54
cjwatsonNo, that's fine then, thanks, sorry for the noise19:54
fginthercjwatson, no worries19:54
davmor2cyphermox: I just had wifi die on me on desktop what logs would be useful?  I got some stuff in dmesg about a bandwidth change where upon wlan0: disassociated and then deauthenticated.19:56
cyphermoxdavmor2: file a bug with ubuntu-bug20:18
rsalvetiogra_: can we build another image?20:23
rsalvetiogra_: this lxc-android-config is a nightmare if you run apt-get dist-upgrade20:23
ogra_rsalveti, yes, waiting for a few packages still20:23
ogra_rsalveti, well, nothing i can do20:23
rsalvetifor some weird reason even when umounting the udev file I'm still unable to get it stalled20:24
ogra_proper only works from recovery20:24
ogra_if there arent any cross device links in place at all20:24
ogra_rsalveti, i'll kick a build as soon as unity8 has landed20:25
robruogra_, rsalveti it's blocked in -proposed, I just pinged cjwatson about that. gotta run for lunch now but you can follow that up with him if you like20:25
davmor2cyphermox: apparently LP hates me20:25
ogra_cyphermox, ignore my last comment on the routing bug ...20:26
davmor2cyphermox: bug 130823820:27
ubot5bug 1308238 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Wireless was just dropped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130823820:27
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 298 building (started: 20140415 20:55) ===20:54
ogra_rsalveti, ^^^^20:55
rsalvetiogra_: thanks!20:55
ogra_sorry, unity8 took a while20:55
ToyKeeperHmm, odd time of day for a new build.20:56
ogra_we are trying to do one build per big landing atm20:57
ToyKeeperI'm not complaining though...  this means I can get my daily testing done quite a bit earlier.  :)20:57
ogra_298 should have the "keyboard over greeter screen" fix20:57
ogra_right, but we will likely step on our own toes WRT automated tests20:57
ogra_which means no reference values20:58
ToyKeeperogra_: Just yesterday I found that snap decisions can pop up under the keyboard.  Any idea if that might be fixed too?20:58
ogra_hmm, not sure20:58
ogra_kgunn, ^^^20:58
ToyKeeperI wouldn't really expect so, but it seems possible given the nature of the update.20:58
ToyKeeperI haven't really been doing exploratory testing much, but I keep tripping over new issues by accident.20:59
ogra_which is great :)21:00
kgunnogra_: ToyKeeper don't think so, pretty sure that'd be seperate (snap-d under keyboard)21:00
ogra_in 14.04 we still have some freedom, nothing is 100% yet ... if you experience the same in 14.10 ... then it will be worrying ;)21:00
kgunnToyKeeper: gotta bug # for that one ? (snap-d under osk )21:03
ToyKeeperkgunn: No, not yet...  just found it late last night, and I'm behind on filing bugs.21:03
ToyKeeper(hoping to catch up on that today, actually)21:03
kgunnits a cool one...21:04
kgunnif bugs can be cool21:04
ToyKeeperEasy to repro though...  trigger the OSK in landscape mode, then receive a text message.21:04
ToyKeeper(or call, or whatever)21:05
kgunnToyKeeper: yeah...i got no sim21:05
kgunnwife forced me onto verizon/cdma21:05
ogra_geez, ask your manager to get ayou a prepaid one21:05
kgunnyeah..i need to go get one21:05
ToyKeeperI should send you my SIM...  I can't test 3G with it, but the rest works.21:06
ogra_though testing calls is probably not your main focus :)21:06
ToyKeeperActually, I suppose I should reinstall android to verify if it's a carrier issue or software issue.21:06
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Saviqrobru, hey, icanhassilo for line 17 please?21:35
asacogra_: we want images for every landing, yes :)21:39
Saviqcyphermox, could we get a silo please ↑↑?21:45
Saviqlast resort, rsalveti, could we have a silo please ↑↑↑?21:51
cyphermoxunity is already in landing 00221:55
Saviqcyphermox, that's a temp silo21:56
Saviqcyphermox, can be ignored21:56
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 298 DONE (finished: 20140415 22:00) ===21:59
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/298.changes ===21:59
boikorobru: landing-016 tested and ready to go22:00
ToyKeeper... and flashing.22:01
cyphermoxSaviq: landing 822:03
* cyphermox goes out to get dinner22:03
Saviqcyphermox, thanks!22:03
bfillerrobru: silo 1 ready to be published22:10
robrubfiller, silo 1 published22:15
robruboiko, silo 16 published22:16
robrubfiller, silo 7 published22:20
bfillerrobru: nice22:20
bfillerrobru: I may have a few more to publish shortly22:21
robrubfiller, sure22:21
bfillerrobru: what's the status of releasing packages that are in the desktop, like indicator-datetime and syncevolution?22:21
robrubfiller, well, trusty release is tomorrow, so basically, only do that if they're critical bugfixes that are trivial to verify22:21
robrubfiller, or we can "publish" now and -release team will just block them in UNAPPROVED until after U opens.22:22
bfillerrobru: that might be the best22:22
robrubfiller, but be aware that if they are blocked in proposed, they won't get to the phone either.22:22
robruor blocked anywhere, proposed or UNAPPROVED22:23
bfillerrobru: yup, that's a bummer but understand22:23
robrubfiller, it's convergence ;-)22:23
rsalvetiSaviq: it seems you're all set22:36
bfillerrobru: silo 14 ready for release, it's fine that indicator-dateteime and syncevo will be stuck in UNAPPROVED23:25
bfillerrobru: at least sync-monitor will land in image23:26
bfillerrobru: also silo 6 ready for release23:26
robrubfiller, great23:26
bfillerrobru: going to be afk for a while, send me email if there is a problem23:27
robrubfiller, published!23:27
bfillerrobru: thank you sir23:27
robrubfiller, you're welcome!23:27
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