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mlankhorstTrevinho: probably in the backport stack?07:02
mlankhorstthe kernel that trusty uses by default doesn't support dri3 render nodes yet07:07
Laneyhey hey hey08:03
mvohey seb128 and Laney!08:05
mvoand good morning jodh08:05
jodhmvo: morning!08:06
seb128good morning desktopers!08:06
seb128hey mvo, Laney, jodh, how are you?08:06
didrocksgood morning Laney, mvo, seb128!08:07
seb128lut didrocks!08:07
jodhseb128: ça va bien merci. Et toi?08:07
seb128jodh, ça va bien également, merci ;-)08:08
mvohey didrocks08:08
Laneyvery good!08:08
seb128great ;-)08:09
seb128did anybody else got amazon added to their launcher for them with recent updates?08:21
Laneymight have done actually08:23
LaneyI think there was a session migration script for webapps08:24
seb128not nice webapps!08:24
Laneyrun that script and it gets added08:24
seb128when did that get added?08:25
Laneyapril 03 apparently08:25
Laneyor that's when I got it08:25
seb128I wonder why it just happened this morning for me08:25
seb128I've been updating/restarting daily08:25
Laneyit gets re-run if the file is updated i think08:26
Laneythat could have happened08:26
seb128I don't have that file though08:30
seb128so not likely due to it08:30
dpmmorning desktop folks. I've noticed that on my desktop the time and date settings dialog now appears untranslated. Anyone else having this issue?08:31
seb128dpm, hey, no, wfm08:31
seb128dpm, are the other settings pages showing translated for you?08:31
dpmseb128, yes all the others appear translated08:32
seb128dpm, when did the issue start?08:32
dpmand the time & date thing has been translated for ages, just noticed over the weekend that it's back to English08:32
dpmI don't know when it started, I just noticed it last Saturday08:33
seb128dpm, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/unity-control-center/+pots/unity-control-center/ca/+translate?start=0&batch=10&show=untranslated&field.alternative_language=&field.alternative_language-empty-marker=1&old_show=all suggests your translations are incomplete08:33
seb128dpm, looks like appareance is also mostly untranslated08:34
dpmyeah, appearance is known08:34
dpmbut are the time & date settings now there?08:34
dpmwtf Launchpad08:34
seb128dpm, those were in different domain until january when we introduced unity-control-center08:34
seb128dpm, we merged those panels in u-c-c08:35
seb128where they were external sources with g-c-c08:35
dpmah, I missed that, bummer, that won't make it to the final langpack08:35
dpmseb128, anyway, thanks for the help figuring out!08:35
seb128dpm, yw08:35
seb128dpm, I even sent https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2014-February/006410.html08:36
dpmseb128, that's fine, my mistake08:36
seb128dpm, but yeah, not easy to keep track of those issues, and we use enough english that we barely notice english strings in normal course of action08:37
seb128that happens to me as well :/08:37
Laneyalex_abreu: hey, can you think of a way to have the webapps migration script not add amazon again if the user already removed it before?08:52
mvoLaney: changelogs.u.c is updating again09:16
mvoLaney: and the underlying issue is hopefully fixed as well (no default socket timeout in the extractor)09:17
Laneymvo: nice09:17
Laneywas it hung?09:17
mvoLaney: yeah, I couldn't do a strace, but lsof showed a open https connection to lp so I strongly assume that the connection got stale and it never recovered from that09:17
Laneythanks for fixing!09:18
mvono problem, thanks for letting me know about the problem in the first place09:18
LaneyIt was because apt was spewing those 'changelog not found' messages to me09:19
mvo:) I wonder if its worthwhile to add a nagios check or something - I will do that when it hangs the next time (I hope there is no next time and the fix is good)09:24
LaneyJust snapped the lid off my kettle09:31
* Laney fails09:31
* Laney becomes tea deprived09:31
mlankhorstmmm tea09:34
Laneypost me some09:34
seb128Laney, backup plan: water in a pot on the stove09:39
Laneynah you can kind of wedge the lid back on09:40
Laneypretty dodgy but it works well enough09:40
Laneyhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Morphy-Richards-43827-Accents-Traditional/dp/B007Y51OLI/ref=sr_1_4?s=kitchen-appliances&ie=UTF8&qid=1397554371&sr=1-4 ordered that beauty to replace it09:40
seb128that's an expensive kettle!09:41
Laneygotta pay the price for style :P09:41
knomea real tea addict would just put the extra money on more tea09:42
mvoLaney: i got one similar to http://www.amazon.co.uk/Russell-Hobbs-18365-Glass-Kettle/dp/B007NHJFMC/ref=sr_1_2?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1397556049&sr=1-2&keywords=kettle+temperature+hobbs - for the green tea that needs exact tempertures :)10:02
Laneymvo: hahaha10:02
* mvo goes and gets some lunch (with tea)10:02
LaneyI saw one with a programmable display and decided that would be too much10:02
Laneybut black tea is all I have, and that's fine at 100°10:03
seb128tea addicts...10:03
seb128mvo, don't listen to Laney, he's the sort of person that put milk in their tea10:03
* seb128 wonders how much of an offense that is for mvo ;-)10:03
dpmseb128, shall I remove gnome-control-center-2.0 from the list of translatable templates? -> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/gnome-control-center/+pots/gnome-control-center-2.0/ca/+translate?show=untranslated10:29
seb128dpm, I don't think so, it's still using by Ubuntu GNOME10:31
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seb128dpm, what would be the consequences?10:31
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dpmseb128, it would not be included in langpacks. So if it's still used by Ubuntu GNOME, I'll leave it there. Another option (if it hasn't got any Ubuntu-specific strings) would be to demote it to universe, don't strip out the translations and just ship the upstream ones in the package, without langpack10:40
seb128dpm, it still has quite some Ubuntu patches, let's keep them in the langpacks for the LTS10:43
seb128we can sort it out better next cycle10:43
mvoseb128: ;) I like milk in a black tea, but for green tea its like putting coca-cola into red-wine10:58
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mhr3mvo, you're just old, cola with red-wine is perfectly normal :P11:07
larsumvo: I've actually seen someone drink coke/wine recently. (not kidding)11:07
Laneyme too11:07
* larsu hates milk in any tea11:07
larsudestroys all the taste for me11:08
* mvo drops dead in shock11:08
mhr3mvo, according to wikipedia it has become an icon of basque culture :)11:09
mvolol, seriously?11:09
mhr3so stop offending basks!11:09
* mvo hides11:10
* mhr3 probably didn't spell that right11:10
* Sweetshark hates his life right now ...11:10
amigamagicI'm on xubuntu 14.04. Until now (2-3 days) I had no update notifications. I noticed that there is this bug still open and maybe it affects the 14.04 release too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/124636411:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu 13.10" [Low,Confirmed]11:12
pittididrocks: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg07656.html → *hug*11:12
* didrocks hugs pitti back11:12
amigamagica "sudo apt-get upgrade" shows me that there are upgrades I could do, but I have no graphical notification of this11:13
amigamagicis it normal?11:13
om26erbug 1308002 anyone else saw that ?11:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308002 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Screen quickly autolocks again after unlocking " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130800211:13
Laneyom26er: it's unity, what version of that do you have?11:15
om26erLaney, 7.2.0+14.04.20140411-0ubuntu111:16
om26erthere seems to be a pending update but the changelog didn't suggest if that fixed this bug. I am updating11:16
om26eralso bug 1308005 as well.11:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308005 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] no way to close tall windows as they appear below top panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130800511:16
amigamagicom26er, I tried to reproduce that bug but to me lightdm works well11:17
Laneyhave you restarted your session recently?11:17
Laneydouble locking was supposed to be fixed with 0410-0ubuntu111:17
om26erLaney, I always restart, I have a friend with the same issue as well.11:17
om26eramigamagic, Laney let me try a few times to see if I can give you guys the exact steps to reproduce this bug11:18
Laneyreassign it to unity please11:18
amigamagicLaney, do you know something of the bug 1246364 ?11:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu 13.10" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124636411:18
amigamagicI'm on 14.04 and I don't see update notifications anywhere, but I see other notifications, like when the lan is unplugged and similar11:19
amigamagicthe xubuntu dev guys suggested me to ask here11:20
Laneyamigamagic: I guess it's because auto-launch went away, you might want to talk to bdmurray as he made that change back then11:23
LaneyActually, it looks like Noskcaj had some input so talk to him first11:23
seb128larsu, it's not nice to troll didrocks like that!11:30
didrocksdidn't see it11:30
didrocksbad larsu11:30
seb128<larsu> mvo: I've actually seen someone drink coke/wine recently. (not kidding)11:30
amigamagicLaney, thanks11:30
didrocksit wasn't really drinking11:31
didrocksit was tasting11:31
didrockson desrt arguing I should try it11:31
seb128didrocks, though he was not at the same table so he might not be speaking about the same night ;-)11:31
didrocksbut then, I let that to attente :p11:31
didrockscan be another night with desrt trolling French :p11:31
mvoseb128: LOL11:31
didrocksmvo: and yeah… it's worse than the worst thing you can even imagine11:32
didrocksI expect it to be bad11:32
larsudidrocks: you did drink it to taste it ;)11:32
mvo(except for green tea with milk maybe)11:32
didrocksbut really not *that* bad11:32
seb128mvo, I've a photo to prove it, it happened in London at the team dinner, I can show you in Malta if you want ;-)11:32
didrocksroh… that photo, again!11:32
seb128mvo, good that you are back, you missed on things while you were not there ;-)11:33
didrocksmvo: just to sum up: never trust desrt11:33
larsuwhat is this technology where you have to be in the same physical location as someone else to show them a photo?11:33
didrocks1. he's making your code segfault is the schema isn't compiled for gsettings11:33
didrocks2. he's making you trying coke + wine11:33
mvodidrocks: so he tricked you into it?11:33
larsucanadian bastard11:33
didrocksmvo: well, for him, it's really something that is drinkable11:34
didrocksat least, attente drink the whole glass11:34
mvolarsu: old style tech I guess :P11:34
didrocks(it was for him first)11:34
larsuya :)11:34
seb128larsu, technology is not the issue, but I post it on the internet the NSA is going to see it!11:34
seb128I wouldn't do that to didrocks11:34
larsudidrocks: you should have sat at our table. No crazy experiments there11:34
didrocksyeah, I don't want that photo to be public :p11:34
larsuseb128: they already saw it.11:34
didrockslarsu: a sane table!11:34
mvodidrocks: I think seb128 already printed t-shirts with the photo11:34
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seb128mvo, susssh, you are spoiling the surprise for the next event11:35
didrocksthe photo is like the drink11:35
didrocksit's worse than what you can ever think about it :)11:35
seb128didrocks, well at least people can't troll you about enjoying the drink ;-)11:35
didrocksindeed :p11:36
didrocksI clearly showed I hate it11:36
didrocksmaybe a little bit too much… :p11:36
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desrtdidrocks: in fairness, attente didn't like the wine.  after the coke, he did.12:13
* desrt did the appropriate thing to the situation12:14
didrocksdesrt: if that makes your soul feel better to believe it! :)12:14
desrtso i woke up to this, this morning http://imgur.com/a/5RGHr12:16
larsumorning desrt12:16
larsuyou should move to a warmer country12:17
desrtmorning :)12:17
didrocksI have sun glasses and nearly dying of the hot temperature on my balconnee…12:18
Laneyis a bustle log useful for "application results are never returned from the dash?"12:18
seb128Laney, check with mhr3 but probably12:28
LaneyI'll file it and it can be closed if that's not helpful12:28
alex_abreuLaney, yes :)12:43
LaneyO RLY?12:44
* Laney tries to remember how he phrased the question12:44
Laneyoh good, in that way :)12:44
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attentehi, i installed xubuntu-desktop, is there a way to get back lightdm and unity-greeter (and plymouth?) back to running as default?12:56
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ckingxnox, is the installer issue on the NVME still work-in-progress?13:09
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seb128xclaesse, hey, I guess you didn't have any slot to look at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=662672 ... do you have any debugging hint/start point to suggest if we want to try to help debugging?13:10
ubot2Gnome bug 662672 in Chat "wrong count of unread messages and text missing" [Normal,New]13:10
larsumpt: re https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-sound/+bug/1080076/comments/513:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1080076 in The Sound Menu "Music titles in SoundMenu too small" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:13
larsumpt: what do you mean by "caption font size"? The same size as other menu items?13:13
larsuthat's what it seems to be for me right now13:13
xnoxcking: i need to talk to you about it so. So NVME 1.0 spec & devices do not export EIU-64, and UEFI 2.4a adds support to address NVME 1.1 devices using EIU-64 addressing.13:14
xnoxcking: there is no upstream support for that yet, and i've started on a kernel patch to update headers to export 1.1 EIU-64 devices.13:15
xnoxcking: i have a few userspace utils that we can check if we can find any devices that are 1.1 compatible already.13:15
xnoxcking: that should sort out the efibootmgr, once we figure out (and it's an sru candidate as per hwe policies)13:16
ckingok, I can check the kit here if you give me instructions13:16
xnoxcking: the bit that ubiquity picks the wrong drive to install bootloader on, is probably not going to be fixed for 14.04.013:16
xnoxcking: but we've had a few known bugs about that.13:17
ckingok, but we do have a workaround on that, e.g. manually tweaking the bootloader options at install time, so it's not so bad13:18
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davmor2tseliot: Hey dude I open additional drivers, I see Nouveau selected.  I pick any of the Nvidia options and I get the orange bar of the application installing but once it finishes the install it is still on Nouveau I can't switch it.  This is on an encrypted LVM install13:21
xnoxcking: right, also efibootmgr -g should force GPT addressing, and that doesn't seem to do it.13:22
ckingxnox, ok, well, it sounds like you have a handle on the issues in hand, I won't distract you13:25
xnoxcking: i'm also a bit busy with release atm.13:25
xnoxcking: i'll come back to you about it later.13:25
tseliotdavmor2: what does this command say? "ubuntu-drivers debug"13:25
xnoxcking: imho efibootmanager should support pure(long) ACPI addressing of the devices (regardless as to what it is, e.g. devices not yet defined by the spec at all) but i was failing to work it out using edk2 firmware in qemu.13:26
davmor2tseliot: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/725529013:27
ckingxnox, well, it would be reasonable I guess for the long devices addresses to be supported, but hey, that's life I guess13:28
tseliotdavmor2: apparently the driver was not installed. Maybe apt failed?13:28
xnoxcking: there is no indication anybody else has that on linux. For best results (e.g. both 1.0 and 1.1) i'd recommend to have boot partition on a "normal" drive, e.g. small ssd or spinny hdd.13:29
davmor2tseliot: let me try it from the cli and see what happens13:29
xnoxcking: the server cd should install fine now, btw. Can you test it?13:30
ckingxnox, i'll go do that right away13:30
xnoxcking: if you haven't already, that is. Please.13:30
xnoxcking: ack, thanks.13:30
ckingxnox, today's daily iso will do?13:31
xnoxcking: that's the one! =)13:31
xnoxcking: Release Candidate and all that.13:31
davmor2tseliot: okay so it installs fine via the cli,  I then installed the updates version from the Additional drivers page and that went without a hitch, so I'm going to do another install now and see if I can install them then from additional drivers.  If I can't I can only assume that it might be an issue install some of the libxxxx32's maybe.13:45
tseliotdavmor2: does it work if you uninstall the driver (with sudo apt-get --purge remove) and then call "ubuntu-drivers autoinstall"?13:47
mhr3Laney, bustle logs are always good :)13:47
seb128attente, you can probably uninstall the xubuntu settings binary13:48
Laneymhr3: ok, hope the bug is useful for you then13:48
seb128mhr3, especially when they prove you have bugs in your code ;-)13:48
LaneyI've been sitting in silence because I was too lazy to launch spotify another way :)13:48
* mvo is away for some minutes13:48
davmor2tseliot: I need to test a new install anyway I'm running through the iso testing, I don't want to get hooked up on one  install for a day debugging ;)13:49
mhr3seb128, how dare you?! :P13:49
tseliotdavmor2: even better then13:49
seb128mhr3, I know you!13:49
* Laney lunch13:50
mhr3seb128, but iirc there's already a bug opened for it13:50
mhr3maybe even opened by me13:50
seb128Laney, mpt: removing the screen slider from the indicator-power seems like a poor move, having a way to adjust your screen easily is really handy13:51
seb128mhr3, how come you didn't fix it yet? ;-)13:51
mhr3seb128, eehm, <excuse/> :)13:57
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tkamppeterqengho, tabs of Chromium are working now, Chromium menu and options in print dialog not.14:33
qenghotkamppeter: How's the menu for mouse click first, or second?14:34
qenghotkamppeter: touch support is new and has at least 3 bugs I'm working on.14:35
Laneyseb128: I expected to see one of the ones in u-s-s removed14:35
qenghotkamppeter: bug workaround: Don't use that newfangled touchscreen. :)14:36
tkamppeterqengho, if I open the menu by clicking with the mouse I can continue operating the menu via touch screen, but not completely, I can only open sub menus and clcik on entries but entries never get executed. Clicking entries with the mouse executes the entries.14:37
qenghotkamppeter: I can reproduce. Thank you.14:38
tkamppeterqengho, when opening the menu by tapping on the touch screen, it is completely dead for touch, operation only possible by mouse or keyboard.14:38
seb128Laney, that would make more sense to me, waiting for mpt to comment back still14:39
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tkamppeterjasoncwarner, hi14:45
davmor2tseliot: working fine now on the new install so maybe it was just an issue with the network I'll keep an eye on it though14:47
tseliotdavmor2: ok, thanks14:47
ChickenCutlassplease help -- latest chromium is broken14:56
pmcgowanqengho, having trouble with chromium, no plugins anymore, cant do hangouts14:56
qenghopmcgowan: do you have the latest talk plugin? It changed from NPAPI (which is dying) to PPAPI about 2 months ago.14:57
pmcgowanqengho, I just downloaded per google redirect, installed and still nothing14:57
pmcgowanit was working yesterday14:57
pmcgowanI had the latest plugin already, but tried reinstalling14:58
ChickenCutlassqengho, me too -- every plugin is broken15:00
pmcgowanwell they are gone acc to tools15:00
rsalvetipmcgowan: had that issue before15:04
pmcgowanrsalveti, please share how you fixed it15:04
mptlarsu, menu items by default use the label size, i.e. the same size as a checkbox label or a text field label15:04
rsalvetipmcgowan: but it worked after I killed every chromium process I had running15:04
pmcgowanrsalveti,right, as they run background, let me try that15:05
rsalvetipmcgowan: ubuntu keeps a few for webapps and such15:05
rsalvetipmcgowan: it seems it only really upgrades itself once started from scratch15:05
qenghoseb128, infinity: Losing the chromium API that is going away in a few weeks is surprising a lot of people. Is it a good idea to give people the extra time to fix plugins? I don't want to break things *after* release either, but maybe it will be fewer broken things in a month. I can kill features in Cr and re-gain NPAPI temporarily.15:05
qenghoI can prepare a band-aid chromium-browser and have it built in 6 hours.15:06
pmcgowanrsalveti, I swear I rebooted though, trying now15:06
rsalvetipmcgowan: hm, reboot in theory should have fixed it15:06
seb128qengho, that might be a better topic for #ubuntu-release, I don't know enough about the subject to tell what's right, but it seems late to land a new chromium for release (especially since it's on some flavor images)15:06
mdeslaurqengho: this is an upstream change?15:06
mdeslaurqengho: we probably shouldn't deviate from upstream15:07
qenghomdeslaur: it's compile-time config.15:07
mdeslaurqengho: what's the default in the same version of chrome?15:08
pmcgowanrsalveti, ChickenCutlass reboot fixed it15:08
pmcgowanmust need 2 ;)15:08
ChickenCutlasspmcgowan, ok, I will try15:08
rsalvetipmcgowan: I don't reboot :P15:09
qenghomdeslaur: Chrome ships with a flash player and talk plugin already installed, which we can't do.15:12
mptlarsu, by “the caption size” I mean the size that’s used, for example, in System Settings > “Security & Privacy” > “Diagnostics” below the checkboxes15:13
mptseb128, (a) if automatic brightness adjustment was implemented you’d need to change it much less often, and (b) it might reappear in an indicator redesign15:13
seb128mpt, k, I'm unsure about (a), I hate that option/disable it/tweak manually on android, but maybe that's me (or it's the android stack not working good enough to give the results I want)15:15
mdeslaurqengho: oooh, right15:15
seb128mpt, it's a bit of a shame that we drop the option before having the automatic mode though, it seems backward15:15
LaneyWe do have that now15:16
Laneydon't we?15:16
Laneymterry hooked the key up in unity15:16
seb128mpt, it's what we get most user flacks from "drop the option, because some futur design is going to resolve the problem, but let them without solution in between"15:16
seb128Laney, I don't think the backend is doing the adjustments, or at least not in smart ways15:16
LaneyIt does do something15:17
LaneyDon't know what algorithm it's using though15:17
seb128like not respecting curves adjusted around your manually selected value15:17
Laneybut it does respond to light level changes in some way15:17
seb128I think it's just adjusting according to the sensor value15:17
seb128in a dumb way15:17
seb128well, anyway, as said I don't believe in auto adjust15:18
mptWho’s assigned to it?15:18
seb128what is right on a screen depends on your eyes15:18
seb128different people have different preferences/sensibility to light15:18
LaneyActually it does something smart15:18
Laneymaybe not the full design yet but it's not as dumb as you make out15:18
Laney(from looking at the code)15:19
seb128k, could be15:19
seb128well, bottom line is that I don't believe in that option working for everyone15:19
seb128as said it doesn't work for me on android15:19
LaneyThat's fair enough15:20
LaneyThe change is there to be accepted or not :-)15:20
seb128the default values hurt my eyes at night15:20
seb128I keep changing it manually15:20
seb128I would be in favor of having the option easily available in the indicator15:20
seb128mpt, is that something you could be convinced about?15:21
mptseb128, I am already convinced of it. I do not think, though (and neither does Shruti), that it belongs in the battery menu in particular.15:21
seb128mpt, well, until we have a better place/replacement we could keep it therE?15:22
Laneyok I got stuck in the update panel again15:23
seb128is there any stdout/err output?15:24
pmcgowanqengho, so is the current downloadable google talk plugin using ppapi ?15:24
qenghopmcgowan: yes.15:24
mptseb128, this is not an #ubuntu-desktop topic ;-) But I’ll discuss it with Shruti again15:24
seb128mpt, thanks15:25
seb128mpt, what would be the right place to discuss the topic?15:25
pmcgowanqengho, thats good then we can also download it for Oxide15:25
pmcgowanonce PPAPI works there15:25
chrisccoulsonpmcgowan, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk/revision/506 ;)15:26
mptseb128, #ubuntu-design or #ubuntu-touch15:26
pmcgowanchrisccoulson, aha speaking of which15:26
chrisccoulsonalthough, i tried it with oSoMoN earlier, and it crashed15:26
pmcgowanprogress though15:26
chrisccoulsonbut, it's getting there15:26
seb128mpt, ok, noted15:27
seb128mpt, we tend to not be strict about channels we use, maybe we should try to make more efforts, sorry about that15:27
seb128oh, it's meeting time!15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetshark, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter, desrt, attente, larsu, kenvandine, hey15:30
* kenvandine waves15:30
* larsu made it \o/15:32
seb128ok, let's see how everybody is feeling about the coming release and get started15:32
seb128larsu, ;-)15:32
seb128qengho, hey, ready to start?15:32
qenghoin-progress: fixing bugs that are raised by touch and high-dpi support or phasing out NPAPI.15:33
qenghoEOF.  I'm feeling really good about everything in general. Frustrated by chromium, though.15:33
qenghoIt's a really nice release.15:33
seb128qengho, is there any known performances issue on the new release? it feels quite slow for me15:34
seb128like slow to start, lag in keyboard input on gmail, etc15:34
qenghoseb128: I don't know of anything specific. There are no benchmarks I've seen.15:35
seb128I'm going to keep an eye on it/check with a new profile in case15:35
seb128good version otherwise I agree15:35
seb128nice we got the update in for the release15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:35
seb128Sweetshark, hey, your turn15:35
qenghoI mean the distro is great, not cr exactly.15:35
Sweetshark- chasing bug 1296715 up the stack15:35
Sweetshark-- no joy in the dbus-export code15:35
Sweetshark-- no joy in the vcl Menu code (the toolkit we are piggybacking upon)15:35
Sweetshark-- no joy in vcl SalMenu -- the internal menu abstraction15:35
Sweetshark-- no joy in toolkits VCLXMenu -- the UNO wrapper around vcl15:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1296715 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Menu items are greyed out in Libreoffice menu." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129671515:35
Sweetshark-- no joy in frameworks MenuBarWrapper/MenuBarFactory/MenuBarManager/ToolbarsMenuController and friends -- the (new) generic UI dispatch abstraction15:35
seb128qengho, that as well ;-)15:36
Sweetshark-- now at sfx2 SfxDispatchController -- the (old) generic UI dispatch abstraction15:36
Sweetshark--- still suspecting something 'optimized' for invisible menubars there (which we are ambivalent about because we hide the original toolbar to show our own)15:36
Sweetshark--- a huge pain to debug, an old menu is replaced by a new one, which is initially populated wrong, but updating correctly15:36
Sweetshark--- friends dont let friends use callbacks15:36
Sweetshark- application to renew my the Document Foundation membership ;)15:36
Sweetshark- some board work15:36
Sweetshark- libreoffice-4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2 for bug 130028315:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300283 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice does not start in a KDE 4 session" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130028315:36
Sweetsharklibreoffice in trusty: calc regression are under control, libreoffice-kde is still not as good as it should be. Otherwise Im not too worried.15:37
seb128Sweetshark, those menu debugging seems like lot of "fun" :/15:37
Sweetsharkseb128: yes, leaky abstractions are way cool.15:37
seb128Sweetshark, is there anything others can do to help you there? or does it look like a libreoffice issue that need to be sorted out on your side?15:37
Sweetsharkseb128: nope, its all inside LibreOffice.15:38
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:38
seb128mlankhorst, hey, your turn15:38
Sweetsharkseb128: If anyone is volunteering to tear down two or three layers of abstraction in LO, Im not protesting though ...15:39
seb128Sweetshark, you can always try, I doubt anyone is going to step up for that one though...15:39
* Sweetshark needs to make someone drunk on the next sprint.15:40
seb128mlankhorst, not there?15:40
seb128Laney, your turn I guess then15:40
Laney• Make gnome-screensaver support replacement on the bus, to swap back and forth between it and Unity. Unity was trying to run `killall gnome-screensaver'(!!!)15:41
Laney• Fix default size of gnome-disks to not be off-screen15:41
Laney• Verify gdk-pixbuf SRU that could have caused segfaults in P→T upgrades15:41
Laney• Test/unblock webkitgtk final15:41
Laney• Many queue reviews and discussions, find & fix some bugs in the queued uploads15:41
Laney• Final freeze, extend generate-freeze-block to be able to output blocks for packages that a flavour seeds in common with other flavours, for touch shared components. This was instead of a blanket block. VELOCITY.15:41
Laney• Add symbols file to gsettings-qt (it currently has improper depends), need to propose this still15:41
Laney• Fix bamf matching with python3 scripts (l-s getting the wrong icon)15:41
Laney• Make indicator-power not show a slider per the new design15:41
Laney• Fix u-s-s tests - along the way make click updates in u-s-s work again. The tests found a bug, but they weren't being run.15:41
Laney❂ (four day weekend this week!)15:41
seb128(oh, right, 4 days w.e! ;-)15:42
seb128Laney, thanks, nice list15:42
didrocks(4 days w.e should be forbidden)15:42
seb128Laney, from your release team side how is the release looking so far? anything worrying you?15:42
Laneydidrocks: are you sure that you're french?15:42
seb128didrocks, you are still welcome to come visit and claim you are living in the good part of France and having friday off ;-)15:43
didrocksLaney: yeah, but I don't have 4 days ;) seb128 is lying again this year and say he has that :p15:43
Laneyseb128: oh yeah, that reminds me15:43
LaneyI spent a few hours looking at a graphite2/harfbuzz memory corruption issue in the installer15:43
Laneywe released saucy with this problem already15:43
seb128oh ok15:44
LaneyNot worried about anything in the sense of not being able to release though15:44
Laneybut jibel always finds bugs that make me sad15:44
seb128we can SRU all those issues that we didn't manage to fix for releae15:44
Laneythen some lockscreen issues to clean up15:44
seb128to get a solid .115:44
Laneyand little niggles15:44
Laneyand bigger ones like the IM stack15:44
Laney= instant messaging not input methods15:44
Laneybut I think we have our top brains on that :P15:45
seb128larsu \o/15:45
seb128Laney, thanks15:45
seb128tkamppeter, hey, your turn15:46
tkamppeter- CUPS: Packaged 1.7.2 which got released upstream on our Final Freeze day. This version contains lots of bug fixes, including a security fix and CUPS daemon crashers.15:46
tkamppeter- foomatic-db: Another last-minute snapshot adding the Brother HL-2135.15:46
tkamppeter- Last-minute touch screen tests before release, reporting all remaining problems on the Lenovo Thinkpad Twist, mainly with Chromium.15:46
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:46
desrthi seb128 !!15:48
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:48
seb128desrt, hey, your turn ineed15:48
desrtlast night was the first night of passover, so i participated (for the first time) in a traditional jewish seder15:48
desrti also changed all of my passwords15:48
desrtaside from the usual bugfixing, i mostly spent last week with the new mimeapps.list spec15:49
desrtargued over the finer points of details in the spec and implemented it in GIO (which is now reviewed and merged)15:49
desrti plan to spend the time before the gtk hackfest to finish off the backlog from the freedesktop summit (namely: dbus-based startup notification and desktop file index)15:49
seb128I guess the new version is on freedesktop.org?15:49
desrtafter the hackfest i'll switch back to more gnomety stuff15:49
seb128new version of the spec15:49
desrtseb128: it is... but it has an outstanding patch still15:49
desrtarguing over it on the list, of course :)15:49
seb128when is the GTK hackfest?15:50
desrtend of month15:50
desrtby 'gnomey stuff' i mean gmainloop hacking...15:50
desrtso really, gliby stuff :)15:50
desrtthe new spec is pretty nice15:50
desrtand the merge of it into glib was actually a net decrease in lines of code15:51
* desrt is pretty pumped about that15:51
seb128that's always a win!15:51
seb128do we need to change anything on our side/in other pieces of the stack?15:51
seb128or is that just new niceties we can benefit from if we want?15:51
desrtwe should rename /usr/share/applications/defaults.list to mimeapps.list15:51
desrtsince the old name is now deprecated15:51
desrt(it was never specified anywhere -- and it doesn't appear in the new spec, either)15:51
desrtdesktop-file-utils and ubuntukylin-default-settings install this15:52
seb128that's something for next cycle15:53
desrtwe can also rename it gnome-mimeapps.list, fwiw15:53
desrtsince this file was never understood by anything other than GIO15:53
larsuand then we can have a separate one for unity \o/15:53
desrt(kde used some priority based scheme where desktop files say "i'm priority 10" and such.... but now we agree on the new mechanism)15:53
desrtya... unity-mimeapps, kde-mimeapps... go crazy :p15:54
larsuwe'll need the same for gsettings defaults of course ;)15:54
desrtuh... 'todo' :)15:54
larsubut we already discussed that15:54
desrtand clarification: this is not based on the library doing the reading, or even the app, but on XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP15:55
desrtso even if we have a gio-using app inside of a KDE desktop, it will use the kde defaults15:55
desrt(or qt-using app inside of gnome or unity...)15:55
desrtnothing more to say :)15:56
seb128desrt, thanks for the summary!15:56
seb128attente, there? I'm unsure in what tz you are atm ;-)15:56
seb128guess not15:57
seb128larsu, your turn15:57
larsu* brought indicator-telepathy into shape (as good as possible): - fixed some minor issues that caused warnings / criticals - inform the messaging menu about empathy's initial status (lp #1103438) - remove sources when a connection dies (lp #1302930) - messaging menu didn't remove messages when an application unreffed its MessagingMenuApp instance15:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1103438 in telepathy-indicator (Ubuntu) "Online Status in indicator does not reflect empathy's online status" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110343815:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1302930 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Every message gets new list item on empathy indicator" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130293015:58
larsu* triaged all sound and messaging menu bugs. I think we're looking fairly good for the LTS.15:58
larsu* reviewed desrt's mimetype gio patches15:58
larsuwoah. what happened to the formatting15:58
desrtlarsu: irssi happened15:58
larsuI also started working on the empathy -1 unread bug15:59
larsunot much progress15:59
larsudesrt: used to work15:59
larsu(every wekk)15:59
seb128larsu, thanks15:59
seb128larsu, let me know if you need help testing the indicator-messages fixes15:59
larsusure thanks16:00
seb128kenvandine, your turn16:00
Laneyfirst ice cream van of the year!16:00
kenvandinea couple minor fixes in system-settings16:01
kenvandinedoc fixes in content-hub16:01
desrtLaney: we had that last week16:01
* Laney runs to mum "can I have an ice cream pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"16:01
desrtLaney: now we have snow :p16:01
seb128Laney, haha16:01
Laneyoh crap16:01
Laneygo away van!16:01
* Laney sorry kenvandine :P16:01
kenvandinespent some time helping a customer get started using content-hub16:01
kenvandineLaney, no worries16:01
kenvandinethat's all i have16:01
seb128kenvandine, thanks16:02
kenvandineexcited for the release :)16:02
seb128same here16:03
seb128ok, my turn16:03
seb128• desktop updates (glibmm, gtk3)16:03
seb128• refreshed packages that don't use langpacks with launchpad exports (language-selector, xdg-user-dirs)16:03
seb128• quite some testing of the new lockscreen after hitting issues, got debug infos, tested new versions/fixes ... seems to be in good shape now16:03
seb128• trusty bug fixes (unity-control-center, indicator-power/ubiquity, pidgin, language-selector)16:03
seb128• trusty bugs triage/listing candidates for SRUs16:03
seb128• organized train landing (indicators mostly)16:03
seb128• some sponsoring16:03
seb128I think that's all16:05
seb128did I forgot anyone?16:05
seb128is there any other comment/question?16:05
desrtseb128: did you eat any meat today?16:05
brookswarnerseb128 - I'd like to introduce KombuchaKip from Sustaining Team16:05
seb128we should be set up for release now, if anyone has fixes please line those up for SRUs16:05
seb128desrt, yes, I had some beef for lunch!16:06
seb128brookswarner, hey, sure!16:06
seb128go ahead16:06
brookswarnerthanks Seb16:06
brookswarnerHI All.  I've hired a new desktop focused engineer for Sustaining engineering team16:06
desrt(what is sustaining team?)16:07
brookswarnerhe's in the channel as Kombuchakip2 (typically know as KombuchaKip)16:07
brookswarnerSustaining is L3/bug fix from CDO team16:07
mlankhorstseb128: oops I'm there :P16:07
desrtbrookswarner: can you expand once more? :)16:08
seb128mlankhorst, wait your turn now please16:08
LaneyIs that people who fix bugs escalated by customers? :)16:08
brookswarnersure - we do Ubuntu Advantage support for paying customers16:08
brookswarnerso Kip's focus will be responding to desktop bugs that UA customers file16:08
brookswarnerand working with your team to help close them and improve desktop experience for all16:08
seb128KombuchaKip2, welcome on board!16:09
desrtKombuchaKip2: hey.  welcome.16:09
Laneyall these warners :P16:09
brookswarneranswer your questions desrt?16:09
desrtKombuchaKip2: feel free to ping me about any issues related to dconf/gsettings/glib type stuff... a lot of the sort of people who tend to get UA tend to have some interesting usecases there :)16:09
desrtbrookswarner: yup.   thanks.16:09
seb128KombuchaKip2, this channel is usually quite active (mostly during european/USA working hours though), so feel free to join any time if you have questions or need anything16:09
brookswarnerLOL...yes we've tripled the "warner's" in canonical in the past quarter16:10
brookswarnerthanks Seb et all16:11
SweetsharkKombuchaKip2: welcome!16:11
Laneythanks brookswarner16:11
desrtbrookswarner: the new guy is pretty quiet, eh? :)16:11
seb128brookswarner, thanks16:11
seb128mlankhorst, ok, your turn since you seem to be back16:12
mlankhorstdebugging some vdpau corruption on nouveau, interacting with upstream of kernel, uploaded xorg-server 1.15.1 to fix some sna corruption and small bugs, deferred a mesa vdpau fix for the first mesa sru16:12
seb128mlankhorst, thanks16:12
seb128ok, any other topic?16:12
SweetsharkKombuchaKip2: that 'remove three layers of abstraction in LibreOffice' from 40 minutes ago is still open for takers ;)16:12
desrtseb128: make tomorrow a veggie day :)16:12
seb128Sweetshark, way to not scare away the new comer :p16:12
Sweetsharkseb128: *hrhr*16:13
seb128desrt, thanks, I'm going to think about it16:13
seb128desrt, friday is also supposed to be one, it's good friday16:13
desrtah.  right.16:13
desrtshort week -- everyone work 25% harder!!16:13
seb128ok, seems like it's a wrap then16:13
seb128thanks you everyone!16:13
seb128desrt, yeah, don't say that too much, didrocks is going to complain again that they have to work in Lyon on good friday16:14
desrtthere's an event in lyon this week?16:14
seb128no, but that day is only an holiday for the ex-German part of France16:14
Laneyit's called "go to work as normal"16:14
desrtahh.  interesting.16:15
desrti thought they scheduled a sprint week on the week with good friday :p16:15
seb128no ;-)16:15
desrtbtw: if you've never done a seder before, you should16:15
desrtwhat a trip16:15
desrtby the end of the night you end up drunk and confused, and leaning slightly to the left16:15
desrtbut your hands are quite clean16:16
* seb128 is ready the wikipedia page, there are quite some steps listed in there16:16
desrtnoteworthy points from the page: "There is an obligation to drink four cups of wine during the Seder"16:18
KombuchaKip2Hey folks. Sorry about my connectivity issue. My client is being a pain in the butt and was temporarily blocked by freenode because it was being naughty.16:21
desrtKombuchaKip2: welcome :)16:21
KombuchaKip2desrt: =)16:22
Sweetsharkseb128: you know though that you will have to speak german with very hard consonants on good friday though for the day off, dont you?16:23
desrtis good friday not being a holiday in france some kind of a nod toward secularism, or... ?16:24
seb128Sweetshark, you wish!16:24
Sweetsharkseb128: jawohl, ich wish! ;)16:24
seb128desrt, it's a good question, I'm unsure about that16:27
seb128some days google annoys me16:30
seb128Laney, mvo: since I clicked on your amazon/kettle urls, this morning, I keep getting ads to buy one of those16:31
chrisccoulsonhi desktop!16:31
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?16:31
Laneyseb128: haha16:32
Laney"drink more tea"16:32
KombuchaKip2desrt: Veggie day yea!16:32
mvoveggie day++16:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks16:33
chrisccoulsonmvo, steak day++16:33
mvohey chrisccoulson16:33
mvosteak day-- ;)16:33
chrisccoulsonhow are you?16:33
mvogood! thanks, how are you?16:33
mvodifferent timezone right now?16:33
chrisccoulsonmvo, pretty good thanks. although, quite tired16:33
* Sweetshark is needs to take revenge on the bavarians someday for them having 4 more holidays than us hanseatic guys ...16:34
Sweetshark(each year)16:34
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
desrtthose guys never have veggie days :(16:46
Sweetsharkdesrt: yeah, and a "big beer" is honestly a big beer there ...16:57
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pmcgowanqengho, does flash work with the v34 chromium?17:35
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Trevinhoattente: hey, I was looking at your proposal... But I was wonding: what about moving the whole thing inside a LockScreenAccelerators class, that is generated just once by LockScreenController and that the relevant LockScreenShield will pass the events to?18:32
beidlTrevinho: hey! :) just read mail, I'll look into it in a few minutes18:37
Trevinhobeidl: hey, sorry I spammed the MR a bit :P18:37
beidlTrevinho: no problem haha18:37
beidlTrevinho: is that patch based on my dnd branch or trunk?18:43
Trevinhobeidl: on trunk18:43
beidlTrevinho: I see, it made sense to me to do "resetting" stuff in one method, but fixing the problem in there is nice too :D18:44
Trevinhobeidl: yeah, of course... I've tested the patch I linked it seems to work to me, but let me know if I missed something18:45
Trevinhobeidl: anyway, just pick the one way you prefer more and use in your branch ;)18:45
beidlTrevinho: thanks! :D18:46
beidlTrevinho: alright, that patch certainly looks cleaner.18:51
beidlTrevinho: I'll probably change something up so that, if the launcher was dragged out (by the 4 finger gesture), and DND hides the launcher, make the launcher reappear automatically after DND stopped18:52
kenvandinewoot... click updates in system-settings!  so nice to see that landed :)19:33
czajkowskikenvandine: aloha:)19:35
kenvandinehey czajkowski19:45
beidlTrevinho: so I just noticed a problem where, if the edge is hit and the launcher is in the process of hiding, and you pull the pointer away very fast, the launcher stays there (half hidden) until dnd stops19:45
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beidlTrevinho: pushed, those 2 added lines shouldn't screw up anything (tm)20:17
Saviqpmcgowan, bregma, here's the log for building qtbase https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172399928/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.qtbase-opensource-src_5.2.1%2Bdfsg-1ubuntu14_UPLOADING.txt.gz20:55
Saviqhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7257618/ excerpts - config options and config summary20:56
SaviqXi2 ................ yes20:57
pmcgowanthat should be good20:57
SaviqXi ................. no20:57
Saviqnot sure we need both or one is good enough20:57
bregmaXI2 is all you need20:59
pmcgowanI was reading this thread https://www.bountysource.com/issues/1354081-desktop-linux-version-lacks-touch-support20:59
pmcgowanseems the build system lacked the proper configuration or something20:59
bregmatechnically you need XI2.2 for proper MT support, XI2.1 doesn't have it21:00
bregmawe actually distropatched XI2.2 into XI2.1 for a couple of releases21:00
pmcgowanbregma, so do we think Qt is doing the right thing?21:01
Saviqbregma, what does `QT_XCB_DEBUG_XINPUT_DEVICES=anything qmlscene` say for you?21:03
Saviqbregma, you could also try `QT_XCB_DEBUG_XINPUT=anything qmlscene foo.qml` and see if input actually goes through xinput or not21:04
Saviqbregma, i.e. see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,7435721:04
Saviqfrom olli_'s https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1307701/comments/4 comment...21:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1307701 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity does not get touch events when SDK apps running" [High,Confirmed]21:07
Saviqit would sound to me like Qt apps grab all touches as soon as one is detected... which would be rather bad to do21:07
SaviqOTOH that's ~what we're dealing with for touch apps, too, you either have to buffer events until you're sure it's not a three-finger event, or have a way to cancel the whole touchpoint, which requires support in the toolkit (which no one has)21:08
Saviqtwo single-touch apps would expose this behaviour as well, as soon as you touched one, you couldn't interact with the other one21:09
Saviqbut that'd be really weird if Qt did that...21:10
bregmawell, the XI2.2 API has touch-reject21:10
bregmaI know we supported it in geis, although no one ever used it because it's a stupid API design21:11
bregmatouch-reject, I mean, geis is a beautiful API design :)21:11
bregmathe whole XI2.2 MT design hinged on everyone receiving events until either a touch was accepted or rejected21:13
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Saviqbregma, have a better design? before we implement a similar mechanism in Mir? ;)21:14
* bregma is having nightmarish flashbacks21:15
bregmaSaviq, there are two alternatives: the accept/reject model and the combinatoric model, they both have their drawbacks and problems21:17
Saviqbregma, "combinatoric"?21:17
bregmayeah, everyone ends up getting everything, you end up with a lot of memory and a lot processing, eventually we rejected that model21:19
bregmabut it eliminated all the roundtripping and required client feedback of the accept-reject model21:19
pmcgowanbregma, so what did we patch in qt4 in the past for multi-touch support21:24
pmcgowanSaviq, bregma I lost the train of thought on our current issue21:25
bregmapmcgowan, I don;t believe we patched anything in qt4 in the past21:27
Saviqpmcgowan, there isn't any atm, I asked bregma to see if the MT device he has shows up with QT_XCB_DEBUG_XINPUT_DEVICES=anything and QT_XCB_DEBUG_XINPUT=anything to see actual input21:27
bregmaI'm looking at the Qt5 code right now, trying to figure out how it's using the XI2 MT support without calling XIGrabTouchBegin()21:28
bregmaI can't test on my devices right now because the one I have left is busy generating some performance data for another bug21:29
Saviqpmcgowan, but my suspicion would be that we do actually get input through that, but then it sounds like it'd grab all input once it accepts a touch point... which would be rather bad21:29
pmcgowanbregma, ok, will leave you to it, internet thinks we patched qt back in the day21:29
bregmawe patched X11 back in the day, certainly21:30
bregmaah, I see: Qt grabs all MT events from X11 indiscrimiately using XISelectEvents, instead of for a window using XIGrabTouchBegin() like a good citizen21:32
bregmaso, once it's focused, it will grab other window's touch events21:33
bregmareally, that sounds like a bug in XInput, I'll need to dig deeper21:33
* bregma has gotten way too rusty on all this stuff21:34
Saviqbregma, this only shows how big multitouch use is under X...21:40
Trevinhobeidl: cool, checking that sortly, thanks22:24
beidlTrevinho: stupid me, yeah, SetHidden is redundant22:36
Trevinhobeidl: no worries..22:37
beidlTrevinho: it doesn't happen often that I get to hack on other peoples code. :)22:43
Trevinhobeidl: yeah, I understand, but it seems you're doing it pretty well22:45
Trevinhobeidl: and approved! :)22:46
beidlTrevinho: \o/22:46
beidlTrevinho: I've been a linux/foss guy for quite a while now and I figured, if I really want to do that as a living in the future, I might as well start early instead of only working on code as part of homework.22:48
bregmabeidl, you are welcome to keep on hacking on our code as long as you want22:48
beidl*for a living22:48
beidlbregma: yay!22:48
bregmawe'll let yuo know when you've gone to far and have to start paying :)22:48
beidlbregma: "[MP] Rename Unity to Beidl-DE"22:49
bregmadon't wake the lawyers22:50
beidlI'll probably work on bigger stuff as soon as I've finished my finals, so there's nothing to worry about for the moment :)22:52

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