
=== ph_afk is now known as ph1
=== back is now known as bakc
ljunggrenHai, im just wondering a little thing15:59
ljunggrenif i download daily 14.0415:59
ljunggrencan i upgrade to final when it's out15:59
Na3iLyup ljunggren  u can16:25
sakangis this the gnome-shell channel for ubuntu?16:54
sakangguess not17:01
viccuadHi guys. I have ubuntu-gnome 12.10 (a bit outdated!). I was going to update, I issued an "apt-get update", and it got stuck, it asks for a "dpkg --configure -a" for fixing it, and it gets stuck also, writing config for /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-41-generic17:24
viccuadanyone has any idea of how to clean the packages, or anything to stuck it? thanks in advance17:24
viccuadunstuck it*17:24
SonikkuAmericaviccuad: Since Ubuntu GNOME 12.10 was a remix, not officially supported, I must recommend you grab an officially supported Live image of Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 and reinstall your system.17:26
viccuadSonikkuAmerica: there's isn't a way to update to the officially suported new version, then?17:26
SonikkuAmericaviccuad: Not that I know of.17:27
viccuadthis system doesn't have a separate /home partition, so is a hassle17:27
SonikkuAmericaviccuad: Back up any important files, and reinstall the software you had after you reinstall your system.17:27
viccuadSonikkuAmerica: thanks for the information17:28
ljunggrenabout to install this distro first time ! :)18:28
ljunggrenCan i upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04? i know i did in ubuntu just checkin18:28
ljunggreni mean upgrade to the beta18:29
ljunggrenthere we go, fresh installed ubuntu gnome 3.1+018:59
ljunggrenplease, can someone answer me?19:15
ljunggrenI have the popup ready to press update to 14.04 now, but will it try to install full blown ubuntu 14.04 with unity and all?19:16
ahoneybunljunggren, what are you doing?19:23
ahoneybunanyone else can not get steam to launch without this error "You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run: libc.so.619:23
ljunggrenahoneybun: upgrading ubuntu gnome 13.10 to 14.04, and you?19:23
ahoneybunljunggren, sudo do-release-upgrade -d ?19:23
ljunggrenahoneybun: no, update-manager -d and it asked me if i wanted to upgrade to 14.0419:24
ahoneybunno it will not pull in unity19:24
ljunggrenYeah i figured :)19:24
ahoneybunI ran do-release-upgrade -d to get from 13.10 to 14.0419:24
ljunggrenI don't know the difference19:24
ahoneybunit will only pull in unity if you want to know19:25
ljunggrenperhaps it's the same19:25
ahoneybunljunggren, the one I used was the command line way19:25
ahoneybunyours gives a GUI19:25
ahoneybunsame result19:25
ljunggreni prefer terminal thou19:25
ljunggrenyour way19:26
ahoneybunseems # apt-get install libc6-i386 will fix the steam problem19:27
ljunggrenahoneybun: should you not enable 32bit sources? i don't know with ubuntu but with Arch i had to add 32bit repos19:27
ljunggrenAnd it will pull in what you need when you need it19:28
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ahoneybunljunggren, well installing that package got steam to work19:29
ljunggrenah well19:29
ljunggrenall is good19:29
ljunggrenIm just waiting for Chivalry to be ported to Linux19:30
ljunggrenmy only played game on Steam19:30
ahoneybunI get the feeling the devs are avoiding me19:30
* ahoneybun got his awesome new gnome sticker yesterday19:31
ljunggrenWhere can you get one?19:31
ahoneybunamazing stickers19:33
ljunggrenNow teach me that19:33
* ljunggren feels19:33
ahoneybungot 4 from them so far19:33
ljunggrenit was that simple19:33
ahoneybunoh that19:33
ljunggrenunixstickers, i hope they deliver to sweden19:34
ljunggrenwell that site crashed my firefox19:36
ahoneybunthey are in italy so maybe19:36
ahoneybunhey all I'm trying to package gnome-calculator-3.12.1 and I need a apply a patch but I get this error when trying to push it http://pastebin.com/BuHfVq5U19:38
samster25I had a quick question about ubuntu-gnome23:13
samster25what exactly are the benefits of ubuntu gnome over installing gnome-desktop in normal ubuntu?23:13
viccuadHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu gnome 13.10 and the install gets frozen in the GUI, after the step you get notified about free space and internet connection23:43
viccuadis there any way to see why?23:43

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