
xnoxstgraber: cjwatson: was there something funny about ch keyboard layout names changing defaults? (e.g. has the meaning of ch changed from german to french or some such)08:54
tk818Hi I'm trying to install ubuntu 13.10 in my laptop but I canĀ“t. Is there any one to help me?09:01
cjwatsonxnox: bug 869825 is the closest thing that comes to mind09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 869825 in console-setup (Ubuntu Raring) "French (Switzerland) is no longer a layout choice in the installer" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86982509:08
xnoxcjwatson: thanks.09:08
bjfxnox, what do i file server install bugs against?16:05
bjfcjwatson, thanks16:06
cjwatson(the package in Ubuntu)16:06
bjfcjwatson, xnox bug #130814116:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308141 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "server install trying to mount ext4 partition as vfat on /boot/efi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130814116:22
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zookoOkay, shall I test today's Lubuntu daily installer iso? Last time I tested it (yesterday?) it had a segfault when reading a FAT32 partition table in parted.18:43
cjwatsonThat bug should be fixed now18:45
zookocjwatson: do you know if http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/20140414/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso has your fix?18:48
zookoThat timestamp suggests that it might have been built.. okay.18:48
cjwatsoner, and yes :)18:48
cjwatsonyes I know and yes it does.18:48
zookoWill test.18:49
phillwhi good people... very quick question.. which script checks for the presence of PAE flag in the alternate (server) installer ISO system. I need to disable it as I have a non-pae kernel :) last time I asked, I am thinking it was mistaken for ubiquity, where as I'm using the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer I've pulled in and expanded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/debian-installer_20101020ubuntu317.tar19:36
xnoxphillw: d-i pulls a lot of other udebs at runtime.19:38
xnoxphillw: e.g. partman-* and so on and so for.19:38
cjwatsonI could have sworn I answered this the other day?19:38
cjwatson17:41 <cjwatson> kernel/i386.sh in the base-installer source package19:38
cjwatson17:42 <cjwatson> I suggest you make your change by way of the test suite ("make test")19:38
cjwatson17:43 <cjwatson> You'll probably want to change arch_check_usable_kernel for the case where the computed kernel flavour name is "486"19:38
xnoxah, thanks.19:38
cjwatsonAnd no, I didn't misunderstand you as asking about ubiquity.19:39
phillwcjwatson: there is no such file as kernel/i386.sh19:41
cjwatsonThere is such a file in the base-installer source package.19:41
cjwatsonIn the initrd, it's /usr/lib/base-installer/kernel.sh19:42
cjwatsonSorry, not in the initrd, in the installation environment, I mean19:42
phillwcjwatson: but not in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/debian-installer_20101020ubuntu317.tar.gz ?19:42
cjwatsonAs xnox says, debian-installer downloads much of itself at run-time.19:42
cjwatsonSo no, it isn't expected to be there.19:43
cjwatsonhttp://d-i.alioth.debian.org/doc/internals/ for how d-i is laid out.19:43
phillwso.. basically no way to overide the pae check, as it seems to be instigated long before any internet connection is made?19:44
cjwatsonThat's quite untrue.19:45
cjwatsonOn both counts.19:45
cjwatsonbase-installer runs well after the network comes up.19:46
cjwatsonAnd you can either override it directly, or you can use the base-installer/kernel/override-image preseed key (which is basically a big hammer, "use this one damnit").19:46
cjwatsonoverride it directly> that is, by changing the code19:46
phillwcjwatson: is that in the code from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/debian-installer_20101020ubuntu317.tar.gz or do I need a different source?19:47
cjwatsonIt is not in that tarball.19:48
phillwcjwatson: and, yeah... "just use this one, damnit" sounds about right for a non-pae kernel being put into a lubuntu ISO that checks for pae flag :)19:49
cjwatsonIt is in the base-installer source package, as I've said several times19:49
phillwcjwatson: would you have a link?19:49
cjwatsonapt-get source base-installer19:49
cjwatsonOr lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/base-installer/ubuntu19:49
phillwcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/base-installer/ubuntu here?19:52
phillwcjwatson: is there a .tar.gz available that I can pull into the build machine?19:55
phillwIt just is a bit less scary if I keep everything at ~HOME/src as advised in various tutorials :)19:57
cjwatson"apt-get source base-installer" in a trusty environment will give you it19:58
cjwatsonOr "bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/base-installer/ubuntu base-installer"19:58
phillwwhch is best to keep it in the src area? I'm okay with the tar.gz stuff, but not pulled in a bzr branch before19:59
phillwcan I issue that from the ~HOME/src directory?20:00
cjwatsonThey'll both fetch into the current directory20:00
cjwatsonBut perhaps you could ask somewhere else for packaging basics, or read developer.ubuntu.com or whatever, kinda busy with release20:01
phillwcjwatson: I know, so are others.... but... alll i want to do is to stop the installer insisting on PAE flag :D ... as you say, we will have more time after 14.04 is out... I'm also testing the lubuntu alternate builds :)20:04
pmatulisfor a netboot, i understand there is a nic-modules downloadable.  where can i look at it?  i'm trying to troubleshoot why a netboot install fails to detect a network card but a standalone install does20:04
phillwI'll leave you in peace. Thankyou for your time20:05
phillwit keeps me busy as installs happen :P20:05
cjwatsonSo you could just try booting with base-installer/kernel/override-image=linux-generic on the kernel command line for the installer20:06
cjwatsonAssuming that's a metapackage that points to your kernel, otherwise substitute as needed20:06
cjwatsonnic-modules is spat out by the kernel build process20:06
pmatuliscjwatson: i may see the driver in the kernel source (nic-modules file) but how to check if it's present during a netboot?20:13
phillwcjwatson: The build provides the .debs, using make deb-pkg I do think we should re-visit this after release :)20:14
pmatuliscjwatson: re your first point, you're saying to have a certain kernel *installed* in the target system at the preseed stage.  but if there is no network card how do i get that far?20:37

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