
=== rww is now known as ubuparty
=== ubuparty is now known as rww
joseTm_T: is this you now?06:14
Tm_Tjose: it's been me all the time06:16
Tm_Tjust had some funky with irssinotifier script it seems06:16
joseTm_T: not with your last 30 clones :P06:16
MooDoohello all06:16
Unit193See?  And people complain at *me* for having clones. :P06:16
Tm_Tjose: let's say that I'm quite multitalented multipersona (;06:17
elkyTm_Tr: we love you and all, but in small quantities :P06:44
MooDoo<--> this much ;)07:03
optrustyhey guys I heard about the call for operators11:39
* optrusty slaps AlanBell around a bit with a large trout11:41
Tm_Toptrusty: that's quite rude11:59
MooDoooptrusty: did you have a question about it? ;)12:06
optrustySrry I was playing with buttons12:55
optrustybut I got an email for call for operators http://paste.ubuntu.com/7255126/12:56
optrustyor something like that.12:57
hggdhoptrusty: yes. So, what is your doubt?12:57
optrustyI accidently thought I wouldnt be avalible tommorow12:58
MooDoois your nam on the list of candidates optrusty ?13:00
elkywhy were you worried about tomorrow?13:01
optrustywait oh what13:02
elkythat's approximately what i said to myself while trying to understand what you're talking about13:02
optrustywait so I don't have to come13:03
MooDoooptrusty: is your name on that list, if it's not then it's up to you when you come or not lol13:04
elkyi'm not sure what is significant about tomorrow13:05
MooDooit is significant if you've applied to be a channel op :D13:05
optrustyya I did MooDoo13:06
PiciThere is an IRCC meeting tomorrow.13:06
elkyPici: i read the agenda wiki page and got confused, sorry13:06
Picielky: you confused me too, its okay.13:07
elkyapparently it's not march anymore13:07
* hggdh is usually confused, so...13:07
optrustywhere do I come?13:07
hggdhoptrusty: #ubuntu-meeting, at 180013:11
hggdher, 1800 UTC13:11
optrusty2:00 pm et in my time13:12
optrustyoh srry13:27
lderanAlanBell, hey, have you had chance to look at my merge request for the meeting bot. also what needs doing on the paste spam bot front?16:16

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