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beisnerhowdy o/16:00
smoser#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:01
meetingologysmoser: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.16:01
smoseroh fiddle.16:01
coreycbthat was quick16:01
smoser#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:01
meetingologysmoser: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.16:01
smoserstgraber, can you fix that ^16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
smoser#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:02
meetingologysmoser: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.16:02
smoser#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:02
meetingologysmoser: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.16:02
smoserstill no dice16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
stgraber#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:02
meetingologystgraber: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.16:02
stgraberhmm, lost cause apparently16:02
smoserwell then, meetingology, we're going to run our meeting without your help.16:03
smoser#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:03
meetingologysmoser: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.16:03
smoser#topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:03
smoserat https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting i dont see any ACTION points, so moving on.16:03
smoser#topic Trusty Development16:03
smoser#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule16:04
smoserin case you were not aware, 14.04 will be released in 2 days.16:04
smoserits well past time to sneak stuff in.16:04
jamespagestill trying tho16:04
smoserwell then.16:04
smoser#subtopic Release Bugs16:04
smoser#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-t-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server16:05
smoserwe still have some Ctritial and High important bugs there.16:05
smoserjamespage, they seem to all be generally yours :).16:05
smoserany comments?16:06
jamespageunsurpisingly we are waiting on swift, neutron and cinder packages to be accepted still16:06
jamespagemost other things are OK - ceph will go in as an SRU16:06
smoser#subtopic Blueprints16:06
smoser#link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/group/topic-t-servercloud-overview.html16:06
smoserthere really isn't any time to get work items into archive.16:07
smoserso if you have some to do, you should probably POSTPONE16:07
smoserunless they're documentation and non-archive related.16:07
smoser#topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)16:07
smosercaribou gave prior notice that he'd not be here. so moving on.16:08
smoser#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)16:08
psivaasmoser: nothing to report this week too, smoke tests are fine16:08
smoser#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)16:08
smbNothing fancy this week. Are there things you want to bring up?16:08
smosermy only issue recently with kernel is the development release's purging kernel binaries from archive16:09
smoserwhich is annoying to things like d-i, such that user has to always have latest thing.16:09
smoserthis is nothing to do with smb really, but I just wanted to remark on it.16:09
smoserACTION: smoser raise request to not purge kernels from archive quite so quickly16:10
smbsmoser, I guess nothing new either16:10
smoser#topic Open Discussion16:10
smoseranyone have anything ?16:10
zuli like turtles16:10
smbThat is a archive issue as anythign not in any pocket gets purged iirc16:10
zuland sloths16:10
smoserunseen unicorn16:10
smoserjust saying16:10
* hallyn is lost16:11
smoserhallyn, its tradition for ubuntu releases to be named with an adjective and a animal16:11
zuli like sloths better than turtles...if i had a choice16:11
smoserand its coming close to a point when the next deelopment cycle will be started :)16:11
smoserthus, the unseen unicorn.16:11
smoseralso, if you're reading here, you might be interested in http://www.canonical.com/careers16:11
hallynlol.  of course16:12
beisneri think U should just be Ubuntu.  we only have one shot at this!  ;)16:12
hallynthe slot i guess confused me16:12
smoserwell, ABCs are not zul's forte.16:12
hallynit's tough16:12
zulsmoser:  i blame the canadian school system16:12
smoserif anything on the jobs page there looks interesting , especially server related, please feel free to contact me.16:12
zulteach me french why dont you16:12
smoserthis ends the advertisement portion of our meeting.16:13
smosersurely by the time this meeting occurs next week we'll have an official U animal.16:13
smoser#topic Announce next meeting date and time16:13
zulunhygenic unicorn?16:13
smoserTuesday 2014-04-22 at 1600 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:13
smoserhappy tax day to americans.16:13
=== lutostag is now known as lutostag-away
meetingologyjsalisbury: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.17:00
jsalisbury## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting.17:00
jsalisbury[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:00
jsalisbury[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Trusty17:00
jsalisbury# Meeting Etiquette17:00
jsalisbury# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:00
jsalisbury#       'o/' indicates you have something to add (please wait until you are recognized)17:00
smbjsalisbury, the bot lost its mind17:00
jsalisburyhmm meetingology is in trouble17:01
jsalisburyRoll Call for Ubuntu Kernel Weekly Status Meeting17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] ARM Status (ppisati)17:01
ppisatiNothing new to report this week17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury)17:01
jsalisburyRelease metrics and incoming bug data can be reviewed at the following link:17:01
jsalisbury[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kt-meeting.txt17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara)17:01
ogasawara[LINK] https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-distro-team/+upcomingwork17:01
ogasawara[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/canonical-kernel-distro-team.html17:01
ogasawara|| apw       || core-1311-kernel                      || 4 work items ||17:01
ogasawara||           || core-1311-cross-compilation           || 2 work items ||17:01
ogasawara||           || core-1311-hwe-plans                   || 1 work item  ||17:01
ogasawara|| ogasawara || core-1403-hwe-stack-eol-notifications || 2 work items ||17:01
ogasawara|| smb       || servercloud-1311-openstack-virt       || 3 work items ||17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: Trusty Development Kernel (ogasawara)17:02
ogasawaraThe 3.13.0-24.46 Ubuntu kernel in the Trusty archive is currently based on the v3.13.9 upstream stable kernel.  The kernel is currently frozen17:02
ogasawarain preparation for our final 14.04 release this Thurs Apr 17. kernel.17:02
ogasawaraWe do not anticipate any uploads between now and Thurs.  All patches17:02
ogasawarafrom here on out are subject to our Ubuntu SRU policy.17:02
ogasawaraImportant upcoming dates:17:02
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:02
ogasawaraThurs Apr 17 - Ubuntu 14.04 Final Release (~2 days away)17:02
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: CVE's17:02
jsalisburyThe current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link:17:02
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Saucy/Raring/Quantal/Precise/Lucid (bjf/henrix/kamal)17:02
bjfStatus for the main kernels, until today (Mar. 25):17:03
bjf  *   Lucid - Verification and Testing17:03
bjf  * Precise - Verification and Testing17:03
bjf  * Quantal - Verification and Testing17:03
bjf  *   Saucy - Verification and Testing17:03
bjf 17:03
bjfCurrent opened tracking bugs details:17:03
bjf  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html17:03
bjfFor SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information:17:03
bjf  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html17:03
bjf 17:03
bjf 17:03
bjf 17:03
bjfcycle: 30-Mar through 26-Apr17:03
bjf         28-Mar   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle17:03
bjf30-Mar - 05-Apr   Kernel prep week.17:03
bjf06-Apr - 12-Apr   Bug verification & Regression testing.17:03
bjf         17-Apr   14.04 Released17:03
bjf13-Apr - 26-Apr   Regression testing & Release to -updates.17:03
bjf 17:03
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Vote on upload rights for kamal.17:03
ogasawara<apw> "kamal has shown himself to have a keen eye for detail, and a17:04
ogasawarastrong sense of when to ask for help.  I have no hesitations in17:04
ogasawaraaccepting him into the team.  +1"17:04
ogasawara^^ from apw17:04
rtgbe it resolved, blah, blah...17:04
kamalthanks folks17:04
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:05
jsalisburyThanks everyone17:05
kamalthanks jsalisbury17:05
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
jose#startmeeting Test meeting17:53
meetingologyjose: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.17:53
josehmm, looks like a bug, I'll poke someone to get it fixed17:53
lderan [[http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/cabbagehuggers/2014/cabbagehuggers.2014-04-15-19.20.log.html#5 ratification of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu Kylin/Ubuntu Kylin Archive]] as an output for moinmoin okay?18:40
lderanwrong channel apologise18:43
lderan%'s are throwing off the meeting bot for votes, so if they have a url in #vote bit its causing it to fall over18:45
slickymasterstill wrong channel lderan :P18:48
lderanaye was just describing what happened :)18:48
slickymasterlol, my bas then18:48
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology

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