
ScottKeagles0513875: Depends on how fast.06:39
ScottKeagles0513875: Get the package ready and we can either fix it before release or as an SRU at release time depending on how things go.06:40
dholbachgood morning06:49
eagles0513875ScottK: when you say package you mean the source package right11:15
israel_Jonathan, I am here12:08
eagles0513875hey ScottK israel_ is working on a fixed package of lmms he asked me if it had to be built for trusty or can it be based of raring package12:08
ScottKIt should start with what's in trusty as a point of departure.12:09
eagles0513875israel_: ^12:09
eagles0513875israel_: are you building the trusty package12:09
ScottKNote: I'm about to vanish offline for the day.12:09
israel_ok, I am reworking that package to use trusty as we speak12:09
eagles0513875ScottK: just a note as to the issue at hand12:09
israel_ScottK thanks so much for your help!12:09
eagles0513875ScottK: the issue is that the lmms master branch was packaged and pulled into trusty and basically we want to fix it with the correct stable branch for 14.04 release12:10
eagles0513875ScottK: do you think this is worth of a prerelease update or an SRU12:11
israel_eagles0513875 lp:/~israeldahl/ubuntu/trusty/lmms/lmms-1.0.1 will be the new one.  I am pushing it... but I will have to check it some before I can say it is 100%12:15
eagles0513875israel_: ok just mention it on the bug i filed as I have someone in ubuntu-studio whose a dev willing to also sponsor this fix and test12:15
israel_Great!  The initial builddeb went fine... I haven't done a full pbuilder yet... so I will upload it and build a PPA (which will run pbuilder anyhow)12:16
israel_Oh... and this is good to do as, Jimo added the old school lmms.xpm to silence errors.  I put a newer one in.12:17
israel_eagles0513875 I am not sure which e-mail the link to your bug is... can you just send it to me here real quick?12:18
eagles0513875hold on12:18
eagles0513875israel_: i think you are auto subscribed on the list of people to be notified12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307591 in lmms (Ubuntu) "LMMS 1.0 baed off the wrong branch" [Undecided,New]12:19
israel_got it thank you so much for all your work on this!!  this makes these troublesome issues much easier to bear when there is such a nicer community effort!!12:20
eagles0513875israel_: also assign yourself to that bug please as I cant change it i changed it to in progress12:20
eagles0513875israel_: least I can do as others are focused on other things. its also nice to know even with toby on vacation that we can still make progress12:20
eagles0513875great :)12:20
eagles0513875israel_: just keep that updated at least those subscribed can follow the issue :)12:21
israel_I will write on there when the package is uploaded AND builds in the launchpad farm... as LP caught some odd patching errors I had that my own pbuilder didn't12:22
eagles0513875ok. all you need to do is upload the source12:22
eagles0513875if its already there we cna progress to getting the issue resolved12:22
eagles0513875israel_: i sent you a pm i need to discuss with you future builds that involve master12:23
Logan_wgrant: what did you just do with soundconverter? :P14:30
wgrantLogan_: Ahem. A no-op copy on the wrong Launchpad instance, it'll sort itself out.14:30
Logan_haha, no worries14:31
Logan_was just curious :P14:31
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